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About Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1888)
1 t ; V- & - A-' Si'J ft CENTS A WEEK. ALB AN Y. ufxi GON chksdaV am-XNia AUGUST 1 issx- VOL. lU-mi Willi II I i r V Julius Manufacturer of Choice (Cigars AND DEALER IX FINE IMPORTED AND KEY WEST Cigars, Plug and Siimking Tobaccos, Meerschaum :uid Briar Pipes, and r full line vi Smokers.' Articles. Also dtukr in CALIFORNIA AND TROPICAL FRUITS. Next door to Burkfcart A Keeney's Keal Est;:te01rice, Albany Ogn The Red TWEEDALE Hardware, Stoves, Ranges, Tinware, Coprware. Pumps, iron pipe, rubber hose and plumbing goods. Sole agents for the celebrated "Early Breakfast" cook stoves and.ranges, and "Faultless" parlor heating stoves. Albany, Oregon. Wife A the Land lll iu iJLIiflr J Ivf ! ut n r w . , n a a T Vi i 1 u - - -' In DILI IInl lYILU.C'Q.ORQvlLLI.(Ak. HAVii jC A COiU in tiiu head winch io secretion of mucus or matter in ;he naal fassaes which either must be blown from the :.ose or drop back tiehind the palate, or ha.tked or snuffed backward to the throat? Are you troubled v bii".".;. "oitrini.-. tver,! .ini1 infln-ved eyes, fre'iuent soreness of t'ne throat, II- pi - tLIIM.niLU-LO' irriiir mrriLr ' l a mm 1 T UrVuVlLLL feorrodiiiL' sores reve the eorriibtiou within As every breath drawn .into the lungs must pass over and teccice polhitfd Yy thereliev ' tions in the nasal pass.ees, it mutt net fssariiy lolkw jcistriip ot ite wl.cle s;cre (rraduallv takes idace. while the n.ort'i.: matter th.'.t is tt7i lit sleep stem into the stomach, enfeebles digestion, and often j jouvece cfi (jt.'a, :i ti illy ((i tetanies itr, nervousness and consumption. r. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE. If you have experienced any of the above-symptoms' do fr et Ct'.irt . 1 vt'frv Califokm Cat-R-Ccre at once. We pos'tively uarant eeg a few applications lelieve atid'a treatment to cuie. S:x months treatment for SI. 00; sent y mail Santa Abie and Cat-It-Care. For FOSHAY BANKRUPT SALE! -Of General Merchandise- BIG BARGAINS S4,000 dm AWAY ! : In profits will begiven to customersibetween'.this datelandJ anuary;i, 1880. at the store of WJVL SIMPsON . "Who issellinir an iinmerse t'ankmptstock of sccreral merchandise at cost jCall and see the goods ou his 5, 10, 15, 20 'Jo and cent counters. His store is jjheudquarters lor big liargains. 1 j3Higlifcfct market price in or goods paid for country pro-iduce. Children Cry for Joseph G.L N, (Successor to E. W. Langdon -DEALKB IN- Drugs, Paints, Oils, Perfumery and toilet articles, also a full line of books and stationery, periodicals, etc. 13?" Prescriptions carefulh compounded IN ODD FELLOWS TEMPLE, Albany Oregon Front. & HOFKIjSTS. EUREKA The motto of CaWojiiia C means ''! Ihave fiillliii h." Onlv in that -,yu t sunshine, where 'the oranr cmo Inn! I'rmw lilnmi .iml rim n o ttln 3thcir highest perfection in inic'-winttr, jure the herbs sua ywn fount! that arc (used in that pleasant letnedv for ail Ithrcat and lun;r troubles, Santa Abik the rule of enuyhs.lasthma, and eon- iun.pti'-n. Foshay A .Mason, of Al um v lrf-'rin. hnvp hfl-n &-.-.ttint.l ansuarpsi'o his valble California rtm- i, ami sen it unoeija guarantee at i FOR SALE BY Way ALBANY C REGON not cct beiter? Have you an excessive- or roaring in the ears, more or ess impairment of the heanntr, loss o bmell, mem(ry imraired, dullness rr izziness of the beal, dryness or heat of noser Have vou lost all sense ot smell.' Have you a hacking cHisrhY Have you klvsiiepfia? Is vour breath foul? If so yor have thk Catarrh. Some have a! these svmptoms, others onlv a part. Hie leading symptom of ordinary ca.- tarrh is increased secretion of mucus of vfllr.u: or rrpniBb f-nlnri'd niattpr. BLACKMA of Discoveries Mason, THE O NfLY I Foul breath is caused by the decoir (JOATAriTEED 'rosin;,' secretion exuded from festering rijD TOR ulcers far back in the head; ometimes i . r nni f ,ne membrane covering the bones is llrl eaten away and the bones themselves rt I jpraauauy aecay. oucu cases ar in tAL.Ideed , objects of. pity, as stench from sale ty 4Jbany. Oregon Pitcher's Castoria, m CIS Tiie Atav Meryl ! iSt CuUcrJthe uev.Jmaaaemeiitof B D, arker Bras, WHO KEEF- p A fuil line of ehoite family grocer es am! provision Cannea jririeipples, Dlioice TaMe Delicacies Ornamented cakes for Wedarnas and Parties. Salmon bellies, mackerel and salt fish of all kinds. FRESH BAKED BREAD Jtfivcrv 13 a v. Best Svnm. PiesjCateF. TEAS axd C'OFFE f1 idies Nuts, Raisins CANNEIioODS, ETC. 52 i ne best Soap in the market Le Roi Savon. A fine assortment of domestic and Imported Cigars CWAl Jchn Fox"s old stand. ' low Finns Tew brick. T. J. OVERMAN -AGENT for the Tricycles Safeties.' trsTUns on hand a line of new and second aadwheels. Send tor Ctal HAVING SOLD AN INTEREST IN MY harness business to 1 . J. Overman, I am desirous of collecting all my outstanding notes and accounts. All persons knowing themselves indebted to me will please call and settle The business will be continued as usual at the same please. E. L THOMPSON. Albany, Feb. 22. IN A LIvg wft. This is what Albany is at present, ond in order to keep pace with the iivel7 tiints in this city, tney have enlarged their store and' stock so that they now have the most complete and desirable line of furniture in the valley. Their double salesrooms in Fro man's block arc tilled with an elegant assortment of new furniture, consist ing of lounges in new patterns, tine gold picture frames, willow chairs, easy rockers, marble tables, brackets, etc., etc. An examination of the stock will show this to be true in every re spect. University of Oregon ! JSTEUCENE CITYjil Next region begins on Monday, the 17th of StWciubtr, lbSS. i'rte scholarships from every county in the state. Appiv to your county superintendent. Four coii'scs: Claical. Scieiitifie.I.iterarv a..d a short English course i:i which there is no Latin. Grttk, French or German. The K:i"!ish is pre-eminently a ISurinesS Course. For cat.ii0i.uei or other Lif-rmation, a--'dr W. JOHNSON", President. LEADING BICYCLES. wooDiN f mm mlmhm Absolutely Pure. This powder never vanes. A marvel of purity .strength and wholesomeness More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competi Lion with multitude of low test.'shorl weight alum oi phosphate powders Sold only in c-ins, Kotal Bakin 'ovv dek Co., 10i'. Wall St.. N. Y. ATTQK.VEYS. DR. N. RLACKBURX, ATTORNEY AT . Law, Albany, Oreiron. - Office in Odd bellow's Temple. A'ill practice in all courts of the state, and give special attention to all business. WOLVERTON CHARLES E. ATTORNEY at Law, Albany, nr. Office in rooms IS ami 14,j Foster's block, over L. E. Blain's stor . T K. W'EATHOKFORIt, ATTORNEY 'AT J. iaw, Albany, iOretfon. Office in "Odd Fellow's Temple. Will practice in all; the courts of 'hctate, and rive special attention to all business PHYSHIAS. G 1 W. IIASTON, PHYSICIAN AND 11. eon, Albany, Oregon. Mil. ELLIS, III YSK'IAN AND SUhr . jreon, Albai i, Oregon. p C. KELLY, PHYSICIAN AND icl l! V'. j;coii Albany, C'rtiruii, ofrice over Grad wohl's store, t itlice hoars, frcinSA. y. to 4 V. X. J") EVERE HOfsiE, ALBANY, OR.-CHAS. L Pfciffer, Prop. first-eclass housv in the city. Large sawple rooms for con;-nu-rcu'l men. No Chinatnen employed in the kitchen. General stace orlii-e for Corvallis. MRS M E. McCOY.M. Ii.HOMiKOPAiHK' physician, oflice anil residence corner or !"fr--t and Fr)-:r streets, Albany, Or. f'hrmtic cit-s-se .i s),?cia!ty. Covsultdtinn free. tt v 'r' i'?A..W ..lid ii to 5 r. M. wi. ii hiiulii.VAl J 7 L-con, Albar.y, Oresrtin.--Graduate of (icij man Aim-nri: i colleges. M'Al.IfTKR ttoiliWAKll, HO.MKOl'ArillC I'll V sicisins and urci.iis, otistttrics treat ment of fhroiii.- di--eac9 of women ami childriu n pt'i-iait:. Ail tails picmptiy at. ffiiticd to tlav or nitiit. Otlicc in the Flinn block. EWEP.r, PKAOTKJAL WATCHMAKE and jeweler, Albany, Oregon, Masnolia Flonr. 1HE P.ES1 MAGNOLIA FLOUR DEL1V X cred to any part of the citv, for $1.10 per sack- JOHN A CRAWFORD. nlSodtf Land Mirvcvinx. T)ARriKS HRS1KINO SI RfVINH DONE CAN" OK. L tain accurate and prompt work by caliber upon ex-ennnty survivor . T. T. Fisher. He has complete copies of tieK notes and town ship plats, and is prepared to do surveying in any part of Linn county. I'osto!fice address. Millers station, Linn count v. Oregon. Portrait 4fZtsC Photographer jgrsitudio corner of Second and Ferry PALACE MEAT MARKET James V. PiPE.Prop. First Street .... A I ban) The best variety of choice beef.veal.mutton, pork sausage, etcin'the city keptconstantly in hand. J tW Cash pajd for all kind Ock.Tt? OF ALBANY. OREGON. president. L. Flinn. vice-president S. E. Young, cashier., TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS). Accounts kept subject to check. Siirht Exchange- and Telemranhir Transfer sold on New York, Chicago, San rrancisto aim Portland Oregon. Collections made ou tavorable terms. S. E. Yon L. Flinn L. E. bl.AlSx W. E. "1 CRRELL Gxo. E. Cbaueerlain.I Smoke Estrellas. SCCCEBSORS TO HENRY SUSENs House anil Carriase I'ainters, Deco ralors and Paper Haugers- 1'iano varnishing a specialty. All 'work promptly attended to. Countrv work solicited. WANTED. We will pay -! ' outs per roll for hoit-cf r-hipping 1 -utter. Tii'.M"-i)N- Waters. Fresh butter ut Kenton's. THE FIT Geo. assa o&Co GENEHALNEWS. The Indiana Republian State Convention Convenes. A Whole Famiiy Enrced to re?.th in a Tenement House in New York City Other Kews Items. The Hibaiji's Special Dispatches. Indianapolis, Aug. 8. The re publican state convention was called To ..order, aL10:30 this morn ing. It is ThtargeSt""Convent:on in the history of the state. There are 1100 delegates and the hall, with a seating capacity of 4000, was packed with spectators. The intvrior was decorated with bunt ing and poi traits of Harrison, Morton, Garfield, Lincoln. Grant, and others. Hon. AW H. Calkins, of Indianapolis, was chosen permanent chairman and a committee was appointed to call on Gen. Harrison and invite him to attend the convention. Yfbo Hropped Dead While Address iae a Body vt Strikers. Paris, Aug. 8. The funeral of General Lndes, an ex-communist, who drotvned dead while address ing strikers Sunday, took place to-day. iity tnousann peopie were " gathered m the streets ad jacent to the house and throngs lined the route to the cemetery, along which cavalry were sta tioned. Other troons were held in the barracks for an emergency. The traffic in the streets tnrougn wmcn the cortege passed was suspended and stores were closed. FKIVHTFIL HOLOCAIST. Whole Family Horned to Ileal li In Sew York City. New York. Aug. S. Early this morning a four-story tenement house in Avenue "A" caught tire. The family of Gustave l!eg, con- insisting of himself, wife, daugh :er and mother-in-law, living on the top floor, was burned to death. The other occupants readied the ground. The financial los is in significant. srr.AiHip tiit:K. A Yess'! Runs Avhorr frs !nfc ' FJ5 SCTeraiJKeo MlMiux- London, Aug. 8. A dense fog prevails in the English channel. The steamer City of Hamburg, bound forLonpon, laden with cat tle, went ashore near Stait Point la-t evening. Fifteen persons was landed at Salomb. A boat containing others is missing. CHItK IV .41 SIIC ALIA. Over Fifty Thousand Coolies .Vow the Colonies, San Francisco, August 7. A return has been compiled by the Victoria Statist indicating the number of Chinese in the colonies in 1S81 and the estimated number in LSS8. Victoria had 12,218 in 1881, and the present, estimate is 12,564. jSew South Hales had 12.202 in 1SS1, and the uresent estimate is 1G,82S. In the other colonies the respective number were. Queensland, 11,229 and 8950; South Australia, including the Northern Territory, 4151 and G900. Westers Australia has 400, or an increase of 255. The increase, in Tasmania has been from 844 to 1000. New Zealand shows a de crease from 5004 to 4688. The summarized total of the number of Chinese in 1881 was 43,706, while Rt the present time it is 51 ,330. The rich roan cannot enter the kingdom of HeaveD, but he caD have a thundering good time at the seashore. Lincoln Journal. Agiicnltxiral Implemenis, FARM IMPLEMENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION HARDWARE Stoves and Tinware AT PORTLAND PRICES. CALL AND SEE US. E. NELSON, Shedd Oregon. Willamette University GRADUATE STCDKNTS IN Classical, Literary, Sci entific, normal, Bus iness, Law and MEDICAL COURSES OLDEST. LARGEST AND LEAST EXPENSIVE In ti:utit-n ,f learnh Z in the or invest Kir term betfins MTtemnet y , tss. A(.-,'- i il'.'S. VAN MCO'i . ITesidt n. "l Salt-in, Ore-cn EKUJK SMMAW. Walton, Or.. Aug. 5. Evangelist YViltzy was in our settlement and held a-two days meeting the 26th and 20th of last month, and organized a church of eighteen members. Mr. Al. Thurman was made elder, V. T. Cornelius deacon, Mrs. Fittinger deaconess and Mrs. A. C. Barbour clerk. The organization is to be known as the Walton branch of the Christian church. Cleave Thurman was sawing shingle blocks w ith a heavy cross cut saw, when his little "brother Dick came up on the opposite side of the bloi k iust as the saw passed tlroueft. tlie.TU. md it dropped on his foot, .Tiarrglinfe4 it. fearful!--.-. Pieces of the bone have been working out ever since. George Chastain took the gun out to snoot a grouse, and fired at the bird. George's father was on the other side and got one of the shot against his collar bone, mak ing a sore but not dangerous wound .J A. C. Barbour's business has again called him to California, where he expects to be for six months. Mrs. Aigler, sister of Mrs. Pit tenger, also Mr. Srousens, Mrs. Fitlinger's father, all of California, are visiting Mrs. Pittenger. Death of the Muster or the Na tional Grange. Speaking of the decease of the Master of the National Grange which occured cn July 17th 1888, Rev. I. C. Steele of California says: "Put Darden Worthy Master ol the National GraDge has passed beyond the vail, aDd our sympa thies go out iu deep solicitude :or his family, to whom his presence in the mortal form seems oi such vital importacce. Death arjoi grief are for all. Proffered consol ation in their presence seems like intrusion. Time and the reflex if continued iife contain healino bairn for all who mourn their de .i departed ; and there is a mournfu: contemplation of a nobly spent life that was devoted to pvogres- J3ro. Darde n, by constant, un faltering effort in the use ot the (jualities of mind aui. heart with which nature had endowe-4 him rose step by step from the rank in a subordinate Grange to the i-aok of Miitet m the Nations Grange. What greater need of praise can be needed to embalm t."s name in the affections of Pa irons of Husbandry? It was uiv good fortune to meet Bro.Dardt n iu the National Grange and to feel the thrill ot his f rater u a 1 grasp ami note the generosity i! sou! that Hindi; him a iirogn..; sire man. He was as unselfish a niortcti may he iu the ambition that directed his efforts. 1L sought hio own good in common with the rights and interests ot his ft low-men, not at their ex pense. He helu woman in high esteem, being free from that sgot ism tiiat would relegate her to an inferior uositiou. He realized the importance of agriculture, ard labored with zeal and wisdom to raise the standard of education in farm life, lie was opposed 10 monopoly and exclusive priviiegt 6 lor the few at the expense oi many, and ably advocated co operative effort among the farmers for the collection of existing evils. IX MALE ATTIRE. Why'a Woman Traveled About in Men's Clothes. Vincennes (Ind.)Dispateh to Globe-Democrat. A stramie woman was arrested here last night dressed in male attire. She was on board of the south-bound train, out of money. The conductor suspected her and notified the po'ice. When inter viewed, she said: "I put on men's clothes to avoid insult and to shun suspicion as to who I am. I am from Chicago, but my home is in Brownsville, Fa., and my name is Crystal Wil son. I have worn men's clothes about six months. I had a pur pose, and I am now on the way back. 1 was married about a year ago, and my husband went off with another woman and I followed them. At Galveston, Tex., 1 shot him three times, and he told them not to lynch me as I was his wife , and that saved me. His wounu. were not fatal. His name is George Wilson. My father is a Government official." She would not tell her father's name. She said sh pawned a goltl chain and watch fc money t - pay her fare here. &ue said eh got on the train at Pimente, i Miiall station this side ot Terre Haute. She is IS years old, is of medium size, is rather good-looking, wears black hair cropped shon and weighs about 125 pounds. She passes well for a boy. She does not seem to be depraved, f r s ie acts like a lady and uses pure, clean language. She seems to be o: a good family. She takes her rrrest philosophically. Hie wid bp placed in charge of the Humane Society, who will lit her out in vn:;!fn's apparel and send her home. th'eN anc" r"nis nearly sroae. Mo: -ei-.h Oc e te :l:;.eii DKYKLOriC- MYSTFltr; The Sew Sclie.:se for Increasing the BiYairr's Value. New York Mail and Express. "A new sjstem of treating ojs tets is now practiced at Baltimore by which their value is very much increased, " said a large dealer to a Mail and Express reporter. "The oysters obtained from Tangier sound, Lynnhtiven and the kind culled seaside oysters are rather small, although laclosed in large shells. Thete oysters when dred ged and brought to the Baltimore market are sold there at about 00 cents a basket, )ut when freshen ed their value is enhanced at least 150. perxent,, 1 V nifj-nei" bt pro--ceeding is KomewiVat di&rent-from the common practice of "floating" oysters so much in vogue in the East. 'The oysters are transferred. from the pungies onto the decks of the coveied scows that will each carry a deckload of about GOO bushels of oysters. The scows are then low ered to a point in the Patapsco r.ver where the water is' quite shallow, and then sunk by letting water through a valve in the hold. The scows are left in this position during two flood tides, when the water is pumped out and they then are towed to the city again. The change from the salt to the fresh water swells the oysters until what were origittally comparatively io signiticaut eysters, worth about 60 cents a bushel, become plump and luscious, fill entirely their im mense shells, and command when put on the market for sale $1 50 to 1 Ta per bushel. Two of the the largest packing houses in Baltimoie are engaged in thi business, keeping twelve scows constantly employed. The whole operation is under the supervision of one man, who undertakes the refreshening for a consideration of 10 cents a bushel, the packing nouse of course, u.rnishing all the appliances." a roKiit iion. The New York Sud. which boaits itself the organ of "The United Democracy of New York," tints greets iu an original poem the. passage of Mills the bill: Come, all you sns of ioi7. A-iU ou tut tans dane: Tor the Kreat mouopol boil Has feio the free t-ide lance; Huzza for iiojer .Mills, That mighty Texas Maae; - Came, thank the Lord and hurrah for abroad, And dovn with the wcrkintnuan's waee? Co:ne here.prnteeted tvorkii.jrman, Ami lail Ujion your knee; You silly, simple fellow , can You not love Theory? Th-'uirh we should make your wages le;s; V.iurliaiid with tracts we'll fill; Sc three times thrte ana a jubilee For the passing of Mill's hill: T.le I a 'le Flaps His Wings. Western It is a thing for the great American eagle to flap his western wing about, that our fellow citi zens on the coast of California are able to give to the sea such a splendid steel cruiser as the Char leston promises to be. The launch was as successful as the most san guine San Franciscan had antic5- pated, and the big war ooat with the Carolina name and the Califor nia keel, now proudly rides the ripples of the bay. Philadelphia Becoid. Sheridan died, like Grant, with i s pen in his hand. Last Sunday he sent to his publishers a dozen, proof sheets, carefully corrected, and in a few days the last pages of ms book will be in press. The rirst volume is printed and now is being bound. It is spoken of as a well written, interesting narra tive, and will certainly have an ex tensive sale. Don't Fxperiuicnt. You cannot afford to waste time m experimenting when your lungs are in danger. Consumption always seem;, at tirst. only a cold. Do not permit any dealer to impose upon you witb ioine cheap imitation of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Conghs and Colds, hut be sure you get the genuine. Because he can make more protit he may tell yon -be has something just as good, or just the same. Don't be deceived, but insist, upon getting Dr. King's New Discov ery, which is guaranteed to give re lief in all Throat, Lung and Chest al lectiouii. Trial bottles free at Foshay - Mason's arug store. Large bottles $i, ; Arc Santa Abie, the California dis covery for Consumption and Diseaesd of the Throat, Chest and Lungss an- California Cat-R-Cure, the only guar antecd cure for Catarrh, Cold in the head and kindred complaints. They are sold at $1 per package, or three for 2.50 and are recommended and used by the lea iing physicians of the "icitic Coast. No secret compounds Guaranteed by Foshay & Mason. W. D. Hoyt s Co., Wholesale and retail druggist of i';ohie Ga., says: VVe have selling Dr. Kind's New Discov er El-trie Hitters and Bueklen's Arnica Salve for four jcars. Have hanulcd remedies that sell as well, or give such universal satisfac tion. There have been some wonder fir. cures effected 1t- these n:edicinea in this city. acvc:-;;l cases of pio ii"ti!ifi'(i consumption have been en lircly cured lv ue of ;i few bottles of Dr King's New Di-cn-erv. taken in "iM!c-l!''n with hh.c; ;if Hitters, YV, guarantee them always. Sold Foshay & Mason. I'M t - -k - - 1 i 9 '-1- ""Z f f J V