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About Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1888)
II. m GETS A WEEK. ALBAN Y. OREGON WEDNESDAY- MORKNIG. AUGUST 8 18S VOL. III-iT0. i Julius Joseph Manufacturer of Choice Cigars AND I EALER IN FINESIMPORTED AND KEY WEST Cigars, Plug an. 1 Smoking Tobaccos. Meerschaum and Briar Pipes, and full line of Smokers' Articles. Also d.:iler in CALIFORNIA AND TROPICAL FRUITS. Next door to Burkhart & Keeney's Real Estate-'Offiee, Albany Ogn The Red Front. A TWEEDALE & HOPKINS. Hardware, Stoves, Ranges, Tinware, Copperware. Pumps, iron pipe, rubber hose and plumbing goods. Sole agents for the celebrated "Early Breakfast" cook stoves and.ranges, and "Faultless" parlor heating stoves. Albany. Oregon. California, tie Land of Discoveries lp V AS1(TP -TASTD rCEA.THTC n! KIN OMStlJMPTIO KH'WHdWvirKl i IWshine.w ll&iililiairf LUNC-S -Soihn-GiiTO Sentf for ci.T-culjry5l frtr hHh 3 frr 9 ABIEnNEMEOUuorWfiii cal ' HWc. Ha A COuu in tiie iie.1.1 im ii .1 x-s not pet hetter.' flare you an excess"!- secretion f mucus or matter in the nrtrai j;:es which either imibt he blown from the r.ose or drop back ticnind the pa, ate. or hav. kcil or snuff e J hack .van! to the throat.' Are vou tror.M.'.l hv ha vir,sr, soittin.'. a-ik am! inflamed eyes, frequent sonnets of the throat, THE ONLY . qUAT?AIlTEED 'CURE TOT? XATARRH liPirTimr Mrrar OROVILLE orrouins sores reve me corruption within. SSm B As every breath drawn into the Junes must pass overar-d tecorte polluted ly thereliev tions in the nasal passipes, it must nectssarily fclltw tfat j t isc r ii el He whcle secre graduallv tukes place, while the iroibuJ matter thst if aiirvir tii.rt tf sUty stem into the stomach, enfeebles digestion, ar.d often picercte ctjt yW. n t i najh(,i6tasses ity, nervousness and consumption. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE. If you have experienced any of the do fru t tls . I utVrv Camtcrm Cat-R-Ccre at once. We positively uarant teg a few applicatiots lelieve aida tborouth treatment to cure. S:x months treatment for Sl.OO; sent mail MBia a Die anu i at-u- nre. t or Hill 4 V Ml mm) BANKRUPT SALE! -Of General Bid BARGA NS HOOO GIVEN AWAY ! In profits w ill be'pyen to tustomerslbet'weenthis dateandJanuary.l, 189 at the store i-f WIVE. SIMPsON . WViii if!"in"" flri iniincnM hank hit c-rrir-L- rf n-ftrorol nronnr.!;, " " " "" Call iii.d ?ee thv otitis un his 5, 10, 15, JILUUlj ll.l i Hi" '-''.S JpSiiighest market price in cash or goods paid for country pro dace. Children Cry for G.L mm (Successor to E. W. Langdon -EBALEB IS- Drugs, Paints, Oils, Perfumery and toilet articles, also a full line of books and stationery, periodicals, etc. Prescriptions carefullj compounded IN ODD FELLOW'S TEMPLE, Albany Oregon ETJjREKA 'ij! of Califvuni.i ! means "I Oi.Iy in that land of here tthe oranir emo rape bloom ami ripen a attain :heir highest perfection in mid-winter, ire use nerns :;nu ;iiin iounti that are ist'l in that plea-ant leinc'v for ai! Ithroat and lun troubles, Santa Abit-: jthe rule.- of cni:j;hs,';.sthma, an.l ion- sumption. Foxiiay V Mason, of Al bany Oregon, have Uen avpcintc-.l ?aiistiaip.-rn iiisvalcle I ar.torma rem and sell it nni!eia guarantee at $1 oo'roiiree tor JTji FOR SALE BY rosoay L. ALBANY C KEG ON rniinnir or roaring in the ears, more or less impairment of the hearing, loss o smell, memory impaired, dullness or ;dizzincss of the head, dryness or heat of nose.' Have vou lost all sense ! smell? IHaveou a hacking: ccu'h': Have you Jd i s j -ep-ia'.' is vour breath ton"? Ik so yoc iiavk lire UatabR)!. borne have ai these symptoms, others only a part. (The leading symptom of ordinary ca tarrh is increased secretion of mucus of yellow- or p-eenish colored matter. Foul breath is caused by the dtcorr posinc secretions exuded from festering - ulcers far back iD the head; ometimes the membrane covering the hones is eaten away and the bones themselves CM. gradually decay. Such cases ar in deediobiects oftpitv. as stench from Sale by II Oregon Merchandise - x I -v-i v-i .t. t u.i imitiifliiuc dl V UP I 20 25 aud cent counters. H store is Pitcher's Castofia, ( W Mason lbany. Tiie Afav Bakery, ! Uude; Jthe new Imanagementjof- CUM 1)1 UO. WHO KEEr- ? A fuil line of choice family" grocer es and provviun Ca rnea rmeapples, Choice TaWB Delicacies Ornamented cakes for WcdfiuKis and Parties. Salmon bellies, mackerel and salt fish of all kinds. FRESH BAKED BREAD Cverv JJ)av. Best S. Pics.' Cakes TEAS and cOfTE mtlies Nuts, Raisins CANNEDf)OD'S, ETC. E J ns uest Soap in the market Le Roi Savon. A fine assortment of domestic and Imported Cigars &TM .Ichu Fox's old stand. low Fi nn's ie' brick. T. J. OVERMAN AGBST FOR TIJK v i nivi Diovi "ITas on hand a line of new and second andwheels. Send for Otal HAYING SOLD AJf INTEREST IN MY harness rmsiness to 1 . J. Overman, 1 am desirous of collecting all my outstanding notes ami accounts. All persons knowing themselves indebted to me will please call and settle The business will be continued as usual at the same please. E. L THOMPSON. Albany, Feb. 22. W00D1N d WILLARD LIVE- IN A This is whitt Alhany is at present, and in ord-r to keep pace with the .ively tinns in this citr, tliev have enlarged their store and stock so thirt they now have tiie rmst complete and desirable line of furniture in the valley. Their double-salesrooms in Fro rnan's blin k are filled with an elegant assortment of new furniture, consist in ir of lounges in new patterns, tine trold icture franics, willow chairs, easy rockers, marble tables, brackets, etc., etc. An examination of the stock will show this to be true in every re spect. University of Oregon ! JSPEUGEXE CITYJSJ Nrxt -es; 'egiiis on Mon;Iav, trie 17th of September, ltsS. tree s. :io :,riaps from every comity :n the .-ate. Apply to v.; ir eiliit s.i criuTemlei.t. Four ci.-svs: C"i.-.-s':a!. .i.t:f.c,Lit-.rary a,. ii a rhert Unlish course in which there is ;: Latin, t..n.k. French r nuati. The u'- is p; e-emineinly . Btt--i:;es Cenrse. i r vtUti.eS or f'h"' i-f- rnation. ar'dress V. JulLS-iuN, rresident. vmi mmm U JJtUlVLlU. WBm? Pieties; FuruitureDea ers o A nrnrfl Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity,strcngth and wholesomeness. More economical than tiie ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competi tion with multitude "of low test.'short weight alum or phosphate towders Sold only in e-ins, Royal Bakin 'ow der. Co., lOti Wall St.. N. Y. 4TT0K.r.l. DH. N". BLACKBURN, ATTORNEY AT . Law, Albany, Oregon. - Office in Odd bellow's Temple. -Vill practice in all court; of the state, and give special attention to ali business. YlfOLVEKTON CHARLES E. ATTORNEY V at Law, Albany, dr. Office in rooms l:i and 14,. Foster s Block, over L. E. Biain s stor . T K. WEATHOKFORn, ATTORNEY 'AT f I . law, Albany, (Oregon. Office in "Odd Fellow's Temple. Will practice in all the courts of thestate, and give special attention to all business I'llVSK IAS. G1 W. UASTON, PHYSICIAN ANL SI I T, geon, Albany, Oreeon. M. H. ELLIS, l'HYSICLVN AND SLlti geon, Albai.y, Oregon CC. KELLY, I'HYSICIAN AND Icl'K . geon Albany, Oregon, cftk-e over C.rai -wobl's store. Office hours, :rcni Sa. m. to ! !: m. REVERE HOUSE, ALBAXY, OR. CHAS. Pfeiffer, Prop. Only flrst-eclass housi in the city. Large sample rooms for com mercial men. No Chinamen employed in the kitchen. General stage office for tonailis. MRS M. E. McCOY, M. D.HOMtEOPA ill!':, office and residence corner of First and Baker streets, Albany, Or. Chronic diet axf i 8 sr talf. 0'"r".ia ion fj ce. Of- 1 ia. m si..-. to 5 p. ii, ti K.ii.ihAY, VET t.R 1 N A R Y SI V 1) geon, Alhany, Oregon.--Graduate of (ki: man an.l A7ncr:ct:n colleges. M'ALlsTKR A: HoOIAVAKl., I10.V F.ol A TIIIC I'll V sich'.ns and surgeons, otistetrics treat ment cf chronic diM-a-es Of women and children a specialty. All culls picmpt'y al endeii to day or Otiice ill tile Fliioi Mock. H EWEi:r, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKE , and jeweiei , Aibai.v, Oregon, )l;imolsa Hour. IlITE BEST MAGNOLIA FI.OCR DELIY 1 e red to any parr of the citv, for SI. 10 per sack JOHN A CKAWFOKP. nlSodtf l.:iI Surveying. PARTIES PKS1R1XO HCRVBYINO PONE CAN- Ol;. accurate and prompt work by calling upon ex-county surveyor F. T. T. Fisher. lie nas complete copies oi held notes and town ship plats, and is prepared to do surveying in any part of Linn county. Pojtotfice address Millers station. Linn county. Oregon. Portrait n j. - .t .. l rnuwyrafjritr JStudio corner of Second and Ferry PALACE MEAT MARKET James V. PiPE.Prop. Hrsl Street - Albaay The best variety of choice beef, veal .mutton, pork sausage, etc,,injthe city kept,constantly an hand. ' Cash paid for all kind ock.trt IJiL OF ALBANY, 'OREGON. PRESIDENT, VICE-PRESIDENT CASHIER L. Flinn. S. E. Young, G.E.Chaniberlain, TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Accounts kept subject to itheck. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfer sold on New York, Chicago, San Francisco and Portland.Oregon. Collections made on favorable terms. S. E. Yon L. K. B1.AIS L. Flks W. E. TCKRKLL Gbo. Chamskrlais. Sm'-ke Estrellas. SCCCESSORS TO HENRY SCSENS lloueanl Carriage Palmers, Oeeo ralors and Paper nangers' Tiano varnishing a specialty, All work prompt 1 attended to. (.'ountrv work solicited. AVe wi! pay 40 cents per n il for hoicce Ui::cr. 1 1!i M"S(S ot WaTT-KS. Ifresu butler at KeLton' Geo.Vassallo&Co PACIFIC COAST. Sliccking Outrage of Two Little Girls at Los Angeles. A EtlU i K "HO llKKVt.. iiaci.; A Yonn? Kan Drowned While Bathing Near ISacrsmentc A Tatal Acrider.t, The Herald Secial Dispatches.) Los Angeles, Aug. 7. Thomas Teterson Dane was arretted at Pueadei'-a this afternoon, on a charge of committing an outrage on two little gills, naiiieil Ho'ton, in that city. The victims are sisters, and aged respectively five and three years, lhis afternoon the children were enticed by Peterson to tiie top porch of a restaurant building, where it is alleged he outraged both in a frightful man ner. Tiie children have been ex amined by physicians, who claim that the physical condition of the girl shows repeated acts of violence, and the poor children are in a piti ful state. Peterson has virtually admitted his guilt to the officers, altough he claimed he was drunk at the time of occurrence. Drowned Sear Sacramento Sacramento, Aug. 7. A young man by the name of Ryan, a plumber by trade, a resident ot San Francisco, was drowned to night in the river. The body was not recoverea. A Fatal Accident. Redding (Cal.), Aug. 7. Last evening Jacob Penner was killed by falling out of a wagon when it overturned, breaking his neck. Ft RTHERj PARTItl'LAKS, Of the IPro wning of Two Boys In llle River at Kugene, Ei'gene, Aug, 7 Early yes-c r oav niortiiLig tins community was- shocked by the intelligence that the Two oldest children of Mrs. Theimer were drowned. The facts re as follows: Sunday afternoon t ie two Theimer boys, aged re spectively 20 and 15, accompanied by the 9 year old son of Mrs. Baker went to the river, opposite Eugene to lake a swim. The Baker boy was left to watch the clothes while the others disappeared some 100 ardsorso to trie river beyond, kt-returning ..when.-the " boy thought it was time, he shout ed for there, but could not get an answer. He then took the watches !rm their pockets supposing thai they would come soon. This was at 0 o'clock and the boys not coming tiil about S, young Baker toid Mrs. Theimer who at once proceeded to the river, and by the aid of a lantern succeeded iu find ing their clothes. Though there couid now be little doubt that the boys were drowned, still the luari broKCu mother screamed aloud their names up and dwn the river bank, nor could be prevailed to give up the hopeless search for several hours. She was finally taken home however only to walk the floor the night long, calling upon those who would answer her voice n more. The next morning were discovered in a near where they "ivere and being some 30 the bodies deep eddy, swimming feet apart. The supposition is that the oldest boy was drowned in an heroic at tempt to save his younger brother. The boys were good steady hard ys ork:ng fellown. and are mourned bj all. Mrs. Theimer has been made the recipient et financial aid from the generous citizens of Eu gene, as she is a poor woman, aiad she certainly has the heartfelt sympathy of all our people. A Warning. The modes of death's approach are various, and statistics show conclusive ly that more persons die from diseases of the throat and lungs than any other. It is probable that everyone, without exception, receives vast numbers of Tubeicle Germs into the system and where these germs fall upon suitable soil they start into life and develop, at first slowly and is shown by a slight tickling sensation in the throat and if allowed to eontinue their ravages they extend to the hins pro ducing consumption and to the head, causing catarrh. Now all this is dangerous and if allowed to proceed will in time cause death. At the onset you must act with promptness; allow ing a cold to go without attention is dnngerous and may lose you your life. As soon as you feel that some thing is wrong with your throat, lungs or nostrils, obtain a bottle of Bosehee's German Syrno. It wili give iou im mediate relief. Hake no Mistake. t By dispelling the symptoms so often mistaken for consumption. Santa Abie has brought gladness to many a hourehold. By its prompt use for breaking up the cold tliattoo often develops into that fatal disease,tlions ands can be saved from an untimely grave. You make no mistake ly keeping a bottle of this pleasant rem edy in vonr house. California Cat-R Cure is" equally effective in eradicating ! all traces of the Nasal Catarrh. B.itli j of these wonderful California reitic- j dies are sold and warrented by Fos- j hay & Mason. j Kclliovcd. I Ti'SKPH WEP.HEIt ANNOCNCES TO HIS tl patrot.s aau friends tk-.t he be found ; on Lyon str- et, between Engine Co. No. 2 j ' i-'ir.-t .Tit!. -.-:'itii hi- luv. r- i ms in Ko-'ia-Jii s brick aie read, j THE TAIUFF BltUkE LOOSE. Onc'ofilten Bulterwerth's Jokes on the It our bo its. Washington Special to New York Tribune. The tariff debate has come to a , close as far as the House is con cerned much to the relief of a number of Southern members who have tafcen iittie or no interest in the subject except a? a party ques tioj. borne ot Uiese were uiscuss ing the subject in one of the cloak rooms the other oay whea a cer tain Alabama man remarked: ''Why, our people take no inter , est in the darned thing aty way. They don't know; anv thing about it." , " "I suppose they are vefry much like Alexander II. Stephen's neigh bor, about whom the old man was so fond of telling, wuenever the early days of the tariff discussion was recalled in his presence,'' quietly remarked "Ben'' Butter worth who hfd joined the group. 'What was the matter with him'? came from different coi ners of the gioup. "That neighbor of Stephens," "Ben" went on to say, "had never b;en over three miles from home except once, w ben he went on a turkey hunt. He winged one ef the flock after an exciting chase. In trying to escape the bird cro&j ed a roadway then just completed and of course an entire novelty. The pursuing countryman stopped to examine the road, and just then an engine, puffing and blowing hove in sight. Scared out of his wits, the countryman left turkey and all, and running home as fast as his feet couid carry hi in threw himself on the floor in a faintingfit. His wife after bath ing his temples and bringing him 'to,1 asked : "Well husband, what could it have been?" "I don't know.' was his reply, 'unless it was that denied tariff that has broke loose.' It is needless to say that "Ben" Bu'terwortlvs story fell very flat in that group. .Note And (online US. Free trade in commodities pro duced in the North and high tarili ou those produced in the South such is Use philosophy of Roger Q. Mills. It is the voice of the democratic solid south. Editor Frank Pixley of the San Francisco Argonaut, wnile stand ing up manfully for his American party, has the candor to say: "Cal ifornia will cast its vte for Ham son as wili Oregon and Nevada." Tiie New York Evening Post indorses Mr. Gladstone's old state ment that free trade would enable the United States to wrst Eng land's commerce from her. And yet the Evening Post is indignant when it is charged with being in fivor of free trade. "Wool," says Brad-treat's, which is a nonpartisan and purely finan cial sheet, "wool, which has lo:g been dull, shows do signs ofim provenient. In view of the pos sibility of wool fcsing placed on the free list, no buying for future consumption is acticipated. The New York World says that "the only democrats who oppose Cleveland are manufactures who are getting rich undrr the tariff." It also says that Cleveland's free trade policy would "save our man ufactures from ruin." Evidently then these stupid manufactures want to be ruined. The democrats are circulating large numbers of copies of the president's tree trade message in West Virginia, Connecticut and New York. This affords a ration al explanation of the fact that the conversions of democrats to Harri son, Morton and protection aie more numerous in those states than any others. Ex-Gov. Thomas L. Young of Ohio, who died a few days ago, wbs a whole-souled genial man in peace, and a gallant soldier in war. He was governor during the rail road strikes and riots in 1887, and when appeals were made to him to ask lor United States troops he pluckily replied: "Not until the last man in Ohio is whipped." The New Hampshire birthplace and early home of Horace Greeley is to be boughb and presented to the state by Mr. Stilson Hutchins of Washington who is a native. f New Hampshire and a devoted ad mirer of Greeley. Mr. Hutchins is in New Hempshire negotiating for its purchase. He is also plan ning to erect on Pennsylvania ave nue, near Tenth street Washington a statue of Benjamin Franklin, an act w hich congress has indorsed. t'alilnrnia fat.R.Cure. The only guaranteed cure for ca tarrh, cold in the head, hay fever.rosj eo'd, eat.rrhal deafness nnd sore eyes. Kes ore the sense of taste andunpleas ii nt breath, resulting from catarrh, Eay and p'.raMuu. to use. Follow directions and a cure is warranted. lv all, Send for a circular to A't-iernc Medical Company, Oro ville. Cal. Sis months' trentment for 1; sent by mail, $1.10, For sale by Foshay 5c M -.son. That exquisite iine of satins in our show window wiii be run close this week. Have no ixcir-e for rot get-' ting in on them. M-;::tieth cv Scite"- i I GENERAL JNrEWS. Arrangements for the Burial of Gen: Sheridan. A - FATAL RAILV Y A('( IIIF.XT. Many Ditsael Cattle O.-deitd to be De stroyed A Big Strike Threatened Foreieo Hews. The Hkrald'S Special Dispatch--. Washington, Aug. 7. Gen. Mc- Feliy, Gen. D. H. Rticker, retired, and Major Lydicker, of the arhi', visited Arlington oenK-te-ry. to-day to select a site for the grave of Gen. Sheridan. MILITARY HONORS. Washington, Aug. 7. The sec retary of war has issued a general order to the army, reciting the facts of the military career of Sheridan and ordered that the flags in all the military stations be placed at half staff, seventeen minute guns fired on the day following the rescript of this order and the usual badges of mourning be displayed for thirty days. " ROBERT -ARRr:iT IILXE!S.'g He Istteadily Vaining in Health and niay KeroTer. New Y'ork, Aug. 7. Robert Garrett, who is sick at the Bre voort house, requires a great deal of watching. His three doctors arrange their visits so that he is , hardly ever without one of them in attendance. The report that was current last October that his brain was affected is revived, but h'.s physicians say the trouble ap pears to be rather with his nerves than with his brain and said, his general condition is improved, and he has steadily gained since leaving the Richfield springs last Thursday. SERIOFS TKOI KI' IIIRFATF.XED. Rioters Arretted in France Troops narding the Town Paris, Aug. 7. Seven arrests have been made at Amiens of per sons concerned in the riot there yesterday. Four of them are for eigners. The mayor has issued an order forbidding the people to assemble under the penalty of the riot act of 1843. The strikers con tinue their arbitration and an other riot is feared. The troops are guarding the town hall ami laclojies, and are pairoiling ihtt streets. IJI STKIKK jiirfatf:.f. Fiiiil v Th)Da Woolen Mill Oper atives Mrike lor IliIict- Wages London, Aug. 7. The card room hands in the mill.- at Blackburn have notified the masters that unless tliev are granted an advance of IS per cent, on their wages they will stiike. This would involve the stoppage of 150 .WO looms ami 1,(JO,000 spindles and throw 80,000 operatives out. Slowly Ilyins. Sharon. ("Mass.). Autr. 7. Lawrence Jerome's condit o i re mains unchanged and he is weak and his suff-M'ing may be relieved by death at any time. RAILROAD OLL1SIOX. Several S'a.venuci-s and Others Killed and Wounded. London. Aug. 7. There was a collision at Hamptonwick depot at midnight last night, between a pas senger and freight train. Two pas senger carriages were telescoced. The driver and stoker of the pas senger locomotive and four pas sengers were killed. DISEASED CATTLE. Over Two Hundred Head are Order ed tw be Killed. New York, Are. 7. The recent sudden changes in the weather has had the effect of suddenly causing pleur pneumonia among the cattle in and about this citr. In West Chester county the bureau of animal industry has ordered the destruction of over 203 head. Baeklen s Arniea Salve, The best Salve in the world for cuts. bmises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin erup tions and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perleet satisfaction or money re funded. For sale by Foshay &Ma. son. An Absolute 1'ure. The Original Abietine Ointment is only put up n large two-ounce tin boxes, and is an absolute cure for old sores, burns, wounds, chapped hands and all skin eruptions. Will positively cure al) kinds of piles. Ask for the Original Abietin- Ointment. Sold by Koshav & Mason at 25 cents per box by mail 30 cents. Given Away. W. F. Read proposes to give away a fine gold watch with Ins gold and -i'ver prize shirt, the very best fitting atid best made white shirt ii. the i:::irkct. The price is :is low or lower than any equally as good shirt in the market. Jut lc. civcii at 'V. F. Read's a full anc of ! idu-j 'vie mr-lin underwear, also girls whit d c.-es and infants s C.ill and see Hum. Fineo'd clu-i r) boum-;iit ?I. Batira. part's. I ri