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About Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1888)
TIlEf MOTJXTX HETJALD: FRIDAY, AUGUST o '. 1888, glarnitt0 gailg Jircad Daily and Weekly TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: DAILY. IPuliHsheil every morninsr exeept Moiulaj.) elivereil by earner, per week 0.1a Jliy mail, per e.u oW WKKKLY. (Published every Friday Morning.) ne copy, ;er milium, i:i advance $2.00 When uot paid in advance -.f i upon a friend's vac-lit v.-as under taken for the purpose of consuming time enough to let the river and harbor bill become a law without the responsibility of signing it. If such proves to be the case we are still in favor of giving the president credit for its becomintr a law even in that manner. Small favors thankfully received, large ones in proportion. NATIONAL REPUBLICAN TICKET. FOlt PRESIDENT, BEN J AM I N HA H KISON, OF INDIANA. FOR VIC E-fKESI DENT, LEVI P . MORTON OF NEW YORK. T,m. T. -...;;.. Vir .trout: tlo illmrcwl organ of the prohibition paity of Oregon, has raised his piping voice against Harrison and Mortoi and against protection to American industries. That paper cheerfully announces that, "We are doing our best to' defeat Harrison and elect F;sk," and the republican-prohibitionists of the state aie begi li ning to ponder on the question as to who that journal is trying to elect, Fisk being out of the race. i i I i i I Albany should be made a terminal shipping point. When goods can be shipped to this city by the car load direct without being reshipped at Portland, the jobbing trade of local dealers will be increased. A movement is on foot among business men to enlist the influence of the Board of Trade to secure this. FOR PRKSIDKNTIAb ELECTORS, ROBT M'l.EAN, WJI. KAVVS C. W. FULTON. QUESTION OF LONGEVITY. Writers and investigators are be ginning to consider the matter of I length of years, which in past I ages has apparently been the greatest desideratum of human endeavor, in its true light. They are now discussing whether or not the added years that may be gained by special endeavo- aie really worth the cost, or are in fact desirable. As a means of longevity, Dr. Oswald says: "Physical exercise, out-door sports, abstinence from toxic stimulants and premature incon tinence, frugality, in the original sense that implied a predilection for a mainly vegetable diet, and the love of mirth and harmless recreations, generally suffice to keep disease at bay, though there is also a deep significance in Goethe's remark that perfect health of miifd and body depends fipon the regular, though not nec essarily exclusive, pursuit of some practical occupation. Brain work ers, he thought, should follow some mechanical by-trade, and counteract the one-sided tenden cies of their study by mechanical labor, sav, in an amateur carpen ter shop, or a' private smithy, a la E.J. Burritt; or, better yet, on a little farm, with a bit of live stock and a thriving orchard. Disap pointment, oft repeated, under mines health as effectually as pro tracted physical pain, and for the worry of the vexations incident to the complex and precarious pur suits of modern civilization, there is, indeed, no better specific than the peace of a rustic garden home. Xenophon's hunting-lodge. Felix iSylla's cabbage garden, Erasmus' greenhouse, the patriach of Fern ey'a home-made eden, with its pear-tree nurseries and refugee settlement, and eyen the wood lands and wood-piles of Hawarden may have enabled their proprie tors to outlive the rancor of their enemies, and in all secular pur suits tne art of survival is a chief secret of success. Other-worldli-ness may renounce those pursuits, and in a narrower sphere of phy- , i XTOTICE IS HEKEBY GIVEN THAT THE mav fulfill ltS functions m a day as 1 y partnership heretofore existing between completely as in any multiple of .SfM ti days, but in the World of progress I tiring the business will be continued by ...... . . , , .1 Mr. Dieriner, who will pay all indebtedness and SOCial ideals OIilV the hope Ot and collect "all outstanding accounts. Those nn ljfo nr jr., cinivalent in fame I sr '"'l"1''1 are requested come forward and long lite, or llo umivdieut m ume, sett,c A t.mitim;anee of the patronage gives existence the value of its ! heretofore extHuled is solicited. ? . . ,, I Albany, August 1, 1SS8. highest purpose. I : On the point of whether the j i w lost. prize of long life is worth tiie price j qtkayf.d or stolen' fhom the sib- 1 1 seriuer. a irni rea oeriay cum, ui- Chicago hoodlums have re cently engaged in the pastime of horse stealing, disposing of their booty right under the noses of tiie police. Their very audacity shielded them for a time, but the usual result finally followed. It is officially announced that work will be resumed at once on j tiie Oregon Pacific railroad. This will assist in making lively times in Albany this fall. Make no Mistake. By dispelling tin "-symptoms so often mistaken for coiisumptinii. Sant;i Abie has brought irlidness to many a hou-elioid. By its, prompt use for breaking up the cold that too often develops into that fatal diseasc,thous ands can be saved from an initiuieii ffrave. You make no mistake by keeping a bottle of this pleasant rem edy in your house. California Cat K Cure is equally effective in eradie;;tinr ail traces of the Nasal Catarrh. Btii j of these wonderful California reme dies are sold and wuirented by Kos hay & M:on. NEW TO-DAY. LOST OK SIOI.K.. IN THIS CITY ON SATURDAY, JULY 22, a lady's sold watch, with the letters 'A. I.'' on the case, and a small fob attach :d. The finder will please return to Mrs Francis Pfeiifer. A reward of S20 will be paid for Its recovery. Z take pleasuro in aanouaciiig that I liae removed from my old store to my new "building ca the corner of Fisst and Broadallsin Streets. Thanking my customers for" tke liberal patronage they have "bestowed upon me in the past, I trust that with increased facilities and a large experience I may merit a continuance of it in the iuture.l inns mi BUR KH ART & ROYCE THE LEADING- .BOOK and JOB PAINTERS, Of the Willamette Valley Bank ana Commercial Printing: a Specialty. Legal Blanks of All Kinds Constantly on Hand. Send for Estimates and Price List of Sjp! i V---V3mm ' Star Bakery ! -AFUTJ, STOCK OF- Staple Groceries I Fine Glasware,Crocker? Ttte beat quality of taag. eoffa runs Law, etc CAKES, PIES, Fresh Baked Breac? Every Day. At this old and raBabfe hoaae is ateo to Tj found a complete assortment, of fresh famik groceries, U which is constantly being adderi afl the seasonable lines of (voami amd ptoriirinn such as Cranberries, Fine Pickles, Dried Beef Chipped to Order, Anchovy Mustard, Candies and Nuts, Eastern Buckwheat Flour, Canned Goods of Ail Kinds, Bohemian Glassware, Etc These goods were all bought when prion were low, and the benefit of the margin will tn fiven to his customers. Kemember the plaoa M the old corner on First and loadaibui Sts. 111 i 111 fob Matrons o Husbandry I have this lav with Messrs Stewart' & Sox, of Albany, ro furnish a large quantity of pure Manilla, binding twine to members of our order. All patrons, can call at their place of business and by the method adopted at our business council fjsecure the benefit of my contract. have also made arrange ments with tiie same tirm to furnish a loiSof Osborne! . . ... ... 'i steel inmie Winders, bend in your ordeis as soon?a ! j)0ssible as harvest is near. Siu'iu-.d MART MILLER, Financial Agent. HOFFMAN AND PFEIFFER; Proprietors of HDAXtt And mannfactnrers of Confec none LOST Qn Sunday July l.", bi.tween Albany and Mr. Sherer', west f Ta:ient, a gohl i;hain woven braced with three ruby ami two pearl sets ou 'he clasp. The finder will please return the .same to U. W. Simpson, this city- Fruit lrjer tor !ale. PLUMMKK FRUIT DKYKH, FACTORY size, complete, with ad'.iitions and im-proveinent-?, tor sale eluap. Apply to A. Blaker, Shedd, Oregon, or to A. Wheeler, .Springfield, Oregon. KenioYcit. TOSEPH WEBBElt ANNOUNC ES TO HIS patrons and friends that hi- i-an be found on Lvoii strtiet, between Ennine Co. No. 2 and First street, until his new rooms in Fo shav A: Slasin s brick are ready. Dissolution of rurtnrrship. or not the same writer pertinently remarks that longevity is worth deserving knobi or her horns, and a cwisted c' ain o-' her head. Any information leading to ths f th nm- will he liherallv regard! let inousanus, even ed vm. myeks. m DEALERS IN Tim Fine Goid w atches. ry. We are now prepared to furnish choice, fresfc candies of best grade, co'isistin of pure stick, assorted Oavora, mixed candies, extra Freuc and chocolate creams, fancy mixed, candy toya and a general assortmaat of flue candies AT W HOIKS ALE OR RETAIL. CVOrders fmm eoantcy dealers promptly' tr toned to. Factory on First sutet, Albany, - - Oregon M Crew Mills: ISO ML, UffillC A ., rwoff'n. NEW PROCESS FLOUR. (Superior for funil; i SPR1HGFIELD1SAW WIILLiaorap S 1 K I Xlr i i'lLD R K (xO X, OSPAlhany yard and ottice on Kiijlroad, hetween 4th and 5th streetsgj ' Havinir lumber Jiotexfc-lled in finality, aiidfaeilities not surpassed forjthe prompt and satisfai-t-iry rillin.' or orders. I resnuctfullv solicit a share of(the alc. A. WIIEELEK.S Diamond Jewelry, P'int; Sil- j vei wart, Rins.'Ladies Watches and Chains, andall kinds of El- j eani Jewelry ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICES. Ohe Higbeat vrica in eaah aid tor wheati torn 5 WILL BROS Dealer in all the leading Buns, Pistols, Sewing Machines, Organs, Pianos, A full Line of Sheet music, musical nierchamlise,ammunitioii, fish ing tack1?, etc. Warranted razors, butcher and pocket knives. The best kinds of sewing machines NEEDLES, OIL and Extras far all MACHINES LINN COUNTY AGENTS FOR NORTHWESTERN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Repairins of sewina: machines, musical instruments, suns, etc., neatly done it GrEO. W. SMITH (SUCCESSOR TO W. H. McFARLAXD)J of those who have learned to ad mit that life repays the pursuit of its secular blessings, have as yet not recognized the truth that un abridged life is still more decidedly Albany, Julv 30, 1SS3 CMlilreE Cry forPitclier's Castoria , 'ACRES OF LA J1) SITUATED 12 0)l) miles east of Albany, near the Oregon 1'acifie raiiroiid, i0 acres in cultivation, :ind contains suttieient, water and timber for aen era use Would make four good farms Price. 812,000, with terms to suit purchaser. wffl lto -riro Tlio Qnri'jriintll' i ' ' redundant longevity of the ancients concealed a specific adaptation to the physical and moral constitu tion of the universe. The children of a younger world had time to prepare the soil of life for its seed ; they had tiue to enjoy the ma tured fruit of their labor, and the best fruit ripens slowly. The products of the tropics grow stunted in the higher latitudes, not from any difference in the fertility of the soil or the skill of its culti vators, but because of the insuffi cient length of the harvest season. The harvest of our latter-dav lives is too oftn blighted in the same j PORTLAND lIiICES. way. Our evening-atais herald an J CALL AND SEE US. untimely sunset ; before their day's j E. NELSON, work is done our laborers are over-; si-edd Oreson. taken by the night, when no man can work ; our monuments mark the sorrows of unnnii prises. It is true course of aj pertectly happy life, the work of each day should bring ts own reward: but anticipating .... .1... ... iope plays a large pari ui ukil um- Agricnltnral Implemems. FARM IMPLEMENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION HARDWARE Stoves jd Jfinware CD CO CO cr3 CO S3 so CO JJ3 ct3 Heals I uib' ' -d with the best na tt markat. SECOND HAND STORE. 5? The 'pat year ha? prnven'it to hej necessity. The l.u-st and cheapest place in the city to buy your StoYEs Furniture, tinware W. F READ, (Successor to S.'H. ALLENT) errs CD -DEALER IN- v LixjiL iv man t uuments mark IIT'IJ jl IT aea eT; Hamtte Lmvei'sity that, m the , ' GKAKf.ATKS STI'DK.NTS !" Classical. Literacy, Sci entific, -normal, Jtas i it ess, Lair nml MEDICAL COURSES Stoves! and Ranges ALSO A FULL LINE OF - TINWARE, PUMPS. HOSE. COPPE R WARE And eyery variety of eookintr utensils and'Jnovelties in house furnishing ?oods. 1 he public rs invited to cull and examine this mammoth stock Ninder the new management. T IV fink and mm s 1 am dow receiving new goods in every line and would cordially invite everybody lo call and inspect our stock and prices. We propose to Uavt tb The Live DrvGwds House Of Albany, and shall at all times study the wants ot our patroas both iti style and prices. ia!'.r and recompense. lOpy t J et: tile 5i j 13t!lltTi ui.l the promises of May would loauuuu w,.. ninUCT TAP:Pv;T AMH iFA truiv oi the nowei-, ullilo i , iinnuLJ i n.v j EXPENSIVE iMMHHMMi I., titntion 'e.irnir x in tl .Northwest. -, r -,..,, -inn 1-irst term her :is !?.-) ! uiher "A, IS;-. Ad russ:u, tue liaising t-XCdlalOn ii.e. j H CO V. I'nsidti.t... vUich .ir. CbveiaaJ recent' y took w- The City Liquor Store, M. IIAUMGAIIT, Proprietor. -Xcxt ,loor to the Odd ?Mo cmplo. AllW.v, Orcson .Kssr1 a'"1 dt,,tie nk ii,iuo dirars ar SPECIAL ATTENTION PAiDO 0HDERS- FROM THE CCIW Children Cry for Pitcher's Oastoriai We aie a'.v.-ayi i?rep:red to buy your hcuseiiold uin.iiiire at the highest cash price. Sule ha-cnt? for the! PEERLESS OIL CAN And Lamp Filler. L. GOTTLIEH. iikij Bath House and ; HAIR DRESSING SALOON, JOSEPH WEBBER, PROPRIETOK. Lad;e? nd children's hair dress nz a speei.Hlty. -Pntue satisfaction sruaranted. JOHN SCKMEER'S Livery, Feed & Sale stable Corner Second and Elkworlh Sts. ALBANY. - - OREGON Hoss?ft boardrd by the day or month .Car riages or biuiaies on reasonable term? NORTHWEST T1HE iimi mm INSURA NCEh COM PAN Y PORTLAND, - - OREGON Dry Goods Notions, Furnishing Soods, " Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Call and see me. groceries, S'.O.IHM MAGNOLIA MILLS, JOHN A. CRAWFORD, Prop'r. Will furnish fs.eks to farmers and receive wheat at the usual rates of storage. Tiie highest market price I paivl for rame. ! Xf-'Host M;ijr.olia flour always on j li iiid for sale or exchange at reasona ! ble rates. i JOHN A. CUAWFOKP. Albanv. Oregon. A elt-all tov. 1. 11 Viereck's I'art-er "or every customer at shop.