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About Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1888)
v. i, I. - -1 Jo GETS A WEEK." ALBANY, OREGON SATURDAY UIORMUIGL AUGUST 4 isss 1 T A T 7 TT 1-Jf (t 1 C J1J. 11.1 JLVJ. -41 O Julius Joseph Manufacturer of Choice Cisrars iND I EALER IN- FINE IMPORTED Cigars, Plug and Smt:k;.n: Tobaccos, Mei-rschsv.'.m and Briar Pipes, and fuii line of t-mokers' Article.. Also dealer in CALIFCRNIA AND -TROPICAL FRUITS. ' . - Next door to Burl-: tart A. Kcnt-v's F.eal Eta-e"Ofne. Albanv 0&'r The Red TWEEJDlJLJE & KJVV 1 VUJ I? 1 ai n nv f mum mwm vmmm I Pumps, iron pipe, rubber hose and plumbing eoods. celebrated "Early Breakfast" eook stoves iicituDtr stoves, .aiuany, urearon lalnorn ia, "the" Laid of in to ujs Se-rjcT jor Cico A D 1 L 1 1 N L lYl LU. CO. OfWULl . TAL HAVE Vvi A CUi.i iii Hie i.t..M ..i.uiK.. s not pet hettn? Have you an exec ssi ve secretion of c.uciw cr u:u.ter in the i .ital rot-sues which either must he blown inin the ve or drop hack lctki;ii the puiau-, -.-r hi.ike! or snuffed backward to the threat" Are ni trciiSii-l (' hnv. i it, c:'fi-ii.. we:.!; ..mI inC: meri eves, fre :uent sorriuss of tbe fhn at, I A-J 3 , J - ! , X i . IflHIB ' I J " "- v-i-i-m TS Iju ltLU J !2 BY Ai U. XAI C U RE TOT? lABlETINEMrn-fflVh R 0 VILLE C A eorrodinj sores rcve the corriijition wiliiii.'"J (81 W As every breath drawn into the must pass over and become poilutf d by the reliev tions in the nasal passages, it mtst rttessarily frlle that jf Ucn of the whole secie paduall:' takes place, while the morbid chatter that ' abti m.i(. t) 8-etp stem into the stomach, enfeebles dicestion, ai;d often indicts ejtjipt'.i. sic f 1 tl' gn atai-tes ity, nervousness and consumption. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE. If you have experiew-ed any of the aboveM Cat-u-Cdre at once. We positively uarant eeg a few applications treatment to cme. ffx months treatment for 81.08: stnt by mail SMta Abtr nI Cat-K- nr. For Male FOSHAY BANKRUPT SALE! -Of General SfXercii&adise- 1 $410 GIVEN AIM! In profits will beJgWen .o eustomersbetweenthis dateaBdJJanuaryl, at the store if wivi. siivrpsoisi . Who isselliujr an immense bnnkrnptstock of eereral roerehandise at cost Call and see The goods on his 5, 10, 15, '30 25 ind cent counters. His store is headquarter? for big bargains. gjli ighest market price in cash or goods paid for country produce. Children Cry for AND KEY WES MM UY L mAv (Successor to E. "W. Langden; dbalir in . Bmgs, Paints, Oils, .: :' x' . . - Perfumery; and toilet articles, also a r ful - line of look9 and stationery, periodicals, etc. 5lf Prescriptions ;carefullj compounded . . IN ODD FELLOWS TEMPLE, Albany r : Oregon Front. HOPKINS. Sole agents . for the andranges, and Faultless" parlor EUREKA ( J he motto of Caluojnia ' means "I thavr foum! ii." Only in that land of sunshine, where tthe orang emo land bloom and ripen a attain ;tiieir mfiest perfection m mic-winter, re tne neros End ;ram fount! that are used in that pleasant lemedv hroat, and lung- troubles, Saxta Abi?: he ruie; or coughsasthma, anil oi.- isumptK-n. FIi:iy V 5asoii. of AT- oany orejron, have liet-n appointed easqarprf" his vallile. thunr.a retf. i bottehrne for .?2.c FOR SALE BY ALBANY OREGON nnsrii!? or roaring in tre cars, mere or Jiets impairment ot the heariiiL', lsso te-ii.eii. uieiini mil .lilt it tiu.i:n:e ti dizziness of the head, dryness or heit 01 nose? Kavc you lost all sense of smell? Have vou a h.ukinsr couL'h? Have vou ffKr;--.-!:' Ts vor.r breath foui? Ik so vnr iiavx ti!k Catarrh. Some have al these symptoms, others only a part. (The leading symptom of ordinary ea itai rh is increased secretion of mucus of vollr.u.- nr nrr..nii prj.rwifi nlHtt-r i rom Dream is eauseii uy mt iieeom iposmg secretions exuded from icstenni 'juicers far Sack in the head : ometimes osliay Mason, C ATAHHH i eaten awav and the bones themselves L JSGSSST TuZ mptoms do fnct Otlf.j , tut'trv Calipobm teiieve aooa ttortutb by Wbany, Oregon Pitcher's Castoria, MASON M CASH i ITuds r the now management of A fuil line ol choice f-roviMori , family' grocer es- am ' Cannea i-nneiapples,! GhoicB TaWB Delicacies Ornamented cakes for Wedftrnas and Parlies Salmon bellies, mackerel and salt f (A a. kinds. FEESH BAKED BREAD JtCverv I)av. Best Stud. Pies. Cakes. TEAS and COFFE ilies Nuts, iiaisios. CANNEDt.oODS, ETC. -jne best Eoap in the market- Le Roi Savon. A fine assortment of aomestic and Imported Cigars i- At John fox's okl stan I. lew brick. low Fi nn s T. J. OVERMAN AGENT FOK THE '1 it"Ha8 on hand a line of new and second andwheels. Send for Catal HAVING SOLD AN INTEREST IN MY harness tiusiness to 1 . J . Overman, 1 am desirous of collecting all my outstanding notes and accounts. All persons knowinir themselves indebted to me will please call and settle The business will be continued as usual at tbe same please. E. L THOMPSON. Albany, reu. LIVE- 1? -IN A- Live Twfo. This is wh-it Albmiy is at present, ana in order to keep pace with the .ively tiim s in this city, they have enlarged their store and stock so that they now have the most complete and desirable line of furniture in the valley. Their double salesrooms in Fro- man's block are tilled with an elegant assortment of new furniture, consist mg of lounges in new patterns, tine gold picture frames, willow cliairs, easy rockers, marble tables, brackets, etc., etc. An examination of the stock will show this to be true m every re spect. of Oregon J5FEUGEXE CITYJ Next ssion begins on Mon.iai , the 17th ol September, Free scholarships iro'.n every county in the s'atc. Apply to our cumrv sii:eriritendent. Four cou-ses: Cla-si. ai. Scii-rltificLitcrary :d a 9hort English coii'e i:i which therf is l.o Latin, Greek. French or :trmnr.. The 1 nirlish is pre-einin-ntly a Fn-i:iess Course. Fcr catilOiues or itlier information, a'Mn'ss W. JOHNSON, l'resiiiciit. Albanv Bakery Parker Bras. leading mm. WOODN WUL&BD ureDealers orii mm. . J, Absolutely Pure. This powaer never vanes. A marvel rt piirity,strent,rth and wholesonieness. iOVlore economical than the ordinary t i inds. and cannot be sold in competi- T iion witb multitude of low test.ishort reiel!t alum or phosphate powders bold only in eins, Koiai. Jjakin ow &5R Co., IOTi Wall st. N. Y. ATT B J El S. T R. N. BLACKBUIN. ATTORNEY AT U. Law, Albany, Oteiron.- Office in Odd bellow's Temple. A'ill practice in all courts of the state, and ive special attention to all business. IITOLVERTON CHARGES E. ATT0KNEY if at Law, Albany, Or .Office in rooms 13 and 14,. Foster's Block, over L. E. Blain's stor . rt'EATHOKFORH. ATTORNEY 'AT law, Albanv, iOrecon. Office in 'Odd Fellow's Temple. Will piactice in all. the court cf thestate, and girespecial attention to ail nusiness rilYSIMA. G, W. MASTON, PHYSICIAN AND SUS ireon, Albany, Oregon. ELLIS, PHYSICIAN AND SCUr geon, Albat.y, Oregon. C. C. KELLY, PHYSICIAN AND SVll Kton Albar-v, Oregon, office over Grad- wohl's store. Office hours, from 8 a. m. to 4 p. M. EEVEBE HOUSE, ALBANY, OR.-CHAS. , Pfeiffer, Prop. Only lirst-eclass house in tbe city. Lare sample rooms for com mercial men. No Chinamen employed in the kitchen. General stace office ior Corvallis. 1 TP? M PM''OY, M. D.HM'T'CrA iflic lH.S!eian, office id residence comer of First a-V Biker streets, Albany, Or. Chronic di.-en...- -necialty. Consultation free. Of k. ... v,,X yi ro i a. ! and to 5 p. y.. oKEWAY, VETERINARY Sl'R. I -eoi :on, jaev, iirei'on.- -l.ra:ua:e ot man and Aineri'im co"Ieies. M'AMSTKR jC Wl.OliWABIl, IHlMKorATHIC i IIV-sii-iiins aii ! snrL,ooii, obstetries treat ment of chronic di.-eaf-es of women and children a spevinHy. Aii calls!y at tended tii da r niht. Ollice in the Flimi b'cc!;. HEWER 1', l'l , and jettvlc 11 ACTICAL WATC1IMA KE r, Albany, Orcirim, Magnolia Flour. I1HR BEST MAGNOLIA FLOUR DF.LIV X. ered to anv part of the citv, for 1.10 per sack. " JOHN A CRAWFORD. nlSudtf Land Surveying. PAKTIKS BKSIRISO sf RVKVIXO DOXK CAX OB. tain accurate and prompt work by calling upon ex-county surviyoi r. T. T. Fisher. lie has complete copies of lield notes and town ship plats, and is prepared to do surveying in any part of Linn county. Postotfice address, Millers station, Linn cojiuty. Oreijon. Portrait Photographer jSjfStudio corner of Second and Ferry PALACE MEAT MARKET Tames V. PiPE.Prop. First Street .... AibaB; The best variety ot choice beef.veal.mutton. pork sausage, etcin(th city keptlconstantiy an band. ' Cash paid for all kind otk.Tfcl OF AlaBAFY. OREGON. president, iL. Plinn." VICE-PRESIDENT 'S. E. YOl g, cashier. fjJJ.Ch8 lain, TRANSACrS A CfcNERAL. VNKING BUSINESS. Accounts ke subject to check. Si?ht Exchfge and "lelegniphic Transter sola on M York, Chicago, San Francisco and Porthd,Orcgon. Collection!' made on favorable terns. S. E. Yod j . L. Flikh L. E. BLA1S ' . E. 'IVRRELL GBO. E. CHAHBKRLAIK. . Smke Estrellas.' SUCCESSORS TO !"ENRY SUSENSJ Ilunse and Carriage Painler, Deco ratr and Paper Hungers- Piano virnishing a specialty. All work oromptlv attended to. Countrv work solicited. WANTED. Wo will pisv 40 rents per roll for lioiooe rhip, butter. Thompson .t Wa.teks. Fresh buttdr at Kenton's. GENERAL IN'EWS. iU The Murderer of Deputy Sheriff Chernngton Hanged. ;.I(VeO CRIMINAL IS FOl.M). e Ifidian. -Piectioos in TeuneEsts at Saratoga Fatal Ezplo- Gen. Sheridan's Coadition ' Sreeial Dispatches. WiHP fhio) - Aug. ; 3. elm ky Morgan was executed nere this liiorning. "When the warden read tlTe death warrant, Morgan, who was dressed in a neat suit of black and wore a bouquet of roses in his buttonhole, grew restive. Several lumps swelled up in his throat during the reading, but he was perfect lv self-possessed. Ihe warden asked him if he had any thing to say. He replied "No," and then stepped on the trap. Just before the cap was pulled over his eyes Deputy Chernngton asked him it he wanted ins glasses taken off. "So," he said. The cap wa6 then pulled over his head and he sanir out in a clear musical voice 'Good-bve. Nellie." When the trap was sprunsr he fell seven feet The straps came off his arms and he began trying to pull the rope off his neck. The physicians grabbed his hands and held them down until he died of strangulation. AM LU Ot'FENUCK. A Nottd Criminal Likrly I Caaght in Sua Faaclsc, be Chicago, Aug. 3. United states detectives left this city for San Francisco Sunday for the pur pose of arresting William Rains alias Raymond alis Colby, a Bap tist minister, spiritualist, gambler and tram robber, tor whom they have been searching since 187 THE HttSTfLK I.DI.4S Tliey Fire Iulo Ihe I . S. Troops patch froai ten. Miles. Washington, Aug. o. The fol Jowinjr telegram was received at the war department this morning '"Gen. Miles telegraphs from Fort Grant as follows : At Fort Thomas twenty-two Indians fired into the porters' and camp guard tens at Iovier s old camn last evening about sundown. The pokliers and purtere -reached this post about half-past two. It is supjiosed the six or seven Indians are about to join the renegades. Have sent B troop to investigate." The dis patch was signed by the major of the tenth regiment. 4. i:I.ClVL SHKKSBAN. i!aiv He pruils His Time at Mou Hiill -His Health. AEW 1 iliDFOKD, AllgllSt.j. 1 llCVC is a rumor at iNonquitt ot sonic cliange in General Sheridan's con dition. He seems to have reached a stage in his convalesc -nee where no change can be perceived in for- tv-eigtit hours, or even twice that period. As far as can be learned slight improvement was made dur ing the first eighteen days at Non- quitt, and since then there has been hardly any perceptible change. He reads proofs of his book and sees his children in the evening. 1 hat there is am' special reason for this rumor is denied. BOLD DAH roit LIBEKTV. PriMer I eaps f rou the Brook. Ivn Bridge and Escapes. Kew York, Aug. 3. This morn-1 ing a criminal, whose name is un know, escaped the police and jumped from the center span of the Brooklyn bridge, r riends in town picked him up and spirited him away, ihe man is a coachmen named Matthew Byrne, and was badly hurt. i Tennegftee Election. Nashvillk, Aug. 3. The returns indicate that East Tennessee has gone republican by the usual ma jority. A democratic majority is reported in middle and west Ten nessee. Saratoga Race. Saratoga, N. Y., Aug. 3. In the double scull championship race of three miles between Teemer and Hamin and Gaudaur and McKay for $2500, was won by Gaudaur and McKay in 19 :56. ;iniportant. Very. Boston, Aug. 3. At a meeting of the directors of the San Diego Laud and Town Company this morning Benjamin Kimball was elected president. Fatal Explosion. London, Aug. 1. A terrible ex plosion occurred in Fire Works Factory at Wandsworth to-day. Several women were killed. A Heavy Failure. Chillicothe, Ohio, August 3. Moretleld & Co., Millers, have failed. Preferred creditors claim $110,000. Willins to be foaxed. "Ah! here is something interes ting,'' said a youDg man to Ins Lett girl as thev rode up Lake street the other atrfrnoon, and he read: "A series of experiments upon ""o;s p'ovei a ::Ji!fT' oiifu o ice cream would suspend digestive process 'or two hours."' Isn"tthat a startling statement?" he asked, lighting up Lis countenance. "Very," she replied coyly; "but just listeu to this,"' and she read. Do not overwork your stomach. It should have a rest as well as the balance of the human system, and the digestive functions should be entirely suspended tor at least six hours a day!' And Geerge, dear, what more delichttul way te sus pend tbe digestive functions than by eating ice cream ; I would try he experiment now if if I was coaxed."' He ranir the bell, they got off and be eeaeAJttaw-- , S BK1T1U UtILU tuu CLF.YELAftD. En: ;lish JIanufacturers Have t'n tiikuted $2,M,60. Xew York Special to '.bicago Tribune. Kuniors are currant that British gold has been subscribed in large sums to help re-elect Cleveland. It is the beiiet of many who are well posted that the democrats will virt ually bavc barrels of money sent over from England within the next few weeks to scatter throughout the countiy in the interest of the freetraders. A gentleman who ar rived from England recently de clared that he never saw EDgiis men so interested ia American politics before, and nearly all were anxious to see president Cleveland re-elected, because he represented the British idea of free trade. He heard, and fully believed, that English manufacturers had already subscribed nearly $2,000,000 to wards the democratic campaign fund. Thousands of Cleveland badges and buttons, he asserted. had been manufactured there and sent to this country to be distribut ed free.. The Cobden club, in London, was bestirring itself and doing ail i could to assist President Clevelaud financially and otherwise Secretary Passett ot the republican national executive committee was to-day asked if he had heard any thing about British gold being sent to this count y to help the demo crats. He said he had heard a great deal about it, and rather thought that where so much :-moke prevailed there certainly ought to be some fire. The Cobden club of London, averred, ws, according to uirtci accounts, uoing yeoman s service tor the derc.ocraic cause h the v.- cJ sending - over badges and buttons. It is believed that the fund reported to have been subscribed oy the British has ieaci?eu tins country ami is now at ;iie disposal of the democratic national committee, with and by the advice of President Clevelauc. M'SK.XTXFiC CJREAMS. toil fan Have Eforrors r Knjoy as Vou LiUc. Enffalo Courier.? "All, ii our dreams only cajne true!" sighed tne young man, that boards on South Division street. 1 nud that I can control my vision to a certain extent by dieting, "Last night I dieanied that I call ed on a lord. For instance, if I wish to enjoy a calm night, with dreams of pleasant character. I eat toast or bread and milk just before retiring. If I wish to have a little excitement, quarreling, dis puting or a attie active exercise, I cat squash pie. I have found from experience and observation that squasn pie acts strongly on tne posterior part ot the brain, where lie the bumps of combativenees and acquisitiveness. I have anown times when the consump tion of two pieces of squash nie has led me to slay a man for his monev within fifteen minutes after going to bed. To make my brain a chamber ot horrors, however, I sit down an hour before bed time and eat three sardines, six olives, a little Rocb efort cheese and crackers, washing the whole down with a bottle of Bass. Before morning I change single-banded with my razor on herds of wild horses and jump from suudry steeples. Oh.yes, it is pos sible to control one's dreams, and when we understand psychology aright we can lie down and map out our dreams, as we now map out a dav's work." Helping the Bight Side. To help the right side is not only commendable in a general point of view, but is judicious and prudent when that help is enlisted in behalf of the right side of the bod-, just over the lower ribs in the region of the liver. The most efficient help is af forded by Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, an anti-billious medicine of incompar able efficacy. Inaction of the liver is accompanied by constipation, sick headache, furred tongue, nausea, occasional vertigo, an unpleasant hreath, yellowness of the skin ant! ball ot the eye. The author of these symptoms, liver complaint, routed by the Bitters is accompanied by them in its flight. Fever and ague, which al ways involves the liver, dyspepsia, rhenmaibin' debility and kidney troubles arc all ma'ailies to the early relief ani final cure of which this standard medkine is adapted. Pon't use it bv fits and starts, but system aticallv, that its eflec ma r -esult in a perfect restoi atiou of health. The brick work on Foshav & Mason and Tweedale & Honk in new building is completed. Work on the trahan block is being pushed by the contractor, Zlc'ji : W. C. Cassell. with a smile Is HKS. LAXttTbV MAUUiKD. ke Occupies a Houe viii (.'ebbnrdt antl Her S3.Jh'r. New York Corr. Chicago Herald. Mrs. Langlry has .i.e to house keeping in a viiia at Long Branch in a manner to cre.urf the belief that she and Frc.Idro Gebhardt are already married." ItVis currently reported at the great "Jersey resort tbat a quiet ceremony lollowed a quiet divorce in June. -. Neither the DUl UUJ lll. IUI11UIU TTJkl nijswer' a Question ort-lb subject. " They went to Long' Branch 'about JulT4th, and took rooms at ti e West End Hotel for a weeX, Xew bey are domicil d i:i the former residence of George W. Brorn, au ex Mayor f Lon Brauch. Geb hardt's runks went there in the same load with the Liiy"s,his horses and 'carriages" were put into the barn, and he is a comp'etely home like dweller. So are Mrs. Lang try's mother and two Nieces, who lately came from iiugiana. A cor roboration of the wedlock theory is tound in this assemo age of Mrs. Langtry's relatives under the is&me roof with Gebhardt. But nobody else knows for a certainty. The positive announcement of a marri age in September wa3 recently made by ex-Judge Buford and two other members of the Union Club as having been made in Mrs. Lang try's presence at a dinner party and assented to by her. Subsequently she said that a news article in whicbthat story was told in con nection witb an account cf her Cal ifornia purchases of property was ''packed "with lies." Sober curious neighbors at the seashore can only j;uess t her while thev stare. A SPAXiH KOHA&IE. Love Slory in ft Lirh Is Figured. a liostonistji W . E. Curtis' "Capitals of Spanish America' Here is a curias story of the tryaDt Guzman Blanco, uncrowned King of Venezuela: "Guzman when he was President, had a nephew of whom he was very foul and who was made by him Com mander in Chief ot the Venezuelan army. He was engaged to an American girl whose parents lived in Caracas then, but now in Bos ton. For some reason the gin's father and the Prccide'-it had a vio lent quarrel, and the former was notified that it would be td his welfare to leave the country. Ia these SpnDish American countries a man who values his life never awaits a stcoud invitation of thU sort, and the Bostr.ii gentleman, with iiis fi'iuiSy took the next steamer. They were accompanied to La Giiayia by the young Gen era!, who made no sten t of bis sympathy with the father of his fiancee, and expressed his views of the President's tvrunnv in a verv emphatic manner. Guzman senc for the young man, and advised. him to hold his tonjue and let the girl go. The passionate lover sravts his uncle some very piain words. which ended in his being offered a choice between his commission in the army and his Koith American sweetheart. He broke the sword over his knee, threw the severed biade at Guzmans feet, and tore off his epaulettes. That night ail the statues of Guzman fell down. It was discovered that the bronze bad been sawed where the feet met tbe pedesta!s,and a rope used to tumble them oer. Of couise the vounir general was suspected, and he fol lowed bis gin to Bost'n to escape bis uncle's wrath. The romance ended in a marriage, as all eood love stories do, and after residing in Boston the couple returned to Caracas, where they now live she one of the most attractive and ac complished ladies in tbe city, and be an exporter of coffee and choco late." A MOXEl'MAKIltG sf HEME. A Shrewed- Irishman Who Mad Bis shanty Pay Itlrldends. All the bonanzas are not out West. This is illustrated in a story that comes from Boston. In the laying of Franklin Park, iu that city, a great many houses had, oi course, to ie removed to make room for improvements, and thev were eold to the higest bidder. One of these was secured by a shrewd son of the Emerald Isle, who immediately bought a piece of land in a desirable locality on which to remove his purchase. When the neighbors heard of his plan they became alarmed, and im mediately took measures to Drevent it fronv beinT carried out'. K" They bought the Sand of him at an advanced price, and he obtain ed another in an equally high toned neighborhood. Here he was again given something handsome to relinquish his real estate, and it is -aid that he kept the house on loiiersfor a year,making money all the time by selling the sightly spots on which he proposed to put hisx dilapidated shanty. Unlike Dickens' Poor Joe. this individual became prosperous by on." "moving A e'ean towel for everv t Yiereck's, a (I M is o