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About Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1888)
..5 Kit 1 t .r GENTS A WEEK. ALBANY. OREGON" THURSDAY MORN m. AUGUST 188 VOL. Ill JSrO. m Julius Joseph Manufacturer of Choice Cigar -AND DEALER IN- FINE IMPORTED C sari, Plug-and Smoking Tobacco, Medx-natim and Briar Fipes, and; full line if Smokers' Article. Alio dealer in CALIFORNIA AND TROPICAL ? FRUITS. Next doer In Hi: !'!!:. -ti t V K h.m's TJeal Estate'' mh-r. A'.bar.v The Red TWEEDA cfc HOPKIXS. lardware Stoves, Ranges, Tinware, Copperware. runip. iron pipe, ruotior hose ana plumbing roods. Sole asrents for the lebr.ucd "Eirlv Breakfast" cook stores and ranges, and "Faultless" parlor .- ah s.. "heating stoves. Albany, Oregon Gahiornia, ; I I - 1 ' 7m. ULB. m I I (9 bras Aspf.jCotJGHS, ana Y'SSESTHPvOAU Seric, jor jurtcHleJ for fl . s - I II 9,g - . AmLflNL fAL tlAffc ut' A CUI in :!. iiti-.a wincii aou . not. get better? Have yon an exeeivt Mttretinn n( hjikus or matter i:i tht l.asi! easNits which either must t t i:lon from the nose or iin; iat k iiehind the i-air.t-., or h-ikeil or simffeit harkAard to the throat : Are von f r..ii:i','.! 'iv -. i:iiw ve.-.k ui.l it, flamed eve;-'. fre;ment soreness of the throat. rJL. "r i .iiS ill ' ( KA A C theONLY- (JuaNteed CURE TOR V in n,, .In ,. r mu 1 1 . CATARRH V M OROVILLECAL corroding sores rt-ve the corruption within. - As every b:eath dmri into the hmps nii;st jass over and become polluted by the reliev tjion? in the nasal i a.-si).t?, it must necessarily follow that joisoiiinj.' of the whole seere gradually takis while tht n:c.ibi.: n atter th.Uis swallrtd duritjr tr e sleep stem ijito the sti,ma,h, enfeebles diiestion, and often produceB dyspepfia, arc r aliytftreatai'scs :Sy, nervousness and consumption. i DO NOT PROCRASTINATE. ' If you have experienced any of the abovesymptoms do not delay, but fry Californi ,'at-R-Ci:re at once. We positively uaraut cesr a few applications relieve and a thorough tteattcen: to cure. S;x months treatment for il.OO; sent )y mail (: anta Abie and ut-U-t'nre. For Sale bv FOSHAY tMli BANKRUPT SALE! -Of General m mum $4,000 dlM AWAY ! f a profits will bcjprivcrj :o i-uttomfrsbetwcer":Lis dateandjlacuaryl, 1(89. the store of WM. S I M PsO N . Who ii sfliinir m- immense l-ankruplstock of jeticral merchandise ;it cost. Call and see the ;r!' -ds on his 5, H, 15, "io '25 and cent counters. Hi- -:oi e is kead(ii:irfers for barsraius. .ij'iIig:iei-iMarKt't jrite in cush or goods paid for country produce. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorfa. k htot Ulilt (Successor to E. W. Lang-don -BE ALEE IX- Drags, Faints, Oils. Peffuniery and toilet article.-, also a full line of hooks and stationery, periodicals, etc. lrf" Prescriptions carefuih compounded !H ODD FELLOW'S TEMPLE, .Albany Ok-coil Front u KEY LOI C RUIMAN Ui LJ. JJUilVllliJ lie Land ot Discoveries EUREKA The motto California ' niear.s "I have found it." Onlv in that land of (sunshine, where ttiie oninir emo jaiid jrrape nioom ana ripen a attaip jtheir hLhest perfeeti. n in mid-winter. re the herbs and ;ruin found thai are 'used in that pleasant lerociv for all hroat ami Iusil' troubles. Santa Abik ft he rule oi 'eoimlis, astntnu, and ..on- sumptkii. I-t-iii! A TEason. of Ai- 'Kinv Orectn, have been appointed cacsiuit itf his valhle California rer iiy, ami sell it under a ini.'ir.iii'i e at il i hottehree tor .! r-. FOR SALE BY MY J LUANY OREGON 'niidiiii; or in the ears, more or less impairment ot the hearir.i:, lo.s o 'smell, memory impaired, dullness (r .'dizziness of the head, dryness or heat of jnose: Have voti lest all sense of smeln Have you a hacking couirh? Have you ilvspi ;ia': Is or.r breath foul? Ik so vol' have hik Catarrh. Some have al these sviiptoms. others only a part. The leading symptom of ordinary ea 'tarrh is increaseil secretion of mucus of yellow or trreenish colored matter. Foul breath is caused by the decorc posinj: secretions exuded from festering ulcers far back in the head; ometimes the membrane covering the bones is eaten away and the bones themselves irradually decay. Such caes ar in deed objects of pity, as stench from & MASON. Albany. Oregon 2srch&clise - D I Mason, CIS Tue Albauv Bakery ! I'uder the new management ot- aiir Bros. -WHO KEEP- A fiiil line of choice family' grocer es and r-rov'sioii Cannea Jr-'irieiapples. OMee Table Delicacies Ornsmented cakes for Wc'tlu rtias md Jfii fic!. million bellies, u acktrel and s:iit flsl: of all kimis. FRESH BAKED BREAD Jbfivcrv XJ)av. i-UlV V I'! 1 1 1 I nV I i ,m i " i 1 1 1 1 i ii i n n f II lV,kt VUX1VU TEAS and COFFE 'Jandies Nuts, Raisins c.:xr. ,"0r-5 etc. -ir.e best Soap in the market- Le Roi Savon. 4 fine assortment of domestic and Imported Cigars 5TAt John Fox s old s'an !. low Kl mi s new brick. "Has on hand a line of new and second andwhetls. .Send tor Catal HAVING SOLD AN IXTEKLST IN .MV harness business to 1. J. Overman, I am desirous of collecting all my outstanding notes and accounts. All persons knowing themselves indebted to me will please call ami settle The business will be continued as usual at the same please. E. L THOMPSON. Albany, Fet. 22. !' IT LIVE- -IN A- Live T&wfn. This is what Alliany is at present, and in order to keep pace with the lively times in this city, tliey have enlarged their store and' stock so that they now have the mjst complete and desirable line of furniture in the valley. Their double salesrooms in Fro niun block are tilled with an elegant assortment of new furniture, consist ing of kum.'es in -new patterns, line iruld picture frames, willow chairs easy rockers, marble tables, brackets' etc., etc. An examioation of the stock will .-how this to be true in every re spect. of Oregon ! EUGENE CITYI 1 Next s. ; Siptembt ! r r. e so: SIOII i-ins on Monday, the 17;h of i.ips frr.sii every county m the ) your (-.imty sincriiiteiideiu. : ai. Scicn'iflc.L iterarv ur-e in aKut: there .r l.eitnan. Tne ::.'!!ent'ya i;:;-:;,e.-s e'eur.-e. r thcr !:f..nt!:.ti'.!., .!'! W. JcllNiuN, l-res;ue::;. stat. A ;.p'v ; Four r.,.d a sho ; o i.a-i . K -i.-h .s fo: cut r Km: iree ces H' rr 1 I II" T. J. OVERMAN ACiKNT FOR TIIK LEADING BICYCLES. Ipfe- Safeties.' wooDiN & mm ureDealers 0M Absolytelv Pure. This powder never vanes. A marvel of purity.strenirth and wholesomcness. More economical than the ordinary ki!;us. and ea:irot be s,iid in eeinieti iion with multitude of iow testshort weight iiiuin vi phavjiliate powilers. SoM only in c-nis. Rot.vj. B.vkin 'ow- DEU Co V::i: St.. K. Y. nil. N. r.LACKi;1, l;X. ATl'niiM-V AT w . Lav.-, Albany. On-.f . - urtiee in odd b: -1 low's Temple. -Vill j.iaitiec in all eourts ,: the state, an-! -.i-e spec: d a'tenlion to all illislilt-ss. liroLYEHTON CHAhLHSK. AiTOl'NKV 1 at Law, Albany, r. O-tiet- in rooms l:j r.inl 14,: I'oster's Block, O'er L. K. Blaiii's stor . T K. WKATlKiKi-OUH, ATToKNEY l.T ' . iaw, Albany, ;uivon urti -e in 'Odd ?'eIlow's Temple. W1H ptntlee in aH the courts of thestate, and .ivespecial attention to all business risissi iais. V. HASli N, I'll YSM IAN A VT, fri'on, Albany, (in von. M) M b M. II. Ei.i.!, I'll'.MUAN AM) SlTtr L't-o-t. Alba' y, ui-t Lroii. f C. Ki l.l Y, IT:YSK'1N ANIfl'K jm eon Alba: y. 'rei;oii, over t -..;- wohl's store. i:!:ce hours, ' rom S a. M. to -1 I-. v. HEVEKK IK'l'SE, ALBANY. OR.-CHAS. LV I'teifT. r, Prop. Only ( . :t-c lass house in the city L :r sanifit r irons for ;r:u. .lereau n i l:. No Chiii.t-?.n empb.yed in the Ceiaral staire office for Corvallis. MIIS M.E. McCOY.M.O.HOJKEOPAifllC p'nysici.i':. ..H'-e and residence corner ot First ami Bauer streets, A'bany, (. t'hroi.ic disease? a spei-ia'ty. t'oiKultation free. Of f!,.,. V,r.r- 1.1 TO j-'A. M i.Mll to fi M. j) u. ii ivui.i i.WAV, L! EBINAISY Si i:. ;vi)ii, A'.b-.r.v. n--.'oi;. -tirr.duate of tk-.J ' ami'i :: 'Oaei.'e--. M'AI.!sr.K VO.O:'WAitr, H.'!V.orATIItC niv rian aai! surucoi.s, onstetrics mci.t of ihr. .i;ic di.-ea-.-s f wcnien and cbildr.-o a sp. ii'.;;. . All's prcn.ptiy at ti tided to day ..r uiL'nt. . M. e in the i'linn biock. H. EWLK!', i'llACTICAL Vi'ATCIIMAlvE and Albany, Oregon, Magnolia I lour. M1HE I'.ES! MAGNOLIA FLOUR PELIY X ere-d to anv nart of the eitv, f..r il.10 per sack. " ' JOHN A C1IAWFOKH. nli-uiif l.antl Snrvejin". PARTIKS M slRINli SI KVKVINU I'f NK CAN Ol:. tain accurate and prompt work by calling upon e-county survevoi t, r. T. Fisher. He has complete copies of Held notes and town ship plats, and is picpand to do survevinir i:i any part of Linn county. Postotike address, Millers Station, Linn county. Oregon. For Sale. AJT-.MP SEAT I.l'OCY, Sl ITABLE FOB one or two hrrses. Hiis bnjriry is as irooel as new. 1n exceptional oppoitmiity for a bargain. For cash down or on time or or sheep. Call scon 1. M. JONES, Albany, Oregon. Portrait ZjjC rnuiuyrufjritr JST'iJtudio corner of Second and Ferry PALACE MEAT MARKET Tames V. PiPE.Prop. First Street - - . - - Albany The best variety of choice beef.veal.mutton, pork iausage, tie,,in.the city kept.constantly an hand. 3T Cash paid for all kind ock."S3i OF ALBANY. OREGON. PRESIDENT, VICE-PRESIDENT L. FMnn " S. E. Young, cashier o.iiiAhamoeiTain, a TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING . Bl'SiSESfc. Accounts kept subject to check. SiL-ht Exchange an.1 Telegraphic Transfer sold on New York, Chicago, San Francisco and Portland, Oregon. Collections made on favorable terms. S.E. You I. T-iivv L. E. Bl.AlS W. E. J'lRKELL GEO. E. ClIA!BERI..M.N Smoke Estrcllas. SUCCESSORS TO HENRY SUSEXs House nl ':irri:iu' Painters, leeo raturs aitii Taper Hangers- j Piano varnishing A specialty. .i!t v.'crJc promptly a-.wiawi to. Cuunirv work solicited. Geo.Vassa GENERAL NEWS. A Murderer Taken from the Jail and Hanged by a Mob. " " Fcrical OpeD; ig of the Australian Centen nial Exhibition A Steamship Lost The Crew Eescuel. - ----'- .. j " The Hfrai.d's Special Dispatches. Cakitiagk, (Tenn.), Aug. 1. Last night riity armed men visited the jail here and took out O. II. Handly, who, on September 17th last, killed J. B. Waruian, a dep uty s'neiilf. Handly was to have heen tried to-day. The sheriff re fusing to pive up the keys, the mob with axes and crowbars broke into Ilandly's cell. The murderer was carried across the river and handed to a tree in sisbt of the jail." covM"Jn it i'Ki!iti;iiiuisrs. First lleelins !' the .iitc t'onveti liuu -A t'iery Sjicecli. II.mukoko, Aug. 1. The state prohibition convention held ils. first session to-day. Rev. C. K. j Hurt hup was elected chairman. I In his address he said he was con-! fident that the prohibitory amend ment in Khode Island 'would never be enforced. It was of no use to attempt a reform of this' kun! through eitner ot the old parties. The . prohibition party lias n.w taken its position on solid ground and will name no com promise, lie was heartily ap plauded. IV HOT UATtlt. List of :im s of li-i-limm l'r wai'deti to the I'ope. lii in.ix, Aug. 1. The names of the live persons who urged the tenants on the Vandeleur estate to resist eviction have been forwarded t(. the pope by the clerical author ities. They also sent a report to the pope of the case oi Father McKenna, of Kihrsh. who on July 17th openly and before other priests magistrates informed the colturn that ordy solvent tenants would be allowed to ioin tho plan of the campaign on the j andeleur estate. The Czar's Farrweil Andicnrr. rr. I'KTKKSBrKf;, Aug. 1. The czar lias given his farewell audi ence to Air. Lathrop, who has just resigned the American mission to Russia. Steal hs frum F.xco.! ve Heat. Kansas City, Aug. 1. Seven deaths have .Turred in this city in tiie past i 4 h in s as a re-ult of to.' excessive t'eai. The lemper ature was 17. Steamship Lost. London, Aug. 1. Advi vs from Corea report the loss of the Ger- j man steamer l 'eutsciiland. ine crew was rescued. Ansl i-nlsaa t eutenuial tlpened. Melboi"!:xe, Aug. 1. The cen tennial exhibition here has been formally opened. OI T !F TIJF. ti I I L. i Krscae f the Man Who Has Bnriril Alive in Nebraska Omaha, July 28. John Ander son, who has been imprisoned in a well at Johnston, Neb., was rescued this morning, afier several davs of. J unceasing labor by bis neighbors. Anderson showed the effects of his unfortunate accident, but did not look so emaciated as was ex pected, cio intense has been the excitement and sympathy for the unfortunate man that business of all kinds has been suspended for the past few days, farmers and merchants'like going to the scene and rendering assistance. The re lease was effected by lowering a box 18 inches long and 10x12 inches square, into which Ander son crawled and was raised by means of a rope. He is in the care of a physicians, who have hopes of his complete recovery. Boutin of a Nastodvn. New York Sun. The bones of another mastodon have just been unearthed in Nebraska. Only fifteen years ago scientific men were suggesting that the famous elephant mound of Wisconsin was good evidence that the mastodon and the mound builders were contemporaries. It was discovered "later that tl e animal's trunk was merely a sand hill piled uo by the wind, and the mound no longer figures in books as hiving anything to do with elephants. It has been left to American arclneology, however, to prove that man is at least as old as the mastodon, for in this country alone have the remains of mas todons been found that are incon testably more recent than those of man. One mastodon unearthed in Missour was undoubtedly killed by primitive hunters, ami some of the weapons used were found among the bones of the victim. A Living Barometer. Frankfort. Pa., has what might be called a living barometer in the shape of a live tree hog. The little fellow dwells in a glass jar, two-thirds liiied with water, that stands on a shelf in the bar of a hotel, ir.side the iar is a little ladder cf ingenious construction When the weather is dry and fair the little fellow crawls up the ladder and gazes pensively at the barroom loungers, but when his intuitive powers tell' him that a rainstorm is coining he dives to the -bottom of the jar, and stays there till the sun shines again. His movements are made twenty four hours in advance of the change in the weather, and he is consid ered an unerring barometer. JU.N'TS FOR Vt,; HOrsEWlYKS. t Glycei ine does not agree with a dry skin. When yon give your cellar its cleaning, add a little copperas water and .salt to the whitewash. A little ammonia and borax in the water w hen washing blankets keeps them soft and prevents shrinkage. Sprinkling salt on the top and at the bottom of garden walls is said to keep snails from climbing up or down. For relief from heartburn or dys pepsia drink a little cold water in which has been dissolved a tea spoonful of salt. For hoarseness, beat a fresh egg and thicken it with Ine white sugar. Fat of it freely and the hoarseness will soon be relieved. If quilts are folded or rolled tight ly after washing, then beaten with a rolling pin or potato masher, it lightens up the cotton and makes them seem soft and new. Chemists say that it takes more than twice us much sugar to sweeten preserves, sauce etc., if put in when they begin to cook as it does to sweete.n after tile fruit is cooked. Tar may be removed from the hands by rubbing with the outside of fresh orange or lemon peeling and drying immediately. The volatile oils dissolve the tar so that it can be rubbed off. Moths or any Summer flying insects may be enticed to destruc tion by a bright tin pan half filler with kerosene, set in a dark corner of the room. Attracted by the bright pan. the moth will meet his death in the kerosene. It may re worth knowing that w ater in which three or four onions have been boiled, applied with a gilding brush t0 the frames of pictures and chimney glasses, will prevent flies from lighting on them and will not injure the frames. Ingrain carpets, worn beyond re pair, should be cut in lengthwise strips and woven the same as a rag carpet. It is unneccessary to sew the ingrain cuttings, weavers generally preferring to overlap the strips as they weave. Mats and carpets assume quite a Persian look when made in this way, and are durable. HE.ll II :it Eri'ORT, Summary of Meteorology tor July IS-. From observations take i at Albauv Linn County, Oregon, by John Briggs vol. observer for the igual Service U. S. Army. Highest Barometor on the 14th 30. U. Lowest Barometer on "the 30th 29. CI. Mean Barometer for the month 29. S3. Highest daily average of Barom eter 30.11. Lowest daily average of Barometer 29.06. Highest Temperature on the 17th 96, Lowest Temperature on the 26th 40. Mean for the month 65.S0. Highest daily range of Thermome ter on the 17th 39. Lowest t-aily ringe of Thermome ter on the 12th S. Mean Temperature at 7 a. m. daily 59. 32. Mean Temperature at 2 p. u. daily 77. 35. Mean Temperature at 9 p. m. daily 63. 22. Prevailing direction of wind North. Velocity or Force 3. Total rainfall or melted snow 0.83. Depth of snow at end of month 0. Number of days on which .01 or more rain fell 3. . Numher of days of cloudiness average S scale of 10 4. Of 91 observations 63 are clear, 15 cloudy, 5 fair, 1 foggy, 2 rain, 0 hazy 5 overcast. Frosts on the mornings of 0 Temperature minus 0.27 on average often years. Rainfall plas 0.25. Two Ways, ( boose W hich! There are two ways of doing what Nature sometimes does incompletely namely, to relieve the howels. One is to shallow a drastic purgative which evacuates profusely, abruptly and with pain, the other is to take llostetter's Stomach Bitters, the effect of which is not violent, but sufficiently thorough, and which does not grip the intestines. If the tirst is selected, the person em plojiny it. need not expect perman ent benefit, and he cannot hope to es cape the debilitating reaction which leaves the organ as bad or worse off than before. Ii. on the other hand he resorts to the Bitters, he citi rely upon the restoration of a regular habit of body, cuiis'-quont upon a re newal of a healthful tone in the intes tinal canal. Besides healthfully re laxing the bowels, the Bitter-- arouses a dormant liver, impart a beneficial impetus tn the action of the kidneys, and counteracts the early twin ires" of rheumatism, a tciidctr.-y to gout, and malaria in all its form-!." Honesty is ihe b-st policy. Next tu ii i- an aecbier.i poacv m the Travelers. Some lntre.tiii Fads Tor Immi grants and others. Oregon contains an area of 96,000 square miles. Oregon is the richest in natural resources of any stite in theyUnioD, f . Oregon produces the finest grain. ' in the world and the greatest yield neracre. Her wheat is universal . ;"i i"in siz and tloar;pficTngtapai" bnities. Uer oats are without a peer -.n the world; her barley and rye are beyoud comparison. Oregon is the greatest grass country in the world. The var iety and luxuriance of her native grasses are simply unapproach able, while her timothy, clover al falfa cannot be eeua!eci; Oregon is the greatest natural stock raising and dairying country on the globe. Oregou is the greatest fruit country on earth. Oregon is the natural home of flax ami flax seed. Oregon produces hops equal to the best grown in the world. Oregon produces 40 bushels of wheat to the acre. Oregou produced 15,000,000 pounds of wool during the year euuiug July 1, I8s7. Oregon grows corn, sugar-cane auel broom-corn rivaling any pro duced in the United States, whiie experts declare that Oregon tobac co is fully equal to the best Vir ginia. Oregon is the most healthful state in the Union. Tins is proven, by Official Government records. The following mortality table is taken from the Tenth Census of the United States and gives the health rate per thousand: Fcr the state of Oregon, 10.9 " Iowa, 11.3 " " California, 13J 41 " Alabama, 14.2 ' " Tennessee, 16.2 " " Minnesota, 15.5 And tallowing the calculation out for all the States in the Union it will be found that the Ueth rate in Oregon is less than any other state. Oregon has the most delightful climate in the world uo extreme heat in the summer; nor excessive cold in the winter. Aw cyclones. no blizzards, no ncce floods, no thunder storms. The thermonie- ' ter seldom gets above SO degrees in the summer, or below the freez ing po;nt in winter. Orcon has an annual rainfall ampleto insure crops. It has pass ed iutoa, that ' crops never fail in Oregon. " Oregon never had a drouth. Oregon encloses the garden spot of the woriu. The Willamette val lev is simpiy unapproachable for productiveness and fertility of its soil. The soil of this valley never wears out. Oregon is a wonderful region of productiveness aud heahhtulness. It rivals any part of California in equability ofcliniate. It outrank any portien of California in fruit production. Oregou is the great stock, wool and wheat growing section of the coast- Stock can graze nearly all winter. Oregon has the grandest water . ways on the coast. The Columbia river, the third in size in the United States, bounds it on the north. Every portion of the state is ram ified by streams of abundant water flow. While Yaquin'a on the west offers waterway rapidly growing in importance, Oregon has the greatest water power in the world. Oregon has more available water power than all New England and Minnesota, and greater than all other parts of the Pacific coast combined. The water power at Oregon City, south of Portland is three times larger than that of Minneapolis and five times larger than that of Lowell. Portland and her suburbs can supply 8,000 factories with 40 h. p. water power each. New manufactories are guaranteed water at Oregon City for ten years free of charge. Oregon lias the most attractive and graadest scenery in the world. Tourists unite in pronouncing the Columbia rirer the most wonder ful scenic region on the earth. The landscape view from the hills of Portland Heights is unequaled in the known world. Oregon offers cheap lands, and her products are abundant nd unfailing. HILSF.Y XTES. Prof. J. M. Williams will snnn j move from Halsey to Kugeue for the purpoae oi acuuy as irrincipai ot tl public schools at that place for the coming year. Large quantities of hay are being hauled for Gulliford's warehouse. Th price for delivered is six dollars. Messrs. Crisp and Davis have started their sieam threshing outfit to-day, and other machinery will st;;rt to morrow as the fail grain is ripening yery fast. tjuite an exeitment was created in town the other day by the arrival of two trainrrt, which cHmbo.l n. I tolograph pole, and performed a num J.ber ot very intresting tricks.