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About Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1888)
I CENTS A WEEK. ALBANY, OREGON WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 18SS VOL. 111-209 r Julius Joseph Manufacturer of Choice Cigars AND DEALER IN- FINE IMPORTED AND KEY WEST Cigars, Plug and Smoking Tobaccos, Meerschaum and BriarJtPipes, and full line of Smokers' Articles. Also dealer in CALIFORNIA AND BTROPICAL I FRUITS. Next door to Burkhart & Keeney's Real Estate Office, Albany Fhe Red TWEEDALE & liOFKHSTS. Hardware,Stoves, Ranges, tare, Coprware, Pumps, iron pipe, rubber bose and plumbing goods. Sole agents for the celebrated "Early Breakfast" cook stoves aud4ranj;es, and "Faultless" parloi heatinir stoves. Albany, Oresron. WILL- BROS Dealers in all the leading Buns, Pistols, Sewing laclimes, Organs, Piano?, A full Sheet music, musical merchan(ise,ammnnition, fisli ing tack?e, ere. Warranted razors, lmtciier and pocket knives. The best kinds of sewing machines NEEDLES, OIL and Extras for all MACHINES m COUNTY AGENTS FOR NORTHWESTERN FIRE INSURANCE CbMPANY. Repairing oJ seivin!; u-:cbint5, lui.Mcal instruments, guns, etc., neatly done California, the Land of Discoveries IP .TASTE .J- DMTHTO COU urn OfaStiMPTI' Scf for fireuIjr..KTfaWQaa. ARir.TINrMD:CQ.OROVILlI.CAk. : " AVF YOU COLD in the head which do iot get? better? Have you an exees-ive se etln X I'Z ''matter in the nasal passes which e ither must be Wowom the nose or drop b-ack behind the palate, or,! vnu tT.wni.-l nv nwKm-r. sp.mi.u. hi , .1.,, K. m f ATA I ft tr i t r r i i-i ft irnt t nVirii i r 0R0VILLE I tm i v ii mnnnrin . i t mi ma h h mM mm k ,& W. II r ii Nil hi ii r.iiQWANTFrn riu i W vVUniRl' FOR ; wrJra"W the.ungs j-Sss over and become polluted by the,rehev ' '-A pmlr'. it must nwt.arily .oIIca, that ,c-Hi.n,fr of tie l.o.- m 11 .?fpiee while the morbi.' n.afu-r is miKvo, ..v.r.vp H.. -."r Wy, nervousness and gT PROCRASTINATE. .. . .. ..r.t l.-t:. Vl't (TV ? CL1FRM 'inmmtinn wilVtin. If you have Wjwen "i -..o f'iT.i . 'I RK ai Ollt-c r- . " n-v rf.oTM!.-'nr for tre . (. e.i: to -. r..,.K-r're. IKr ft (Successor to E. W. Langdon' DEALBE IX Drugs, Paints, Oils. Perfumery and toilet articles, also a full line of books and stationery, periodicals, etc. gSif Prescriptions careful! compounded IN ODD FELLOWS TEMPLE. Albany Oregon Front. Line of- GU ' EUItEKA The motto of California means I found tr." Only in that innd oi sunshine, where Hhe oranir emo and grape bloom and ripen an attain heir nu.hest pertection in nuc-wnuer, ure the herbs anil sum found that are iscd in that pleasant i lernedy for all hroat and lunjr troubles, Santa Abik, he rule of coughs, asthma, ami co mmptinn. Foshay A Mason, of Al 31 bany Oregon, have been appointed ansnarpslfo hisvalble California rem dy, and sell it under a guarantee at SI l bottehrec for $2.50. FOR SALE BY VLBASY C RECOX - ; . ... ... .ore ,,r Hess impairment oi tne ncarras, i.wu 'smell, memory impaireu, uunura l.i;,.,;,..,cu tht- head, dryness or heat of nose? Have you lost all sense of smell? Have you a hacking cough? Have you HKneria? Is vour breath foul? If so iiw tiir Catarrh. Some have al Khese symptoms, others only a part. fThc leading symptom oi unuiwi j -.i- Itarrh is mcreaseii secretion oi mucusw yellow or crreenish colored matter. Foul breath is causen oy me iiecon posing secretions exuded from festering ulcers far back in the head; ometimes n riY,the membrane covennjr tne oones is HHHieaten away and the hones themselves fii Ipradually decay, oucn r CAL.'deed objects of pity, asj stench from m-- H rditve a,.a a. thorough 0 Sv'iit mail sale ly G. L BLACKMi osliay la W I MASON. Albany, r ego n Tiie Albany Bakery ! I'tiderthe new management of- D, arker Bros. WHO KEEP A fuil line ofih6icrtfamilj" grocer es and provision - ." . ... v;. - .- ICannea nneapples, CMce TaWe Delicacies . Ornamented cakes for Wedmnas and Parties. Salmon bellies, niackerel.and saltjlith of all FEESH BAKED BEE1TJ .fcGverv Dav. m k iH i l ICO. U TEAS and COFt'E indies Nuts, Raw. CANNED t.oODS, ETC. inc best Soap in the market Le Roi Savon; A fine assortment of domestic and Imported Cigars SlP'At, John Fox's old stand. low Fl'nn s lew briek. T. J. OVERMAN AUKNT FOR TUB gTHas on hand a line of new and" second andwheels. Send for Otal HAVING SOLD AN INTEREST IN MY harness business to 1. J. Overman, I am desirous of collecting, all my outstanding notes and accounts. All persons knowing themselves indebtedj'to me will please call and settle. The business will be'eontinued as usual at the same please. ' E. L THOMPSON. Albany, rei. 'I'l. WILLARD WOODIN L1VE- IN A Live ftoft. This is wh-it'Alnuny is at present. and in order to keep pace with the .ively times in this city, W. H. vvil lard has enlarged his store and stock ,o that he now has the most complete and desirable line of furniture in the valley. His double salesrooms In Fro man's block are filled with an elegant assortment of new furniture, consist in r of lounges in new patterns, line cold picture frames, willow chairs, easy rockers, marble tables, brackets. etc., etc. An examination of the stock will show this to Ue true m every re spect. University of Oregon ! STELT.EXE CTTY; Next session begins on Monday , the 17th of September, lsi. rrce scholarships trom every conntv in the state. Apply to your lotinTv siiiierintVmlri.t Four eou-ses: (."Iai:-al. civiitilicLit. rary f.K a hort Ktr.lisii course in which theie is o L.itin. Greek, Frcn.-h ,.r ;.jnii:ui. 'Hie Ki.tfiish is preeminently a Uuiness oure. ror cut.uOj.-Uts or riin-r i! f..nn;itii.n. uodress W. JoilNauN, I'rtsidtut . Best S UJIVC- hoi ure Dea WiillSl Absolutely Pure. This powder never vanes. A marvel of punty,strcii!;tl) aim WllOies.uiieness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in coiniieti tion witb multitude of low tc-st.tsiiort weizlit aititn or iihospliate ;owders. Sold only in ems. Royal IUkin 'ow der Co., 10 Wall St.. N. ?. ATTOKXEYS.I DR. X. BLACKBURN, ATTORNEY AT . Law, Albany, Oregon. - OtEee in Odd billow's Temple. -Vill practice in all courts of the state, and git e special attention tot;!! business. I170LYKRTON' CHARLES E. AITOHNEY lV at Law, Albany, Or. Office in rooms IS and 14,, Foster's Block, over L. E. Blum's stor . T K. WEATHOKKOttP, ATTORNEY IAT r ) . law, Albany, Oregon. olti.e ftl rOud Fellow's Temple. Will practice in all the courts of thestate, and give special attention to all business PHYSICIANS. G 1 W. MASTOX. PHYSICIAN AM) SI gton, Albany, Oregon. . ELLIS, PHYSICIAN eon, Albai.y, Oregon. AND,' Sl'lir P C. KELLY, PHYSICIAN AND f.-UK-J. geon Albany, Oregon, ort-'ce oer Gr:i'! wohl's store. Office hours, from b a. m. to 4 r. M. REVERE IHiUSE, ALBANY, Of!. CHAS. Pftilfi r, Prop. Only (ir.-t eclass hou ;n the iity. Large sample rooms for coin iiurciul men. No Chinamen employed in tin kitchen. General stage office for Corvallis. MRS M.E.McCOY.M. D.HOSKEOPAUHC physician, olfice and residioce corner ! First and 15.ikcrstreets, Albany, Or. Chronic a specialty. (Vjt.'on free. Of '' -' 'o ''2ril id 2 to 5 p. M. 1 f.ui.DLWAY, VETERINARY SUK. geon, Albany, Oregon.- -Graduate of Gcr! man and American colleges. Keiiiitvctl. J" 1SEPII WEP.KER ANNOUNCES TO His patrons and friend that he cau he found on Lyon, between Engine Co. No. -and First street, until his new rooms in p0 shav .V Mas.m s brick arc ready. l.aii.I Surveying. 1)ARTIKS IiKSlRINO M.'KVKYINU DdSBCAS I'll, tain accurate and prompt w ork by calling til Km ex-county surveyor b. T. T. Fisher. He has complete copies of field notes and town ship plats, and is prepared to do S'irveiu in my part ot Linn county. Postothce address. Milltrs station. Linn couutv. Oreeon. For Sale. A JUMP SEAT BUGGY, SUITABLE FOR one or two horses. This buinry is ks vrood as new. An exceptional oppoituniU for a bargain. For cash down or on time or for sheep. Call scon D. M. JONES, Albany, Oregon. FOR SALE -A GOOD 2ND HAND WAG on. li.quire at this otfic Portrait Photographer "Sfrsuidio eorner of Second and Ferry PALACE MEAT MARKET Jamks V. PiPE.Prop. First Street Albanj The best variety of choice beef, veal .mutton, pork -omsage, the c y keptconstantiy an hand. tS" Cash paid for all kind ock.-5 SICCESSSOKS TO II EN BY SCSENS iloue and Carriage PalMers, Deco ral ors and Paper Hunjtei 8 Piano varnishing a specialty. All work promptly attended to. Countrv work solicited. OF ALBANY, OREGON; president, if- Flinn.J VICE-PRESIDENT : S. E. YOUHg, cashier : G.E.Chamberlain, aRNSACTS A GENERAL; BANKING BUSINESS. Accounts kept subject to check. Sitfht Exchan-e and Telegraphic Transfer sold on New York, Chicago, ban Fran.'isco and Portland, Oregon. Collections made on favorable terms. E. Yen L. E. IJLAIS L. Flinn W. E. XlBRKIL GKO. E. CUAMBKRLAIX. WANTED. , ...r -hi ceius r-ci lua 4t) cents per ;u":ccc il. Tuompson & Waters. o&Go 6EKE11AL IEAVS. Hermann Reports Favorably a Mineral Land Bill. A $300,009 riKK I I.4IV ATI. A Jiero GooDty OScial Haaged by a Mob in Missouri- Eace War and a Ter rible State of Affairs. The Hkrald's Special Dispatches. Washington, July 24. Repre sentative Hermann, oi Oregon, trom the committed on publi: lands, ieported favorably to the houf-ejtpday the senate bill, pro vidinglliat the aiien land act shall not affect the title to mineral or mining claims in the territories which may be acquired or held under the mineral laws of the Un'tcd States or any mills or their improvements thereon. AVVOIKO ICY DETECTIVES. Chief Clrrk OCuneil Objects Beins Conliuually Shaduwed. to . Queenstown, Julv 24. Chief Clerk O'Connell, of the Sew York court ol common pleas, lias lodged a complaint with the authorities against the detectives on account ot their unwarranted surveillance He alleges that since his arrival he has visited several religious and charitable institations in Cork, and everywhere he has gone detectives have shadowed him. .4 QIICK TKIF. A Vessel Sails from 'Frisco to .ew li-k in Kishtj-Ushi Days. New York, .lulv 24. The American ship Henry B. Hyde, which arrived here trom ban I' ran Cisco to-uav, made the trip in eighty-eight days. This is the second best eastward passage on record from the Golden Gate. A NH.KO L1MUKD. are Mar ISriikrn OkI Alresb Missouri Troubir Abend. in St Lor is, .iniv Z4. A very '"rief spm-ial post dispatch savi that one of thf negro county otfi rials of Crittenden county, Arkau sis, was hanoed by a mob at Morton last nisrtit. J he race war has nroken out aiiesh. and a terri hie state of affairs prevails. I'UYY E'OltOllS IVOBk. Vieliiti Upiiuburseti to tliegAnioui: New York, July 24. A sub sciiption mud started a wee ago by Mayor Hewitt, to reimburse O. M. Hurt, who suffered a loss of $2500 by a boycott against him. instituted by Kofi, was completed to-day, the full amount being sub scribed. A KOl.Al BREAKFAST. The CitHr and I'ziiriua Drink CoflTee witb Prince illianu Sr. rKiEKSBi KG, July 24. The czar and czarina took breakfast this morning with Emperor Wil liam on Ooard the yacht Hohen zollern. When the czar and his companion had departed, the yacht with Emperor William on board started for Stockholm. Saralosai Races. Saratoga, July 24. In the first race ot live tunongs mm mm won; Egmont, second; Estrella, third ; time, 2.044. In the second ace of one mile and one furlong, Oarsman won; Cruiser, second; Bohemian, third; time, 1.57. Klg Fire. Cincinnati, July 24. Krippen- dorf, Dittman & Co's factory was burned this morning. Ljss, $310, 000; insurance, $161,000. Nearly 600 employes were thrown out of work. Ihe origin of the hre is a mystery. Tetacco Brake His Heart. A post-mortem examination by Dr. Formad ot the body of Police Lieutenant Shields proves that death was due to heart disease. Ue died literally of a "broken heart," a9 there was a hole in that organ into which a lead-pencil wouid fit. He was an inveterate smoker and chewer, ; n I there is no doubt but that the excessive use of tobacco contributed to the cause of death. Philadelphia Re cord. 4 M'At'C DRIVER SCARED. His Hairbreadth Escape Froui Ini aginary Robber. On account of the finding of the body oi Joseph Salmon in the San Joaquin river ou Tuesday, ad vance couriers were sent cut to Crow's landing to intercept the stage and procure ice from it and take it to the point of the river whers the body was found. Owing to the afttrnoou train, which connects with the stage, bf iDg two hours late, the parties se; i for the ice were at los to sccouuf for the non arrival of while those remiininr The fetage with th.i wera e.jiiiii nonplussed at th.e failure ot the i--M'iigers to re turn on tin.;-. '.':.(!: wtiitiug ivKStd to '':- i virui.-, ctivr me--SfnrAr w.-re ont out to a-c'M tn'i! :he CAUe of 'he delay. By tiie iine of tile arrival of the second lot of men in quest of ice darkness ad come on and lighted lan'eius were carneu oy ti e men wnose umber bad bet-ii swelled to s:x. Finally the approach of the stape was observed aud the men, each with a lantern, took positions on each side of the road to await its irrival and secure the much need- d ice. As toon as the stae oacli arrived at a point opposite he lantern the driver, Den nis iiuriev, was accosted witn. Throw down the ice,'- but mis understanding the request and thinking it a demand to "throw down the box," whipped his horses up and went into Hill's Ferrv at a iunous SDeed. congrat ulating himself that he had escaped highway roouery, and not until the men in need of the ice had driven to Hill's Ferrv and obtained the desired article could the driver be convinced of bis mistake Mod esto News IT III '.Mi MVJOK AUDKK. Tbc Very Remarkable Story vT Piece of Rope. Coiled up in a window of a Broadway sugar store, among a lot of bad cigars and chewing tobacco iies a curiosity that has played a p'ominent part in American his tory. It is a bit ot rope about three feet long, with nothing at tractive about it, and yet hundreds have asked its history. A reporter who did the seme yesterday, re ceived this intresting answer: 'Well, sir, that piece of hemp you see in my window is all that is left of the rope tuat hung Major Andre, he spy. The original piece some six or eight leet iousr I be- ieve, has been cut up into little pieces aud given away as memen toes, and the pice there is all that is le:t It c ime in o mv possession somewhat curiously. Several years ;o 1 keot a little cigar store in Albany, and one of the two men working lor me was a grten hand from ui the State somewhere, who had landed in Aloany without ;i riit. He used to board at m ;.ouse, and one night ue left teay ' -g a board bill of $10 or $12 be hind him unpaid. '-lie aiso left a smail trunk and a letter in which he asked me to Keep the trunk for him until he could redeem it by paying his board, i Kept tne trunK tor six ycais, and then not hearing from the man I opened it. Among other things 1 found this rope, which the young man's grand 'lather had tak?n tioin Aadre'e. neck the uy he was hanged and sept as u meiueiito or tiiose sm riiiLr times, insre was a nine .tui-ii with the rope -a sort o:' ltd l.dr in which the grandfather aud ins son hau kept a record of those to whom the piece of rope had bseu given, aud whither thev had "Three of the pieces sent to England, one to another to an English Constantinople and the had been Australia, officer in rest were distributed among different per sons in the United States. 4 Some time 1 am going to try and collect 'them again and present them to some historical museum. It will be a curiosity anyway, if not a valuable relic. As it is. few know the strange rope's history. I think I shall have a little sign put in the window with tne rope so that all who see it may know what thev are looking at. PITII AD POIXTS. Better have a good cook than a poor doctor. A bee-sting in the hive is worth two in the hand. Beggars are always choosers. Don't they know what they want? Charity covers "a multitude of sins. Then it should not begin at home. Whalebone is not bone, and is said not to possess a single pro perty of bone. Turkish baths did not originate in Turkey, and are not baths, only heated chambers. German silver was not invented in Germany, and does not contain a particle of silver. An exchange says: "Does etiquette demand a vest on a ho day? If it does it can have ours." "What becomes of the old moons, pa?" --The. old moons, mv son? Why, they die of newmoonia,to be sure. Spindel : "I lent young Overdue a little monev last night, Jack. Do you know him?" Jack: "Do I know him? I wish I had as many dollars as I know him." Lady (to flior-walker) : "I want to look at s; lething handsome in the way t striped silk stockings." Flour-walker: "Yes, madam. (To s ileswoman) : Miss Parker will v.i.i show this lady that new line of windy-weather goods?" S;orting goods dealer : " Yes, my advertised reductions are in gool faith. I'm selling standard base balls to boys at five cents each." Friend (in the same line) : "Great Scott ! You'll be bankrupt," "No, I won't! I'm getting rich. You see, I'm a silent partner in ti e firm of Painter & Gbzier, deale: s i iu window glass, etc." A Ki im;i H l. TEXAS. Drongbt to l.iKbt by a Recent Kail Survey. rad Engineering and Minimr Journal. The survevs at present being made for the Kansas Citv, El Paso and Mexican Railroad, at a point north latitude i.' degrees and west longitude 10( degress, have passed along the lava flow which by the local population is called the Molpais. It consists of a sea of molten black glass, agitated at the moment of cooling in ragged waves of fantastic shapes. These lava waves or ridges are from ten to twelve feet high, with combing crests. This lava flow is about forty miles long from northeast to southwest, and from one to ten miles wide. For miles on all sides the country is the most desolate that can he imagined. It has been literally burned up. It consists of fine white ashes to any depth which, so far, has been dug down. To the north of the lava flow, and lying in a country equally desolate and arid, the surveyors have come upon the ruins of Gran Guivera, known already to the early Span ish explorers, but which have been visited by white men less often even than the mysterious ruins of Palenque in Central America. Only a few people of Socorro and White Oaks have been at Gran Guivera, because it is at present forty miles from water. The sur veyors found the ruins to be of gigantic stone buildings made in the most substantial manner and of prand proportions. One of them was four acres in extent. All in dications around the ruins point to the existence here at one time of dense population. No legend of any kind exists as to how this great city was destroyed or when it was abandoned. One of the engineers attached to the survey ing expedition advances the theory that Gran Guivera was in existence and abundantly supplied with, water at the time the terrific vol canic eruption took place. The Romance of Two Stndents. Willie' Stephens of Pittsburg is not only an industrious student, but an entirely ambitious one, and wncu the other day he set his mind on capturing the highest mark iu B .rkersville Academy he meant to ic successsful in the undertaking. The great barrier of his ambition was his fellow-student, Juliet Ben net, who was a'.so in the race for William. When tlie marks were announced it was found that she ii&d boateu him by on tenth of ono percent. Now Wiiliaui was re --.Ived that a little obstacle like that should not stand in his way so he got a marriage license, hired a minister and uvuiied Juliet im mediateiy atter the close of the commencement exercises. The girl hail the highest mark, but he has the girl, Jnd by the simplest law of loiric he is consequently the possessor of both. .New Type Setting Machine. Boston Advertiser. Au ingenious michine is being built at Ames Manufacturing Com pany's shops at Chicopee under the supervision of the inventor, George A. Goodson, which the inventor claims will revolutionize the pre sent composition of a . newspaper. It is called an electrio matrix ma chine, and intended to do away with newspaper type-setting as practiced at present. All that the operator has to look atter is the lettering, which is done as on a type-writer, for the machine takes re or the alignment, which is perfect, and by a novel device for regulating the spacing the perfect justification of every line is se cured. It is estimated that the machine will take the place of four compositors, besides saving the time of distribution. The card comes from the machine a perfect matrix, and all ready for the metal to be cast into it, producing the complete stereotype for the press. The machine is run by electricity. Going Into Particulars. Old Colony Memorial. The Superintendent of Schools in a Plymouth county town we will call him Mr. A one day vis ited a school taught by Miss B,amt in the course of the morning said : "Now children, I wish you to take notice what I do, and then write an account of it." Then he stepped to the black board and wrote a sentence upon it. All the children except one wrote in effect that Mr. A. came into the school and wrote on the blackboard, "I love a good teach er." One little fellow however fol lowed instructions more literally, and completed the story adding; "And then he went to the platform sat down, played with his watch chain, twirled his watch chain and winked at Miss Ii." The Speed or Thought. The latest scientific question is, How long does it take to think?" Depends on the question. Ask a man if he'll have a milk shake and lightning couldn't le quicker. Ask him if he'd lend you a five, and a district mpsenger hoy could cross Jollege street before you could get an answer.