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About Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1888)
:-f: - ( mvmn aghci) - ( i r o CENTS A WEEK. ALBANY. OREGON THURSDAY ; HORNING. JULY 2fi. " IS8S VOL. 1II-N0. m Julius Joseph Manufacturer of Choice Cigars AND DKALER IX FINE IMPORTED AND KEY WEST Cigars, Plug and Smoking Tobaccos, Meerschaum and Briar Pipes, and full !:!!; o! sinokc.iV Article?. -Also dealer in pa i t phd m i a ran I UlLJrL.flii n. ftflU f Next duiir to Burkhnrt i Kecney's Keal Estata'OiTire, Albnny The Red TWEEDALE & HCXPKIIsS. Hardware, Stoves, Ranges, Tinware, Copperware, Pumps, iron pipe, rubber hose and plumbing goods. Sole agents for the celebrated ' Early Breakfast" cook stores and.ranges, and "Faultless" parlor heating, stoves. Albany, Oreeon. WILL Dealer in all Guns, Pistols, Sewing lactones, Organs, Pianos A full Line ISjiet music, musical merchandise.ammiimtion, fish insr! tackV, etc. Warranted razors, butcher and pocjket knives. The best "kinds of sewing machines NEEDLES, OIL and Extr as for aU 3A CHINES UNH COUNTY ACENTS FOR NORTHWESTERN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Repairing of sewing, machines, musical instruments guns. efc. nently done California, the Land of Discoveries l,VJ- -TASTE: -dethto AttSUMrTI fobRES ASTrfMl.Cof G5, k. n v l n u vi i u i i Sena for CioZur.l ltrMh3br92. ABIETINCMEDuoRoyiiLi cal. HAVK V A CuLL in the head which d-x- . not pet better? Have you an excessive secretion of mucus or matter in the nasal passages which either in net be blown from the ;iose or drop back behind the palate, or hawked or snuffed backward to the throat? Are u troubled hv hnvlll!.' spittuia, weak and inflamed eyes, frequent soreness of the throat, 1 THE O NLY GUARANTEED Ft in rw fn it J 1 -rJEUaZ' 'CURE TOT? S,txo tb Cncut.Afi XATARRH 0RQV1LL.E corroding vres rt-ve the corriui'ioti within. As every lueath lirawn into the luiurs niust pass over and become polluted by the reliev tioiis- in the nasal assises, it must necessarily fcikw that )c iccr;ig cf the whole seere gradtiall" takes yhi-r. while tbt inorbi,: n:atter is iii tl stt- Mini into the stoma,li. enfeebles digestion, and often jirdmes i:jj i)i:.. si u It iiiiit:Mi itv, nervousness and consumption. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE. If you have experienced any of the ahovesymptoms do not delay, but try Californi t'AT-R-t'i'RK at once. We positively uarant eeg a few applications relieve and a thorough treituieiit to erne. S:x months treatment for 1.00: sent bv mail aula Abie and CalK- nre. For FOSHAY 14,00 0 GIVEN In profits wtll bej-iven :o cutomcrbttwecnhis datend3.Tanuary;i,ns!1 at the store of WM. SIMPsON; Who is sellinsr an iimuen.-c 1 ankruptsiock of cetera! merchandise at co.-t. Cstli and see tlie sroods in bis 5, 10, J"... -S diid cent counters. His store is lu-adiilLtarttrs for bir 1 arahis. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. TnnniPAi irnnrrn RUr ;HL n h (Successor to E. W. Lanffdon- -DEALER IJJ- Erngsi Faints, Oils, Perfumery and toilet article?., also a fall line of books am! stationary, periodicals, etc. lJ& Prescriptions careful!) compounded IN ODD FELLOW'S. TEMPLE. Albany Oregon Front. BROS the leading of- EUItEKA California means "! Only in that hind of the cran'r emo and rinen an attain iD-"3their hitiest perfection in mk'-wintt-r. ire the nerns and irum toumt thai arc ised in that pleasant lemclv for a!: hroatand lunir troubles, Santa Awk., he rule, of eonirhs, asthma, and con limptr n. r-.hay A Mason, of Al- jhanv oresron, have been appointed caiisiiaip!fo his vallile California ran dy, and sell it under a iruarantee at SI ri bottehree for $2. 5. FOR SALE BY Way LBANY C REGON" ringing or roaring in tne ears, more or less impairment of the hearing-, loss o Ismcl), memory impaired, dullness r 'dizziness of the bead, dryness or heat of nose: Have vou lost all sense of smell? I 'ave vou a hacking cough? Have you dyspepsia? Is your breath foul? Ik so ivbu have thk Catarrh. Some have al Ithese symptoms, others only a part. The leading symptom of ordinary ca tarrh is increased secretion of mucus of yellow or greenish colored matter. - r oul Dreatn is caused oy tne Uecoro posing secretions exuded from festering ulcers far back in the head; ometimes the membrane covering the bones is eaten awav and the bones themselves CALJ gradually decay. Such cases ar in deed objects of pity, as stench from Siile by ir MASON. lbany. Oreeon J ! Imi AW A 11 !T ill The Albany Bakery ! Under the now management of- D, ark Bros. -WHO KEEP A fui! line of choice family" grocer es and frovi.sii.n Cannea jririefcipples, GMce Talile Delicacies Ornamented cakes for Wcdtttnus and Parties. Sa'mon bellies, mackerefand saltfis-h of all kinds. FRESH BAKED BREAD iilvcrv T)av. Best to. Pies. Cate. TEAS and COFFE indies Nuts, Raisins. M I CANNED woODS, ETC. j no best Soap in the market Le Roi Savon. 4 fine assortment of domestic and Imported Cigars SWM John Fox's old stand. low Fl'nn s new brick. T. J. OVERMAN AGKNT FOR TUB Tricycles Safeties. 42TnaR on hand a line of new and second andwheels. Send for 0tal HAVING SOLD AN INTEREST IN MY harness business to 1. J. Overman, I am desirous of collecting all my outstanding notes and accounts. All persons know-in:.' themselves indebted to me will please call and settle The business will be continued as usual at the same please. E. L THOMPSON. Albany, reb. 22. LIVE- iture Dealer IN A LivG Ttoft. This is whvfAlbany is at present, and in order . to keep pace with the .ivel7 times in this city, W. H. Wil lard has enlarged his store and stock so that he now has the most complete and desirable line of furniture in the valley. His double salesrooms In Fro man's block are filled with an elegant assortment of new furniture, consist in;; of lounges in new patterns, fine fold picture frames, willow chairs, easy rockers, marble tables, brackets, etc., etc. An examination of the stock will show this to be true in every re spect. University of Oregon ! JgfEUGENE CTTYI Next session hesrins on Momiav. the ITth ii September, 1SS8. Free scholarships from every county m tin state. Applv to your i-uinty superintendent. rum c.'ii i.?n rti. oi it. in i in . i . iti-iarv i..d a short Knglish course in which t lit re is mi I l-"r..iu h ..r C. .rim... rfl... ti iish is pre-eminently a f!n-iiiess v'.i!r. Kit catalogues or other infi.rinariiin. a.tur-s$ W. JuIINSON, I'resiucnt. LEADING BIDYCLES WILLARD WOODIN Hirii Absolutely Pure. Th'S powder never varies. A ma . ;1 of puritj-,streiiij;th and wlioles.met j. More economical thaa the ordi i kinds, and cannot be sold in con cti tion with multitude of low test snort weight alum or phosphate uowduvs. Sold only in cms. Royal BakiX' 'ov der Co., 100 Wall St.. N. T. 4TTOKi;VS. DR. N. BLACKBURN, ATTOUXEY AT . Law, Albany, Oregon. - Office in Odd bellovf's Temple. A'ill practice in all courts of the state, and gie special attention to all business. lyoLVERToX CHARLfE. AfTORXEY V at Law, Albany, Or. Ottiee In rooms IS and 14, . Foster's Block, over L. E. Blain's ?tor. . J K. WEATHOUFORH, ATTORNEY lAT f . law, Albany, Oregon . ottioe in 'Odd Fellow's Temple. Will practice in alljthe ourts of thestate, and give special attention to all business I'llTSK IAS. G. W. IIASTON, PHYSICIAN AM) SLR geon, Albany, Oreiron. M. H. ELLIS, PHYSICIAN geon, Albai.y, Oregon. AND SIR p C. KELLY, PHYSICIAN AXl 4LR J. geon Albany, Oregon, office over Gra.l-vvi-hl's store. Olfiee hours, from 8a. m. to 4 P. 51. REVERE HOUSE, ALBANY, OR.-CHAS. Pfeiffer, Prop. Only first-eelass house in the city. Large sample rooms for com mercial men. No Chinamen empl.Vcd in the kitchen. General staee ""Vfor Corvallis. MRS M.E.McCOY,M. D.HOMEOPAi HIC physician, office arid residence corner of First and Uakerstreets, Albany, Or. Chronic diseases a specialty. Consultation free, uf fi-e hours: in to 12 a. m and 2 to 5 p. St. U... i.. ivuijhVAV, VETERINARY SUR. geon, Albany, Oregon. Graduate of Gcr man and American coMeires. Remnvcfl. JOSEPH WORKER ANNOUNCES TO HIS J patrons and friends that he (ran he found on Lyon stri ct, between Engine Co. No. 2 ami First street, mifil'his new rooms in Fo shav vt .Mas. in s brick arc ready, Land Snrveving. T)ART!KS IiESIRIft St RVKYINf! CANE C4X OR L tain accurate and prompt work by calling upon ex-county surveyoi h. T. T. Fisher. Hi .-;as complete conies of field ship plats, and is prepared to do surveying in iiri iu county. I'ostoffice address, .iii!i-rs -.ration. i,im cmiutv. Orvgnu. For ale. A H-.MP SEAT RUGCY, SUITABLE FOR i one or two norses. This baasv is as V'OOU as new. An exeent lonal for a bargain. For cah down or on time or tor snt' p. call scon I. M.JONES, Albany, -Oregon, jlOR SALE -A GOOD 2ND HAND on. Inquire at this ostic WAG Portrait TtZtsC Photographer "fitudio corner of Second and Ferry PALACE MEAT MARKET James V. Pipe, prop. First trret - - - . Albany The best variety of choice beef.vealynnitton, pork msage, etcin the city kept.constantly in hand. t5T Cash paid for all kind ock.1 SUCCESSORS TO HENRY Sl'SEXS House nnd Carriage Painter, Deco ralor and Paper Hangers Piano varnishing a specialty. AH work promptly attended to. Conntrv work solicited. WANTED. We will pay 40 cents per roll for nuicie Miippinjr nutter. Thompson & YYATERi. THE Ml ill Ml OF ALBANY, OREGON. president. L. Flinn. VICE-PRESIDENT S. E. TOUDS, cashier. G.E.Chamberlain, niRANiCTS A GENERAL; BANKING X t;l's;."ES!s. Accounts kept subject to check. bicht Exchange and Telegraphic T r;.ii-fer soiu on New York, ( bieato, S;n i-ranciseii ai-d I'ortlam!,Oregoii. Collections made on favorable terms. S. E. You i L. Flinx t!.A s t. 11 RKKLL Geo.Vassa Oho. E. CiiAiiUEiiUA;;v. IN AFRICA. Some Difficulties Attending in the Dark Continent. .1 LAM) TK4VKEi:i CY PATHS. Slavery Witchcraft Barriers in the Way of thtt Government 3oaa Peculiari ties of the IshahiUxts. Pall Mall Budget Protmbly no couairy in the world, civilized or uncivilized, is better supplied with paths than the unmapped continent. Every village is connected with some other viliage, eyery tribe v.ith the next tribe, every State with its neighbor, and therefore with all the rest. The explorer's business is simply to select from this net work of track, keep a general dir ectiou and hold on his way. Let him begin at Zanzibar, plant his foot on a native footpath, and set his face toward Tanganyika. In eijjht months he will be there, lie has simply to persevere. 2s or is there any art in finding out these successive villages with their intercommunicating links. He must find them out. A whole army ot guides, servants, carriers, soldier and camp-followers accom pany him in the march, and this nondescriot regiment must be fed Indian corn, cassava, mawere, beans and bananas these do not grow wild even in Africa. Every meal has to be bought and paid for in cloth and beads. The native tracks which I have just described are the same in character all over Africa. They ate veritable foot paths, never over a foot in breadth, beaten as bard as adamant, and rutted beneath the level of the forest bed b centuries of native traffic. As a rule the footpaths are marvelouslj direct. The life of the native African, says Mr. Uiummond, is not ah idyl. It is darkene.i by a tragedy whose terrors are unknown to any other pooule. Its revolting witch craft, and its endless quarrels and frequent tr:bal wars iiu.-ss minor evils are lost in the shadow of a grtat aud national wrong. Among these simple ami unprotected tribes, Araos uninvited strangers of another race and 'nature pour in from the north and rait, with the deliberate purpose of making this paiadise a tieiiv It seems the awful destiny of this homeless eo pie to spend their lives in breaking up tile homes cf others. Already they hold the whole continent under oue reign ot terror. They iiaye aliiicteii ttiis in virtue of one thing they pi sssss firearms; aud they do u for one object ivory aud slaves, lor these two are one. i The slaves are needed to buv ivory with, then more slaves have to be stolen to carry it. So living man himself has become the comuier ciai currency or Alnca. lie is locomotive, he is easily acquired, he is immediately negotiable. The last act in the drama the slave march is the aspect of slavery which in the - past has chiefly aroused the passions ami the sympathy of the outside world, out :te greater evil is the dem oralization. nd the disintegration of communities by which it is ne cessarily preceded. It is essential to the traffic that the region drain ed uy the slaver suou.d be kept in perpetual political ferment, that, in order to prevent combination, chief should be pitted against chief, and that the moment any tribe threatened to assume a dom inating strength it should either be broken broken up ty the instiga tion of rebellion among its depend encies or made a tool of at their expense. I do not presume to bring for ward a formal proposal, but two things occur to me as feasible, and i shall simply name them. The first, for England, or Germany, oi France, or some one with power and earnestness, to take a firm and uncompromising stand at Zanzibar. Zanzibar, as the Arabic capital, is one of the keys of the situation, aud any lesson taught here would be learned presently by the whole Mohammedan folLwing in the country. Tlie other key to the situation is ' :3 vast and splendid waterway in . ae heart ot Africa the upper kir , Lake 2?yassa, Lake lan gan; ika, and the great lakes gen erally. As a base of military or patrol operations nothing better ebuld be desired than these great inland seas. A email steamer upon each of them or, to begin with, upqu Jiyassa and Tanganyika with an associated depot or two of armed men on the higher and healthier plateaux which surround ed tnem, would keep the whole country quiet. On I y a trinifi force of well-drilled men would be need ed for this purpose. They might be whites, or blacks and whites : they might be Sikhs or Patnans from India. liie haulers in the way oi lov- ernmeiit action are only two, and neitiier is iiisuruioii.iia! lo. 'Die one is I ortugai, vhk-ii owns tin.-approacht-s to tie country; the others is German which has in land interests ui iter ow n. hethcr England tvuid j roceed in th-j fa:c ui tncee two powers would s-imply depend on liow it was done. As a mere political move such an occu pation of the interior might at excite alarm and jealousy. But wearing the aspect of a serious mission for the good of Africa, instigated, not by tlie Foreign Office, but by the people of England, it is impossible to believe that the step could either be misunderstood or opposed. It. is time the nations looked upon Africa as something more than a chessboard. AX ACTIVE CAMP.41KS. The Railroad Men of II!uoi Will Work Together, Chicago, July 25. About 5000 representing the engineers, firemen brakemen and switchmen of the railroads running out of Chicago, held a meeting for the purpose of taking political action on ques tions of interest to the order. It was claimed that the meeting rep resented about 80,000 votes in the State, and would therefore hold the balance of power so tar as legis lation was concerned. A club was formed, which will have for its battle cry the repeal of the Mer ritt conspiracy law and a more strict enforcement of the private dettctive law against the Pinker- tons. A committee ot hve wasJ appointed to take charge ot the campaign and act a central body from which all directions are to emanate. THE MGAK HUH T. Claus Sprerkle Send ins Large I'tHiignmenl East. San Francisco, July' 25. Claus Spreckels has struck another blow in the war against the big sugar trusts of - New York by selling 5000 barrels of sugar in the Chi cago market, to be delivered heie at cents a pound less than the trust quotations. The sugar will be shipped from Sau Fran cisco in three special trains," says the Chicago Times on tne 22 inst. A reporter had a short conver sation with John D. Spreckels iost evening in connection with the above. Mr. Spreckles pooh poohed the idea of selling sugar at lVg cents below the market price it Chicago. As to the particular shipment of 5000 barrels. Mr. Spreckels professed absolute ig uorance. He said, howeyer that there had recently been large shipments of sugar East, but it was sold at the highest prices obtainble iu the Chicago market. Si:tK(Tii.; FOR OUTLAW!). Tno Important Arrest Made in Indian Terrilory ! Venetia Ind. T., July 25. The i united Stales officers in search of tlie robbers who stopped s Mis souri Pacific train some ffuie ago and killed a passenger, succeeded on Friday in arresting a man named Barber near Tulsa, Ind. T., whose brother John was one of the jrang. This man is wanted in Williamsou county Texas, for horse stealing there, and will be taken there. The robbers are ranging along the Arkansas river, generally in the Cherokee Nation. The man arrested has been lend ing aid to the enemy, and his re moval hence, it is thought, will seriously embarrass the outlaws. The officers have also arrested Ed. CiowkII, a Tulsa blacksmith. Seven or eight years ago this man escaped from jail in Scott, Ark., on the night before he was to be hanged for murder. He is well known and does not deny his iden tity, but says he is innocent of the crime of which he was convicted. A Woman's Discovery. "Another wonderful discovery has been made and that too by a lady in this country. Disease fastened iis clutches upon her anu for seven years she withstood its severest tests, but her vital organs were undermined and death seemed einminent. For three months she coughed incessantly and could not sleep. She bought of us a bottle of DrjKing's New Discovery for consumption and was so much re lieved on taking the first dose that she slept all night and with one bot tle has been mil aculously cured. Her name :s Mrs. Luther Lutz." Thus write W. C. Hamrick A Co., Shelby N. C. Get a free trial bottle at Fos hay & Mason'StDrug Store. Brace Ep. You are feeling depressed, your ap petite is poor, you are bothered with Headache, you are fidgetty, nervous, and generally out of sorts, and want to bryce up. Brace up, but not with stimulant-, spring medicines, or bit ters, which have for their basis very cheap, bad whiskey, and which stim ulate yon for an hour, and then leave you in a worse condition than before. What you want is an alterative that will purify your blood, start healthy action of Liver and Kidneys, restore your vitality, and give renewed health and strength- Such a medicine you will find in Electric Bitters, and only 50 cents bottle at Foshay fc Mason's . A ew Lif. 1 Magistrate You have been ar rested a good many times, Uncle Rastur. Uncie Rastus Not lately, yo' honah. Yo1 see I 'sperienced rel igion 'bout a yeah ago. an' I don't s'pose Ise belt 'ros'cd mo'n three or fo' times srncc. Ise leadin' a dif lereut life sah. Smoke Estreils. GENERAL 1EAVS. Shocking Suicide of a Cierk Los Angeles. at CLtI.TO.K.S OLUE. WKISIGr Bejected Lover Kills a TonnglLady and Coiainits a Horribh Butchery A Freight War. The Hkrald's Special TKspatencs.- Los Angeles, July 25. Charles Jansen,former special clerk of the county committee suicided at his home early this morning in a most shocking manner. He useda double-barrel shotgun and tied a hankerchief from the toes of his right foot to the triggers, so that both barrels were distjiarged at once, blowing one side of his face and half the head off, and spat tering his brains against the ceil ing of the room, making a most sickening sight. It is supposed that despondency from drink and lameness caused it. THEIR COLOLX WEDDIC. .Mr. aud Mrs. Gladstone Tendered an. Oration on This tt--aiou. London, July 15. Mr. and Mrs. Gladstone celebrated their golden wedding to-day. Testimonies, in the shape of letters, telegrams and and presents poured in upon them by the hundreds. The venerable couple were given a reception at residence o: Earl Spencer this afternoon, and presented with por traits of themselves, painted by Frank Hall and Herbert Herka nier, and also with three large silver cups and an address signed by 250 members of parliament. Lord Granville rnad a speech at the presentation. A .lBKALIT AKRKTKB. An Irish Editor Uoe im Prison far Making Fiery Speeches. London. July 25. Jame? O'Kelley, a well-known journalist and member of parliament for the north division of Koscommon, was arrested in this city last night for alleged offenses under the so-called "Irish crimes act." The warrant for his arrest charges him with, making speeches in Ireland incit ing them to intimation and boy cotting Tti::2U FIKST SFS.-SIOX. A Congressional Committee Begins lis Work at .f York City. New York, July 25. To-day the congressional committee, ap pointed to look into the affairs of the country at large, began its work. The first session of the committee opened at the West minster hotel this morning. Chair man Ford, of Michigan, Congress man Morrow, of California, and Gunther, of Wisconsin, were the only members of the committee present, but Gen. Spinola and Congressman Gates are expected to arrive to-morrow. The New York commissioners of emigration were none of them present at the opening of the inquiry, nor was any one here to represent Castle Garden. A MOKKIBLR RFTCHKRT. A Kejected Lover Kills an lnnocens Girl, Then Himself, Itasco, (N. Y.), July 25. Ben Dutton, a farm hand, went to the house of John Lamont, three miles east of the bridge last night, and attempted to kill Lamont and Miss Root, a young woman em ployed in Lamont'8 family. Dut ton fired one bullet at Lamont which took effect in his face, and four at the girl, all of which took effect. Her most serious injury is a wound in the back of the head and her recovery is doubtful. Af ter the shooting Dutton escaped to the woods, pursued by the deputy sheriff, who hunted for him ill night, and this morning his dead body was found with a bullet hole through his head. A paper was also found at the dead man's side marked "strychnin." Dutton had been paying attention to the girl, but Lamont considered him. unworthy of her, and at his ad vice she rejected his suit. Dutton swore to get even with Lamont for interfering, and it was in fulfill ment of this oath that the crime was committed. WAR IX K( As The Cat in Freisht Kates Likely to fee Prolonged. New York, July 25. Yesterday was probably the most disastrous day of the season in freight rates. . The action of the C. & A. in mak ing its rate of $1.20 and 72 cents pei hundred pounds in dry goods and cotton piece goods, respective, from New York to the Missouri river points via all rail has created a great deal of comment. What is perhaps more dreaded than the evidence of prolongation in war is the fact that yesterday the tariff rate to Salt Lake and all other common U. P. points direct by all roads. Hie original Abietine Ointment is only put up in larjre two-ounce tin boxes, is an absolute cure for old sores burjs, wound, chapped hands, and all t-kin euiptions. Will postively euro :..'! kinds of piles. Asfefor the original Ahieiire O'mlti cut. Sold by Foshav Mason alioceut3 per box by mail SO tents k v i. . ".? il