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About Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1888)
THE M()RyTNT( HERALD;! SUNDAY,! JULY 22, 1888. Daily a.xo Weekly TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Published every iiioriiin exuept Monday.) e'.ivered by carrier, per week 0. 15 liy mall, per yeai 5 CO WEEKLY. (Published every Friday Mnrning.) ' ne copy, rr annuiu, in advance ......32.00 When not paid in advance 2.f0 NATIONAL EEPUBLICAN TICKET. FOR PRESIDENT, BENJAMIN HARRISON, OF INDIANA. FOR VICE-PRESIDENT, LEVI P . MORTON OF NEW YORK. FOR FRESIDFTl'IAL ELECTORS, ROB ERT M'LEAN, WJI. KAVVS C. W. FULTON. TIfE DEA TH PENALTY. The barbarousness of taking human life at the rope's end, after having kept the poor wretch in contemplation of the final ignomin ious exit for months, cannot but be apparent to every thinking person. Add to this the demoralization of hese executions, which seem to have such a fascination that every person who can gain admission will rush to view the revolting Hcene there can be no question of i the demoralization and who will not be convinced that the death penalty 13 out a relic 01 the past that should be relegated out of ex istence with all the other obsolete barbarisms. Taomas A. Edison? tlie electrician, in discussing the new application of electricity for public executions, says very truly : "I do not approve of any execu tion. I think that the killing of a human being is an act of foolish barbarity. It is childish unwor thy of a developed intelligence. Society must protect itself, but it is not driven to any such means ex cept by its own refusal to be wise. I believe in the confinement of criminals. There are some that .should be restrained all their lives, but killing them destroys the last hope of making them useful. I would have them work, but not in such a way as to conflict with the laborers in factories. No; I am not in favor of executions, but if they are to take place electricity will, do the work, and it is more certain and perhaps a little more civilized than the rope. I do not think that the electricity kills the mai direct. It acts upon his nerfres and muscles in such a way that they themselves destioy him. You know how a little shock con tracts the muscles. Imagine how a violent one causes every fiber of the body to rend itself to pieces. It is not that the current directly strikes any vital organ and destroys it, but rather that it exeites the physical forces of nerve and muscle to a tremendous and per haps fatal pitch. This is my view of it. There is no doubt about the death of the subject." ble industries at $2 per day, would yield nearly $300,000,000; and from the cost to our national wealth of the 10,030 persons annually made insane, the 40,000 criminals, the 00,000 paupers, the 60,000 who die from inebriety, the 700,000 drunkards, the 3,000,000 of tipplers and of one-third of the sickness in our fair land. Add $10,000,000 a year lost to employers from the drinking habits of those employed, and the annual loss is not far from two thousand millions of dollais. England estimates that one-sixth of the wealth-producing power of the nation is vearlv lost bv the drink habits of her people. The national temperance hos pital, founded twy years ago in Chicago, has treated seven hundred patients without alcohol. Absinthe drinking is said to be increasing to an alarming extent in New York, especially among women. mi . . mere are now eigtit mission vessels cruising the North sea, each a combination of church, chapel, temperance hall and dis pensary. Seventy-four counties in Missouri are without saloons. m STARK DEALERS IN Foe Goid Watches Diamond Jewelry, Fine Sil venvart, ftiujs. Ladies Watches and Chains, and al! kinds of El egant Jewelry at astonlh:ncly l:w prices. A TT 1 mid rams 01 wmw.i I have this day contracted with Messrs. Stewart cfc Sox, of Albany, to furnish a large quantity of pure Manilla binding twine to members ofonr order. All patrons can call at their place of business and by the method adopted at our business council secure the benefit of my contract. I have also mi lu wrrange ments with the same firm to furnssh a lot of Osborne steel frame binders, Send in your orders as soon as possible as harvest is near. Signed MART MILLER, Financial Agent. In i 1 Mar May ! NEW TO-DAY. ))) miles east of Albany.near the Oregon Pacific railroad, 360 acres in cultivation, and contains sufficient water and timber for gen era use. Would make four good farms Price, sl-2,000. with terms to suit purchaser. For particulars apply to J. J. Dorris. GKEO. W. SMITH (SUCCESSOR TO W. H. McFARLAND) CO ta CD CO 55 CO -4- ct3 LOST On Sunday July 15, between Albany and Mrs. Sherer's, west of Tangent, a gold chain woven bracelet with three ruby and two pearl sets on the clasp. The finder will please return the same to G. W. Simpson, this citv- Xotice or Final Settlement. TyrOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 1 undersigned, executor of the lat will and testament and estate of S. D. Haley, deceased, has filed his final aceount in said estate with the county clerk of Linn county, Oreeon, and that the countv court of sai.l coun t. v has fi xed Monday, Auirust b. 1SSS. 10 a . m as the time for hearing objections to said ac count and settling the same. Uated tnisath day of July, 1883. D. P. PORTER, CHAS. E WOLVERTON, Executor. Attorney for Executor. CO CO SPBINCFIELDiSAW MILL SPRINttFIECLV -TJu u k:n7- l!KS"TU,.. I i ,v .uuauy yaru.ana omce on Katlroad, between -kh.and 5th streeUgj Having lumber not excelled in quality, undHu-ilities not surpassed for the prompt and satisfactory falhn? or.orders. I resoet ifidlv solicit a share of (,. ale a. WUEKLEK. -FULL STOCK OP- Staple Groceries I fe Glassware, (Men Tb best quality of tmma. etc AT Having decided to COST! "it our business here, we will sell our -DEALER IN- Stoves a,ncL Ranges -ALSO A FULL LINE OF HEWERT, PRACTICAL WATCHJ1AKE . and jeweler, Albany, Oregon, NOTICE TO FARMERS All parties wanting any dishes for harvest can secure great bargains from us, as we are closing out this line of goods. Thompson & Waters. m Fruit Dryer tor Sale. PLUMMER FRUIT DRYER, FACTORY size, complete, with additions and im provements, for sale eheap. Apply to A. Blaker, Shedd, Oregon, or to A. Wheeler, Springfield, Oregon. M'AMSTER & WOODWARD, HOMKOPATH1C PHV sicians and surgeons, obstetrics treat ment of chronic diseases of women and children a specialty. All calls promptly at tended to day or night. Office in the Flinn block. MiiSiioliu llnnr. BEST MAGNOLIA FLOUR VlJ: Mrs. Shaw is reported to be to get 10 guineas per tune for vvhtling to London audiences. I Iejr whistle seems to be a valua ble! one instead of being dear. Probably the pucker ia her lips lends attractiveness to her beautv. '1 HIE BEST MAGNOLIA FLOUR DELIV A ?red to any part of the citv, for SI. 10 ier sack nliiodtf JOHN A f'RAWFORD. Great Engiisli fieiefly, Murray's Specific Yrade Marb. TINWARE, PUMPS, HOSE, C OPPER WA RE And every variety of cooking utensils and novelties in house furnishing: goods. The public is invited to calljand examine this mammoth stock guilder the new management. ENTIRE STOCK Olothing,lFurnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Trunks, Valises, Ect AT Cost! CAKES, PIES, Fresh Baked Breatf Every Day. Atthta eld ial reSabto hooar is afc !? found a complete aaaortaMnt, of fruuh (udL (roeeriea, to which m mnrtantiy being addartiA the eeaaonbte Sam f gtoeadm ad piuijj j inch as Cranberries, Fine Pickles, Dried Beef Chipped to Order, Anchovy Mustard, Candies and Nuts, Eastern Buckwheat Flour, Canned Goods of All Kinds, - Bohemian Glassware, Etc. These goods were all bouirht wben prlee were low, and the benefit ot the margin will ti jiven to hit cvatomera. Ueaoember the olaa M the old comer on Ffast and Braedalbia Sin. ' cflii ira. HOFFMAN AND PFEIFFEF - Pniprittori of Those wishing bargains will call early before the s xck is broken, as these goods must be sold within the next 90 da 7s, c B Roland & Co ALBANY SODA WORKS And manufacturers of Choice Coflfecfionery. We are bow-prepared to tareiah efcoice, freA eawteea ot beet grade, congiBtiiig of pnre otick, aaaorted Savon, mixed candies, extra Frenc and cboeotaleenams, faaey mixed, candy tufa andaganeialaaeortnMwtaf flnecaadiee if Fi M rr TEMPEEAS0E NOTES. Contributed by the W. C. T. U. We often hear the remark, it is scarcely worth while to give an estimate in figure8 of the drink problem, for people will not read a dry list of figures ; but having run across an article from the pen of Kev. J. P. Newman, D. D., which is such a complete summing up of the financial side of the question, we venture to give it, hoping that the enormous sums of money ex pended for the manufacture, sale and other expenditures entailed by the liquor traffic, will be earefully and noted. He says : We ought to be the purest, rich est and happiest people on the globe. Our national wealth is nearly forty-five thousand million dollars. The receipts of the gov ernment are, annually, $337,000,000 with a balance over all expendi tures of nearly $100,000,000. Why is there want in the land ? Wrhy should any cry for bread? There is a fearful waste somewhere. We boldly charge it to our national drink bill, which is annually more than $800,000,000. In four years in '80. '81, '82 and :83 it was three hundred and fifty-four mil lions of dollars. How do we know ? From the grain from distillation, -,000,000, put at fifty cents per ushels, .34,000,000; from the -iipital invested in the liduor basi jst, a thousand rcillionof dollars ; -om the annual revenue to the ; .vs'rnment, 586.OOO.OOO; from the .:) ((00 persons engaged in the .-ajnc, who::e labor is v. use than .ost, and whose wages in honor l- A guaranteed cure for all nervous itiseasts, such as Weak Memory, Loss of Brain Power, Hysteria, Headache Pain in the Baek, Nervous Prostration, Wakefulness, Before I akmjr, tude Stmilial weakness, Im-! "ten cy and general loss ct power o h Generative Organ? in either sex caused by inuiscre ion or orer-exertion, and which ul timately lead to Premature Trade Hark. Old Age, Insanity and Con sumption. 1.C0 a bax or six boxes ior-5.00. Sent by mail on receipt of price. Full par ticulars in pamphlet sent free to every applicant. We Guarantees B(xe to cure any case. For etery $5.00 order received we send si' boxes, w-ith a u'nuc"AfterTfcl(r. jruarantee to refund the money if ourSpecific does not effect a cure. Address all commu nications to the Soie Manufacturers, Ihe Murray Medicine Co., Kansas. City, Mo. 43TSoId in Albany by Foshay Foshay A Mason, sol agents -O) (0- amps mm amp Tri urn W. F. READ, (Successor to N."H. ALLEN) AT VMUSUB K KKTAIL. OTOrdera 1Mb eetratey dealara promptly air taned to. Tuctezj ou fiat ttrmt, Albany, - - Orejjorif U Crown Milk NEW PROCESS FLOUR. TliflMStegeFaeiJ mm OBOOK, in and spnoff stock I 1 am now receiving new goods in every line and would cordially invite everybody to call and inspect our stock and prices. Wef propose to have th1 The Live Drv' Goods House Mm ffTOMagra of Albany, and shall at all times stu'dy wants ot our patrons both in style and prices. the Two Mays Choose Which! There are two wavs of doin;? what Nature sometimes does incompletely namely, to relieve the bowels. One is to shallow a drastic purgative which evacuates profusely, abruptly and with pain, the other is to take liostetter's Stomach Bitters, the effect of which is not violent, but sufficiently thorough, and which does not grip the inteRtines. If the first is selected, the person em ploying it need not expect perman ent benefit, and he cannot hope to es cape the dcbilitatinsr reaction which leaves the organ as bad or worse off than before. If, on the other hand he resorts to the Bitters, he can rely upon the restoration of a regular habit of body, consequent upon a re newal of a healthful tone in the intes tinal canal. Besides healthfully re laxing the bowels, the Bitters arouses a dormant liver, imparts a beneficial impetus to the action of the kidneys, and counteracts the early twinges of rheumatism, a tenden?y to gout, and malaria in all its form?. An Absolute Cnre. The Original Abtetine Ointment is j on!y put up in large two-ounce tin boxes, ana is an absolute cure for old sores, burns, wounds, chapped hands and all skin eruptions. Will positively cure all kinds of piles. Ask for the Oriffiital .hict:iT Ointment. Sold by Foshav & Mason at 25 cents per box by mail 30 cents. -AT- JULIUS GKADWOHL'S Crockery Store. Words cannot exi:re?8 the grat itade which people feel for the benefit done them bv the use of Aver's Barsparilia. Long-stand cases of rheumatism yield to this remedy, when all others fail to give relief. " This medicine thororghly j expels the poison from the blood, j Mexican Cactus fritters is the best remedy i'i the world for liver and kiii-ir-y df-''je, indigestion, etc. For sale at M. Liuutugart'o. Jlocrer Bros'. Silverware, U'rjQ.3 i, O hi tia andOrvstalware. Boys' "Waerons vnd Doll Carriages, Fancy and Toy Ooods- SAVE YOUR MONEY buying your goods trom my store. I am bny ing direct from the tactory and sell at Eastern prices with freight added, lor cash. Dry Goods Notions, Furnishing Ooods, -Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Groceries,Etc Call and see me. -T. ZEV CEeiELiJCX (Successor to N U. Allet, Albany, Oregon. i Kenton's Ofe Powle -Qnefonnd Can. 25c I am agent for ten responsible Fire and Marine In surance companies, representing $72,ooo,ooo. Insure and protect y cm self before it is too late. Iam also aent for the Frank Bios. Implement Go-, ;Portland 13 ki cn parte Francais. Hisr wird deutch gesproch.en.' 14,000 GIVEN kM ! Ia profits -will be"giveu to customers etweentiidateandlJanEary 1,1889 at the store of IWM. SIMPsON, Who is selling an immense bankruptstoek of eEeral merchandise at cost Call and see the roods on his 5, 10, 1-5, :20 25 c.nd cent counters. His store is headquarters for big bargains. The City Liquor Store, TiI.1iAU)IGAltT,lPtoprietor, tS"Set door to the Odd Fellows' iDp!e, Albany, Orfcgon"55J Keeps constantly on hund the finest ini!ortei and domestic wines, liquors, cigars ar tab?os. Only firat-olass liquor store in she city ' " , SPcSiAL ATTENTION FAID.T3 CBDE3S: FROM THE COUNTRY-' H. DIERCKS.I MeIa m jTOnfitmnera mill SECOND HIND STORE. ffThe?past year has "proven it to be a necessity. The best and cheapest place in the city to buy your Stoye3,Fumta3(tmware We ai e always prepared to buv vour heusehold furniture at the highest cash price. Sole agents lor the PEERLESS OIL GAR And Lamp Killer, L. GOTTLIEB. Itaj Bath House ; AND HAIR DRESSING SALOON, JOSEPH WEBBER, PROPRIETOR. SFL8diea nd children's bair dress uff a specialty. Dntue satisfaction ffuarantevd. ,Adminitntrs NMlrr. In the County Court ofLinn county. State f Oretroc. In the matter of the Estate of Ida M. Cre-se OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 11 undersigned has been duly appointed administrator of the above estate by the county court of Linn countv, Oregon That all persona having claims against said estate are hereby notified ar.d required to present the wne, together with the proner proof nd VlCu undesigned at his Vemdpnce L,n" "ty. Oregon, ithin six months from the date hereof Dated Judb It, 188a DAVID CREWSE, Adminiatrator. m NORTHWEST MARH INSURANCE COMPANY PORTLAND. - . OREGON C PATAU 8TOCJL. t"ine old cherry bounce at M. Baura. part's. Jiven Awf, W. p. Read proposes to rive away a fine gold watch with his gold and silver prize shirt, the very best fitting and best made white shirt in the market. The price is as low or lower than any equally as good shirt in the market.