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About Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1888)
:4 1 CETS A WEEK. ALBaJSY. ORbGOis MT5CltD,Y MORNING. JULY 21. IknS vol. in-iSTo. 4,'o i.-'JWH mm -Is-; Julius Joseph Manufacturer of AND DEALER IX- FINE IN iPORTED All Cigars, Plug and Smoking Tobaccos, fe rschiium and Briar Pipes, and fuii Hue of Smokers' Ar'ic o. Also dealer in CALIFORNIA AND !:-R0?!CAL FRUITS. Next door to Hurkhart A. Kcency's Real Estate Office. Albany The Red T AVEKUV GJE & HOPKINS. Hardware, Stoves, Ranges, Tinware, Coprwarc. Pumps, iron pipe, rubber hose and plumbing goods. Sole agents for tli oelebraic.d "Early Breakfast" cook stoves and.ranges, and "Faultless"' parloi heating stoves. Albany, Oregon. WILL BROS Dealers in all the leading Buns, Pistols, Sewing lactones, Organs, Pianos, A full Line of Sheet music, musical merchaiidise,ammnnition.fisli ing tackV, etc. Warranted razors, Jyutch errand pocket knives The best kinds of sewing machines NEEDLES, Ol L and Extras for all MA CHIXES VM COUNTY AGENTS FOR NORTHWESTERN FIRE INSURANCEECOMPANY. Repairing of sewing machines, musical instruments, guns, etc., ne.itly dene California, f lie Land of Discoveries pl AB1ETINL mLDbCQ.OROVILLl.CAU. HW h YOL A CUL.U m the lieiul wlneh do .Jnot yet better? Have you an excessive vecretion of mucus or matter in the nasal passages which either must be blown from the nose or drop back oehind the palate, or hawked or-snuffed backAard to the throat? Are yon t'iblH hv hawfcing. spitting, weak and THE ONLY-' S i ' i . 1 MU'r'ftiNl LlJ pon'K secretions exuoeu rrom iestcrmif BY ifA I U. Vll C U RZ TOT? ulcers far back in the head ; ometimes . I ' ' , J UZm - m. n n . !t ht membrane iroverinir the bones is .O TBH; UXCtlAr-X f A T A fl.tlil awitV l'e hones themselves HOI rTUlf K.irni-r .lr n -ri iti, iri-adiiallv decay. Such cases ar in AO'LIUMLHILU-LO. UnUVILLL corroding sores reve the corruption withm. As everj' bicath drawn into the lunss must, tionp in the nasal pa-sisres, it must necessarily lrllcw that loisomtiy ol ihe when seire Taduall"' takes place, while the niorbif! matter thitis rwal'tii iiiit tie sin stim into the stomach, enfeebles digestion and often. pi'dues. rs) t j sia, i il 1 1 aPy rn t art is itv. nervousness and consumption. UU 1NU I rKUUrf AC) I IINA I t. Tf have experienced anv of the Rhovesvwptoins do not ilelai . but trv ir.R.ri PK sit once. We pos-itivelv uaraiit eestra treatment, to cure. -S'-v mouths treatment for Sac ta Abie and atK-l lire. ! L-K'IHV' Choice Cigar 0 KEY WEST (Successor to E. W. Langdon' -DEALER IN- Drugs, Paints, Oils. Perfumery and toilet article also a full line of hooks uvu' stationery, periodicals, etc. Prescriptiubs carcfuii iMinpotinded IN ODD FELLOW'S TEMPLE Albany Oieiroi: Front. EUI1EKA Tb California niears "I iily in that. Innd of the orang emo ipu htii. m and npen an attaii' their highest per;e :tion in mid-winter, re uie nerus aim yum toiiml that- are istd in that pleasant lerne-lv for nl! threat and lunar troubles. Santa Abif. he rule.- of couiihs, asthma, and eon umption. I osh.-iy A .llasoii. of Al- anv "reyon, have been atfrointed ansuatpsl'f.-i hisvalble Oilifornia rem tly, and sell it under a guarantee at 1 i bottehree for i'i.yO. FOR SALE BY ALBANY C RKGON inflamed eyes, frequent soreness of the throat Triniiiiiit or roannjr in the ears, more or less impairment ot the hearing, l"sso ismell, memoir impaired, dullness r lizzinesR of the bead, drvness or heat of hiose? Have vou lost all sense of smell! Have you a hackinir couyh? Have you VK cruiv.ia9 la vnitp fnol' Ip sn kov havk thr Catarrh. Some have al these symptoms, others only a part, 'he leading: svmptom of ordinary ea- Itarrh is increased secretion of mucus of LftUdeed objects of pity, as stench from ; ijjjj! ifff pass over and become pollutrd by tbe'reliev . : U.Wjyja Cat.iform few appliisitions. relieve and a thorotisr l.fK); sent by mail Mif nyn jiniHam; Albany, Oregon G. L BLA II Way Ma The AlbaiiyBakeryl! -Ciulerjtbe newuiana;;ement.of- , VTHO KEEP ; A fuil line of choice faiiiily giccer es and provision y Ca n.n.eairinetspples, GiiGice TaMe Delicacies Ornament. il eakvsfior Wcrtaimis and Parties. Salmon bellies. mackerel .and salt!isli,if'all kinds, t mm mm bread ijvcrv X)aA". Bests. Pies. Cakes. TEAS axd L-OFFE Candies INuts. Raisins. CANNED woODS, ETC. B Vne best Soap in the market Le Roi Savon. A fine assortment of domestic and Imported Cigars SZTAl John Fox's oWstand Inw'Fl nn s lew brick. T. J. OVERMAN AGBNT FOR TIIK n7i t5TIIas on hand a line of new and second andwheels. Send for Otal HAVING? SOLD AN INTERKST IN MY harness business to 1 . .1 . Overman, I am lesirous of collecting! all my outstanilinc notes and accounts. All persons knowing themselves indebted to me will please call and settle The business willlbercontinued as usual at the same please. K. L THOMPSON. Alhany, Keb. 2i LIVE- hnim Dealer IN A Live Twln. This is wlint Albany is at present, and in order to keep pace with the .ively times in this city, W. H. Wil lard has enlarged his store and stock o that he now has the most complete and desirable line of furniture in the vallev. His double salesrooms In PVr man's block are rilled with an elegant assortment oi new lurniture, consist inyof loungesiin new patterns, tine srold picture frames, willow :-iair easy rockers, marble tables, brackets, etc., etc. An examination of the stock will show this to be true in every re spect. University of Oregon ! Next session hegins on Monday, the 17th of September, 1SS8. Free scholarships from every countv m the state. Appiv to your county superintendent Foureou-s-cs: Classical. Sciiiitific.l.iterarv a..d a hort bullish courve in which there i" n Ijitin, Greek. French r German. Tin c.iriish is ire-eminentlv a Utii... ., ror catalogues or other information, . j uii i , resident Parker Bras. LEADING B CYCLES, Safeties- WILU WOODIN f ffunutvsraijl Absolutely Pure. This powder never vanes: A marvel of purity,streii.irtli and wholesomeness. More economical thuii the oniinaiT kinds, and cannot be sold in competi tion with multitude of low test; short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only m c-ms: Royal Bakix jovv ueh Co." 10C Wall St., N. Y. ) .4TTK.K1S. DK. X. IIL.VCKia iiX, ATluRNKY AT . Law, Albany, Oregon.- itrlice in id h: l!ows Teni.le. -VH1 practice in all courus oi tbe state, and !ive special atleiition to all busincss.J l"OLYKRTON C1WKLKSK. TiiTOKNEY at Law, Abiani, Or. Oili.-e in rooms IS and 11, Foster's Bio k, over L. E. Wain's stor . J K. W E ATI lO KFOR I , ATTORNEY 'AT , law, Aibanv.l. Oregon. nrtice in "Odd Fellow's Temple. Will practice in all the courts of thestate,'atid jrive special attention to all business. IIIYSI IAXS. G V. UASTOX. , ?eon, Alhany, PHYS1C1AX AXI (irei'-on. H'li Mil. ELLIS, PHYSICIAN AXOtbllir . jreon, Aibai.y, Oregon. CI C. KELLY, PHYSICIAN" AND oL'K J. jreon Albany, Oregon, orticc oer (irail wohl's store. Office hours, from H a. m. to 4 p. M. REVERE HOUSE, ALBANY, OR. CHAS. Pfciffer, Prop. Only tirst eclass house in the city. ha.rge sample rooms for com mercial men. No Chinamen employed in the kitchen. General stasre office for Corvallis. MRS M.E.cCOY,M. OOMCEOPAiHIC physician, oHH r., jesiidwicu vol Iter Of First and Baker st ret;s, Albany. Or,;-. Tronic' diseases a sjiecialty. ' Consultation free. Of: k- to to is a.-. 'm and 2 to 5 P. M. v.. .. ho.,lKWiY, VETERINARY Sl'R. J geon, Albany. Oregon.- -Graduate of GerJ man and Aniericvn colleges. Kemovetl. JOSEPH WEBBER ANNOUNCES TO HIS ' patrons and friends that he can be found on Lyon striet, between Enftine Co. No. 2 and First strtet, until his new rooms in Fo shay & s brick are ready, Land Snrvejins. PARTIES DESIRING SI RVKYIXO DOSE CAN OB. tain accurate and prompt work by calling upon ex-county survey! t. T. T. Fisher. He haseomplete copies of field notes and town ship plats, and is prepared to do surveying in any part of Linn county. Postotfice address Millers Station, Linn couutv. Oregon. For Sale. A JUMP SEAT BUGGY, SUITABLE FOR . one or two horses This l.UKuy is as rood as new. ill exceptional oppoitnuity for a harirain. For casli down or on time or for sheep. Call scon D. M. JONES, Ainany, tireiron. WI1 SALE -A GOOD 2ND HAND P on. It.quire at this ottic WAG- Portrait Photographer mikiio corner ui isecona ana rcrry "PALACE MEAT MARKET James V. PiPE,F"rop. Flnl!feSireet - Albnnj The best variety aioiee heef.veal.mutton, pork sausage, eteiu the city ksptconstantlj an hand. , ' Cash paid for all kind successors to henry susens llouaeand Carriage lainters. Dero rators and Paper Hnner Piano varnishing a specialty. All work promptly attended to. Conn trv work solicited. OF ALBANY, OREGON. PRESIDENT L. Plinni VICE-PRESIDEST CASHIER 1 S. E. Young, G .KChani berlai n, TRANSACTS GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. (Accounts kept subject to check. Siffht ':.ehanire and Telegraphic Transfer sold K .--ew Y -rk, ' Chicago, San Francisco and. tf,').uid,Ort-t)n. Collections made on favoraW rvig. . """" E. Yog - L. Flins L H HllS - , W. E. l'l'BRKLL GeoE. CiiAr.ftRi.Ars. Wanted. $3 ' - . Ve will N" eeufi per roll for hoicce shipp tnJttcr.- Geo.Vassa lo&Go mm DISASTERS. A Tug Boat Blown Up and Six Lives Lost. tc;c vit we:c.iii it.tioos. Great Loss of Life aid Ptcperty Scenes cf the Appalling Calamity Many De&d Bodies. The Hf.rai.d's SpecLil Lnspatohes. :v'lrOTtt;Cftr-Uttly 20. The'" tug boat Convoy blew up twenty-six miles above here tins morning. Seven men were killed. The ex plosion of a isteainpipe that sup plied the engine from the boiler caused the catastrophe. Most of the men were asleep at the time. The victims were Win. Page, Win. Harrington, Kobe it Jones, Win. llijrley, Ohas. Luster, ( ieorge Mc Cann and Win. Kelley. They all belniig in Pittsburg, or the near by Pennsylvania towns. 1AVI'KIS l Ulr. I'ai-liciilars Which are Mm ply V p - palling - It"eiveriiig (lie Eiolic. wiiKKi.ixt;. .niiv zu. At noon to-day the revised estimate of th lives lost rv the .hood last night put the number at at least twenty five. About fifteen bodies hav iieen louiid. i ne oamage to jrop- ei ty louts up .floO.UUU. J tie great est loss of life, was along Wheeling creek and at lnadelphia. A search this morning resulted in the dis coverv of a number of bodies near the Lamer place. Most of them were found among the drift that collected at Elm Grove. The body of William (jastien, aged GO, a prominent wealthy citizen was among them. His wife's remains were found two miles below, hang ing on a barbed wire fence-. Chas. Caulbell, of the Wheeling News Letter, aged 30, was found among the driitwooil. Mrs. Jane Fay, ; and her two grown up daughters. were discovered a short distance below Triadelphia, and the bodies of two others, named Gorman, were found in a meadow, where they had been hurled by the furi ous waves. AtCH.4 HOSPITALITY. Tbrashiu? Servant All the Til They Walt liueHt.s. jfew; York Sun If an Afghan wishes to show par ticular honor to his guest a portion of the display is yery likely to be made through the medium of the carcass of some servitor who is detailed for menial service. The head firrsh is expecteu w no. or nn maer gues, by ostentatiouslv noKsring his unlor- . v ? j i- a , ! t.nnat nniiprhii! arounfl with a stick ' to hurry him up. By making him hop around aud perform his services in a lively cheerful manner tne hos pitable intention is supposed to be measurably emphasized. An amusing exhibition of this pe culiar phase of Afghan life was con nected with my own arrest at Fur rah. Mahmoud Yusnph Khan, by way of apologizing for the unpleasant necessity of having to send me back to Herat, was anxious to impress up on me, in other directions, his good J will tnwird me as au individual. In this laudable ambition there figured prominently his chief farrash, a smart fellow in a cloud of suowy raiment, aud a wild nero, was to accompany our party to Herat in charge of the nummud horse. The farrash 's role in tbe programme was to chase the r.ero around aud rain blows on him with a long iron kabob skewer, used u the Afghan army for roasting ka- j bobs on, and the negro's duty was to receive the castigation with as good grace as possible. The negro was as wild and almost as ugly as a gorilla, and his idea of good grace was to scurry around ahead of the farrash, make" frantic rushes at the work of prepz ration, and howl loudly when ever the kabob skewer fell across his shoulders. The Corvallis Times complains that Mongolian pheasants are getting alarmingly tnick in that section. It is said that one covey will eat and destroy more grain than a hog. JACOBS l FOR WATERMEN. All men whose pursuit place them on the water, such as Seafarers, Lake and River Craftsmen, Yachtmen, Boatmen, &c, should be guided by what CAPT. PAUL B0YT0N, the World-Renowned Swim flier, whose autograph is here shown,says,as follows: "I dpn't see how I could get along- without St. Jacobs Oil." CURES :UMATISM, CRAMPS, ACHES, PAiNS AND BRUISES. oW by Prufwiats on Dealers Everythrre. iJjirles A. Voseler Co.. Balto..Md f BIOLV HfXEB. A Man Wli is to Bis Ovt it son. t Louis Globe-Democrat. A queer case ot mixed relationship exists in tbe tamiiy ot Charles G. Hopkins, whose present residence is 1803 Wash street. Several years ao rlopkins married a Mrs. Hamilton, who bore him a son, now about 9 years nld. Later on the ccuple be came divorced, and in a year or so Hopkins married his divorced wife's daughter by a former husband. A son was the fruit of this union also. the child now 6 vears old. Some time after her divorce from Hopkius and the latter's marriage to Miss Hamilton, Mrs. Han. il ton oeeame so tar reconciled to her ex-husbaud aud her sou-in-law that she brought her sou Roy aud came to reside under the same roof with him. The uew wife took on the duties of step-mother in addition to her former sisterly care of the elder boy, and in due time after the birth of her own son lleggie, sent the half-brothers, who were also uncle and nephew by virtue of their mother's forQier relationship to Hop kins, out to play together. Hopkins l will be observed, is brother-l.u-aw to his own son, because the mother ot the youth is his mother-iu law. Miss Hamilton, as the stepdaughter to Hopkins, was the Miter to her mother's sou, of whom she is how mother, and also aunt, because he is her brother-in-law's son, Hopkins is hoy's brother-in-law, as well as his lather, brcanse Hopkins married Roys (hah) sister. Reggie -and his mother are nephew and aunt by vir tue of the Iormer relationship of .Hopkins and .Miss Hamilton as; brother aud sister-in-law. Lastly Mrs. Hamilton being mother-in-law to her former hasbaud, attain 5 the relation hip of sister-in-law to her own daughter. The Hopkius chil dren, uncle aud uephew and half brothers, are wonderfully alike in their appearance and maimers, and all strangers take them for sure euough brothers. KESTKHTISO lHHlCiRATIO.V. What the Select House Com in it Ire Proposes tt Do. Washington, July 20. The Select House Committee ou the Importation of Contract and Pauper Labor will first visit New York and Boston, and later in the season will probably proceed to San Fran cisco to inquire into the Chinese labor question. Morrow of Cali- cominrwe MillokerKti to uive etiect to rue new Jinnese treaty, but wilt be mainly devoted to the ascertainment f tacts at tending the importing of Chinese ,aor thro(lgb the Brltish Columbia r ,. ... . ., froutier. I us w i 1 probablv dc- . . . . cessi.aie a visit oy me comuiiuee to Port Townsend, and if the al legations are borne out to the satisfaction of the committee it is the expectation that a recommenda tion will be made that negotiations be commenced with the Govern ment of Great Britain looking to the imposition of proper restrictioLS on this kind of inimijrratiou . TOIBEK't'l'TTIMi SlITS. A Large Xnmber of Actions Began by the IJovernmciit. Prescott (A. T.), July 20- As a result of the espionage iuauguiated by the Administration in the Iu- tenor JJepartment, papers were issued from the United States Court to day against ten defend ants tor alleged cutting of timber on government lauu. i he ag gregate amount sued tor is a little over $500,000, the defendants be- iGg the Atlantic and Pacific and Prescott and Arizona Central rail ways, Parker & Co-, W. J . Wilson & Co., (two cases). Ed. O . Dayer of Chicago, the city ot Prescott. D. M. Iiiordan, T. S. Bullock, Ayer Lum ber Company, and Colonel Eddy and seven others of the Miuiug Belt road. Much of the timber was cut on the Atlantic and Pacific Railroad grant, and all that was not was used for home improve ments, and the suit is not looked upon favorably by the people of the Territorv. NORTHWKSTKK IYIERKST3. Pension, Postal and Land Office Notes from the National Capital. Washington, July 19. A pension was to-day granted to Jackson Lemon, original invalid, Oakville W. T. Charles W. Gates was to day ap pointed postmaster at Huntington, Baker county, Oregon, in place of J . F. Tyler, who has been removed. W. N. Locke was appointed post master at this office on the 3d inst, but was commissioned. Secretarv Vilas to-day ordered to be returned to Harry Blaine the pur chase money paid by him on hi tim ber land entry n r a quarter section of laud in the Spokane land district, which was afterwards held for can cellation by the commissioner of the geieralland office. Secretary Viias to-day affirmed the commissioner's decision in awarding to David Jenks the right to tile a pre emption declaratory statement for lo'O acres of land in the Walla Walla land district W. T. and hom ing for cancellation the selection of the Northern Pacific Railway Com pany to the same laud. 4hi nopiww way oe m tuftsin urn l GENERAL 1YEWS. Melville W. Fuller Confirmed as Chief Justice. HltliAV HAS NOT SOLD Ol T. Eaging Forest Fires ia ilichigan Fighting for thar Homes Korthern Pacific, -Farmers -The The Herald's Special .Dispatches. Y asuixotox, July 20 -The.. senate to-dav confirmed Melville W. Fuller as chief justice of the supreme court of the United States. foi:ki;y .m;. An Inhuman Doctor 'oiumils Sui cide to Appease His Conscience Dt ni-ix. July 20.Hr. James Rid ley, the medical officer in attend ance at Tullamore jail during Mr. .Mandeville 8 incarceration there, ! and who was subpoenaed to appear at the inquest at Mitchellstorn to inquire into Mandeville's death, committed suicide to-day. Dr." Ridley bad been present at the inquest daily, wailing to be -called tu the witness stand, and the evidence given to show' that Man deville was subject to ill usage while in the jail, seemed to prey upon his mind, llis suicide con firms the popular belief that Man deville was treated with extreme cruelty by the prison officials. THE NKTHU: PACT tit'. The IM rectors Heel and will uilt several lirauches. New York, July 20. The North ern Pacific directors had a lon session yesterday, but the officials vi the company after adjourning, refused to make any statement for the press except that the meeting had considered plans for several extensions. THE CHICAGO AKABCHIST3 Two or Them Furnish Bail and are Released from Jail. Chicago, July 20. Cheboun and Chapek furnished the required, bonds, $5000 each, and have been released. Kronck, the arch con spirator, is still in confinement and will doubtless so remain. THE John VI. TELEGRAPH DEAL. Maekay Haft Sit Sold Oat to Jay ionld. Virginia, (New). Julv 20. John. W. Alackav emphatically denies the report of the sale of his cable property. AN EMPHATIC DENIAL. New York, July 20. The West ern Union telegraph company offi cially says there is no foundation for the rejiort published in Carson City to tbe effect that Jay Gould had purchased Mackav's cable for $11,000,000. KAUI. FOKK-.T FIRES. Farmers Fighting Tor Their Li res Destruction or Property. - Deeprjver, (Mich.), July 20. Heavy forest fires are raging over the county all the way between t.iis place and Gladwin. Timber of all kinds is being destroyed, and fences and other property damaged. Many farmers have to fight for their homes. There haa been no rain of any consequence for three months. Noted Author Dead. Xewberg, Julv 20. E. P. Roe died earl v this morning. Mr. Koe was a well known author of manv popular novels, among them beini "Barriers Burned Awav, A Tale of the Chicago Fire," and" "The Earth Trembled, A Story of the Charles ton Earthquake." THE HOP KP. Prospects Favorable Tor One T (he Largest Yields Ever Hnrreted. Seattle. July 19. The hop grow ers of Washington territory are highly elated over the prospects of an enor mous yield this year. Never before in the history of tbe industry in .his section haa the appearance of the hop crop been so favorable for a heavy yield at this time of the season as at the present. Growers expect a full yield n all the hop growing districts of the territory. In 18S7 only two-thirds of a crop was realized, amounting to about 20,000 bales. This year it is expect ed that over 30,000 bales will be har vested. In Western Washington there are 212 hop growers who cultivate 2836 acres. Owiug to the unpleasant ex periences of the last few years re garding unstable markets, the new acreage this year is very light in this territory. A FATAL BATH. Redwood, City, (Cal.) July 20. Francisco G B. Decarvallio, a native of Portuga', aged 24, waa drowned at Crystal Springs lake on Sunday last while bathing. Be evidently took a cramp while in the water on account of the intense heat of the day and was drowned before being missed by his com panions. His body was recovered a few hours after the drowning. Uelatives from San Franchco have cnarte of the body, which will be interred in the Holy Cross cemetery to morrow. A Coroner's jury brought iu a verdict of accidental 1