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About Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1888)
Tirr iT- AY.. JULY 20, 1888. THE MOUNTS anting Jlaih, Scrad 77" RIGHT IS THEIRS. nd Weekly Daily ' TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. 1'uhlinhtt'I every inorn.ns except Moiiriaj.) elivered by carrier, per week OAb By mail, per veal... 5 CO W'KKKLY. (Published ever;,- Friday' Morning:.) ne copy, per annum, in advance 32.00 When not paid in advance 2.F0 j NATIONAL REPUBLICAN TICKET. FOil PRESIDENT, BENJAMIN HARRISON, OB1 INDIANA. FOR VIC LEVI P OF SEW YORK PRESIDENT, MORTON I FOR PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS, ROBERT M'LEAN, W.M. KAPUS, i C. W. FULTON. THE FOREIGN POPULATION. One of the questions that occu pies the attention of political economists at present is"that of the ljarge foreign population that is constantly drifting to the Ameri can shores. That imminent danger jto our social institution, and even our political existence as a free jpeople, lurks in the aggretion of population from such sources can 'not be denied. An eminent writer in one the leading reviews, dis cussing ,the subject says : J "What will be the national character of America fifty or even twenty years hence ? Will these heterogenous elements of popula tion weld into one homogeneous whole? Nearly one-third of the people are foreign-born. How far will these affect the original stock ? England has passed through a sim ilar process, but on a much smaller scale, and spread over a thousand years. The United States have been absorbing have they assimi lated ? for a generation, year by year, as many people as form an average German principality ; and these settlers have increased and multiplied. There are nearly twice as many Irish in America as in Ireland. In some states the Teu tonic element preponderates. Wis consin has a large Helvetian settle ment, and Minnesota is a favorite resortof Scandinavians. The char acter of New England has already undergone a marked change. The Puritan character no longer pre vails. Farms that had been owned and tilled for generations by descen dents of the original settles are now in many cases in the hands of Ger mans. The mill hands of Massa chusetts, Rhode Island and Maine are largely recruited by French Ca nadians. Out of nearly five hun dred thousand inhabitants of Bos ton almost one-fourth are Irish. Young New England has gone west. "Whether its historic sturdy charac ter will be impressed upon those nascent states remains to be seen. The cheerful optimism that is so characteristic df the people believes or hopes, that the common-school system will adjust all such matters." Undoubtedly our free school sys tem, which places a corrective agent at work to eradicate the viscious ignorance of the masses who arrive here, will go far towards averting the danger, but it is nevertheless an undeniable fact that some restrictive measures should be ap plied to regulate the number of those candidates for immediate change from vassal&ge to monarch ial systems into independent Amer ican sovereigns, that shall be sub jected to the power of the free shools at one time. The power to Americanize may be limited and the process should be carefully watched. The fact is apparent that when farmers attempt a union of inter ests and a consultation for mutual benefit, the action is looked upon with great disfavor, and the results subjected to the prognostication of sure failure. Not only that, but often the effort is earnestly direct ed towards throwing obstacles in their way. Can there be any ques tion as to the right and propriety of the tillers of the soil uniting in associations distinctively devoted to their interests, but similarly carried on as are trades unions and organizations of all other trades and professions? Certainly not. Then why the opposition and de termined effort to make nugatory the works of such organizations. The Farmers Friend says upon this subject : "We do not see what inherent deficiency or disqualification there is in a farmer that should deprive him of a right enjoyed by other citizens of the states. Merchants band together in stock exchanges and ask of the legislature the enact ment of such laws as they want. Lawyers through local and State bar associations demand what changes tney please in the juris prudence of the commonwealth. Physicians, through the State Medical Board and other similar bodies, demand the enactment of laws for the protection of the medi cal profession. Why. then, this discrimination against the farming classes ? Why shall not the farm ers demand laws protecting their interests? It is a lamentable fact that the taxes of this State do not fall with equal and exact justice on all. It is a lamentable fact that while various properties are fre quently exempted from taxation the farmer ever has to pay his taxes to the last cent or see his home mercilessly sold over the head of himself and family. There are many ways in which the laws, as relating to the farming classes, might be improved, and it is hoped f iat those engaged in .agricultuie will get down to earnest, united work, to right the thing that are wrong." This is as applicable to the farm ers of Oregon as it is to those of Pennsylvania where the paper quoted from is published. The old biblical axiom isthatGod helps those who help themselves, and the tillers of the soil have the per fect right to help themselves. WILL I STAIiK DEALERS IX Si - Di verw and csfan AT K ""W . .4.. J? Jhaitis. :iiiJ aii Kiuu? Jewery Tflfil 5H.KGLY tO PRICES. GEO. W. SMLTLJ (SUCCESSOR TO W. H. McFJpLAND) as CO as as as m XXI as C3J3 c3 H-3 -DEALER IN- Stoves and Eanes -ALSO A FULL LINE OF- - TINWARE, PUMPS, HOSE. COPPER WARE I And every variety of cocking utens'ls and novelties i(i house furnishing sroods. The public is invited to cull .and examine this inuiiinoth stock guilder the new raaiias'euient. I Practical inventions are con stantly changing the mechanical arts, and bringing new methods and results into use. The proposed substitution of india rubber for metal in the, manufac ture of horseshoes, says the Me chanical News, is based upon var ious supposed advantages, one of these being that the former en ables a horse to go easily over all kinds of roads and rough or slip pery ground without slipping. The contrivance brought forward for this purpose as to obviate in one instance the necessity of using an iron sho? which can be moved mcmenlarily when the horse is not traveling, and can also be used when the horse is shod with an iron shoe. The poor old hat and coat scare crow is to be relegated to the things of the past. A mechanical scarecrow has been invented. This new inven tion represents a man of "sports manlike" appearance, standing with gun in hand ready to fire at the first intruder. The arm hold ing the gun is made to move by clockwork, which is inclosed in a strong iron box at its feet, and at a proper elevation it fires a shot louder than an ordinary gun. After the report the arm lowers. The mechanism can be regulated at the owners pleasure by a reg ulator like a clock, and only re quires to be wound up once a day. Renewed attention is being di rected to the Santiam mines, and some rich developments are expect ed from that region. A small-pox scare in Albany, without a case having been nearer than fifteen miles, would be ridic ulous. It FOR LIGHT. -o) (o- Lamps and Lamp Trii inn logs NE W TO-DAY. I )') 'miles east of Albany,near the Oregon Paciflc railroad, 360 acres in cultivation, and contains sufficient water and timber for gen era use. Would make four good farms Price, $12,000, with terms to suit purchaser. For particulars apply to J. J. Dorris. JLOST Qn Sunday July 15, between Albany and Mrs. Sherer's, west of Tangent, a gold chain woven bracelet with three ruby and two pearl sets on the clasp. The finder will please return the same to G. W. Simpson, this city- Notice of Final Settlement. -VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 1.1 undersigned, executor of the last will and testament and estate of S. D. Haley, deceased, has filed his 3nd account in said estate with the county clerk of Linn county, Oregon, and that the county court of said county has fixed Monday, August b,1888,10 a.h as the time for hearing objections to said ac count and settling the same. Dated this 5th day of July, 1888. D. P. PORTER, CHAS. E WOLVERTON, Executor. Attorney for Executor. HEWERT, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKE . and jeweler, Albany, Oresron, NOTICE TO FARMERS All parties wanting any dishes for harvest can secure great bargains from us, as we arc closing out this line of goods. Thompson & Waters. The Boston Record says : "One t;f the most influential of the seced ing democrats is Mr. D. A . Buckley, t-ditor of the Cambridge (Mass.) J-Tjsws. tfat'i he to a Record report .: last evening: 'I have ben a eMOcrat as long as I can vr-mern- -r &v for thirty-six consecutive i cars have voted the straight ticket, ! ::t I cannot go free trad'i. This ! Fruit Dryer tor $nlc. rjLUMMER FRUIT DRYER, FACTORY size, complete, with additions and im provements, f'.r sale eheap. Apply to A. iilakf-.r, hnedn, Oregon, or to A. w beeler, fjpringSehl, Oreeon. M' ,LIliT"K S WOODWARD, HOMEOPATHIC I'Hi- sictsns aitd surgeon?, onstetrics treat- iniTii of chronic disoites of women ra:d i :h':kl;tn specialty. All calls promptly at ! t-.uirted to day r i)i;c:.t. Ottce in the ;-';"nn i bloik. -AT- JULIUS GKADWOHL'S Crockery Store. -.B .Rocer Bros'. Silverware, Pr 5 T3 l, O h.i tia andCrvstalware. Boys' "Waorons vnd TDoll Carriages, Fancy and Toy Ooods. SAVE YUR MONEY Bv buying your goods from mystore. I am brty ing direct from thetactory and sell at Ea&tern prices with freight added, lor cash. - car I fiai going vole the rej for the first tune publican ticket.' Kenton's Biking Powde One Poid Can.25e I am agent for ten responsible Fire and Marine In surance companies, representing 7 2.000.000. Insure lit r5!SnorK iEuviand protect yoTiiselfbefore it is too late. Iam also ; red to any part of the citv, fr ?: u -er assent tor toe i? vanK -Jiros. lninleineTit. Co-. irortland JOHN A Ci-AWFt --:! 3 lot on park Francais. Hier wir deutch gesprochen m 11. Dnr (t It runs of I have this day contracted with Messrs, 6tevart vfcj Sox, of Albany, to furnish a large quantity of purej Manilla binding twine to members of our order. Allj patrons can call at their place of business and by the : method adopted at our business council secure the benefit of my contract. 1 have also mada errange meuts with the same firm to furnssh a lot of Osborne steel frame binders, Send in your orders as soon as possible as harvest is near. Signed MART MiLLEft, Financial Aent. Mr mm -a pull stock: off- Staple Groceries I lamfe,(ktery Fine G SPRINGFIELDi'SAW MILL SPRINGFIELD OltirJOX, "Albany yard 'and office on Railroad, he'tweun iih and 5ru streets Jgt& Havhijr lumber not excelled in quality, iidfaeilitics not surpassed for!the prompt and satisfactory tilling ororders. I resDec.tfallv solicit a share of "the ade. A. WHEELeI?. AT COST! Having decided to :," our bus mess here. we will sell our entire: stock Clothing, Furnishing Qoods, Hats,0ap3,$ Trunks, lalises, Ect AT Cost! Those wishing bargains will call earlyjbefore the r tock is broken, as these goods must bejsold within "the next 90 days. 6. Thbeaiqaait?of tan maa, etc CAKES, PIES, Fresh Baked Bread Every Day. Atthta oM aad rcOabto home is aim b ? round a oompiete aaaortBteot, of freeh famiK groceries, to winch is constantly being adderi " '.he seasonable Unas of reeria and proiiM such as Cranberries Fine Pickles Dried Beef Chipped to Order. Anchovy Mustard, Candies and Nuts, Eastern Buckwheat Flour, Canned Goods of All Kinds, Bohemian Glassware, Etc These (roods were ail bought wben priaaj were low, and the benefit of the margin will ti iven to liis customers. Kemember the nlaja U the old corner on First and Broadalbin Sts. CONRAD Mil HOFFMAN AND PFEIFFER, Proprietors of 7 enn i wji MDkXW mm i mm n mm Aad nuuiufactarers of Co wctione W. F. READ, (Successor to NY II. ALLEN) 17. We are now prepeed to tarnish choice, fr candies of best grade, consisting of pure stick, assorted flavors, mixed candies, extra Freuc and chocolate creams, fancy mixed, candy tuya and a general assortment at floe candies AT HOLES ALE OR BETAIL. (Orders from eeontry dealers promptly afr (ened to. factory on Jftrat stceet, Albany, - - Oregor M Crown Milk Winter ani soni stock Mil &Mmuic cx NEW PROCESS FLOUR. (3oparior JerfamOy mim) Tie Best StorapMito C9-Tae B&mksriemm. eria paf& far wbaa. AULUTT ... MXOOlf,' Mgk EimsB Maiiraiitj (ok imiaiin : 1 am now receiving new goods in every line and would cordially invite everybody to call and inspect our stock and prices. JWe propose to have th H. DIERCKS. Heals s to !- The Live 1 Drv Ooods1 House of A.ibany,land shall lat "all times study the wants ot our patrons both instylejatfd prices. rjrf'"t'"mer8 order vSMSetrer eVataed. TtH b -A with the best tn the market. Dry Goods Notions, Furnishing Uoods, r Hats and Caps. Boots and Shoes, Groceries.Etc Call and see me. 7" (Snccessor to N H. Aliei-y "Albany, Oregon. $4,000 GIVEN km ! I la profits will begiven io customers between tbisjdateand January ll.SS9. at the store of f C .- r ..... - - . v vi 6-.. v. i in i:ivj uauuim .i. j-.-Alt .'Itlfl a lw. rr..H r.r. 1. It- K Ti: !r ti.icir ....J . i. . Tj Ji ,7 v" 'a iv, jl-.', j.- ,o iiuu. cuat counters, nis neaaauarttr-5 for hio- hinr iir.c tori The City Liquor Stoi M.BAVMGART, Proprietor. I to'j' 3fNext door to the Odd Fellows' -i;;j'lc, Ail-any, OregonS tveep? on hatid ta? finest !.iiiorte;J and domestic nines, liquors, cij SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID JO ORDERS" FROM THE COUNTRY SECOND HAHD STOEE. OThepast year hasfproven'it to be a necessity. The best . and cheapest place in the city to buy your St o yes, Furniture, tinware We aie always prepared to buy vour hensehold furniture at the highe6l cash price. Sole agents for the PEERLESS OIL CAN And Lamp Killer. STinshop recently added. All work done at the lowest possible rates L. GOTTLIEB. Albanv Batli HnnsR j r . WWI.V -AND- HAIR DRESSING SALOON, JOSEPH WEBBER, PROPRIETOR. JSF'Ladiee nd children's hai'r dress ng a specialty. Dntue satisfaction sniarantcd. In the County Court ofpjnn county. State o Oregon. s In the matter of the Estate of Ida M. Crewse OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 1 undersigned has been duly appointed administrator of the above estate by the county court of Linn county, Oregon. That all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified and required to present the same, tog-ether with the proper proof nd vouchers to the undersigned at his residence ln&hedd. Linn county, Oreson, within six: Dated June 11, 1388. DAVID CREWSE, Administrator. NORTHWEST F1BE MAR II INSURANCE COMPANY PORTLAND, - - OREGON C PIT A J, STOCK.. i'ine old cherry bounce at M. Baum- 2:ari.s. j Uivm Away. V.r. F. Rend propofes to -jvo awav j a fine gold watch -with Ins gold mid silver prize shirt, ilie very. best fittin" i and best ruftdo. whjfe shirt in the market. The price is as low or lower I than any equally !s good shirt in the j market.