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About Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1888)
1-5CMTS A WEEK- " ALBANYToKEGoF WEMA- MORNING. JULY IsTlsss" ' ftrKSfeJj'' if -- ft f TWEEDALE & HOPKINS. Hardware, Stoves, Ranges, Tinware, Copper ware. Pumps, iron pipe, rubber hose and plumbing goods. Sole agents for the celebrated "Early Breakfast" cook stores and.ranges, and "Faultless" parlor heating-stoves. Albany, Oregon. Julius Joseph Manufacturer of Choice Cigars -AND DEALER IN- FINE IMPORTED AND KEY WEST Cigars, Plug snd Smoking Tobaccos, Meerschaum and Briar Pipes, and iinc of Smokers' Articles. Also dealer in CALIFORNIA AND TROPICAL FRUITS. 1 v-ikfcart & Keeriey's P.eal Estate Office, Albany, WILL BROS Dealer." in all the leading! Gms, Pistols, Bering lactones, Oraans, Pianos, A fu.l ISheet music, musical inerehaiKlise.aiimniiiition.'fisli inr tadv'e, ere. Warranted razors, butdier and pocket knives The best kinds of sewing machines. JVEE DLES.Ol Land i::rtias for all MA CHINES LINN COUNTY AGENTS FOR NORTHWESTERN FIRE KISURANCE3C0MPANY. Repairing of sewing machines, musical instruments, guns, etc., neatly done California, tlie Lane rrtr-TJfBT-T:-n-i'nfl ., i ii i if si 6. "''Iffe and SeicT for circular,! fUnlijr AB1ETINCMEDco.orovhli au HAVE YolT A COLD iii the head wiiieh do.; not set better? Have you an excessive secretion of mucn or matter in the nasal passages which cither uaust be blown from the nose or drop back behind the palate, or hav. ked orsiiutfcd back.vard to the throat? Are you troubled hy hawKii.r. soittinsr. weak and infta:ned eves, ireunent soreness of the throat. KwriiiHiT i, ' II II 1111 l"-. MQS. YfcrTAtENr the: O ;LY QOANTEED CURE TOR r WW CATARRH lABlETMENO-Ca V OROVILLECAU corriKtin.v sores rcve me corruption within. As everv bieath drawn into the lungs u.ui tions in the nasal pa.-svjcs, it must nect s-uril toii, ti at pi-tiii g oi li e vlc lc n . ie -raduallv takes place, widle tin-morbb: niBtter" lb ii i -al:. . ;.r v ;i tr.m fnto the stoma, h. eiifctb!es digestion, and often pi ci.. ( -):;:.. ;.r d t i nl y i ::: ;ls it nervousness and consumption. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE. tf vo1, have evT'eric'i'-e.l any o: tb- !.ov,n:pti :r.s do deii-y. t nt'tiv IfC' km Cvr-K-CrPK at once. WV!y usra'ir g 8 few :.j.p!'"!is. ie!iee and Ja thorough vrcatrr.eiir to '.-i.e. S:x'fi -.reatiiH-nf fi.r Snii'fcl al-i- ". Fr ;.1c 1 MAY i MM G. L BLACKMAN, (Successor to E. W. Langriou' DEALER IN- Braos, Paints, Oils, Terfaniery and toilet articled. als a full line of honks and stationery, periodicals, etc. JSef Prescriptions careful! compounded IN ODD FELLOW'S TEMPLE. Albany Oregon Line of- of EUREKA Tlie motto of Califojnia means "I (have found iv." Only in that land of sunshine, where the oran-r emo iV-jtheirhi fiest perfection in mid-winter. ,'Pflnft hlnoni and rioen an t Atiiiiii re the herbs and srum (found that are hiscd in that pleasant lemedy for all (throat and lung troubles, Santa Akik, the rule,- of couchs, asthma, and con- kunifitinn. toshay A Mhhoii. of Al bany Oreiron, have been appointed ansuaipsl'fo hisvalble California rein- Iv, and sell it under a guarantee at SI a bottehree forS2.5n. FOR SALE BY S.. ALBANY CREC0N nriirinjr or roannir in the cars, more or less impairment of the heannsr, losso jsmeil, niemorj- impaired, dullness cr dizziness of the read, dryness or heat of nose"; Have you lost all sense of smell? Have you a hacking couh.' Have you Ixspep-ia' is your tireatn foul? lr so vol' have thk Catarrh. Some have al these symptoms, others only a part. H'he leading symptom of ordinary ea- ;tarrli is increased secretion of nnicusof yellow or greenish colored matter. - roul breath is caused tv the deeoir posinv Hecretions exuded from festering ulcers tar back in the bead; ometimes the membrane covering the bones is eaten away and the hones themselves gradually decay. Such eases ar .in deed objects "f pity, as stench from pass ov. r and become vobut. i! by thetreliev .oli: srr.t iy n.ail Albany, Oregon j LEADING BICYCLES, hmm ,gfL Tricycles IE. J hJMMWIJ imi The Albany Bakery ! VuJerJthe iic-w Jrnanairement.of- i in nvi ui uui , WHO KEEP A fuil line ofjihoice,," family" groceries and prov'sion Carmea i-'ineapples, GlioicB TaMe Delicacies Ornamented cakes for Wedamas and Parties. Salmon bclies,riiiackere.and salt fishof all kinds, i IRISH BAKED BREAD Evcrv Day. Best Svrun. Pies. Cakes TEAS and COFrE Candies Nuts, Haisiiis. CANNED t.oODS, ETC. j iic best Soap in the market Le Roi Savon. A fine assortment of domestic and Imported Cigars SSi'Al John Fox's old stand low 'Huns luw brick. T. J. OVERMAN AliF.XT FOR THE "Hag on hand a line of new and second and wheels. Send for Ctal HAVING SOLD AN (INTEREST IN MY harness business to 1. J. Overman, I am desirous of collecting! alt my outstanding notes and accounts. AH persons knowing themselves indebted to me will please eall and settle The business willfbcrcontinued as usual at the same please. E. L THOMPSON. Albany, Feb. 22. University of Oregon ! HFEUGENE CITY: Next session begins on Monday, the 17th of September, 1888. Free scholarships from every county m the state. Apply to your county sujicrintendent. Four cou'ses: Classical. Scientitic.Literary a..d a short English course in which there is no Uitin, Greek, French or German. The English is pre-eminently a Business Course. For catalogues or other information, address 4. W. .JOHNSON, President. ID d W LIVE- Jiiriiire Mer IN A Live T'wl5!. This is whut Albany is at present, and in order to keep pace with the .lvclv times in this city, W. H. VYil lard has fiilarg;cd his store and stock o t4mt he now has the most complete ;u!l ii-siraMe line of furniture in the valley. His doulnV salesrooms Id Fro inan's block are tilled with an cleant a crtmnit of new furniture, consist ing: of iuunges in new p:itcrns. line coi l jiicturc frunii-s. willow -"'iair-cty rocker.-. marbK; tables, brackets,' Ku'- A" examivatioii of lhe stock Will -Low 1 1. ... .. ,.. : spect. "w 4" ccri lc" t - WILLAJ ODIN Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity,streni;th and wholesomenees. More economical than the orainary kinds, and cannot be sold in competi tion with multitude of low lestshort weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in e ms. Royal Bakin Jov dek Co., 100 Wall sU N. T. 4TTOK.VK1S. DR. N. r.LACKDURX, ATTORNEY AT . Law, Albany, Oregon. - Office in Odd bellow's Temple. A'ill practice in all courts of the state, and give special attention to all business. J WOLVERTON CHARLES E. AITORNEY at Law, Albany, Or. Office in room? 13 nmi 14, Foster' Block, over L. E. Jilain's stor i T K. WEATHOllFORll, ATTORNEY 'AT J . iaw, Albany.JJ.Oresjon. fiffice in 'Odd Fellow's Temple. Will practice in all the courts of thestate.faud give special attention to all business rHYill.4S. GW. ?I ASTON, PHYSICIAii AND , sreon, Albany, Orcop. si i: H. ELLIS, PHYSICIAN AND Sl'lir L-eon, Albai.y, Orviron. "I C. KELLY, PHYSICIAN AND ol K J. yeon Albany, Oregon, office over .Id's store. Ori'.cc hours, from S a. m. to -1 v. M. r) EVERE HOI SE, ALt'AN'Y, OR. CHAS. , Pieiffcr, Prop. Only rnt e. luss house in the city. Larjre -sample rooms for com mercial men. No Chinamen employed in the kitchen. Oeneral stae ottice for Coriallis. MRS M.E. McCOY.M. D.H0M(E0PAHI1C pb.vsi cian, ollice and residence corner ol First and ltaker streets, Albany. Or. Chronic diseases a s.eeiitlty. Consultation free. Of r-, n knnm- to o i-2.. m and to 5 p. m. Ai r.N DKslltiSC RAILROAD WORK Will be iriven emrlo incur ins to Contractor Hunt, at his hcadnuartess at VVullula. Work Will be vigorously pushed mi the Wallula branch, ai.d an unlimited number of men can obtain employ mtnt. II. Hindi. BOOT ANIV SHOEMAKER, 'ALL- WOKK warranted, t-hop since the fire removed to Ferry sti'eet, second doer from postotfice DR. R KOLDEWAY. VETEKINAItY SFP frcon, Albany, Oregon. - Graduate of (JerJ man an.l American eollejrcs. .Vol Ice of involution. H rPO ALL WHOM IT MAY COXCEItN X The co-partnership heretofore existing between Robert J. Carson and John N. Hut- man, is this day dissolve! by mutual consent May 24 1888. ROBERT J. CARSON. JOHN N. HUFFMAN. Removed. J OSEPH WEBBER ANNOUNCES TO HIS patrons and friends that he can be found on Lyon street, between Engine Co. No. 2 and First street, until his new rooms in Fo- sliay a: Mason s brick are ready, Portrait n ( a i tiy rnuLugrupntr SfStudio corner of Second and Ferry PALACE MEAT MARKET Tames V. PiPE.Prop. FlmtltMrcrt - Allmny The best variety of choice beef.veal, mutton, pork sausage, etc., in the city keptconstantly an hand. ' Cash paid for all kind ock.TSJ For Sale. A JUMP SEAT BUGGY, SUITABLE FOR one or two horses. This buggy is as good as new. An exceptional oppoitunity for a bargain. For cash down or on time or for sheep. Call soon 1). M. JONES, Albany, Oregon, L OF ALBANY, OREGON, PRESIDENT, 1j. Ehnn " VICE-PRESIDENT S. E. Young, cashier. G.E.Chamberlain. (Tl RAN S ACTS A GENERAL; BANKING J. BUSINESS. Accounts kent subject, tn check. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic iransier soiu on sew York, Chicago, San rraneisco anu rorriano, Oregon. Collections maue on iavoraoie terms. E. You L. Flinx t.. R. BLA1S W. E. TtRRBM. GEO. h. rilANBRRI.AIX. Geo.Yassnllo&Co SUCCESSORS To IlKXRY SUSEXs j llouc anil :iri-i:ig; I'ainleis, I, c; ratorsaiul I'aper Han-eis- j Piano vartiisidnv; a sper-ialtv..' All work promptly attended t". . Country work su.ieued. ! BOLD PLOT. A" Well Concocted Seherae Kipped In the Bud. nspector and Jndgis to Ha ye Been Kc t ; dered Corii.pira.:ors Captured A Seo ciid tajmarket PitvenUd. II KK alii Speeial D.siiatcfii s.) CiiicAuo, July 17. By the bold and tiuieiy action of Inspector Bunfield this morning the lives of himself and Judges Gary and Grinnell were saved. In a small frame house near Ashland avenue and Thirty-Third street weie found twelve dynamite bombs, a revolver and a knife, and as tlie owner of thi articles stepped to the sidewalk he was arrested by Bonrield in person and taken to the police station. Two other arrests were made later. When questioned as to what the prisoner had intended to do, Eonlield confine.. J himself to s .tying: '"There was a cpnspiriuy of long standing and it was about, to be put into execution. They in tended to use the dynamite on Judge Gary, Judge Grinnell and myself." Tlie chief prisoner is an old-time anarchist and was prom inent in the scheme of Haymarket times. Before making the lirst arrest Boniield had the house sur rounded by rive picked oiiicers. Just as daylight was breaking the inspector was joined in the vicin ity by a sergeant, and in a few minutes later the man emerged from the house. The stranger ac costed Bonfield and the order was given to the oiticars to close in on the man. He made a desjierate fight, but was quickly overpowered and placed in charge of two olii- cers. Bonfield and the other om-! cers then rushed into the house. I 1 hey were met on the stairs by a woman, wife of the man who Dad ! been captured, but she was brushed Home aim me ponce, guiuei iy a : who urged Ininto the po,icy o: an at-strang'U-, eiiiered the next rcMjm, ; tack upon the strikers he said: ''1 where, hidden away in a corner, ; don't propose to go nut and shoot the inspector found an even dozen j down my neighbor unless itisposi of dynamite cartridges wrapped in ; tively uccessary to do so in order to brown paper. Further search of i uphold the law." the room disclosed, hi lden away ! Iitinng all that troublous time, in the bed, a large revolver ami j General Harrison exerted all his in dagger. :-on:e bundles ol letters i Hueuce to bring about a seltiemeut o: ana other papers were also taken ! the strike, and the papers o: the cit care of by the police, 'lhe otlicers or that day show this assertion to U next went to 3! HO, (ueen street. true. In a few days the strike end Here two other arrests were made i cd, and Geueral Harrison at once in and ail captives were takei: to (Vntral siiirmn. H.iiiii.Md .-aid. the plot was a well one. About twenty arrange. i ' 'o dclitierate ! 'M murderers were in consiiiracv uid . i. . . nent iiersi.ns in the. I I;ivni:ii kct assasstnatioii. Iivnaiuile was to he placed bclieatll the houses Ol j these, and the poweruil explosive i was to le touched oil simultane- ously throughout, 'lhe board of trade was to be blown to the skv I at the same time and a wholesale reign ot terror inaugurated. AKBISO.VS LA BO It KMORU. A Slry of tlie loonrt'l : of Urn, Karrisou With the strike of Record Un:on Au enort has been mace to array laboring men against General Harri son because he stood lor law and or der and the friend of the laboring man and for high wages for him, as against lawlessness and disorder and low wages and oppression. While this might be allowed to pass upon the simple statement that the change amounts to an insult to workingmeu, the Democracy present the matter in such a false light that it is best to state the whole case. "Blue Jeans" Williams was Gov ernor of Indiana in 1887. He was of all Democrats the very essence of a Democrat. No one could doubt that or ever will. A strike was in pro gress then upon the railroads center ing in Indi.inopohs, tne seat of Gov ernment. It was a wave of great tumult that swept over the Central and Western States, in which the mob one Sunday destroyed $1,000,000 worth of property at Pittsburg, The very next day the strikers took possession of the union depot in Indianopolis. The mayor Mr. Gavin a democrat, declared the police in sufficient to protect property, restore and preserve order. He called a meeting on a public square of all "law abiding; citizens" to consult upon measures for the public safety, know ing as every one knows, that the mob spirit is uncontrollable, ruus to ex cess, and is made the pretext by the criminal classes to "join in," as they invariably do. Nearly all the lead ing citizens of the capital city were present, and formed a Committee of Publis Safety. Conspicuous at the meeting and on the commttiece was United States Senator .Joseph E. MoLouald, a fore most Democratic leader. He declared then and afterwards in the commit tee that order must be restored and preserved. Republicans and Democrats alike took part in both bodies, and no par tisanship was for an insta"t thought of, Among tnose who united in the law and order movement was Gener-! al Harrison. The leading pa pur ,iext in. lining said: (;c:K-r:d H.,rrison made an eloquent and log:, .ti s..tecti oi some leu : n, repiele wit:i lci;;t: 1- i e ami sound good sense- obedience to tlie law, bu' M th.; sam.- liait sirongiy cxi-rti.-ed Hie ..piniuii that the j uiey ei e i ) oe at a certain tiuii.-e ; nK.nd aillt askcd !or lhtir re.. 9 :yiUf liu.i alter niiauighl. lu-lllght they the object ot .r..s.iu ing them l.a j -iaiiy-were to be at the homes of Groin- ! heeuto s io.v tnnu int they must o..c;. hk i - i . .-iii' i t ,J 1 law lik otii'-r ciiicu.s. He was conliuciii neli, (.ary, Lontield, Prank alter, j ;lh tvuul,1 lv i,!,i,lin,,citi,ens in the General Stiles and other promt- ; i...uic ii" ibc .n-e rele--eu. Ju.ige uru.n- waes as stated too lo-.v and ilesirjwl very inuiii niao tney biiouid be raised. -.lteuTtw willing to use liis iiitiuence with thUsciii au thorivy hi tuvwr of. ttiis desired inTearfc But the matter hung lire; the peoule began to cempiam bitterly of deprivation of railroad privileges and the public dtmaud was tba: the blockade must be raised, that in-1 nocent people must not be Duuiehed And in K:-ictiii2 Vvu.v...... 1 . .......... . . :n .). 1 1 1 ployers and employes could not agree, Violence as manifest about the depots, and tears g ew thit l'lUs buru's experience would be dupli cated in ludiauopoli-. A second public m :etin was call ed by the mayor, ana General Co'ourn presided, Jntlje Greshaui, Jude Newcomb and many others spoke, and a committee was named to con fer with the first, or safety committee iu maintenance of law and the re pression of violence. Senator Mc Duuald w,n made Chairman of that committee. General John Love, also a democrat, and General Harrison, Judge Gresham, General orris, General McCauley, a prominent dem ocrat and Courad Baker composed it. The committee was instructed to advise and aid measures to secure ! public safety and make rnob violence 'inpossio e oy Timely precaution. Ixcvernor imams (democratic) is sued his proclamation, denouncing tiie rioters severly. And very much more of the same order. At once it was resolved to call the volunteers to form compan ies to preserve the peace, and the people promptly answered, and sty- ! eral military companies were reco.- i nized, and Governor Williauisf Demo- j crat) conimiiiEioiied General Beiij. Harneon ( Republican) to command them. But General Harrison de clined because he was Captain al ready of a' company. He lecom mended General Daniel McCauley (Democrat) and Governor Williams appointed him. General McCauley detailed General Harrison's company to guard the United States armory where 300.000 Springfield rifles were stored and thousands of pounds o: ammunition, with but twenty reg ulars in charge. General Jlariisoa ' obeved. marched his comuanv to the ; buildings in the ou'skirts of the city. j and kipt i"ard over them. To cue i terveued, an-i asked tor mere K.. the men aritSteu two liundreJ ii -wlio hail been teutenceu to iiuprisonmeiit, Tlie record runs: . i n : - T...l.,. Ii..n.i VTei.erai iiairi-en wt-m u x. I i-.ond. on the peti:o i, released tbein nd. on the peti:o i, released tbein Many oi the strikers wiiib; passing out or the court- t,. ......1 T.. 1,;.L., i):tll,is Wirl) tiflier:.! Harri.-on, aad I', thank him for bis succe-s- lu! efforts in tiicir i.eiuif. We have but one wordto add. Ii anJ' maib because ot the tacts above stat"1- siu,u.i.d vo e aga n t General neiipunm Harrison, in iieaveiit fame let him not fail to do so, and b his bailot seal a verdict ag mist the goi d citizenship, manliness of chai acter, nobility ol soul, humanity ami chanty that were manifest by Gener al Harrison when he stood the chain pion of order and law aud the tnend and advocate of the laboring man: Tne man who can record such a vet -dict must be lost to every sentiment ot i i;ht and justice. Everything Klsc Settled. Chicago Tribune. 'S yeu have my daughter's per mission to ask me for her hand, have you, young man?" "I I am happy to say, sir, that I haye," replied the poor but worthy youth. "And I suppose," said the banker. afer a pause, "you have also asked her to name the day. About what time, sir, do you expect to break into my family?" Well Boring. E B. Diividson has sent for a ma chine for boring wells, and in a tew days will be ready to bore wells any where in the city, from two to fourteen inehesin diameter, any depth. JTJACOBS OJl FOR RHEUMATISM. S20.000 LOST. COL. D.J. WILLIAMSON, Ex-U. S. Consul at Callao, Pern, whose fac- simile signature from b i s testimonial is here showm states: "I was a help less cripple for years from rheuma tism, spent $20,000 in vain, then used St. Jacobs Oil, and it cured me." Siil'ihy Driifini-its end I)cd rrf EiTtrywhtrt. I If TY.Z CHABLES A. VOGELER CO., BALTIMORE, ill). Several Important Appointments by the President. SEHS ITOES FKW.U W AsHIVGTO.V. j j '; General Harrison Is Entirely Well Again- .Startling Developments in the Dynamite Trial, Tlie Hkkai-d's Special Dispatches. WasiiingtoXjJuIv 17. The pres ident to-day nominated the follow ing United States ministers: resi dents to be envoys extraordinary and ministers plenipotentiary at courts where they are now serving : Lambert Free, of Illinois, Bel gium ; Robert Roosevelt, of New York, the Netherlands; Rums Mc Gee, of Indiana, Sweeden and Norway ; Chas. L. Scott, of 41a "Vaina, Venezuela ; John E. Bacon, of South Carolina, minister resi dent of the United States to Para guay ; Samuel S. Sears, of Nevada, to be agent for Indiana of the Ne vada agencv in Nevada. .kki:al HlKKlSW.V Has Nearly Krroverrd from His Ke reut Mijitn Attack or Illuess. Indianapolis, July 17. General Harrison rose early this morning, feeling in excellent spirits and health. There lias been no recur rence of neuralgic pains. Aiier spending a couple of hours with his secretary the General ordered his carriage and drove down to his law office, where he spent an hour. This is the rirst time he has been out since last Wednesday. His family and neighbors have about ceased to regard him as a sick man. JIA.YDfcVIILK'JS IATH. He Was Starved to lrah Iu Tnlla more Prison, Dublin, July 17. An inquest was begun to-day at Michaelstown te inquire into the cause of the death of Mr. Mandeville, Kdito r U'iirlen's companion, who is said to have died from the eflect of the treatment lie received in Tullamorfe jail. The widow of the deceased test i lied that her husband told her he had suffered with a sore throat his term of imprisonment! He was unable to swallow and had suffered terribly from hunger.5 The prison b. :tr na-i i.iiied to relieve, him, and bad certified that he was in no lit con iitiin for punishment. Till: TKAIX HKIltKEK!!. t he .; tii;o 'ic-tiiiloliy of Bowels ("roves l lie True. Galesuukg. July 17. The United States Marshall Marsh, and two deputies, brought the informer Bowels here this morning to test the truth of his story that a dyna mite tart-ridge had been phiced on the Burlington track north of here, and subsequently, in consequence of fear of the results, had been concealed in the hedge near by. The officers and railroad officials and a number of prominent citi zens went to the spot that Bowels indicated, and alter some digging found a dynamite cartridge. It is of the Hercules kind, and has caps in ootii enas. lhe cartridge is now in the hands of the railroad officials. The sheriff and other otiicers then vent to. the home of George Clark, one of the leading Brotherhood Engineers, and put him under arrest. Clark made no resistance, and would say nothing save to assert his mncence. Bandair ('ndltion. Washington, July 17. Ran dall's condition is fairly satisfacto ry to-day. There were indications of a recurrence of some of the un favorable symptoms this morning, but they were promptly overcome, and he continues to rest quietly and gather strength. Joliu C Fremont Krtired. , , Washington, July 17. The sen ate to-day passed a bill to place John C. Fremont on the retiiediist of the army as major general. The vote was 29 yeas and 21 nays. Con siderable discussion preceded the vote.' Fdisn's Phonograph Sold. New York, July 17. It is stated on Wall street to-day that all right, , title and interest in Edison's pho nograph has been s Id to an Eng lish syndicate for $1,250,000. That Highway of Nations. The broad Atlantic, is ever a stormy thorough fare. Yet blow the winds over so fiercely, and ride the waves ever so loftily, seamen must man the good shis, tourists will brave the pas sage, and commercial travelers and buyers must visit thi- centres of foreign trade and manufacture. That atrocious malady, seasickness, togeth er with co'icky aius and much in ward unea-incss is oftan endured when Hostcttcr's Stoniieh Bitters would have fortified the voyagers against them. Sea "captains, and in fact all old sails and veteran travelers ac-i Hoquainted with the protective vniue of this estimable preventive and remedy, and are rarely unprovided with it. Emigrants to the far West -lu.iiid use it as a safeguard against iiiylaiiii. Seek the aid of th Bitters ;';r d spep.-ia, constipation, liver com .;;iini. k Siiit-y 1 rouble-, and a1! ail- mei t tlint impair the Harmonious and vigorous action of the vital power. ( irm-ii q-.iant.iliv in the raiu. of har is out f l-''?.