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About Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1888)
'- -' 1 .. . . ; :. V V - 'I - Si' Jo GENTS A WEEK. ALBANY. OREGON bUNfAY MO FINING. JULY l tSSS VOL. 1H-N0. 201 . . . . The Red TWEEDALE I PumDS. iron riDe. rublwr hose and plumbing rroods. Sole srents for the celebrated "Early Breakfast" cook stoves heating stoves. Albany, Orearon. Julius Joseph Manufacturer of Choice Cigars -AND DEALER IN- FINE IMPORTED AND KEY WEST . Cigar?, Plug and Smokinir Tobaccos Meerschaum and Briar Pipes, and fti!! line of Smokers' Articles. Also dealer in CALIFORNIA AND TROPICAL FRUITS. Burkbart & Keeney's Real Estate Office, Albany, WILL BRm Dealer? in all the lending! Buns, Pistols, Sewing laciimss, Organa, Pianos, A fuil Line of Sheet music, musical inrclian(lise,ammunition,"lish ing tackle, eic. "Warranted razors, but-ner and pocket knives Tiie best kinds of sewing machines. NEEDLES, OIL and Extras for all MACIIIXES LINN COUNTY AGENTS FOR NORTHWESTERN HRE INSURANGFSCOMPANY. Repairing of sewing machines, musical instruments, guns, etc., neatly done XVf Rl III vi i m H If ICS ln I ha ,.( i -mi - mm m m v ii ii inc. rillNlKI I lift! 5. An 1 Jl I v r a c r c tu PA &T .L an 3 SncTjor c c fc ul J r.$l itr trtit 3 (or Cj A D I L cm. HAVE YOU A COLD in the head whivh d-vt . not get - better? Have you anexcesbc secretion of mucus or matter in the nasal passages which either must he blown from the u. uiuj. oiitu uc-miiu ine paiaie, or nawKea orjsnuneu nacKAaru to the throat; Are yon troubled hv hawking, spitting, weak and inflamed eyes, frequent soreness of the throat. roc? theONLY quANTEED CURE TOT? i . ii ;r v. jut CATARRH lABIETiNE MEDbCaVn R nvin T eorroiiiiii' soles rce tne torr::;tioii within. ; As every breath drawn into the lungs n .us' ya?s over and be rrc polliitfd by the'reliev tions in the nasal pai-siges, it must neressarily Kl'cwtla! icis-ciiij; rt ire wl.tle" were gradually takes place, while the n.orl i? n:s-ier is iai,v,i. iviiig i) s n) mm into the st"n:a b, enfeebles ditestion, and often; j r cv.cts cptj si U 1 1 a! y i.iMsits itv, nervousness and co'.iMunii'tion. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE. Tf von have experienced any of the r.l rveyn.i C. r-R-Ci'KB at t nce. We jiosiiivily uaraiit i t g a treatment to cue. S:x months tie.tlimi.t for l Sauia Vine a iat-s- uw-. s :ir - FOSHAY G. L BLAH (Successor to K. W. Lanirdon -DEALER IX- Drugs, Paints, Oils, Perfumery and toilet article-. als a fill line of books ami stationery, periodicals, etc. 3?" Prescriptions carei'uln compounded !R ODD FELLOWS TEMPLE. . Albany Oregon Front. & HOPKINS. AT)TIrnPft JICLWttlt. and ranges, and "Faultlees" parlor ETJEEKA The motto of California means "I have fonrifl it, ' Onlv in t.tmt. lrwl m pinshine, where the oranst emo ami grape txoom ana nptn an c attan If Vi.iip muit nnvfunttAn in vn.t . . - i . . . . . i -" --- t- v..v ninprl in that. nlpAmnt ipmprlv fnt- o 11 nrp tVi tiArtta nnrl (ntm fnnml thai !-. (throat and lung troubles, Santa Abik, line ruie oi cougns, asinma, ana con- umpwn. rosnay .nason. ot ai- Jhanv Oregon, have been appointed msuarpnl fo his valble California rem ily, and sell it under a guarantee at il bottehree for $2-5" FOR SALE BY Foshay S. J LBAXY C REG OX inniring or roaring in the ears, n.ore or Hess impairment of the hearing, loss o 'smell, memory impaired, dullness r dizziness of the head, dryness or heat of nose: nave you lost all sense of smell? Have you a hacking cough? Have von 'tspepia? Is your breath foul? If ko voir ii ave tub Catarrh. Some have al these symptoms others only a pari. (The leading symptom of ordinary ca- tarrn is increased secretion or mucus of - yellow or greenish colored matter. Foul breath is caused by the decoir " posing secretions exuded f pom festering ulcers far hack in the head; onictiims the membrane covering the bones is eaten away and the hones themseivra r.A? Att ti ms do i rt ! few aM;ieat:oi:s 00: sent by mail V . hut'trv ?CAi.rrfTM ieUee andja'.therouth lie i! i MASON, iVlbaiw, Oregon J Pnnn fall, The Albany Bakery ! Vuder the new management.of- WHO KEEP A fail line ofjchoicej" family' groceries ' and prov'sion Can riea Pineapples, Choice TaMe Delicacies Ornamented eakesVor Wedatitas and Parties. fir.lmon bcllies.'rraekerel.and salt fisli.of all kinds. J FSESH BAKED BREAD iverv X)av. TEAS and COFfE andies Nuts, Raisins. CANNED fTtiODS, ETC. ine best Soap in the market Le Roi Savon, A fine assortment of domestic and Imported Cigars ttAt .Ichn Fox's old stand low Fl nn s new tiriek. T. J. OVERMAN -A(iKNT KiR THE- ISTTas on hand a line of new and second andwhcels. Send for Ctal HAVING SOLD AN S INTEREST IN MY harness business to T. J. Overman, I am desirous of collecting! all my outstanding notes and accounts. All persons knowing themselves indebted to me will please call and settle The business willfbejcontimied as usual at the same please. E. L THOMPSON." Albanv, Feb. 22. University of Oregon ! IgTECGENE CITYEJ Next session begins on Monday, the 17th of September, 1888. Free scholarships from every county in the state. Apply to your county suiierintendem. Four eou-ses: Classical. Seientifie.Literary a..d a short Emrlish course in which there is no Latin, Greek, French or German. The English is pre-eminently a Business Course. For catalogues or other information, address .1. W. JOHNSON, President. LIVE- Furniture Dea IN A , LlVG Twfo. This is whut Albany is at present, and in order to keep puce with the .ivel- times in this city, W. H. Wil lanl has enlarg.-d his store and stock that he iov has the mist complete, and desirable line of furniture in the valley. His doubl.; salesrooms In Fro man's bioek are lilh-d with an elegant assortment of new furniture, consist ing of lounges in new patterns, t'me rold picture frames, willow chairs e-isy rock.-rs, mai hle t:il.les, brackets U'.. etc. An exami!!atit.i of the stock wu'.suow this to be true in every respect. Parlor Bros. LKADiNG Bl MLLARD & WOODIN Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of ntiritv .strength and wholesomeness. More economical thaa the. ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competi tion with multitude of low test.'short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cms. Royai. Bakiv 'ow der Co., 100 Wall st. N. T. ATTORXEl'S. DR. N. BLACKBURN, ATTORN EV AT . Law, Albany, Oregon.- Office in Odd bellows Temple, -fill practice in all courts of the state, and pve special attention to all business.J WOLVERTON & IRVINE, AFl'ORNEYS at Law, Albany, Or. Office in rooms 13 and 14,. Foster's Block, over L. E. Biain's Btor : T K. WEATHOKEOKl, ATTORNEY AT ) , law, Albany ..Orciron . Otlice in 'Odd Fellow's Temple. Will practice in all the courts of thestate,fand fcive special attention to all business. PHYSICIANS. G1 W. MASTON. PHYSICIAN AND SIT IT, freon, Albany, Oret'or. Mii. KLL1, fl'YblClAN A.NP SLKr . ireon, Albai.y, Oreaon. f C. KELLY, PHYSICIAN AND V j. v'con Albany, Oregon, office over wohl's store. Otiice hours, from S a. m. to 4 P. M. REVERE HOUSE, ALBANY, OR.-CIIAS. Pfeiffer, Prop. Only first-eclass house in the city. Lar.'e sample rooms fr com mercial men. No Chinamen employed in the kitchen. General staife otlice for L'orvallis. ""RS M.E. McCOT.M. B.HOMCEOPAiHIC JVL jbysician, c1 iiud rsil(aee -corner ot First and Bilker stylists, Albany, ; Or. " CliroHlc diseases a specialty. Consultation free. Of tVe bmjrs: to to 2 a. M and 2 to 5 p. St. ,...n lslKiNG RAILROAD VOP.K iL VVill be yuen eniplnient by apply ing to Contr.ietor Hunt at bis lKai!iii.'.rt rs at W:illu!a. Work Will be vigorously pushed ii the Wallula braiK-h. ai.d an unlimited number of men can ohtaiiijcniplownuit. II. Hindi. BOOT AND SHOEMAKER, "ALL' WORK warranted. Miop since the lire removed to Ferry stiver, second dor from postoilicc. DIL. R. KoLDEWA Y, VETERINARY SI" It. .ireon, Al'Kiny, Oregon. - Graduate of GerJ inau an.i AinerieKii couejres. lic- or llHM)ulion.K rpo ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCEf J. The co-partnership heretofore existing netween K.ibert J. Carson and John N. Hon man, is this day dissolved by mutual consent -May 24 J.SS5. KOBKKTJ. CAKSN. JOHN N. HsFFMtN. Removed. JOSEPH WEBBER ANNOUNCES TO HIS J patruns and friends that he can be found on Lyon street, between Engine Co. No. 2 and First street, until his new rooms in Fo shay & Mason s brick are ready, Portrait rnoivgrapner rt. . -X. i Studio corner of Second and Ferry PALACE MEAT MARKET James V. PiPE,Prop. FirslJiHri-ei - AHwnj Tka V.... . . I .U,,;U, t-,A..f i'a.1 Miit.nn .lie Lmb VtiriCLV oi i.ti'it:,,gbUiuiwii, pork sausage, etc.,in the city keptjconstantly All IIUIIII. IS" Cash paid for all kind Ock."J For Sale. A JUMP SEAT BUGGY, SUITABLE FOR one or two horses. This biisrirv is a Sood as new. n exceptional uppmtunity for a bariram. For cash down or on time or for sheep. Call Boon 1). M. JONES, Albany, Oregon, OF ALBANY, OREGON. PRESIDENT, ' Li. FimD.. VICE-PRESIDENT S. E. YoUDg, cashier. G.KChamberlain, TRANSACTS A GENIAL BANKING BUSINESS. Accounw 'opt subject to check. Msrni e.xchanL'c . . Transfer sold on ew Y'or' Telefjraphtc icajro, ban 'ollections Francisco nd Portland.Ore made on tavoraoie terms. E. Yoo . FUXN I . TURRBLL Xj. E. BI-A1X , . - gko. e. CiuMisr- 1 e;' SUCCESSORS To HENRY SCSCNs Jouc:tii'i '::rr!asip tacnter. Iec rators simI I'.ijxt Hangers' Piano varnishing a specjalt-. All work 'roinpt!y attended U . Country work solicited. GENERAL NEWS. Tae Burlington Railway Dyna miters Foiced to Confess. Five Hundred Miners Kescned, Macy Otters Earned to D- ath Randall's Condition. The Hkrami's Special Dispatches. Chicago, July 13. :Bovcles, tbe ! niafi!ftRayi&feitr: plot against the Burlington road, wliom the testimony given yesterday, was most conclusive, has, it iss said, made a full confession of his share in the conspiracy. He saw that in'his case there was but little hopes of escape from conviction, and early this morning it was made known to District Attorney Ewing that Bowels was ready to "Squeal." Another of the arrested men, Gooding, has, it :s said, also concluded to "come into camp"; and bv noon to-dav all that he knows about the plot against the Burlington, will be told. The case of Chairman Hoge, and Murphy, which was to have come up before Justice Lyon this morning, has been postponed for one week. Paris, July 14. The taking of the Bastile was celebrated through out France to-day. In this city patriotic societies, accompanied by bands, and earning banners, marched to Strasburg statue and deposited wreaths upon it. The patriotic league, headed by M. M. Drouledge, Languerro Laisat and Susine, was received with mingled cries of "Vive Boulanger," " Vive la France," and "Vive la repub litjue." After leaving Htrasburg statue the societies visited the monument of Gambretta and the statue of Joan of Arc, which they also decorated with flowers. M. DeKouide, in depositing a wreath upon Gambretta's monument , said : "We started from the .statue the republique, we ha ve visited the .statue of Sirasburg, and we now confront the monument of a great patriot. Otir pilgrimage has been more expressive than our speeches. We know whither we are going for the rcpublitjue for Alsace Lorraine. "Vive Boulan ger." TWO MEN ARRESTED. Two men were arrested for ear- rvifiir; iJOM&re ; which., contained General- Boulanger's portrait and bearing tho inscription: "Let all patriots assemble to-night in the place I 'eLdconcorde." IHM"I.ANGEK's CONDITION. Paris, July 14. This morning it was stated at Boulanger's house that the general was fairly tran quil. His breathing was less labored and the state of the wound in his neck satisfactory, lie had (conversed witn ins menus aiu: had taken some boulloin. 3 A Warning to Other Mm relies. Last Sunday church-goers in a small tovn in the western part oi Georgia, were not a little surprised when they had settled in their pews to see staring them from the wall back of the preacher's desk the following card, written with charcoal on a piece of white cotton cloth : ; Members of this church wi.'l ; : refrain from wiping their fore-: I head with red bandanas dur-; Ting services until after the: :next Presidential election, as: .'such an act would, encourage: : Democrats presents to cheer: :for. Grover Cleveland and: : prove a serious interruption to : Ithe divine services. : : George; Squires, Pastor. ; Brick lor Sale. Henry Clark has completed burning the last of his brick kilns near this city, and now offers for sale 165,000 first-class brick. He will burn no more until after har vest, and those in need of brick should see him at once. JACOBS OH hUK KHcUMATISM. $20,000 LOST. COL. D.J. WILLIAMSON, Ex-U. S. Consul at Callao, Peru, -whose fac simile signature from his testimonial is here shown states: "I was a help less cripple for years from rheuma tism, spent $20,000 in vain, then used St. Jacobs Oil, and it cured me." S.Mlj Dmtrilsts and Deal trs Everywhere. TKc CHARLES A. V05ELER CO., BALTIMORE. AID. I THE SONG OP THE ELY. Oh: Oh! the fly, the beautiiul fiy, He..": oiAhe va;i aid he comes on the sly, To bother oi'r tab'e and tickle our no;;, But where he came- tioni nooody knows. He is ever present, in sunshine or gloom, And the darned littie scouiiird .. :: "all over the room. We try to . evade him by window and screen, But still tnose . . : ' ' . . forever are seen. It is o? no use the nie. a-tryiiiif, he will..: : ..: in And everything else try however hard you may To cover it up or protect with cover, You will lind when you eat 'tis.. :: all over. There's some that will scold and there's some that will cry " At the trouble that's caused by the darned little fly; But I'm clean out of patience I've no pa tience at all, And distractedlv I tjaze at those..: .. on the wai:. I wish it were winter and the flies were a'i s-one. And the jEst rose of summer were blooming alone At home in the snow 'twere much better to be. Than the fliec'on tbe wall and thosejfly. ." : to see. Forgive me. desr rtadei, for I am really mad, For those fly.."-: ail bummer; ain't they too bad? Harpers HIMOKOIS DRIFT. A woman's motto: There:8 always room at the bottom tor a postscript or two. , The best way to prevent a con spiracy from leaking out is to let the plot thichen. Gilded Youth I want some pants, Mr. Tighttit. Hive you anything in checks? Tailor (thinking of an ac count overdue) Yes; have you? Schiller, betore composing, always pat his feet in cold water. A good manv more' modern writers ought to put their heads in. Guest Uo many people visit this beach? Landlord We have quite a float ing population during the bathing season. ' Was Rome founded by Ilomeo?' inquired a pupil of the teacher. 'No, my son," replied the wise man; "It was Juliet who was found dead by Romeo." It is now that the Jenizen of the city leayes his cool city home and seeks an opportunity to rusticate where he can communicate with nature through her interpreters, black flies and mosquitoes," "Parson," said Elder Plainspeech, "that sermon of yours this morning wasn't up to the mark. It didn t affect me in the usual way." "No," said Parson' -Cushiond8taFi- -Hi .eaw that by your lace." "How couid you tell?-' asked the elder. "You kept awake alL the time," said the parson. My son, don't jump at conclusions when you se a man going to the bank with ins iieiid m the air and the ends of two $'20 bills ostentatiously stick-i-ig nut betweva tl.e leaves of his '..nkbook. He may not be goiag to deposit $5000 in twenties. He may be going to take up a ninety-day note that is so close to a protest that the recording angel is listening to hear the notary swear. Kind Old Father Did you see ray daughter reading in the pavilion, Mr. Riprap? Air. R. Shvasn"t reading when) I saw her. She had a German author j ia her lap, though. j K. O. F. ( excitedly ) What! Where's my stick? Where is he? I'll smash his .skull it' I catch him, Mr. R. smiles and explains. The Electoral College The Electoral College for 1888 will show the same aggregate of votes as that of 18S4(thougc it is probaule that this is the last time it will present that total): that is to say, Alabama will have 10 votes in the college; Arkansas 7: Califor nia, 8; Colorado, 3; Connecticut, 6; Delaware. 3: F.orida, 4; Georgia, 12: Illinois, 22; Indiana, 15; Iowa, 13; Kansas, 9; Kentucky, Louis iana, 8; Maine 6; Marylai.d. 8; Massachusetts. 14; Michigan, 13; Minnesota, 7; Mississippi 9; Mis souri, 16, Nebraska, 5; Nevada, 3 New Hampshire, 4; New Jersey, 9; New York, 36; North Carolina, 11; Ohio, 23: Oregon, 3; Pennsyl vania, 30; Rhode Island, 4; South Carolina, 9; Tennessee, 12; Texas, 13; Vermont, 4; jVirginia, l2;West Virginia, 6; Wisconsin, 11. Total 401. WHY FLAD IS SAFE. Boston Advertiser. Lord George Hamilton communicat ed to the public through the House of Lords a discovery that has greatly quieted the nerves of England. This is that the landing of an army of 100.0C0 men has never been attempted in England, and that an army of that size, w:th all its paraphernalia, would involve so much preparation in the way of transports, etc., that England could not help finding it out ia time to make ready to relit four times that force, either by land or water. Moreover, that the trans portation oi 100,000 men is a feat never accomplished over a body of water as wide as ihe English Cannei. Loid George's dicoyery seemed so simple that the only wonder about it was'that it did not occur to every body at the start. No sooner was this soothing assurance advanced, however, than leading soldiers at ho.ue and on the Continent have be n ouestioned, wtiose verdict seems to agrte that past precedents cannot ettie the question of landing troops jK-day, wiiii all modern iacilities for raiibportati 'ii, and now the nerves o' raigiatm are prooabiy in a condition ti:a.;i Letoie. IN 'FRANCE. Anniversary of the Taking of the Esstiie. ORtTlOX FOR .F. KOI I.AKCER A Gala Day in the French Capital "Woundeu Dnelist lakes Hia Pnn isfcment Qaietly. Tho pecial to the Herald. , , - KULIH Al IAIU5. Michael Uaviit Will Aid O Donuell in His Librl Suit. London, July 14. Michael Davitt writes that he has no recol lection of promising O'Donncll's solicitor Parnell's'aid in prosecut ing his suit against the Times. He says he offered to give O'Donnell his pecuniar aid in every way he could, and also to do his best to persuade Parnell to give him his I icuniary assistance. IMS AS mots FIRE. Barn Bur ited Willi Several Valuable Horses. Marysville (Cal.), July 14. A barn on the ranch of James Little John was destroyed by fire earlv this morning and five valuable horses perished. The total loss will reach ifoOOO; insurance light. Kaiidali'i. Condition. Washington, J uly 13. Randall was resting quietly this morning, and his condition appeared to be improved. There had been no re currence of the hemorrhage. THE FVTO.tlRl.U M1SEES. Many of Tkeui Perish Five Hundred Kescucd. Cape Tows, July 13. The fire in the Debeer mine in Kentucky is still burning. Five hundred, and three persons have been res cued from the pit. All hope of saving any othars has been aban doned. BK1KF IKM10. Wigwam slippers at Read's. Six ifsayesfor a (Wilar ut T, Jones e'.ean to.el for every customer at Vicreck's. A new invoice of at Read's. British trimmings- j -Icq cream every day at Frances. Pfeiflers. Boots and shoes at cost at Brownell fc Stauard's. Leave orders at Brownell fc Stan ant's l'ir Koyal Ann cherries. A choice :ot of uncanvassed eastern hams dt Walla Thompson's. Leave your orders :tt Brownell V; Siauard's lor choice berries. A clean towi-11 for every customer a'i Vicreck's barber shop. We handlo three kinds of fruit jnrs and you will do well to see us before placing your orders. Bkownell vt Staxarh. If you want us to call at your house to take orders, please leave word at our store. Brownell Slanard. That exquisite line of satins in eur show window will be run close this week. Have no excuse for not get ting in on them. Montieth & Seiten bach. Just received, another lot of thoso line hand sewed French kid shoes, the very cheapest ever brought to town at W. F. Read's. Attention. 1 hrcsliernien I A second-hand seperator an l nearly new ten-horse Plenton Dowor for sale cheap. For particulars ap ply to F. M. Rinehart or G. W. Davis, thedd, Oregon. McLaughlin, Practical Tailor inc." Summer and fall suits, and pants in any style a speciality. Cleaning and repairing promptly attended to. Main street, Albany, Oregon. A Warning. The modes of death's approach are various, and statistics show conclusive ly that more persons die from diseases of the throat and lungs than auy other. It is probable that everyone, without exception, receives yast rumbers of Tubeide Germs into the system and where these germs fall upon suitable soil they start into life and develop, at first slowly and is shown by a slight tickling sensation in the throat and if allowed to eontinue then ravages they extend to the lung-s pro ducing consumption and to the head, causing catarrh. Now all this is dangerous and if allowed to proceed, will in time cause'death. At the onset you must act with promptness; allow ing a cold to go without attention is dangerous and may lose you your life. As soon as you feel that some thing is wrong with your throat, lungs or nostrils, obtain a bottle of Boschee's German Syrup. It will give you im- ' mediate relief. Blooded Cattle. Just from Iowa, one car load o thorough bred .Short Horn Dur ham cattle. Cows and calves, and one three-year old bull, at the farm of D. C. Currie. For sale on reasonable terms. Isaac Eldee, Shedd, Oregon. D. T. Wyman, agent for the State Insurance company for Albany and Linn county has his office w ith Rhodes A; Donley real estate agents, and paities desirousof doing business witbi him will have the same promplty at t:i:ded to in his absence bv call'msr at their oflice, two doors east of Conn Bros, gro.-ery tore. Call for the ice wagon. Francis Pfj-iiTer will deliver ice instantaue ouslv to anv part of the citv. Oi- I dor of the driver or at the store, l i