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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1957)
Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, January 22, 1957 Paje it Section 2 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Israeli Pullout Seen Unlikely by Deadline Dag Not Expected To Achieve Goal By Thursday Bv WILLIAM N. OATIS UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. 11 V.N. Secretary General Dag Ham marskjold worked against a Thursday deadline today to get all Israeli troops back inside their country. Few If any observers expected him to succeed in getting the Sinai invaders out of two stretches ol sandy wasteland formerly held by Egypt by the deadline im posed by the General Assembly. In Jerusalem, it was reported that Israel had framed a new proposal to the Assembly for con tinued Israeli administration of the disputed Gaza Strip "with over-all relationship to the U.N." The proposal was understood to call for the use, of Israeli police to keep order along with local Arab police. An Israeli government official said Israel might be satisfied with U.N. police force troops occupy ing the Sharm El Sheikh area overlooking the Gulf of Aqaba pro vided the U.N. units are given clear instructions to prevent re sumption of an Egyptian blockade of Israeli shipping. Israel has agreed to pull out by today from all the territory it seized from Egypt except these two areas. The United states and Britain have suggested that U.N. forces occupy both of them. But the Israelis do not believe the U.N. troops could give sufficient pro tection against Egypt's using the Gaza Strip as a base for organized fedayeen (commando) raids into Israel. Egypt has rejected the idea of either area being occupied by any one but Egyptians. At a weekend meeting In Cairo of the leaders of Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Saudi Arabia, the four Arab nations agreed any occupation of any part ot Egyptian territory "cannot but be considered continuation of the Anglo - French - Israeli aggression against Egypt and can only bring anout the gravest results. Egypt showed no inclination to give Israel any assurances that Gaza would not be used as a base for Arab raiders or that Egypt would not again erect the guns at Sharm el Sheikh that kept Israeli shipping from the guir. By a 74-2 vote, the Assemb y instructed Hammarskiold Satur day to "continue his efforts for securing the complete withdrawal of Israel" and report on comple tion ot tne task Thursday. SumHit fftftthall nliivari nntit Xlilt Plum r.t Dn Clnl ik. best quarterback they faced during 13.10. HENRY By Carl Anderson I I i I M DONALD DUCK By Walt Disney Navy Seaplane Down on Lake, Awaits Repairs EUGENE (UP)-A Navy F-5-N patrol bomber which made a forced landing on Fern Ridge lake IS miles northwest of here Saturday, sustained hull damage in a takeoff attempt Monday and will be laid up here for an indefi nite period. Members of the crew told Army engineers at Fern Ridge that they struck a submerged object In the water while taxiing for takeoff. They said the extent of damage had not been determined but the plane would remain here until re pairs could be made. The plane, carrying a crew of 10, landed on ice covered Fern Ridge lake Saturday after devel oping icing conditions and being iniormed that whidbey Island, Wash., its destination, was logged In. The plane was on a routine seven-hour round-robin flight over Oregon and California. TS SAME KCKHtt' TALL CENTER (iSre THE TIP ANP St AP THE BALL HARD TO THE UPBLINES . TUE rilMPHIU. CUARP TAKES THE PASS ANP IN ONE MOTION FIRES IT AT THE DISTANT (ACKSOARP mm THE OUAT HEAVE KXHOf FAR, BUT THE STUMPHIU. FOEWARP IS WAITING AT THE PRECISE SPOT ... to N i i ANP PRIMLES W FOR AN EASV LAVUP On the Island of Sardinia In the Mediterranean there grows a herb which is believed to make anyone who tastes It laugh himself to death. Thus, the phrase, "sardonic laughter." i ACROSS 1. Diminish gradually Peeled Si. Angry J 1 Wishes 14. Myself 15. Extra 17. Round roof. 3B. Individual 20 Article of belief 91. Take a seat S3. Haphazard 15. Ocean 97. Leave S3. Removal I from a country 91. Lamprey XL Household god 3. Pendiar - 14 Not separa ble into parts 17. Sodium symbol 38. Toss: Ret. spelling 59. Alleviates 42. German city 44. Whimper 44 Building site 47. Repetition 49. Something put In fll. Unknown Hindu god 12. Sea cucum ber M. Pin to pre vent slipping M. Bite 57. Grow larger sMaMR1Mu1l!nIa: TiRWOlnfnjON PiRlMlliWDai "ii-i" c- ajl , i vr c ' r. II- lU.KirSiM'URiK aJisaitiitq. ' BT.e.&BF.o 05sMjlYHliyjM MNIUMI ETA ! C I Hi A IB TENy TiR'U'EHS Solution ,f veaterday'i Puule DOWN 1. E. Indun island 2. Skating rink 3. Father 4. Greek letter 6. Forage grass ': I I I Is lfi' Is l' fe "it. Z'" "'5 !lZjZl i " it 5 i zi u i M 15 37 "5" ?j 55 T 7 Jia? to T si 57 S3 "T5t IT awaaaaaaaaaiefa4lffp In lii'i'wn iPliii Wii ewiaeAia J 6 Those on foot 7 L:k 5 Free . Cupid 10. Semi-divine being UUir IS Surgical thread 18 Tearing down 19. Finished 21. Beverage 24. Violation of penal law 5. Coral reel 29. Short, nipped 30. Vtopian 31. Captivates 34 Lifeless 35. Solemn promise J. Loses blood 40. Rustic 41. Stable 43. Let it stand 45. Noun suffix 48. Fimal 50. Pull 53. Article 55. Ourselves Swedish weaving a handicraft favorite it's so easy, fascinating to da! Seven different designs in this pattern add color to pillows, aprons, towels, baby bibs! Pattern 7307: Charts, directions for 2 baby motifs: 5 borders that can be used in variety of widths. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS In coins for this pattern add 5 cents for each pntlern nr 1st class mail ing. Send to Capital Journal. Household Arts Dept . P O. Box 168. Old Chelsea Station, New York 11, N Y. Print 'nly NAME. ADDRESS. ZONE. AND PATTERN NUMBER. Two FREE patterns printed in our ALICE BROOKS Needle craft book stunning designs for you. our rcadersl Dozens of other designs to order all easy, fascinating handwork! Send 25 cents for your oopy of this won derful book right away! lAsnsi Fiesr EVENT V THE T0U8NAMIHT OF SKILLS IS ABOUT TO BEGIN.. 1 7jB II VV I Tl JL W AMD EXACTLY WHAT IT STATES., A TEST CC TH' ABI LITY TO BAT A BALL WHILE UPSIDE COWM I I THIMK VOL) WILL ASREE THAT IF A BATSMAN) IS BFL EVED TO BE KREATER THAN AU OTHERS- HE SHOULD EXLfcW WHPTHFP- HE BATS WHILE STANDING ON HIS FEET... OK OMHIS HCAU.' yoitue too HkSH-HANPEP WITH THEM THAT'S PLAyiN IT 6MABT, BUD.' NOW.'-WALK OVER AND PULL ME OUTA THIS MUCK fcAPTAIN, I CANYON I ( I I CONTROL TK NEW ) I I TALK TO THEM ON TMEIK LEVELf WIN THEM OVEK BY SHOWIN5 THEM yotRE a puppy T IERE I -f -i''irl r T m :bb . , u I a7 L is askincS you OKAY' TAKE MV LEFT HAND---AND REMEMBER, I GOT A DOD IU MV RIGHT Suddenly. SttirArMH.vhtifM&nivnf-ArJ- LOOK, CHUKkX mM0'NOHV fifteen if 'YOU SereaWAV -V HOWVAN'AlN'T m mm. TWU Wl 7Mtt7 ALL TIMVnV'" "?1 V - lOOK-ru tWAPClQIHti) wffw you ni cuim i IS YOU IN CAsS ANV90PV 1 ar t6&M0 YOU J sa it Mouaiff 06 yflZfc 9178 Spring Star! Stunning tvo-piecer -and sew vrrv easy! See the graceful princess bodice with its lever trim of buttons and bow: the sleek smart lines of the skirt- so becoming to every ficure! Sew it now in cotton or linen wear it and love H all through spring! Pattern 91"8: Muxes' Sues 1J. 14. If. IS so. Sue 1 takes yard;. 35-inch; v yard contrast. Thit nrlnle4 nnltrt anri perlect fit. Easy directions printed on each tissue pattern part. Send 35c tn coin ino stamps pleasei for Pattern, with Name, Address. Style Number and Sue Address PATTKRN Bl'REAU. Capital Journal. Bos l Old Chel sea Station. New York 11 N Y For rim class mall tnrllia aa extra i ceata per patten. COURSE THEWTB NO UBE TRVtN TFOOLYSy TWO I KCflLLY HM OUST AN Of(PHfiN- MORS, ANNIE - FROM NOWON.'iWRel 1 OUR REfll. COUSIN- I ' NowTHrtT sure ONE OF US; HflDNT WE OUOHT TO TELL HER THINGS'? , VMEAN "BOUT TH BTmVrB "FAMILY STUFF? WHY NOT f (T'BECilN WITH, T THATS A REAL DEEP I YtXJGHT TO KNOW SECRET BUT SHE I I I 'BOUT LUCY . I OUGHT TO KNOW- I A .1 I " I I 'Leefable FoRTUNE-rYX'S UNCANNy TELLER'-?i2r HOW HE IS HE ANSWERS tRipWESTIONS! THAR WAS PLENTY Cf ROOM ON THIS LEDGE, LAST NIGHT - BUT IT SEEMS TO OF J GOT SMALLER HrUP.'-? H, THAP.5 NOBOCf I1 X t'wf.ld me."- ( -AN' AH IS TOO HEAVY J I T Fl riAT f.' i 3 KIM THIS BETH')' ,VN?.9:tE--..'S I GAVE YOU TEN I SET C2r-1 CHANGE ENTITLES YOU To TWO , QUESTIONS' r m " i A LOT OF MONEY FOR ONLY TWO QUESTIONS: YES. IT IS.' AND NOW WHAT 1SYOURSECOND OUESTION? fA li- fTV I f.'fc K -A vfeSi "1 5"E LL I cwt know we w cet rr sen 1 Pi.&UIfg COTNTlV XXI M. J iPt TMH fCLTW Uf. V LOCL.' M CSt. MOCL-AN ; 1 A1WA I s. X I SKlOf A LITTLE A3KT Ah I "Oil ACTTTIE C POST WA M THE CASmET WWREIOU 1 AlW KEEP (T. FATHER , f rr wawT TR WICN I 1 1 I ICXMP, 1 l AUTMA.' n l7 WHAT WSON&. FATHER AffEVT XXI TO CVMIC ioi wise f PECHAF LATER.' I TI PONT CARE FOR A I TM SCitV CAMtO -t W( MAST TOUCHtO S THOU&MT irtCOUlO&n UmtDLt iNVAO. VCIU0TMtglNTl?STt0y MgS.WCXT'-' Of COutSl SHE OiPNT HAVt TO! xt MA0WCa.W0SOH0WH!lIl. UtL'Wl'to L" As;0 60' TO AIC S THAI I iNSmtDSHtaLTT AWI AS I S-TACTIP IARMIN6 tNOU6 TO wron t both: i T v MVCWItO.THE CONT tiAlCE MOW HACOTHEOLOPNO IT TO fTf CO'G WHAT THE'Vl STMT A LIFETIME UACsjA TO DO WELL! N0PLAVE5L1ILEST TAlCEUOUT0tTVt5AE, It VOU W MIKD.TD LllL TDTV A DlfFEgENT APFejACH: TOSt AE.CAi0! I in mi it i ' k I V I H !il Wf RADIO PROGRAMS KSLM IJ KOCO 149S KOAT 1430 KOIN 7S KGW Ct KOON 1S2 FM: Misicyclfl-KOIN 101.1; KGW 100.1 TUESDAY P.M. HOUR 00:00 00:15 00:30 0t4S 5 KSf.M KOCQ KGAY KOIN KGW M.UN Bob ft Ray Slo-Mo-Show RoUie'i Bc'd Ed B. Murrow Vanderhool Melody Magic Bob ft Ray Slo-Mo-Show 5i ffft Off News-Weather Vanderhonf Melody Magic iHnb ft Ray ISlo-Mo-Snow m Harmon Mel Allen Melody Magic 3and Concert GS porta Tom McCall X. Andertfin rAner Petenoa iKSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KG ON ks'lm" I KOCO F KOIN ' KGW KGON KSLM 1KOCO KOIN KGW KGON Newi Reel Candlelight Sporls-Newi Ed P. Morgan Melody Magic Gab Heater Woody Way Melody Music Newi-Melody lankfthlill Woodv Way Robt. Q. Lewlf World Newg Dragnet News Candlelight Lowell Thorn 'i McCall Man on Co ".Eddie Fisher Woodv Way IMelody I Music World Music Basketball Woody Way jRobt. Q. iLewia i Music Dragnet Farm cast On the 88 jAmos n' Andy 'Mvsterv Time Ted Heath (Sam Hayes On the 88 (Amos V Andy 'Mystery Time Ted JJeath 9 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KGON Basketball Woodv Way Tune Table Biog. In Sound Basketball Woodv Way Tune Table 'Music IBiog. In Sound iMusic Woody Way I Robt. Q. Lewis IMusic IWorld News Basketball Woodv Way World Tonight IMustc lEntertainment ILegislature IWoodv Way Do You Know IDance Time IBiog. In Sound KSLM Gabriel Heater Muslc KOCO Woody Way Woody Way KOIN S-Star Finial Sports I KGW Newi Profile iDance Time I KGON Newi Flashes Mostly Muiifl port Scope iV.'nody Way Robt. Q. Lewis Music tl Man's Family Basketball Woodv Way World Tonight Music lEntertainment ISalem Report" JWoody Wav (Do You Know 'Dance Time IBiog. In Sound INewi JWoody Way tiooa tvennng Dunce Time Mostly Music IMusic Woody Way Good Evening 'Dance Time (Mostly Music IKSLM KOCO KOIN 1KGW KGON Big City Woody Way Mus. to MidnJt Dance Time Bass Harris Btf City Woody Way Mus. to Midnita IDance Time IBass Harris Midnita Mel IWoody Wav Music Mtdnlte Dance Time IBass Harris Mtdnlte MeL (Woody Way Music Midnltt IDance Time IBass Harris WEDNESDAY HOUR 6K!.M KGAY KOIN KGW KGON 7KSI.M1 KOCO KGAY KOIN KGW KGOI KSLM OKOCO Wkoay flKOIN KOW KGON KSI.M KOCO KGAY KOIN KGW KGON KSLM" KOCO KGAY KOIN KGW KGON 00:00 00:15 00:30 0M5 IVall. rrincat iFarm Stws iNrws Amfrlci INewi-Vander. IRI;f It Shine IHmlnrwIV Rhythm Ranch Atom. Mas. KOIN Klock Newi Vanderhf Atae & Shine Cliff Ensle Ray'a In Time Herb'i Show tensumer Newi Newa-Vander. 'Rlie St Shine 9 Vail. Farm cast Morn. Mag. KOIN Klock Vanderhoof World News Breakf. Gang Hays in lime Morn. Mag. Headline News Vanderhoof IRise & Shine INews News Herb's Show JWendy Warren IttreaKiasi Liut? tSpotlite Reds. News News Herb's Show Norah Drake Chef Glno 'NBC Bandst'nd 2 i KSLM KOCO KGAY I KOIN KGW KGON KSLM KOCO KGAY I KOIN I KGW 'KGON IKSLM KOCO KGAY KOIN KGW KGON KSLM KOCO KGAY KOIN KGW KGON KSLM KOCO KGAY KOIN KGW JtGON KsnST KOCO KGAY KOIN KGW KG O.V KSLM KOCO KGAY KOIN KGW KGON KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KGON KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KGON IKSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KGON INews iNewi Dinner Winner Happiness True Stonr NBC Bandst'nd News News KGAY News News-Weather Mitchell Rots. Top Tunes Matinee News Family Altar Ray's in Time Herb's Show Valle News Vanderhoof Rise St Shine News Ray's Melodies Mero s now Howard Miller Breakfast Club Spotlite cds. ITello Test Ray I Melodies Clary Dyer Ma Perkins Anderson NBC Bandst'nd Vail. Farmcast Morn. Mac. KOIN Klock Vanderhoof Rise & Shine Brkfst. Gang Ray's in Time Morn. Mag. Frank Goss Vanderhoof Rise & Shine Bible Inst. Ray's in Time L. Ross Show Shelley Srnade Vanderhoof News-Rise & S IPastor's Call (Bay's Melodies Herb's Show Helen Trent (Breakfast Club INews-Records News KGAY News KOIN News Vanderhoof R ite & Shine News Ray's in Time, KGAY News Harry Babbitt Vanderhoof Morning Rept Wings of Song Ray's Melodies Herb's Show Dr. Malone Girl Marries NBC Bandst'nd Queen a Day way s Meioaiei Dinner Winner Mrs. Burton True Story NBC Bandst'nd Bible Inst. R;iy's in Time KGAY News Shelley Srnade Vanderhoof Rise & Shin IMatinee" tRav's Melodies KGAY News (Mid Morn Newi (Breakfast Club I Spotlite Beds. Wings of Song Ray's Melodies KGAY News Road of Life wnisperin sts. n atj J3anai na Queen a Day Rav's Melodies Rollle's Recrds Strike It Rich Konnie worth Queen a Day Ray's Melodies Rollle's Records Pat Buttram Konnie Worth NBC Bandst'nd INBC Bandst'nd Top Trades IVall. Farmcast N. W. News Clarlne Calling Clarine Calling IClarine Calling noiue b necoras i own trier i news Come Get It House Party House Party- Paul Harvey Merry Go Hnd. IMerrv Go R nd Top Tunes News-Top TneslTop Tunes Matinee IMatinee IMatinee 1490 Tune St. HflO Tune St 14M Tune St (Rollle's Records' Rollie's Rec'ds Rollie'a Becrris IKGAY News Godfrey Time Godfrey Time Godfrey Time Godfrey Time Merry Go Rnd. Merry Go R'nd.lMerry Go R'nd I Merry Go R nd I Bill Goodwin iBill Goodwin iBtll Goodwin (Bill Goodwin Matinee IMatinee News HflO Tune St. Rollie's BecordslRollie's Rec'ds Godfrey Time Godfrey Time Merry Go Rnd. Merry Co Rnd True Confess. Truc Confess. News Matinee 14!)0 Tune St. 1490 Tune St. Rollie's Recrds. KGAY News Ruth Ashton News-Weather Merry Go Rnd. IMerry Go R'nd iWoman in Hse. Dr. Gentry Telle-Test HflO Tune St, KGAY Newi Take Thirty Merry Co R'nd Matinee IMatinee IBargaln Countrl News H)0 Tune St. 1490 Tune St. Rollle's Records Rollie's Rec'ds Rollie's Recrds. 1 Backstage Wife Our Gal S'ndaylTake Thirty I ivierrv io una. .verrv uo k na Merrv tio t na i 5 Star Matinee '5 Star Matinee iHilltop"House Tepper Young IMatinee Hemingway Here's Answer Sam Hayes News Bandwagon Bandwagon Bandwagon Rollie's Recordsl Rollie's Rec'ds Rollie's Recrds. IKGAY Newi Art Klrkham iThe Alexanders' Newsnaner iNewsnaoer N'ews-Vander lVanderhoof Vanderhoof (Vanderhoof Fash. Rhythms Irash. Rhythms INews. Fash'ns. (Man On Go Bob 8t Ray Bob St Bay News Slo-Mo Show Rollle's Records Sign Off Ed R. Murrow Newfi-Weath'r News-Vander. Vanderhoof Melody Magic Melody Magic INews Reel Candlelight Sports-News Ed. P. Morean Melody Magic rGabfierHeateT News IMelody Fights rsews-aieiody Day Dreams News Roht. Q. Iwts News-Music 'Bob Si Ray Band Concert Slo-Mo Show Sporta Tom Harmon Frank Gosi Mel Allen Anderson Melody Magic I Elmer Peterson News Dinner Concert ISam Hayes Candlelight On the 88 On the 88 Lowell ThomasiAmos 'n' Andy Amos 'n' Andy Tom McCall Mystery Time Mystery Time Melody-Magic INews-Melody Melody Magic ISllver Seren'de IHi Forum ISports Scope woody way woody way moody way Melody Rob. Q. Lewis IRoh. Q. Lewii Flflhls FiKhta IFiKhta I.Moscow World News l Man's Family Tunes Day Dreams IWhistlin' Tunes Whitlin' Woodv Wav Woodv Wav Woody Way Robt. Q. Lewis World Tonight News MUSIC T.MUS1C 'MUSI KSLM (KOCO KOIN KGW KGON KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KGON KSLM" KOCO KOIN KGW KGON iPeople Funny iPeople Funny Recollections jRecollections INews (News Tune Table 'News-Music IX -Minus One Gabriel Heater News 3 tar Final (News INews Flashes TGangbusten I Woody Way IMusic Tonight Dance Time Basi Harris Fulton Lewis Woody Way Tune Table Music X-Minus One Sweet i- Sw. Woodv Way Up Date Dance Time (Sleep NoMoro Music Woody Way Sports Desk Dance Time IMostly Mufie IGantrbusters Woodv Way Music Tonight Dance Time Bass Harris Sweet At S' Woodv Way Up Date Dance Time Sleep No More News I MiiEir Woody Way Woody Way Good Evening Good Evening Dance Time IDance Time IMostly Music IMostly Music Musi- Mu5lc Woody Way W'oody Wav Music Tonight iMus. Tonight Dance Time 'Dane Time Bass Harris IBass Harris THURSDAY A.M. HOUR 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 , KSLM Val Farmcast Val Farmcast KGAY Farm News Mom. Mag. I KOIN News America KOIN Klock I KGW News Vanderhoof r KGON Rise and ShtneiWorld News Val Farmcast INews Morn. Mag. t KGAY News KOIN Klotk LKOl.N Klock Vanderhoof Vanderhoof Rise and Shine Rise and Shine . KSLM f KOCO r KGAY KOIN KGW RGON "KSLM I KOCO KGW Y KOIN KGW KOON KSLM I KOCO KGAY KOIN KGW KGON KOIN KGW KGON "ksi.m" KOCO KGAY KOIN KfiW KGON Hemingway Break Gang Break Gang Rhythm Ranch Rhythm Ranch IRav s in Time Morn. Mag. Morn. Mag. Morn. Mag. KOIN Klock Headlines Frank Goss News Vanderhoof 'Vanderhoof Rise and Shine'Rise and Shine Rise and Shine! Cltff En git Family Altar (Haven of Rest News Ray's in Time Ray's tn Time. Herb's Show Herb's Show Herb's Show Consumer N'ws Dave Vallle Shellev Sere. .News ivanaernoot lVanderhoof Rise and Shine, Rise and Shine Rise and Shine, News INews 'Pastor s Call News Ray s Melodies Ra Melodies Herb's Show Herb's Show Herhs Show Wendy Warren Howard Miller Helen Trent Breakfast Club Breakfast Club Breakf. -ut ('tub Spotlite Reed. iSpotlite Reed. Spotlite Reed. News News 'Ray's in Time IKGAY News Harry, Babbitt lVanderhoof Morning RepL i Haven of Rest Rav's In Time IKdAY News Kiieltey Sere. vanderhoof Rise and Shine Tellntest Wlnon nf Son News R.iy's Melodies Rny s Melodies lleros snow Clarcy Uyrr . Herb s Shnw Nora Drake la Perkins !t)r, Malone Chef Gina O Anderson 'Girl Marries NBC Bandst'nd XBC BandsCnd NBC li.indst'nd News Queen a D,iv Queen a Dav Ncws R. v'f Melodies ' Mp1H Dinner Winner Dinner Winner RM!ie's Recrds Uappme-j. Mr. Burton Strike It Rich True Storr True Storv Konnie Worth NBC Bandst'nd NBC Bandst'nd NBC Bandst'nd IMatinee Hav Melodies KGAY News (Mid-Morn Newg jllteakftii,! Dub (Spotlite Reed. 'Wings of Song IHav s Melodies KGAY News Rojirt nf Life Whispering Sts. NBC Bands! nd Queen a Dav R.iv's Melodies Rfllie's Recrds. Pat Buttram Konnie Worth NBC Bandst'nd WISHING WELL U. S. Patent Olfica. 83ezT4Sa9247 MT A NXVARHEBA O 1 2 a e 3 ? 2 8 i 3 fT OWRLIYNBKIBEE 3 8 3 5 i 5 8 S J 1 5 8" A E E PATJCDFYE y O T I 8 5 TT I i I il i 2 5 S" O O A T-MT BR t V Y D E i 1 J 5 5 i s i 3 i j r EOA SY S FIWOELS ' 3 5 i 2 S 6 Tl 2 T 4 ' T RUIMPLNBVI I O E "5 5 3 a 5 ? i 5 3 e 2 5 RVFUTILEYYDTE UERE is a pltaiant little ftmt that will live you a noun tvtry day. It U a numerical puult designed to spell out your fortune. Count the letter in your nnt name. II the number o( letters is t or mor subtract 4. II the number is less than e, add J. The result it your key number. Start at the upper left-hand corner e( the'rec. (anile and check every one of your key numbers, left to rijht The rad the mew re the letters under the checked Sfures five you. 0 w. n ia t. xun. a, m Tmn im., l-H j