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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1946)
East Salem Homemakers Attend Demonstration Class East Salem, Oct. 21 Homemakers in all East Salem communi ties had the opportunity of attending a home demonstration class by Marion county's own agents on the subjects "Keep Well with Vitamines A and D" ; and "Care of the Hair." There were five different classes held in the past two weeks at the homes of Mrs. Paul Barrett in Middle Grove; Lansing Neigh bors in East Salem at the home of Mrs. I. G. Lermon; East Salem unit with Mrs. Charles Jayne; Four Corners with Mrs. Warren Shrake; and Edina Lane in East Salem with Mrs. Gleason Young. In the "Keeping Well With Vi tamines A and D" classes Miss Trindle took up vitamine A in her morning class, naming and giving illustrations of facts of what Vitamine A does forpeople and as Americans do show a de ficiency in this vitamine, a table of common foods showing the weights, measures and units in each was given each member present for her own use in pre paring meals. A noon luncheon was prepar ed using some of the most com mon foods, and recipes for the dishes served given out, with a national food guide. In the afternoon the presi dent of the units conducted busi ness meetings, naming their committee chairmen for the new ..jfcar and each unit deciding on the definite projects they would consider. In East Salem unit, the presi dent. Mrs. C. A. Salter, appoint ed Mrs. Walter Swingle, ACWW. and Mrs. Bennias for friendship chairman; Mrs. John Woodburn, membership; Mrs. Ralph Hein, hospitality; and Mrs. Albert Patz, publicity. For the Four Corners unit, the president, Mrs. E. Walker, asked S. H. Cable and Mrs. F. J. Shrake to serve on the ACWW committee; Mrs. L. J. Stewart and Mrs. Floyd Lee, hospitality; and Mrs. War ren Shrake and Mrs. W. E. Pe terson, membership. Two com munities, Auburn and Rickey, are served by this unit and women from each district on different committees. This group plans on sponsoring 4-H clubs and all units will provide for the care of small children as all lessons are of special interest to mothers of growing children. The afternoon class was one of this kind of vitamine D was con sidered. Points emphasized were: What it does for people, especially children; how we se cure it; three ways of enriching milk with it; the fact that a per son can take too much; and what to look for in buying commer cial preparations. Samples of several commonly advertised products were shown with spe cial comments on each. The four units which had this lesson will have "Care of the Hair" for their lesson next month and Central Howell wom en will have the vitamine lesson. Each group will try to increase its membership. Elton Waft, Director Of Dairy Breeders Corvallis, Oct. 21 OT The Oregon Dairy Breeders' associa tion re-elected Henry Hagg, Reedville, president, Saturday at the annual membership meeting. jonn rugn, sneao, was re named vice president, and P, H. Abts, Hulsboro, secretary treasurer. Elton Watt, Marion county; Melden Carl, Coos coun ty, and Aubrey Tangen, Yamhill county, were named directors. Six Willamette vallev coun ties are represented in the asso ciation and delegates said Mal heur and Clackamas were con sidering joining. Guard Will Total 682,000 Washington, Oct. 21 (U.R) The first 93 units of an eventual na tional guard of 682.000 men have been organized by the states and approved by the war department. Ultimately there will be about 5,000 units. The 93 represent just a start. Maj. Gen. Butler B. Milton berger, chief of the national guard bureau, announced today that the guard hoped to have 240,000 officers and men organ ized by July 1, 1947. This would compare with 300.000 in the pre-war national guard. The army looks upon the na tional guard as an "M" day force that can be called quickly into action to defend the nation in support of the regular army in an emergency. National guard units are be ing organized so they will be capable of defending their com munities against direct airborne enemy attack until an over-all military defense can function. The new national guard will incorporate changes in weapons and warfare brought about by scientific and technical research and development, the guard bu reau said. The disturbed inter national situation was taken into consideration in planning a national guard more than double the size of the one in being be fore World War II. beet are derived from two stan dard "improved" types. fctfst. Joseph Fo rnm; Contribution to this oolumD must be confined to 300 words and signed 0; writer To the Editor: Do the grow ers of Salem need help to gath er their crops? Then why aren't they inter ested in providing an education for the children of Salem Farm Labor Supply Camp, No. 105? Is it a part of the United States? Why provide schools for the countries we've just had to fight and let these children go with out? Are these camp children Americans or not? Buildings and equipment arc all ready in camp. All that is needed is teachers and books. Idle children increase the child delinquency problem. Talk about helping the illiterates of Kentucky and Tennessee. Would Oregon like to have a like situ ation? Oregon, the pride of the west. Many of the camp families are Orcgonians. The Turner high school has provided school and transporta tion for the high school students. If these grade schools can't have school let's just close all the grade schools and be done with it. .Funds are provided for every thing from the sublime to the ridiculous, so there probably aren't any left for education. Mrs. Raymond Hunter Mrs. John Gornik CITY AND SUBURBAN LOANS Straight and Monthly Payment HAWKINS & ROBERTS, INC. State & Liberty Sts. Why Suffer Any Longer When others tall, uae our Chines. -en. dies. Amazlnt success toi 6UO0 years in Cblna No matter with what ail ments your are afflicted disorders, sinusitis- heart lungs, Uver. Kidneys las. constipation, ulsera. diabetes, rheumatism, sail and oladder tavar skin, female complaints CHARLIE CHAN CHINESE BEBB CO Offlcs Hoars 0 to Tues. and Sat onlj 184 N. Commercial Phone Slum SALEM. ORE. GIRLS! ARTHUR MURRAY'S will train You to become a DANCE INSTRUCTOR Ages 21-35. 2 years college or the equivalent of business experience preferred. Earnings $40 to $100 Weekly! $1000 WORTH OF TRAINING FREE! Arthur Murray Studios 155 S. LIBERTY c:,k? lit Qick Car Voo- j I I No wonder the places It's been t Now's the time to restore its youthful, lively performance and appearance. So drive in for prompt service. Yes, prompt! We have more mechanics now and can really offer the speedy service we know you want. 'STOP, THIEF" r Ho TrUU Drive Out Sttck I Our Ford mechanics and body men are experts on motor tune-ups, paint jobs, smoothing out fender and body dimples, removing rattles, cleaning and renewing upholstery. I You'll drive out slick as a whistle with your old car looking and acting "new" again. For all service bring your car "Back Home" to the men who know it best. For prompt Service Fairly Priced SEE YOUR FORD DEALER Seal Campaign Scon to Start The annual Christmas seal sale campaign sponsored by the Marion county public health as sociation will begin November according to announcement by Tinkham Gilbert, president of the association. Preliminary work in connec tion with the actual sale of seals has already started, with the firemen folding sheets of stamps, Camp Fire Girls placing them in envelopes and girls from the business administration class of Salem high typing addresses on the envelopes. The American Legion auxiliary will soon be gin stuffing the envelopes for mailing. As has been the case in re cent years, the vast majority of sales will be made through direct mailing, although booths will be placed at strategic loca tions after the campaign begins. HADING DI.AITMrHT, GtOCII, A NO OIUO 1TOIU WOOtFOAM COKS., NEW YORK 10. N.t Miss Dorothy Cornelius has been named county chairman, Dr. Henry Morris, Salem chair man, and ft. S. Kcene, bond chairman; Mrs. Roy Mink will have charge of the bangle pin division and Mrs. Conrad Paul son, window displays. Chairmen for the various communities include: Mrs. Olin Brown, Gcrvais; Mrs. Elmer Klein, Aumsville; Mrs. Ed Mil ler, Aurora; Mrs. Ronald Jones, Brooks; Mrs. Levi Miller, Hub bard; Mrs. Marvin Hutchins, Jefferson; Mrs. Alice M. Smith, Mill City; Miss Anne Erwert. Mt. Angel; Mrs. Edward Mar tin, Silvcrton; Mrs. Carl Smith, St. Paul; Mrs. Jack Council, Woodburn: Mrs. John E. Pow ell, Stayton; Jits. Lloyd Girod, Idanha. Grand Relief FROM 5NIFFLY, STUFFY DISTRESS OF Head Colds' DOUttl-DUTY NOSi DROPS WORKS J k PAST RIGHT WHERE ROUBIIS Instantly relief lrom head cold dis tress starts to come when you put a little Va-tro-nol in each nostril. Also it helps prevent many colds from developing if used In timet Try ltl Follow directions in package. VICKS VA-TRO-NOL Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, Oct. 21, 1946 9 The word laconic is derived from the name of the ancient R ii Get hurt? Tormented by blisters, itchy burning dryness or cracked skin? Enjoy a hot Resinol Soap foot bath. Feci like new as itsmild, foamy lather com forts your tortured feet. Then smooth specially medi cated Resinol on the irritated spots, for lingering relief. Sold at all druxciiu RESINOL' Greek country Laconia, of which; Sparta was the capital. OINTMENT anoSOAP PLUMBING! We do repair work or new jobs. Prompt efficient work, Traviss Plumbing SHOP 2165 Laurel Ave. Ph. 8601 aocaOE Home and Auto Radio Listeners It costs no more for radio repairing by men who know how and who are equipped to do the work correctly . . . We have one of the best equipped shops In the northwest at your service. For service or information call 1 O D o Jhe rViORllOW COHPANV 153 South Liberty, Salem, Oregon Phone 5955 :mi-irl ii-tfi -.xi-awi D o Burglary Insurance will stop him too, as far as causing you any loss is concerned. For ?1000 blanket protec tion against Burglary, Robbery, Larceny or Hold-Up, the yearly cost is only $20.00 or ?23.50 (depending upon whether you live in a private home, apartment or hotel). And you are covered whether you and your possessions are at home or away. For less than seven cents per day, you can't afford to take chances. Get this Blanket Protection now. Just call the Richard G. Severin Agency who writes every form of insurance. Dial 4016 212 N. High St. y. ja r I I Men Wanted! I for I! WORK IN PUMPKIN l! l THREE SHIFTS i j 7 A.M. TO 3 P.M. ' 3 P.M. TO 11 P.M. 11 P.M. TO 7 A.M. CAFETERIA IN PLANT I DirmEWEDIM l ' CALIFORNIA PACKING CORP. RICHARD C. SEVERIN fa L, maSM PM: EVERY FORM OF INSURANCE 5 Zt if i This Adv. m Cooperation with Salem Canners' 212 N. High St., i Committee t Dial 4010 . VS3tXXV r Tnirtaan. aiiM whibiimi i M 1 ' Class J iass of '82, yes but even tlic "old grads" admit JS. -W. jt Three Feathers is now smoother, lighter, richer than ever jCvL 4f?j$4r the fincsl-laling Three Feathers in sixty-four years., '' - W THREE FEATHERS H First Among Fine Whiskies via'