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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1922)
pftp mm. PAGE TEN THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, ig22 HUNDREDS -TBI OF GREAT DEEDS OF WANAMAKER Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 14. Among the host of tributes to the memory ot John Wanamaker, mer chant prince, religious leader and philanthropist which continued to pour into this city today from all sections of the country, this one stands out as unique: "He was always at work on time." With these seven words, Mr. Wanamaker's first office boy, George W. Stull, summarized the secret of the world-renowned mer chant's success. The one-time of fice boy, who swept out, ran er rands, delivered parcels. and grad ually learned to do more import ant routine work for his employer. now is superintendent of the store, Since the death of Mr. Wana maker Tuesday thousands ot let tera and telegrams of condolence have been received by his family Flags are at half mast here for the first time on the occasion of the death of a private citizen. An Innovation in the realm of adver tising in which Mr. Wanamaker was one of the first big leaders: was the publication here of eulogies of the merchant's life in connection with the advertising of his principal store competitors, Philadelphia's schools will be closed for one session today. JEFFERSON GIVES $99 TO R E D CROSS MUTT AND JEFF Mutt Had Nothing On Jeff. N'T t 1 Copyright 1920 by Int'l. Feature Service Ine Trale Mark Eeij. In the U n WAITRESSES TO LEARN ALL TRICKS 'J lie 25 or more waitresses in the city will have opportunity Fri day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the Marion hotel of receiving spe clal instructions on the following subjects: Personal appearance, approach of guest, taking the order, serving ; the breakfast, luncheon and din ner, serving special dinners serv ing salads and desserts, conserva tion of food, care of table linen and silver, also glassware, and as a final chapter, general qualiflca lions of a satisfactory waitress. Instructions will be given 'un der the direction ot Miss Jennie Ilaker, head waitress of the Mar lon, with instructors from the slate board of vocational training, department of trade and industrial education. ' For those who expect to take up tills work, as well as those who have had experience, it Is under stood that the instructions will be ot real practical value, all under the direction of E. E. Elliott, di rector of vocational training for Oregon. In taking up the practical work of training waiters, Oregon ranks eecond in the United States, as only one stale, Texas, has given attention to this vocational work. While a nominal fee will be charged for those who continue to take Instructions, It is the inten Hon to extend an Invitation to all Interested to attend the tirst lec ture next Friday afternoon at the Marlon. Realty Transfers Compiled by Salem Attract Co. Robinson, T. B. and wife to Race, E. and wife, lots 9, 10, 11, 12, block 30, Eosedulo addition to Sa lem, Oregon, flO. Whitlow, J. A. to Dawson, J. C. lot3, block "M" North Side addi tion to Silverton, Oregon, $717. Baldwin, T. J. and wife to Coff nian, N. B. ot al, hind in sections 10 and 11, 9-2-E, Marion county, Oregon, $10. City of Sulem to Strublo, F. II. and wife, lot 6, block 6, Oakg ad dition to Salem, Oregon, $970. Dlllman, B. and husband to Brass field, (. L. and wifo, lots 11 and 12, Highland addition to Salem, Ore gon, $10. Slcasinan, W. N. and wife to Ke ber, J. J. and wifo, land in section 19, 6-1-W, Marion county, Oregon, $10. Thomas, J. M. to Durham, II. F. and wifo, lot 58, Waller's addition to Sulom, Oregon, $10. Powers, W. I. and wife to Tlioilcn J. and wife, lot 3, West Hollywood Fruit Farms, Marion comity, Ore gon, $10. Duly, J. H. to Ellingson, E. I. land in CI. 39, 0-1-E, Mariou coun ty, Urejron, $10. Brassfield, 0. L. and wife to Dill man, C, land in CI. 81, 5-2-W, Mar ion county, Oregon, $10, Wenger, A. to Hanna, J. W. and C. W., land in section 9, 7-1-W, Marion county, Oregon, $10,230. Jefferson responded to the call of the Red Cross by sending $ to 'headquarters in Salem. The Hazel Dell echeol district recently forwarded $3 for the three mem berships in that "district In the an nual Red Cross roll call. Mrs. Arthur R. Benson, cecre- tary, says that she is depending upon the girls' reserve of the Sa lem high school to furnish enough solicitors next Saturday to solicit in the city where no efforts have been made to secure names on the roll call. Last Saturday, four girls from the high school put in time solicit ing for the Red Cross, and their work was most satisfactory, Mrs. Benson says. Up to date there has been re ceived from the present annual roll call, $1,519 from Marion county, and It is hoped that the soliciting campaign may be closed by next Saturday evening. Polk county has not as yei re ported, but Information has been received at headquarters that the various districts in the county will be ready to report, when the roll call Is closed, with a most satis factory membership. ARMY PERSONNEL REMAINS 86.000 Washington, Dec. 14. An en listed personnel during the. fiscal year beginning next July 1 of 86, 000, the same as at present, is provided for in the navy budget, carrying a total of $293,80(5,538, or approximately half a million dollars less than last year, report ed to the house. f Pardon we. But tibw'T r 1 A k U x w RiSht: r owlv Mr V I He". worfw. s FoR iwjtawc.'-on A I Z Ner foii iMpimBuR iSffl Hi rot? a teZi MjwuTes THAT 1 foMet tHjTA6uywrai APRn- Tnc third 91', , w om oewsea tes U&o; . r$ fJIM Ti J HlNATOfcAY t TieCOGMIlCFD HffA1. PUcleSj Aj JONS TH VovR: vilFF Suet C P f Sflul 1111 -e L FAC 1 V,""" j-HAve YOU MC-MOOV I ( SlTeeNTH 1917, "QO FoR fe-J Zpl ( ,!l i) Km X , U,. spot; owJAwuAfty -25 closed to be awarded their official "O" and sweaters.. Following is the list of letter awards: Three year letter men are Archie Shields (captain), Washougal, Wash; George King, Salem; Prince Callison, Eugene, and Rud Brown, Baker. Two year letter men, Floyd Shields, Wash ougal, "Wash; . Carl VonderAhe, Eugena; Harlan ("Dutch") Gram, Portland; Ward Johnson, Kene wick, Wash.; Charley Parsons, Portland. ,Those getting their let ter for the first time this year are: Horace Byler, North Bend; Dick Reed, Eugene; Gogswell Campbell, Eugene; Ray McKeown, Marsh- field; Bill Spear, Seaside, and Ter ry Johnson of Prince Rupert, B. C. CONTRACT IS LET FOR ADULT BLIND SCHOOL The contract for the construc tion of the buildings for the em ployment institution for adult blind, to be located at Eighty second and Glison streets, Port land, was awarded by the state board of control Tuesday to the land on a bid of $105,148. Tkere were seven bidders for this con tract. The plumbing and heating contract was awarded to Fox and company of Portland on a bid of $28,500. Eleven bids were enter ed for this contract. Of the $107, 134 appropriated by the legisla ture for this institution $17,227 remains for the purchase of fur niture and equipment. The grounds on which the institution will be located tost the state $12,500. WANT REDUCTION OF ARMAMENTS WIDENED Washington, Dec. 14. (By As sociated Press.) A request that President Harding seek to broaden the scope of the naval limitation agreement so as to include a lim itation on construction of smaller types of war vessels and on mili tary and naval air craft, Is in cluded in the annual naval bill as reported in by the house ap propriations committee. PLANES SEARCHING FOR LOST AVIATORS FALL El Paso, Texas, Dec. 14. Three of the five airplanes which left San Antonio, Tuesday evening, to join in the search for the missing aviators, Colonel Marshall and Lieutenant Webber, arrived here yesterday afternoon. The two oth er planes fell on their way here, It was anounced today at head quarters of the twelfth observa tion squadron. FOBD OWNERS LOOK Have your Ford painted for Xmas. Surprise your friends. We are running a special on Fords during December only. Don 't miss this unusual od portunity. KELIANCE AUTO PAINTING CO. 219 State, cor. Front St Second Floor $3,000,000 FOR ASTORIA SOUGHT J. C. Perry, president of the chamber of commerce, is in receipt of a telegram from Astoria, urging the cooperation ot the Salem chamber In presenting to congress the necessity of government aid to Astoria, to the extent of $3,000,- D00. The telegram recites the story of the calamity that has overtaken the city, and the immediate need of help from the federal govern ment for funds 'to reconstruct the streets of the city. Congress Asked for Sum. Washington, Dec. 14. A reso lution for immediate appropriation of $3,000,000 to relieve fire suf ferers of Astoria, Or., was intro duced Wednesday by Senator Mc Nary, Oregon. The resolu tion, which was referred to the appropriations committee, would authorize the secretary of war to distribute food and other supplies to the needy and also to take tem porary Sanitary measures. 17 OREGON GRID MEN WIN LETTER AWARDS Universitjr of Oregon, Eugene, Dec. 14. (Special.) Seventeen members of the Oregon varsity football squad played a sufficient amount of time in conference games during the season just Cut This Out It is Worth Money Cut out this sup, enclose with 6c and mall it to Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, 111., writing' your name and address clearly. You will receive in re turn a trial package containing Foley's1 Honey and Tar Compound for coughs, colds and croup; Fo ley Kidney Pills tor pains in sides and back; rheumatism, backache, kidney and bladder ailments; and Foley Cathartic Tablets, a whole-j tome and thoroughly cleansing cathartic for constipation, bilious nfsa. . headaches, and sluggish bowels. (adv) Reader Takes Newer Form of Iron-Feels Years Younger "Six weeks ago I saw a special offer in the paper telling how thousands of people grow old in looks and energy long before they are really old in years, because, as exaimimtions by physicians have shown, an enormous number of people do not have enough iron in their blood. I have been taking this newer form of Iron, called Muxated Iron for two weeks 1 the results are simolv astounding. The roses have come back in my lips and cheeks and I can con scientiously lay that I feel and look ten yenri younger." , The above is a typical hypothetical ase showing the results that have been achieved by people all over the country since we started this great trial offer. lou can now try a full-sued bottle of Muxated Iron containing two weeks treatment at our expense. Cut out the trial coupon and go to any druggist and get your tirst package of Nuxated Iron. Look in the mirror and note carefully the color of your Hps and rheelw. See how long you can work and how far you can walk without becoming tired. Next take two five grain tablets after meals, three times daily fur two weeks, then see if youdo not feel and look years younger. Trial Coupon Fill in this cowpon with your im and I (ddrM and tak it to any drugs In your J ity. Dapoait with him tha pwca of on I retuku- falUiio botti of Nuwatad boa. I Thto la not a payment, but a deposit only. J If yon ra not mora than dcUvhtod with I tha raault obtained by twa woeks' UM of Nuxatad Iron, simply raturn tba outsida J wtappar to your own 4rugit who will . I promptly refund your mony. Wo will ro- I pay tha drvmrirt tha fajl amount ho rof unda upon receipt of the coupon and wrnppar. I DAE HEALTH LABORATORIES Naw York City ! Nam ., 1, .. 1 I Fill in yoar namm mnl aiirvn mkotn) I Dau'l J. Fry, J. C. Ferry."",!!" F. Tyler. (adv) The Greatest Advancement Ever, Made In Range Construction niversai U Cast WHITE PORCELAIN. SPLASHER BACK PATENTED ADJUSTABLE SLIDING OVEN DAMPER PATENTED LIFT KEY PLATE SOLID CAST LEFT END All the Old Difficulty Gone no more blacking and rubbing. Women may simply now wash their stoves just like they do their porcelain tables. Not even the top of UNIVERSAL) Porcelain Ranges need blackening. A Few Years From Now, we believe that there will be a very few ranges sold which are- not porcelain.. No one who uses a Porcelain Range will lever go back to the old black stove. ' 7:11 l"-i1iilMii:iliilll:fiii'l!lil!);liii:;iv'.:ii: .. imsmmmMmmm key in jT-iiw 111 "-nai"'-v J 'I . 4 UTW I I . B I -A 11 'Hii'liili"illIMWllrWTWT'l'T' LS" 1 I llllllllllllllMinillllilii'illli i -gC Mm f t-3& to&SiS25Z.-db!-! - WIDE St SHALLOW FIRE BOX DRAFT & POKER DOOR REMOVABLE DUPLEX GRATES ELECTRIC WELDED AIRTIGHT JOINTS SANITARY LEG BASE DROP DOOR COMBINATION SMOKE &CHECK UArlrtK PLATE TOP CLOSING OVEN DOOR CATCH WHITE PORCELAIN DOOR FRONT TRIPLE WALL FLUE Universal Cast 1 HELPMATE UNIVERSALE ntAVI MiDCOIUi MILL BOARD HEAVY POLISHED STEEL BODY INSIDE PORCELAIN" CVEN DOOR LINING CLEAN OUT DOOR Are famous for their quality "UNIVIT" Porcelain is made only in the immense Universal Stove Plant and is used exclusively in. Universal stoves. Experience has so perfected UNIVIT Porcelain that it will not chip, crack, peel or discolor from heat. It is ideal for stoves and will stand more abuse than any other stove finish known will last a life-time. Universal Pipeless Furnace The Universal Pipeless furnace is a complete heating system sold as a single unit, and at a single price no extras. It derives Its name "Pipeless" from the fact that there are no overhead pipes to convey the heat to the different rooms. Instead, it has a single register above the furnace which pro vides both the outlet for warm air and in take for cold air. The theory of using long pipes to convey th heat to different parts of the building has proven unnecessary. According to natural law heat travels upward and the Universal Pipeless is built to conform with the law of nature. UNIVERSAL WARM AIR OXIDIZED REGISTER TULL RETURN AIR CHAMBER Where long pipes are used (an expensive method the law of nature has been violated and he result will be a terrific loss of heat in the basement where it is not needed. When a pipeless furnace Is installed a cool base ment is always assured, due to the fact that the entire furnace is surrounded by a cold air chamber. 25 to 50 Saving on Fuel alone. It is estimated that a saving of fuel of from 25 to 60 can be accomplished with a Universal Pipeless over other systems. This is because of the scientific construction of the furnace built according to the law of nature. Perfect combustion and perfect circulation does the trick. The Universal Pipeless furnace meets every requirement of Health, Comfort, and Econ omy, and are the fruits of over 40 years of Quality Specialization. The Universal humidifies as well as ventilates while it heats, furnishes the air with an adequate supply of moisture. That is why this fur nace promotes health as well as comfort. Study the Illustration ! The Bectional vi-ew shows why the Universal Pipeless ts best. HEGMT ADJUSTABLE! TO ANY B&SEMCN1 PATENTED GAS AND SMOKE TIGHT CLEAN OUT it r lis I" I . COLD AIR RETURN WARM AIR PIPE CARRIES ALL HCAT TO UPPER ROOMS AIR BLAST (SMOKE CONSUMER LARGE WATER PAN ASSURCS PROPER MOISTURE '. .Vb. patented shell Bar grates '-.VL ii 1 i Made In Five Sizes 1 VI -1' 4: 1 .;'iiir,in fJA Ml" COLD AIR FROM UPPER ROOMS RE TURNS TO rURNACE CHJTER CASING Universal Pipeless Furnace ' Three Essentials of , Supremacy , CoriStrUCtiOll ,nclude8 Patterns, mater- ials used and finishing. Without either of these qualities a perfect construction would be Impossible. - Our pat terns are produced by the greatest expert in this country, who has spent a life time in the study of heat circulation. Only new iron is used in the building of Universal furnaces and the finishing is - accompl'f hed Jy the highest grade of mechanics it is possible for us to procure. Any part of a Universay found defective will be cheerfully replaced. Combustion 13 controlleii y tne of heater and character of chimney to which it is connected. Without perfect combustion a loss of fuel will result. Universal furnaces are scientifically con structed and equipped with our Patented Shell Bar Grate. When the furnace is con-. nected to a. suitable chimney flue perfect combustion'ls guaranteed and a saving of fuel will be the result. Ask any Universal dealer . to explain to you the merits of the Shell Bar Grate used only on the Universal. Circulation !! "v"6', f?ct?r the Universal pipeless fur nace and the one great item which furnishes the comfort in the home. Immediately after starting a fire in the Universal, air from all parts of the home starts in motion. It is drawn through the register past the hot cast ings and returned tot he rooms above. The air chambers through which the air passes must be properly proportioned in order to Inspire perfect circulation and preserve the life of the heater. The dimensions of these chambers in a Universal pipeless are the re sult of many years study and most careful tests. TOUR INCH COLD AIR RETURNI CHAMBER INNER CASINO HEAVILY INSULATED TREE RETURN AIR CIRCULATION AS SURES 100 HEATING- EFFICIENCY PIPELESS Fits Any Basement FEE-Set Eosers Silverware during this demonstration only.' With every Univerk Ranee we will include without charire' this beautiful 3G;pieceset of Rogers Hampden design guaranteed silverware. This set of Silverware carries TiiS Don t Miss this opportunity. guarantee from the maker, Wm. Rogers .& Sons. $5.00 DEPOSIT $5 cash will hold any Universal Porcelain Range you may select for future delivery and entitles you to all special inducements of this demonstration; II B it