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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1920)
JATLDeb THE CAPITAL JOURNAL PAGE FCUS THE CAPITAL JOURNAL j AN JNDEPESDENX.NEWtrATER A SALEM BOY FOR PRESIDENT. Published every evenir.g except un 4y by The Capital Journal Printing Co, Hi fruth Commercial nt. Telephones Circulation ar.d Business OTJice, ll; Editorial rooms. emr.GU PUTNAM. Editor-PuMither Entered second data mall mutter t tssletn. Oregon. By currier 60 cent b month. By mall cm a month, $1.55 fur three month. .; tor ix month, t year in Marion and Polk counties. tlMre year. , Ky ornr of U. 8. government, all man aubecriptiooa are payable is Advance. Advertising representative W. D. Ward. Trioune Btdg.. New fork: W. H Btockwell. People Cia ISIdg.. Chicago. moot mi? MF.HF.ER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRKSS Ti... A,tlal..d l'resa is exclusively at tied to tiie use for republication of mil news dispatch" credited to it or not otherwise credited in thi asper Ul also local new published herein. CORMER GOVERNOR WEST has sent petitions to the Capital T 1 II Tlnnrav nn the. flomnrrutif1 ha Hi it 111 the presidential primaries. Aa Hoover refuses to say what party he belong to, the democrats are going to grab him, despite the fact that he refused to sign a a democrat in the Georgia prim aries. In his most recent utterance Mr. Hoover said: "Penrose ha declared that I am nut hia kind of a Republican, Bryan hax declared thar-l am not his kind of a Democrat and Hearst has declared I have not hia variety of patriotism." I at once agree with these gentlemen. ir.-itiL' twin- fiiwiuwil of thhi ninnientr,UM matter, let ns get on with the bwues the methods of taxation for instance." JIMMY" FINDS A NEW TAIL.1 Mr West snvsr "T me. a democrat is anyone with brainst Jimmy Rabbit wanted a new ami gumption and a desire to do public good" and as-the former! tail. To be sure, he already had, governor was a boyhood friend of Hoover's in Salem, he has be- a tail but it was so short thatj come his unsolicited campaign manager. Mr. Hoover has not! he felt it was little better than! ! been consulted in the matter, nor will he be. I none at all. Frisky Squirrel and, Now it is up to some republican to start similar petitions de- billy Woodchuck had fine, bushy daring Hoover a republican and putting him upon the primary! tails; and so had all the other ballot. As a result, Hoover will carry both primaries and be the! forest-people, except the Rab BY ARTHUR SCOTT BAILEY xie mo not w,. speak, to Mr. M;fc 7. V b hof t. 6.fc r. Xf T" to talk him ha . tiau 0 regon bser vat ions Kugene Although the Lane county: pure bred live stock association wasi organized only choice of both parties leading the way for the nation another case of Oregon first, The Hoover petitions can be signed by democrats at the Cap il al Journal office. One thousand signatures are required to place his name upon the ballot. TIIE DOGS AND THE SOWS. bit family. Jimmy had tried his hardest to get a handsome tail for him self. And once he had nearly- succeeded. For he almost cut off last Bepiemwr, ai-, , nWTVn (ho b.fttr lUollcm anA nolrUw eanfifina nf triol reudv there are kO members and the v....... . . ,. . j- ; iL. u nm.- list is growing every ween, ai-curoiug to ". A. A.vres, secretary. war. a wave of reaction is sweeping over the world. The diplomats of Europe are seeking to return to the secret diplomacy nre'of imperalism and territorial aggrandizement, the politicians of j two thu spnntft nrc iUliivino- Deuce in the hone of reamnff its rewards Kugene Chinese pheasants now being liberated frmn the "J"! ,J",wlH,f by evading its responsibilities. Selfishness, greed and averice, van. y veoeived h contribution when reflected in profiteering, idleness and extravagance have replaced under the direction of carl d. shou-j ne unselfishness, industry, and thrift of the war period, en- maKei. suue uunic naiovu, vv ujiub; were Klven their liberty near liariis- bm. WanhinKton cnunties. Tillamook and Lincoln; Albany CIiiiiwh of cruelty neainst her htiHliand, lAiiinlc I.. Baltimore, plus simllai' accusations nsiiinsl her mo(hfr-in-lay are the basis of n com plaint for divorce filed In the ulrcuit court this moriilnK by Clara H. Haiti-moi-e, Alliany Mr . Winnie . Alarrlson passed away at her home at 949 West Fifth Rtreet Wednesday night at 11 o'elock following nn attack of pneu inoulrt. Illness was of brief duration. Albany The nnnnnl state confer ence of the Daughters of the Ameri can devolution will commence In Al bany next week, Im-kIhiiIiir Thursday and continuing until Haturttny night, lteiitcsentatlve women from every town in Oregon will lie in attendance. KiiKi'iiu.The city council has or dered construction of 10,318 feet of cement sidewalk and 172 property owners it re beliiR notified to make th lni)i'OVinent. gendering doubt, suspicion and unrest as we desert the God of our fathers to worship at the shrine of the golden calf. Tf ii'oq iha nasuimium tf Vio wm-Ll I'ountlnii fhnr incrtli'Arl I illu.MIMin Mil- iu-iimi,iii.r J T-;. i. . V.!. ...i:i.lJ IIT. R Dennis of Carlton has decided to, nuuyaru ivipilHK 10 Wlliv ins iaieL ijoein, cuutieu me uuua ui he n candidate on the republican tick- the Copy-Book" Maxims", published in January Harper's. In spite et for joint senator from Vamhlll.Lf umnn:a 0ff,.ta Df hortoi-mont Vinlinc rlolnvoa thnt man. kind always moves around the circle to where it started from, and that the three certain things in the world are: "That the Dog returns to hsi Vomit and the Sow returns to her mire. And the burnt Fool's bandaged finger, goes wobbling back to the fire." It is certain that the political dogs, have returned to their vomit, and the diplomatic sows returned to their mire, and the war burnt and bandaged nations are wobbling back to the fire that burned them, but the dogs and the sows and the fools do not always outnumber 'and overrule those who have learned by ex perience . , . The senate has conducted a nation-wide propaganda for a year to manufacture a public opinion to support it, yet every ex pression from the people, shows that it has little popular support. The European diplomats in. over-riding treaty agreement? to se cure political prestige, are not supported by the people of their nations, and war devastated populations are not hankering for war. This period of reaction was to be expected for reaction comes after every supreme action. The old order cannot be re vived in its fullness and the new order will be better than the old r : . .. i i i nil i u 1 1 l Marstifleld rr C w Tower nion.1 ur progress is u spiral, eacii circle a lime lusiier man me one oe- ecr of Coos Bay since inns, died ut hi' fore. The war was not due to altruistic ideftl&'of Kipling's, "Gods home. hra Thursday at the a of T8of the Market Place," but to Germany's deifying the "Gods of the years. Jle was one of the early day . . , . , . , . physicians of Kouthwestem Oregon Copy-Book Maxims" and returning to the vomit and mire and fire wf And once he nearly succeeded for he almost cut off Frisky Squirrel's big brush. Jimmy Rabbit hurried along Mink had faster. He knew that it was a mink's voice. And he didn't like minks. Mr. Mink ran after him, call ing "Stop, thief!" at the top of his voice. Jimmy Rabbit did not stop. But he glanced around. And his f.'. 1 a . " ;!1M nad bo tail! At time Jimmy ran Zt gam, and a great .- There k; w 3e. iiHW And hislcertanily did nnf heart sank as he saw that Mr.! with that! to W notJt at PIT , . of barbarism. and for years was chairman of the county Itepuhilrnn central committee. Ttn? ahptatip rnTcto ii,1n,.u ,,fn A1 ' xiiu riiivt.iiiv vivioio tural agent, who was provided for by; , , , . , , ', , , js.nun Mppropfiation in the county N AUIIhUING to his refusal to accept the new settlement of budget for this year, has been select- the Adriatic question made by the European premiers with by C; ?rrt,ctmlout consulting. America, the president says: fnruu r sei'ielary-treastirer of the Itclr iia Dairy Products Company, nndi an experienced innn In farm ngent work. "The Adriatic Issue, as It now presents Itself raises the fundamental onestlon as to whether the American government can on any terms co-opcr- nte with Its Ktiropean associates in the great work of maintaining the peace of the world by removing the primary causes of war. If substantial agree ment on what is just and reasonable is not to determine the International issues; If, in a word, the old order of things which brought so many evils on the world Is still to prevail, then the time is noi yet come when t(his government can enter a concert of powers the very existence of which must depend upon a new spirit and a new order." The president declares that the new agreement "profoundly t ,. -The neiy org-mimi ' altered to the advanlae of improper Italian objections, to the LciMnmn-Kniitiom Lumber company iJserious injury of the Jugo-Slav people and to the peril of world n paring to begin erection of a plan ning mill on a site purchased hero. Astoria. The winter fishing season on the Columbia river will come to a close nt noon on next Monday. Kalrlv good catches of rhlnnnwa are being made by the divers and ulllinMs which are lit operation. jieuce. the new settlement abolishes the tree state of Fnime, though leaving the city independent, giving Italy the strip of sea- rttrm.i. Four deaths from infiu-'nmst ami Pving tne way ior annexation or me city ana provui- en.ii were reported to the city health lllg the Wll' loi" partition Of Albania. imreijn Friday, nt'lnging the total since i lie sunt or l hn epidemic In rortland five weelcs ngo to 07. l'oi llund - I'hins are rngreyilng for the installation of additional facilities nt the lleusnn I'olylochnlc high school hero to accommodate B huge nmntier of ex-service men who will be trained in vocational lines. It wns announced Friday, The federal government win I provide funds for the additional facil ities. Oregon City. Through deal nego. tlated here Friday the holdings of til .Inekson Lumber company are to he taken over by It. II. XvlMi 'f Che bnlls nnd nssnclntes of the Gray Har nor section. And at last, as he was wander ing through the woods one day, to his great joy he found almost exactlv what he wanted. Lying near a heap of chips was a: beautiful tail! But it was red,! with a black tip. That was thej only drawback about it. j " This tail, however, was so: handsome that Jimmy made up' his mind that he would wear it, anyhow, even though it did not' match his coat. So with a bit of string which he had carried with! him for weeks for that very pur-i pose, he tied the red tau to nis own short stub. There was great excitement among the forest-people when Jimmy appeared among them. Most everyone told him howi much better he looked. In fact, old Mr. Crow was about the onlyj person who didn't say some-. thing pleasant. He only shook his head, and muttered some thing to himself about "hand some is as handsome is as handsome does." But Jimmy Rabbit paid little attention to him. "Whose tail is that?" Mr. Crow finally asked. "Mine, of course!" Jimmy told him. "Well, you'd better look out!" said Mr. Crow. "Unless that pram CURE FOR SMPiLICHlRlS IS BEST 111 Every Possible Effort is Be ing Made in Affected Lo calities to Stop Further Spread of Disease CUNCE CF PREVENTION WORTH POUND OF CURE Frisky Squirrel's big bruslu But Mrs. Squirrel had appeared just in time to save her son from so zlrAsirlfnl n misVifln. r li.M l 1. a a i 1 . After that, Jimmy Rabbit w ana paia ior, tried to buy a tail; but no one; there's trouble ahead of you, would sell him one. Then he set:yg n" out to find one, in the hope that! To his friends FrFisky Squir some day some one would forget rel and Billy Woodchuck, Jim his tail and go of and leave it my said something about Mr. lying in the woods; and not be; Crow in a low voice. And they able to remember where he left' laughed loudly. Whereupon Mr. it. . Crow flew away, croaking to In fact, Jimmy Rabbit oftenj himself about the shcoking way lurked behind trees and bushes,j children are brought up now watching his neighbors as they iadays. You know, Mr. Crow took naps in the sunshine. But' was a great gossip. And every when they awaked and stretch-! where he went that day he ed themselves, and went trot-! spread the news about Jimmy ting off, there was not one ofj Rabbit's finding a red tail in the them that didn't take his tail woods. right along with him. I Probably that was the pleas- It was disappointing. Still, : antest day of Jimmy Rabbit's Jimmy Rabbit continued his life. But toward evening some- search. ! thing startled him. He had Now, Jimmy had decided that been over to the brook, to look if he could only get a long tail at himself in a pool. And he he didn't care what color it was, was coming back towards home if it -was only a brownish yel-jwhen some one called: low to match the rest of him. "Hi, there, young fellow!" Persons Who Catch Colds Easily and Who Are in Run-down Condition in Greatest Danger Influenza continues to spread; and the disease is now prevalent over many sections of the country. It has baffled the medical skill to an unusual extent, and although it has been tield in check In most local ities It haa gotten beyond control In others. The germ has eluded bacteri ologists, and medical men now agree that the best cure Is prevention. The surest prevention Is to build up the bodily powers of resistance, and to get the system into the best physical condition possible. It is now universally agreed that It 1st possible to perfect the powers 'of resistance of the .human system so that it can throw off almost any infection, not excepting Influenza. It has been observed that peiaons who are weak and run down are more susceptible to the disease than persons who are in robust health. ed promptly, if you are ,,,. dltlon nothing n " ?". you up and strengthen voULr lac. which contains Xml ful tome properties known to ence. As a reconstructive tonic ni system builder It is withou, and contains the very element, ed by the system to give Z ing strength to ward germs. This Is a statem.nt of and is supported by the ntmZ authorities and reference works to eluding the C. S. Dispensatory t Encyclopedia liritaniea. and aL Z standard text books used ai Z schools of medicine. This itatemw is further proven by the fact that millions of persons who nave actu ally taken Tanlac have testified to it extraordinary merit aa a medi. cine and by the fact Tanlac Is today having the largest sale of anr tonie on the American market. Tanlac is also an ideal strengthen ing tonic for persons who are suffer ing from the after effects of otlda, influenza, ordinary grippe, and bron chial troubles, and hundreds thou sands are using It daily with, mot gratifying results. In connection with the Tantae treatment it is very Important to keep the bowels open by taking Tan lac Laxative Tablets, sample f which aro enclosed with every bettle of Tanlac!. Tanlac is sold in Salem by Trler'i Drug Store. In Hubbard by Hubbtrt Drug Co., in Mt. Angel by Ben Oooeh, In, Oervais by John Kelly, In Tnnte by II. P. Cornelius, in Woodbura by Lyman H. Shorey. In Silverton by Geo. A. Steelhammer, In- Gate by Km J. P. McCurdy. in Styton by C. A. Bern champ. In Aurora by Aurora, Brut Storo, in St. Paul by Groceteria Stem and if you are in a generally run ; Co.. in Donald by M. W. Johnson, In down condition and below normal . Jefferson by Foshay & Mao ana hi weight this warning should be heed- Mill City by Marketerla Gro. Co, (A6 LOVE and MARRIED LIFE dvl xne noieav aumor c I Idah MSGlone Gibson .milN DISAPPROVES. j ticularly for jewelry, and just imagine ui .unit, uoruun nau gone; now -poor Uttle me' would look In downstairs I heard her excited voice Paquln gown." sounding over the phone. "I uon-t know anything about the o.ic im.vioB ih jomi, x wiougnr; Krench gowns, mv dear, bnt von mnrt, -9 r mt if' '"ki ,mtm y mm I " ... , !! fTPrT: to myself and 1 was sure of it a few moments afterward, when I was called to my phone to hear John exclaim very roughly, "What's this mother has been tell ing nie about you Katharine? Have you been running around with Helen Van Ness?" His tone and manner angered me beyond measure. "John, I will not quarrel or discuss personal matters with you over the phone. Nor will I allow you to speak to me In that tone of voice, I'm your wife." And in my rage I hung up the re in the original settlement, Fiume was made a free city, but the port, docks and terminals were placed under control of the League of Nations. Italy claims the Adriatic coast as due her for her sacrifices in war, but the president, while accepting the prin ciple of reparation for damages done as in accord with justice, re fuses to admit that participation in war is something that should be bought and paid for. Fiume is in no sense part of Italia Irredenta. The port was developed by Hungary. It is the one outlet of Jugo-Slavia, Hun gary and Czecho-Slovakia. It is not needed by Italy and was not demanded in the pact of London as payment for Italv's entering 'ceiver. the war. It is wanted now solelv to satisfy the territorial oroprl 11 "fMnea only an instant before it of Italy and strangle the development of the newly citedlUiT TiStZJZ nations. ' Incessant that 1 finally aaid. "HelloJ" The new settlement is due to the attempt of Italian politicians "Tou mny tllink u,la Is a vcr' mart to gain prestige at home by imperialism, and to ask the IWtedter ntates to guarantee it is to ask America to underwrite a new come over to the house without get European war by sanctioning a predatory peace. If the Allies are tini '"-ry couiounded reporter in me to proceed with this kind of imperialistic diplomacy the president! heedhTtwy But is justified in withdrawing the treaty, for it was not to aggrandize! "What ar you going te do no. ut it. Italy through injustice to other peoples that the United States ! r,,hn?" entered the war. If Europe is intent on restoring imperialism. .wf "1 ''"y,nt- "" ,l , ., . e .. ii .i ,i , , . "wpmier ax me otner eno or me wire, mei is noinmg ior America to tio, otner tnan leave hurope toVhi.h i imemite.i aavlnir: "When go her Wily,' you can speak to me in a gentlemanly mnnner. John, phone again. Meantime I must go abend with my packing. "Packing? Packing? What are you packing?" . - Rippling Rhymes BV WALT MASON Oiir fiblfrtlon 1' prohibition 1 Je.-i th' very fcllors that can't appmcln to ll.iuor lme, their Oflllars full of It, AV hain't fnciilionlii" any certain poli part.v. but ihei's Ji-t as mans liuiiitry i rple in this roimtry as then is in Ainu-ilia With gioat Impatience I answered lht lilouia K...I. lnai.,t THE FLU. Lf John's amn-v tonea It was Robbx-'K Last year I had the well known flu. and now I have the fluUuave voice that came floating to m once more; I lie in bed and say, "Kerehoo", and other words I have,ov,r ,ht wlre- in store, my iitMne 01 1 nought is run or ache, and pain through all:.. , r - f-""""c-my system wends, and busy druggists strive to make the pills the! : :,.. ;vo"J " m.- sawbones recommend. 'Twas war that brought this punk disease, 1 hour. This win g.t you into Atlantic that threatens now my useful like; and Wilhelm, with his war lord '"' wthcr late, but you two girls wheeze, was at the bottom of the strife. I cannot think of anv non mlnd tnut 1 sues. ill in all this sorry world so wide, that can't be charged to old Ex P1 71iSuu ,kili p( you-, V1' Bill-and now they say he won't be tried. Ah, woe is me! This ,eU Hftlt'n ho murh 1 owe tin horn sport wont reap the punishment that's due; he'll not ap- wiiiiug to pay kxrmaM. pear In any court, for having ushered in the flu. If I should spring I "ih, that's an right, i m glad that some punk disease that made your pills of no avail, how long be-;I11,'n ta coi" 10 b ou hn 1 fore the cof9 would seize mv frame and put the same in jail? This'"1 ,h!,t 1 lirm would let me lack of justice makes me blue, my anguished breast with wrath itZ-jS buy fills, and so I cry, "Korwoosh! Kerehoo!" and take another mfss me jewelry or gown." of pills. "No. I think I II pay my own wiy, l!obby, for you know I don't care jir- me wish the other day that I could match that diamond and emerald pen dant you were wearing for Helen. Where did John get it? I think ril bring her one from the west." "I don't know where he got it, but I ilon't care for it all," 1 said, "and seldom wear it." I shall never wear It again, I sub: to myseit, as I said "good-by" to Bob by, and hastened to finish packing and dressing. Again the telephone interrupted mv activities, and Alice's voice said anx iously: "Katherlne. is It really true that you and Helen Goylord are going some where for an Indefinite stay?' "Tes, sister." "Both John and mother have been calling me up and frantically implor ing me to insist that you should not do this thing. John declares that if you do he will never live with you again." "Rid you tell him that I had not asked him for Uiat favor?" Tones Are Awed. "lo yon mean this Is separation?" came in awed tone over the phone. "Ve, 1 as a separation, fn til this moment 1 was not sure for Just how long it would be, But. of course. John's ugly ultimatum has made me decide that it will probably mean forever." "Oh. Catherine, don't say that!'.' . "WeU, at least I am goluir awav to think it over." John haa made me promise not n lend you any money," said Alice with a laugh. "Thanks to you my dear, I don't need to borrow. Good-by. Alice!" "The taxi is waiting. Mrs. Gordon." Monday John's Threat. 1 JEWELRY Unquestionably jewelry adds a distinct finishing touch to any gown. We are at all times pleased to show you the latest designs. HARTMAN BROS. CO. Jewelers and Opticians Solent, Oregon. Dr. Burdette Optometrist , H t GENERAL MOTORS COMPANY jf ANOTHER TRANSFER MAN (A. C. CARTER) ADOPTS THE CMC ' LET US EXPLAIN WHY W. E. BurnsDan Burns Not Brothers The Same Man Ferry at High Street. Salem, ' t Or. t BAKE-RITE BREAD j i If you try a loaf today you'll buy a loaf tomorrow. i I Bake-Rite Sanitary Bakery f 457 State Street ,,, Met H"" HCEXTI-A nCYS TAXKKE CNGIVES COSTING IM)0,uOO ffueuca Aires, Feb. SS Th. chaaa by the government of twenty- i fivit locomotives from a company in I tha rnitod States at a cost of approxl-' matfly r940.0M for us on the state1 railways, was announced last night It 1 ' "ooa tha German Interest) wpre competitors for this order, which is aaJd to be tha first large one of the I kind ever obtained la Anreniin. . , ! North American eosoem. I LADD & BUSH BANKERS Established 1863 General Banking Business Office Hours from 10 a. m, to 3 p. ai. JOURN-AJ. WANT ADS BRINU TAt