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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1920)
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1920. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL CROSSING AL AT ORDERED ERECTED CONCERNING MUSIC By a A. DAVIDSON (Director of Music for Salem Schools Y.M.C.A.GivesBig: Sum To Legion Men t comprise over the Ions agi J demands " he city 0f SaIem . Jety devise at tho Unlon-Cap-SJZiM crowing of the Southern '"Triiroad the Oregon public er ffJwon in n order Issued afternoon designate, the 7as a "stop" crossing and oi "a immediate installation of Ji rien one-third of the coat to b. br ire city of Salem and the re L'r by the Southern Pacific com B . The order follows the plan agree "a conference called by Fred Williams of the commission Febru- .t which were present rep- !l,ta)ives of the city of 8alera' e , commercial club and the South . w,iinml comDany. era fw" : . . Last Wednesday evening Tours This was the second concert the iruiy ana a, iew 01 me nigh school band bov. have oana -ooys motored to rortland to bolnir near me sympnony Concert and Sophie Braslau, the contralto. - to Th crossing has long been regarded ,, bwarnous one oy ma vuf muocII and several months ago an ..lMinn was made for the intsal- . L... f n wig-wag isafety device -ktak was denied by the state com In an order in which the city authorities were scored for their fail ure to enfoe traffic laws to which the commission laid the blame for the incidents occurring at this cross ing, Following the rofusal of the com musion to co "Ply with the request of the city cruncil there was considerab le talk of a mandamus proceeding to nmrl compliance with the demano for the safety device but no action was taken Must Bo Illuminated. The 'stop" sign which Is to be In stalled under the order will be placed in the certer of the street on either side of the railroad and will be kept illuminated at night so that it will bt consplculously displayed at all times. Title typo of sign, members of the state commlssior. point out is regarded as much more effective than a wig-wag sign which would of necessity be platted at the side of the highway where ltould hardly be noticeable, and lacks the objectionable features of a warning boll to which residents In the neighborhood of the crossing took exception. In the order it is pointed out that Inasmuch as Capital avenue Is now a part of the Pacific Highway and dally use by numbers of tourists who are not familiar with the crossing a warn ing alga of this type has become nec essary. In another order Issued by the com mission today the application of the A. Ruper company, successors to the Falls City Canning company at Falls City, for permission to construct an industry spur track to its canning plant Is also granted. Portlaud Petition Denied. The application of the City of Port land for the extension of the Port land street railway system from Us present terminus in St. Johns to the public docks, a distance of approxi. iiately a mile, is denied In anijthoi order handed down by the commission. The denial of this apnlicaHon Is ba-e-" upon a stipulation entered in to be. tween tho city of Portland and the Portland Railway, Light and Power company. In this stipulation the nec essity for such an extension as Is ask i lor is admitted but the lack of nf flclent patronage to justify the Invest ment entailed In such an extension 1 also admitted. The street railway com pany, however, agrees to operate at actual cost such an extension if tho commission of public docks will con struct the extension. say tney had a good time would be putting it mildly, for Wayne Allen. Kenneth Perry. Delmer De Sarte. Earl Yarnell and Kenneth Aspinwall are an good leilows, and the music was good, and so a good time was inevitable. The orchestra did itself and its conductor credit in spite of the five or six vacant chairs which showed the effects of the flu. There were some 64 men, and enough soloists were among them to provide ade quate leadership in each section, and some artistic climaxes were reached. It is refreshing to see a conductor, oi carl .Denton's type, just plain everyday American, who doesn't grandstand, but who has his players at his finger tips and gets results just the same. And it might be said of the orchestra too, that individually and as a whole,- it was elastic and responsive. The opening number was Men delssohn's Scotch Symphony, and the wuub um iiB nan in Di'liiifintr out a acotcn erreet. attended the other that of the Portland Apollo Club a few weeks ago. No doubt when the highway is competed, thev and many other music lovers froini- Th money is the surplus left in Salem will glide up to the Rose City the Young Men's Christian associa quite often. In the meantime let us tion treasury after remittance by the pleasantly anticipate - the day when American and trench governments Salem will have enough paper mills. of transportation charges tor suu- and loganberry canneries to Justifv'pliea during the war. 1 the btg artists coming to visit us. I There are no restrictions as to its Squltw . . (use by the Legion, although the sing- The National. Association of Music! gestlon was made In the letter offer Merchants has pledged $250,000 to-jing the gift, that It be used for the ward a fund tor a national conserva- benefit of disabled former service war Industries bo.ird. vitrually dictated the policy, recently told the eommitt Im how vast .Tarns were set aside for construction of plant at .Muscle j Shoals and Uewhre in the hope of A gift of more than 1500.000 from making this country Independent of the national war work council of the Chilean producers. Tniinff r..t "o ('hn.-li.i. ...... i. ' has been accepted by the national executive committee of the American Legion, according to an announce ment received at the local "Y" Fli- POIID TRUCK WITH TWO TON ATTACHMENT. KUXS LIKE A TOP OSCAR B. GINGRICH MOTOR & TIRE CO. 3T1 Conrt Btr Phoin tit W.W.E00RE House Furnisher HOME OF THE VICTOOLA You get more for your Money at Moore's. PAGE THREE I Th fir; of the annual opt h ii ! i da;. 4 for re people of Kn-ne ana Lii'- Icou' b..-n M at the km wts.;tji. Sanitary Beauty Parlors tMitS Harper) JTow back in our former location 30S BiivH of Commerce Bid?. tory of music. This they plan to raise by adding 25 cents to the Drice of every Instrument they sell during the year. . Rachmaninoff, the composer of the well known prelude In C charp minor, nas taken up his residence in York. A recent elaborate men or for the work of the ex-service men on behalf of the country. Washington, Feb. !T After Bernard M. Earuch "gives further testimony to day relatlnc to the government's nollcv Newi 0 hulldine nitrate ulants for wnr nur- comnosi- . .k. v....... i. ..;,. .,. tion of his founded on Edear AHn . ..TJ. ' f '. nom -rh. ,t.n. m'" Pfv i O. S.:. preparauon oi its report. Mr. Baruch, who, as chairman of the Roe's poem, "The iBella' with great success by himself at the piano with the Boston Symphony, The illustrative lecture which was! jto have been given at- the Salem I Public Library last Wednesday even-! ling on the subject of Indian and! HIDES and SACKS WANTED Also Junk of AQ KSnda Boat Price Onaxanteed CALL 398 CAPITAL JUNK CO. Tho Bquar Deal House ' 171 Chemeketa St Fhoae 3M HAVE EXPEIIT PL.VTE MAN' With U jean exjierlncp, with me in my dental office DR. D. X. BEIXnLKTt 30J V. S. Bauk Bids- balera Auto Radiator Shop Radiator. Fenders and Gaa Tanks Repaired Tractor Radiator specialty Ford Radiator for Sale ItS & 12th Street. Salem, Or. j to w tip w!r mts n Rtrt-t. S i J wif . n"0'e Mid vpil tf wtiHi tiicHi. -ftit-4. lily ilL r tutn. Kui. tlir.'ii..vs vhd SHrt. 1'ortlKtid. trrt. BUY REMNANTS fP AT TUB Remnant Store 134 Norta Conunertial SKUINER tt WHITE Dftinii LABOB AGENCY WANT 85 N- ui Et' Fortl"J MEL' Wt Kirnldi amif)y Farm Kdn Mfflten, Wood Colter um. imi KHclwa Help, Phone Broadway 3205 a uia woi'K not m v..n , . . , frennontlw ., . "''" uiuom, u utra posiponeci. we irequently heard on the western hm h.' i .... coast, was artititicallv Intnroroto ...A j .' . .. "taoiea indefinitely. ' The subject is one in which m:ny are interested and no doubt many musicians and music lovers, both children and grown-ups will wish to hear it. The Music Industries Board of rendered. In fact the other three numbers were also rendered with a more or less delicate hand, the idea seemingly being, not to achieve big climaxes or dynamic contrasts so as eu iuhb woi'K ana DienU- flnmmrM nf VTa v.,-!, , ton sIhnoM'o0nnCti0n;:!'eCia, me"- start a nation-wide campata, for tl e Vh? !trid..,ma,J.e ' the wor.k f appreciation of music This is time w.D v..iS uiuu ui me preiuae TO v. Ewn-nnA ia fAmn u I- ---rf wn.h i acatu l i i l i there Is more to musio than spending Bnnhl. o.l ........-., u . ' . " """" V" ,"ln,' "X"08 r A.,ao.u ounumtcu iibt repuia few songs. uon ns me uaiu-curci or contra to. Lohengrin. As soloist Her voice Is strong and flexible and she did some good tone coloring, especially In the group of three Rus sian songs by Moussorgsky. This composer was a sort of musical Icon oclast who thought of gong as tone painting and who abrogated all laws of form and style. To hear any Rus sian songs on a program Is rare in deed, but to Miss Braslau belongs the honor of introducing the Inter esting" work of this particular eccen tric genius. . One groat service music ians can do their fellow-beings is un selfishly to help .them to know what the composer had in mind. The very excellent, well-written and dependable muslo weekly "Musical America," may now be found on the shelves of the Salem Public Is very Interesting even the pictures are Interesting. Galli-Curet, known the country over through her Vlctrola records, and In a' class by herself when speaking of sopranos, Is billed for Portlaand the latter part of April. ; , , I,,, - - r ii - I ' I. I Jr I i 'r :-wT. t. -.jn'..,',,i',-';t'i w,' 'rtfxvic. tl i -I'M Hi,;., cj; 1L'j.v I I jf Tuesday ' KMiii.wii M l j j I jr.-- " ; Tomorrow X, I r m lill.H.,.;-. mtt If. ! ills I I I I 1 1 I I. 1 I P WWtCTIQW W11.UAW rox J NgAS "TH presidential petition on file that Senator Hiram Johnson. PILOT AND MEC1IAXIC!A:' Or' WUiOCKtJ) PL..r: lll'RT BANK CONDITIONS GOOD Construction work upon a now stoel span of 40 fnet long over tho Saim am river between Mehama and Lyons in Marion and Linn counties respect ively, will be started early this spring if satisfactory l)lds on the .structure are entered Rt the March meeting of the stale highway commission. The new span will .replace the old wood and steel bridge now in use at turn crossing, the approaches to the pres ent structure being utilized in connec tion with the new span whih Is to be built according to plans of the state highway commission. BU1B on an even dozen overhead crossings, viaducts ami bridgos are cal led for by the state highway commlS' slon for consideration at tho mooting f the commission March 23, in a no tice to contractor being forwarded by the department today. The others In eluded in the list being as fololws New Y0rk) Feb 28 The actual con oiUoa on clearing house banks and "ul companies for the week (five "ays) shows that they hold 35,19Sr,6ti feserte in excess of legal requirements. TMi Is an Increase of $27,121,240 from last ureeit, 1. W. W. CON VICTED Cedar Ranlds. lon-n T-ot, on Jur; today returnod a verdict of guilty ,- nenry Tonn, Chicago I. W. W. orsinlzer. Tonn was Indicted for crlm insi eoneplracy and syndicalism and J"d themselves In favor of it, and O.-W. R, R. & N. Co., tracks at Big Eddy, one crossing over the O.-W. R. R. & N. Co., tracks near Dillon and one reinforced concrete viaduct near Seufert. Crook county One bridge over Bear creek, one over Dry creek and four over Crooke driver. Malheur county One bridge over creek, and ono over Canyon creek. Eric Acid in Meat Brings Rheumatism J UtUo Salts in water may save jm irom dread attack RhWmatiem is easier to avoid than " w. state a well known author we advised to dress warmly; . orv: avoid exposure S . me't, but drink plenty of wtter. - ' ' neumatism Is a direct result V of rj 'o much meat and other rich lt produce urio acid which is rsor4,a into the blood. It Is the 'weiHm of the kidney to filter thi .V7. tn blood and cast It out wie: tht pores of the skin are " mean of freeing the blood of Impurity, in damp and . chilly ''weather the skin pore are clo - u forcing the kidney to do "0rlr thcy become weak and wT mm Ia" t0 eUmInate the eid whlcw keep accumulating - ureuiatint; through the'eystem fcuioj """"B ln tle Joints and , "wng stiff new, soreness called rheumati. -J1. "y Pharmacy about four Tr ltA Salts: put a UWepoon !!&kfaiit each morning for ci h. "aJd t0 ell'nlnate uric 7 ttlmulatlng the kidney to ii action, thus ridding the blood fc7i.r,p.urith . ntira i i . . tiiexiiensive. narmiesp C4 l from the acid of graver with llth sjj k "um ma acta lemon juice, combined M uw-d wllh excellent result ism' Hcrf you nar IriikT??1, efferrcscent llthia-water London, Feb. 28.- Captain Cockerel) and Mechanician Corby of the Times airplane which was attempting the Ctiiro-io-Cape flight and which was wrecked at Tnbora, German East Af rica Krlday were slightly injured, ac- coi cllngto a dispatch to the Dally Mail. The machine rr.ished agaJnot a huge ant hill upon landing and the machine was so badly damaged that it could not be repaired ftvithout. being dis mantled. '. , . , , ; Wasco county Ono cro.sing over th f0owc: Prominent Broker Gives Endorsement Prominent men would not lend their names to the endorsement of a remedy unless they were cure of its merits and knew from personal ex perience what it would do. Tho fol lowing letter from W. B. Cowing, one of the best known and most success ful brokers ln Ran Francisco, whose offices are ln the Chronicle build ing, will prove to tho most skeptical that Anti-frlc will do all that Is claimed for it. Mr. Cowing writes as Bryan's Name Is Withdrawn From North Dakota List Bismarck, N. I)., Feb. 27. A pett- tion to placa tho name of William Jennings Bryan on the ballot as can didate for presidential "indorsement by North Dakota democrats, at --Ahe March primary was withdrawn to"day at the .request, of. Mr. Bryan. If you desire "to pledge, dolegates to Bryan democracy, I have no oo Jectionj but I must not be entered as candidate," said Bryan In a tele gram to John .11. uioom i i" Lake, a democratic leader, who -f tied the Bryan petition. Bryan's withdrawal left only one ?'My rheumatic attack was a se vere one, in faot I was down and out and unable to attend to business. After using ono outfit of Anti-Uric the swelling began to leave my hands and after using the second outfit my condition became normal and I can say I am entirely cured. It has oeen over eleven months slnca I stopped Anti-Uric and I have not feit a pain or been trouble in any way. I vill recommend Anti-Uric to anyone suf fering with rheumatism, lkfore us ing It my hands and arms woro. so swollen I could not raise them to my head. Now I am glad to say I am in nprfect health." Aritl-Uric ha been successfully used for. rheumatism for a number of years. It is purely horbal, con tains no mercury, minerals or sallcy- Jatca, and can be relied- upon to al ways help In rheumatic conaition. Hundred of others in this vicinity .have used It with the best results.. If you i-uffer, with rhumatlm m any form, acute, chronic, sciatic or In flammatory, or gout or lumbago try Anti-Uric, It will not disappoint you, drug store, get an outfit today, and rive it a trial, If it does not gtvo you repults they will refund your money. (Adv) MONDAY and TUESDAY v STOCK CO. Preseat - "UNDER ARIZONA SKIES" .., A laughable, western farce comedy ALL NOW SPECIAL SCENERY BLIGH THEATRE William Famum IN HEART STi A BIG SACRIFICE OF BROTHER FOR SISTER UNGS There is something that draws me to you. A something so tender and true, It holds such a store Of mem'ries of yore, This something that binds me to you. "FATTY" AREUCKLE . in E GARAGE" I'1' in -vi it 1 Absolutely more genuine Laughs than any A rbuckle Comedy you've seen Hawley Plays "Oh, What a Pal Was Mary" Musica Merchandise Ukeleles, Banjos, Banjo Ukes, Guitars. Other Stringed Instruments ' POPULAR SHEET MUSIC THI INlTSUUtKT OUAtlTV oiuns .in 7Tr Myrtle Knowland Sonora Dealer in Salem 41 5 Court Street Winther Truck 'A Truck Made of the Best Units Money Can Buy Wisconsin Motor Borg & Beck ClutchBrown-Lipe Four Speed Transmission C lark Internal Gear Axle-Steel Wheels "Quality Spells Economy" 1 1-2 to 7 Ton R?ar Drive. 1 1-2 1 3 1-2 Ton 4-Vhl Drive J Farnham Motor Gar Co.: Phone 210 414 Ferry Srt Salem, Ore fort I V444444 444 iri . "cn help overcome uric acid fcn . fWal to ynur Kidneys (Adv)