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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1920)
FEBRUARY 23, 1920. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL TAGE FTVB AD Around Town CCBKEXT ETKXT8 M. Meeting of Che- L -8 Marioa County Le- Grower A.s.tlo. Msf I. Council meeting. L!r f Regular meeting ,f American , Legion in armory Man 1-Business MT soon. Commercial dab. "5 Women's republl- meeting. Commercial Daily Statistics. Born. .... Mr ami sirs. rran I anigMer. t fCbtirf House News, (She is being succeeded hero by Miss ; arena bappington. I The Jurisdiction ml the Oregon Pafc , lie Service commission over the rates jof the Central Oregon Irrigation com pany was attached hv tha Cnrm home after a month's visit with rela-!??m Y'" l ser "dation i Uvea and friends in Ohio ami v. ' " oiore ma eonuaisstOB tucky. - yesterday. The Irrigation company has filed with the commission an ap- Word has been received in Salem I D'iction tor an increase in the ratoe that Mrs. Burton O tlr. fnrmi cnarS for its service. Coot e l employed m the Capital Journal, has' , I " tea are bj the desert accepted a position in the advertising! f"!?0?"1, lf water usot Pro department of the San Francis ' d a??lnst any lonJ? mat" Chronicto. Mr. Mvers i twr by the commission. The demur- medical department of Stanford Uni- . , lh pPcatlon ht taken versty. They are living at 180 Saga- " eonsi(lerat"n y the commis more street. ! The case of Eugenia H. Taggart vst School District No. 1. Multnomah county, which is up in the supreme court here on appeal from the Mult nomah county circuit court by the school district will be argued before the higher court on March 16. The case involves the reinstatement of Miss Taggart as a teacher In one of the schools and the payment of back sal ary and interest, both of which were ordered by Judge Tucker of the lower court, the school district appealing the case to the supreme court. Some time ago in .Portland papers there appeared an account that Es-j tell trunk, son of Thomas Brunt a swine dealer of Polk county, was re ported lost for 60 days. Toung Brunk is & radio operator on one of the At lantic ships, and had not been heard from since December 23. H. E. Welch Saturday received a post card from the lad dated January 14, from Mont evidio, the capital of Uruguay, stat ing that he waa thirty days out of Philadelphia. He will send a more de tailed account of his trip in a letter soon, the card said. .Meeting Dates Of Republican Club For Women Js Set The second and fourth Momiaya of each month were chowen as the meet ing dates for the Women's Republican Study dab and the veterans room in the armory was designated as the place for their future meetings, at a gathering of the members held Thurs day afternoon in the auditorium o. t?. Commercial club. The league of nations was discuasel at the meeting. Several able talks were given by the members. The purpose of the club is to keep before the minds of the women of the county the matters pertaining to the welfare of the state and nation, and to better prepare them to exercise their right of vote. All women of Mar ion county are eligible to membership regardless of their party affiliations, and are cordially Invited to attend the sessions. - "The Constitution of the tJu'ted States" will be discussed at th; uoxt motlng, Thursday, March 11. Investigation of the aDraisement of Harry G. Smith, of Portland, is thejthe estate of Jesse C. Remick who died guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McClain for a few days. Miss Ethel Walker, of Pendleton, I pircuil Court. 1 Joseph P- K"1' etc vs- M" S" La"S I'LVow rel Irene sh street. m Herbert Nash. Motion ana ainaa ivit of pUUntiff requiring defendant to j.hinr cause. I Clifford J. Taylor et ux vs. M. S. hate rdPr- - Water Permits in Portland, April 7, 1 91 , has resulted in a net gain of $2501. 9S to th in. heritance tax department of the the- state treasurers office, according to left Friday for her home after aljoe Richardson, deputy state treasur- 'ion mia. milium smjiiucl- cr. fer, at the latter's home on Court I viavi "The Way to Health." lore sverv Monday afternoon, fa. room 331 Hotel Mavion. Loc 2 P. SI ; President Doney of Willamette nni reraity, who has licon ill with influenza tfortbe past week, is able up I - ... l .. 1. 1 . . tn Ilia dntlAe mi mil pruuai'i.. (K beginning of the week. Dr. g. C. Stone can no be founf. st Tyler's drug store. SI Walter L. Tooze, state organizer of ibe Wood presidential clubs, was in Kopne the latter part of this week ud (poko at a luncheon at the Blg- w Chi fraternity house. The rapid growth of business in Ba lm to reflected In the transfer busi- i of A. E. Carter. A year ago he longht a truck and built up a good Imueet, which has expanded so rap id) that he has bought a one and one- tulf too O.M.C., with which he expects lo make a record hauling berries this summer. Mr. uid Mrs. J. L. McAllister of (hit city were Eugene visitors this Set Dr, Menredsohu for your, tyva mi your glasses. Broken lenses dit plicated while you wait Oregon old?. ilorrawly the Hubbard. 6 If The inmates of the state peniten titry, the jiards, Warden Louis Comp- ' and Parole Officer Percy Varney wife, with a few friends, will be atotained in the auditorium of the tte prison tonight by members of me KliDon-White troupe. Mm. Martha L. Hicks of Tellu Ooio., is the guest of Mrs. R. 0W, 565 South Liberty street, tr few days. The regular Monday night dancing ''b AIK for Utarrh Oth hi. ...w.n lniied on account of sickness, n Banoe tonight at armory. 81 8. Radcliffe. Salem realty man. "u 1 Portland Saturday eonsumat X oeal for the Cook farm, three s mum of the city, and the J. S. e propertj- in North Salem. fcuce tonight at ar mory. 51 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Agncw, of Mitchell, South Dakota, arrived here Friday evening, and iwll make Salem their permanent home. Mr. and Mrs. Agnew are members of the printers fraternity and were residents of Sulem severnl years ago. .What is known as 'The Quickner Press" situated on North Commercial street has been sold by its former owner, G. L Brookings, who is now located in California. It will be mov ed to Canbv, it is said. Incorporations. Potato growers of central Oregon have banded together for mutual bet terment according to articles of in corporation filurt with the corpora tion commissioner here today by th? Central Oregon Potato Growers cor poration of Tumalo, Deschutes coun ty. The corporation is capitalized at Newspaper Man To Speak At Banquet Business men of the city will hear all about the "newspaper game" at their regular Monday noon luncheon in the Coinmurt ial club when O. C. Leiter, president of the Portland Press dub, will address them. Mr. Leiter consented to come to Salem for the luncheon Saturday when called over the telephone by Manager McCroskey of the club. Mr. Leiter, one of the best known newspaper men In the state, is noted for his entertaining oratory, his ability to talk not being confined solely to the "copy" that reels from his typewriter. Another record crowd that has mark ed the past luncheons of the business U0.000 with the following incoroor- ntors: J. F. Rice, Fred N. Wallace,! raen ls expected to bo on hand Mon- J. A. Marsh. Gus E. Stadig and M. I daV noon-' Q. Lee. ' Other corporations filing articles, Lebanon. Mrs. Earl Stitt, who was Frank Bllgh, son of T. G. Bligh, the theatre man, became the happy fath er Friday night of an eight pound chubby daughter. Both Mrs. Bligh and the baby were doing fine Saturday- Changing their pleas of nd guilty to guilty of a charge of being intoxi cated. George Rogers and F. H. Clmpin, arrested Wednesday by Po lice Sergeant Rowe, were fined $5 each by Police Judge Race Saturday morning. When arraigned Friday they denied that they were Intoxicat ed and asked that they be given a jury trial. Both were released under 110 bond. The constitution and bylaws of the Salem Homobullders Association, as drawn by the incorporators, Chas. W. Niemeyer, D. W. Eyre and Theodore Roth, were tentatively accepted by the board of directors, at a meeting held in the Commercial Club Friday evening. The directorate will meet with the stockholders at tha Commer cial Club Thursday evening when the matter of officers' election will be taken up. j The body of Mark Duednll, 21, of Albany, was forwarded to that townl Saturday by the Rigdon & Son un-j dertaking company. Funeral services: and burial will be held there. Mr. Duedall died Friday in a ocal hospital after more than a year's illness with tuberculosis. This Week's Dianiw v-,niui i ' "mw Senna cloths in all shades """ar , 73c yard. Hamilton's 63' ml 8 Drauery special, fan 1. . 8ellna eIoths in all shades "w i. 73c yard. Hamilton's 63 Ta Ford automnhilp mv, . . rjJJtol from near the Spaulding r"7 wmpany office, has been war Eugene, according to word vd Friday by Sheriff Needham "" sheriff RicklfM nf t ... 2 " own found of the thieves - ooned the machine about I 7 ast of Eugene. F. L. Catim, er, ha, left to recover his prop. Jut from California, where he i spending the early part of the itet l "B tne rouno- U ii If y of Sl'okane. Washing- BaIm tor fw days visiting 1 friei,ds' IIe Mcom w,fe' an oM time resi Capltal Clty- Mr. Olovei lamln" "th.e 'ather of BP"- : "s recently erecteo honor. Bear n.-. .. . oaneUa oa the - - namiiton's. tonight at armory. 'gs!,rUfe of naroanella records un", - . S1. "a L. Farm,, v.. .,..a The names of all growers and deal ers In horseradish in Marion county are sought in a letter received Satur day by Manager McCroskey at the Commercial Club from a San Fran cisco manufacturing concern. Mr. McCroskey, to reply to the commun ication asks audi dealers in horserad ish to send him their names for sub mission to the company. NOTICE Earl Wood, formerly of the Liberty garage, and O. J. Ferry, who was shop foreman at Vick broth ers for several years, do automobile repairing at 805 Broadway. Phone U6. 85 Capitol Briefs R. A. Harris, formerly in charge of the voters registration department in the secretary of Btate's office, return ed to his home here Friday after 16 months service as a T. M. C. A. sec retary In France. Miss Buena Bicknell an assistant In the office of secretary of the state board of control for the past year leaves that position today to enter T. W. C. A. work as a secretary m the Vancouver. Wash., association. O K teo-61 61 MARcrF-RITK CtiRK Alt OF A Sl'DDEff AWI.RY PLAYS "P.VrCHF.S" Special meeting of Sa lem lodge No. 4A.F. Sc. A. M. this evening. Work in the M. M. degree. Visiting brethren welcome. ! Service. Our earn est endeavor to give satisfaction, and su perior service, Is ev idenced by the cour tesy of our staff.the ewwlciency ot our management. The uih.Hnn of our f3 clients and the nud ity of service ren dered. Quality Cour tesy. Efficiency. 0 HtllJIlFIMMlHrW today were: United Meat company, Portland, $50,000; Conrad P. Olson, James R. Bain and H. A. Robertson. Coos Veneer and Box company Marshfield, $50,000; Ben. Ostlind Hugh McLain and Ben S. Fisher. Thomas M. Lighter Motor Car Co.. Inc., Portland, $5000; T. M. Lighter, A. F. Friebel andM. B. Meacham. R. W. Lee ft Co., Portland, $10.- 000; R. w. Lee, F. C, Lee and C. D. Christens.. Resolutions of dissolution were fil ed by the King-Crenshaw Hardware Co, of Tillamook. The name of the Daniels Sales Agency of Portland is changed to the Peep Motor Car company and the capital stock of the corporation is increased from $20,000 to $50,000 ac cording to supplementary articles Just filed. Hood River post of tha Americau Legion observed Memorial day for seven young men ot the county who died daring the war. Rev. W. H. Bod dy delivered a memorial sermon. severely burned while starting a fire with coal oil, died "Friday at the local hospital. She was a young bride who had been brought from England by her husband at the elose of the war, when he returned from service. Girl students at Smith college nr being taught to take an automobile apart and put It together again. XOTICE OF BEARING FINAL REPORT Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has filed In the office of county clerk ot Marion county, Ore gon, his final report In the . matter of the estate of Arthur B. Poole, de ceased, and that an, order has been made by the county court fixing the time for hearing said report at 10 o'clock a, m. March It, 1029, all per sons interested are hereby notified to appear and show cause it any they have, as to why said report should not be approved, or an order will be I entered approving the) same. A. TYNER WOOLPERT. , Administrator Your Eyes Should receive the best of care. Of the five senses EYESIGHT is the most important. Without it one is helpless. It behooves us then to preserve them. If weak or watery; if they smart and burn, it is a warning. Slight head aches mean something. Let us examine your eyes we give the best of service. No charge for EXAMINATION. Dr. A. R. Miller Application was filed with State Engineer Cupper today by the Miaam Lumber company of LaGrande ask ing tor permission to appropriate water out of the Minaun river for a lS pond at their mT sad for the transportation of logs. Other applications covering the appropriation of water from Oregon streams were filed today as follows:! By Elmer Hodgen of Baker, cov ering the construction of four small, reservoirs on Blue Canyon creek for the storage of water and for the ap propriation of such stored water for the Irrigation of a smalt tract in Baker county. By W. E. Buchanan, of Ashland, covering the appropriation of water from springs for irrigation of a smaH tract near Ashland. By Hollls Parks, ot Jacksonville. covering tb appropriation of water from the Utile Applegate river, for tha Irrigation of 23 acres ot land. By A. 6. Kleinhammer, of Jackson ville, covering tb appropriation of water from the Little Applugate river io rthe irrigation of 12 acres. I By Walter Beidler, Of Jacksonville covering the appropriation of water from the Little Applcgate river for the irrigation of a 30 acre tract By Louis Huff, of Selma, covering the appropriation of water from Clear Creek for the Irrigation of a small tract in Josephine county. By Arthur Knight, of Flora, cov ering the appropriation of water from Calvin Creek for the irrigation of a small tract. By A. L. Guerber. of Jamieson, cov ering the appropriation of water from Lick Creek, and an unnamed stream, for the irrigation of 50 acres in Mal heur county. MM GEIIML mm mm Cities andtowns whose charters pro vide for the nomination ot eandiihueit for munidpal office by portion or cer tification are not affected by the new primary nominating law governing elections in Oregon this year which onry applies to such munidpallttt's as nominate candidate by election or hy political parties, according to Jin opin ion by Atofney General Brown for state this morinng. n n Amu A. Koser deputy sH;retary ot st ite this morning. Brown's opinion is a lengthy and exhaustive interpretation of the new doction laws which have been the sub ject of much comment since the adop tion of the constitutional amendment in 1017 and the passage of the law by the 1910 legislative session providing for the election machinery under the new amendment. The new law Brown holds, was not intended to strip municipalities of any power contained in their respective charters but is simply designed to sim l.'iry the election machinery in u in this state. "K" Banquet Is HeldAtWoodburn One of the best father and sons' banquet ever held in the county was staged at Wootlburn Friday nlgtit, m observance of National. j-aUur and Sons weeks, under the auspices of the Woodbura hifrh "I" club. W. P. , Walters of tills city, secretary f lb t Marion county Y. XI. C. A. work at tended the banquet More than 100 fathers and sons and guests were in attendance at the ban quet The dinner was pwpared and served by the girls ot the doraeatto science class of the Wootlburn higk school. Utah Land Plaster Just received, one ear Empire Land Plaster. Phone your or ders now, as shipments are iin certain- Focd your stock shorts and middlings mixed; it costs but little more than mill run but has more feed vaule. . Let us supply you wi'h the fa mous Shady Miook dry or mo lasses meal. Try our poultry supplies. Juet received, a small d'ipn:i!t of oil meal. We have a ehoie lot of following seeds In stock' Beit spring wtu-tit a:K'ti Grey aud white O'tU A choice lot of Oliver seed gross seed. A large volume of hiumesui can be successful on mm!l ,iri (iu; that Is our plan. Will be pleas ed to quote prices. Cherry Gty Killing Co. M.i ..ii.l Optometrist Eyesight Specialist Graduate Los' Angeles Medical School of Ophthalmology and Optometry. 510-12 US. Bank Bldg. 5 Phone 341 Meet Me At Meyers CEMEml VJe Have Added a "Millinery Section" to the "GOOD GOODS STORE" .It is located in the Annex ad joining the Ready-to-W ear Sec tion. The New Department will be under the personal supervision of : "ELEANOR BRIGGS," whose reputation as Buyer and a keen judge of merchandise values and styles is too well known to require any further introduction. will be shown and will be sold at prices that are reasonable FORMAL OPENING Friday, March 5th, but, we are NOW ready for advance selling. Yesterday as fast as the advance stock was un- packed selling began. The new and CLEVER CREATIONS attracted atten tion and when price was mentioned the sale was made. ' We are happy indeed to have made this connection and give to Salem the wonderful services of "Miss Eleanor Briggs" as we know the Hats will spell Newness and Ex clusiveness and Miss Briggs1 business methods will greatly reduce the H. C. L. as far as Ladies Hats are con cerned. This again goes to prove Our oft repeated statement Yon Can Always Da Better At . Quality TX"((07?felpfa Qw&J Who Always Do Better By You