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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1903)
OREGONIAN, PENDLETON. ORECON- THV- SEPTEMBER 24, 1 DAILY EAST f 'm i I fobllsbed fTerr rtrnoon (oicept Sundar) at Pendleton. Oreson, by tua EAST "OREGONIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY. Tbone. Halo 11. HUHSCIIUTIOX UATI'.S. fi.n- ... viir hv mnll Ddin. j.m. j Dally. tlx montlis by mall Dally, three months by mall Dally, one month by mall Dally, per month by carrier Weekly, one year by mail . Weekly, six monlhi by mall . Weekly, four months by mall . . . semi-Weekly, one year by mall .. Semi-Weekly, lx months by mall heml-Weekly, three months by mall .f." nn . j.r.n . 1.23 . .no . ..' . i.r.ii 2.00 1.00 .no The lint Ore.'onlan li oa sale at II. II. Illchs News Stand at Hotel Portland and Hotel Perkins, 1'orlland, Oregon. Member Scrlpps McNae Hon. News Aesocla Han Pranclsco llnreau, -408 fourth St. Cbleago llnreau, OO'J Security Uullillug. Washington, I). C. Iiureau, 001 14th St. N. W. l-tattred at Pendleton pMtoClce as cond class matter. Wore half tlio power that fills tho world with terror Were hair tho wealth liestowwl on campB anil courts. (liven (o redoem tho human uiluil from error. Thero wore no need of arse nals or torts. Tim warrior's name would he a nanio abhorred! And ovor.v nation, that should lift asaln Ita hand against a hrotner. on Its forehead Would wear forovermore the curse of Cain! H. W. I.iiiififollow. If thore Is a hoodoo In Oregon poll tics It Is the i.n Grande land oillco. llartlett is hark at the nlil stand again, as one risen from the dead. Davis found a hitch in his bonds, anil eannot yet lake the ofIl j. Knovv lus is the only undisturbed man con nected with the affair. Ho lost the otlice and lie knows It definitely. There Is no guess-work about his po sition, whllo his rivals are kept busy guessing what will happen next Colonization Is the latest fad of tin- millionaires. Tin; latest venture Is the colonization of a thousand peo ple from Syracuse, N. Y.. in .Montana, by n local capitalist. It Is a safe and profitable means of settling a coun try. If the method of colonization does nut amount Id slavery. It means homes on easy plans, for the poor, and It means, In the end. gieat re turns on tho investment. If Idealism Is barred, and Industry is made the foundation of the settlement any ml tiny of frugal, ontorprlslng people will sin-reed. agers are quietly working. Severa .... MrU w t iout nroper puiu"" care, have been Induced to go to dlr- rerent places In the mining recently, anil tho police department of Portland is now taking steps to stop the business. It Is to Il0I)P,, that the Oregon mining camps hur riedly rid themselves of this class of fiends. Wanted IJy the city of Pendleton, a mile of macadam sidewalks, two thousand feet of street paving, forty more arc lights, three miles of board sidewalks, torty more dwellings to Induce more farmers to come to town for school, more free mall delivery, a county fair association, a new com morcial club building, a federal build ing for a postoinrc, and a few miles of crushed rock road Into the coun try, to make farm life more pleasant, more congenial and more conducive to homeseekers. Things we haw to give away Energy, snap, ginger ac tivity, push, good will to nil. frater nity, loyalty to the state, county and city Institutions, and more Ims'iuM-i than we know what to do with If the present quarter. Welconw Is -.vit-ten In big letters everywhere in Pen dleton, and we capture everyone who comes Inside the gates with the promising opportunities before them. Pendletonlaus die. but they never move away, ltospondlug to nn Increasing pat ronage, both In elrculntlon and ad vertising, the Kast Oregonian will be enlarged in size, beginning with next .Monday. To say that this encourag ing Increase is appreciated by the publishers would be Idle Actions alone can convey this appreciation to the patrons of the paper, and in this manner, through constantly Im proving service, ami constantly im proving features, will this apprecia tion be shown. To the patrons oi the paper on the Wnlla Walla branch, it is u pleasure to say that arrange meats have been nmile to deliver the Dally Cast Oregonlnu at Athena, by tho evening mixed train, arriving theie about Hi-lu, and other polntb along the line will be given the saint service as soon as possible. A rep resentative of the Kast Oregonian is now In those towns, making final ar rangements for this service, which wo hope will be appreciated by the many patrons of the paper. .1. W. Halley. pure food commis sioner of Oregon, is now in l-i GrnnuY Inspecting a shipment ol gro ceries made by traveling salesmen In to Grand Hondo valley recently. Many farmers and oven business men In tho cltle? think because an article of food can be purcuasau cheap rrom some distant point, through an agent, that It Is prefera-l ble to the product handled by homo merchants. This class of agents bus Infested Umatilla county more or less, recently, and this Investigation of the stuff handled by them, Is a se quel to the visit. Th- horn' m.r chant pays his tax In tin cJiumun.-j ty, helps support tho Institutions of the state, and Is located permanently among the people. He Is part of the community. These traveling fakirs an- no part of any country They move rrom one field to another and Impose their worthless wares upon unsuspecting purchasers It will he a lesson to those patrouUIng 'hese traveling grafters If the food com missioner confiscates the uitiri ship ment, and the purchasers lose what they have paid. Home institutions are here to stay. The gratters are here to graft. Tuke your choice Of the 42.SOO newspapers publlsn ed In the world. 10.700 are published In North America and .i)50 In the United Kingdom Russia has only 743 newspapers, or one to every 1 i. , lion persons ! 4 Si tm t,Pmrre more healthful mere is w d- , , , ....u.i.: nfhrer. Barley malt ana nop tneTiniii mi" . . La food and a tonic. Only 3' Per ccnt of alcohol-j enough to aid digestion. But t the right br, for some beer li L"t ifiiU SchHtt i, l e pure beer, the clean beer, the filtered and fter zed b ? No bacilli in it-nothing but health. And Scl Htz i. the aged beer that never causes fatuousness. CM fur the Brewery Bottling. The Deer that made Milwaukee famuu: Phone Main 1781, The Ross Ice & Cold Storage Co,. 414 Main St.. Pendleton T You 3 , If you invest in real estate' property is boUnJ "e are sonie I oner: 1 rnom t... O. U1 1Ua,n Jjj '4 room tW.1 oo.oo one third clJ iq room k... 1 "uust 2, 650.00 one thij nouseandlou 40 acres 0 $1,650.00 5 ae tract dj i, 300. 00 IN) .Monday last S.CIG immigrants land ed at Ellis island, and 5.000 on Tues day. Most of the newcomers arc ot the better class of poor Germans and Poles. When You Order FROM US von are sure of two tliim,'. ' 1st. You can't get a" good for less money. liud. Von can't get better at any price. J.ow price i 1111 argument no real salesman cuie to twe. It Is the best evidence that Ills goods are weak on quality and quullty Ih remembered long after price is forgotten The iiinlity of our brand gives ih theldggest lilsnult business on the ei ust. It will do as much for you Standard Grocery Co. Not In any Trust 216 Court street Room 10 overl -laruwareStd ivenini 'MARK 1: Money Back If tli! .mil Sweet " Snirits uf Kden fail to cure Khuiiuatism. For Sale b A. C. Koepieu& Ilros. Agts furlV'udl'n ! K'B'CSOHEMmW Train robbery has received a elded HPthack on the O. It. & N few such examples of nerve and tact as that exhibited by the express mes senger and Uie train crow on the train held up Inst night, will put bri gandage below par as an occupation. In Oregon. The public owes these employes a debt or gratitude, which cannot be nieasined In words. Their actions have discouraged robboty in tho future. Even a desperate thief will hesitate to face the sure aim and raltliful performance or duty display ed by thoe la charge of tin last night. A "KING OF ALL BOTTLED BEERiS" train .Mr. Strain leels that the ratl-oad property In Umatilla county Is now beyond the age of infancy, and i.t able to pay Us proportion or tli bur den of government. If the O. H. A N. wishes to build a branch to Camas Prairie, or to any other point In this county, .Mr. Strain would be the first man to reduce the tax upon that new road, until It became a piollt-earnlug property to Its owners After It had reached the age of maturity, he would Insist on fixing Its value on an 'equal basis with other surrounding property. Taxation, rightly adminis tered, is no barrier to capital t A story of unusual Interest Is uiupled with the nriost of -a young ''girl In Ilaker City, this week. The girl was hut U years of age, and was In charge of nn aunt, en routo to Sumptor. On Information from Pirt land, the child was arrested and it now traiibplres that human vampires, from the mining camps, arn making a business of Importing young and unsuspecting girls Into tho mountain towns, for dance halls, and houses or Ill-fame, and that this was such a cusc. Headquarters for this nofarl ous business aro located in Portland, where agents of tho dance hall man- sot.n nvE-ivYWHCUn. Are again in Pendleton tr .1 few tuck. '1 ln are doing marvelous work. Cancers and tumors removed without knilt, blood or nun. The are expert specialist in chronic and nervous diseases. Offices: Hotel Pendleton Where thc can lie consulted in private n. to u dath except .Sundays BARGAINS IN BICYCLES For a few days I will oiler special low prices i?n all on hand. E. D. B Hub Roal Estatl HEAI. KSTAlj n Kinds anddd ranginc frnnl residence to ou most modern eoulnpednur.-iJ In the limits tli of Peiidleton.rl farm of a ftIJ t-'iwd alfalfa ; Uinusandj Ii wheat laud. fJ Adfei G. D. BOYD I B , i I THE ONLT BOYNTON I AND HEA1 H. J. STILLM AN MAIN BTUKET U.O. BUILDING t Frazer Theatre i st 1. U J. Nixon, Mgr One Nignt Friday, Sept. 25 That Sparkling Farce "Where is Cobb" One Continuous Laugh from Start to Finish. SEATS ox SALE TODAY, 9 A. M.-Fra.ior's Book Store s Academy 3 Pendleton, Oregon. Joseph For Boarding and Day Students, the Si&Iers of 5st. P Classes will hu resumed Septenbtr 7th. Conducted hv of Philadeltihia. frazer Theater For Terms, etc., Apply to SISTER SUPERIOR - v HFATTH r-rTurc?t!iT 4. 2 Nights Ca CAnl Of! Bjy 7 fey ttam i-ui-i-uAlt MAT I N 12 1C SUNDAY R. J. NIXON. iYlgr Return Of,,.,,. L I'SDIII n 3lv.J AJo; .0 J-Mellent t-o oif s. i teeti-d liv Italv'a k'niii,,.i Prirac MAT'NEE-Resorve Seat 50c; Children 25o r rr ices evening -$i.oo, 75, 50, 25C. 5C Prices SKATS NOW ON SALE AT FRAZIER'S BOUK STORE r COMFORT Are Combined hi ECONOMY Cole's Original Ait Tight Wood Heaters ot Hot Blast Coal Stoves They have Hundreds of Proven Hi,.;.- ,..i , ,0,, na,t,lla users of Cole's stoves and eaters always recommend them to their fnends. Sold only, in Pendleton by l'linuicc it put P 1 Mtccc Let u3 cFl licutint; vour hool biisincsA. GEORGE ! Cottonwoocl I Insurance 14.370.U1 Of Iti3raoi OREGON rin'l SOCIAJ A Strictly SJ US'" M. H. If Agent for W J. P. WALKER, Pendleton. The Resta Beit 25 cent' Private 1 Rlpcant Fori Col" GUS LaFONl " .. . . 1. IT ! ialnc-d for $ I