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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1903)
DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1903. The Peoples Greatest Outfitters One of Our Fault less Fall Styles Faultless for its iieat and ex treme style, will not go out of stylo eoon. Made of the English knotted Ohovoit, strong in con struction, workmanship, equal to the custom garment, our guaran tee goes with it. bbLLb fcHUAl $12 50 UP. With each cash pur chase in our clothing department amounting to one dollar we pres ent you with a ticket entitling the holder to a chance on a $375 Hamilton Piano. Mr. Thcrkel sen's guarantee for ten years goes with it and kept in tune one year free of charge. ALEXANDER nFPT STftRF ILLARD wmm mm 1 tVWIl, Itwww. NEWS OF MILTON NEW PRESIDENT OF COLUMBIA IS HERE. C. E. Berry Will Seek A New Loca tion Serious Case of Typhoid Fever Returned From the Val leyWill Move to Kansas Will Attend Columbia College From Heppner Columbia Teachers Give A Muslcale. If VOU sniOV a guou aruuie, men iiiunc- - rn TTTVTA TT IT 1 A UK t-.ttvT T"M I-T if irv Ml If. II h: I noinc uiuw Mm. he Unstttpasscd The Always Satisfactory $ $ i i Wilson coal and wood Healers. Handled Goal stoves ranging in price from ? 011A'n Jod stoves ranging in price from J H7. '' Our stoves are now ready for your $ t t iriii niniiw n i irk Main St. Headquarters lor hslnng supplies HfftTl I I I I I UTTlfl'I'I'l'rtl'fttTtl'tl'l I 'IH I 'I I m i MONTERASTELL1 BROS. Marble and Granite Works MONUMENTS, HF.DSTONi:9. CO)'. I.NC1S AND BUILDING HTONE mercial Co. km n i Wo uo our own work And pmrftntcc the 'mime at lowest price. Estimates cirea on all klnda ol Cut Htono. We bavo a large slock and would lie pleas ed to uave you examine It. ::::::::: Main Street Pendleton, Oregon Near O.K. 4 N. Depot BBANClUBHOr AT IIKPPNEH, OKU. r -b kp a good big ee dry Flooring, e and Flnlih, Alte all kinds Lumber, In and Shingles. ooors, Win Si Bulldlna .ppic Lumbr will fi th. : : Com. Co. 1 IlfVr . I Ui.i: - . whit, h i." I I n by Blading Material Of all Description Sash, Doors & Windows Made to order. Building paper, lime, cement, brick and sand, wood gutters for barns and dwellings a specialty, Oregon Lumber Yard Alta St, Opp. Court House Milton, Sept. 22. Rev. James Maine Dixon, of St. Louis, who is the new president of the Columbia col lege, arrived here Saturday morning, and this evening will deliver the opening address at the College Chapel. Mrs. Plant and Miss Leach arrived this morning, they being Hip last teachers in nrrlvn. Ml Rfi Plnnf H11 give a public muslclo recital tomor row evening. n. 13. Frazlor, proprietor of tha Bee Hive Rtnrf rptnrnvl Kimfltiv from a business trip in Idaho. miss I.osslo Schueble, who has been hero the guest of Miss Mayme Nichols, returned vesterd homo at College Place. Jomorrow C. E. Berry will begin a great clearance sale of his stock of groceries and dry goods. Mr. Berry has been In business here for a number of years, but has decided to seek a new location. Mrs. Oertle McQuary, an employe of the Pendleton Tribune was here Sunday visiting at tho home of Mr, and Mrs. George Edwards. Harry Hogue, of the Elam Hard ware Co., returned Sunday from n visit to his parents at Albany. Mrs. I.ouiso Berry and Miss Epsa Pierce spent yesterday in Walla Wnlla with friends. "Ir. and Mrs. Homer Williams of Wilcox, Wasn., are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. I.. Fields. Walter Gay of Heppner, n student last year of Columbia college, has returned to attend college npaH this year. Case of Typhoid Fever. E R. Keltv- In lvlrnr eovIiiiijIv 111 of typhoid fever at his home r,y nines norm ol town. His can-- is considered quite hopeless. Will Go to Kansas. I. M. Galley, who has been em ployed with the Hazelwocd Co., has resigned his position and in a few days lie and his family will start for Kansas, Mr. I. M. Kendall of Wnlla Walla has accepted his position. NAVIN-McATEE. Popular Young People Were Married September 20. Urlggson, Sept. 21. A very quiet though pretty homo wedding occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Navin, Sunday, Sept. 20, when their only daughter, Miss Bessie Palmer and l.eo J. McAtee. were united in holy matrimony, Rev. W. E. Arm field, Methodist minister of Athena, officiated. Tho bride was very pretty In baby blue French Merino, and wore the tulo veil with orange blossoms and llllies of the valley while the groom wore the conventional black. Tho happy couple left for Athena Monday morning, where they will v. sit for a short time. Then they will go to Pendleton where they have a neat liome fitted up at r41 Cottage street. REMARKABLE CRIMINAL. IIHHWHMtHHIIWW E. MOTSCHMAN Teaches a thorough course in voice culture, piano and violin. For information en quire at Empire Piano House. Farmer, Trapper, Woodsman, Preach er, Murderer, Will Hang. Vn Rnnt 24. With the execution of Clifton Branham, wnlch is to take place at Wise court house inmnrrnw n remarkable career will bo brought to a close. Branham was convicted or the murder ot nis unnu wife. Ho Is only forty years old, but in a scoro of years ho has man aged to lie a farmer, trapper, woods man, preacher and twico a murderer. About twenty years ago Branham shot and killed "Long Henry" Van over In Letcher county, Ky.. After serving a dozen or more years of a ninety-nine years' sentence ho was glvon a condiUonal pardon by Gov ernor Beckham. Returning to his homo in Wise county he found that his daughter had married during bis imprisonment, and soon tbero was a row between Branham and his son-in-law. In tho fight that eusuo.1 Mts. Pro.hnm Interfered and was shot and killed by her husband. Tho lat ter fled to Kentucky, but was soon captured near Lexington and re turned to tho scenu ot his crime, where he was tried and convicted. Will Purchase Exhibits. Jefferson Myers, president of the ctnt t Awie nnd Clark commission. is now in Harney county, where ho went for the purpose oi purcnamnif as much of tho agricultural and hor tinnitnrni nviilhlt at the Harnev coun ty fair, as Is suitable for tU'j St. Louis exposition. e win roiurn iu Portland through Central Oregon by way of Prlnovlllo. Ti.r Mi urnv If nvorv man in tho East Is employed at good wages, whore did those 25,000 Eastern men como from who went to tho Kansas nn,i Knhraska wheat fields, and why did they go? Bryan's Commonor. f There is only One Genuine-SyrUp Of FigS, The Genuine is Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. The full name of the company, California RIk Syrup CaM Is printed on the front of every package of the genuine. The Genuine- Syrup of Figs- is for Sale, in Original Packages Only, by Reliable Druggists Everywhere Knowing the above will enable one to avoid the fraudulent imita tions made by piratical concerns and sometimes offered by unreliable dealers. The imitations arc known to act injuriously and should therefore be declined. Buy the genuine always if you wish to get its beneficial effects. It cleanses the system gently yet effectually, dispels colds and headaches when bilious or constipated, prevents fevers and acts best on the kidneys, liver, stomach and bowels, when a laxative remedy is needed by men, women or children. Many millions know of its beneficial effects from actual use and of their own personal knowledge. It is the laxative remedy of the well-informed. Always buy the Genuine- Syrup of Figs MANUFACTURED BY THE S-f, W,l vTiV '.AS. A V.r Louisville, ft ma FIFTY CENTS mt BOTTLE "'Uj-J NEW ARRIVALS ANOTHER lot of new style Box Coats for ladies lias just conic in and we have the best values to be found in Pendleton. All-wool Kersey Coats, sloll front, wide cape, bla:k, all sizes, only Jo 50. Kersey Cloth Coats, new style, satin lined, $5 00. Ribbed cheviot Box Coats, new Style, all sizes, black, 5.00. Fine Kersey Box Coat, new cape, collar, stoll front, tan color, satin lined, very swell, S13, 50 and 14.00. Fine lot of Children's coats and cloaks, the nobbiest styles and lowest prices to be found in town. FURS OF ALL KINDS for CHILDREN, MISSES and LADIES. Fur boas, black, medium size, only 90c each. Fur capes, fine quality fur, well lined, only $11 75. Ladies' fur boas, new style, from 90c up to $9.00 each. Our furs and coats must be teen to fully appreciate the splendid values and nobby styles we are showing SATURDAY'S SPECIALS Calico, all colors, 10 yards to one person, 35c. Muslin, Bleached, 10 yards to one person, 35c. Outing llannel, 7c grade, 10 yards to one peison, 50c. Men's black shirts, double front, 50c value, special 45c. Men's dark grey suits, good heavy goods, J5.98. Men's grey wool pants, worth 1.65, special, 1.45. Misses percale and gingham dresses, all kinds 20 per cen. olf. Boys' light weight underwear, to close out, igc garment. L THE F H I R The Place for Bargains. Fearful Odds Against Him. Iied-rldden, alono and destitute. Such In brief was tbo condition ot an old soldier by name of J. J. Hav ons, Versailles, O. For years he was troubled wltb kldnoy disease and neither doctors nor medicines gave him relief. At length bo tried Elec tric Bitters. It put him on bis feet In short order and now be testifies: "I'm on tho road to complete recov ery." Best on earth for liver and kidney troubles and all forms of stomach and bowel complaints. On ly 50c. Guaranteed by Tallman & Co., druggists. "Captain Bob" Coming, "dantaln Bob." tho nlay which comes to the Frazcr theater on Octo ber 1, will bo presented by that ca nniin notnr Miller Kent, who is always a welcome visitor, and one audience. Further comment would bo useless, as Mr, Kent iu too well known hero to go Into details con cerning bis ability as an actor. "Captain Bob" and his character of Robert Rensselaer allow blin wider scope than his former play, "The Cowboy and the Lady." Best shoo repairing at Teutsch'n The inicroscopos of today will re veal a partlclo tho half-mlllionth mt an inch In diameter. Tbo slzo of an atom may bo judged when It Is said that each of such articles probably :ontuiiH at least six million atoma. See Charles Lane about yopr iit log and paper banging; 807 , Vinceat street ELATERITE Is Mineral Rubber. orflud It ueuwtoary to KKPIaACE A WOIiN-OUl UUOr ELATERITE (ROOFING Takes th, place of shingles, tin, iron, tar and gravel, and all prepaitrf roofings. For flat and steep (surfaces, gutters, valleys, etc. Easy to lay. Tempore for all climates. Reasonable In cost Sold on merit auarsav teed. It will pay to ask for prices and Information. THE ELATERITE ROOFING CO. Worcester Building- Porllarrf. who is suro to Do grecica uy a large r TTTTT TTT