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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1903)
i'i DAILY EA8T OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. THURSDAY,. SEPTEMBER 24, 1903. Knit Goods Just received, a large shipment of Knit Goods, in Shawls, Sacques, Bootes, 'Hoods and Capes. Some beautiful designs in Shawls at from 50c to $1.00 each. New Shirt Waists Don't overlook our Shirt Waist counter. It is loaded down with good values at from $1.00 to $.50. Twenty four New Wool Waists received this morning by express. The latest out in blue, white, red and black Call and see them at once as the prices we have placed on them will make them move rapidly. Lee TeutscSf'siBig Stoi Corner Main and Alta Gity Brevities , ,o' U C Uador? 'rc..h fruit daily at Martin's, mokers' supplies at Neuman's. see Sharp's artistic wall paper. Prosit llsli, game and poultry. Cas- vor Kent A piano. Apply at this otlU'e KeirlKorated meats. Schvvartz & '.roullch Co. all up Phono Main 1881 when you v. . nt pure Ice. New books arriving daily at Fra--i r3 hook store. I-riwh pattern dress hats on dls- v a' Mrs. Campbell's. "ry the Palm, 221 Court street, (ar nuts, candies and fruits. Val patterns for suits and trousers ' hi display t Seibert & Schulz's. All kinds of Imported and domestic tunrues and clam chowder at Gratz's. We have fruit jars and fruit jar traF rubbers, covers, etc. H. Itohr man i.xiU over your house furniture. We ran reflnlsh It llko new. Wilson & Carnlnc phone main black 1043. Estimates given on short notice on painting and paper hanging. Charles l.aue the pioneer painter, S07 Vin cent street. Pun crystal Ice don't cost any THAT., Hum Inforffif Inc. n.wl fa en much cleaner and more healthful. 'Phont Malu 1881. Four hundred acres 30-hushel wheat land, 8 miles out. Level, deep bull big spring riming water. Price J4.5H0 B T Wado & Son. YOUI EYES Cannot Be Dealt Tt) Carefully : They an- the most delicate organs of sense and if they are painful and your vision is not perfect come and have your eyes tested. Don't neglect them We understand the eyes and art equipped with the most modern instruments for test ing them. L. Tiie Advanced and Optician : Jeweler ! U C Hader, M. A. ; Swoll slippers at Tcutsch's. ! fiee Sharp for paper hanging. Ilest shoe repairing at Tcutsch's , For the best bread, get Rohrman's i If you want a cab, call up Main 101. Get your clothes cleaned at Jocr ger's. Buy a fountain pen this week at half price at Frazlers. For Sale Alfalfa hay. See Dave Ingram, this office. New ready-mad' skirts arriving daily at Tctltsch'. New carpets and linoleums at Ha' ders lurnlture store. Wauted Cook; inquire of Franl u. Ulopton at house or office. Children's school shoes that wear and look well, at TeatschV. Received dally, iresh tamales, rabs and crawfish at Gratz's. Tor prompt service, call up the Mc- iay tjau Jo., -pnone Main 101. Ml Preferida, the best cigar made, at itees" cigar store. Court street. Goods that are right at prices that are right at Itader's furnituro store, New pipes, some rare beauties prettiest line ever shown here. Han Ions. Nicely furnished front room, cen trnlli' li ii'm t 'il lYir rptit full in r r office. J A woid or two about men's cloth ing. See ad of the Peoples Ware- I House. For Sale Good buggy mare, flne driver, perfectly safe, at Telephone Stables. Something important regarding shoes. Nolo the ad of the Peoples warehouse. For Sale Two-year-old milk cow Inquire of I.otils Anderson, 1809 East Court street. Large line composition books, tab lets, school books, lunch boxes and pencils. Noir s. Wilson & Carnlno have just re celved a complete line of paints, oils anu vamisncs. Rev. R. W. King will sell at prl vnte sale, stoves, furnituro and car pots. Somo good bargains. A great event In Pendleton's com mercial history will be Basler's slaughter salo of furnituro, which will commence soon, Green peppers, onion pickles, caul! flower pickles, cucumber pickles, egg plant, turnips, celery and green to matoes at -Martin's Family Grocery and Hakery. Ross has been In the ice business In Pendleton three years and has al ways sold the best In the lco line. ills motto has been "No favorites, treat all customers alike." ts'ovcr were such remarkably low prlcos offered on furnituro as Hasler will make when the big slaughter salo of $25,000 worth of furnituro starts in a low days. FEATHER DUSTERS New Shipment of Turkey and Ostrich Dusters . io inch Turkey, ioo feathers special 35c. 14 inch Tur 100 'ealners special '50c. 12 inch carriage duster 120 tail ieutiiers specjal 7jC. 3 :nci, parior duster (Ostrich,) special 25- Sisil duster for removing dirt from furniture special 50c. ur C(i Cream will please you. If you ever had any tur ours wont cost you a cent. V will let you be the judge. KOEPPEN'S DRUG STORE "5 hU.,m (Vom Mnlu Streitt toward the Court Itouno PERSONAL MENTION, j G. D. Simmons, of La Grande, re turned homo last evening. F. H. Bcathc, of Weston, spent Wednesday In the city on business. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Leach, of North Yakima, spent yesterday in the city. D. E. McDonald, of Walla Walla, sient tho day In tho city on business. George Curry, of Athena, was In the city today visiting with frlonds for a time. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Coupor of Union, are in the city today, en route to Day ton on a visit. , Mrs. T. McAullft, of Athena, was visiting in tho city yesterday for a time on business. D. A. Hall, of the O. R. & N.. Is In the city for a short visit in tho In terests of the road In this city. W. J. Furnish returned this morn ing from Portland, where ho has boon ona business trip for a few dnys. W. S. Dyers, the miller, left this morning for Portland on a business trip. Ho will be gone several days. Mrs. C. J. Smith and daughter left this morning for Portland,, where they will bo tho guests of frlonds for a time. E. W. McComas, tho grain buyer, left this morning for Havana, in tho Interest of the company which he rep resents. .1. T. Reeves, and Dr. D. Y. K. Door Ing, of Union, passed through this morning en route to I.ewlston on business. Oliver Ivnotts, the proprietor of the feed yard and chop mill at Pilot Rock, is in the city on a short busi ness visit. Robert Forster returned 011 the held-up train from Portland this morning, where he had been on 11 short business trip. George Hewctt, of Helix, is In the city today for a short business visit. Mr. Hewett Is one of tho wheat men of tho Helix wheat belt. George Chandler, of Raker City, member of the stale board of agrlcul Hire, passed through yesterday even ing en route home from the ti,uc lair. Misses .Maggie and Klizabeth No ble, of I.a Grande, spent yesterday ami last night with friends In the city. They left for Spokane this morning. Mrs. A. Ruhnke, of Kauiela. Is vis iting her sister, Mrs. O'.Mal- ley, of Portland, and her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. Wagonblast, of Hood River, for a tew days. C. J. Mlllis, O. R. & N. livestock agent, passed down to Portland this morning, from a visit through East ern Oregon. Ho looks for heavy stock shipments from this section this fall. I IT PAYS TO TRADE AT THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE s H O E S ...Metis's Fine Shoes... Just in it big lot of FINE SHOES, in nil tho now stylo lasts and leathers, perfect fitting, guaranteed in every way, and at prices that leave a balanoo in your pocket. MEN'S Best Patent Colt Blnohor $5.00 MEN'S First quality Patont KidBals 5.OO MEN'S- -Flrto Vici Kid, mat top Bluchers 5,00 MEN'S Gnu Kid, York last Bal 4.50 MEN'S Nubian Calf Bluohers 1.00 MEN'S Volour Calf Bals ; . 4.00 MEN'S Box Call, Bluohor heavy soles 3,50 s H O E S STATE ENGINEERS. Form Pemanent Organization at Ir rigation Congress. At the recent session of the Irri gation Cougiess, a number of state engineers were present, and it was decided to meet together and form n permanent organization, for the pur pose of promoting mutual Interests. The following engineers wcpj pres ent: A. F. Dorouius, of Utah ; .John W. Wade, of Montana; A. Dodson, of Nebiaska; Clarence T. Jolinson, ol Wyoming; A. E. Chandler, of Ne vada; Professor E. L. Carpnntrr, of Colorado, and Wayne Darlington, of Idaho. Mi. Johnson, of Wyoming, was elected secretary of the association, and was Intrusted to communicate with all other state engineers, ask ing them to become a part of the as sociation, Arrangements were made for a meeting to bo held on.'iy hi il.c winter at some convenient point, when rules and regulations, with a constitution, would bo drawn up and the work outlined. A Serious Mistake. E. C. DeWitt & Co. Is tho name of tho firm who make tho genuine Witch Hazel Salvo. DeWitt's is the Wltci. Hazel Salve, that heals without leav ing a scar. It is a serious mistake to uso any other. DeWitt's Witch Ha zel Salvo cures blind, bleeding, Ren ins and protruding piles, burns, bruises, eczema and all skin diseases. Sold by Tallman & Co, Will start soon. Rasler's biggest of all sales. ICeep your eyes on tho lookout lor Rasler's big sale. Complete outfit for light house keeping cheap. Enquire nt this office, The Clerks Union of the city will meet Friday night In regular ses sion. $360.00 In six prizes, given away. See advertisement of tho Peoples Warehouse, Astonishing will bo the prices of fered by Busier soon, when tho big salo starts. Don't overlook tuoso fine lots in the Cole addition. Every block has a 12 foot alley. K. T. Wado & Son, Two pianos, slightly used, Great bargains. Come quick. Inland Em pire Piano House, near bridge. We have a lo'ng list of deslrablo city and country property at low prices. Wo can suit you. E. T. Wado & Son. TIIU 'Varsity stylo, as llret produced anil conlnueil this season by Hurt, Sohall'er A: Marx, is admitted to be the most sty lish, snappy sack stilt in tho market. It In particularly aoung Man's style, lias the Jiunty, "snappy" c licet prized so highly by youthful men. We are making a specialty of the Right Clothes for the YOUNO men as well as the OLDRU men who prefer 11 more conservative style. The work of tho Tallots In shaping tho coats inns carefully tl ne as that of custom tailors. You'll find that II. 8. M. coats fit perfectly nround the collar and sholildeis. You'll be pleased with yourself In these styles. UaitSdulTna ItinJTiilortd YOU KEKI' TIIH TIOKKT- W: KKIH' UK MATH Ono Tlrket (liven with ("Tory IHi'lur irmijlit nt tint IVopIo Wsreliouae, reudtolon, Oregon row MaTKMIiKit 1 Stli IcMiriniihii.llit, l:lj.l Absolutely Free, $350 000 in Prizes Kiven Away lit ITlm 0110 WiIiqii Mollnn llutibcr Tired Top ttntgy f 1BVC0 'itlil I'rlxi and Tlnlfet In St Loilln Utnoitltiiiii iml return 7Mki J1 l'tlzv any I. nines' suit, Kur or Out, vnlno 1111 rnzoiiny Amirs i.uu live-room, uimirtu ... Mh I'rlo nuy .Mnu'i Prom or Huilm'si Suit, vnlnp I'.tli I'rlio Vimi (Iholcnol uiiy IV0l.Sli-ti.oii 1 1 nt In Store UIUWINU TAKI3 fl.AL'K SATI'llDAY. H I'. 51 , OUT The Peoples Warehouse Whoro It I'uy.i to TiihIo Mllll 'i'l (HI B.OI si, uxn tdfyrlfht Iwu li, ll.rl th.tln.r Mtu THE PEOPLES' WAREHOUSE PENDLETON'S ONLY CLOAK AND SUIT HOUSE. SAME OLD STORY. Western Oregon as Viewed By Baker City Paper, The linker City Democral In speak Ing of tho Oregon delegation to the Ogden Irrigation Congress, 3ays "Oregon was ably represented in the congress, although the Portland and Western Oregon men wore In clined to Ignore tho Eastern Oregon delegates and were so discourteous as to organize the delegation oil tin train before reaching Ogden. in the absence of more than half the dele gates from the entire Htale." A K A If IP. iTMP ICURJin TD)SBe(tSD)fflip Fall Trade Good Itlsgotxl uuil that's a fuel says Mr. Finneraii to our lejior ter. How do you account for It, when others are complaining alwut the fall trude I atked him. Why, I do not know any other good reason tlmn that the people have found out that we are ac tually telling better hhoes for the money or the Mime iiallfy for lets money than othem do. It Is really remarkable how many eopie there are who reiuaik about Ihe "wearing iiallty" of our shoe. Now that is what wo pay for ami you get when you liuv Douglas or Oloria or Ittd Bchoolhouee Shoes. These shoeH are soli) nt a price ami no one attempts to undersell them they blmply can't and live. We have found Die leu-t margin of resistance to trade and that ac counts for our Increase tills full. Now watch il" sell shoes. We carry shoes on five wld tlu In all foot form Usts-ln all leathers, height, styles,, weights, etc "Bay, don't thut boy talk some?" I thought as J went on my way with a flue air of the Douglas shoes on fiom (he Boston Store I THE ELITE Tmklsli Hath, Koyal Oatmeal, Pine Tar, K'c. Hand milled soaps, per bar Ic or ll'o per do. Other fine valueH 1'e to 15c u bar. FiTO STATIONERY We are agents for two of the best grades, ('rune's Kuperllno In ereum laid, Kurd's Koyal White hi all the new shapes. Envelopes anil paper to match. PARC We handle the leading makes mch 111 (leo. Kassett's, Havlland Iloyal Austrian, Hte ! THE NOLF STORE ......... ..K THE BEST t IS THE CHEAPEST Hear this In mind when you need poultry and stock supplies and nsk for the International Poultry and Stock Food. Use Kow Kure for your cow trou bles. C. F. Golesworthy 1:7-129 East Alta St. Agent for Lee's Lice Killer PISH AND POULTRY MARKET X or Miiiu.V AlluSl-, I'.o. IjllloU, ITo., Our specialties aru finest fresh and salt water fish of all desirable varities, crabs, lobstcrs.clamsatul water delacacies. Olym pia and eastern oysters. We will serve you with the finest oyster cocktail. Goods delivered to any part of the city. Prompt service and best satisfaction. I A Trial Order is Solicited j 4 Rigby-Clove Mfg. Manufacturers of the IA1RIESIER Repairs for all kind of Farm Machinery Foundry Work a Speolalty Gash paid for old castings Pendleton, - Oregon Tho Oregon Ilallv Journal mn hi found on salo at Krazler's book store J