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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1903)
fEffjjBEDITIDH OMLYEVENINGEDmOfc BDAILY iiasternjJregon vcamer Tnnlvhf nml RntnrilAV hnW ifxra nml llninilorstortns! foolorf"'! 3C i " a PENDLETOX, UMATILLA COUXTY, OttEGOX, FRIDAY, .H'NE 12, 1003. NO. 47(53. DNS II BESET SERI Altogether Smooth Sailing Irthe New uovernmeni ai krade. Ly of troops at NISCH TOOK PLACE. t:tng Accounts a -ton of King and Queen's Bod; Austrian Gunboats on the t Have Appeared at the Cap- fleleate of Alexander's Rep- ativet. i. inna i The first trou- retime is reported Ixisch this morning. It Is stated H entire garrison mere reiuseu rthe mandates of the new mln- Secret Burial. Tun 1? Renter's Acen- Seismic correspondent asserts iWirir nd Draca were bur- icetlr In the old cemetery of between 1.30 ana 3 o cjock Still Another Version. tit. June 12. The bodies ot HIM with the exception ot t-.lfrc irtti ho hurled tonlcht. f&f'j body has been claimed kaSe and after the Inquest It pre trcnai at KaKovuza monas Austrian gunboats hare an I !a the Danube off Belgrade to tAutrian interests. The mem' ! the former king's govern- Irio were imprisoned yesterday 1 today. The new king will Tin here until after both i of parliament hare met and plans for the new govern Ignominious Burial. Jane II. The Evenine I Belgrade correspondent wires i-e wdlea of Alexander and I wre knried in a pit early this n MKonitaa as a mark or "I. Tag bodies of the roval l'i relaures and murdered ' ere thrown In on ton of i uu earth was tilled in. Ito to Many Murdered. Jane 1!. Tho Km ProRn fwig states that neither the wr nephews of Draga were L "e'sraoe yesterdav. Dp- the only memoers of her I '"oerea were two brothers I "J Official Kinn Yet r-. June 12. Secretary Pnrisr cablegram to the state r ji mgnt from Athens: ELS10 Uds la 5"et official rained, rhc nni..-t Monday" ' TALIAN POLITICS. I&Mnet on a strike Because Not Been Supported". loouTr. VST-mDmfT 01 tne i hiLbause fer con. td nri; .V n sumcienuy KethXlDqu,ry J?to ftt at wir. XAJ.... 86611 a sharP ad- Uw . u wnls- Xbe latter of 5 cut b' a Prom buyers today. Club rUurr', ren.1 Dcr than I ,rT "7 sale has heon hGA.. That P m i:Z., uu?aejg of last K Ji!..??1 lot of bfc Pl18, belonginrato L 1.1 nemselve.H ttl i7tJZ--Goveror aW.r'S'? or regents u W1. o asic i E. T. Weath. u appointedias pj-r ior Oregon; to e Exposition. SEATTLE WANTS TO BORROW Will Build Municipal Electric Llgh inn Plant. Olymnla. Wash.. Juno i ty, state board ot land commissioners is considering the advisability of grant ing an application mado by the city of Seattle for a loan ot $500,000 from the permanent school fund of the stnte, to be used in erecting an elec tric light planu If the loan Is nego tiated the state will get 4 per cent interest, tho minimum rate fixed by law for such loans being 3; per cent. There is some objection to the loan because of its size, and the transaction depends largely upon the showing that will be made by the Se attle parties. There is $700,000 in permanent school funds on hand in the state, owing to its accumulation under the former minimum rate of interest, which was 4 per cent. ICOAL COMBINE (ERIE EXPRESS IS THUNDER MOUNTAIN RAILROAD. Oreaon Short Line Is Now Surveying a Route for It. Salt Lake. June 12. Tho Oregon Short Line has sent a gang of sur veyors to Salmon City, Idaho, for the purpose of buildlns a line into the Thunder mountain mining district, nnd to encourage the development of Northwestern Idaho. SCORES HEAVY United States Circuit Court Makes a Decision Directly in Its Interests. CERTAIN CONTRACTS ARE PRIVILEGED DOCUMENTS. Held That Questions Relating to- the Reading Railway Need Not Be An swered Decisions of Far-Reaching Import In Relation to Attempts to Curb Fuel Trust. MISSISSIPPI IS FALLING. Situation Is Materially Improved at St Louis. St Louis, June 12. The river fell three-tenths of a foot last night. The situation In East St Louis is mater ially improved. Rescue work was resumed at dawn. Funds, clothing and provisions are being received. AFTER THE COAL TRUST DEALERS ARE FINED IN CHICAGO. New York, Juno 12. Tho United States circuit court today handed down a decision upholding tho con tention of the rnnl enrrvine- vnllwnvs ! that contracts between them and sales agents are privileged docu ments nnd as such the Interstate com merce commission has not power to compel their production as evidence. The decision also upholds Share's refusal to answer questions relating to the Heading railway. The questions involved got into the courts ln the efforts of the Hearst action to force a disclosure of the nmnllnt nf nrnflta rpaltrpil liv tho rnnl combine through Its various systems of differential rates and rebates. ! It was developed during the first hearing of the action whnt had long been suspected, that the Reading road system and the anthracite coal combine are nearly Identical in own ership and management Retail Coal Merchants Are Also Fined for Combining on Prices During Fuel Famine. Chicago, June 12. All the mem bers of the Illinois Coal Dealers' As sociation who were indicted for con spiracy In restraint of trade during the recent coal famine, were found guilty this morning and fined $500 each. Sentence was also imposed upon members of the Retail Coal Dealers' Association and they were fined $100 each. VAST CHANGES IN NEW YORK. Twenty Million Dollar Depot and Twenty-Story Hotel. New York, June 12. The time limit set by the New York Central road for the vacation by tenants of the prop erty in the streets adjacent to tho railroad yards expired today and as soon as the demolition ot the present houses is finished work will be com menced' on the new $20,000,000 termi nal. More than 100 brown stane houses, apartment buildings and churches are to be razed and the re sult will be a complete transforma tion of the large area bounded by i-exlngton and Madison avenues and ioiu ana Diti sirtvia. Finest Hotel In the World. f .The company purposes to erect a magnificent new depot on the site of the present station and in addition it will construct a hotel on the vacant lot just west of the station, bounded by Madison and Vanderbllt avenues, 43rd and 44th streets. The hotel will bo 20 stories high, and, if there Is no slip in the plans it will be the finest hotel in tbe world. It is the intention to close Vanderbllt avenue entirely and make a direct connec tion between tbe hotel and the station. LOST THE STRIKE. Canadian Pacific Wins Over Broth erhood of Employes. Vancouver, B. C, June 12. The Canadian Pacific strike is settled. The United Brotherhood of Railroad Employes Is not to he recognWed, and the men go back as Individuals. Pack pay of one month Is allowed, and old men are to be take) iiack when thero is room for them, which means that only a small percentage will get work. The arbitration com mittee recommends government arbitration. FROFIT FOR AGENT. Why Coal-Carrying Roads Juggle Rates to Seaboard. New York, June 12. The interstate commerce commission resumed its hearing on the complaint of W. H. Hearst against tho coal-carrying roads. W. A. Marshall, of tho firm of Reghter & Marshall, coal dealers ln this city, Boston and Philadelphia, was called, and said It was usual when the price of coal was low at tidewater, for tho railroad company to make a monthly adjustment of the freight rates so that the agent might make a profit on the transac tion. Since March 1, 1301, there had been no deviation from the schedule rate at $1.55 per ton, free on board. NO TEST RACE TODAY. ROBBED The Robbers Were Drunk and Spoiled a Chance to Get Rich Quick. ALL WERE CAPTURED AT HUNTINGTON, INDIANA. Rode In the Car Several Hours and Threw Away Eleven Thousand Dollars Worth of Valuables and Money Packages Scattered All Along the Railroad From Chicago. Rochester. Ind., June 12. Last midnight the express cur of the enst tounil Erie train was boarded by robbers outside of Englowood, III., and wnj completely looted. The rob bers threw out undesirable pack r.ges alone the road nil the way from Hammond to Rochester. A freight train discovered the packages and wired to Huntington this morning that something was wrong. When tho Erlo trnln reach ed Huntington tho wnltlng ofllcers started to force the door. One rob ber sprang out, firing two shots, two others hidden In the car escaping. The robbers were all captured this morning. All are stylishly dressed. They gave as a reason for throwing out packages that they were drunk. Kour thousand dollars worth of val uables were picked up by the freight behind. One packnge thrown from the car contained $7,000. SUPREME WORKMAN. National A. O. U. W. Elects Officers at St. Louis. St. Paul, June 12. William Miller, at St. Louis, was elected supreme workman this afternoon by tho Na tional gathering of the A. O. U. W. William Norvls, of Iowa, is supremo foreman; Mathew Hackett, of Penn sylvania, supreme keeper of the rec ords. The next meeting will ho nt St. Louis. GENERAL M'COOK DEAD. EXTRAORDINARY ROBBERY. Twenty Thousand Dollars Stolen From Los Angeles Man. Vow Vnrif .Tune 12. Robert Nelll, of Los Angeles, who arrived on the Grmanic this morning, reports be hait ton n An in drafts of 150 i each, stolen from his state room Wednes day last. No trace of the tniei or the property could be found. . K'otll inlil nronertv in Ireland late ly, thus securing the money. He left the money In his staie room4wu ,o(Mr,o. Mo is lpft nractlcally. pen niless. ' On arrival hp had tojleave i i A J 1. n 1 1 1 hA T1 rL- HIM iruDKS on ice uuen umih cured money, $ rnhn WleAATisIn HuMlIlT Club WlJl visjt the World's Fair In lfKM.Jn 10 rrtiA ara nrft ran able OI accommodating 25 persons each. The . . . . .. ....... n . V. fl club wllj live aunng i i fair in the hotel cars which will be .Un .iicn in tho exDOeition BIUV UOVACU vvwv " grounds. For this purpose the club will build lU.own spur of track; Heavy Seas Compel a Postponement of Trial Run. Highlands, June 12. Great and tremendous seas this morning de cided the management not to race today. The next test of tho yachts In a seaway will be off Newport tho latter part of this month. They will meet over tho Qlencove course next .Monday. AFTER SMUGGLERS. Alleged There Is a Combine Which Operates Between Canada and United States. Albany. June 12 Special Inspec tors of the treasury department aro investigating tho operations of an al-. Icged smuggling combine which has been bringing diamonds, rugs" and furs across from. Canada, Certain employes of tho Delaware & Hudson railway are alleged to have, been Jn the conspiracy. Double Hanging In Indiana.,,iiic imi. Juno 12. Gov ernor Durbln falling to grant a re spite, tho state prison at aiicnigan City is to bo tho scene today of a double execution, tho first to take place within prison walls. Tho con demned men are Ora Copenhaver, who killed his young wire In this city last September, and William Jack son, a negro, who murdered a mill watchman In Evansvlllo last January, while robbing blm of $3.S0. Aged Veteran Pastes Away From Paralysis. Dayton, O., June 12. General Alex ander McCook, retired, died at C:30 this morning froi paralysis. Ho came from Washington three weeks ago, and shortly nfterward suffered a mild stroke, followed n few days later by a second, and n third which caused his death thl morning. General McCook was 72 years of age. Ho graduated from West Point 02 years ago and was retired In 1801. WOOL SALES TODAY. About One Quarter Million Pounds Changes Hands This Afternoon. Tho second series of tho annual wool sales are belnr held In the city this atternoon and tho wool In tho I ig warehouses of tho place are be ing emptied of their load of Hecres. i There Is a large number of buyers I hero aim they all aeem to wnnt to buy and an a result the crop is mov ing at a good rate. On tho other hand the growers seem to bo as anx ious to sell as tho buyers to buy and welcome any bid that Is In the na ture of reason. During tho day hut two bids have been rejected and one of them has hcen reconsidered and tho original offer has been accepted. Tho prices offered have been about the Bamo as they wero on the last day here, with one or two exceptions. On the last day tho highest price offered was 13 as against 14 on today, but this fig ure was only offered for tho clip of one man. It Is thought that the even ing will sco most of the wool stored here sold, only a few of tho growers being willing to take the risk of holding thplr clips for prlvato sale, and to pay the Insurance required by the warehouses. The sales made up to the time of going to press aro given belowj Pounds, Cents It, A. Jackson, Dayton 99,765 .... I), neltH 35,041 13 Karnwald 14,448 13 D. W, Chapman 10,000 12 Salisbury 15,788 J 3 Vt (lulllford 26,800 1214 J, KnotU 20,201 12U O. Horn 13,464 13 (I W. McDonald 9,050 14 Total 225,563 RESTRICT LOG OUTPUT. Loggers Decide on Shutdown to Pre vent Decline In Price. Portland, Juno 12. Loggers In tho Portland market yesterday decided to take radical measures to prevent ah wcr-supply ot logs and consequent decline In" price. About 25 of them, representing a dally output of 1,300, 000 feet, met in the office ot tho Nc lmlem Numbering Company nnd unan imously agreed to close their camps for two weeks beginning July 1 nnd. If that does not sutllco to prevent an over-supply, to shut down for n further Indefinite time. Little logging has boon done In tho burred districts nml little will be nt tempted until ntter tho Kburth of July. Logs have been gblng Into the wn ter plentifully ot late nnd this has led mlllmrn to anticipate a decline In prices. Tho loggers aro deter mined to prevent this nnd, ns n great proportion of tho timber land Is in the hands of men who are In no hur ry to reallie on It, except In tho burn ed districts, they are In n position to maintain prices, MUST PAY ANNUAL LICENSES. Held That the Exposition Is a Pri vate Corporation. Salem, Or., June 12. The Lewis nnd Clark Fair Association, of Port land, according to n decision tender ed by Attorney-General A. M. Craw ford, Is a privato corporation, nnd must pay tho annual llcenso fee, un der the new corporation tax law, tho some as all other corporations. The capltnl stock or tho organiza tion Is placed at $300,000. and, ac cording to the grnduated scnlo ot li cense ices, tho annual fee will bo $100. GOOD BRDUNDS FOB REPORT NORTHWESTERN RAILROAD MERGER NOW PROBABLE, Believed Deal Is Now Approaching Consummation for Consolidation of O. R. & N. and O. S. L. San Francisco. Juno 12. A special dispatch from Salt iJtko says: Be hind all tho mysterious rumors ami denials regarding tho merging ot tho Oregon llullroad & Navigation Com pany nnd tho Oregon Short Lino Is a secret activity which strengthens tho supposition that tho reports aro based on something more substantial than nlr. The rumors wero renewed today, when It was learned that w. H, Bancroft, vice-president nnd gcn ernl manager, and K. 12. Calvin, as' slstaut general manager of tho Short Line, had left for Portland. Verified by Officials. Tho Impression is gaining ground that tho plans of n consolidation of tho two lines are being carried ror ward. Officials or tho Short Lino have asserted tlmo nml ngaln that such a change would eventually tnko place, but they havo not boon pro- pared to say how soon the consolida tion might ho expected, Tho rumors first bocamo apparent about tho tlmo tho San Pedro bogan negotiations ror tho purchnso or the Short Line. Short Lino oHlclnlB do not deny Hint somo deal Is on. OPERATOR IN JAIL. C. B. West, of Huntington, Under 20OO Bonds, Baker City, Juno 12. C. II, West, the O. 11. & N. telegraph oporator of Huntington, who stabbed his fellow operator, J. W. Thomas at that place last week, Is now In Jail hero under $2000 bonds, Tho condition of Thomas, who Is now In tho hospital at Portland, Is critical and It Is feared bo can not live. West Is an erratic, flighty charac ter, with a traco of Mexican blood, and the sympathy of tho railroad men Is entirely against him. He Is said to have stabbod Thomas without provocation and now main tains a sarcastic, Impudent demeanor which does not soften public senti ment In his favor, Thomas Ih a quiet, obliging man and was a general favorite with his fellow employes. RAIN DOWN SOUTH, ceo MORE STRIKES Goneral Walk-Out of All Hotol Employes Took Place This Morning. ARISTOCRATIC HOTELS ARE GREATLY INCONVENIENCE. Rogue River Valley Is Thoroughly Drenched, Grant's Pass, Or,, June 12. Tho drouth that has been crisping things In this section of tho stato, was somo what quenched by a heavy rain last ovenlng. Showers fell ovor all sec tions of tho county, accompanied by thunder and lightning. Tho rains havo not been heavy enough yet to entirely overcome tho harm done by tho dry weather, though the outlook Is promising for moro rain ere the sky clears. Cooks, Walters, Elevator Men and All Other Organized Labor of the Large Hostelrles Join the Strike of the , Restaurant Help Traveling Public Also Greatly Discommoded. No Signs of Agreement. Chicago, June 12. The employes of nil Hyde Park hotels nnd West Side restuurnutH wero called out early this morning. Later. Throe largo hotels on tho South Side, ljit;nlii. Metrapole and Sher man, Insldu the elevated loop wore called. Hyde Park Is the fashiona ble summer resort district. The West Side Is populated by nearly a million, mostly working people. General Strike of Hotel Employes. Tho millionaire guestH of Hyde Park hotels wero forced to cook their own breakfasts, Soclvty womon got their breakfasts on chafing dishes. At tho Dclprado nothing but salads and sen food are obtainable, because this noon tho teamsters refused to deliver provisions. Tho elevators nre not running, nnd many guosts aro compelled to climb 10 stories. It Is tho avowed Intention of tho unlou to rail all employes out ot down town hotels, leaving visitors In tho city without hotei accommodations. The situation Is tho most Inconvon lent Chicago citizens havo yet con fronted. Out at Two More Hotels. Shortly before noon tho Grand Pa cific employes, Including bartenders, waiters, cooks, bell boys nnd cham bermaids, wore called out, Tho Au ditorium Annex was the next place called out, and 500 of tho 700 walk ed out, conicllltig the management to close the kitchen and dinlne rooms, although a feeble effort was made to proparo and servo inoals with bell boya. Provision wagons wero turned back from tho hotels whero there aro strikes, through thu Teamsters' Union, Four More Hotels Hung Up, Tho Vlctorln, Strntford, Wellington mid Kaiser I loft employes all wont out this afternoon, adding several thousand moro to tho ranks ot tho striking Winters' Union. SUMPTER VALLEY EXTENSION. Surveyi Now Made Into the Interior of Grant County. Joseph Barton, superintendent ot the Sumptor Valley Hallway wan seen by an ICnst Orcgoulan representative yesterday evening nnd said In regard to the proposed extension of that busy road, that the company will build by gradual stages, from Whitney Into tho Interior of Grant county, Pralrlo City iKiIng a possible tremlnus. Tho county to bo traversed by tho extension Is vory rough and tho grades oxmidlngly heavy, so the work of building tho road will neces sarily be slow. Surveys have been mado through tho mountains from Whltuey south and west nml whllo It Is the ultimate aim of tliu company to reach tho farming district or Grant county, the road will be built to reach the timber belts first. FORMERLY OF PENDLETON, Founder of the Graded Schools of This City Is Here. M. O, Royal, ot Olympla, Is In the city for a brief visit with his old frlonds bore anil to look nftur busi ness Interests here. Mr, Royal was formerly a resident of Pendleton and Ik well known here as tho fouiii.'cr of tho Pendleton graded public school tyslom. Ho taught tho first session or school n tho brick school, In 1886, ami was the starter or the present excellent schools of tho city. He was also the preslilint of thl Normal School at Weiton for a tlmo. and has Just como from that placo, where ho has boon attending tho an nual meeting of the alumni of that Institution. Mr. Royal is now engag ed In tho practlco of law In tho Wash ington town, but still has a homelike reeling for this city. Ho will return to bis home today or tomorrow,