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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1903)
DAILY EAST PRECOMA. PENOLETON. OBECON. PHIPM. 1 4 iiierCto Hot weather is on and we have clothing to make yot feel comfortable $lt$I.25,$J.50 $2.00 to $3.00 Coats aM Vests . $4. $5, $6 to $7 tmftninis Costs aM Pasts $5, $6, $7 to $10 Baer r Daley Furnishers and Hatters GENERAL NEWS. Rochester. X. Y., had an SS00.Q0U fire. Gulllermo. the famous Filipino out law, has been captured. War Is imminent between the cat tlemen and sheepmen of Southwest ern Colorado. Pope Leo has recuiierated suffic iently to celebrate mass on the feast day of Corpus Christ!. Chile Is said to be retrogressing In every sense Industrially, com mercially and politically. In April last 1.646,000 tons of pig iron were produced in the United States, in May 1,755,000 tons. Lady Henry Somerset was re-elected president of the International W. C. T. TJ. by the recent Geneva con vention. July next will be an all-day holi day for all free rural delivery mall carriers, according to a ruling of the general department. The bl-centennlal of John Wesley's birthday will he generally celebrated by the Methodists everywhere. It oo ! curs June 2S, 1903. The bricklayers of New York City 1 are threatening the first general ; strike in 20 years. They demand "0 i cents per hour and that no bricklay- j ers be employed who do not belong to j the union. Two hundred Cistercian monks are 1 expected to come to the United J States this summer as a result of the , operation of the antl-tongregation laws in France. Most of them will i go to Kentucky. 1 There will be an investigation of' the Epplnger Co. failure at San Fran-1 cisco by the grand jury. It Is alleg-j ed that large sums of money were J borrowed on warehouse grain re- j celpts after the firm knew the grain j had been deported. j I PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS. The Canadian Pacific strike is now I settled and the train men have re- turned to work with most of their . concessions granted. North Yakima will vote on a J40,-1 flOO bond for school building pur poses. She reports 360 more pupils this year than last. Horticultural . Commissioner Beck, of North Yakima, reports that 150.000 fruit trees have been set out in Yak ima county this spring. Forest fires are now raging in thej foothills east of Tacoma and the AVhite River Mill, destroyed last year. Is again in danger. The O. R. & N. advertising depart ment has photographed the Hood I Klver strawnerry neius. to De useu in a lortncoming uescr.pme turner. ; C. 11. west, tne u. it. c ieie- rales East offered by graph operator who stabbed J. W. ( -the NORTHWESTERN LINE." Thomas, a fellow-operator, at Hunt- Chicago and return J71.50 ington last week. Is now in jail atst. Paul & Minneapolis and Baker City under J2.000 bonds. A. Louie, the Canadian Indian who' killed his 17-year-old wife at Van. couver. B. C last April. In a fit of passion, must hang. His appeal to the Dominian government for len iency has been disregarded. Gambling has been stopped at1 Spokane and the saloons are all clos ed in Bremerton. Walla Walla also" shut up her gambling balls Thursday ; and the new anti-game law of Wash-, ington 18 to De ngiuiy euiurceu. Edward L. Nayler. of Forest Grove, sheared one Cotswold buck lamb, 10 months old, whose fleece weighed 16 pounds. The price of that grade of wool Is 36 cents per pound, which makes the income on his flock 2.SC per head. . j-i i UUllg mWE h SAW t ctwt, m( rr I Jr a. umMCMu co. , HOTEL ARRIVALS. Hotel Pendleton. A. J. Johnson. Scio. E. H. Burke. Portland. C. N. .Motley. Silver City. George A. Thomas, San Francisco. B. E. Ripley. Colfax. M. O. Hoswell. Seattle. John B. Ashton. Chicago. F. J. Golden. New York. R. E. Porter and wife. Mcacham. Edwin J. Durke, Hauerford. V. H. Otin. Spokane. B. F. Sweeney. Despatch. L. O. Druce. Despatch. James Wing. Boston. William Ellery. city. Will MarkE. Omaha. C. W. Hlncheleff. Los Angeles. J. C. Lindsey. Portland. Alex Livingston. Boston. J. J. Chappell, San Francisco. J. P. Currell. San Fraucisco. F. A. Temple. San Francisco. D. P. Payne, St. Joseph. A. J. Tappenlng, Spokane. G. W. Harris. Seattle. C. C. Daud, Berkley. Mrs. J. A. Weston, Boise. L. H. Hendershott and wife. Spo kane. Frank Folsom. Orchard Park. Mrs. A. Royal. Olympia. G. Abbott, city. A. H. Hagen, Lewlston. E. H. Clarke, city. George Stearns, city. R. R. Clem, Spokane. F H. Stocker, San Francisco. F. G. Halley. city. A. Nylander. rortland. Golden Rule Hotel. Thomas Cotter .Oakland. D. J. Waltz, Chlco. ? B. F. Brant, Rapid City. L. E. Brant, Rapid City. J. E. Brant Rapid City. S. C. Brant, Rapid City. C. McGlother, Seattle. John McCrea. Seattle. M. Rankin, Seattle. Mrs. W. H. Howes. Athena. G. Joyce, Spokane. G. A. Stuart, Rockford. M. G. Royal, Ollympla. W. K. Kent and wife. Spokane. Sam Lee. Sxkane. S. A. Frans. Spokane. T. W. Lusk. La Grande. U Brown, city. S. G. Jones, city F. Bartholomew, Heppner. Joe F. Connelly, city. J. W Cronln and wife, .Meacliam. Bert McAtee, Salem. J. A. McLaughlin, Gurdane. G. Menzie, Walla Walla. J. McKay, city, Mary J. Buchap, BlackfooL R. Evans, Granite. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY Uy taklnR ailvantage of the cheap return 60.00 Tickets good 90 days. Stop-overs allowed. Dates of sale: June 4. 5, 24. 25, 26. 27. 28. 29, 30; July 15, 16 and August 25, 26. Full Information by addressing H. L. SISLER. General Agent 132 Third street, Portland, Ore. Mokl Tea posltivaly cures Sick i Headache. Indigestion and Constitu tion, a deiignuui herb drtnlc Re moves all eruptions ot the skin, pro ducing a perfect complexion or money refunded. 25c and 50c Write to us for free sample. W. H. Hooker Jk Co., Buffalo. N. T. F. W. Schmidt Co.. druggists. MASONS SESSION GRAND LODGE WILL END ITS WORK TONIGHT. List of Officers Elected Not Much Business to Transact Shriners Will Meet Saturday Evening. Portland. June 12. The grand lodge, A. F. and A. M. of Oregon, elected the following officers at the session yesterday afternoon: S. SI. Voran, of Eugene, grand mas ter; Thomas Gray, of Portland, depu ty grand master; W. H. Flanagan. Grant's Pass, grand senior warden: V. T. Williamson. Salem, grand jun Jor warden, Henry Roe, Portland, grand treasurer; James F. Itobinson. Eugene, grand secretary; Jacob Mayor. Portland, M. S. "WoodcocK. Corvallis, John B. Cleland, Portland, trustees of educational fund. The other grand lodge officers are ap pointive and will be named by the grand master The election of Mr. Robinson as grand secretary Is a mark of confi dence. He has served In the same capacity for the grand lodge for more than eight years and has served in a similar capacity for other Masonic bodies even longer. The new grand master, S. M. Yo ran. has come up through the stations from Junior warden and is one of the best-known Masons in the state. Precedent In Masonic circles favors promotions and his election was a foregone conclusion when the grand lodge met. The morning session of the grand lodge vestcrday was devoted to pure- ly routine business, no questions oi general Importance being brought up. The address of the retiring grand .,, .wv.,,1 th.. lnrines nf the state l are iiuurismuj; aim nn: umvi t i made steady advances during tne year. The spirit "f good fellowship! pervndes the entire order and the j grand master congratulated the mem- j bers upon the good financial showing i the grand lodge could make. I The Installation will take place to-. night, and the Shriners will hold a meeting Saturday evening, which will close the session of the Masonic bodies now gathered here. The following old officers are in attendance: W. F. Butcher, grand master: S M. Yoran. deputy grand master: Thomas Gray, grand senior warden: W. H. Flannacan. grand Junior war den: Henry Roe. grand treasurer; j James F. Robinson, grand secretary. and Rev. J R. X. Bell, grand chap Iain. HOMEOPATHS END SESSION. State Society Adjourns After Hear ing Papers on Medicine. Portland. June 12. The State Ho meopathic Medical Society ended Its 27th annual meeting yesterday after noon. The subject of the closing session of the convention yesterday afternoon was the practice of medi cine. Papers uion technical branches of the work were read by the doctors as follows: 'A Clinical Answer to the Question 'Does Homeopathy Cure," P L. Mc Kenzle. M. D Portland: "The High er Attennuations," C. E. Geiger, M. D.. Forest Grove; "Gastric Neurosis," A. S. Nichols. M D.. Portland; "The Single Remedy," N. S. Vernon. M. D Astoria; "Those Three Pimples In the Mind." George Wlgg, M. D.. Port land: Tonsllltis." C. L. Nichols, M. D.. Portland; "Melancholia," Ella K. eDarborn, M. D.. Portland; "Diphthe ria and Anti-Toxin," A. W. Vincent, M. D.. Union. Tliismils Hare Kidney Tmile and Never Sisiect it How To Find Out. ! Pill a bottle or common glas with yoar water and let it stand twenty-tour hoars ; j ascuiuicukui at.. tlitiKituKcatesau unhealthy con dition of the kid neys; if it status your linen it is evidence of kid ney trouble ; too frexjuent deire to pass it or pain iu the back is also couviticing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. Uttat To ro. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, fulfills every wish iu curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of tbe urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in (Kissing it, or bad effects followtng use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that uupleasant ne cessity of being compelted to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect or Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most dis tressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by drug gists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sties. You may liave a sample bottle and a lK)k that tens all nliout it, both sent free by mail. Addres Dr. Kilmer & Co., Ding hamton.N. Y. When writing mention this paper and don't make any mistake, but remember the name. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binguamton, N. Y. Get Busy. Therkelsen-s June Get Busy Sale promises to be a hnmmer and our S Includes all the most popular makes from J135 up ui as " . m Tn hut from these prices we I are going to make some really Inter SSins - reductions. The biggest pur-J chase of pianos we have ever ramie will be here next month and we want to have room for them. You can have a piano from us on very easj pavments. Indeed, so easy that there lT'no reason why you should be with out it. especially during our June Get Busy Sale. Let us know your wants and we will surprise you with easy terms. . THERKELSEN PIANO HOUfcE. 315 Court Street. Vacation Dreams. Away up In the heights of the Blue mountains, far from the heat dust and noise of the city. I-chmnn Springs is a most charming place to spend a short or extended vacation. Its numerous hot springs are a pos itive cure for all forms of rheuma tism, stomach, blood and nervous dis orders. Everv convenience is at hand a large, comodlous hotel under nble management, lots of pretty lit tle cottages, ample free camping ground, abundance of shade, swim ming pool, golf links, shooting gal lere. fine hunting, lots or fish. For rates and particulars, address C. R. Dutton. l.ehman Springs. Or. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any rase of catarrh tliat can noi be cured by Half Catarrh Cure. V J. CHKXEV 4 CO.. Toledo. O. We. the umierslsnied. have known F. J. Clieuev for the Init 15 years, and believe hlin lierfectlr honorable In all business tranactlon anil financially able to carry nut any ohlliatlons made by their Arm. WEST A Tltt'AX, Wholesale Druggists, WAU) KINWA.V A MARVIN, Whole sale Drusslsts. Toledo. O. tinitv r..n.rl. Ptim U titken Internally. ! ortln; directly wnn the blood anil mucous ;n'r, n the i,,tem. Testimonials ent rriW. iice 75c per bottle. Sold by all ciruscUts ,.,. , "a" Family nils are the best. World's Fair Clubs are organizing j in various parts or the country toi prepare for next year's trip to St. Louis. For really fine, choice Steafcs-C hops- C utlets Roasts of Beef, Mut ton and Veal drop in to our shop or phone 316 K. Court Phone Jted 11 t ACKER'S DYSPEPSIA TABLETS cure dyspepsia and all disorder! aris ing from Indigestion. Endorsed by physicians everywhere. Sold by all . druggists. No cure, no pay. 25 cents. ' Trial package free by writing to W. . H. Hooker & Co Buffalo, N. T. F. W. Schmidt & Co. I 1 1 1 I '1 1 'I II 4 (Hi! I I Five Porcelain Tubs 4- 1 t Are now to be found at Privett's Birber Shop and Bath Rooms. We also have five hydraulic chairs. Every thing is neat and clean. We employ none but first-class workmen. Our equipment is not excelled in Eastern Ore. t Privett's Barber Shop Ji j 7 3 ain street j TRANSFER TRUCKING STORAGE CROWNER BROS Tel cub out Main 4 SYRUPS Monopole, Rock Candy, Red Star and White Rose in half gallons, gallons, jackets and pails. HOT HOUSE VEGETABLES Lettuce Radishes Onions Celery THE Standard Grocery Cowt Street Low Sellers of Groceries The Parrot Talks "I'm neither too big aor too llttle-I'm jaBt right. My quality is admirable. I'm calm and unruffled even when I'm burning up." " Jest Try a Patfot Cigar" 5 cents At Yoar Dealer's BELL & CO. Sole distributors Portland, Or. Inr Comfort find Style Is carriage, pleasure vehicles and builneu wagoni one may go a t real de:il iurtber, tare a ' crtt drat wone. If be overlook! our etabllih sent, Ur here art to be found tbe beat makes . In tbe market Wa Invite lnaiactlon, criticism 'it need be, trial tuicbaM. Only doDt by without a look In ut our Winoua wagoni. ' Tnejr run easy, cary S more (ban any other make and a durable. We have bugglf from . I to up. Get your tires set on nur hydraulic mi- , chine No burning or defacing juur wbeelt. ' This machine was Installed In our plant at a great lo and is tbe only one on the l'aciOc coast. It does tbe best of work and bas been adopted by the the I' s. government. Glye us a call. NEAGLE BROTHERS Storer'i Gasoline Engines Bargains in Real Estate I have a larger and better list of Farms, Stock RancheB 'and City Property to sell I than ever before. Also a big I In 1 r -t 4 1 A AniYt 1 It IT 1UI UI JU1IU All UIU IvVUilllg t j wheat section of Eastern Washington. 1 N. Berkeley OUR SODA FOUNTAIN Is now doing a rushing busi ness in Wholesome Cold Drinks And they are delicious. Per haps you've had the word "de licious" spoiled for you some where, by a bad glass of Sod. Then be sure and come here at once and recover the relish of it Come and learn where the Good Soda, the Best Soda ever servedis to be had this season. F. W. Schmidt's Tke .Reliable Drifgist Pcwtofice Block. Phone Main S' The rar Bet. AltiftWdkj ,n Center oijj F. XScWmp P'optletl, LOSSES ALWS By the Fire lnsunj panies yt repress i.uuijjanie!i stand Etsl woria. Hartford Fire ImuimwcJ London & Lancuhlti Fh North British & Merasti UJ . Royal Insurance Co."."."j PRANK B. Ci AGIST 500 MAIN SIM St. georJ Restatmj Dinner Twenty-Hit 0 From 11.30 a. o, to ; M Short orders a spm Quick, Courteous Sa Open all Day aid T.A.01&tte,rf LET US F YOUR BJ FOR LU! We can supply jts j Building Matem: . descriptions m you money DOORS D .. t MIn a DIDif ' Wood gutters ii ana uwciu.&-- Oregon Lumbfl Alt St,0l CM GO! Minneapolis, OWi" Grain ad sags WHEAT OW jj MARGINS: ilfll "r - Relets ik" . .Tni -a ' omces. .i 17 ,.co" Firmers vtour.HW'r'