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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1903)
J- S' DAILY EAST OR EGONIAN, ppmpletON. OREGON. THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1903- mmt Hot weather is on and we have clothing to make you feel comfortable dDatts $t,$l.25,$1.50 $2.00 to $3.00 SlkeDetoim Coats ana Vests $4, $5, $6 to $7 flnttitagj Coats and Palis $5, $6, $7 to $10 Baer & Daley Furnishers and Hatters GENERAL NEWS. The Western Federation of Miners will meet next year at Butte. The heaviest June fall of snow In many years is now under way at LeailvIIle, Colorado. A syndicate of Chicago capitalists has bought 1.000,1mm) acres of wheat land in Manitoba which they will larni. The relief committees state that 23.000 people are homeless in and around Kansas City as a result of the floods. Torrential ralnR in New Mexico, followed a hall storm which loft J2 inches of' hail on the level in some localities. The building trades strike in 'West chester county. N. V., has dissolved, the strikers losing every point con tended for. The new libel law in Porto Itlco is tho most drastic in effect in any state or territory belonging to the United States. Two men were killed and three others dangerously wounded in Mul berry street. New York, in a fight over a woman. All were Italians. ! According to the New York World, Bourke Cochran, the famous Tam many orator, is engaged to the j daughter of the lord chief Justice of England. Eight hundred car loads of grain were lost In the Kansas City yards! during the recent flood. This is ex-1 elusive of the losses by the collapse of elevators. "Two hundred Roumanian Jews now In Venice on their way to America, ( declare, that the cbnditlon of the i llusslan Jew Is daily growing black-1 er and that they fear more and far I more extensive massacres. , Warrants are out for the arrest of J AO New York physicians who ol-, tained from the city's hospital sup-. plies of anti-toxin by affidavits that it was for the use of destitute pa tients, but who afterward sold It for jr, per bottle. rQrtiMii J I J HOTEL ARRIVALS. j NOTES OF ATHENA VERY SEVERE DROUTH HUDSON BAY COUNTRY. Rain Is Badly Needed Between Pen dleton and Athena Improvements Being Made on the Highway -New Rest and Health. When the hot days of summer . make ou think of the cool and ihade of the mountains, there 19 no I more enjoyable place to spend n va- ration than Lehman bprmss the present manager, nr. it. j ton has spared ho pains and expense for the convenience and comfort of the guests. The grounds are ndmlrn blv situated and the lnrge hotel Is modern and up-to-date In every re-t spect. There are 25 cottages con- venientlv situated in the cool shade ; the grove and camping iumiue Residence Approaching Completion j nIV ample and convenient 'P1'""6 nnimofit nno u-irti nil nuim. Several Cases of None Are -Severe. Illness, But Athena, June 10. L. C. Kilgore tvntn.. nf T.ohninil SnrlllKS IS not I equaled any where for Its medicinal properties and hns proven In every, ca.-e a positive and lasting cure fori norts having heard the crops In Hud- ri,'.ln,ntiSII, Fr further partial son Hay vicinity are so blighted 'yjiars address C. R. Button, Lehman the continuous hot. dry weather Hint i Springs, Or. some are already turning horses on their wheat and usa it as pasture in order to realize anytning there from, R. J Boddy. who lias been quite 111, is somewhat improved, as is re ported. The crops are in need of rain very badly just now. Between Adims and Pendleton, along the Wild Horse creek, the grain Is looking quite j sickly, some ot tt Heading at auoui six to eight inches. R. E. Beck has gone to Crook county to look after his Interests in said place. W. R. and Sheldon Taylor arc tak ing an outing and looking after their Interests In the John Day just now. ; W. W. Harrah. of Pendleton, was visiting nnd transacting business in Worst of All Experience. Can anything be worse than to feel that every minute will be your last? Such was the experience of Mrs. S. ri. Newson, Decatur. Ala. "For three years." she writes, "I endured insuf ferable pain from indigestion, stom ach and bowel trouble. Death seem ed Inevitable when doctors nnd all remedies failed. At length I was in duced to try Electric Bitters and the result was miraculous. I Improved at once and now I'm completely re covered." For liver, kidney, stoni ach atid bowel troubles Electric Bit ters Is the only medicine. Only Di-c. It's guaranteed by Tallman & Co. PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS. Philip Ileal, a pioneer of '47. lias just died at Forest Grove. The travel to Alaskan points Is ro portod unusually heavy this season. Emll Junna was drowned while fishing at the mouth of the Columbia Sunday. Chicago capitalists have purchased 1,000,000 acres of land In Manitoba to raise wheat. John H. Coleman has been re elected president of the Willamette University at Salem John Myers, of Summerville, has been adjudged insane and taken to the asylum at Salem. John Edgar Sattorwhlte. 7 years of age, was run over by the cars In Portland, June 10. nnd killed. Brown and Pierce, two of the Mon tana escapes who killed their Jailor in escaping, have been recaptured. The pay car Is a thing of the past on the Southern Pacific system. Hereafter the men will be paid by checks. Willie engaged In n friendly wrestl ing bout at Deer Lodge, Mont,, Frank Davy, manager of the Deer Lddge Electric Light Company, had his neck broken. James Piling, of Seattle, knocked down his slater and brutally beat her because she did not cook his dinner just to his taste. She appeared in court with her eyes blackened and her face swollen out of shape. Tho judge fined the brute only ?50. Hotel Pendleton. Frank Folsom, Orchard Park. O. Peek. Walla Walla Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Ratlins, Chicago .Miss Rallins, Chicago. J. A. Fenges. San Francisco. H. A. Stern, Chicago. F. F. Golden. Now York. W. R. Glendennlng, Portland. R. E. Porter and wife. Meacham. H. AV. B. Smith, Baker City. W. R. Browning, St. Louis. Mrs. H. P. Isaacs. Walla Walla. C. J. Freese. P. M. Morse and wife. Portland. W. R. Dennis, Salt Lake. ' G. S. Youngman. Portland. E. B. Canon, Portland. Ed Forbes, Chicago. G. A. Cosper, Portland. W. D. Green. Alameda. C. C. Simpson, Portland. W. H. Holley, city. George Wells and wife. Heppner. Morey, Spokane. George E. K. Fichtner. Portland. James McKay, city. S. Peterson, San Francisco. Golden Rule Hotel. L. C. Walters. Muratoh. Minnie Shields. Pilot Rock. E. Payent, Pilot Rock. C. Cameron, Pilot Rock. Alice King. Athena. Malendia King, Athena. Mrs. M. Sweeney, Spokane. W. A. Stark, Rockford. W. G. Hartman and son, Cherokee. W. J. Moore, Spokane. C. L. Downer, Spokane. A. D. Payand, Pilot Rock. Mme. Hunt, Spokane. W. D. Marks. Spokane. H. Connell. Umatilla. John Rhodes, Heppner. Robert Hudspeth, Athena. E. E. Travis, Whitney. J. W. Smyscr. Spokane. F. Osborne, Spokane. Mrs. E. M. Chandler, Baker City. Mrs. H. E. Deardorff, Omaha. Mrs, C. R. Shaw. Sumpter. Hattie Wright. Whitney. Mable Wright. Whitney. .Mrs. A. Newlln, La Grande. Mrs. A. Newlln, La Grande. Mary Russell. La Grande. -Mrs. L. Goddard, La Grande. Bert McAtee, Salem. S. Torgerson and wife. Milton. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars reward fur imv raae nf rittnrrli that cau Dot be the vicinity of Pilot Rock a short I ' t- j cHKXKV . CO., Toledo, O. time ago. , tie. tne liiiiiersiRiiwi. nave Known i u. Vn " n TlpOrnw nf Weiton is Hieney for the last IS yenrs, aud believe Mrs. G. Deuraw. of Wisioil. lb ,,Wtly honorable In all business visiting her daughter, Mrs. Cora transactions anil financially able to carry Barnes. In Lake Chaian, Wash., at out nuy olillpitlnns made by their Arm. present ' W'CST ,t TUl'AX, Wholesale Druggists, C. C. Darr. the Adams road super-, w.u.m.NU.' Kl.VNAN .t MAILVIN, Wbolc- vlsor. has been making improvements ale rirnsslsts, Tulmin, . on the road In his district lately. I "airs Catarrh Curn Is taken Internally.' m m-tw. i ,t ii'., i ,.i I aetlns directly upon the hlmxl and niiicmi" ' Mrs. McDougal. of Weston. Is us-, slirfattfs of tiie ystvn. Testimonials Kent Itlng her son's family at Lake Cha- free. Price T.'c ier bottle. Sold by all lan. Wash., at present. i d"-"";. , , . i William Kilgore has about com- " "roilyPillsnrcthe best. pleted his new residence on Ills prop- The Parrot Talks "I'm neither too big nor too little-I'm jast right. My quality is admirable. I'm calm and unruffled even when I'm burning up." " Just Try a Parrot Ciga" 5 cents At Yoar Dealer's BELL & CO. Sole distributors Portland, Or. erty in the city. Mr and Mrs. Fred Rosenswlep and their daughter. Miss Elsie, made a trip to their Franklin county farm a short time ago. Mr. Rosenswleg has returned and Miss Elsie is teaching school and she and her mother are holding down the farms. Grandpa Helmick was Ashing down on Umatilla river Delow i-endleton. this week. Stock Farm for Sale. The Ogle stock farm, consisting of 3000 acres, about 230 head of cattle, , plenty of water, grass and timber. Range has never been sheeped off. All under fence. Will grow all hay re-' quired. Call on or write to Bentley 1 & Hartman, Pendleton, Oregon. Stock Cattle for Sale. 1 Have for sale 50 head of cows. 25 iohn Smith remains about the I by e; 10 a,o,d heifers, same; not much improved. mun) cdu-i? Grandma Gerklng remains about, ELMER SPIKE. Echo. Ore. the same as usual. Grandma King Is reported to be quite III at present. Much Improved in Health. Frank Mansfield is reported as im proved so much as to be able to walk around town with a cane. Scarlet Fever Case Improving. The little 3-year-old daughter of Verne Bannister, who has been quite low with scarlet fever for the past five weeks, is Improving slowly and there Is hopes for her recovery now. For really fine, choice Steaks-Chops Cutlets Roasts of Beef, Mut ton and Veal drop in to our shop or phone 310 E. Court Phone Red 211 COMING OUR WAY Good work tells We are kept busy these dy fixing out-of-whack waeons, carriages etc. I Good ieM)US we know hovr to do the trick 1 and do it: ue bare the right materials ooa Iron, putnt and Tamlah-aud use them. Then, ' loo, we are )rompt In executlnr repair orders. May we have yoursT We hare the celebrated inona wasron with steel clad bubs and auter ' leaving blocks. The only wagon that stands hot dry climate Top buggies Irom MO up . second hand rigs too. Our slock includes ! Gasoline Engines. Irrigating Pumps and Kes ' sell Tereshers and Engines. Call and examine I our stock. NEAGLE BROS.! bargains id That Throbbing Headache. Would quickly leave you, if you j Thousands of sufferers have proved I I 4 I 1 1 1 I I I I I II MIHIIIIIII their matchless merit for sick and 1 T nen-ous headaches. They make pure J blood and build up your health. Only 25 cents, money back if not cured. ' ' Sold by Tallman & Co., druggests. Real Estate ' Elgin Murder Case Called. Union, June 11. Wood and Nat Gray were this morning brought to trial for the murder of Arch Hal garth near Elgin In April. There nre AO witnesses to examine. Owing to the prominence of the case It Is fear ed it will be very difllctilt to secure a Jury. Mokl Tea positively cures Sick Headache, Indigestion and Constipa tion. A delightful herb drink. Re moves all eruptions of the skin, pro ducing a perfect complexion or money refunded. 25c and 60c. Write to us for free sample. W. H. Hooker & Co.. Buffalo, N. Y. F. W. Schmidt & Co., druggists. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY By taking advantage of the cheap rates East offered by "THE NORTHWESTERN LINE." Chicago and return $71.50 St. Paul & Minneapolis and return CO.Otl Tickets good 90 days. Stop-overs allowed. Dates of sale: June 4, C, 24, 25, 26, 27. 28. 29. 30; July 15, 16 and August 25, 26. Full information by addressing H. L. SISLER. General Agent. 132 Third street, Portland. Ore. Acker's Blood Elixir positively cures chronic blood poisoning and all scrofulous affections. At all times a matchless system tonic and purifier. Money refunded If you are not satis fled. 50c and 1. "My Sons," said a great business man, "are my partners and they need all the strength and courage 1 can give them," and he forthwith paid for a policy in The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York Not without the most care ful investigation, however, extend ing over six months. He was con vinced by just such facts as led the President of a National Dank in New York to make the curious and shrewd provision in his will, which is contained in "A Banker's Will." Write for it and also for the account of the $1,000 000 policy, "The Largest Annual Premiums!" This Company waks first la Assets. First In Amount Paid Policy-holders. First la Age, Thk Mutual Like Insurance Company ok New York, mcjuao A. McCuaov. rmidtat. Alma D. Katz, manager, Boise, Idaho. Frank L. Hammond, District Manager. Pendleton, Oregon, Five Porcelain Tubs Are now to be found at Privett's Birber Shop and Bath Rooms. We also have five hydraulic chairs. Every thing is neat and clean. We employ none but first-class workmen. Our tquipment is not excelled in Eastern Ore. Privett's Barber Shop t .Main Direct -y t I h 1 1 1 1 1 n mil 1 1 1 11 I have a larger and better, list of Farms, Stock Ranches i and City Property to sell, than ever before. Also a big lot of land in the coming I j wheat f ection of Eastern i ' Washington. Best fcboe work at Teutscb'a. Remember That we give special attention to orders for fancy ICE CREAM and CANDIES. C R. DUTTON'S TRANSFER TRUCKING STORAGE CROWNERBROS Telephone Main 4 SYRUPS Monopole, Rock Candy, Red Star and White Rose in half gallons, gallons, jackets and pails. HOT HOUSE VEGETABLES Lettuce Radishes Onions Celery N. Berkeley I THE Standard Giocery Cowt Street Low Sellers of Groceries OUR SODA FOUNTAIN Is now doing a rushing busi ness in Wholesome Cold Drinks And they are delicious. Per haps you've had the word "de licious" spoiled for you come where, by a bad glass of Soda. Then be sure and come here at once and recover the relish of It. Come and learn where the Good Soda, the Best Soda ever served, Is to be had this season. F. W. Schmidt's The Reliable Druggist Ptxtoffice slock, I'hout Mala 851 The CoW; Newle t. . Hit.'. Bet. Aha A tr in o. me I rwlm Bv thp p;, i uanipc tpa ... tompanift, staai worm. Hurtfnrrt I . , , , Auaunnj. Auuuice Amuince Q mnurujce VJO. North Rritla), I u'2L W) Royal InsuruM Ca, PRAM t; ABHI OUU MAIN Restao 111 m i From 11.30 .m, Short orders i Quick, Courteous upen ail wj LET US YOUR cnD T II We can SUDDIT Building Mite descriptions you money DOORS cement, bnw nrrl fftitfr-n 11 Alto St., (W nnn fllM nr. iiiib loan (lllllllvw, , Grain ad IS rrocnl ' 1 llmt It WW - Stocks. Bond?. n, ehiift $2Sireg .,a Ik' lit, Minn- .10 c"'- .TmclU - V alwy Orego - a i 1