Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1916)
- Result - Getting Classified ------ C loum ns------ THE ONr-ATHMPr MAN OR WOMAN * bn, lor •« ample, puhlhh i a " m l leaire, <S v i 4<I> m that ‘‘wdvcr|l*hig <!•« In all Hu ja <il endtevur/ el |« t»»vi ta waut advertising a» lu auy other v ll ••a n o t b r in i Huly th e prm pay,’ ah Th» law ry tign ili’ ’ la >fl o r » liie r ,ina», M. L. KORTRIGHT sure souis-ss and hup,lineai Many (hosiounl member«, both » > , wishing early marriage. Hundred» wealthy. Confidential descriptions free Katablhdind tail yeara, The It.lhibin (Sub, Mr*. Wruliet, 732 Madison, <fak land (la1 Honda. 2tl-2b M ahmv f«r tile realllta ’deal «■suita, I as potent ill I HEAL ESTAIT JsT E N !—- We liar» a flue creek bottom ranch for sale, or trade, one ot the beat in Morrow County, I lave you a farm to swap in return? 'lids fa a *12000 deni . and you can swing it easy if you are j ready to make a bargain. Nawa office Gold Hill, Oregon. are going up all tlui lime. Inve-t your d/hy Isillier with your renters »lien wo renl and l«> Inw raanxirr. Inquire at have had the ex,x*rienre In renting or Nawy Office nr write laiX 220,Gobi Hill Inlying anil selling property anywliero On I* n and our legal advisera are capable of collecting any rental w e accept. Wrt-e Now ia tile time to get your balde» pil line Real E -ta li' Department, ear« ol the taken teloni tiie extr>*me hot Mettili r Cold Hill News Ofliue. atarte Palmer S to rilo i WHY net let us sell your farm pro,«my | AGENTS We have several line Eii-tcru Oregon 'Van tad—iella hie man or wonma to *>- Wheat ranches that can lai bought mt Hull aoberlptiona lor this pap*. Uberai easy term». News oiliee, Gold Hill, i ol*ar to right parly, now. Oregon. ( saw cord wood to stove lengths with! EOR SALE power saw, promptly on order, j Phone John J. Ritter. 3P21. B u tter paper, printed in accordance INK half - ■ c l ion line wheat laud in with the law, tor sale on order at .Morrow county lor sale. $I(XM, cash 1 The News olllrfl. Isdance long time. This land is im -; pm- cd ami ready fnroceapatiou. New- j F ob S41.X- Location notices, blank otflee, Gobi Hill, Oregon, basis mortgage», etc at lie- N«w» »¡lice. J J. R itter, the ready wood-man, Is prepared to flit all orders for the I best hard and soft wood, chunk or kitchen stove size. Prices low and quality high._______________ j U,H>ci*l rale- to Picnic and Auto P iitiea. Phone 11 K any time day or nigh, Mrs P. LangdeU, Proprietor. Sunday Meats 6 to 8 P.M. You Will Enjoy Your Meals a t the American Restaurant L oa n s— L oans Money for build’ homes and refunding mortgages; Ra ecu, Cattle, and sheep loans a specialty, N olim > the am ount, charges and interest rates very >w. Address or see — American Delo—Home-Ilka Cooking Cleanliness Large Dining R00M, Well Lighted and Ventilated NO SMOKING ALLOWED Reference: Anv person wh 1 has eaten at this Restaurant Sixth S treet, tw e blocks south of railroad Look for Coffee • up Electric Sign "Good E a ts’* A . E , K e llo g g , C o l d H ill, O re. Rooming House BEST GRADE Have 22 rooms with clean, comfortable oeds for 25 and SO renta Rest room with conveniences frve to r patrons OF Our service is given to please you. We bone razors.. FLOUR Try us. C 6 c Crystal B a r b e r 5 h o p C. M. Shaver, Proprietor Our bath tubs are kept (dean and sanitary, try them. Main Street • Gold Hill, Oregon We have a fresh consigmcent ol the wonderful Diamond Flour recognized by every housewife a.» the cream of all FTour, for its excellence in bread making quality. No* far *1.80 Wherever giHxl bread is made you will find the Diamond Flour high in praise and strong in favor, always in the lead. If you try one baking of the flour and And it not as good us any Floor you have used or better, bring it hack and we will refund your money. Cash paid for Chickens, Hides and Eggs. We do custom grinding. Have a full line of Feed, Flour and Oereals, Hay, Grair/ Seed Poultry supplies aid Groceries. E v tr y th in t u ) t a r t tellin g i t o f g a a r a n tte d p u rie ty a n d th e p ric e ie right Ne v and Sec >nd Hand Goods Bought and Solo at Right Prices, Try Us. Eggs T he V a riety and Furniture Store 1000 Roll« of New Wall Paper just received Frank B u rn ett, P rop. PHONE Call and look over our stock. M ain 8 tbkkt 40 cts per dozen. Simmons & Schuerman 17 - L. Window Glass, Well Paper. Sanital Wall Tint, Baby Bugsies Retired. R. L. Darling, Prop. f Anlo H ie and Truck Line Gold Hill, Oregon Gold Hill, Ore, . Grants P a«. Oregon A Feast of Good Things For But 25 Cents CZ>« G o l d H i l l L i v e r y S t a b l e s Main Street H o m e D ining' H all. Gold Hill, Oregon Slain Street W m Par Hxtrr, when Ilio asme monthly 1 n ard or soft wood, order from Jobu J. R itter. Phono 3 F21. ex peitän will buy yo« e homi-T Price« Wood by tie r or cord at lowest m ar ket price, delivered. Fir, pine, laurel and oak. John J. Ritter. Phone 3F21. HOME COOKED MEALS OUR SPECIALTY, The barber wlio treats everybody right. Wc do »our work In first das« shape to please you. Try oui r/rvlce. Class filed Rates: One i»nl l- r Word, lb t, ip rl 11, •„ «. ut per word lor eai-li insertion llien alter ; No advartlaiiieiii he- rtadlork 1 than SSeenls, cash with order. , MISCELLANEOUS Y COLD HILL ORE. G old H i l l , O bxoox Republican Ticket. i; Let Us Show You How You 1 Can Make Your Work Easy. AND SAVE MONEY AND LABOR ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ J Z ♦ An Electric Motor will Work HARDER and more Steadily and and give you LESS TROUBLE than any horse or engine you can bhy. We can furnish you, for 'ess than one-third th e cost of a good horse, a MOTOR which will last a life time and give yon not a moments trouh'e. Yon won’t he ve to feed it, and i. costs noth ing at all when it isn’t working. It will do the work of six men at Less COST for CURRENT than the WAGES of one. It will run day and night and turn »ut eight times the work of a horse, and it is more reliable than old Dobbin, too,-it doesn’t get tired, stop to eat, and never gets sick. A n you taking a d e a n ta g t o f o ar m is s x s . It Costs Nothing To Investigate <D P a ch B ros. HUGHES AND F A IR B A N K S . National. For President— CHARLES EVANS HUGHES For Vice-President— CHARLES W. FAIRBANKS For Repretentative. F>rst District— W. C. HAWLEY, CALIFORNIA-OREGON POWER CO. 2 15 West Main Street PHONE 1 6 3 M ED FO R .D O R.E6rN ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 1S1OIY State W. H. MILLER Democratic Candidate for the Office of COUNTY CLERK of Jackson County at the General Election November 7th, 1916 Thirty Years A County Resident (Paid Adv.) For Secretary of S tate— B. W. OLCOTT For Justices of Supreme Court— GEO. H. BURNETT FRANK A. MOORE For Dairy and Food Commiasionar— .1. D. MICKLE For PubligService Commls-ioner— I T ED G. BUCHTEL For Judge First District— FRANK M. CALKINS For Representatives Eighth District— RENJ. C. SHELDON C. M. THOMAS For Representative. Ninth District— WILLIAM H. GORE County, j For District Attorney— G. M. ROBERTS For County Clerk— G. A. GARDENER For County Recorder— _ CHAUNCEY FLOREY For Sheriff— E. W. WILSON For Coutitv Treasurer— M Y RILE BLAKELEY For County Surveyor— A. T. BROWN For Coroner— JOHN A. PERL For Countv Assessor— JAMES B. COLEMAN For County 8chool Superintendent G. W. AGER For County Comrai-sionrr— GEO. W. OWEN (P aid Adv.) Those Canadian sentries who search ed the car of Mr. Hughes for explo sives missed the bombs he has ready to drop Into- the Democratic camp.— Philadelphia Public Ledger. Zn Compounding Prescriptions. E cry druggist of character ami standing ie deeply impressed with llie fact that mistakes in hia line are fatal. We never perm-t a careless preseriplionist to fill even the simplest prescription sent to ns. As far a- human prudence and skill can protect you, yon are pro tected here. Filling prescriptions is ur life work. We allow nothing to interfere w ith tlie accuracy of our work. W . w a n t to fill y o a r PRESCRIPTIO N S. BOW ER’S PHARM ACY G old Hill. New Sample Book Received Showing a full line of fine cloths. The line is as complete as can be found anywhere P. BOUCHET T a ilo r Repairing, Cleaning and Pressing. Orders taken for Mark Tailoring Co. Main Street GoldJHill, Oregon To The People With Autos. We do Auto Repairing that suits YOU. We Also carry a fine line of T;res, Tubes, and accessories for Autoe. - AIR SERVICE - You will find our work and prices right on Blacksmithing. Chas. Kell, Phon. U-M G old Hill, O rego n. e