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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1994)
f PAGE EIGHT Tb QREGON STATESMAN. SaUm. Oregon. Wodnotday Morning, fobruary 27. 114S More grapevine stuff, the uo official vintage, sa js that Jim t.Mukh) Twmk, the lone and Iran es-Oreton Slater Hht last f aI maneuvered (Iran's (ien eril U the slate prep (rid title, will be Willamette I ' nw bit ketball boss. Torson does okeh tear In and out with the Gen eral' hoop-suiters also. 'TU alio Mid "Honest John" XVarreu. I' of () up-'n l m man. mised by a singed eyelash of getting the HI' race berth, and not because HI' reAied to pay him what he littered he worth. Considerable eyebrow shifting w hen lire Kdinundton of the Huskies named hi personal pick for All-Northern Division hoop learn honors and left off the name of Gale Bishop. But remember. Bishop joined the dribble derby after the Huskies had finished playing the WSCi for the season, and Edmundson didn't see Bshop play a league came. In ease you mined it. KilmundsonV team consist of Oregon's Kick Wilkin." Idaho's Fred Quinn. OSC's Red Koch. Idaho's I-en Pyne and Washing ton's Norm Da It nor p. Bishop should've gained at least honor able mention If only by what Kdmundson has read about him in the papers. The Bishop vs Roeha indivi dual searing duel in the division has nothing on our own North uest conference, come to think f it. College of Pugrt Sound's Rob Finrham, the Gale Bishop nf the WV boys, has thine pret ty much his own way with his 199 points- in 10 games (up to Tuesday night), and 199 points , Ly nam Crabs Mat Thriller M4i-lim.ker Llton Owen pim- ' i-el 'twould be ene of the beftei- r.Ic-ep bet" of the ttu-Mt, &ni j t,e wasn't mtitlv mumblniK Fori !st light's mil meeting t the; Fury Siri' t Garrirn w;is juM j I'.fct. unrl then ome. Ki tt. the.c were ff.ur Vj- a w ! fnvU-fcrt of the 'h ertiwrl thiee.'i i .mi ail four weie on the eiing- 1 t tmg ifir. Tl:en there was a .U,fy b.iMlc in v.lii(l) Tony 1! , Y H. lut-'iillnllCll by Hll.llO Angel-J !.. I.e of the ban fi--n Aii'l then. fi'liy. Kx-fJI, J- I.ynam, the ' l.lill!,it,1l' . V. I O (' ill lf( HO v ri.Htf u f- i a t'- hi torw!'" an i r ii i jicd.. 1 la t t-t u iy ui - f i iM-r! I'aa. o Kfitorun m two j Mi. i-ht ff.ll. Ai aeilo Mrtii-ilj ?.tr.i tc-H off i ike hoA" bv iiMiif his vi.i Ibi;n (I I ,.M to .p.!l PudRV F.;ii I Millie' 'M t.e r.i.nii r. Then Aff.iblc A) ! iirM.Mii i H i. diiI. hi . wuii' l.e ei-oiiil ion i;t foul v. In-ii V. f''l--fU-'i Ji.ia-oii Di.uht li' l liV. lt Ilii'.V Vllrt lif Tlllllv -.'M i Aiil'u.ny, J;ii(l f'liii'o biit Mul r i At ;hkI ! ci'ine iic.ii- wlpifij; IJiuiio b'iii)-(d Ilii"s into tlse twice the n oiito the mat j lj v in tr-. f'it fdil. R(i? bounced '. Khrt b..rk 'Mid i5iit a ftw ients -j ''ye Ar:Kl-!o nM v.itH hT"p-'H "tai kbi iik i " luxiy l,im to even j U f oi,r.t All this in a. MHiicr-tin- ; i i n itht rrnuiit-s. No. .'I nv i;..n foot Hiur.o b It T ny on llu.-i ''lit haul, opif i I f l n X Miit)l i'::o IiI'himv k.ih With the t inuo KK. I!i'. n-- 141 v in, with! li.i if of t'i- b;.i kbri ;ikc i and j 1u.k hc-iideil for the p.ivofi' v,(n;!) Mifidnily jri'keri I ''v' cuilv liM'k. polled him' ff liiliic- h; ii f I! on liiiri for 111- f;,l Kj.tomn Kt off to a bad Mail' in h.ji p,it of th-.n ogi'am bv 1 -- ' V :- ) o 1 .,--!e ' v. illi Mi I nfill 1 1 Ii 1 1 v l f,:i 1 d with it mi-)-ition by M.di-bmrfk,-'i rjwen. ; K.itr.ri 11 i-!i-l Jli- . was- doing . J.'.f , tmi, liltlil I.Mi.ini Mil . ki d III So fctxtoimiial stutth hold to! i'ok cf f w.lli the t:r-l fall. The! i ipn di-niK okeh in No. 2 with 1 is hangm. ill's hold, but tricky Lnm hixikcd his foot in the or-, jeik'fl himself free, -pun . nd hopped .on I'aavo with jtido-i-h hand .lao lo flatten the Finn mio Mibmi-Mon. A veiv iiked J'n.ivo then not iiilu it 'with Rcf- ii' M. n tin Hi and the tiowd j i't'l before lie lit out for the I sanctity .'f the ctllar he finished ! nifiiid bf-t ; k;oo. IkWRKNCE. Kans.. Feb. 2& i.V) j The Uiiierity of Kiinas ' Jay- hawkTS w-on their eighth undis-j.-iiled ba-kttball tliampifinship in 18 e.ii. of r,i .Six tonferetKe i-.tmpftiitiii'iK by ti-fe;itin(j low.i Sr.i'le. out-KnifiK titht., lat niKht, ii-41. Pitching May Boost Indians CLEARWATER, Fla, Feb. 2 1.4' -Lou Boudieau is building his Cleveland Indians on a four star pitching base, hoping the attack will measure up to a first division berth. Roudreau thinks Joe C'ronin'a Red Nov are the biggest threat In the American league rare with improved pitch ing giving them the edge over the. Yankees. -Naturally with Bobby Feller in there, our pitching Is the strongest part of our ball club," Roudreau explained as he ar rived to open spring training. -Steve Gromek, Allle Reynolds, Red Embree and Feller are my bi four." resr v- f .... J , , -A . . SAM TAORM1NA in 10 games amounts to right pert scoring. But? I' of British Co lumbia's Sandy Robertson, him self no slouch at collecting two pointers (he got 67 points in two games against College of Idaho for the Very best two night performance in the north west this season), is certainly competition enough for Finrham. Were Robertson to play In as many games as Fincham which he won't, due to the duck-the- touch-ones way some of the NW boys go about their scheduling he might very easily catch the CPS flyer. Jr. Highs Go LeMie and Pan ih junior highs lump ff the eeor!d lej; of their series for the annual Cily bas ketball championship Friday niRht at Ie?lie. The game was originally booked for the senior high arena, but due to a dance there Friday, the second game. of the crucial series ha been switched to the Miionary gym. Coach Bob MetzKcr's Northern ers, winners of the fust game lat week by V 26-25 eyelash, are now liif-d as heavy favorite to gal lop to the championship. They need only one more win to salt it down, but no matter who wins District B-2 Tourney Due MONMOUTH. Feb. 26 (Spe cial I Slate basketball district H-2's four-team b.it1le to deter mine whether St. Paul, Vabctz, Sheridan or I'orbett goes to Ail iiiK'ou as representative ' in the state B tournament starts here Friday nixht. The single-elimination tournament is booked for Friday and Saturday nights and is being sponsored by the Oregon College of Education. St. Paul is champion of Marion county, Valsetz of Polk, county, Sheridan of Yamhill" county and Corbet t of 1he Multnomah-Clackamas sector. Two games will be played Friday with winners to t!le for the district title Sat- urnay night. Wolves Topple Pacific Quint MONMOUTH. Feb. 26 (Spe cial) Oregon College of Educa tion Wolves ran t an easy 63-16 victory, -,o'ver Pacific college at New berg Monday night. The Wohes, led by George Bullion' 17 pointy, led 28-19 at halftime. OCE plays Linfield college here Wednesday night and at McMinn- ville next Monday WOLVES 163 Bullion 1 17 1 r Buckley U6I T ii I PACIFIC (111 Hsdlev iS) Oi;lcr ill Hivm (20 Parriil 1 7 IkMilh llaii'inan 2. I'rook 1 1.1 1 l" hhhi isi ; fVlriMloif H) G K K Mills Stsnlrv . KtK'kcvcM Baj Title IOWA CITY. Ia.. Feb. 26-(-Indinrta handed Ohio State the 1946 Big Ten championship by knocking Iowa's defending cham pion out of the race last night 49 to 46 to snap -a 22-homc-game winning streak of the llawkeyes. It was Iowa's second consecutive loss and the victory pulled the lloosicrs into second place. Next to Manager at short will be Ken Keltner at third If he Is released from the navy In time. Plenty of training camp atten tion will be given to Bob Lemon, a likely looking hot corner proa pert who has been In service since 1942. Mickey Roceo, Lea Fleming and Ed Robinson will have a go at the first base Job. Ray Mack, Dutch Meyer and Bias Monaco figure In the sec ond base scrap. The outfield ean make or break the club. Only George Case, acquired from Washington In the deal for Jeff Heath, Is sure of a Job. Gene Woodling. a 23-year-old ex-servlreman who Robertaon has scored 1(1 points In nine games for a 17.8 average. Flncham's stratospheric average hits 19.9 per fane. Bish op's 185 points In It fames amounts to per and Rocha's 114 In IS fames levels off at a comparatively Insignificant 12.2 per game. The northwest may not have the best basketball teams In the country, bat she certainly has her share of the Individual pointsmen after looking at those figures. Comes the question: "How come Gale Bishop can score 32, 20, 30 and 27 points in four games against Oregon when he got only 9, 13. 9 and 13 against Oregon State?" That can be answered most easily by explaining that It isn't mere chatter yon hear when you're told OSC Skipper Slats Gill Is a master in defensive bas ketball. Where does that leave Howard Hobson? It's no secret that Hobson dotes on the offen sive phase of the court sport. His slogan, if he has one, would be something like, "don'l-slop-'em, outseore-'em. we're sure. Consequently, w-hen the Hobson club plays, It feather-foots Into' the fifties and sixties In points scored. Orfton opposition most generally goes as stratospheric. So when the Ducks (and Hobson Again Friday Friday's second game the two teams will meet again to climax the waMinTriday, Jijarch 8. Both tbjs Pioneers and Coach Bob Keuseher's Southerners are hard at it in drills this week to wipe off rough spots displayed in last week's opener. No lineup changes are contemplated, but both coaches report a starting switch or two may be made be fore Friday night. The eighth grade squads coached by Harry Mohr at Leslie and Emmett nick aid at Fairish will meet again Friday at 7 p.m. Leslie. 8th won last week, 27-15. COLLEGE Oregon 3. Idaho 40 KWCE S3, fte. Luthersit 34 Arkannaii S3. Txi A V M 45 Nntir Uainc SI. Nrthcttern SO C PS 84, C ol. Idaho 32 hii;h school Salem 54. Stayton IS Ml. Angr. Sacred Hrirt Rookrvelt 29. Commerce 28 Woodburn 34. Canby 36 (overtime) Chemawa 55. Mill City 28 Molalla 41. Milwaukee 24 F.uene 45. Roseburg 29 West Linn 29. Oregon City 25 Lebanon 43. UO Frost 30 Central Point 50, Gold Hill 29 Rogue River 33. Jacksonville 31 Junction City 43, Uni High 20 Albany,; 34, Springfield 20 Salenis Second In Loop Race NO NAME LEAGl'E STANDINGS W , p-t. ?Y PA S I JUM 3K8 304 7 3 .! 34 317 7 3 .700 447 380 3 7 .300 375 409 :2 .250 315 349 Fucene . Salem Corvaltn Bend . Sprintwin (j Albany ! 18 .111 Z 37 ( Postponed game due. Salem's , Vikings finihed in a tie with Corvallis for second place in the Nd Name league bas ketball race fr 1945-46, up-to-date statistics reveal. Eugene's Axemen, who play Springfield in the league's final game this week, have already flinched the pen nant with eight wins, one loss. Salem and Corvallis both won seven and lost three. A Springfield-A 1 b a n y game, postponed early in the season, was played at Albany last night. Axemen Earn Tourney Berth EUGENE. Feb. 2.-( Special ) Eugene high school's Axemen w ill represent district six at the state basketball tournament It was determined here tonight, when Hank Kuchera's club, cur rently on f high-scoring spree, knocked of lloseburg 54 to 29 to cinch the berth In A.L. Race led every minor league be ever played in, may turn out to be the center fielder. Ted. Sesepkowski. a former coast guardsman listed as an infielder, probably will takq dead aim at the right field Job along with Henry Kdwards. Don Ross, Pay Seerey and Felix Marklewlci. Boudreau is Interested In a rookie catcher named Sherm Lollar who graduates from the Baltimore Farm club where be hit .3C7 including 34 home runs.. Frankie (Ironman) Hayes, cur rently unsigned, and Jim Hegen, returning from four yean war service, figure la the backstop ping plans. himself will tell you he hasn't much of a defense on bis Ore gon team) go against a eager of the Bishop caliber, they simply try to oiiiseore him. Gill V Co. on the other hand molds a de fense for the occasion, and it needn't be reminded here that often as not that defense works to perfection. It took a peep at the Sporting News to find It out, but Charley Petersen 18 with the San Fran elseo Seals in their Hawaiian training ramp and has been get ting along Impressively as an In fielder on one of the two squads Skipper Lefty O'Doul is hustling Into shape. Another former Sen ator sender laboring with the San Franclscos Is Sam Taormina, the 1942 southpaw slugger who had to leave just before that season was over to enter the army. Slammin' Sam has been doing well in the early workouts also. Speaking of the Senators, past and present, L. II. Gregory In his Oregonian says that Frank (Luke) Lucchesl, the pee-wee Portland outergardener of last season is a cinch for delivery to the Solona next summer. In fact, Lucchesl bn't even listed on the current Portland roster because he's so certain for duty with the Salems. Go-get-'em outfielder that he really is, Lucchesl has a tall task awaiting him if he is to outmaneuver one Clu. Au gustus .Petersen as a center field er for the town nine. The. base ball natives will sUll be talking about Pete's patroling in Haters park in 1992. He wai that good. Scoring Title Up Sat. Night By theAuociated Pies It will ,take Saturday night's two crucial northern division ball games to determine not only the league championship, but also the individual scoring honors. With just one game to play Oregon State's Red Roc ha, who mu.-t face Oregon in his season's finale, ha. barely lost the lead to Washing ton State's point ci ay Gale Bih op, 184 to 185. Bishop, with an average of 18.5 points per tilt, might have racked up the remarkable total of 298 point had he been discharged early enough in the season to play in all the Cougar games. Now, he may have to be content with second plare, unless he can score more points against Idaho Saturday night than Rocha makes against Howard Hobson 's Wehfeet. The Ducks have at least the necond hottest scorer,;next to Bish op, in the loop right now, Dick Wilkins, who has' leaped to fourth place with a late season flurry. r; rfi p TP Bishop. WSC Rocha. OSC Dalthorp. Washington Wilkins, OreKon Henson, Washington . Hanson. WSC Quinn. Idaho Anderson. OSC Pyne. Idaho . Pomfret, Washington 10 t5 M IBS IS 71 42 184 16 73 27 15 70 27 16 56 39 15 56 34 15 50 43 IS 49 42 15 56 21 16 VS IS 173 187 151 ! 140 133 122 Clicmawa Indians Defeat Mill Cilv CHKMAWA Chemawa In dians outsped Mill City 55 to 20 here Tuesday night in a Marion county "B"' league fray. Chemawa led all the way. holding a 28-12 halftime bulge. Chet Ashman led all scorers with 15 points for the Braves. Chemawa (SS) .lark ton l Mm Hlodgrtt ill Ashman 15) Orcutt inn Pirard 1121 2i sun vtty 1 13i f'ain'rr (Il Tuimdse 1 0 1 llowr r r c a 1 4 1 Pool- i i2 Cribl Snh (or llaiii 3, for Mill l ily WiNoii 4, Wll C o . The colors of New York City's flag blue, white and orange are the same colors which floated over Manhattan island under Dutch rule, more, than 300 years ago. M Si T GROCERY (2) Korsard . . NuBer Manning ... D. Grifnth Morgan 141 1M 138465 214 121 142 190 181 . ISO 544 152 121 394 183 128-431 167 852 196553 TOTALS 831 773 2456 SCIO 1 1 ) Krejcl Densmore . Hendncksoii t'aawell 1B0 173 159 132 14 19t 154 146 117 163 177-553 lit 4i5 140445 171420 170482 Schi unk TOTALS 793 776 796 2365 KEITH BROWnT'O. 1 1 1 Updefuan? . 139 113 140398 Brown 127 159 1 30- 416 Peterson 181 107 145433 Fllppo . 139 103 120 362 Woodcock 155 135 114404 TOTALS 111 687 ,2S 2223 TRADE COUNCIL AF of L (21 CoolldHC 197 171 203564 Brandt 127 153 146-428 Farrar 123 156 148427 Brenemail 1S2 114 164430 Miricli 151 173 193521 TOTAIJS 754 769 854 2317 ' NICHOLSON'S INSURANCE 0) , Flue 146 145 185-476 Cauxey 122 163 168-453 Cook 157 176 132465 Olnev 216 164 15-538 Glodt 198 191 187 S76 TOTALS 840 840 841 2511 BR ITT SPOT I3 I Patterson 129 163 148440 Ross 193 191 794 578 Zeller 18 l"8 210-374 Klrchner 222 215 213 .'i0 Eltsgaard 135 162 181 4!8 TOTALS B5 9J 94 2740 Al Simpson Named Salem High Football Coach; Oregon Downs Idaho, Ties Division Cage Bee; Vikings, Mt. Angel Win District Hoop Games Van duhs, OSC Back in Knot In Hot Chase NORTHERN DIVISION W I. Prt. Idaho . .. 10 i .; OreKon State 10 5 . swi Oreuon .. 7 B .467 Wanlungton . S 10 .373 Washmtrtnn Stal 5 10 TVK PF PA KK2 MO 7:iH 6 son KI7 700 79 2fi 7li.'. La?;t night -al Idaho 4d; Otrgou 4J MOSCOW, Iduho, Feb5: 26. i.V) The Oregon Webfoots defeated the Idaho Vandals tonight 43 to 40 and gave the idle Oregon State Beavers a share of first place in the Pacific Coast conference nor thern division basketball stand ings. The Dutks led at halftime 18 lo 14. The loss, first for the Viind.ds since they were clumped by the Washington Huskies here last January 19, could be chalked up to bad free throwing. The Van dals missed 12 gift tosses, fite of them in the actiqn packed last few minutes. The first rjalf was much slow er than last night's contest and was marked by a host of jump balls and free throws. Len Pyne gave Idaho their first lead with a minute and a half gone in the first period with a short "follow up shot. Dick Wilkins tied the score a second later and then added an other field goal to give the Ducks a 7-4 lead. Fred Quinn's free throw and a field goal by Pyne knotted the count with eight min utes gone at 9-9. Then Dick Wilkins, who proved to be a thorn in the side of the Vandals all night,' added another field goal and Williamson a free throw and Oregou-hd a lead they held for the rest of the first half. Moitenson and Hamilton swap ped baskets to start the second session and a second later the Vandals went on an eight point scoring spree that found them ahead for the first time in 13 min utes of play 23-20. The Ducks came back and took the lead again on Bray's three foul shots and a looping one bander by Captain Hamilton. Oregon extended the margin with half the period gone and after a long two bander by Hamilton had climaxed a brilliant six point scoring surge in less than a minute, the Difcks led 39-32. Oregon began to slow down the pace but Ryan and Bill Catbaugh teamed together for Idaho and with five minutes to go had whit tled the lead to 39-36. Carbaugh tied the score with a one hander and Hays fouled Phoenix as the lanky pivot man was shooting. Plxx-nix promptly proceeded lo miss both chances and then was fouled again. Once more he miss ed a chance to give Idaho the lead and Wilkins sent a long one through the net ami Hamilton added a free throw in the wan ing seconds to give the Ducks the I contest. i lie uiviMuu titit: iii'vv iiiuv.-? on the outcome of next Saturday's j Rames in J whih Oregon plays i Oregon State and the Vandals i meet the Bishop-less Washington i Slate Cougars at Moscow. Dick Wilkins was high scorer for the Hveiiiing with 12 .points while Grant M o r t e n s o ii h;id 11 for Idaho. Ortson (41) 'lUh 1 40 Bray, f 0 J S Quinn, f Wilkins. f 4 12 Mort'son. f Ha, c 3 S S Phoenix, c tt pf IB I 3 K 3 U 10 3 I 7 4 4 9 W moon.g 0 4 1 Pyne. g Hamilton, K 5 3 1 1 Cat bauxh. t 2 3 0 2 1 0 ' Rasm'sen, f 2 2 4 Rn. f o Kehrll. 1 o o uvmiinn. i u Btrjf. K .712 TOTALS 17 24 431 TOTALS 13 12 40 riec I brown mused: Oicgi.ii Wil lianiMin 3; ldah -Motlnn 4 .Phoe nix 3, Pyn 2. Oflicials: Tm. MtCul- i louKh, K(i Slrlcliri7. 1 ' RICKS IN FINALS 1 PENDLETON, Feb. 26 '4r,-Thc district 2 cage play-off for a state tourney berth will match The Dalles against Pendleton, which eliminated Mac Hi 41-40, Satur day night. WALTON -BROWN CO. Ml : Rirhe 207 1S4 168 130 143 152 159 140 193 146 170 561 1 52450 147442 lfi 465 189528 Schiller . ; Sinner Holoeibein Riffey TOTALS 870 752 824 2446 PAPERMAKERS (2) Cady Wlltsev . Johnston Coleman Bolton 168 15 139 123 148 133 170 176 164-480 136-447 1U3472 W--489 19 5,19 863 2520 176 224 TOTALS PACIFIC FRUlT Tluaiiprson Aleshirc Merrill Bipler McNeil 773 884 -J, 6c P. CO (21 190 180 137 - 507 ' 173 178 1H9-520 -131 151 176458 . ijl 171 135497 135 121 119375 TOTALS 883 864 799 2546 INTERSTATE TRACTOR (1) Roy cr .177 IBS 192557 Murdork 217 169 178-51.4 I. Farthing ., 173 151 187-491 tiaxtav 147 146 126- 419 J. Fajthtug 138 1-57 137 -432 TOTAI-S 852 811 8!)0 2463 KARRS (0) W her ley 138 118 144400 Satchler 145 159 145 449 Wolfe 182 156 142-480 McCurdy 134 169 167 470 Barnholot . 182 162 144- 488 TOTALS 781 764 742 2287 MAVT' OWER MILK 13) DeGr Mocf 158 179 211 548 163 148 185496 165 144 1 44- 453 149 143 170--4B2 147 157 167 471 TOTALS 782 8-i7 2431) IrTyrxrrVnrsrn nrTYTYTTXu Medford Mentor m si n a m lerms. Utheiallv Wednesday Al Cimrtcnn ttm tf tm mnkl coaches in the state since herding his Medford Black Tornado into ! prominence the past two seasons, has been elected head grid boss' at Salem high chool. it Was announced last night by Frank B. Ben- ! -x. j. n',11 ....-i.,i..r.f t stm 7 f! O l () so'- V7 NEW VIK COACH: Al Simpson, boas of Med ford s Black Tor nado footballers the past two seasons, has been named foot ball coach at Salem high school for 1946. It was announced Tuesday night br Salem Schools Superintendent Frank Bennett. Lupieii Claims RightsViolated LKXINGTON, Mas? , Feb. 26. (P)-Tony Lupien, the Harvard- bred first baseman who claims his veteran's fights were violated when the Phillies sold him to the Hollywood Pacilic coast league club, will outline his cave to selec tive .service officials in Boston to morrow, he said tonightf Reports from Philadelphia say the Phillies' general manager Herb Pennock's comment cjiut the Lbp ien situation was: ' Lupien simply didn't fit into our plans." Pen nock added that Lupien would receive the same salary from Hollywood as he did with the Phillies when he returned to that national league club late last season after being discharged from the navy. ! i . k I ; : JUfOXereil V""";M ,, For Hmhetball Meet , lhe ,,nu l i,d mn out w j the count knotted t 34-all. Can PORTL.'iXD. Feb. tt. -Ay) by also won the "IV game 24 to Roosevelt high won the district 1C cage title, and the second city school ticket to Ihe stale tourney at Halem. with a narrow 25-28 - . . t m, Baseball Holes: SAN FERNANDO. Calif. Feb. 26 AP) The Seattle Raimeis came to full strength today and Manager Bill Skiff counted 65, no-. The squad in cludes 25 ' pitcher. The manaser an nounced five of hi plaers Outfield ers Ramsev. and F-do Vanni. Infielder Al Niemlec, Pitcher Dewey Soriano and Catcher Boh Flnley mill partici pate in an all-ytar chanty same Sun day at I .os Anrles between major and minor leaguer. ONTARIO. Calif. F Iv 26 (AP) The rrgulam drN-nIrtl thr Mimlj;nii'. 1-0. in a flvr-iniilnK Sfimr lottay as tlie IlullywiMid Stain ;rcrUd rum inoie playrii, bringmii their Cttnip total ot 47. Catcher Al I'nser. Infieldrrs Woody William and John Vaalli and Out fielder Vein Reynolds were tne new comers. FULLERTON, Calif , Feb. 26--( API Former rriaior league secid baseman Stu Martin reported to the Los An Keles tralninR camp today. Manager Bill. Sweeney reported Pitchers Clem llausmann and "Porky" Kirschner. early casualtirn. were lecovermg. HONOLULU. Feb. 26 (API The San Francisco Seals clouted the ball lustily in a two-hour naming camp batting practice today, raising the hopes of Manager Lefty O'Doul that they would be a stronger hitting club this season First -sackcr Ferris Fain, Outfielder bon White and Outfielder Kermit Lewis, all are expected to lend new plate punch. BALBOA. C.Z, Feb. 26 'API The New York Yankees clouted six home runs today as Ihev walloTxd the Canal league All-Stars 10-3 in Balboa stadium. It was the Yankees' sixth straight exhibition triumph in as many games. MIAMI. Feb 26 - lAP) Winston Churchill.' vacationing for mer prime minister. poke In the Or ange Bowl and Manager Mel Ott of the New York Giants, cancelled his team's workout In belief that., the oratory of the Eritish leader wouldn't blend with that put out by his flayers. Instead, the Giants went fishing. WEST PALM BEACH. Fla.. Feb. 26 (API Connie Mack, a gentleman who doesn't usually go in for high finance, said today he's billing to "go pretty strong" for the Ntw York Yan kees' George Stirnwciss. Since Joe Gordon returned to the Yankees, the rumor mart has been buzung that Manaeer -Joe- McCarthy of the Yanks is planning to sell or ti aae Stunweiss. Due t6 Okeli -m-m . ' nr r -m J crti i olil .h ft r hloH . cHuit fiit1li:M .schools. Simpson, if he accepts and he is fully expec ted to do that ! today, since he has formally up- i plied for the Job. and bns iigicl lo contract terms will replace! Tommy Drynan, who has mentor-, ed the Viking football varsity the; pavt four seasons. No contract arrangements were, reported by Bennett, but Simpson . is expected to have charge of the SHS touchdowners next fall. Simpson and Bennett have been discussing the post for a number' of weeks. "Now coach of the Med ford basketball tesm. Simpson will likely move to Salem with his wife and twin six-year-old boys after (the current school lum is out. The coach bejyin his prep ca reer at Ashland high in 1943 after attending both Southern Oregon Normal and the University of Ore gon. His Ashland basketball team won the state championship two years ago, after which Simpson moved to Medford. He followed up by winning the state football championship with the Black Tor nado. His last year's Medford ba ketball team finished third ,in the state tournament and last fall the Tornado pigskin team, under his direction, reached the slate cham pionship, football playoffs only to be upset xby Grant of Portland. 7-6. Simpson is 29 years old. and is an exponent cie luxe of the Clark Shaughnessy version of the T offensive football formation. The electing of Simpson wa the first move made by the Satem administration in building a -post war athletic program to ra!e sec ond to none in ihe state. The elect ing was sanctioned by, the u Iiool board last night. No otbar moes in the h'gh school's physical education depart ment were announced last night. With Simpson coming in as foot ball boss, Harold Hauk, who held the grid reins before the war. will j now handle only the varsity bar ketball and baseball jobs. H.i:ik did not want the grid Job again Bulldogs Drop Overtime Tiff WOODBURN i W o o d b in n'. Bulldogs dropped their linal game of the 1946 Willamette al ley league sri'son here Tup-day night, falling to Cnby's Co.jja-s 36 to 34 in tin overtime fraca. The dcfei.t i n ji.trl the usually trong Woodburn club to th r.-I-lar ixisition for this season' i:!;iv. Canby Guard V;.ighn made the only points in tc overtime, af'e; 23 i r" ,M j Ta,'o"e Hi! Shoonovei 1 1 ) 14) W4burn 141 Lnnwrt (ll Ape. 1(1 V(4-0!l 14) Alld-rw (2l S! CTson 1. Off.:a! r c ; G i iUKIUI Weil 1O1 Sub for Woodlu.rn Koto and FWiher? Bucks Bounce Milwaukie 5' MOLALI.A LVn Wilson's Mo lalla Rucks thumpd Milwaiikii high 41 to 24 in a non-league bas ketball game lr:e Tuesday nigh!. The victors l-o) fell ihe way, boast ing an 18-l(Knmi Rui at halitimi Milwaukie n it.t1 the- ' JV' team prelim 27 to 24. Molalla 4I) 24 Milwaukie Charles 1S1 F (1) Kingsbury Kraxberger (12) F (41 l-adrr Smith M C ill) B. KiUvein L. W. Owens (41 G (S) C Kihvein D. Owens S i G ii) Young Subs for MoU.lia-P ock 5. Rofe: c- Ernil Piluso. The manufacture of pure raw linsCed oil is accomplished by crushing flaxseed between large seel rollers in mrlls consttu.ted especially for the purpose. Expert Insurance Advice We welcome any opportunity to discuss jnsnrtnee problem with you. Our staff of trained employees Is mt your erviee. Large or small, your insurance will itceKe ar , qualified experience and attention. (Jentral Insurance Company of America f CHUCK ii r "Oregon s Largest Upstate Agency Sdam and Coot Bay 123 N. Commorcial Salom 4400 I Stayton, SUA Handed Losses In 2nd Round ! MT ANc;FJ. roLI.SGK. FrS j 2fi (Special)-The faH,i. . i fully iirheddi-d in the Oiegi.n il L:; ' out like Hie pirn eibial sore !h:irrh Mieir HtmglU iiS r-iaiem l.igh s J ,kinB. 1 , !U;1 ' ',?a" ut u,llH1f kcrs, 34-19. the d,M,,;t t,,,u4n,amert 1 loimd of P!..y. Aftrr the ik.ns completely dominated th.- Paik-cr-, Mt AiiKi Tt Prcn- o iti i S.u'til Hi ml -Acadr-ni V rntiv, 4'1-!14. m ll'r nilitS e,-i t..i K.iltie. Pot 1 1 Siilrm iipii Ml A'tgrl ii. mam uiihiatcn in the double eli mination ifci t while ail four i.f Wve othtr enti iis ha' e t;e li. Fiiflay night's round s?pd S;her ton aKiii'ist WfKKlburn at T o'clock and Stayton against SicreA Heart al - iers oi inoe v.V oai , Kamc E,c Iimmatcd. Salem :s flp J"r a'l!l"' aSin Saturday night with Mt. Angel at 8 o'rloiV, after The winners of Fr;.-i n.i 5 two gjms play at 7. Coaili Harold Hai.k ued V. s two tim in quarterly u.iiti tr rJght. the f ir.t five p'- it:g It e first snd thiid pei ions, Vr. second five the second and fourth stan zas. The or!y consolation Coat h M. V?n Drieische's charges had during their rough evenin? titre when they actually oucored the second Si lem five in the second quarter The Viks. not lru', too much, not off to a 10-4 first quar ter leti) In came the ;C i!d and Stay!, n i;.!l'cd to cut i-.e mfgui hi 16-12 tt hslftime. C-n'e! Ron nie Johns n leading the way n the jf-int column. With he fiirt string;-', bai k n the g.rr.e and running the P k-, eis a'.ny, Salem raced it to .17-11 at the third quarte-. Vnii g 'Staytrn lo a single po .. It v. :almt fcad in the fourth f.ame as Sfc'em kept galloo .2 on f fense ard i he i king v. t'ii tight man-ffr-pisn system or. d'er:e, same i;.ttlirg the S' v. t r end. Jht"i.n did manaj to ue-r ;ndi idi.t.1 storing hono. U.v tre lop.-ided s-f.ion with h;f '2 pin". SaleTi Fitzrr.aunoe. w:m nine r :rt, was seccn. The Mt "Angel-Sa.:re1 -Heait sci ainb! was exactly that fcr three r '' Then the T il Red ing l.'r'l' turned ott t'rv hrtt to win b'ay. MJ-. Angel !d 1 2-8 ot he quarter,' 22-T at t!"e half J.nd 32-24 at the U;;d per iod. Sa rd Heart, al'h ) ;'i ,m. ing ret ry many shcti, closed ;n briefly t the outset of. the fourth frame, bi t then Leon Bo ning ar,d 'Mate WtMman teamed o give the Preps the spurt v. hich carried them b tl w in. Bi r r ii.? 14 poinN led ;ng Wellnu.n w fs a nudge behind t 1.1 ii! ,itwtn the tvi they pie sent t: n;"t of the s-fimir.l .n the !t. Ar.gil scour p;.rafe. JoI-.iimii of the SHA'4 got JTWiike it i.lo .iid aloirg U wee Jack So.' were the ov.-v Ac dm:j.r. w ith ion;:ir. .- .r g Salem 4J) Fg F Tt If A Bet; - re, f 3 1 i Fit" f 4 12 11 . Mwn t 3 I t t HenC.e g 0 t 1 ' Chap. i . lam, g 4 0 2 J f J 3 1 2 7 Mill, f 0 119! l'rov,r. e 2 J 1 H H ' i' r ( S Dct . 1 TOTAL! 21 11 H !J 4 ! Starte l?) ' I.ierr. f 8 1 1 1 t I Eiiel f I 1 ! 0 4 Jor.n'f", I .8 I 1 3 .J I Ge:l. g 6 1 4 i Brov r- r O 1 4 ' Mars '. f 1 J ' OTA l.S 7 1 11 i ' Mt. 4el 441) We!! ; - f J ' :s He. n.: ft 8 2 i i Ile .c c 2 8 1 4 , !.ula g -1 1 Hirlr i i I 0 I I , Hlem f 0 0 Hoei!-:t :, t 3 t J 1 7 1C7AI: 18 7 1 '. O Sirred Heart IHI Suing, f 2 5 t 4 ; Joiinjlc t. f 6 4 1 :4 ' Mulkr. I 0 0 t J Ra.rev. $ 3 12 2 8 , Palke a 2 I 1 8 , Con,1i. r 0 0 0 1 I l.uM. r 0 0 4 0 0 SrhwgiW:. g (1 1 : 0 J I Kahu:. ? 0 0 9 ' f 0 0 0 TCI MS, 12 10 !1 11 34 ; Officii!. i?tnie and Al I.igi.t.-.ei m m CHET INSURANCE