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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1994)
y Vf OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning, February 27. 1943 PAGE NINE NciTousRyc Rises, Falls in Grain Market i CHICAGO, Feb. JoW-Trad-ng interest in the two deferred rnntia U in oats and' in May rye w moderate in today grain future's eession. Nervoue, rye was up and down. uncertain whether to follow the nearby Winnipeg contracts, which wei"rff the full 5 cent dailylimit, or the' Winnipeg October deliv ery, which was up the full 5 ceritSi The final reault was a 1V cent -ndvanve on short covering. Lifcht demand for oat, cred i ted to cmmeirial ' interest, was off set for a lime by the recession In rye At the finish wheat, corn and bailey vere unchanged at their rereotive ceiling. $1,804. $1.18 V and $1 22'j. OaU were un changed to lower than yester day's dose. May 81, Rye was un changed to higher. May $2 16---V The goernment .plan to ex tract mure flour from wheat will go into effect March 1. Traders are trying to anticipate results, while nettling reports that Aus tralia i si'iirl to lie cotiitiilet ifig a national wheat tUbiluaUtm plan, which- would unhide a guaran-tee-1 pi n-e to gmweis. awl a cen tral maikrtmg organization to suiervie export sales. ' G) , ,, . W. Y. Preyer (left), resident of Vlck Chemical Mnptajr, receiving golden anniversary .certificate of poblie service awarded to "Ticks" by the Brand Names Research foundation, at dinner la the grand ballroom. Hotel Atlor, New York, "In recognition of eontlnnens serviee to the Aanertoon people since 184. J Ike to Drop German Occupation Force SAN ANTONIO, Tex., Feb. 28. Hyp) Further reduction in person nel for our occupation forces in Germany was predicted by Cierv. Dwight U Eiaenhower in an in terview heie this afternoon. Tho lori-rs over thero aro doing such a good job, ho dot-1 a red, that tho return of men may bo stepped up. CHAKTEB All SERVICE LA GRANDE, Feb. 28 - UP) - Gene Miller, Pendleton, and Her beet Grubba, Portland, new own ers of Eastern Oregon Airways, announced today tho lino will in augural charter service and con tinue instruction. Tho Christian community at Rume is believed to have been founded sometime between the years 41 and 34. Death Claims Mrs. Victor, Rites Friday . GERVAIS, Feb. 26.- Special ) Mrs. Mary Victor died this morn ing following an illness of sev eral weeks. Funeral services will be held (Friday at 2 p. m. in the Ringo chapel in Woodburn, the Rev. Dwight Russell of Spokane officiating, with concluding serv ices in Salem. ' She was born at Addica, Iowa. November 12, 1874 and married to A. JL. Victor at Newbern, Iowa, March 20, 1893. Dr. and Mrs, Vic tor came to Madras, Oregon, from Nestucca, Washington, and then to G erva is ' about ten years ago. Two years ago they I Sea ted at Woodburn. She is survived by her widow er and the following sons and daughters, Paul Victor of Baker; Laura Crowse of Nestucca, Wash.; Louise Victor of Kelso, Wash.; Jean Stover of Weston, Oregon; Alberta Davis of Dayton, Wash.; Helen Benner of Salem and Neil Victor of Colfax. Wash. There are nine grandchildren. "THE YOljNG IDEA".' By Mossier STOCKYARD PRESIDENT PORTLAND. Ore. Feb. 28 ;p W. EeO Williams. secretary -treasurer of the Nuiihweat Live stock Production Credit associa Jon. today was elected president of ll.e Portland Union Stockyards company. - i f. : - fim- I if Coast Highway !Slal- Insurance L I OIUIS IieCKOIUMl For Previousr Year Still Blocked At Manzanita Oregon families received $, 718.000 in life insurance death One-way traffic continues on ; benefit payments during 1945, the coast highway near Manzan- compared with S7.445.0OO in th. ita junction but the large slide north of Florence was cleared away Monday afternoon. R. H. Baldoek, state highway engineer reported. Tuesday. Other road conditions: previous year and $8.114 000 in 1843. the Institute of Life Insur ance reported today. j "The death benefit payments in this state last year were made under 5.209 policies, compared Government Camp- -High! with 4,742 policies in the previous clouds. Some packed snow and i year and 4731 policies in 1943. ice throughout entire section. ; the Institute reported. Of the Santiam Junction - - Overcast ! aggregate In the state. $7,327,000 Roads norma! except for some i wa under 3,184 ordinary policies; light packed snow and ice. Total $1,033,000 was under 612 group of 129 inches of snow at summit '-. life insurance policies; and $356.- Odell Lake - -Scattered clouds. 000 wa undr 1413 ndustrial in- Spots of packed snow east of ! 5urance P01"'1" milepost 57. Two short sections 'As long as yon were down there, I should think yon could have looked tor the charm bracelet I toot last snnunor!" New York Stock Quotations By tho Associated Freao OOOK'E. DID YOU TW5N THROW THE SMELLS BACK tN TWE NUT BOWL? H BLONDEE DID liiH.F OM.NQMAMA.I vou ?) ( wouurr co that 1 I ALWAYS THPOW V HEHEL AWAV 1 KNOW I DIDN'T Dorr somdu MUSTVE PEEN TMfc OTM WKJ DID TU what?; UliiP ON, VvVTY OM, WHY U ( 0ONT MOTHERS TELL X THEW OAuGHTEPS v f MEN APE -rw' v. UKE that r ) HAINT vore UMFE- fDATE 9W0UJE0UP (TllSTOfER TATTER9flLL ? NOPE-I'm AfEEREO SHE'5 FLUNG HERSC OFF'N TH' 8 LUFF, LE6TL6 JU6HAIP BARNEY4 GOOGLE SWj SHE UJUZ GOOOER'N :V( 9 3h ARV A ANrGEL , JUGHAlD - l U Tit VtA WrSHIrV I UXJZ 5v 01SAPPEART rrX 1 S drX ( ELSE IN fi le g " lAlf-L C I'M. Kwg fiMD ttaJxai. ha. WxtJ 3?.n popAbao; m the ihjunj ( ovNS w wrrvtouT vJXvi MICKEY MOUSE QNJUN&? I SENSE 'EMfT W THESE rSCENT) .J ANY INDIANS. FOSHUNDCEPSV Z32' OP GIT 'EM UP, A (PSKINS! J IVOIAN Ballet co if SOT 'Cm MlTitPV I SUN FETCH THE rl lO& CeJ. ALg j i . V. if' if yim ir w y - -xj ' i wnM ALL ME OLD FRIENDS ACT AfiAJNrST ME-I V MU5T FK3HT THE 7 OtAAfT LIKE v. they sez JFOPEYE,) CANT V WE BC A an aV E7t7TK n II r-'f' FIRST r v o I -V I NOT UKB. (m I THIMBLE THEATRE r BUILD i A I THAT'S 66 L. HOSPITAL,) EMOLK5H - WE ) T OSCAR t.A JUST NEED X V . hospttal OWE sdom tV1 fOJ HA THE KiDS WELL IPAINE0' TmV ALL TOLD ME THE WECE WELL AND HAPPY- BUr ONLY ONE 0? TWE LOOKED HAPPf- LnTLE ANNIE ROONEY THE CEALLY HAPPY CHILO WAS ANNIE P00NEY THE PO0,WEAK MINOED LITTLE DAQUNG-SHE IN A DREAM W0PL0 YES-THE P00B CHILD f?1 IMAGINES SHE HAS A BEAUTIFUL, RICH A OrcAM I MOTHER WHO IS W0BL0 ? V3I1C0MIN6 TO CUM R DAPUN6 CHILD- THERE GOES THAT UTTUT iEY GlRLPOOaNG H -I'LL HAVE TO I FIN0 OUT MRS MEANYS REASON FOR TELLING THE KID IS HALM LwirrE0- -MB tkOf t OjtSS I' PON Y APOSTROPHE SAVVY WHAT )H J BEFOK6 THE MFAN BY AM 4 FWAL S IN THE APOSK3-WHAT5 J SIGN IT SHOULD BE THERE loi THE LONE RANGES FELLER SHOOT NOW XJ5EE .T0NTO. r. -"-fr-T'T'lHW 1 (liKE Th'X giOCERY: nnnnnssnnsBsnnnnsBBBBBSBBaaaaal - tan NEW YORK. Al Chem A Dy American Can Am Pow Si Lt Am Tel St Tel .. Anaconda Atchison . ...rf... Bend ix A via ...... Beth Steel Boeing Air Canadian Pac . . Calif Pack. Case J I Chrylr Corn with Sou Corn. Edison Cora. Vultec Cont Ins Feb. N - I API Today's closinf quotations: ISO Gen. Poods . St (Radio Cora . 93 Gen. Motor . 15 Goodvear Tt .... 187 Gt North pfd .. . 47 Int Hirvett .. ' Int Paper pfd . Sl'a J Manville . 7i Kennecott J 27 lns Bell A , 41 Maytas 42 Mont Ward 130 iNanh Klvin . 3T'a:Nat Dairy J2'.VNV Central n. North Am Co M - Northern Pac Crown Zel ,f 30V Pac Am Fish t. Pac Ga Elec W IP T. Ac T 182 Pan American Curtis Wr Doualas Air Dupont Du N Gen Fleet nc 71" i Rayonier .. S0j: Ravonier pfd ... .. 54?.' Reynolds Met . .. 87 Safeway . 113 jSears Roebuck 13S (Sinclair Oil . SO, So. Pacific . 26a Stan Brands . . llU'Stan Oil Cal 19t Miami Copper 13', Stew-Warner . 7S4 Studebaker IlVx'Sun. Mining . 3S Union Oil as's tin. Pacific S91 Un. Airlines . . 29s l!n Aircraft 32 18. U S Steel 8It. 42 Warner Bros 37 West El Mfg M of one-way traffic above Oak ridge because of washouts. Siskiyou summit - - Clear. Portland -- High fog. Eugene - - Scattered clouds. " Med ford - - Overcast. Coquille - - Overcast. The Dalles - - Partly overcast Koads normal. Pendleton - - Clear. The national total of death benefits paid last year was $1. 279.667.000. which compares with $1,204,718,000 in 1944 and $1,098. 4H4.000 in 1943. "The death benefit nationally were up six per cent by face amount of policies paid and four per cent by number of policie," the, Institute continued. "This was almost entirely a reflection of tho war deaths among policyholders LaGrande - -Pavement dry in the armed forces. throughout most of district. Baker - - Clear. Bend - - Partly overcast. 23 37' , 32 , 24 40 18 57 S I 41 42'! 20 27. 18 I3' 1429 4314 Table of Coastal TiuVs Times computed for Tart. Or hy tha V. S Coast and Geodetic Survey for Ths Orecon Statesman 14 45. Penney J C 53" ' Woolworth 51 ' February High Timo Water IT 8 50 am. 18 11:43 pm. T 28 44 a m. 8 3 1140pm 48 Low Timo Water 2 54 a.m. 32 418p.m. 81 3:50 am. 3 0 8 01 p.m. -41 EXTEND DAIRY t' WASHINGTON. Teh. 25 t,r -The agriculture department an nounced today that its $340,000. 000 annual dairy production sub sidy program previously sched uled to expire March 31 will be continued through June 30. Sub sidy rates for the April-June per iod will be the same as those in effect for tho corresptmding months last year. pfiaoD3DV ao g ir 50 odd Wed. Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore.. Feb. 24 ( API Butt erf at First quality, maxium of 8 of 1 per cent acidity, delivered in Portland. 53-52'jc; premium quality, maximum of .35 of 1 per cent acidity. 53-53' 2c: valley routes and country points. 2c leas than first or 50-SO'.,. Ctieese Sellinc price to Portland retaalerf : Oregon triplets. 33 13c: loaf. 3421c ib : basic price triplets to whole saler. 28 3c: loaf. IS ic Ecus To retailers: A A crade, larfte. 44c: A larce. 42c ; medium. 39c. small I pullet I. 34c Eg Purchases from farmers: current receipts, 35-36c; buyers pay S-Wc doi. below celling price on others. Butter - AA prints. 51-51', c: car tons. 52-52'tc: A' grade prints. 50-Slc: cartons. 51', -52c: B: grade prints. 54 Slc ' " l.iva Poultry Chickens Buying Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore.. Feb. 24 (API- i Salable cattle 2200. total 2500: salable and total calves 125: market only model atively active but prices fully steady on steers and heifers: beef cows strong to 23 cents higher: ran-ner-cutter cows fully stead t : bulk of today's run good grade steer selling al 18 75-17 25. few heifers in load lots 16(10-50: medium-food beef cows 14 23. cuw trade largely 13 73 down, canners and cutters S5O-B50: common-medium 10 00-12 75: bulls selling at strong trade up to 13 50. mostly 13.00 down: vealers strong, top 17.00: mostly 14 50 down. Salable hogs 200. total 2O00: market steady, top 15 80 on good-choice bar rows and gilts: rows 13.75-14.50: feed er pigs 14.50-15 50 Salable sheep 4l6. total 3000: -market fully steady, top 14.75 on choice wooted lambs: good grades 1400-50. top year 8: 8 4:18 4:34 4:41 KSLM (1399 ke) IN. jMusic N. W. Farm UNew KOIN (959 kc) News. West. Stars (KOIN (Clock iKoin Klock KGW (K9 ke) I Da we West KEX (UN ke) I Bugler "X I News. Kneaas I -Old Songs I 7:44 1:18 1:34 7:4$ 'News 1 iFarm Tims Rue and Shin News IFarm Timo Nw Dick Cutting Roundup Woodburn 'Nelson Pringlo Sam haves I Roundup Boy M AgransSy James Abba Bugler X 8:04 lUr Talbot lUser News !Dr Talbot Valiant Lady J:S4 Take It Easy 'Light World , ,:4 Victor Lindlahr Aunt Jenny Fred, Waring IB fast Club Or. Caravan Kottelanetz 48 :1S t: t:4S New IM Downey (Pastor Call 'Down Homer IK at Smith ,Bia Sister 1 Helen Trent 'Gal Sunday jjanies Abbe Glsuim .Kenny Baker Honeym'n N.Y.I Breakfast I- Portland Grain price of wholesalers: broilers. 1', to lings 12.00; top on fat slaughter ewes 2 lbs. 20c: 2 to 3' lbs. 24r: roosters 4 00. over 3' lbs. 2Sc colored hens. 23c: leghorn hens. 18-lc. rooster and Stags. 12c lb Rabbits Government ceiling: aver age country killed to retailer. 44c; live price to producer. Z2-24c lb Turkeys Basic buying price, dress ed basis: hens. 35.2-34 &c lb: toms. 30 2-31 2c lb: for toms net at farms Dressed Turkeys Packers' selling price to retailers: hens, 43-43 'jc lb; toms. S-41c lb. Onnni Green. California. II 24 per doz. bunches. The Dalles. 1 M l 10 per doi. Onions Ore on dry No. 1. 22 49 iso lb sack Potatoes New Florida. 94 2S per 50-lb bag: local Burbank 12 90-3 00 cental: Baker county. (3 90 cental: lie-chiile inns. No. I. 83 45 cental. 9Ss. 0r. , Dressed Meats Veal AA. 22', c: A. 214c. B. 19-19',c. C. 17-17 3-4; cull. I4-I5c lb. hog fancy block. 20c lb. limW AA. 20c: A. J4,c: B. 22'c; t. 20c: mutton fancy A. 13 l-4c. M. 12c: R grade 8-10c. beef AA. 21 '4c A. M 3 4c, B. II 3 4c C, II 3-4 fanner and cutler. 134-14c. canner and culler bulls. 14c. , Cucin Bark Dry stork. SOc lb Wool tiovermnent control Mohair- 1 944. 12-month, 43c lb Hay Wholesale thipments: alfalfa. No 2 or better. S34-83S; oa4 and vetch, mixed hay. valley growers' price. S34: clover hay. S21 baled on farms. Salem Markot Quotations TTie prices balow upplted by a lo cal grocer are indicative sf the dally market prices paid 4s g rawer by Sa iera buyer but aro not guaranteed by The Statesman: BUTTER. EGOS ANT POULT T (S abject im ehaage BUTTEKFAT Premium No 1 No J BUTTE. MINTS A B J4 ill M Quarters EGGS irge Mediums Standards Pullets Cracks LIVESTOCK CATTLE Beef steers Beef cows Dairy cows , Bulls Veal (By Tansy rack) Mr . XI . 32 . Jl . 34 . J4 2 Lambs, top Yearling Ewes Bucks , Hogs. top. 140-179 lbs. 270-300 lbs Sows , -13 rOVLTRT No 1 colored hens . . No I colored hens . Colored try and bakes Yearling lamb Kwe , JO to J5 04 to Jl 06 to 44 .073 to Jl 180 to 13 ... 13.50 4.00 to 7 00 2.00 to 4 00 00 to 3.00 1343 14 95 00 to 12-50 J4 .21 $4c28c ., to 81, 4. BIIIG SIIIGS 10:15 A. II. Monday thrn Friday RSUI Saturday 5:45 P. M. PORTLAND. Ore, Feb. 24 (API No wheat futures quoted Cash grain: No 1 flax 3 10 Cah wheat ibid I: Soft White 1C3.: Soft White (excluding Real 143.: White Club 1 43 58: Western Red 1 3. Hard Red Winter Ordinary 1 48 98: 10 pet cent 1 3, II per cent 1 07 98. 12 per cent 187 Hard White Baart Oidinarv 1 43S. 10 per cent 168,; lt per cent 1 47,. 12 per cent I 9, Today's car receipts' Wheat 223. flour 19: morn 9. oats II. hav 12: mlllfeed (1 Stocks and Bonds Compiled by The Associated Praaa 14.44 INews ,Llf Beautiful :Tobe' Topics .1.2 To T About Ma Perkins News. Kneaas ..i? Mountaineer Dr M alone JMusic Room 18:45 J J Anthony Road Life I Art Baker Home Edition Ted Malone I Trie Story 11:44 li:l 11:14 11:48 C Foster I Mrs. Burton , Guiding Light iBaukhage Waltz Time Perry Mason (Children Ethel Si Albert Queen Today Rosemary In White listening Posr Queen Today Tena. Tim 'Masquerade ' Pleasure Parade. Nooa 12:14 12:34 12:45 Hymns News (Wometi of Am 1 Kennedy News Flnd Me iMa Pet kins (Stars Serenade IB Wheeler Pepper Young ! Ladle Street Barn Children Happiness 1:40 New House Party 'Bacnt. Wife 1:19 Woodburn Pgm Tops for Today Stella Dallas L-34 Ring Sings Atr Newspaper lren. Joneo 1:44 Jamboree I 1 IWIdder Br'n Berth I Bob Nichols Gil Marryn iHymns 2:44 1:19 Wews Smile Timo Bill Gwlnn I Aim School I Meet Missus Girl Marries IPottia Plain Bill I Front Page What's Dotng Kay West 3:44 1:14 2:34 3:49 iNews 'Sam New Clsa Maawell I Art Kirkhsm !J Carroll Harirnda I World Today Road of Lit David Harum I Aunt Mary Dr Paul I Bride. Groom 1 I Al Pearce February 26 ITOCK AVIRAt.rS 94 19 14 44 Indus Rails tTtll Stk Tundjy . Ml 44 1 SO. I 71 t Previous day . 94 5 44 SOO 72 5 Week ago 101 4 44 S 51 8 76 0 Month ago 108 4 504 544 043 Year ago .83 2 X 9 41 5 81 7 104S-44 high . 106S 51 0 54 1 80 4 1945-48 low 78 6 32 9 39 2 57 8 BOND AVCRAGFI 20 14 14 14 Ball Indus Otll Togs) Tuesday . 105 4 104 7 1( 4 76 3 Previous day . 108 8 104 7 . 104 1 74 4 Week ago 108 1 104 7 104 7 76 4 Month ago . 105 7 104 8 109 2 MS Year ago 90 4 104 4 107.4 71 2 1943-46 high lr6 9 109.5 100 5 77 0 1945-46 low 96 2 10X 4 104.4 44 1 4:44 4:19 4:30 4:45 Fulton Lewis Rex Miller Johnson Orchestra Stars Today, IF. Winters Clare Have I Prayer Today 1 Woman's S'crt IHollyw'd News iNews Northwest I Stars Today I Mr Motorist R Harkneas 'Hop HarrtgM flW? Zf3 i f; -Ze- HOW TO USE LONG FORM A GATHER oil tho infor mation required before yew itart. B Transfer tho informn- lion tn tho work sheets in proper order. TAKE ONE LINE al a time. id 1:44 News I II ISupeimao e I apt MKlnlght H rianntry a:a I om Mix iQirml Manning Daily Double riar 1620 Mjtine I Same i Pirate jDiek Tra-y 'Sing America I Armstrong ' Patersm Ray Mwtng 4:44 Gabriel Hratter Sinatia Rhylhm Maker 6:30 (bands Malsie 6:4S Bsnds I ir.ddie Cantor i Golden Gate I- IDist I Atty. ' Lead A Band 74, 7:13 1:14 7:44 News News Cisco Kid Cisco Kid (Music Moments Kay Kyser Andrew I Ralph Norman ! Ralph Norman (Steel Workers I I Driving Awards 9:40 1:19 1:14 8:41 Service Man Destiny Fresh Up Fresh Up K Irk wood Smith Sluiw Dr Christian 'Supiwr Club !Flet I j in ton .Htldegarde t urn aV Aon I Sports I Fish. Hunt I 4: 9:19 9:30 9:44 IJ Carson News Rex Miller Crystal G'd'n (Neighbors Fulton Lewis 1 The North iCampua Quia of Cities 'News Ken M 14:94 14:14 14:34 14:44 New 15 Star Final I News Organ Mel. VeU Board Music rNew I Voice Army Orchestra 'Tex Rangers I Orchestra Music . . I Concert Hour 11:44 11:14 11:30 11:44 11:54 12:44 Norm'dy Manor Serenade I Biltmor Treasury Salute Orchestra Orchestra I Air-Flo lOrclteatra News 'Orchestra I Open House News INews Sujfn Off I Orchestra ISwing Shift News Rhythm "X" tra Hour KOAC 954 k. A M 10 00 News. 10:14 For Women: 11:00 Concert Hall: 12-00 New: 12;15 Farm Hour; 1 :00 Ride Em Cowboy, 1:15 Air School;. 1 45 Eyea on Future; 2O0 Family. 2;30 Memory Music: 3:00 News; 3:15 Music of the Masters: 4:00 Lift Up Thv Voice: 4:30 Trade Winds: 5:00 On Up beat. 5 55 S ports. 4 00 New. HI American Pageant; 4.30, Song of tn South: 7:00 Farmers Union; 7:13 Eve ning Farm Hour; 8 00 Shorthand Con test: 8:30 Music That Endures: 4 40 Campus Headline: 9:30 News; 9.49 Meditations. JUsrel mm4 Colon NEW SESSION AT LIN FIELD McMINNVILLE, Feb. l&.-iP)-A summer session may be offered at Linfield college to accommo date veterans - - first such : ses sion at the institution in years. RIGHT-NOW CLEANER fdjf SdfkBSkfdnJ Msnoks) Cl94sW9sx9 Owha. lassor, Ws4ri tartar tar ask all saocias Comas in packages 25c 50c $1-00 ItEirMOSA PRODUCTS CO. l04M.LasaSr-of, ParMsaA .n. hllZI villi? faeaj (Rhflltrt) Ssin li arfoee Treated wiOuml HospHal OparaHeo Mtmmr Ori aj FniaUyr 10 A. M. s 5 P. M. Seeaeagf.' Mmmdmy. Wt4mttdt, Pndaf 7 a II Dr. C. I. DEAN CLINIC PkyWiiao oof I erf oon M. I. Coraar 1. Barmaids sod Oraai Avaaua ralspaaM XAst 391B. PorlUad 14. Oraooa P0R GOOD HEALTH! GifCUA Thousands of anfrerars rroea the tartar tnm pwina one to aimpi pilsa are grate ful over their dlarovery of HIM EX. Thla marvelous triple-actlosi formaha quickly relieves the madtenlna; patsa and itching. HIMIX coats plies wiikj soothing, protective medk-lna. Raally works faat. Must give relief la threw treatments or your money back. Don't Buffer another minute. Oat HEM EX tXntmant from your druggiat today on Uua positive fwaraatae. Sold at All Drue Stores 'Hiii ' ii (" Si a ii DBS. CHAN . . . LAM Or.T.TXaraJ.D. Dr.G.CkaaJs.D. CHINESE HEKBALISTS 241 North Uberty Ut stair Portland General Electric Co. Office open Saturday only 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.; 4 to 1 p.m. Con .altation. Blood pressure and urim tests are freo of charge. Practiced since 1917. PILES (Hemorrhoids) stare F1 SJ Flstnla - Fiawnre Wolapao other types of -octal A Colon oonditlono treat ed without I of lime. QUICK RELIEF NO HOSPITALIZATION Call for examination or write for FEEE descriptive booklet Dr. R. Reynolds Clinic Naturo-Proctoloeist til N. Liberty St. 8alem. Ore, r