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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1994)
1 f PAGE SEVEN Th OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning, February -27, 1948 .Wedding Friday At Scotts Mills, At double ring ceremony read at the Christian chinch at Scotts Milts' Friday, night Miss Gale E, Smith, private first class in the WAC. stationed in San t I -ant i-sco. exchangrrl marriage vows with Herman Hat old John son of Canton. Ohio. The bride u the dauRhter of Mr. and Mr. Ivan .1 Smith of Scott Mills and Mr. Johnson in the sun of Mr, and Mis. Elmer Johnvin of CVnton. YelU'W priii(j flower and ferns dec mated the church, . which was lighted with ivory taper.. Officiating was the V.ev Rog er C'arstfti: en ,f Kugene and p!ainc the wedding mutic was Miss Alidni Arentiid of Canby. Mis -Phyhs Eattleon of C'anby ang Because" and '"The Lord's Prayer'' The tapers were lighted by Miss Dcloi es Nicholson of Scotts Mills siid Miss Louise Owens of Salem, who wore identical g.iwiis (,( pea h net and carried colon l txiuq-.iets of peach sweet peas centeied with a lighted taper. GAen in marriage hv her fa ther, the bride woi e a colonial period gown of ivory brocade over a hue and ruffled net un derskiit. The fitted lodice was buttoned down the back and the skirt extended into a court train. Her lace-ed,ed fingertip length ei fell Irim a tiaia of seed p'ail She rallied a white Bible tapped with a white orchid. Mi.-s I.ibra Magee ol Scotts Mi!!.. maid of honor her i c.usii.. wore a gown ol brocade and famed n ivory velvet muff. Her ivory, trat wnn tiimmefl with cream camellias. Bridesmaids weie two oilier c riusins fif ttie bride, Mi-- Aloha Lee Kdhmd tf Monitor and Miss J ia:-re Magee of Da.U'm. Janice Nil holx.n f f Scotts MilU was tt: fl w f-r gn I. Jame Nicholson f ScoM Mills-: cousin of the biirie, -a-'ived t-5t man anrt jcdiet eie Hex Nicholson Of Silm 'id R(.y Bios of Scotts Mills. For her daughters wedding Mil. Smt'h (hose a bige crepe in with which' iie wore pnatc-hir:p accessories aivi a cor sage of gardenias and bmvaidia. Follow-irg the cetemony Mr. nd Mrs. Johnson greeted friend.-: t: a reception ' held at 100F hail. The bride's table was rentei eri with an ari ai.gement of pastel jpring flowers flanked , !h Hiii y tapeis and luquet of pa: tl pnng fiowei were C-ed aoout the room D;triiig the evtttiiig Miys Aloha Lee Kdland p aei marimba selection. The brioe c ake .a cut by Mrs. Kimcr Worth -of Salem and piesidu H at the urns we; e two ur.: cf the biide. M: (). If. Brother arc! Mis. F. M. .Nich plson. Mr. Gler.n HjII presided : the punch bowl and Miss Ma: car t Maree of Silem wa In rh;-re cf the biide'i table..., Passirg- the guet book was Mrs.' Ji k Cfcmt-bell of P.ntii A. Mm Lavonr.e Siwa was in chaijje of the gift fible and assisting about the ifwm were Mis. Cbsrles De Cuire, Mr. Herbeit Nvtn., PortlLr.n. ir.d Mr R: Nichol lon. Salem. Afer Arrii 1 M- A Mrs. Johnson w i!! re at hm in C'an t jn. Oil . Tie hn.e is a i -i of Si 'it's M1.- high scho'il a'd at tended Northwest (.'l.tisiivi col lege. .In the WAC j yei-. he b is I 'in st.'.'ioned in Si'; Frun cim o v :'.i the aun t . '. ; orps i.rwv; it mmunicato!. system o--ear.ii'-j.. r triffic- ontroi cen li .-irice (ie, fnmm'. r( 1913. Mr. Joi.n.-Mi spent o.e-" two M-A h hi. If vears in t'v -niw y. re re,;rf h: dischaig-- lifcenlly. As n r i;-.tion or.h'i k - man t'luci .,.!- he. for several month.. sered as cn-. member or, a ; i m.iking t'i . h V". i'i;it the l'i,, f! States a-d C. r, A.fl er V-.f d;.y he was .-( j'.-.oued in H.'w;.,. The hi' ! ; n K"ir f. 11 as the to exia.-a:.- c; lu'et-.'. r "e Meftil-ii ! and : tif (n .. HAITI LINERS to SEATTLE SAH FnAUCISCO LOS ANGELES fy iff jfmolio er reservation caO UNITED AIR LINES lm Jk'pv Telephone 3841 o your t i (J ' ,- .w M e m Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Nickel who were married on February 15 at the Mennonite Brethren church in West Salem. Th bride is the former Blanche Wuerch, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Wuerch of West Salem. (Lillian Cummins photo). Miss Rose MutrT Is Married GERVAIS MUs Rose Muth. daughter of Mrs. Ro.-e Mulh and the hate George Muth, was mar-i ried .to Mr. Flai l L. Jelderks, son of Mr, and Mrs. Herman Jel derks:. at Sacred Heart church in Gervaos Tuesday morning. Feb ruary 19, with the Rev. Martin Doheity officiating at the dou ble ring ceremony. The bi ide, who was given, in manirtge by Mr. John Ditrich, wcne a gown of white chiffon, flocir length with shirred bodice and sweetheart neckline and thi ee-quarter length sleeves. Her finger-length veil was hHd by a crown of mock OMnge blos som?. Her only ornament was a stiand of pearl beads. She car lied a b o u q u e t of gardenias, sweetpeas and carnations. Her matron of honor, Mrs. Eva Ditiick, wore blue taffeta in floor' length, a net halo crown a tid earned a nosegay of piiek carnation. pfVik sweetpeas, jon quils and 'heather. Mr. C'ail Petzel of Salem was the groom s best man. A wedding dinner was served after the ceremony. Centerpiece for the table was the wedding cake guarded by chrysanthe mum?. Seriing were Mrs. John Ioian a nd Mrs. Jerome Weigel. Assis-tsng were Mrs. Anna Rush er and Mrs. Mike Englehart. Mr. and Mrs. Jelderks left for a wedding trip to the coast. When they return they will live at Gervais temporarily and later in Salem. Jason Lee Circles Meet Wednesday The Circles of Jason Lee Methodist church are scheduled to meet fur a 1:30 dessert lunch ec n, Wednesday afternoon, Feb ruary 27, as follows: January -July, Church parlor. Fc, no meeting this month. March-September, Mrs. E. E. Roberts, 971 Jefferson street. April-October, Mrs. W. J. B;its, 201 1 Maple. May-November, Mrs. M. W. Ready. 1555 Madison June-December, Mrs. J. J. Kinney, 1915 Maple. .Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Evans, jr. 'it re the parents of a daughter, b"in at the Deaconess hospital .on Ft bniiiry 17. This is their sef nd child, the elder a boy, is three years old and namfl Alan. Giandparents are Mr. and Mn. A. J. Evans, sr. and Mrs. Heien Pierce. M locol tievtl ogtnt J rr SS2SSS2SSES li u 14 1 1 , s v 1 f ' - f I r Mrs. William II. Hammond will preside at a one o'clock luncheon and afternoon of bridge on Thursday at her Court street home for the pleasure of. mem bers of her. club. Mrs. Clarence Byrd entertain ed at luncheon for'members of the Modern Drama class at her home on North 14th street Tues day ' afternoon. Gordon String Quartet Coming The Gordon String quartet, In ternationally known ensemble, will be presented by the Music department of Willamette uni versity in concert on Tuesday night, March 19. at Walter hall on the university campus. Jacques Gordon was only 21 and concertmaster of the Chi cago Symphony Orchestra when he founded the vital and dis tinguished ensemble that bears his name. Since it was launched the quartet has played more than 3000 concerts. Associated with Mr. Gordon, who serves as first Violinist of the quartet, are Michael Kuttner, second violin; Kras Malno, viola; and Gabar Rejto, cello. All of the players are of virtuoso calibre and nave appeared frequently as solo artists in. addition to their en semble work. Wedding Date Told at Tea SILVERTON ! The wedding date of Miss Bernk E. Gay, daughter of Mr. and Wis. S. A. Gray of Silverton, and Mr. I Howard A. Hall, son of Mrs.-K1 Marjorie Hall, Eugene, was an nounced at a tea at .which Mrs. Gray was hostess Sunday after noon. The date was set fur March 24 at Eugene. Sixty guesls called between the hours of 2 and 5 and were greeted at the door by a sister of the honor guest, Mrs. Alio Taylor of Portland. Scrolls, an nouncing the date, were pre. S3nted to the guests by. Miss Gray's small nephew, Pat Tay lor of Portland. Daffodib were used about the rooms and centered the table w here Mrs. Hans Jensen and Mrs. Charles E. Davis poured the fast hour, Mrs. John Jordan . and Mrs. Russell Myers the sec ond hour, and Mrs. Alf O. Nelson and Mrs. Paul, Plank thel third hour. Assisting about the rooms were Mrs. I. L. Steward, Mrs. Will Egan and Mrl. L. R. Neal, while assisting in serving were Mrs. Olaf Paulson, Mrs, Perl Bye, Miss Jean Heiden strom. Miss Virginia Anderson and Miss, Opal Carson and Mrs, Helen Jewell both of Salem. Miss Gay, since her gradua tion from the University of Ore eon, has been recreational direc tor of University Homes at Port land. Mr. Hall has Tecently re ceived his discharge after three years in the service. He plans to continue his studies at the uni-. versity. interrupted at the open-i ing' ot-the war. The Misses Jane Carson, Bar bara Sundet, Joan Randall, Joan Iyochead and Mariann Croisan will be weekend guests at the Gamma Phi Beta house on the University of Oregon campus. They will leave Triday afternoon for Eugene. The Little Garden club of Sa lem Heights will hold a meet ing at the home of Mrs. R. DT Fitzrrtaurice on Tuesday at 1 p.m. Mrs. J. W. Douglas will lead the discussion on vegetable gardening for 1946. Erol Howell Visits With Jefferson Folk JEFFERSON Ensign Erol G. Howell, son of E. E. Howell, who has been on the SS Samuel Sea berry in the Yokohama area for seven months, arrived in the states a short time ago and spent several days visiting his father, E. E. Howell. Howell has been with the mer chant marine for two years.. Mrs. Howell and their son accompa nied him here. NeHiwst d Cml Poet or fai Ialfulntt. Whit Htai4 f ol nnlly in Hi rcf-wi. Ik 4 CMic li" lin t Hlansinf Uiry fruit. Th ori(iiil4 in Ari, Fraitc. lf 9 ingi wr in m f4rlliwtl ! Ih Ur $ , , I (D)nc always i i iuin 1 1 'i' I 1 jer- sv. 1 K minbatj SI KIIP ASKING fOK IT B-JHm Salnn Woman's Son i Assigned to Naval Air Transport Servire W. M. Hendrickson, aviation chief machinist's mate, USN, Sa lem, Ore., has been assigned to naval air transport service. Seattle, Wash., after 5S months of overseas duty. Hmdrickon. son of Mrs. Mary Hendrickson, 1338 Third ht . Sa lem, was at Peail Harbor dining the initial Jap attack. He' was graduated from Trio, Tex., high school and studied en gineering at .the University of Oklahoma before entering naval wvioe in February. 1939. His wife, Gracie Rutledge Hendrickson. and 10-months-old son, Craig, live at 1530 Fife St., North, Tacoma, Wash. His father', C. H. Hendrickson, lives at New berg, Ore. Li. Col. VV. W. Bavin, Salem eye, ear, nose and throat specialist, who entered the army in April. 1J42. has returned to Salem fol- lowing service with the Second air force as flight surgeon and later as commanding officer of several station hospitals, most recently at the army air field. Grand Island, Neb. Mrs. Baum and their youngest daughter, Marion, who Joined him In Ne braska, have returned to Salem with Dr. Baum. Their son. Ted, remains In school at Culver Military academy and their older daughter. Frances, con tinues ker schooling at Brown HI hall, .Omaha. New VFW Post Officers "ii-' ' : ' wr 'r'. -ran.1 I'jwjti wuiii ' V '-V:'--' '-''- . y p '' 'aam mmal " ' " 1 o' ' y: : ; I - . -A ' - .,v - , - - - VvV r To Be Installed Sunday meda. Salem's new post of Veterans i ; of Foreign Wars. No. 6102. is m Al'THORIZES EXTRADITION be instituted and Its offtcets in-; stalled at a ceremony next Sun-' Governor Earl Snell Tuesday day, Marc h i, at VFW hall, to ! authorised the extradition of Rob which all overseas v eterans and ; ert James Bailey, wanted at the their friends are invited. j southern Michigan state peniten- The Oregon City VFW drill tiary ait Jac kson. Mich , for a team will be here for the occa-I parol violation. He is under ar siou. ' rest in Portland. frh f porl rv grawo ni diilinc Ir of this 4 CK tt of clry. IY NAME.. Distributed by 2 First Lt. Donald K. Free Donald Free Promoted. To First lieutenant With 'Vampire' Sqdn. , WITH THE 44TH FIGHTER SQUADRON ON PALAWAN, P.I. Donald K. Free, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eriiest C. Free, has recently been promoted to the grade of first lieutenant. He is the husband of the former Evelyn Griffith of Thornton, Calif. Lieutenant Free flies a P-38 Lightning with the 44!h Fighter squadron. Besides his duties as a p'ilot, lie holds Uie position of photographic officer. The 44th is known as the Vam pire squadron and is part of the 13th aif force which is now gar risoning the Philippines. The: Vampires are credited with 171 I Jap planes shot down and led the way fojr the American advance throughi the Solomons to New I fi;nMi .h. M..h, i,H- r,. , uihv a v iiit iiv uiv i ioiiu i.tma i Indies, land then to the Philip pines. From bases io the Philip pines tliey struck Formosa. China Borneo, and ev en Java 2300 miles awa v. Before entering the army in January 19t3. Free worked on P-38s ait the Lockheed aircraft plant alj Fnubank, Calif. He won his wings and commission at Will iams Field, Ariz., in May 1944. Free hias been overseas nine months iand has been awarded the Asiatic-Pacific theatre ' ribbon with tvvio battle stars, the Philip pine Liberation and the American ! theatre ribbons and the Victory can . I ' -L ' jm JU-i .... . f QUALITY IS ALWAYS WORTH WAITING F0I1 Blitz-Weinhard'i fame, like its golden color, shines through the years. That's because pejople of good taste, who know good taste, keep riUu on asking for it . . . the beer so good it's guaranteed satisfying! ite-Weiiiiffli guaranteed MIM.WIIN NAM C 0 A N T Gideon Stolz Company One of the important contribu tions of the Greeks to humanity was a system of logic. Door Mais Fabricated from truck tires and woven on gal vanized steel wire. 14x18 L ...MO 14x21 , 1.60 18x25 U... 2.10 20x29 L... 3.23 22x33 4.00 30x18 L 8.00 The Doo-Klip Grass Shears With blades of hardened ted. An even cutter. easy to operate pr. 1.50 Garden Cultivators Has 15" steel wheel and equipment includes 1 set of 5 teeth in removable Kanjf, 1 wing-type plow. 1 furrow blade 7.45 Nu-Tone Door Chimes In combination of brass and ivory finish. 5.95 & 6.95 MJLEE3 EflflffiMflBE 236 North Commercial Street Safisfomy BEER f0IlAM. lt Dragonflies have been known ti consume more than their own weight in horseflies in two hours. Just Arrived Shipment of Bird Cages In colors red, green, ivory and chrome. 5.85 & 9.35 Bird Cage Stands In colors. 4.35 4.75 Cork Backed Place Hals 12 floral designs Size 12"x 16". Each 490 Medicine Cabinets Surface type, Modern de xign. White enamel, 1 1 "x20 ) 4.35 Lacquer Finished Metal Hail Boxes V For city use. Opens book wise. 4 FF Each X 14