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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1951)
galea. On, 600 Employment- S12 Work V7cmfdL Mela) ' DEPENDABLE high school boy wants part time Job after school and Sat "urdays. Phone 2-3180. a&XDDLS aged nua would like work en farm for keep or what have you? Write Paul Johnston... General De- livery. Salem. ECPE&IENCED cashier, must be high school graduate. Starting salary $44 per week. Apply Mr. Coleman. Pay Drug Store. GI3TEKD Medical Technologist, Bacteriologist experienced, desires position Salem or vicinity. Consider an. Phone Salem 41742. CAitPbftTRY anr tund. reasonable 4344 Macleay Ed Phone 4-2064. 615 Situations Wonted WANTED; Housework by day or hour. Phomj2-8819 CALL. US for your painting and dec orating needs. All work expertly done and guaranteed at reduced fall rates. Phone 2-1925, Tree estimates. , MY 2 DAUGHTERS and self seek household employment for room and board. Best of references, excellent cook. Box 129. co Statesman. MAN with large family wishes work. anyklnd. Phone 2-8564. WILL. CARE for small child in my home while mother works. Hollywood Dirt. Ph. 21021. MiekenhamY Day Nursery State licensed and Inspected. Phone -7896. CURTAINS laundered and stretched. Table cloths and fin linens. Phone 9-3448. CHILD care. - 2-9924. 1180 Shipping, Phone 618 Education TELEVISION IS HERS TTRN YOUR SPARE TIME INTO PRO- nrs. Learn television miuiuaim and servicing In your spare time at . bom on actual T. V. equipment which we supply. You will build a - co.nplete radio and T. V. set which vou keen. For further lnformaUon write Box 128. co Statesman. 620 Dcry cmd Contract ATTTO PAINTING lust a shade better by RAY ETTER. Call Shrocfc Motor Co. 3-9I0I. AlNTtNG AND DECORATING PHONE 3-75S2 Septic Tank Cleaning Drain fields Installed and repaired. Todd's Septic Tank Service. Phone 2-0734. ; ; . Salem Sand & Gravel Co. . Contract Work Roads Clearing - Ditching Sewer St Basement Equipment Rental Ditching by the foot Phone day 3-9408 Evenings 3-7412. 2-4417 Salem. Oregon CEMENT WORK, all kinds John Ftld schhd Phone 38-F-3 evenings. A GOOD iob oi lawn muwei sharpen ing Howser Bros. 1410 8. 12th- 700 Rentals 702 S3 plna Rooms. Board BOOM AND BOARD for girl, reason able. 630 n. winter. LARGE, sleeping rooms for employed women. Phone lees center, SATURDAY'S Kilocycles: KSLM 1390. KOCO 1490. Pacific Standard Time j FM: Megacycles KOLN 101.1; KEX 92.3 i zeitwa note: The itatesBsaa euhlishes hi good faith the e-regraaas and Usaes as provided by the radio stations, feat because oftiaes the programs are hanged without notification, this newspaper cannot fee responsible for the ccaracy here la). i DOUR f.-tf 8:15 KSLM News Timekeeper l Farm News KOCO West Melody (West. Melody (Farm News KOIN Newsl KOLN Kiock 1KOLN Klock KGW Clock Watch IClotch Watch (News KEX Ore. Farm Hr. (Ore. Farm Hr. (Ore. Farm Hr. 6 7 KSLM Hemmgwav I Break Gane I Break Gang (Top Trades KOCO Platter Party Platter Party I Music Keys 1 Ex. Service KOIN KOIN Klock iMacleod News iGoss News iCons News KGW Hear fbia : I Hear Thia INews 1 News KBX Band Box I M. Agronsky Bob Garred I Bob Hazen 8 KSLM : Leslie Nichols Chapel Echoes (Haven of Rest Haven of Rest KOCO Proudly Hail I Proudly Hail I The Rangers (The Rangers, KOIN i News (Lets Pretend Give & Take (Give & Take. KGW The Old Songs! The Old Songs' Love Story Love Story KEX No School INo School INo School i INo School 9 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX N.W. Newa (Farm. Home (Pastor Call (Bargain Ctr. Sews I Science 4-H Club 4 I Kid's Korner Theatre I Theatre News I Money at Home: Reading Fun (Book Carnival Toyland Tunes iToyland Tunes i Space Patrol IS pace Patrol 10 KSLM News " Land o Free Story Time KOCO Aunt SoDhle lAunt SoDhie Grid Gossip KOIN Grd. Cent. Sta.IGrd. Cent. SU.IHospital $ KGW Mind Manners Mind Manners iSmilin' Ed -KEX Tom. Stars iTom. Stars I Tom. SUrg 11 KSLM Okla. Svmo. tOkla. Svmo. (Oklai Svmp. lOkla. Symn. KOCO No. D.-Mich. St.! No. D.-Mich. St.'No. D.-Mich. St.! No. D.-Mich. St KOIN Music:irls (iMusic Girls . Meet Missus (Meet Missus KGW Marr Tavlor iMaf 1?vlor lY. Oresomans I. Oreeoniana KEX No. D.-Mich. St.! No. D.-Mich. St.! No. D.-Mich. St. I No. D.-Mich. SL 12 KSLM Gay 90s I N.W News (Man on Farm I Man on Farm I KOCO No. D.-Mlch. St.! No. D.-Mich. St.'No. D.-Mich. St.! No. D.-Mich. St, KOIN Newa I Galen Drake (Football Rdup.l Football Rdup, KGW 1 aim -Home irarm-Home is. Hiuihim S. Maueham KEX No. D.-Mich. St. I No. D.-Mich. St. No. D.-Mich. St.lNo. D.-Mich. St. 1KSLM Sports Par. OSCvsUCLA lOSC vsUCLA (OSC vs UCLA -- KOCO No. D.-Mich. St.! No. D.-Mich. St.lNo. D.-Mich. SLINo. D.-Mich. St KOIN Football Rdup.l Football Rdup. (Football Rdup (Football Rdup. KGW Before Whistle I Idaho-WSC (Idaho-WSC (Mho-WSC KEX No. D-Mich. StINo. D-Mich. St.lNo. D-Mich. St) No. D.-Mich. St 2 KSLM OSCvsUCLA OSCvsUCLA OSC vsUCLA OSC vs UCLA KOCO Sat Matinee Sat Matinee Sat. Matinee Sat Matinee KOIN Football Rdup. Football Rdup. Kirkham. News Kirkham. Newa KGW Idaho-WSC Idaho-WSC Idaho-WSC Idaho-WSC KJtX Roeeland Orch. Roseland Orch. Blue Serenade Home Democrat 3 KSLM OSCvsUCLA (OSC vs UCLA I OSCvsUCLA (OSC-UCLA " KOCO Salute to Les. I Salute to Les. (Curtain Calls Curtain Calls : KOIN Kirkham News' UJ. on Record (Snorts Review 'G. Fischer KGW - Idaho-WSC I Idaho-WSC I Idaho-WSC J Idaho-WSC KKX Record Party I Record Party (Record Party I tecord Party 4 KSLM OSC vs UCLA (Hemingway (Melbrtv Portrait! Twin Views KOCO Chinup IChinUp Nat Guard (News KOIN -Schools and U! Schools and U Johnnv Spot I Johnnv Spot KGW : Roberts. Music (Roberts. Music Roberts. Music 1 Roberts. Music KEX Listen. Latins cquirrel Cage Squirrel Cage Mindy Carson : 5 KSLM 4Jr Force HourtAlr Force HourlChrts Science iMusie KOCO Score Board IRythra Ranch I Adventure I Dallas Youth. KOIN Press Box (Brotherhood I Danger Ahead IGoss. News KGW - Roberts. Music I Wolf. Sports tRed Barber (B. Consldin KEX T Scoreboard I Scoreboard . I Blue Sports Bob Garred 6 KSLM Hawaii Calls (Hawaii Calls IWest Ramblers) West Ramblera KOCO Dinner Musie IDinnerMusie (News a I Temple Echoes KOIN Hop Cassidy (Hop Cassldy I J. Dollar 1 I J. Dollar KGW Eddy Arnold Jddy Arnold lOle Opry lOle Opry KEX Stars Parade I Home Edition (Guest Star -1 Bert Andrews 7 KSLM - Musie IMusic IReservteta (Reservists KOCO Balladiers Navy Bands Touchdown Sports KOIN Qs Wax Works Qs Wax Works Waxworks QV Waxworks KGW Roy Rogers Roy Rogers Talent Search Talent Search . KEX - Mark Trail Mark Trail - Great Advent Great Advent 0K8LM Reporters RduptReoorters Rdu pi Lombard!. USA JLombardl UJSJL KOCO LSU Game JLSU Gam ILSU Came LSU Gam KOIN Vaugn Monroe I Vaurn Monroe JGeneAutry GeneAutry KGW A. Andrews I A. Andrews (Jane Ace - Jane Ace KEX Lone Ranger (Lone Ranger IDeL Attorney Del. Attorney 9 KSLM News IPop Edwards I Dance Musie IMusie KOCO LSU Game LSU Game ILSU Game ILSU Game KOIN : ' Gang Busters . Gang Busters Broadway Beat) Broadway Beat KGW Mr. Keen Mr. Keen Lend an Ear Lend an Ear - KEX Frontier Town Frontier Town Old Wld D'ces Old Wld D'ces 10 KSLM Monica Whalen Dance Musie " N W News I Orchestra JjOCO News . I Dancing Party 1 Dance Party J Dancing Party JOIN Nljfht rinal (George Fisher Or-bestra Orchestra 5GW S?- Rports Page I Dang. Assign, I Dang. Assign. KEX Final Editloa llnterroesxo 1 Intermezzo 1 Good Listen's 11 KSLM Open House (Open House Open House Poea House KOCO Dancing Party Ipancing Party Dancing Party (Dancing Party i f-OrN Organ Melod. . lOrgan Melod. Treat Bandstd JTreas. BandstaK W Castle Jars ICasUe Jars II. Fine Orch. 1 1. Fine Orch, KJUC Good Listening IGood '--- (Good Listening IGood Listening KOAC 858 KC 1040 a. m the News and Weather: 18:15. Especially for Women; 110, The Concert Hall; 12.-00. The News and Weather; -12:13 Noon Farm Hour; . 1M, Rids "Era Cowboy; 1:30. SUrs on Parade: IMS. Eollege . Medley: 20 Music of the ssters; 4 .-00 Excursions in Science: Cgtardor ITorcsbcr 10, XS5I 700 Rentals 7C2 Eooms. Coord TWO sleeping rooms. Reasonable. Tor man 567 N. CLOSE in clean . room in modern home. $20. T65 Marlon. Phone 2-5223. CLEAN. WARM, .light housekeeping room, lady preferred. 733 w. ynurcn. ROOMS with hot and cold water. 1411 kitchen privileges. 74 rerry. 70S Aparbnanta fog But COZY 2 room apartment. 575 Marlon. ROOM apartment, furnished, near State House Inquire at 354 N. Winter st. - FURNISHED, large homey warm, ap artment 1 block Shopping center. 2 blocks State Bldgs, 850Y.348 N. 12th, Apt. No. 3. - -ROOM furnished basement aparU ment private bath and entrance re frigerator. $30. Ione 2-5244. 660 Union. - V 1 ROOM furnished apartment, dose Memorial Hospital, employed lady. IW S. Summer. 4 .-. ---" SMALL epartmeni, furnished or un- furnished, private bath. 123 to right person. 2-0644. 11M la st west Salem. TO RENT; Small cozy apartment. Busi- nesa or professional women oniy. Private home. 955 Belmont. FURNISHED apartments, private , batha and . entrances. (30 ana sea 1968 N. Commercial. - FURNISHED bedroom. twin beds. kitchen privilege, close to bus ec shoDDinf t-enter. oh. 4-1815. ROOM furnished apt. Ph. 3-8783, after 5:30. 38866. PARTLY FURNISHED apt. Clean, pri vate entrance. 825 month. Phone 29888 2 ROOM furnished apartment, main fl-tor. electric range, refrigerator, 85 week, elderly gentleman, pnone 8-5278. ? Lee iApts. Union at Winter '-!' ' - f have a 1 Reduced Rental "L Schedule on unfurnished bachelor and 1 bed' room apartments. A call or your In spection is invited today. I Telephone 4-1641 ' ' 'i Mr. Hammer Res. Mgr. CAPITAL PLAZA Rents Reduced Now being offered ULTRAMODERN Court ADartmenta. l-bdroom apartments. Just reduced to 873 JO and 83.50. spacioua rooms, am ole closet; SDace. Will furnish apartments for nominal ' additional cost to responsible parties. OPEN FOR INSPECTION Mrs. Edith iBenn, Manager 1165 Chemeketa St. Telephone 3-8630 KTRNtSHED 3 rooms, private bath. - near Memorial Hospital. 692 S. Capi tol. 3-7018. j DANDY small furnished apartment. Ideal for 1. Reasonable. 2251 Brey- man. FURNISHED 3 rooms, ground floor. children, no pets. 2310 N. 4th. NICE. ouiet furnished 3 room apart ment, close in.; adults, pnone a-eoa, DESIRABLE unf urnished 4 room apart ment. New. spacious, exceptionally clean. Range, refrigerator, rugs,, wa ter and garbage disposal. Couple. 1140 S. 13th. - REFINED ladv to share my 2 bed' room apartment, home, automatic . heat and washer. Your share 837.60 per montn. 3-5495. BROADCASTS KOLN 870. KGW 820. KEX 11M j ' n - 00:30 00:45 i News I I World News I KOIN Klock Hodge Podge lOre. Farm Hr. iiHoUywd. SUrs I Holly wd. Stars Music Not. D-Mich. Hospital Smilin' Ed ITom, Stars St 1 1 4.13 On the Upbeat; 8:08, Stories n Stuff; 5 JO, London Letter: 8:45, Defence- - Report; $M, The News and Weather 83, Music for the Con noisseur; 7:15. Grand Opera Tonight; 8 43, The News and Weather; M. Dene Parade; 1800. Sign Off. 700 Itestsb 7C3 Hpcrfc3ra lex Ctsi 1TJBNISHED garage apartment. 840 Includes utilities. . 2172 Chemeketa. Phone 2-6607. COiiFOHTABLE, clean. 1 room apart- tnem. reasonaDie. svo in rear ox 674 N. Church St. ROOM furnished a oa rtroent. uo- stairs, S32J0. Baby welcome. 944 S. lztn. STATE ST. 1 rooms furnishedT beat. wster lights. Private bath. ROOMS furnished, bath, dose in. Phone 2-4888. 498 N. 13th. CLEAN, 1 bedroom modern furnished cottage, reasonable rent. 3845 Port land Rd. '- BOOMS and private bath, near Shop- p'tig center ana Hign schooL un furalsned exceot ranee. Phone 24342. ilCELY FUHNlaau) apt. Ambassa dor Ants. 550 N. Summer. ROOM furnished apt. Also trailer map. 2605 Manle. CLEAN modern! 2 room apt. close In. 273 Hood. Ph7S-8954. REAL NICE APT. Available Nov. 15th! Almost new. choice location, elec. range and refrigerator. Parking area for car $& per mo. Call Al Isaak and co. realtor. 433II. 3055 Portland' Rd. BEDROOM court apt Furnished, cioee to Memorial nospitai. z-0714. ROOM furnished apartments. West Salem. Phone 3-3611. ROOM furnished apartment private bath, near Capital buildings. 940 M1U. ROOM unfurnished apartment with electric range, "efrigerator and oil heater, clean, private entrance, up stairs. 837 JO. Phone 2-2128. LARGE rooms, furnished! private bath,' refrigerator, garage, 860. 841 N. Liberty. Phone J -5448. NICE 3 room furnished apartment for two. $50. 910 Norway. ROOM uniurnished, main floor. Elec tric stove and automatic heat furn ished 832.50. 1437 N. 4th. FOR RENT, (.lean two room furnished apartment. 959 S. 12th. FURNISHED 3 rooms, bath. UtiliUei Walkinr distance. 450 S. CaDitoL ROOM Pullman apartment electric tove and refrigerator rurnisned. 2138 Fairs-rounds. Call 37854 after S. ROOM fur'n apt Close In 37100 "or 377EZ evenf.- FURNISHED 1 room with kitchenette. uumies saia. 340 c Washington. BEDROOM newly furnished court apartment 923 S. 13th or phone 27079. ROOMY, 8 room aot 3 bedrooms un furnished. 665 N. Liberty. URN. 2 rra. apt. 835. 1 rm. 822. Inq. apt, no. 4. bzi N. Liberty. FURNISHED 3 room and bath, elec- trie ! heat Ideal laundry facilities, private garage. 1118 7th St West Salem. Ph. 3-8347. BDCORATD furnished 2 room. ground floor, until! ties paid. 840. 340 E. Washinrton-. FURN. APT close in. priv. bath. 850. zsi ri. men. CLEAN, comfortable apartment, un- rurnisned. 585 s. 12th St. FURNISHED apt. Close in. 1075 N. Capitol. Ph. 3-8706. VERY ; ATTRACTIVE brick court apart- toeni. 3H9 s. i7tn. 707 House For Rent OUR rental service has a nice 3 br. home, din. rm, fireplace, wall to wall carpeting, south, immediate posses sion. Lease If desired. ALSO1 have nearly furnished ranch style home south. Lease if desired. See Joe L. Bourne. Realtor. 1140 N. caDltoi. ALMOST new 1 bedroom house, un- rurnisneo. Reasonable. 2251 Breyman. 6 BEDROOMS', double plumbing, fire- piace. arrangea zor rentals II de- Sired. Full basement furnace, dou ble i garage, walking distance. 883 montn. 701 n. Church. Phone 3-8464. NEW furnished duplex. 1 bedroom. 1010 Park Ave. Phone 1-8746 3 BEDROOM house, newly decorated. some lurniTurc. 3Z80 romand Kd. ROOM furnished cottage. Phone 2-6618. UNFURNISHED 3 room garage house. 2587 Park Lane. out Portland Rd. pnone z-7Z9, 2 BEDROOM house, partly furnished!. Close in. inquire 375 Market Phone 3-7ZZB. - ROOM house. No bath. No pets. 4-2401. MODERN 1 bedroom duplex, electric neat, range, ana water neater. No Pets. Phone 3-6226 or 2-4781. - WEST SALEM, nice new 3 bedroom all I electric duplex, hardwood floors, car port automatic washer and dry er. S60. Ph-n 2-5523. NICE CLEAN modern, small house on bus line, near store. Stove furnished. 840. Ph. 4-2932. ROOM country Ph.!47F21. home 840. Kubin, ONE HALT Of a duDlex. 1 bedroom. 843 mo. Call Rawlins Realty. 24664 or ixoi. AVAILABLE November 12. 1 bedroom apt. size unfurnished house, except tor major appliances, wanting dis tance downtown, very clean, insulat- ea. venetuin ounos, pleasant sur-l-rundings. off street parking. 743 N. ComT. NEW 3 bedroom house, nice location for; rent. Ph. 3-7038. NEARLY NEW i BJL. Ue. lot fire- Dlace. 870. Murnhv A- knt. 4.rx DECEMBER 1. Downtown 5 rooms. nrcpiace, garaen space. SOU. Inauire 461 S. Hieh. Adulta. ..-..- - - -- - bedroom home, suburban. Call 2-2125. SMALL 3 room house, 835 month. 3415 rairnaven Ave. 1 BEDROOM house for rent 843 month. Inauire at 1327 Third. FURNISHED cottage, close to store. inquire 4-corners Sporting Goods 8c Hardware. Phorve 2-6100. 3 ROOM house. 835 month. 1309 Waller st. pnone 2-6517. NEW 3 bedroom with carafe, electric range, refrigerator. Bendix. 630 Cat terline St. Near Salem General Hos- pitaL Phone 2-2707. DUPLEX" PH. 4-3061 EVE. CLEAN small house, 3 rooms and bath. remgerator. untmty paid. S35 a month, near school, 3510 Williams Ave pnone 2-9348. MODERN 3 room, heater, range 833. Phone 37053. CLEAN, 3 room cabin, partly furnished m mniiui. 3Jt wuilama Ave. SMALL 1 bedroom modern house 840. Pn. Z-6Z18. - A NEW 4 room house, unfurnished with raraee. 141S n isth 3 BR- PARTLY turn, homes 153. 231 N. Hhfh. SMALL 1 bedroom house with base- ment electric heat 850. Phone 3-3717, 710 Wantd To RnnL Houss RESPONSIBLE business man wants 3 bedroom unfurnished home. Phone a-i izi aavs. 3-7191 evenings. SUBURBAN or 3 bedroom modern home with fm ill barn. oh. 2-9833. 3 OR 3 bedroom unfurnished house! rnone e-j770. R00; Real Estate Here 3-bdrnu Uv. rm 13 x 14 din. rm. furnace. Patio outdoor fireplace, little furnished house renting for acnooi. xotat price gisoo. owner wui carry contract. . .: Call Chet Ferria Acreages 18 Acres Prinrle School District, no buildings, beautiful building site. Ground - ; slightly rolling, view, well on property. Terms. Price 83150.00. 8 Acres Pringle School District 3 rm. house, elee. pump, chicken, house. . - strawberries, etc. down. Price 82750.00. - 18 Acres Unimproved East Cottage farm area. Priced at 82100110. . j . ; J. .. I Call Pete Geiser .: I " j Home and Investment f Owner has Just reduced price to 88.750. Dumt, auto-oil neat, xou cant miss siooo.oown. ':, .. Call Roy Ferris Here's Your Home in the Country I acres with 3 bdrm. home and a new timber Berries and fruit A beautiful setting, to see this cau 1 GRABENHORST: BROS., REALTORS 234 S. Liberty St . Phone 3-3471 ' Evenlnee and Kundave call Hoy Ferris 3-8010 - Chet Ferris 3-8724 700 Rentsls 710 7es!d To st IfonsM WK NEED rentala. Call Joe L. Bourne Seeltor. U40 N. CapltoL Ph. S-S21S. 714 Luxintsx ilestalx OFFICE building for rent 8428 Port- , iana Ha. rnone 3-4077. BUaLNtici Boom. H U SUft . i K00 Real Estate I A BARGAIN --' 'r" S Large BJL ac Den. LH. DJt Kitch- en. glassed in Porcn. Baaement. Large floored attic, outside fire place. Double garage, lots of shrubs. iKicery jocaieo. 10 ACRES Mostly fruit including . house which rents for S45.00. only a miles from State 8c Coml St Wonderful view property. 8300 down, 850 per month. sbwjw. Capitol Realty Co. . 2005 Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 4-3431 Eves. 4-4168 Eves. 2-1327 REIMANN ULTRA-MODERN DREAM HOUSE11 One- of Salem's finer homes.- Large fireplace, - spacious rooms, 1 bed rooms and den. Located South. School bus by door. 8150 DOWNlt S-rooms and bath. Large lot Close to bus line. Located North. REIMANN TOR REAL ESTATE 201 South High Street Ph. 3-9203 9-Unit Apartment Completely furnished close to; state bidgs S3Z3.00 a month income own er would consider a small house in trade. Thia Just the deal for some one who wants a high return for the investment. Trade Your Car . And own a home. Owner will accept late model car as full down pay ment He offers a 3 bedrra home all one floor only 3 years old hwd floors-fully modern, near Highland school payments only 865.00 a month. j Bowes & Wood I Ph. 4-3353 224 North High Ph. 2-1974 88,000 OLDER 3 Br. plastered house. Basement. Close in East on nice cor ner lot All Improvements paid. 84.500 Asking price. Make offer. 6 Km. modern . older home. Owner must sacrifice. Close in location. Terms. . 311.000 Very good 3 Br. heme. Near Leslie and McKinley schools. Flat tered, hdwd. floors. F. H. A. terms. 89,9003 Br. Now. Suburban South, City water. Close to school and bus line. F. H. A. terms. 812.5003 Br. South Village. Improve- menia paia. uty water. Excellent terms. j Try listing your property with us. A. A. LARSEN 191 S. High Andy Halvorsen Ph. 3-7163 t Off. Ph. 3-8629 . A. E. Beckett Ph. 2-4591 j Eves, and Sundiv ' 1 40 ACRES with 26 acses oats and, vetch. Us acre strawoerries; two norm house, good bam, poultry house, auto. water system. 310.500. with 84000. oown or taae house in sajem. BUSINESS opportunity for man and w.fe ji well established confection ery and lunch; seats 26, good lo cation. Priced low at 84000. - 35 ACRES, every inch Willamette silt sou, a zme new eight men irrigation well, very heavy flow, over 10 acres new strawberries; Marshall and Northwest; full set good buildings In joveiy setting northeast. szj,bu. WM. BLTVEN 8c CO. 841 N. High St Phone 37660 Eve. phones 34773-26609 801 BuslnoBS) Qpportunitl SERVICE STATION for lease, Phone 2-5526 after 5 p.m operate. Equipment 82500 or will lease building with colored brick and plate glass front also neon sign and tubing on a 00x150 ft lot. 875 or will rent. Ph. Salem 3-6822 or write Mr .Gen B. Hass, owner, 3323 liberty Kd. saiem. ; ; 5 Unit Apt. 3 yrs. old. Very attractive 1 store struc ture, completely zurmsnea. Bringing in 33780 per year. Tenants pay util ities. This is an excellent Investment Ideally located. Price S31.500. Rostein & Adolph, Inc. 110','s N. Commercial St Phone 3-3030 - Eves. 2-8846 YOUR OPPORTUNITY Factory Distributor wants party with 81900 cash and a little spare time to handle a candy business. Big earn ings. Give phone number for inter view. Box 130. care Statesman. SERVICE Station for lease. Double bay. suitable for tune-up or brake work, good neighborhood, located in Salem on main highway. Contact Mr. Crowe, phone 3-7678. ; STORE building, living quarters, 2 bedrooms, double garage, chicken house. Cabin. Drilled well, 1 acre. Sell, trade or lease. Owner at 790 S. Lancaster. .- - Good Going Business Dandy- for man and wife setup. Ice cream fountain, light lunches, very best of equipment excellent loca tion. Will trade for house in Salem. Art Madsen Realty 1328 State St. Phone 3559028812 FOR RENT: Rickreall Garaee and Ser vice station. See L. C Miller, Rick- 1 reail. Ore. Phone Dallas 3725. BARGAIN for cash or lease. 2 wells. big dam for Irrigation. George Ffeif- fer. Rt. I. Box 347. Dallas. Excellent Bnsiness Opportunity One of the most profitable and up to date lockerolants for sal due to ill ness of owner. 535 lockers, all rent ed, complete curing and smoking equipment lard rendering, custom euttine?. and active retail meat busi ness! - Finest of equipment and ma chinery, overhead trackage, scales, switches and about 60' of track. To tal net from processing and storage dose to S1.000 per month. All build ings and equipment of recent date and in pest condition, aiso excellent modern living quarters. 3 bedrooms. living and dining rooms, kitchen, bathroom, etc. : - Reasonable down payment good earnings, low taxes. Shown by appointment only. - con tact it. n. neiie. Joe Hutchison, Realtor 4S5 Court St Ph. 3-3629 BOO Real Estate r It Is! kitchen, fireplace. full basmt. auto-oil comer lot Dble. garage. ALSO a dandy 850.00 per mo. l'. bike, from Englewood 3-bdrm. older home. Good corner, full framed house ready to complete. Part Pete Geiser 3-9968 - J. E. Law 3-5113 BAKERY eouipment and building The above described homes to be sold to the highest bidder at pubUe auction OnrTone to TllL Ore eon. Radv to t or cash, but subject to the approval of the Oregon State mghway Com ZriaMKK 1 niUwion and with the right reserved to .reject any and j all WdY An Initial COO ResJ Eststs v i Aa exceptional buy In small family home. This spic and span newer S-bdnn. nome is located in city, only S4730.00. Terms if desired, can Royer. i t ! NEAR NEW a-BDRM-SlSSO DOWN A clean, near new suburban home with living roonwlSx 30, Kitchen, Dinette, harwood floors. S13S0 down. Call Royer. -. . ;. , - - - GROCERY LOCKERS. SERVICE STATION " Here Is n good going grocery and general : ice station that should net you approx siooo per montn. u you con i want to run the service station we have a man Interested in leasing tt Your chance of a lifetime, 87.900. Plus inventory at time of sale. Call Chet ' : : i ktt ran lute Yes here's vour chance to become set apartment house located on 99 K. i 1 apt house with 4 aot furnished. Investment come la and let; us show can cnet. . .f.p i Lots or We have several nice lots to choose new Washington schooL sso.oo down, RAWLINS 8060 N. Capitol St Royer 4-1781 : Frank Graff Real. Estate i ! S BEDROOM HOME T Lge. XJv. rm. with fireplace. Nice Din. , very nice Barms, aown witn oatn Between. a sarins, up. jutira nice zuu ' basmt with forced air furnace. Dble. garage. 4 ac. Nice yard with shad. ; trees. Close to school & stores. Bus by door. Located In the suburbs of j South Salem. 113,500, witn sssos down, can simpson. - SALEM HEIGHTS DANDY '' 1 Bdrm. home. Lge. 16x22 Liv. 3c Din. : very nice iooxzoo corner lot oniy seeoo uau xooa. ! j . 9-REDROOM SPECIAL ' Lge. 13x13 Liv. rra. Din. & Kit combination. 2 lovely Bdrms. Lots of shade trees & shrubs. This nome is central Close to school, stores & bus. A real "IS INCOME . Apartment house with 7 units and a j s sues, from Ladd & uusa nans:. ; n buy. S2 joo. can Todd. FRANK GRAFF 820 State Street Evenings phone Simpson PUBLIC AUCTION HOMES TO CLEAR RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR SALEM BY-PASS RESIDENCE NO. 3710 OSBORN AVENUE, SALEM NO. 17252 3 large bedrooms, living room, entrance hall and closet. Large dining room, kitchen with senarate breakfast room, bath and hall. Oil floor furnace and auxiliary electric heaters. Electric Venetian blinds. Electric water system. This Is a very large home, in a partially unfinished state. Plastered interior, cedar shake exterior. With thia home Lot 1, Block 4. Rehb's Addition. Marion County, Oregon, will be sold. Lot and home to be Included RESIDENCE NO. 3650 OSBORN AVENUE; e hMtmnms hall it vine mom. Hath bar and dining area. Hardwood ceilings, knick-knack shelves, Venetian punas, electric water neater, oarage HariiMi with utiiitv itnnM mwrhtul. Dlastered Interior, cedar shake ex terior, electric water system. With tion, Marion Couty, Oregon, will do your bid. : r .,! - -i ! .. RESIDENCE NO. 3710 BELL ROAD SALEM NO. 17248 e kulmmiii wninh rlnwti. hall, in eivtiirM kithn with dinin area Oil floor furnace. Hardwood floors throughout. Attached garage, electric water heater, electric water system. Plastered interior, siding exterior. Weather stripped and insulated. With thia home. Lot 4. Block 2, Rehbs Ad dition, Marion County. Oregon, will be sold. Lot and home to be included In your bid. ANY FINANCING NECESSARY MUST DATE. WITH .THE FINANCING deposit of 50 of high Did will oe General Vicinity One-half mile East then follow signs, to south- Home must be removed from present of offer. ; j I Full Information regarding estimated septic tanks, and new well and otner inspection ox tne properuea mj vm had hr calline C. w. Parker. State Highway Department Salem. Phone 4-217L Ext 717. . j j ! 1 .; I - Sale dateNovemher 10th, 1951s at 3710 Osbom Avenue, at 1:00 ipjn. horn Avenue and 3710 TERMS OF SALE ARE: 50 deposit at bid price to be paid within -ten Highway commission. Auctioneer: i Claude M. Kllgore OREGON Phone 2-5708 390 South Lancaster Drive, Salem . ! i . I Ohmart & Calaba, Realtors Lee Ohmart i ! 7 TV VftTT OTTAT.TTV T m V. em)V .Ml hi. ina Lkwlnvim hlaM with Oil heat fireDlaCO and att. garage, just z years old nere s 87750. ; ., , I ' ' TVWT. Tn. tMm iuimI basement with oil lurnace. very Maddy. " - i : Tvmnr. 4 unit residential court very wsU located, nearly new shows over 1 per month gross. stE us now run i toot : imTi m 1. New. ultra modern, beautifully arranged 3-bedroom home. den. full base ment with party room and nrepuce e ri.. ,ri. Ai inaiv nuHnu a. rvo ui, ,.w w.j --t- room. Z bedrooms ana aen aown. finest homes 832,000. , ! farm specials - t on .rtj-re Hnoni rM PAVm ROAD ! Wm. and Amity soils. 75 A. clears!. ! SV AVIUM Vaa s mooa 3-beflroom nome. larce Darn, farm for 823.000. Terms. i 40 ACRES MOSTLY AMTTY About 20 A. cleared, gome timber, no I i Ohmart S Calaba, Realtors U j Real 'Estate & Insurance 477 Court St i Lt" Phone 24113 - 2411S j Eva. - Louis Loreni 35580 - Henry Torvend 33633 - Pat Kemper 35297 f I f j ,,; j Ralph Maddy 23488 f.; ,- I I Attractive Price Can be applied to this bungalow located in a most desirable district, close to trrade school. 2 Dearooms. met Fenced in back yard. Only 88.250. North WaM a a ejwww Kmu -mil hn will suit your pocket book. Has Kitchen. Garage, urge lot, ciose Picture Windows Decorated With City and Mountains This gem is located In the West Hills. 3 master size bedrooms, spacious living room, fireplace set In paneled wall of natural wood. Informal entry hau. handsome dining room. Ultra-modern kitchen with breakfast nook. Handy heated utility room. Double garage. Beautifully landscaped with sprinkling system, raced zor quicx saie at.SH.auv. - McKILLOP'S REALTORS Office Phone 3-8620 ; Evenings and Sundays: Mike Raschko 2-7401 LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH .US 493 Center at North High Bill Brown 3-4S3T H00 Real Estata nice size lot 70 x 190. 3 bdrms. Large merchandise, plus lockers and serv- for life with this first class Motel and This property nas z nomes. zu rentals. It should net approx 15 on your you the best motel In or near Salem. Lflw from, some near.Kelzer. some near the 820 per month, call Chet. REALTY (Hollywood District Realtor) Office Phones 2-4884 or 4-1781 Evening Phones: I Chet 3-8236 rm. Kitchen with worlds of bulltini. 2 combination. Ldry. trays. In att. garage. ly iocs tea in tne uigiewooa omnci, buy at 35300. can Simpson. PROPERTY i ' duplex. Shows return of 8340.00 per Mo. Always run. no rental prooiems. iiu i REAL ESTATE ' Office phone 1-8591 3-8239. or Todd 2-1731 water heater. Oak floors throughout in your Did. , SALEM NO. 17250 kitchen with corner sink, breakfast floors throughout electric heat coved this home Lot 1. Block 2, Rehb's Addi sold, loi ana nome to oe umuuucu ia - . - vcrv laree livinff room, bath with built- and laree window, utility inside house. BE ARRANGED PRIOR TOTHESALE COMPANY or noun wiw-- required at me conclusion. mum. f of the State Hospital on Center Street location within 30 days of acceptance cost of moving, concrete : foundation. - I and thereafter at 3650 0s- Bell Road. time of receiving bid and remainder tt cays 01 notice ox acceptance m um uj STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION State mgnway uuueung Salem lTftR A C.I. 13AN a wonaenui otu ivi mmuw ui.j ' tmTTSir Tr Hvlne-room. extra nice fireolace. attractive yaru, dv " propfrty vui iniunauinvn., nnuri 'RTTVS za uwwr wui h-m formal livinr-room and dining- - . T iiT ... . cl. a UD. a oama uua w mm vs. -.w.. baL brush and some marketable ximoer. w a - - - . . mm a a lamuj ituh .uum mm m j SOIL 2 A. BEAVER DAM i buildings but good site. $8000. j uvins room, nanoj "'"" j Suhurhan hMn inn kin for. and also the price nice living room, .separate dining room. to oua. aw. REALTORS Jim Ramsay I 4-its Rudy Calaba COO Real Estate ZZ2 BnsinoKS)" Proprtr - r . BY OWNER. Good businesa site, ware- ammm. garaxe. rauroaa spur. 3137 Portland Road For auio kaale S2L00B, Phone 8-9511 , 80S Hou s) fog Scds) iy SOUTH SUBURBAN; entirely modern. 8 bedrooms down, 2 up partly finiah- eq. can a-zsea. Cheap Nearly new plastd hse. 1 bdrm dn, 1 over art. gar. nice Kitchen witn breakfast bar. Paved driveway. North. Terms. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 980 S. Commercial Phone 3-4590 Eve. 3-9530 St. Vincent ; Attractive 4-BJt home. 12 yrs. old. LJt and DJt both have new car peting w. to w. Full basement with new oil furnace, lovely yard. Very nice neignDornooo. xiua is priced Rostein & Aloph, Inc. HO',4 N. Commercial St. Phone 3-3030 Eves. 2-8646 Oualitv Construction New home on Fairmount Hill. 3 bed rooms on one floor. Birch finish in L-R Dlt. and kitchen, hardwood floors throughout Picture bath with tiled shower and dressing taoi.. Dou ble sarase and utility in basement. Many more outstanding features. 273 W. Luther. Phone 3-8226. WONDERFUL HOME FOR CHILDREN large Dutch Colonial on a beau tiful wooded acre of oaks & firs, sev eral places to make a swing, large sunny living rm & D rm, hall with open stairs, 3 bdrms & den. full bsmt. double plum, double garage. S19.500. IT YOU MUST KEEP A HORSE SEE THIS 13 acres only 3 miles from the city limits, pasture, barn 8c creek, plenty water, nice 3-bedrm modern home with bsmt 8c furnace, view, double rarase. fruit St nuts. 815.750. 9 ACRES 8 MILES OUT fairly new 3- bedrm home with dining room & utility, hardwood floors, fine plas ter job, fir grove, good well & spring. some xruit, terms. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor Ph. 2-3849 or 2-5260 " 960 S. ComT. $275 Dn. Priced $3650 2 ROOMS it BATH. WIRED FOR RANGE. LG. LOT. NORTH. SUB. $6950. Modi 5 rms. Sub. k - Terms. . Mod. 6 rms. Nr. Leslie. 1225 Down: 89000 WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 172 S. Liberty St. Salem. Ph. 3-7113 BY OWNER: Perfect for school. 3 bed room. 2 baths, oil furnace, utility, large lot 810,500. 848 N. 16th. Phone 3-7271. . - $2000 Down South. Neat & clean. 3 bedrm. Large L. rm with fireplace. Ewd firs. Nice lawn St shrubs. Full price smuo. C. -W. Reeve, Realtor 980 S. Commercial Phone 3-4590 -" Eve. 3-9530 BY OWNER: 2 bedroom home, living room, dinina room, fireplace, full basement sawdust heat bus at door. $8900 Call 2-6598 for appointment. COMPARE this with anything in town. 8600 down. Full price S8500. z Deorm, living-dining combination. Ideal kit chen with large nook. Inside utility room, attached garage, hardwood floors. Automatic Oil heat. Call 23269, : A Cute Home Only 82200 Down. Only lM years old. Attractive . aen witn mtyuiti. -ulated. weatherstripped. car ga rage. We consider this a very good buy for only $8500.00. Older Ti ype - But a good buy. Near Hollywood Dia- stnci. a-car garage, niu to wau .--pet in living room. Large storage and wood shed attached. Total price la only 86400. Terms arranged. Roomv With Basement Freshly redecorated.' 3 bedrooms. Full basement, rorcea air ou iu. car garage acre lot Just outside city. This home is unusually well built. Chicken house. Privste deep well. Several walnut and fruit trees. If you need space and elbow room be sure to see this one. $14,000. Terms. . Leslie Snecial Older type spacious home. Immediate possession. ; . New roof. Oil heat 1 blk. to school. Flowers, shrubs and lawn. Just think the total price is only $7950. Suburban Home of Charm vara tnuHniii s bedrooms all on one floor. ireDiace. imumwu - ithmtriniiMi. GorftOUl back yard. 2-car garage. Nice yard and lawn. Tile bath. Family orchard and berries. Owner will exchange for mailer home. The total price Is 316.000. Liberal terms. G.I. Three Bedroom Homes Only 8500 down. Brand new. Attached earaee. ravea ana curotu f-it-f saw.r and water. Oil heat, Hdwd. Firs. Youngstown kitchen. Lots of built-lni. Total pries Is only 88250. CALL FOR MR. DAN ISAAK EVE PHONE 4-3533 OR MR. LLOYD KEENE EVE PHONE 2-6076 Beauty Shop VaaTI-r nlem eouirjment. Verv low rent If you are interested in me oeauir business investigate tnis. ine wvu price for everytning is oniy siw, - Duplex Really nice. One youll be proud to own. very gooa aistnct. near sc-iiuui, hua ni itorM. Each unit has home size refrigerator and range. Parking area for cars. Liberal F-H.A. terms available. Total price $16,000. Cafe . In prosperous community. NO compe tition, well equippea. very tow over head. This is ideal for couple. Bar- sain price of only ssuo. lerms. Gross Income $1050 Per Month On thia anarfm.nt house. The location la extra select, very row ovtrrncaa. Oil heat. Owner reports a net In come annually of $10,000.00. The ask ing pries of this ont is only $70,000. Terms available. -rr.I. rrR MR. ANDERSON i EVE PHONE 8X TURNER COLLECT 5 Acres Plus UwlMiim hnnw. Barn, chicken house. wood shed. well, near anuui town. We consider this a buy zor smww 40 Acres ! Extra good . buildings. Home has fire place, easement ana a oearoomi. - car garage, txiveiy view, tmiy miles from Salem. Total price $16,800, Terms arranged. 5 Acres Modern. 3-bedroom home only 10 veare old. Barn, crucsen nouse. ev eral walnut and apple trees. Deep w.IL 6 blocks to school. Liberal terms. Total price only $7450.00. ' CALL FOR MR. LEAVENS EVE PHONE 3-4735 Mortgage Loans . Ai Isaak & Co., Realtors , Office Phones: 4-3311 or 3-7820 - Eve. 4-3533. 3-6076. 3-4733 or Turner 8x collect 3033 Portland Rd. G00 Real Estsxo ECS Houses For Zd Nearly New i' ; 85750. 3 bedrm home with hwd : fire thruout Large dble ft A. Keizef C. W. Reeve, Realtor 980 S. Commercial i Phone 3-4590 ,Ev. 3-9530 $7500 ! (- New 2 Bedrm. Shake Oil furnace, and elec i" cooking, rood Bendix washer goes with home. Bath and shower both. 31400 will handle. ; Call Mrs. Lindsey. Good Buy in Fairmount Hill Home i 879003 bedrms. and modern. BaseV ment and oil heat One bedroom in basement Double garage. Well built home. Call Mrs. Lindsey on this one. Half Acre 4 Bedrm. - Home : Not old. t bedrm dn and 3 up. An hardwd floors dn. Attached garage . good water system. Many shrubs and : shade trees around 'home. Chicken house and nice garden.! 3 miles south. 89500. . . 2 Homes on 1 Lot Neerly new 2 BJt. home.' i-ented for 850 a mo. Owner lives In cute 1 BJt - home. Hollywood dist.S950D. ft cash. Art Madsen Realty - L26 State St; Phone 33580 28813 Evti. 3-4094 2 BEDROOM home, plastered and in suia'ea. excellent - condition. Nice lawn and shrubs. Also garden space. See owner 115 R ISth - . . 1 BEDROOM, suburban, modern, utill- ties, my equity. $265. Phone 4-4559. MOVING from Salem. 3 bedroom homo near Leslie SchooL FHA I committ ment. Phone 2-1003. ? I 7 NEW HOME BARdAfo Two bedrooms, hardwood floors, oil . furnace, plenty of builuni. untility room, large attached garage, lot 60x 132. In thriving addition near Keizer. Water system. Terms to suit wtthm reason. Price 889001 By owner, Ph. 37654 or 39218. Ask for BOB. SUBURBAN 3 YEAR OLD. 2 bedroom with living room, combination kit chen & dinina room. Lot 63 x 137. Hayesville District Low down pay , ment. Balance on contract Pries 86.850. ii - i i - NEAR HIGH SCHOOL, - well built 1 bedroom home, spacioua living room with fireplace 4c dining space. Up to the minute kitchen with nook. In side utility. Piped, forced, oil heat Lot 61 x 150. Attached garage. 314.000. s i j OLDER 3 BEDROOM - HOME, large living room, dining room, kitchen modernized, basement with a partly furnished apartment. Sawdust heat Wall to wall rug in . living room stays. Richmond district 88.500. E. J. Zwaschka' REAL ESTATE 1745 Grant St. Phone 3-4033 4 CORNERS. 3 bedroom home, furn ished If desired, fruit nuts, chicken house, etc. After S pjn. 260 8. Lan caster. FOR SALE by owner. Englewood Dia trict Very nice 3 bedroom home, fireplace, hardwood floors, part tiles bith. Fenced yard. 8 years old. Ph. 34256 ' i : , OWNER MOVING MAKE"C-ITER on 2 bedroom home on one acre. 530 W. Browning. ' - - . t j FOR SALE by owner; 22 bedreoni houses, all modern, floor furnace, oak floors, new. attached garage. 1 at 4-Qpmers with ft acre and 1 on Sun nyview Ave. with 1 acre. See owner. 4553 Sunnyvlew Ave. j 810 Farms. Acnaq tet Salm Must SeU I 3 Acres South. Good 3 bedrm hse with sleeping porch. Hwd firs, living rm 8c halt Chicken hse. Some fruit as berries. This is under : priced lot quick sale. Terms. Hurry, i C. W.! Reeve, Realtor 980 S. Commercial j Phone 3-4590 Eve.!3-53S ' 3 ACRES, l's miles from city limit.; i mile from school. : on pavement. 850 square ft. in house, 3 large chic ken houses, good welL $7750. 4238 Liberty Rd. ; ; i 812 Exchanoi Rfil Estctts) TRADE. I work In Salem. Have 8 ' rooms, 3 ' bedrooms, bath, utility room, garage, wired for range, car pets wall to walL 1 block to Shopping; Center and Bank, lot 66-120. more if wanted. Sidewalks and paved. All paid. WIU trade and : give or take. Phone 344 Monmoutn. Oregon. $2000 EQUITY in al-BJL home on H A., close in. es part payment ror 3-BJt. home in city. ? ; G. A. Vicary, Realtor 3980 Cherry Ave. f Phons 2-5838 818 Wanlad. RaJ Estate Want house $3500 to 84500 Cash. 172 S. Liberty.) Ph. 3-7113. Willamette rteai tstate. 1 ! BEDROOM house. Must accept lat model car as down payment Box 126. co Statesman. -, ; 850 Automotive 852 Osad Car For Sals) 1934 FORD sedan delivery, full price) see. Mccaii s 1Z37 state. 1939 PLYMOUTH sedan, radio, heater. new tires and new paint Pfiona 9.0149 11QA N Caoitol. i 1938 CHEVROLET. 391. Gerth. Phon 2-1858. 1949 CHEVROLET deluxe 2-door Fleet- - line. 17.000 actual miles. In exceuenS condition. $1395. 1545 N. 17th. Phon S-4877. BY OWNER: '49 Oldsmobile 98" se- danette. radio, heater, hydromati. low mueage. $1850. Phone 2-7tcw. 1940 CHEVROLET deluxe 4 door sedan. heater seat covers, very clean Inside and out 81395. Terms. McCalla. 127 State. ' 1 1940 PONTIAC club coupe in very good condition. Heater, new seat covers 8365. Terms. McCalls. 1297 State. 1942 NASH 2 door sedan. 800 series, radio, heater, overdrive, seat covers. Excellent condition; Price $565. Terms. McCalls. 1297 State. BEST BUYS! IMS CHEV; DIX AERO SEDAN. ; RAH. J W.W. TIRES. VERY CLEAN i. k......314a 1948 FORD DE LUXE SDN.. ONE OWNER. SEE THIS ONE 13S3 1947 CHEV. CLUB COUPE. ONE -OWNER. SPOTLESS. SPEC. ; -FOR FRIDAY St SATURDAY ONLY 6 1941 CHEV. CLUB COUPE. RAH, TAILOR-MADE CO VI K 3. ONLY S78 1941 PONTIAC CLUB COUPE. R&H. A GOOD ONE 871 1941 FORD SUPER DLX. TOWN . SEDAN. RAH. OVERHEAD MOTOR. TRY THIS ; ONE ' " FOR ONLY -48f 1941 CHEV. SP. DLX. TOWN SE- . DAN. A GOOD FAMILY CAR . 848 1941 FORD STATION WAGON. .. . LOTS OF ROOM. GOOD MOTOR St RUNNING GEAR AND SO LOW, IN PRICE. : qjjLY j. tit 1943 STUDEBAKER CHAMPfON SEDAN. R8cH. O "DRIVE. FRL 8r SAT. ONLY ... - 888 1940 FORD DLX. SEDAN. RAH. MERC. MOTOR. TRY IT..-. 188 1940 OLDS. CLUB COUPE. RAH. ; FRI. 8c SAT. ONLY 898 1930 CHEV. COACH. . A, GOOD - WORK CAR. SEE IT 148 1931 CHEV. COACH. LIKE NEW IN AND OUT. THE NICEST -ONE IN TOWN. LOOK THIS ONE OVER I TERMS OF COURSE - Aynhee Mofors 840 Union -;- Phone 2-4TJ03 Nisht Phoa 1 1, :