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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1939)
Rootirf for Her Champ p. X V 'V, Mr. Jack Dempsey leare hospital la New York after visiting the former heaTjweirht champion, recovering front peritonitis. She ia accompanied by Ned Brown, Dempseyi business associate, The old Hanaro Mauler -was stricken with peritonitia following removal of a gangrenous annendix, Sutton Goes East As Brother Is 111 i r - -: ' " , :' 4 INDEPENDENCE Frank Snt ton ot Independence left Monday for Hancock, Iowa, after receir- ing word that his brother, Charles Sytton, waa Terr Hi and not ex pected to, recover. . Charles Sutton is' remembered by Oscar Moore of Independence as they were both with Company F of the 59 th US Yolunteers, dur ing the Philippine Insurrection from 1891 to 1901J Mr.- Moore states that Mr. Sutton was sent home 111 a considerable time be fore the company returned. Speaks Bellinger On Japan Mission .... F Lebanon Methodist Group i f Hears Local Blan Who j ' i Lived in Island ' i ! LEBANON The leading inter est of the meeting of the Metho dist r missionary society at the home of Mrs. W. P. Furth Wed nesday afternoon was an infor mal talk by Jack Bellinger on ; the missionary situation In Japan where he with Mrs. Bell inger spent two. years. The sur prise note of the address was the . statement' that missionaries who haye leired 60 ears or more haye-a dread of returning to America and when the WFMS automatically ends .their, - work whenr' they reach tne t required age they are sensitise about sit ing it' UP. ;-;;-.'; 7 - " ; Devotions, were led by If ra, Olire Gilson and a brief program was directed by the president, Mrs. Rosa Blackburn. -; . f , Judge p. M. Payne, entertain ed Sanday with a dinner j at his country home honoring guests from j California, Texas, Canada and eastern Oregon. Friends from Lebanon and Albany were additions to the guest Jlst. Ed S p o o of Sisters waa In Lebanon .this week to take his uncle, Carl Kowits, to hie home for an : indefinite stay. Spoo bro thers, former Lebanon residents. are operating a large sawmill it Sisters. Math Oogl. Roy Connett, Leba non, Walter Oogl, Albany and Harlan Brock, Salem were at Marlon lake oyer the weekend to inspect a cabin owned by The OREGON. STATESMAN, Salen, Oregon, Friday Monvlaz, Ju Unifying NewYorfcs Subways I- 'i - -, - - ...... r , , . r .r:'. . '! .. .f Mayor LaGuardia (left), of New York, signs contract for the city's pur-, chase of the B. M. T. subway system for 1175,000,000, completing unifica tion of rapid transit with the city-owned lines and the recently bought . tRT.sjstem. .Richt,isW.&Menden,B.M.T.head, f Oogl and Connett. Lebanon people interested in the WCTU farm home since 'its beginning will attend the dedi cation of the new Frances Eliza beth cottage Sunday. Earl Snell of Salem will be the principal speaker. Mrs. E. Lansberry. city libra rian, reports ten additional books to the library this month by well known authors. 75 Youths Join Swimming Gass EILVERTONs Seyenty fire youngsters are taking adrantage of the Red Cross swimming Iea- aona at Salem, prorlded by Sil Terton's recreational center for Silrerton people. The classes opened Wednesday and the chil dren rode on the school busses furnished by J. C. To we. i There were , SI pupils regis- . tnrliif' laaaona. twvu ' ! for the adranced and S for the llfe-aaTlng testa.Offleiala xpeet the total to number 10 students;: I U'f s , - ' ' Tbi classes :; wBl be ! Uught every. Monday Wednesday ; and Thursday from July 8 to 17. The life-earing and begtnners, groups leare at- 8 o'clock erery- morn, tor whUe the adraneed wlm ming pupils' are " scheduled jo boaTd the busses t t'.tO. ' " Miss G. Sterret V lUn -teacher in the summer - recreation school here, has 5 consented to teach aiternopn ciasacs m m vmm . 'fhnaa reaia tered tor the morning swimming: elasaes.-These will b held Men- , day. - Wednesday - and - Thursday , afternoons ' at J o'clock. . morning . classes In Latin f bg-' at 8:30 o'clock. . . Daughter to Wards . h MILL CITY Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ward are the -parents of a daughter, bom July 1 In Mill C"Sotj and Mrs. S. Eliasse. ot Albany spent the weekend wim former Mm cuy rriena. TO GIRLS CAMP INDEPENDENCE Betty Belle Henry. Phyllis Harmon, Betty Mae Peyree and Dor la Albee will leare Sunday for a week at Camp Kilowan, aummer -' camp tor Camp Fire Girls. Mrs. Joe Rogers, Jr., will take the girls to the camp which is located en Teal creek near Falls City. f i There were ; 88 pupils regis- teach afternoon ciaaaga ' -ss: i ft . Imitation S. and W, I Vanilla CoiFee Both, : .-. , .; .tmS . . NEW MARKET gc TiIETROPOLITAIJ'S - JULY - Diastic Redactions! in Eveiy Department!! Reduced! Heavy Denim Men's Waist OVERALLS FuD cut, stordy quality o'alls at aa exceptionally lew price. Regularly 08c. ' Drastic Reductions! JZJ in Every Department!! sSSlniiWsaaaSSi aaailsllalsaaaana'ae Special! (olc mm 111 Chocolate Covered Candy Specials! Special! Lb. ADATTfir CI ffPC Rearular 20c lb. Assorted FlaTora - CHOC. CREAMS Chocolate Covered . FUDGE IIOUGATS 225 2Vl. 10c Regular 25c lb. Cf Special! Lb. If 7j Reduced! Men's SmRTS and SH0nTSL Good quality combed cotton ' shirts and fine broadcloth shorts. Regularise. . Special! Cloteout! Fancy Dress Buttons Regular 10c A REDUCED 4r rvv TO V mi is Seving Thiead card. A c Imitation suede Leather SLIPPERS For men, women or children. All sizes. REDUCED TO C Slae 40, 50 or 60 in black and white, Also size 50 In all colors. REDUCED TO Past? e bimi pair Men's White OXFORDS Broken sizes of regular 2.98 and S.05 valnea. REDUCED - TO Reduced! Popular Colors Men's CQEWSOX or Men's p ' ' Anklet : TITftTIW DATf MS ' Regular 15c fair' Si it m at . 1 1 '"r .ill " 11 j ""Ml. I iennis Shoes for Boys c REDUCED TO . pair SHOES- . .,.pr. 5C r Men's Tl ff WASH TIES Vj )i Popular patterns for V 'I summer wear. I REDUCED ?7C I .7 SUM'S V 'f . ' Regularly 8c Bar 1 REDUCED I A TO Pf C J 3 bars ) Jj Reduced from 25e Vk ft Women's Rayon Y 11 Knee-Hi Hose Y FiratquaBtj. I II IIHlia III. MM -VM. JLUJIlta XSJ "Jy loss N 4. it.. nAjMMji ; ill lAuuuueu. . mm Fnll-Fashioned Women's SILK HOSE Guaranteed first quality fine silk ' h o a e. Rernlarlr mm. priced at 69c pr. HI Special! mm mm pr. Reduced! For Quick & Clearance! Women's & Misses' Cotton Gaberdine SLACKS Regular 98c quality at an unusually low price. Special! m mm mm rrv Saw ' BATlIfJG GOODS At Drastically REDUCED PRICES ! 1J - A Wonsen, Hisses A Children's Reduced to BATHING SHOES Value np to 40c pr. ( Aviator Stylo - Reduced to SWIM CAPS ReguUrly priced at 29r. - A ' w;,sivirj suits 1st Women A Mime nixes. Identical t swim suits rea larly aelUng at 1.05. White they i-st! Reduced to Reduced! Close-Out China Vare and Glass Ware Values to 19c Flower Pots Porcelain Jugs Anh Trays Oven ware Bowls Glass Batter Dish Glass Cereal Bowls Glass Creamers . Your jn . rhnilUI wen M M: 4 ; . ? r.SOSPENNDEnS .1 '.t;' 'to S3c ' CTP 5 WOMEN'S rValoea to We 39c; 146 No. Commercial St Phone 4010 CORN FLAKES, pkg. . . . . . 4 . . . . . .5c SALT, Small Pkg. . .. PEN JEL, 2 pkgs. . .19c KELLOGGS ALL BRAN, pkg. . . . .18c PUREX, i-gal. jug .19c Macaroni or Spaghetti in Bulk. 5 lbs. . . 16c SOFTASILK CAKE FLOUR, pkg. . . . 22c WHEATIES, pkg. . . . . . . .10c VEGETOLE SHORTENING, 4-lb. ctn. Slc MISSION MACARONI, in ceUo. 27-oz pg 15c THOMPSON MALTED MILK, 1-lb; can 33c FELS NAPTHA SOAP, 10 cakes .42c PEETS Granulated Soap, large size . . 23c PARD DOG FOOD, 3 cans .23c . 19c . 57c .29c .11c 0XYD0L, large size . . 0XYD0L, giant size . P and G SOAP, 10 cakes . . LAVA SOAP, 2 cakes . . IVORY SOAP, medium, 2 cakes . 10c IVORY SOAP, large, 2 cakes . . .17c CRISC0, 3-lb. tin . . . . .49c CRISC0, 6-lb. tin . ... .98c Steinf eld Sauer Kraul, size 2h 2 cans . 15c COFFEE, Caravan, in glass, 1 lb. . . . 23c CORNED BEEF, 2 cans .29c lb. - Mm (m(o)e Oranges 1 ; Full of juice. 5c doz. Cantaloupe Vine ripened. 4 for i9c Lettuce Fresh and solid. A heads 5c Large' Telephone 3 n,, fiCc BUY APRICOTS FOR CANNING NOW! HOFFMAN'S R1ARKET Large VMners lb. 15c FRANKFURTERS Sugar Cured Daconib. 16c SLICED DACOil lb. ' i 5; RIND OFF Purd Lard '4 lbs: -3,7:0 V: t,- : I- i. s. i-i. f 4 f ft KGno-CcnccjcialCl.' Salcni;0r;; WHOLE OR HALF Dacon Squares lb; 13b Ground Dee! 2 lbs: r , 1