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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1934)
r. A i. Li OltilGOn STATESMAir; SaleTi. OiTiorf, Frklay Mornln?. TJfeecafctr. 21. 153 1 Mil OFFERED, : HIGIiCII "Star of Bethlehem" to Be . Sung Tonight; Friesen Is Choir Director The choir of the First church of the Nazarene will present the . Christmas cantata, 'The SUr of Bethlehem" in; the church audi torium tonight at 8 o'clock, with the public invited. John S. Frieaen la director and Mrs. A. J. Smith, pianist. Ret. Marvin O. , Jobe will read the scripture. The church Is ,at ltth and Center. Solo parts taken by Mrs. Battle Litwiller. soprano, Ila Hoffer,' so prano, Kenneth Abbott, baritone. Members of the choir singing are, sopranos, Delia Locke, Hazel Edwards, Pearl Osterman, Laura Schmidt, Gretta Roth. Hattie Lit willer, Ila Hoffer, Lois Smith. Dorothy Meade, Ethelyn Roen, Lois Reldesel, Carmagene Hoffer, .Louelle Hardy, Marjorle Spitler, Mrs, Janzen. ,'VV' v Altos, Jeanie Baxter. Muriel Friesen, Mrs. Hoffer. Mrs. Dan -. Schirman, Ester Ratzlaff, Mrs. J. 3. Friesen, Coramae Hoffer, Es ;ther Reldesel, Dorothy Joyes, El sie Janzen, Thea Sampson, .Anna ' Schroeder. Katherine Skelton. ' Tenors, Willard Friesen, Clyde ""Hoffer. Frank Litwiller, sr., Al bert Unruh. Milford Stull, Frank Litwiller, Jr., Professor Roseman. Bass, Harrer Ratzlaff, Garnet Six. Clarence Litwiller, Kenneth Abbott, George Friesen, Mr. Q. Dick, Dan Schirman, A. M. Meade, waynard, Williams, A 1 f r ed Schmidt, Arthur Oppen, George ; exeuon. and EnBD'c 294 N. Commercial St. CANDIES . Plain Mix, lb. ,... :i0c Cream Mix, lb. -115c Small Jelly Beans lb. L .13c Get Tour Christmas Candy While the Price Is Right Granger Tobacco, - ' CQ " 1-lb. Christmas can ... 051 C Velvet Smoking Tobacco, nn 1-lb. Chriatmas can ... I O C Iodized Salt, . 1 lbn lO ox. . . . . ... .... DC Flour, White River, Eastern 7 Wash. Hard Wheat Pat. Flour, every sack guaran- - 4fcf CO teed. 49s ......... $ l.U 6 We have a limited amount and. we're going to clean op before inventory time. Kerr's Rolled Oats, 0 lbs. 39c BILL'S MEAT MARKET , Pot Roast, lb. 8c Boiling Beef, lb. 7c Tender Steaks, lb. JOc Hod (?en Brewster Egg Producer Milk, oirgreens. A (fro a real feed, 100 lbs. ". B. Laywerl Egg Mash aiuk, oil and greens, 100 Ibs $2.15 FECIAL LOW 4 BIG' &5 ElaDiml&imiieG Choice 0 pound Best Grade 2pounds2S Lean T?UZZ US pound 178 SOUTH COMMERCIAL FREE DELIVERY Diver Seeks I ' r ii 1 A - i- ith-iiii- ' - - -. -.: -- ... . . n Seeking bodies cf victims of the tragic fire at the Hotel Kerns, Lansing, Mich., authorities havs re sorted to the, use of diver to explore the bottom f Grand river, near the scene ef the disaster. Looney Butte To Offer Christmas .: Affair Saturday JEFFERSON, Dec. 20. The teacher and pupils of the Looney Phone 3527 Bing's i Fresh Candled EGGS Mediums ....:;21c Extras 25c They are' Good Because . They are Fresh I -t--- Golden West Coffee, S-lb. can ........ . Rice, fancy head, ; lbs. ............... Beansi small white, 41bs. Standard Tomatoes, 2H sUe Calumet Baking Powder, li Yellow Corn Meal, 10-Ib. sack . . 80c 17c 19c 10c 24c 29c Hamburger, 2 lbs. 15c Mince Meat, 2 lbs. .2oc Fey Veal Steaks, lb. 15c FEED DEPARTMENT H. B. Egg Producer with yeast added, H. B. 8-Star Egg Mash, 100 lbs $2.50 $1.95 95c Morton's Smoke Salt, 10 lbs. DAYS TSZSSV?" Fancy VEAIL -pound Fresh - 21 pounds Fancy . . VIS AIL (5KII?S 2o pounds y j as Bodies of Fire Victims in River This layout shows scenes as the lmr began his work in the river, where several ef the hotel guests Are believed to have perished when they leaped from the flaming building. - Butte school have prepared s pro gram which will be presented Sat urday, December 22, at S p. m. Mrs. Gulvln, the teacher is being assisted by Mrs. Bert Barnes as pianist. The-decorations are be ing planned to Include electric ligted garlands and a. large Delia 4 Deliveries - NUTS Peanuts, lb. . , t , Brazil, 2 lbs. - U Walnuts, lb. Soft Shell Almonds ib. 10c 25c 19c 17c Vegetables Sweet Potatoes lbs. Celery Hearts, 2 bu. .............. Solid Head Lettuce, 2 for Bananas, 4 lbs. ............ . PoUtoes, U. S. No. 2, SO lbs. ............ . Oranges, large size, ISOs, per doz. ...... 19c 13c 15c 19c 35c 21c TURKEYS! TURKEYS! Teast Foam fed, the best birds on the market. Our prices are going to be right and within reason for all. Dairy Feed, Big Six, f o 80 lbs. 1U H. B. Dalrie Meal, Q 20 protein ...... VlU For quality feeds, try our Feed Department. Mill Run, Bran, Shorts, Craz Corn, Wheat, and Scratch. Our prices are right! 4-4 l&S. Tender SSI SBMBBBB i Clii.IT . ". .AD Cuts - i -. . - .. 3 pounds Vegetable. r - SHORTENING 3 pounds , Tender DEEP 3T(S) DniL pound STREET DIAL 8686 HIKES as Robbia wreath contered by a Ma donna. The program: Christinas carols: recitation by Floyd Watson; play, "Another Wise Man"; sonic school; recita tion by Mary Casto; play, "Christ mas la the Apartment"; song, Er- lyn Klokstad; recitation by Haxel Iangen; play, "Mary Make Be lleve's Merry Chrlstmaa"; solo by Muriel Eulrich: fecitatlon by Ve ra coin"; song, school; recitation by Dorothy Hampton; play, "Poor Uncle Abner"; recitation by Vio let Far men: play. "Peace on Earth"; recitation by Frederick Anderson, and song, school. HOT HEALTH SERVICE IS LIKED They like It: The new health regimen established In Oregon's transient relief stations. The thousands cf men and boys who are inumoing tasir way along the highways or snitching rides on ' freight and passenger trains, in search of work or ad venture, heartily approve of the requirement and provision, for in stance, that they must bathe daily while stopping at one of Uncle Sam's stations such as Hotel de Minto, according to Supervisor R. R. Boardman. '"There is a decided Improve ment in their xaorale be said yesterday. "They like baths, to be clean and neat, and the medical service we are now giving them, Yes, they like sleeping in night shirts, too." - The- transient' service's camp concentration plan appears to be diminishing thl number of men "on the road. Boardman said that at the local station, aa an ex ample, around 60 men daily are fed whereas a few months ago the number ran often to 100 and sometimes np to 120. He estimat ed there were 1200 men In these transient camps In Oregon. Schermerhornys Parole Not Yet Possible, Word The state parole board Thurs day refused to take any Imme diate action la connection with the release ot O. 1 Schermer born, ex-sheriff of Jackson conn ty, who is serving a three year term in the state penitentiary for ballot theft at Medford. Members of the board said Schermerhorn's name was on the December calendar bat that he has not yet served his minimum term as required by the state pa role law. v Schermerhorn's parole was re commended by a number of Jack son county officials. . Jack O'Neill is Called; Railroad Man Many Years Jack O'Neill, S, for the last 47 years with the Union Pacific hospital, died early yesterday morning In the St. "Vincent's hos pital In Portland, friends, here learned yesterday noon. ' O'Neill had not been 111 long, having been In Salem last week on his regular calls for the com; pany of which he was traveling passenger agent In this territory. He came to Salem each week and spent several days here. ' O'Neill was a bachelor. One bro ther survives him: he also is an employe of the Union Padfle. Liquor Licenses Sought by Many Estimates Indicate that approx imately 6800 applications for vari ous kinds ef liquor licenses will be filed with the state liquor com mission for the year 1935. The records show that ' more than 14 09 licenses were Issued this year, of which S200 involved retail beer establishments. - 4 Officials declared that while more applications would be tiled for 1935 this did not mean that more licenses would be Issued. Dr. Ruth EL Dougherty EYES EXA3ITXED ' ; CLASSES FITTED 3 First National Bank Bldg. Phone 8114 . Salem, Ore. m IWUBSMI! EKFUina rain Substitution of ons wish-ob- ect for another when a certain wish Is frustrated, or sublima tion" of the wish from a lower to higher level, was declared by R. R. Hewitt, Salem psychologist. ectnrer for the social psychology section of the Salem Arts league. to be necessary for the survival of the Individual as well as a na tion In a changing world. Hewitt spoke to a large audi ence-at this session of the social psychology section, which met In the auditorium of the Salem pub- lie library. His talk developed the theme that wish frustration had a high social value In that it led Individuals, . and through them, ; society, te periods of change and transition. He point ed out that the world was In such a period of change and transition at the present moment, caused, largely, by the frustra tion of certain social wishes. ' He Indicated that when one or another of the four main human wlsnes .. . . for, superiority, se curity, adventure, or reproduc tion ... was f riustrated and not satisfied, pain resulted. As organ isms withdraw from pain. In or der to achieve ease or satisfac tion It Is necessary, to . come to an adjustment, to find a sub stitute, . Most wishes are frulstrated by other wishes: for Instance, the wish to steal money Is frulstrat- by by the wish to appear hon orable i nsociety. One o the most Important of human wishes he said was the" wish for superior ity, which motivated most of hu maa conduct. Questions were ' freely asked and an Interesting discussion followed the main talk. Members of the SERA class at the 'high school adjourned and attended this session In a body. . - Melon-Tomato Refund Checks Being'Sent Out Approximately $5000 In refund checks Is being mailed by the Ore gon-Washington melon and toma to marketing agreement to 1000 growers of these commodities In the two states. This amount Is 10 per cent of the money collectet from a stamp tax on each crate of melons and tomatoes sold In Oregon and Washington during the growing season, after paying all expenses of enforcing the pact and prorid lag for a sinking fund to start operations for 1935. Only these growers who bought $10 or more in stamps are receiving 'refunds. due to the excessive cost of mail ing- checks for less than one dol lar, according to officials of the marketing agreement. BF HIT'S ILHSS.S AIT Closing Out Brown Armonr's Deviled Meat Size y w v cans SyO Post Toasties Post's Bran. Flakes 3 pkgs. . 29c JeH-O, all flavors S pkffs. v ,, .... 18c 23c 47c Log Cabin Syrup Small Size - Sanka Coffet l ib. .. r, .. Small White Fancy Blue 4 ;:ra AnnoursWMf g, mjt j ) Farmer s Union News BETHEL Dee, 20. A large group was at the Farmer's Union open meeting at the school Mon day night to hear the state secre tary. 8. B. Holt. Of Sclo, report on the national convention. He said that the eolllseum. which seats 7001 persons was packed and many were standing. Each delegate at the convention repre sented 5000 members. The Farmer's Union movement is growing rapidly. Five new states which had organized dur ing the year, sent delegates. Mr. Holt carried an Oregon pla card In the mile and and a halt long procession. He said many people came to him to ask about Oregon and said they are going to move to this state. Mr. Holt gave the obligations to one member at the Monday night meeting and installed the newly ; elected officers. A. C Spanger and S. Hamrick are the vocal committee to whom all may make application it they wish their cows tested tor Bang's dis ease. Music was furnished by the Bethel orchestra. Helen Schulz played for group singing. John Rye Trial Set for Today Trial for Johnnie B. Rye, ar rested here about three weeks ago on charge ot driving while under the Influence ot Intoxicating li quor, .will get under way before Justice ot the Peace Miller Hay den this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rye put np 2500 cash ball shortly after his arrest. GIFTS The sparkling spirit ot Christ mas goes with a gift ot flowers. JAY MORRIS, Florist Phone 8637 Blatchford Calf Meal, 1 CC 25-Ib. bag Albers' Calf A-t f-- Mann ............ vltwJ gr.'.i.;..:. $1.20 S3 f?;....,. $1.20 Our DalryFeed, OA 80-Ih. bag $1JU Our Egg Mash. f C( 80 -lb. bag l.OU These Prices at Oar Store , for Cash' , i D. A. WHITE &SONS 201 State St, Phone 4953 tmM ' .11" - 137 3. Commercial St. PHONE Small Glass Fresh G Fancy Fancy Gift I?eacatiot3: E2GOllOt3:GO Special Closinz O ID. DOX o Fcj No. 1 Swl Potatoes , 5n.14c Thompson Armour's Lars Corn Beef 2 24c Cans ebO Rose Head Rice, 3 pounds CUB 611 BUT Claims aggregating T 2 S 3.0 99,- 1 S3. JO were audited by the state department during the two years ending September . 20. 1124. ac cording to the biennial report of the secretary of state completed Thursday. There were 205,032 claims.- ; V - During the blennium ending September 30, 1928, there were 141.573 claims aggregating 311. 710,973.40, as compared with 103,240 claims involving 377. 215.040.59 during the biennlum expiring September 20. 1930. Ap Market Drug Store DRUGS PRESCRIPTIONS C. L. WELLMAN, Ph. G. 47q N.-Commerdal St In "Basick's Market" LAST - MINUTE SPECIALS ON XMAS MERCHANDISE . For Him. .. 60e Pipes foaer imps in a Rack .......... $1 Men's Shaving Sets ........... 59c 79 c Woodbury,. Palmolive, Colgate's, Valiant or Mennen's Glass Highball . Shaker Pocket nn Knives lk to Pen and Pencil . Sets ........... Pen and Pencil . 65c $1.50 $2.75 :75c sets ...r.., ....... For Her... SI Perfnme . Bottles Jewel or Cigarette 79c 60c 79 c 39c VjJbVCcI ee'ee) 91 Glaxo Manicare ' Sets SOc Pancake Compact ... 9USO Manicure "... $2.89 Roll-nps 11 pieces la silk lined leather case. ed' 98c 69c ' S-Year Diaries with . r Ixck, genuine leather - O-iear Diary, leatherette . . Beautiful Stationery ... 49c Electric Bondolr 41 Lamps .......... vl I 3 Metal Cigarette f eA Cases S-lb. box Johnston jl "I Q Chocolates ...... Ol' fi-Ib. box Johnston f Q Q J Chocolates ...... 3l0 'mi Fancy Roasted lb. New Box o I I Golden nawanc Fancy 3n. 15c Boilers 25 ! 2QQ Seedless 4 lbs. QQQ Walnuts, fancy qnettes . Fran- iw35c 0(3 proximately 173,710 claims se gregating 171.099,009.93 we're audited during the blennium end- ' lng September 39. 1932. Although there was a material Increase In the number of claims audited during the last biennlum when compared with the previous ' two year period, there was a de crease of nearly $7,000,000 in the total amount ot claims. Officials said this was due to salary reduc- -tlons and drastic cuts la operat ing costs. The report showed that four- new hoards and commissions were created during the past two years. These Included the state liquor control commission, state racing commission, state relief commit tee and milk control board. Addi tional duties also were imposed upon the state agricultural de partment. " ToHetries, Toys 1 and Candies T oys Steel Tracks, with Cft ' lights, rabbet tires . VUC Sl.iS Electric QQ Irons JOC Rubber Dolls with '.. 28c- -removable suits Baby Dolls, AQ smartly dressed .... TXC Growling Teddy l OQ -Bears, 17 in. high Double Table Tennis M Q Sets, complete ..... Tt' C Jigsaw JPnzzle OC Slaps ............. CDC 53c Auto Paint Set ...39c 55c Christmas - OA Light Sets ODC PermaUght 7Q. Seta IvC Irce. Decorations Tinsel, Angel Hair, Rain, Rope and Sparkle Ice. , Fireplace . Crystals and Logs MAZDA BULBS We hare bulbs for your wreaths, tree sets, out side tree sets np to the regular size G. E. color ed bulbs. Fancy Soft Shell I XL ALMONDS 1 ib. E 2 ibv Sweet and Jakyf No. 176s I CiOZ. Closing Oat Citron Peel . Farley 3X(3 lb-. - . Crown Cake Flour tJ sack Fels Kaptha 10 cakes Walla Wnlla Peas Good Quality 64 cans M 19c Factory Deal : ; Vanilla . 8-ox. Bottle lOKn 4-oz. Bottle, both t)C j T V