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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1933)
TTf OHEGON STATES!JA1T, galea, Oregon, Sunday Morning, May 21 j IS S3 Wol 9 dlsQweli loir : - Sfii&if li Fire . iVeic . Records setms'iWasMhgtdii-W PACT? n.olTH? . gh School-meet : ntnfiPn:iliniP1 i TO I UPON 11 ... 5 " - (S ' Solons In Same League, as Previous Year, First , Time Since 1926 This afternoon t 9:30 o'clock '.ho 8alem Senators will break a record. They will start play for .ho second' con-"-ecutlve year la . :.h ; ame league. , ior,J. t h first ?lme . In . seven -eanr; or more. rh ';, i r e u 1 1 7hleh'won their allegiance t w rears . In suece--,-,Ion ts ; the Ore- o o 1 a y league,' . an or- sanlxa 1 1 o n In r Broks thick the younger ball players are avowedly, "given a break. Practically all ol the Senators are local boya Just out of high school or college or still students one ttP a high school student. And the same In general Is true of Ike Wolfer'a Federals, form erly known , as the West Side " Babes and last year'a champions, who will furnish the opposition today. Though the renowned Wolf er is sponsoring the team, It is still under the command of Ray Brooks. None of the time-honored "opening ceremonies" hare been arranged, but additional interest to lent to the contest by the list of prises hung up by. local mer chants for the home players: 20 prises In all at latest report with more " merchants threatening to join the crowd. The game will hare all the modern inventions to supplement it. Including the loud speaker, to be presided orer by Gardner. Knapp, the equip ment being furnished by the . Cherry City Baking company, This opening game is to be a battle of southpaws, for "Squeak" Wilson of the Senators will be opposed on the mound by Ed Demorest, of Legion Jnn lor fame. Demorest held Hood Hirer hltless and scoreless ser eral Sundays ago. Manager Frank "Burly Bash- or of the Senators has announced his batting order as follows Foreman, If: Adams, lb: Keber. 2b; Scales, ef: Gibson, ss: Mason. 2b; Colgan, rf; Bashor, e; Wil son, p. ALTHOUGH OIITIIIT NATIONAIj LEAGUE W. L. Pet Pittsburgh .20 10 .17 11 .67 New York Brooklyn .007 .13 12 .620 St. Louis .18 15 .til Cincinnati Boston 14 IB .483 1 IS .471 Chicago .13 17 .433 .10 21 .323 Philadalephia ST. LOUIS, May 20. (AP) Diszy Dean was batted freely bat tightened up in the pinches and fanned 11 to gire the Card inals a 4 to 1 Tictory orer the New Tork Giants. Jim Collins hit a hosier for the Cards. New-Tork V. 1 11 St Louis 4 t BelL TJhle and Mancuso; Dean and Wilson. Brooklyn 1 ' Chicago 3 Benge, Oaten' and Lopes; Warneke and Hartnett. Boston 4 7 Pittsburgh 2 t Cantwell and HargraTe; Melne Chagnoa and Padden. Boston . . . . . . ........ 0 11 PitUburgh 7 10 Betts and Hogan, Hargrare; Swift Harris and Padden. PhlUdelphla V. . . . . ... ,7 t Cincinnati .-. It Pearee, Moore. Collins and Dav is; Kolp, Quinn, -Johnson, 4mith and Lombard!. Salem Juniors To Clash Again I With Woodburh - WOODBURN. May 20. The Woodburn and Salem Junior Le glon teams will play, a second , practice-, game here Sunday after noon at 2:30 at the Legion park. The -Woodburn team scored over ' the Salem Juniors last Sunday, 14 to 3, and prospects are that when they commence playing the sched uled games they will he in Up-top shape. The first game for Wood burn on the county schedule will be played here June 4 with the Salem Juniors. - PORT! CHS TOP GIANTS - I Salem Armory, Tuesday, May 23, 8 :30 P. M. ; ROBIN REED vsl JACK KENNEDY - 't ' :-r -(No Time Limit) ' , HERMAN OLSON vs.? MUTT EDDY . ; i ; : toby walla(sfred sluucci ' rp-r;-;..'!? :"rV-( 0-Mlnut Preliminary) ,;i4 " ,- ' Admission. Uin 85c. Balcony 55c, Ladies, Students 40c : Starring in New Uniforms . -By BURNLEY . VEST. THE EX-SEA3AT0R, HAS FLASHED SOrAE GREAT SLUGGIMG THIS SPRING FOR THE BROWMSi 5-22 tm.IU fumlxAiN. h.Cmi Imfmnmri IT is a well-known fact in base- ball circles that a change in sur roundings will often cause a bis; improvement in a player, and this spring has furnished several noteworthy examples of the bene ficial effects of being traded to new pastures. In the American League the early season batting sensations have been none other than Sammy West of the Browns and Fred Schulte of the Senators, both leading; figures in the Washington-St. Louis trade of last winter. Since changing their uniforms both West and Schulte have played far better ball than they exhibited in their old sur roundings; and while nobody ex pects them to keep up their early spring pace, it is nevertheless un deniable that the shift has been a tonic for them so far. In the National League there Is Webfeet Tie Up States? Series By 14 to 6 Win CORVALL1S, Ore.. May 20. (AP) The University of Oregon defeated Oregon State college, 14 to 9, in a baseball game here to day, after the Staters had won the first of the six-game series, 11 to 3, yesterday at Eugene. The visitors started scoring early in today's game, getting three runs in the first inning. Oregon 14 19 1 Oregon State 10 4 Bearcat Netmen Beat Reed Team 4 Matches to 2 The Willamette university ten nis team continued its -winning stride Saturday, ' defeating the Reed college racqueteers in Port land four matches to two.; ' Maecaby, Reed, beat Hagemann 7-5, ; 0-0: Bennett Willamette, beat Morrison -&, f-0; Goyne, Willamette, beat Falsa 0-2, 2-6, 0-4: valentine. Reed, beat Har mon 0-0, 3-0, 7-5. Hagemann and Bennett beat Maecaby and Satten 8-3, f-1; Harmon and Goyne beat Valentine and False 0-4, 7-5. - Oregon Normal . Beats Badgers MONMOUTH, May 20. Ore gon Normal' school defeated Pac ific university here 7 to 8 in a fast game completed in one hour and 25 mlutes. . , - Pacific 8 I 2 Oe W 8 ,' 7 ; S ,..1 the noteworthy case of Owen Car roll, who was pretty much ox a bust with the Reds last year, and who has now blossomed out as one of Brooklyn s most dependable hurling aees. A chance of scenery has cer tainly seemed to work wonders with the erstwhile Holy Cross marveL who has come through splendidly this spring for Max Carey. The West-Schulte exchange seems to have turned out well for both Washington and St. Louis. Lots of critics shook their heads when Clark Griffith let the speedy West go to the Browns, but Schulte's sen sational slugging has vindicated the Judgment of the Senators' Silver Fox. Manager Cronin has pointed out that one of the reasons why the Sen ators had to let West go was be cause ther needed a rieht-handed hitter to lessen the hold that south paw hurlers have exerted upon the LEAD OF YHS AMERICAN LEAGUE W. Im Pet. .43 .514 .803 .682 .600 .414 .400 .321 New York 18 Washington 19 Cleveland 18 Chicago II Philadelphia 14 Detroit 12 St. Louis ; 13 Boston 9 NEW YORK. May 20 (AP) Wally Hebert held' the Yankees to six hits and batted in two runs to give the- St. Louis Browns a to 2 victory over the Yankees. Tony Lazierl hit his seventh hom er in the ninth inning. St. Louis ............ 4 9 0 New York 2 10 Hebert and Shea; Ruffing and Dickey. - Cleveland 2 0 Philadelphia ;. .;. . , . 11 . Hudiin, Harder, craghead and Spencer; ,Cain, Grove and Coch rane. .. " . -. , Chicago ....... . . 08. 1 Washington . 714 -1 Lyons, Heving, . Frasier; and Grnbe; Weaver and Sewell." Detroit .',.";;.. 8 I t Boston v.'. . . '. ". . .'. . 8 . - Bridges. Wyatt, Rowe and Hay- worth; H. -Johnson and Ferrell.- Ben Eastman is In Shape Again KEZAR STADIUM. San lran Cisco. May 20. (AP) In the comeback the - track and , field world has been waiting for. Big Ben , Eastman, Stanford's famed. footracer, paced two easy laps to day to win the 8 00 meters run of the Pacific association champion ships and reveal he has recovered from the injury that toreed him to the sidelines- two. months ago. He coasted .home in the slow time of 1 minute 89 seconds. Flying Stunt p Airport Delayed -.'i-. x -..-.r: - The stunt planned at th i porr. today . when; Dick" Rankin H TI r it-" WHO CAME Vo UASHIWGTOAJ FROM THE BROWNS, HAS BEEM OrE OF THE EARLY SEASOM BATTING STARS E CARROLL RED HURLER HAS BECOME A STAR with b'klyal Washington team, with its array of left-handed batsmen. Schulte Is a right-handed slugger and a good one, and he has been a big factor in a . f a ui Dcnators gooa cany season showing. Meanwhile Sammy West has been lust as big a help to the struggling Browns. West is not only a danger ous batsman; he is also one of the greatest centerfielders In the big leagues today. A veritable ball hawk, he covers more ground than any other centerfielder in the ju nior circuit, his one weakness on the defense being a rather poor throw ing arm. At any rate. West, Schulte and Carroll have ail become better and more hustling ball players since they were shifted to new teams, ana their sensational work this spring has added a lot of interest to the current baseball campaign. OrvyrMkt IMS. Ktef Ctttta Snxllat, Im. was to take off In a plane from the top of a moving auto mobile has been called off. It was found that the ground was too wet for pulling off the per formance. Crop Production Loans Extensive Loans made for crop produc tion in Marion county this spring by the federal government total 4442 in number and 149,138 In amount, according to figures' re ceived Friday by P. H. Bell who supervised the making of many of the applications here. Marlon county's loan . totals were the largest of any county in the state. Applications are now being made for summer and fall work. GETTING SET lit lf.. SSKiSf.1- - I ' ... i ii -'x. i. i ' ' .". " . - : .rv 5 Training hard for his approaching bout with Mas Schmeling. German champion. Max Beer, California heavyweight is shown in a brisk work out with a sparring partner at his headquarter ia Atlantic City, N. J. Incidentally, if the sparring partner happened to get ia aa uppereui wnea uua piccara was xnaae, jux 1. "'''r' v tongue. - -Tne big scrap comes off at Kew xor ea un .-- GOLFTOURNEVS Salem Club's Spring Event And Elks' Play are to Rnlsh This Week The spring handicap tourna ment at the Salem Golf club was rapidly shaping up for the semi finals Saturday and a number of the semi-final matches will prob ably be played today, under the program whereby officials' of . the dub hope to have all of the flights terminated by Saturday prior to the club team's trip to'. Eugene next Sunday.'.' V " J Men who reached the semi-fi nals in the championship flight Friday and Saturday were Scott Page aad Walt Cllne. Page de feated Glen Longren and' Cllne won from Don Hendrle, S and 1. Bob Taylor had previously ad vanced to the semi-finals, but'the fourth man la not yet certain. Other matches late In the week were: First flight. Walker de feated Eyre, Merchant and Mtnto tied and will play 18 holes more today, MeKlnsle beat Sheltom Second flight, Mlchelson beat J, D. Sears. Third flight, Pilcher beat Mills. Miller beat Kuhns. In the Elks' tournament Cllne defeated Eyre to reach the finals of the championship flight. Wood and Lynch are to play in the oth er semi-final. In the second flight Page reach ed the finals, defeating Bernard! 0 and 4. Starr and Bureh are to play the other semi-final. In the third flight. Sears vs. Stiff and T. J. Brown vs. Goodwin are semi-fi nal matches, and in the fourth flight Needham vs. Wassam and Gustafson vs. Aiken. BEITS UNIVERSITY Salem high school's tennis team settled the dispute raised by Uni versity high of Eugene over the Willamette valley championship, by defeating the campus preppers three matches to two on their own courts Saturday. Salem had pre viously won here but University high refused to concede the title until a return match was played. Robbing. University, beat Corey 8-3, 8-2; Tyson, University, beat Beall (-3, 8-1; Bahlburg, Salem, beat Roberts 8-2, 8-8, 8-3; Win termute, Salem, beat Stafford 7-5, 7-5; Corey and Beall beat Rob bins and Tyson 2-8, 6-4, 8-2. The Salem high team, coached by Wesley Roeder, will go to Port land next Saturday to play Grant high, Portland champion, for the unofficial state championship. AUBURN, May 20. The grad uation exercises .were held at the schoolhouse Thursday night. A varied program was presented to a full house. Presentation of diplomas was made by Ben H. Hawkins, chair man of the school board. 'Lenthol Holman presided capably as an nouncer. The Auburn orchestra was the guest of the leader, Mrs. Ben H. Hawkins, for a dinner Wednesday night to close the season of their activity. The evening was spent In working Jigsaw pussies. Present were Leslie Taught, Harold Bressler, David Johnston, Ernest Meyer and Susanna Haw kins. Mrs. Hawkins was assisted in serving by her daughter, Jean Hawkins, t FOR SCHMELING ?1 - - X 1 wouia nav msv aooui aaix ex. aia SALE M O SQUAD flUBURri GRADUATES RECEIVE DIPLOMAS Two Salem Runners Place And Win Six Points; Indian School Relay Team Fourth HAYWARD FIELD, Eugene',- Ore., May 20. (AP) Washington high school won the Oregon interscholastk track and field championship here today in a meet thafsaw five old records fall by the wayside. Washington, led by Brady and Brack, scored points. 'McGaughy of Roseburg won the Paul Starr permanent CUftTIS Nomerooa ; sport - eventa . dot ' th caleadar . . for this . week, bat the bamiest season of the year la almoet at aa end, for schools will be dosing, or at least immersed 1m final ex ams, the following week. For today, the paraasout event la the- State league opener here, with the Senator trotting eat to clash with Ike Wolfer's Federals from Portland, oa OUager field at 2:S0. The Sa lem Lrgkra Joalora will play aaother noa-leagwe game at Woodbvrn, and the Elks go to Amity for a Mid-Willamette leagne game. The golfers will be cutting dlvota with great rapidity, hoping to pat two . toarnaments la shape for com pletion before next Sunday. Monday the 8aiem high school baseball team will go to Albany for that twice-postponed game, and the Bearcats may play the Webfeet at Eugene, while w rather expect Parrlsh and Leslie will finally get together on din ger field. There will be a high class golf mateh on the Salem club course starting promptly at noon, but we won't say much about that until it's over, and then maybe nothing. The wrestling show is the big event Tuesday, aad althoagh we have heard nothing from the promoters, placard we have obeerved tell ms that Ro bin Reed and Jack Kennedy will be the principals In the main event. Two weeks ago they battled In lively faahion and Reed won bat many of the fans didn't see how he manag ed it, eyeing Kennedy's bulg ing muscles, and they want to see It tried again. This is a no-tlme-limit affair. Herman Olson and Matt Eddy wfll mix for an hoar and a half, the management apparently falling to realise that people mast hare some sleep. Toby Wallace is back after a long absence to meet Fred Marcassi, a total newcomer here who haa been winning some bonfcs tn Portland. A bang-up ball game Is also on schedule for Tuesday after for Tuesday after- Cb4?w Held. The Willam- noon, Salem on Olinger field ette track team will go to Me- Mlnnville for a delayed dual meet with Llnfleld. Wednesday the Webfeet are supposed to nlav the Bearcats her. Look out for another Parrlsh - Leslie game Thursday or Friday. And on Fri day we note that Salem high Is scheduled to play Molalla here and Willamette Is slated to play Llnfleld, and they'll have t arrange about the hours on the diamond; maybe a doable head er. Saturday is the date of the Northwest conference track and field meet at Forest Grove. We dont nsaaDy puh on into the next week in this summary, but ft 1 worthy of aofe that Bobby Jones new golf aeries, "How to Break Ninety, will open at the Elsf nore next Snnday; more ele mentary Instruction than was contained In his first series, aad more comedy, we are told. L TAX IIP AT DALLAS, May 20.' Members of the Dallas school hoard have called a special election for Men-! day. May 22, -to vet an th pro posed levy for th. local school for 1938-34., Th amount to b voted upon is $12,229; th amount ask ed for In .the budget above the 8 per cent limitation.- This special election will bo held in. the Junior high, school bulldag from 2 untir t -Th epecial election was called by th .board in order that a def inite decision could be reached regarding the budget befo'e the board grants .teachers contracts. tor th following year.' . J ' . Expenditures called 'or In the proposed, budget amount to 89 5,' of which 924,728 comes from source other, than direct tax and 223,870 from a direct tax. Accord ing to the' 8 : per' cent, limitation, the board (.an only levy a tax of 921.840.04 without Vvotaof .th taxpayers.- This . leaves a . balaaco of $12,229.94 to be aubmHted at. the election.' t ' t ; , :. ; .- PLAf DELATED GAME . SCIO, May 20. If the weath er permits, th baseball games scheduled, with: the "Tangent teams- tor May 8 will bo . played . at Tangent Tuesday. May 23. Th. I starting Jiaeup win probably .be r th sama at in- th last game.' ElECTIflS BAT Y ' 7 1 trophy, for high, point man wun 10 points, aad led his school to second place with a total of it1 points. . Brady set a new 220-yard dash mark of 21.1 seconds. 8aeH, also of Washington, broke the 440-, yard ran. record with a new time of 11.4 seconds, r Summary; - 100-yard 'dash: WoodeH, La Grande; Brady, Washington; Broderick, Grant; Dana, Benson; 19 seconds. - , - . Mil -ran: McGaughey, Rose burg; Moody, Seaside; Shepherd, Salem; Sheehy, Chiloquia; 4.29.1. 220-yard dash: Brady. Wash ington; WoodeH. La Grande; Dunn, Benson; Miller, Oakland; 21.S, new record, old record was 22.4. 120 high hurdles: Palm, Rose burg; Hannefleld, La Grande; Shulty, Forest Grove; Fllsingef, Salem; 10.4. High Jump: Holloway, Wash ington, and DeFresne, Roseburg, tie for first; Harrison, Marshtleld; Palm, Roseburg, and Parsons, HU1 Military, tie for fourth; ff 'eet H inch, new record, old record feet. Shot put: Walker, Washington; Berry, Klamath Falls: Peters, Lin coln; Brannls. Hill Military; 49 feet 1.1 Inches. 440-yard run: Snell, Washing ton; Thurston, MeMinnville; Laf- ferty, Seaside; ZancollI, Wash ington; 81.7, new record, old rec ord 62 seconds. 220 low hurdles: Scruggs, Grant; Fllslnger, Salem: KIncatd, Pendleton; Freeman. Washing' ton, and Hamilton. Grants Pass, tied for fourth: 20.2. Half mile: McGaughgy, Rose burg; Maxwell. Klamath Falls; Krumb, Washington; Verllcka Beaverton; 2:01.5. Broad Jump: Collins, Washing ton; Miller, Oakland; Brack, Washington; Eagan, Grant; 22 teet ihi Inches. Discus: Brack, Washington; Helmkln, Port Orford; Vogt. Til lamook; Gilbert, Grant; 129' feet 44 inches, new record, old rec ord 129 feet 2 Inches. Pole vault: Carey, Washington; Maywood, Roosevelt: Clark, Sea side; Simmons, Forest Grove; Brook of Benson; Kinkaid, Pen dleton, and Klser, Vale, tied for third; 11 feet 11 H inches, new record, old record 11 feet 10 9-1 inches. Javelin: Knauss. Chiloquin; Koskella, Astoria; Brack, Wash lngton; Lowery, Lincoln; 179 feet 4 4 Inches. Halt mile relay: Washington, Grant, Eugene. Chemawa. Win ning team, Harrow, Snell, Grant, Collins, Brady; 1:31.3, new rec ord, old record 1:33. , Two Couples Get . , weaaing rermits Here on Saturday Two marriage licenses were is sued Saturday at the county clerk's office. Abram H. Wiebe 24. 41 1 North Church street, a papermaker, re ceived a permit to wed Ruby Nor rls, 20, rout three, Salem, a do mestic. The ceremony was per formed Saturday by M. B. Hayden. ' Glen Cruson, San Mateo, CaL, a linotype operator, received a per mit to wed Dorothy Bjork, a clerk, 1S20 South Liberty street, Salem The ceremony is to bo performed today by J. H. DrlsoolL 8ILVERTON WINKER SILVERTON, May 20. SUver- ton high school baseball team de feated West Una Friday after noon at West Linn. The score was IS to 4. I CANADA'S DAVIS CUP STARS XT? i VXTL .,. r . . .. , - .. . . I- . I - : rt, A .,. -. ; f?7K v . 1 -v V r;vii!y"-'.. v . ' - " ii : V. 1 ... ' ' : ' ' . . 2 - - . "-- ' " . ' - ''-'- Her are two of Canada's brightest hooes in th Davis Cup matches, fa -whkh they are to oppose th .United States shortly. At lef t ia Gilbert -Nasns, who shaped up well In th first gam of th Davis Cup alimina- . -tkra trials at Hot Springs, Ya whea'h defeated Lorenao Nodarse, ef , the Cuban team. At right i Dr. Jack Wright, Canada's ace racqusteer; . .'who victory orer Skardo Morales of Cuba. id th second cup, match , alaeed ium ia th front rank ef dangerous threat to Uncle Sam. I . Btiibtn nuns FOR 4TALLIES That Upsets Tom Flynn and Ducks wiii 7-2; Close - To top of League. COAST LEAGUE . . . , W, L. Ftt. Sacramento 27 18 .fro Portland .. It 18 .891 Los Angeles 28 19 . .819 Hollywood ". 98. 20 .884 Oakland " 13 21 .822 Mission . " 24 22 .822 San Francisco , ,18 31 .324 Seattle " .18 28 .317 SACRAMENTO. May 20 fAP) Fred. Berger smacked a kome ran with th bases full In the third and thereby rests the tale of Portland's T to 2 victory over Sacramento her today. Th clout mnsteadied Tern Flynn, th league's leading hurler and he was rapped out of the box in th next frame. Andy House relieved and allowed but one run th rest of th game. Th veter aa Rudy Kalllo cam up with his third straight victory since ale belated start with the Beavers. Portland .: 7 18 1 Sacramento -J 2 1 0 ifpi Kalllo and Palmlsano; Fljtv, House and Woodall. Hollywood 2 7 12 13 2 1 Seals Sbellenback and Bassler; Frl- tas, Stlne and Mclsaac Seattle .1 .4 0 0 Oakland ft Hald, Sewell and Cox: Waltc, Gabler, Fleber. and Yeltman. Missions ; 1 4 Los Angeles -,.S 1 10 Stitit Plllette and Duggan; Ward and McMulIen. (Continue 3 from page 1) program with an Instrumental trio composed of Joseph Hartley, Edrfe Greene and Dorothy Palmer play ing several numbers followed by a solo by Joe Garner, and several numbers by the school band. Installation of officers for th' following year and presentation of floral offerings to retiring ann new officers 'came next in order. The meeting concluded with drill by teams from Albany, Corvallle Silverton, Salem, Newberg, Dun dee and Dallas, followed by an ad dress by Mrs. Anna Hawkins ef Toledo on "Good of the Order. The convention here attract! visitors from nearly every town In the valley la addltioa to the delegates. Over 150 delegates and officers were ta attendance at the business' sessions and this crowd was swelled to nearly 300 when th drill teams, musicians and guests arrived for th doting meeting. ... Indian Students Stranded When Driver Arrested Riding in a speeding automo bQ with faulty brakes resulted in a group of Chemawa Ind.aa school boys being left stranded her early yesterday afternoon an they ,wer ea route to a track meet at Monmouth. City police, arrested Roland Tacker, 1811 North Winter street, at CapitoV-and Shipping streets after he had narrowly missed crashing into another automobile. His ear was held la Ilea of ball..- 1 iiir mm to head won it