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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1933)
6 w f i ' 1 i H ii I'' ft ) Business Directory C-u iu Una direcUM jf -run oa monthly basts ouly Rate $1.0 per line per tnontb. AUTO BRAKES Mike Paaak, the brake and shimmy doctor. 175 Bomb Comtrwrt-l Street CATERING Burt Crary, the caterer. Ph- 6763. chimney Sweep Telephone 445a. R B. Northneas. CHIROPRACTORS DR. X I 8COTT. PSC Chiropractor 856 N High. TeL Pea 85r3J ; : FLORISTS v CUT tie were,, aredding toeu-uete fun eral wreathe. decoration. C F. Brett baupt nor 1st. 871 Court. TeL . ALL kinds et floral work. Lata Flor let. Ith A Market. TeL 9591. GLASS Auto and window glass mirrors. TeL 41 04. Walter J. Im rra,segrer1 : INSURANCE BECKS HENDRICKS 18 L High j, - TeL 4941 COFFET-gMITH. yen, ins. TeL 8639. LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THB WEIOEB LAUNORT 881 ft. Wgtk TeL 9128 " CAPITAL C1TT LAUNDRY First la Quality and Service Telephone 8188 1186 Broadway ; LAWN MOWERS Sharpened, repaired and traded. HARRY W. SCOTT, "The Cycle Man" MATTRESSES Mattresses from factory to. bom Spring mattress fS.09. Renovators and fumiaatora Ruga cleaned. Capital Bed dias Co. TeL 4048. 8038 N. CapttoL Mew mattress made to order, old remade ; carpet, cleaning, slxing ; fluff rag weaving. Salem Fluff Ras A Mat treaa Factory, a. lata UT: 844L Otto F. Zwteker. Est. 181L - ; MUSIC STORES GEO. C. WILLPUnos, radios, sew tmm manhiiuta. sheet moats and piano studle Re pairing radios, phonographa and sewing machine 418 Slate Street. Salem. ' :-' '. MUSIC INSTRUCTION WUi trade guitar and lessons for anything 1 can use. Storhow. 450 Court. SteeL Spaa. Guitar , Mandolin. Be- glnnera. aav. cu I":u''!,"";.r Registration ends June 15. Studio TeL vtnnr nlv. classes. Harmony, noma. Tlss or x. w. i. a. ooio. MEDICINE nr. Chan Lam Chinese Medicine Co. Hours Tuesday and Friday, 10 :S0 a.m. te 4:30 P. m. 148 N. CommerclaL PAINT AND ROOFING Salem Paint A Roofing. 474 Ferry. PAINTING Painting; paper-hanging. . interior decorating. Estimates free. . W. H. Bbeppard. TeL 4280. PRINTING KB STATIONERY, card Ists programs, books or any kind of priming, call The Statesman Printing Department. 81 8. CommerclaL Tele phene 910L PUBUC ACCOUNTANT N. D Clement. Income Tax Report Auditing. 110) N, Com'L Tel 8080 er 8947. REAL ESTATE BECK- HENDRICKS. TeL 4847. W. H. ORA BENHORST A CO . " 889 a Liberty SC TeL 8488. ' SOCOLOFSKY A SON 804-8 First NafL Bk. Bldg. TeL 7807. STOVES STOVES and steve repairing, 8toree lo sale, reoeUIt and repaired. AU kinds of woven wire fence, fancy and pbua, bop baskets, books, logaa book Fence aad Steve Works, 8(2 Chemeketa. TeL 4TT4. R B. Fleming. TRANSFER CAPITAL CITY Traaster Co. 215 SUts St Tel. 77 7 8. DUtrlbutln. f or wudins and storage eur specialty Get eur rate ' -FOB local or distant transfer storage. esJl S1SL Larmer Transfer Co. Trucks to Portland daily. ; ; 1 ; TYPEWRITERS Aodlng Mch. sold, renter, repaired. twv. Mr Short 619 Court. TeL 8584 WELL DRILLING ; Ft A. West, 8 years experience, RFD , Bos 108 B. TeL 110FS. Stowberry jpool is ; Planned For Threo County Communities 81LVERTON LULLS. May 20 Strawberry'ttoer of here, Union Hill and Sublimity Totedjto pool their berries and sell them to the highest bidder, bids to remain open until June 1. Tour hundred acres oi berries are represented in th pool. Hans Christenson of the Stlrerton Hills district acted aa ehalrMan of the meeting Thursday night wbero th deci sion was taken and Pet Ekler of t v : Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 ' CUesiflod Advertising Single insertion per ltce.20e Tbtee tnsemoas per Uno ..... ....... toe Six Insertions One month par Minimum charge ......tit Copy (or thia page ao eepted until, t:30 th vn " tag ; bet or pa blical ton : tor classification. C p i : re ceived after tnis time will be ma under the heading Too Late te Classify. The Stateatnaa ssama bo financial responsibility tot ' error which may ap pear la advertisement pub ' Hsbed 1 In Its column, and tn easea where this paper 1 at fault will reprint that part ot aa advert la emem la which the typographical atst-k ocean. The Statesman reserve the right to reject objee tloaal adrertlslnc It far ther Teeervee the tight to classify all advertising der the proper classifica tion. V help wanted male IF TOH WANT A WONDERFTIL OFPOSTUNITT to make lie a day operating a "Neighborhood Store" vend ma your nam immediately. Brand new idea, no capital or experience neeo ed. Write quick for detail Albert MM Silt Monmouth, Cincinnati, a HELP WANTED FEMALE LADIES: Copy names and address ee, spare tune tor Mail Order Firm uooa pay. experience unnecessary. Stamp brings detail Bolt Service, Nichols, N. T. - Women Earn 818 doaen sewing. mate nasi cut, mstrucuorta furnished, experience unnecessary, addressed en velope- brings particular Superior ureas uompanr. zuj uavemeyer street. BrooKiyn. M. x. i SALESMEN WANTED Wanted. Solictror for good local pro poaltion. CalLMonday 838 State St. ADVKRTI SIN a saleamen. Fast sell ing low priced talking advertising; film. High commission. No down payment contracts. Globe Film En terprise Baine Studio Bids Holly- t-aur. SITUATIONS WANTED Exp. dressmaking in your home, 11.80 day. Copy pictures. TeL 7984. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Fresh crabs now at Fldlera stand. Intersection 8 11 vert on-Port Land road. For Sale: Late model Royal type writer, typewriter desk and chair. Chas. Wiper, First National Bank Building. Now is the time to install a Gas Water Heater. See our display. Port land Gas A Coke Co, 188 & High St, Salem. Ore. : ICE BOX. (0 pound size for sale or will trade for chickens, pigs, pony, rug or wnat nave you. see it at Jim & Bob's Cafe. 117 8. CommerciaL South or ferry e urax store, For Sale, 21(5 Utenco ironer. latest inuuci, wouw rsu, 93.W. Also una r"."nx7j,,5.Va't,lon " DW - i-M"i"i''iririnriiirir.inji.nj"Lnrxriji McCaskey credit file, fireproof. Bar gain. 519 Court 8t TeL 5584. For sale, good milk goat, fresh. Wm. Biewert. it 6, box fcf. Salem. i . Prices that satisfy. D. C Wahlberg. 'let 3s, luncn oour. Plenty bottle beer at 775 Edsewater street West Salem. Oven evanhurs tin p. m. TRADE Miscellaneous n9aaanna1an Trade 4 ton track for light sedan. Route 7. Box 208A. Garden Road. TeL For sale or trade single wasron good condition. Fer car. Must be in good condition. Will pay boot Rudolf MsjnajjMMiJJiryjiirejBox WANTED Miscellaneous Want to ret ia touch with someone drlvlnir to st FauL Minn., or vicinity. TH. 84 F4. MISCELLANEOUS Best hair cut Adults 20& chnd 15a. Two mocks s. of library. B. Winter. WIWIWWWIIWWIIMIMIWI We pick up dead or worthless horses. i cows, sneep, tree or cnarge. let 48f. WANTED: Names men-women. 18- so. wisnmr noet-oeoression govern- ment Job Steady. 8 tart 8105.0M1T5.- 00 month, sample coaching and par' ticulars FREE. Box 1174P, . care staresman. FOR RENT ROOMS Modern ' room, - garage, 157T Court St TeL 4837. alp. porch. ROOM AND BOARD Board, room, $20.00. near P. O. 8483. Comfy rm Board optnL TeL 8789. Nice front room, twin beds, nicely furnished, quiet, modem .borne. , good meats, lour oiocaa irom state. Belleru Office girl - Board and room for ladle In. TeL 5(18. 595 Court St Close Cheerful room, twin bed board er llglcpe; opt - TeL 5894. 845 8. 17th.. TOR RENT APARTMENTS Pat ton apartments downtown. Call Pattern's book stare. : - - , Fur. 8 , R. Apt. 2261, HaseL TeL 2864.- ?" "-.- . .-- Lovly fur. 3-r. apt 1580 Center. Apt $18.00. 897 N. Com'L Duplex apt. vnfura. 851 K. Winter. Fresco tt Apartments. 8 rooms fur nished, private bath, fine kitchen, newly decorated, attractive place, adults, reduced rates. B. P. bus Jtoe- 1044 oaa ut Desirable S .room fnr. apt, ground noor, garage. - 864 Mm at "Bargains la apt. Every convenlenea. I pik. trom etste piaya uz- yraio. FOR RENT HOUSES a(MwwwMaisawMiwwa lr and nnfur . ;F0R RENT HOUSES Finest modarn 3-room Court and Apt, garage a-rden. $29-$26. Phone 5154. Nice five room oottage. new paint and paper.' 1455 Ferry. Phone 4207. i r. home fie per no. TeL 4744V S r. house and 1 acre. West Salem. Inquire Station. J 1st and Market,. 8 houses, l mod.-1 not TeL 5010. Beautifully farnUhed home to re sponsible couple for " the summer. Phone 8641.- , - . , - $7-$10-$18 up Furnished houeea and apartments (It te 840. See Been te! ofThomaaoa. 841 State, Room 4. Furnished 8 room house for rent la- Quire sso center St. . Modem T Room N. Canttot St. Call 80S 9. Klec ranse. - FOR SALE Real Estata Good semi -modern T-room plastered residence, basement, fireplace, ptumb ins, on two bis lota covered with nut. cherry and ornamental trees and rose crape arbor, near school nice view. golns at depression price. Also two beautiful buildina lota 49x1 S eaab with Urea fruit tree block south Li tie brick school, at bargain, easy terms. Owner, Tia Kurai Ave. mono (Oft. - 8 Room semi-modern house. Just right for roomers or apartment Good terms or trade for ranch. Phone own er 724. WORKING MAN'S CHANCE REASONABLY PRICKD HOMES WITH SMALL PAYMENT DOWN AND BALANCE EAST 8 room hooae, corner lot. pared street, bus Una. Prion 8558. cash 858. nai. sie per monta. s mt. 8 room house on paved street and bus line. Pries fsee.. cash 8 1 so. hex month nr. r 8 lota on good corner, comfortable S room residence with plumbing, electric light Price for short time f 800, lib- ral term 4 room cottage like pew, good plumbing; built-in electric light lot 59x103. imce oniy iisov wna unerai term SEE our large list of repossessed boinea that can be sold with reasonable prices and easy term CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors 844 State Street Phone 4708 10 A. with bldga. 5 A. without bldg S A. with bldg All cultivated. Close In. All black soIL Owner, 780 High land. At bargain. Term DANDY MODERN HOME Sacraficed sale. Fairmotmt HilL 7- Room Strictly modern. Beautiful lot ana location. Better hurry, see ray agent ' J AS. T. SEARS. Realtor ' 188 8. High saaaa,'eaaajaaaaaaaesaMaMaaW Don't build until you see the -two fine lots all in cherries, pears and ap-H pies, run oeanng, one bmcs souta or Leslie junior bigb scbooL nice view. level lot 40150 each. Sell one or both cheap, easy payment Owner, 7(5 Kurai Avenue, poone 1854. 47 Acre hop ranch near Stlrerton.! and two 48 A. farms Just E. of Wood-1 Durn. 4 good bouses te rent P. H. BELL Tel. 1803 225 Oregon Bldg. eystesaglsaasaesaae SPECIAI. t08 buys a beautiful lot with Bice snaoe. trees on t airmount Hiu near Lincoln street 8450 buys nearly nine acres of good land, s miles Salem. 20 A. farm, stock. Implement 1-8 of crop. 5 R. house, barn, poultry house all for 1800, good tltl See Bechtel or Thomason, S41 State St ------1- -i Vfrrvinrir i jin rtttjir 68 acres close to Toledo, barn and small house. 20 acres good bottom land, running water. Worth about 22500.00; exchange for small acreage near Salem. 9 Room house, close in, arranged as apartments, with small house on lot Price 24000.00. No mortgage. Wants clear am all acreage. 40 acres east of Canby, 28 acrea In cultivation, bal. timber and pasture. New 5 room plastered house, fair barn, electric light Mortraae 8800.00. Ex. cnange zor small acreage with filling : station. i a M. EARLB E. ROBERTS 208 N. High Phone 9478 SPECIAL HOME BARGAINS ON EASY TERMS 81000. Late built modem 8 rm. home on paved street, near schools, located V II K II Kllral Am IH .atii via T Per mo. baa ar ... full cement. basemen t,.garae, pvi street 828 down. bat. 212 Tier month. Located at 170 N. ltd St. $1200. Late buUt 4 rm. home with 9 Bedrooms, garage, paved street $88 down, baL $18 per month. Located 1245 Cross St $2000. Late built S rm-rmne-alow with suu cement Basement, rurnace. fire place, corner lot, paved street Lo cated 2196 S. Summer. $40 down, baL 820 ner mo. $200. Late built 4 rm. modern borne witn lull cement basement furnaea. Sarage. $49 down, $20 per. Locat es t 1U 1 nirI tit Wk Halmm $1800. Large 6 rm. bungalow with Basement and furnace, located St 1251 Third St, West Salem. $28 uown, doj. sis per mo. SEE US FOR BARGAINS W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. Realtors 134 R Liberty St Phone 44(8 A REAL SACRiinrin Two dwelling one late built modern seven nice room located at 465 Jet- ierson St. the other old style fire room home in need of renalr. at itsi onwawar ol rtoui on the same lot Price for IMMEDIATE! RAT.ia itone 8200 down, baL 220 per mo. to Include int . This property is worth conslder- aote more money. W. It GRABENHORST A CO. Realtors 184 8. Liberty St Phone 64(8 6 rm and fir. attic hardwood fir. fireplace, full ' cement bsn furnaa built about 4 yra. Large corner lot fine view. $2800. . WUI take wood. atocK. or auto as part payment . 519 Court Street 1 75 A. Dairy Ranch near Hubbard. Good productive soIL Fme large dairy. e room nouse, it good cows, some young stock, horses, machinery. A complete going ranch. Timber for own use. Splendid bargain at $7509.00. xeim A. near Salem with good Improve- ment A nice suburban boms. Price 82800.00. Term Strictly modern I room bouse, an furnished. Fine condition. . at only 82000.00. Good term Good home tn Dallas to trade for 8 room house In Salem. Will assume. If yon are looking for a trade tell ua about It - J. F. TJLRICH CO. Phone 8678 818 SUts Street POLLY AND HER Interesting Facts J X J Undberrh arrived la Paris six rears a so today. : -o : We foand otjt that we were tot the only ones goto wrong- on oar rabbits. Toang Dons McKay has been waiting: tor a year tor a lit ter ot rabbits only to find that both of his were papa rabbits. Some oa ha snrgested that w might make a trad with Dong, since ours are both mama rabbits. O r Tuesday we -will tell you all about Wednesday. It will be a big day ia Salem. . O- Ia walking a mil one throws their weight from one foot to an other oyer 1000 times. . O We still claim that we will hare good weather by Wednesday. O Report ot wage Increase Is certainly good news. The more money w eaa earn the more we will hare to spend. FOR SALE Real Estatt PRICED TO 8ELX. Good modern fire room home with sleeping porch, located at 2095 8. "?hurrti Rt Vrirm 111KS ' ItSS ibin baL bonus loan or will rent for 888.60 per mo. See It today. W. H. GRA BENHORST A CO. 184 B. Liberty St. 5 rm and aleeoine? oorch. strictly modem and very cloae tn, to trade on larrer hoane south. Modem S rm. house for 81000. with -n aDwa ana l ia a mo. Tour c ho tee Of three modem home two north and one east for 850 down and 810 a mo. Your chance to get a home and get away from rent See us at once Before these are gone. WINNIB PKTTYJOHff 619 Court Street I have an excellent 80 acres In N. Howell to exchange for "Kansas prop erty, ii you nave anyuung la Kansas, mis is your cnaace. H. C SHIELDS . Oreron Blde Tel. 8908 FOR SALE FARMS STOCK RANCH SACRIFICED 379 Acre 40 A. In grain. Fine pasture. Living stream. All fenced. good road Good 7-R. houm. I rood barns and 2 stock barn Family or- cnaru. catei on good market road. Just think, only $29 per acre. Wni taae pouse in saienvas part j AEi. u. skars. Keaitcr 122 a High .-' .- " -- -i-w-irii-M- t n fin Farm bargains S acres close, mod era room hoiise. good bam. raved rwo. race aiav. 25 acres splendid aoll. srood bonne fair barn, stocked and equipped, and growing crop, for only 84 800. 50 acres 8 miles Salem. Improved, runnlnjr stream, some timber, 25 acres good tillable land. Price $2000 with growing crop. $0 acres 8 miles Salem, 8 room house, large barn, a little timber, good soil, price 81S00. acres mile east of Salem. 8 room house, barn, some fnilt mm) well, for only 82100.? 103 acre unproved valler farm. 14 miles Salem, ail good dark loam, for oniy u per acre. is nice acre 4 room house, rood barn, all tillable, some fruit Price $2750, and can use Salem horn Melrin Johnson or W. M. Pennington zt mate St. ACREAGE 8rseBjsssjsaWsanaSA I ACRE TRACT $800 WORTH DOUBLE To close an estate we can give you " J city. limit best of location, barn. chicken houses, drilled well, elegtrlc SEE THIS If you want a real buy. CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors 244 State St Phone 4708 .... nrvnwwwmnM 329 A. stocked and MralnMA nneb with 178 A. alfalfa, good Improve ment Cash Md some trad 81 A. 159 te bona. 114 a to mitu ration. baL timber and pasture. Wen improreo. VAN M. GREER 214 Or Bldg. TeL 7888 ' v"i-inr n.n CLOSE IN ACRES Acre tracts nicety located nsar frrounds and Garden road, known as i EVERGREEN ACRES. Price $500 er tract $15 down. baL $19 per mo., t 8. A REAL PLACE TO BUILD. See, Cha Vlck, Phone 114F12, with W . M. OKA BENHORST A CO. Realtors 184 & Liberty St Phone (468 - - - -ri'i'rnnnnrruiAAAji 47 A. River bottom land hon rsrd. muimj gooa. aee square ijeal Realty Co., 202 U. B. NatL BIC Bldg. Hop Land la a.ra (IiMIm wi tt v. cultivated, mostly sandy soO. Water for Irrigation. R. modern bouse. eiectne iignt ssy terms to good BE!S HAWKINS A ROBERTS For Farm Rarralns WANTED REAL ESTATE ' WANTED TO BUT t Good boa land what bars yon to offer that te priced - ritet See my agents, Becbul or Thorns son. $41 Stats St. - . Business Opportunities iwaeaaaaaaaweaaaaeeewMw j Cafe for sate. 89T N. Commercial, LIVESTOCK and POULTRY - - " inrvf,M".M'irij u-u-u uuijLnnriri.rinjuui Custom hatching, 609 errs at lHo every Saturday and Tuesday. TeL 128F8. Lee's Hatchery. For Sale 16 Hanson W. L. chicks 6 cents each. H. R. Scbols. Rt 9, Box IBS. 1 miles east so SUvertoa roaA PALS FOR SALE USED CARS . .. AH OPPOBTTJNITT TO KIT-' Cfcality Used Cars - " IN PERFECT CONDITION PRICED RIGHT , ,J " 1981 PLYMOTJTH 4 -DOOR SEDAN r ioaung Power. Free Wheeling. New our (InannrM 1981 De SOTO S 8A 4 D. SEDAN . . .. . T"J New car Guaraate ' ' ' " ' I85.N 192J POXTIAC COACH , . ., . new pahit A-l meehahlcsJIy 1988 DLTR ANT COACH c"uucw Priced for quick- ' 192 FORD T COUPS . Ijook Oils ene oeer' 1ZS IVKU X BUAUMTER - 192 PACKARD CLUB SEDAN rerrect condition - TERMS . W. L. Anderson, Inc. DaSote aai Plymouth TMstrfbuton Phone TT88 8(9 Marlon rengjBBsksnsAne , BIs: Used Car Sale SEE THEM SUNDAY Vacation time Is here. We have the car yo want at a arte roa eaa pay. Every car ia stock must be sol . . they are priced right 1 toss nymouta aeoaa nt 192 Ford Coup 250 495 175 175 147 159 195 1(5 150 150 115 115 815 95 SS 9 1929 Chrysler 75 Sedan. 191 Ford Rdstr. R. a. 1919 Far Coupe 1918 Fas T Sedan 1929 Durant 8pt Coupe, 1929 6tmebkr Sedaa 192T Pontlae Sedan , 1910 Ford Panel DeUrerr- 191T Nash Coupe mt Kash Readeter , - 199T HAaew Sedan 1928 Willys-Knight Sedaa 1928 Jewett Coach 1928 For Coupe 1922 Ford Touring Oakland Touring, glass Inclosed .- TS All or tneae oars nave been tboreugnry reconditioned. Many others to cheoee from. Used Car Exchange We 548 Chemeketa St Eaar Trade Opea evenings and Terms Sundays State Motors. Inc. Offer Real Valuea la Transportation '80 Chrysler Royal Coupe. 9(25 '80 Buick Business Coupe 575 '88 Plymouth Business Coupe 445 '14 Stude Pre 4 Dr. Sedaa 450 '29 Hudson Greater 8 Sedan 895 'IT Chrysler Finer 70 8edan 298 '80 Ford Tudor Hodan 875 Karl Keen Trunk. 28 OldsmoMle 4 Door Sedan. '19 Essex Super six Sedan '29 Ford 4 Door Sedan 275 225 225 Karl Keen Trunk. All are overhauled and guaranteed 525 Chemeketa at High Open evenings 1921 Ford Tudor Sedan 9245.00 286.00 1920 Cher. 4 door Sedan. 1929 Cher. 4 door sedan 1918 Cher. 8 door Sedan 1988 Packard Rdster. rumble seat 1980 Buick Coupe 1929 Dodge 'Deluxe 8edan 1911 Ford Rdster 225.00 140.00 800.00 485.00 846.00 96.00 125.00 1928 Ford Rdster 19 Others to Pick from. . See Larry fer Used Car SAM Garage, Opposite Marion Hotel WANTED USED CARS Will pay from $50 to $259 cash for need cur. 1440 N. Oar!tol. Tel. 7552. MONEY TO LOAN -i-.-f - r i , ni i-v-unruLi 'Bells of Harmony? Heard ever KOIN dally ring out a loan service that Is really really different TOU GET THE FULL AMOUNT OF LOAN IN CASH ONLY LAWFUL INTEREST STRICT PRIVACY QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICE OS LOANS $1 to $209 Beneficial Loan Society OF SALEM Reom 218 New BHgh Bldg. 2nd Floor LICENBE.D BY STATE 111 State Street TeL 8-T-4-. Aji-eJVVkrraririii n n jasai imi rui j-uxrun jxnt r PERSONAL INSTALLMENT LOANS STATB LOAN COMPANY 818 Oregon Building, Sad Floor Office hr lOrr A. M. to 8:80 P. M. Telephone T78S. .State license No. S-145. Borrow en personal property i repay In monthly installment WTLLAM ETTH LOAN CO- State Ira. 8-1(9. 695 uuaroiaa Bid, tcl 2I7T. FfcRSONAL LOANS MADE en furnirare, ear salaries or other good security. ReparabM monthly. When te financial need see us before closing loan. GENERAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION Fifa National Bank Bide. Pbeoe 66J1 MONEY LOANED ON AUTOS) Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduce youi parmeats You keep the car P. A. BIKER Cor. Liberty St aad Ferry PtMtrte 4T29 SaVwi. Ore FOR SALE WOOD Old fir dry and green $4.9 aad up. tnone Ash and Ar. Judd. Fboas 11114, GUARANTEED DRY reLpaeee Salem Fuel Ce Cotu ge. . v . Trade A Ash, fir and oak. TeL 6648. Dry oak. 4 ft $4.90. TeL 8798. Dry wood 84 cord. TeL 8468. Old fir 18". 16-. TeL 9769. Pry wood, all kind TeL 4416. LOST AND FOUND T ,, ... wra nTTTn 1 -1 Loet Olaaaes to black case oa State St.. Friday. Finder CaU 474. On a Mental Spree FOR SALE USED CARS ' 1 1 V . . New Paint, Air Wheels, Carries .. . iiitu ' tt x ..... ' " ' ' ' 81.00 . ... ' ' . 45.00 - - 20 00 175.00 TRADES Salem MART OVERBOUGHT, WHEAT DOWN PORTLAND Corn Drops Nickel as Crop Prospect is Now Auspicious CHICAGO, Kay 10 (AP Wheat pitched dewnward today te H tent below Us recent peak. A parallel tall 'in corn amounted to S cent. Many traders said both grains had worked Into an overbought condition, and that auspicious crop prospect for spring wheat had piled straw on the camel's back. There were also Indica tions that throughout the com ing ' week the weather In the corn belt, which of late has bor dered on a calamity, would be nearly Ideal. Wheat closed unsettled, 1-1 5-8 under yesterday's' finish, corn 11 S-S down, oats 3-8 te ofL Today's closing quotations: Wheat May 5H; July 70 K : Sept. 71 to "a: Dec. 73- Corn May 42: July 44- fc;Sept. 46-41; Dec 47-. Oats May 24: July 24 Sept. 25; Dec. 27. General Markets raODUCB EXCHAHOB PORTLAND. Ore.. May 20. (AP) rroeoes axebanre. aet prices: Battar Extras ISe. standards 12 H prime firsts 22 tic firsts a la. Eggs Frash extras 18r, madiesu 17 Portland Grain PORT AND. Ora May 20. (AP) Wheat Opea High Lew Cleae May 58 saw 5 5S Jely 60 60 50 Vt 58 September 01 01 69 59 Caaa wheat Me. 1 Bis Bend Blneatcm 40; dark hard winter, 12 per cant 67 H, n par caat SJtt: 10 ft white, hard win ter 59 H; northern tpri-f, wcatera white, weatera red 50. Oata ie. S whiu $24. Cera He, 8 yellow $21.0. MiUrma standard $20. Portland Produce rOBTLAXD. Ore- Mar 20. (AP) Batter Prist, extras 2 So, ataadarda. aVh peuad. Battertat Portias d deliver: "A" grade 32-28e peaad; larmars' doer de livery 21-22s; sweet cream 5e kifhar laeitia Poultry Prodseers aall inf pricea. Ovsrsixe 19s, extras 18e, mix ed colored 17c, aedinms 176, doxea. Buy ing price 01 wholeaalora: ireah car rent receipta 66 pounds ap, 14 He doxea. Ulk uoa tract price 4 per caat Port- las delivery, $1.70 cwt, B grsds cream ,a is. Ceentry meats Sallisg price te retail ers: teatrr hilled hoc a, beat batahsrs ander 150 penads 6-S Vac. veaJare 04 te 199 peaaaa, Tm-se, spring tombs ll-lse. yeerllaga -9e; heavy ewes 8-e, eaa aer cows 2-4e, balls 6-ee poeaA Jtohau Konuaal bayinc price: 1923 clip lee poaad. asts Oregon ealnala 15-16e. paannts 10s. B ran la 18-14e. almond 15-14- 10- berU 20-22e, pa caaa 20a poaaA Uaseara bark -syiag price: 1931 peeL 4s peaaA Hops Kemiaal. 1932, 70-75e. Uvs poaltrj Bariaa price: Heavr heaa, colored, 4 poaads 12a, de me diums lie, lights lie: spriara lft peas da as lie; ceiered spriags le poaads; reeetere e; desks, Pekla breil era, l-19e; eld decks, retina, 12a eal ered 10e. Oaieas SelUac price te retailers: Oro- goa e-9L10 eeatal; Yakima, Spaalsk, a-se esate. Kew eaioas Calif. Barm ad aa. 8L78 per 60-poaad crate; California $1-1.10 per x'olateoa LeeeL 5-T5 oranre hex. Deaekatas 3ems 8L85-1.40. de Bakers luiaa -ems sso-i.40. , New peutecs California GaraeU .8 4e. white l.-la. Atrawberrias aserameate 24a 81-75-8, a-resae sua si.e crate. Wool 1038 slip, aemiaaL Willamette valley 16 20c, eaa tern Oregoa 17-S0, aeo thara Idaho 16-20e do and. Hay Baylag pries from predaeert AV nuia S14-1S, clever 11. eastern Oregoa tnaotay iu seta eat retea sis. Portland Livestock rOSTLAXD, ore. Key 19 (AP tattle asswpu S3, eaives 10; ssousiy Steady. Steers, good 96-7. eommea sad modi' ' am 68.75-4.50. HeUers, food 85-50-6.25, 1 eemmoa sad mediam SI-5.50. Cewa, - - goa g4.50-5.95. commoa aad mediam ' 81.50-4.5O. Bella, seed $8.95-8.75. eat- " sad aiediam 8-25-8. Ysalere, , goed 86-4L eemmea aad mediam 82.50-6 FOR SALE USED CARS See BORREOOS WEEK END , SPECIALS . 1911 Cher, panel DaUverf, ttxe new. 1929 Oakland Sedan, only drivea 14,- 000 mile Guaranteed. . 1999 Plymouth Sport Coupe. ' 1919 Pontlae Sedan. 1910 Chevrolet Coach. 191 Ford Coach. 191 For Sport Roadster. ' 1918 Far Sedanu 1918 Frsktne Oeavcb. " 1988 Whippet Coupe. 1919 Ford A Cher. Truck Look; these ever, you will find the prices Right Open Sundays and Evenings 249 N. Liberty . Phone 8(88 Sen er trade '27 Dodge Rdater. T87L For Sale or Trade 1 ton track for light sedan. Route T. Box 20 SA. Gar den Road. TeL 4124. ' PRICES REDUCED - On Alt of our Caed Cars. Bis; 8tock te cheese from Exceptional Value WOOD-WHKATOK MOTOR CO. - 84 Chemeketa 8C . GETS LABISH LETTUCE Salem Markets . Grade B raw 4ft Batik, co-op pool price, SI .S3 per tmndred. . Scrplas f US. (Kllk beeed es sewfaaeatkly Satterfat average.) Uatterfat' Top JCX, prlaU 24, ewbee 23. Prlees paid te greecra kf Sale barer May SO (Tee arieee eelew. eespue es a asset greeer. ere iadlcatire tae daily sserket tml are set gaarsatevS If TVi Btatasausl raOTT AAD VEQSTABL S Strisg beaa lb, vs. , . . ,. , . . Jl Artiebeke de jto Asparagoa, loeeJ, do .70 Atparsgas, local, dea. .75 Cabber. IK .04 Craea eepa-rs Oalit lb. 48 Pess. Calif., lb. 04 Oaiea 4s. baackea .15 PeUtees, Yakiaw V 9 1.2J 1 al 1.00 U 1.85 Florida 20 Shasta, whites .3.00 .1.50 2.00 . .SS . 01 .2.24 JM Sweet potato a. crate Lettoee, Calif. On ion a, tebiah, cwt Rhaharb. leeal CaUry. Calif, H crate Mtxicaa To atees Apelea Wlaaespe. faaey -Extra laser .. ., Kavtoe-aa. faacy Extra (aaey Oraates, p p. . .L50 to . .SO .1.40 . .90 .1.46 .2.00 to V-O 2.00 to 4.00 .41 .$0 . J te .60 .05 raaey Beets. Calif, dos. Toraipa, local, dos. Bpleaeh. local, crate banana lb. aa ateck - Haada Strawberries, Freano, 20s Ore a plami, 24-eap Calary hearts, do Maatard greeaa 05H 1.85 8.25 .00 .00 Caenmbcrs .90 to 1.40 .20 to .20 Plnrsppla. retail Hurl Top, 1032. Ib. .75 .00 Top. 1991. Ik. EOG Baying Prlees Extras . .14 . .13 . .13 Standards Medisa POOXTBT Old-rooeiers .04 - .11 i .00 .06 .10 6.00 4.00 5.2 5.00 Colored bans Mediams bens Light bee a 8priags ,. all! 1933 spring lambs Lembs. top Bora, top rirat cats 8teers .08 H te .04 JOS to .02 Cows Heifers BalU .03 H to .08 .03 .07 Dresaed veal, top , Dreaied kors OUAXM AJTD BAY Wheat, weatera red . .07 tt .65 .65 White. Me. 1 Barley, toe. tos 16.00 to 20.00 Oats, tea 80.00 to 25.00 Hay bevies orteee Oats aad vetch, tea 15.00 snails, valley. 1st cat. Ea iters Oregoa Clover hay 13.04 to 14.00 WOOL Medina JO .18 .10 Coarse Mohsir Strengthening is Noted, Domestic Wools at Boston BOSTON, May 20. (AP) Persistent buying during the past week established further advances ia price of domestic wools that have not yet arrived in Boston, some sales realising 2-4 in the grease over the selling prices of the previous week. A general strengthening was noted In price ot other domestle wools, bnt ad vance were not aa much a In the ease of medium fleece. Sales on most lines except .medium fleeces were comprised largely ot small lots' ot nw clip wools thst have recently armed from south' western states. Calves, goed $4-8, eemmea aad -mediam 83-4. Bert Receipt 950; Mgeer fer batch er. Good. 140 te 200 petrads $4.50-5.80: 200 te 250 poaads $4.75-5.50; ever 250 ponads 84.85-5.15. Bowl, rood $4-4.05. Sheop Receipts 75; steady. Lambs, spring, good snd choice $ 6.50. mediam 84-S. Old lambs, reed ssd ebeiee $4-4.18, eemmea aad medi em $ 4.8. Wethers, 92-S.50. wos, 1-3.50. FOR SALE USED CARS '. eewweoeiawi n MX e'e TJSED TRUCK ' Come la'hndSik'lbnr'erer. -' We Hare Logging Job for Right Man All Summer Job; See Tom Wood for any Trwrk Need WOOD-WHEATON MOTOR CO.. i 54 Chemeketa St G.M.C Truck Sales A Servloa.' ' McKay's used cars with an o. k. that counts. , 18 Raeez Coach It '14 Overland Coach - 48 17 Star Sedan . 115 27 Chrysler 8daa 115 IT Cher. Truck- and Trailer . 1 10 For Coupe . . 245 11 For Pickup - 1ft IS Prrmeeith Sedan , 545 28 Cher. DeLuxe Coupe. 900 saL 578 2 Cher. Sheet W. B. Truck 1(5 '29 Cher. Panel Truck. recncMU- tloned - 2Z5 We trade aa giro term Open Rrenroa-a and funds ya McK AT CHEVROLET CO. 221 Center 420 N. Coma Phone 8188 Brings $1.25 a Crate; Asparagus Prices Generally Held PORTLAND. Uay 12 (AP) Pint lettuce oat of th Labisb section this season was oUeted today oa the East 81de rarmers wholesale market. Stock was of rather fair Quality and was brought in by Ronald Jones, prominent operator ot that sec tion. This with The Danes 4 waa priced at $1.25 crate. Cali fornia lettuce was demoralized aad sold J 1.-5-1.7. crate. Asparagus market was In good shape with the price generally maintained 1.50 pyramid for mid-Columbia. Kentucky Wonder beans were down to IZ.CS lnc of 2S-3 lbs. New white potatoes were down at 75-SOc Ins. Around 2 Vie lb. Red down to 24 e lb. Cabbace market was easy with best VTLoninratead JUe lb. Strawberries sold 11.75-2 for 24s according to quality. Peas were around $1.50 sack. Rhubarb and spinach were still weak bnt sold practically at unchanged values. III Q1IIY BUTTER PORTLAND. May 20. (AP) Premiums were again being offer ed and paid for top quality bntter oa the local market despite the unwillingness of the produce ex change to show an advance for cubes during the week - end ses sion. . Interests which market but little butter on the Portland mar ket and sell the bulk of their sup plies in California, were tin willing to allow the local market to show a higher nrlefi. than the south. even when Justified. Sales of bntter of too score on the open market were made in some instances He lb. higher than highest quotations on the ex changes. Butterfat continued firm. Market for eggs was showing a steady to firm tone. The best call remains In the top grade stock which was continued chiefly for storages needs. There was practically no change In the price for the week end. All poultry market pricea were held for the week end. There was a very keen call for practically everything In the live chicken list Even small broiler prices were be ing maintained. At the week end there was aa iItiiim a 1j IK Ii. fffc .1 Am ??,V2e..iT.. 7er! taiiy aieaay wna Dee. iu rm. i ira were quiet. Stocks and Bonds (Copyright. 188 A BtMdatd Statistics Ce.) kax re STOC- ATE -AOS 60 20 .0 90 led'la RB'a Of a Tat I Today TUT 9T. 94 .8 4S.T rrerieaseay Tl.l 98.S STA ISA Wee are , . TS.1 S7S SA 70 Tear age 43A 1T.1 eS 43A 3 yeare are IM.4 134. 241.4 19.6 High 1938 SS.T 95.S TS.e Lew 1933 23A SLA 43.9 89.S 11L.0 79.S ISA 81.8 . 35.0 High 1932 Lew 1932 BOVO AYXXAQX 2 30 tad'to RR'a Today "eeA 70A Previoai lay 69.4 TO. 4 Week age 46.9 49.T , Year age 86.4 82.4 8 years are 99. 106.5 High 1939 . 69. 7 A Lew 1938 66.S ST. High 1933 TIA TSA Lew 1933 63.8 47.4 PREMIUMS OFFERED a 49-1 1 TSA SAl te so Dfs Trtst 80.1 78.4 OA 73.4 TO. TIA 7L9 41. 99 . 65.9 73.4 T4.1 S3. 04.3 TA1 TO. 57.5 Sir 1939 high. By CLIFF STERRETT 9 1' Eubllmlty waa the secretary. Irorkner, 1619 2L Cottage. TeL S9SL