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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1926)
12 TUESDAY HORNING; TJECESEBEB T4.-1926, . 5' ..K . Item V i'j . , PrlpUng attdJtdTertlsing. . Postage And, Express ...... .. , Blank JSooka . i, . . . . t .,- ...-'!. Ststlopery and Miscellaneous Supplies ...... Typewriters and ..other Machinery. Appliances and - FUIng - Cabinets i Telephone and Telegraph : - Livery and TraTelihg Expenses . Official Bond ......'... - - " Total County Treaawer: v. . Salary of County Treasurer... Salary of Deputy Treiaurer .... lrinting and Advertising Postage and Express ( . ... . . . Blank Books . . .-... . . Ht&tionerv and Miscellaneous Supplies ..m. Typewriters v and other Machinery and Appliances, , and Flung, wapweis -,. . Telephone. and Telegraph Official Bond . . . . .......... Miscellaneous and Emergency . (pOBtiod from pags 10.) mmmr .. Estimated Expenditures for year 1I2T 46.00 40vOO 115.00 300.00 90.00 100.00 15.00 S 11.797.00 $ 1.500.00 1,380.00 St. 60 10.00 "" V0.00. 19.00 75.00 375.00 12.00 Expenditures and Budget Allowance tor .Six Months of 192J Expenditures Bndget JLX in detail lowanee tn dtiail ExjdriOT.ThreW fiscal Years Preceding.!! tear .19.6 .. . (Continued from Page 9.) - Detailed Expenditures for 1925- . Total .... Connty Recorder Salary of County Recorder - Salary of Chief Deputy ...j... Salary of-Deputy , Salary of Deputy - Salary of Clerk - Salary ef Extra Clerks - Blank Books .1. . . 4 Printing and Advertising Postage, and Express . .,. ,j r ... .. Stationery, and , MlsceUaneous Supplieai . . m Typewriters and Other Machinery, Appliances and. - niing caomets . . . telephone ; and -. Telegraph . .. Lecal Blanks Official .Bond .... . . .,. L Miscellaneous and Emergency ....... '-As Total - County Softool Superintendent. ' BiJaryv" Officer -. . r . . . . .v. . . . fialitty o! VlPttty nd Clerks SaiwofAoPCT . Salary of 9.QantVOfficer 1 Expenses ofTru nt Officer 'Printing aw fr Advertising ............. Psstags smd- 'Express ............ ..... . Blank .Books nd other Books . Stationary and Miscellaneoua Supplies ,. Typewriters smdMWngiCahinets, etc. Telephone and .Telegraph IBBUIHW UUU V? ...... School Officer's Convention ' Teacher and8th Grade Exam. Official Bond . . . . , - -Kntergeney and MiBoteUaneous Quota to Health DemDnstratloi Travelling' Expenses., W Supervisor's Expenseaf -1 3.462.6Q 1,500.00 1.260.00 iutoe.oo 100.00 9(10.00 5 0 ft. 00 48.00 100.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 75.00 80.00 9.00 200.00 i?e.75 S8.50 IST.0 1.00 K.00 17A- 325.00 2OOJ0O 325. 112.41 57.50 243 j.5 150.00 409.85 60.80 44.00 94.05 49.80 50.00 79. SO 15.00 . 7.5 p 15.00 $ 6,578.76 I 5,643.50 S 10,627.12 8. 750.00 8 750.00 S 1.500.00 660.00 660.00 1,309.00 11.60 27.50 44.40 5.09 1S.00 95.20 i-. 10.00 ... 59.95 25.00 89.74 v. -.. 60.0.0. 294.09 370 ,25.00 .77.04 187.60 375.00 . 15.00 1.524.05 8 1,775.00 9 3,775.34 S 750.00 $ 754.00 $ 1,371.12 615.40 600.00 1,260.00 5550 540.0.0 1,080.09 555.00 540.60 615.00 243.00 450.00 820.00 27M4 250.00 364.00 462.40 50.09 311.85 .10.75 125.Q0 30.18 ,155.84 216.09 167.96 141.25 125.00 47.56 256.18 250.00 L 38.30 37-50 77.15 40.06 4.50 9.00 1 t- 1 Total ... .... 1 . Cownty Surveyor;" . : Salary -of County. Surveyor Printiirand Advertising V Postag,n4 Jfixpress Stationery ' and .Miscellaneous Supplfes Typewriters tnd other MacAlnexy, etc. . . . Tjwal.TtrnVl Official B4 Emergency . IBsV Total e . .... g; Coonty Coroner' . - Fees of County, Corcmer tac. Coroner's Jurors,' Witnesses, etcvv . f. ....... . Reporter's Fees... '." ............ MUcellaneous Emergency, Autopsies,, etc. . Mileage .A ....... J . ....... Official Bond .r4 5.260.00 Sf 4,056.76 8 4,077.00 t- 6.100.02 $ 1.5Q0.00 g 750.00 8 750.00 S 1.500.00 1,326.00. 67Z-00 675.00 1.374.75 1,440.00 72000 720UOQ. 1.440.00 139.00 90.00 90.90 180.00 -20.00 6.0 10.00 20.33 40P.OO 126.50. 200jOO 325.60 300.00 118.3S 150 00 338.48 4600 26.00 44.71 25Q.00 125.70 125.00 264.38 75j0 37.50 43.03 175.00 74.57 87.60 142.97 460.00 35.00 200.90 329.95 90.00 4.00 60.00 71.00 300.00 226.65 150 JO 289.30 6.00 -. . .. 2.50 10.00 80.00 240.00 5Q.Q0- 116.00 480.00 j. .... 210.00 h 600.00 300.00 306.00 600.00 600.00 300.00 300.00 615.72 8,265.00 S. 3.789.30 3 4.132.50 g 7,706.17 3 1,890.60 3 900.00 g 900.00 $ 1,800.00 10.00 3.00 -8.00 8.00 20.00 IQ.00 5.00 100.00 177.13 30.00 72.08 ' " 10.00 M.. 10.00 1JJ50 , .. . 5.00 15.00 -7.60 '.. ..m...... i0oo .......... . I 1,955.66 I 1,095.13 S 988.00 1,885.03 275.00 125,00 150.00 300.00 125.00 61.60 66.00 135.00 9.00 130.00 37,50 504)0 70.50 7.50 4.50 198.40 79.60 215.80 243.50 9.00 Total :ka.... .r. i.. r -... . - County Horticulturist: Salary of County Horticulturist Expenses ef Autsmohile ...... Expenses, qf Office . X' - Miscellaneous and Emergency . u $ ' . . . . f ' 869.00 1.175.00 425.00 50.00 I 367.50 658.75 267.50 3 300.00 576.00 225.00 25.00 S ? Total Insane Examination: Fees of Physicians Fees of Wiftiesse.s JStc Traveling Expenses-..,....,...... . . Miscellaneous and Emergency i.,;.. ,. ...... g 1,650.00 375.00 50.94 60.00 25.00 2 826.50 155.00 V.30 825.60 187.54) 25.00 25.00 12.50 Total - - rt Feshle Miiided.:xanUaation: Fees' Of Physicians ' Fees of .Witnesses. Etc. " Ciothlnc and. Supplies . . . v.. . . , ; Miscellaneous and Erne rgency , ...r i 1 509.00 100.00 50.00 300.00 160.00 163.30 563.37 250.00 50.00 25.00 150.00 76.09 .1 Total Oonnty. Health Otficer: Salary of County. Health Officer I Expenses of 1 Health Officer Fees of Health Registrars 600.00 600.06 150.00 350.00 2 563.37 2?5.00 I65I5O 300.00 360.00 25.00 175.00 9 Total ... Dependent Mother's Assistance . Assistance for Dependent Mothers .$ i.ioo.oo 3,500.00 1,596.50 290.00 " 3580. 3.50 329.30 80.00 "2V4.26 314.26 600.00 66.K5 2810 2 440.50 500.00 1,336.79 8 2,000.00 2 Cmr of Poor: . Relief and Expenses ............. 34,000.00 Indigent Soldiers i ,. Relief of Indigent Soldiers County Stock Inspector: Salary of County Stock Inspector $33.60 per Mo.. Indemnity for siansnter of Diseased Cattle: -Indemnity for Diseased Cattle Yearly Total . 1924 yearly Total 1923 8 10,108.35 3U0.133.33 ing officers were elected for. the. coming year; , Mrs. Adams, pres ident; Mrs. Cook, vice president: Mrs, Van Santen,- treasurer; Mrs. Ferguson, -secretary. Delightful refreshments were seryed.hy Mrs. Trott. assisted by Mrs. Brown. Those present were the Mes- dames Adams, Beaver. Brown. Cook, Ferguson, Gehlar, Kubin, Lacey, Pattlson, Schwartz, Sum raers, Simpklns, Van Santen and the, hostess, Mrs. Trott. At the next meeting of the group Mrs. Kubin will entertain. $ 3,610.53 3 Class Makes Christmas Plans The YMPC of the Baptist church will meet Wednesday at 6:30 p. m. in the church parlors for a pot-luck supper and a general bus iness meeting. The class will make plans for Christmas, also a discussion as to the future plans for purchasing the pipe organ, - which is being sponsored by this class. 3.418,67 Leave for San Francisco Mrs. Edward Lamport and son, Merrill, will leave this morning on the Shasta for San Francisco where they will join Mrs. Nellie White. Mrs. Lamport and Mrs (White will go on to Pasadena for an extended stay following the Christmas holidays.. Junior Guild to Meet Mrs. H. A. Cor noyer will enter tain members of. the junior guild ott. PauTsEpiscopal church this afternoon at her noma at" 775 N. Summer street. The annual elec tion of officers will be held at this time. D 'efta Alphti. $ldss 4 The ' Delta Alpha class of the First .Methodist church will hold its annual .Christmas homecoming party ati.the home -of ,Mrs., La- Moine Clark, 753 Marion street, this evening.. Visitor From Hollywood Mrs. J. S- Flaherty of Holly wood, Cal., is, the guest, of her daughter,, Mrs. Richard Dibb. Mrs. Flaherty will be a visitor in Salem until after the holidays. Auxiliary of Sons of Veterans Members of the Sons of Veter ans auxiliary will meet this eve ning at 8 o'clock at the Woman's club house. Election of officers will be held at this time. Miss Eiker Returns From Four Weeks' Trip East Miss Vivian Eiker. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P, A. Eiker, return ed home on Sunday evening from an interesting four weeks trip east. Rock Island, 111., was the objective which Miss Eiker chose. She returned over the Union Pa cific, having gone east over the Canadian Northern. Church Circles Will Meet The circles of the First Metho dist church ladies' aid society will meet on Wednesday afternoon as follows: South Central circle Mrs. Beard. Roberts apartments, 157 S. Winter street. West. Central circle Mrs. J. S Hake 54 5 Court street East Central circle Mrs. A. A. Slewert, 388 N. Winter street. Southeast circle An all-day meeting at the home of Mrs. Eyer, 1973 Mill Btreet; quilting. Tew Park circle -Mrs; E. M. Kirshner, 1330 S. Twelfth street Naomi circle -Mrs. M. C nt. ley, 225 S. Twentieth street. Lucy Anna Lee circle No mee ing this month. NOBLE ANEREVl Sales And His . Now Located At 217 S. High St. With E. Tallman The place where you can get the Big sweet Noble French prune trees which will bring you the big sweet prune like the ones which Mr. Andrews has exhibited for three years at the State Fair. THE PRICES OF, THE TREES Per Per Each 100 1000 6 to 8 ft $1.00 $75.00 $500.00 4 to 6 ft : .50 40.00 350.00 3 to 4 ft .25 20.00 150.XM) 6.743.00 ; 5,639.8 Item Estimated Expenditures for year 1927 Expenditures for Three Fiscal Years Preceding the Year 1926 . Expenditures and Budget Allowance for Six Months of 1926 Detailed Yearly Yearly Expenditures Budget Al- Expenditures Total Total in detail lowance in detail for 1925 1924 1923 (Less probable receipts of Marion County as given below.) 9.750.00 10.000.00 20.00 12,225.00 4,250.00 160.00 36,575.00 1 7,475.63 7.406.35 tr: 3 2.118.26 2 1,902.37 746.20 1,091.75 590jOO 4.75 413.00 433.21 Total expense of .the County out of the general fund. 327,487.38 That the probable receipts of Marion County, Ore gon, other than direct taxation upon real and per sonal property during the period for which such tax is levied is as follows: Fees to be paid in by the Ccnuty Clerk Fees to be paid in by the County Recorder Fees to be paid in by the County Sheriff . Interest on County Deposits to be paid in by County Treasurer Fines and Licenses from all. sources of the County to be paid in by County Treasurer Sales of agricultural products, rock, junk and mis cellaneous items Total amount to be deducted from total expenses of county out of the general fund Total amount to be raised for the general fund of the county .s-s... 290,912.38 County School Fund: Library Fund, 10 cents per capita on 16173 Pupils. . 1,617.30 County School Fund, 310 per capita on 16173 Pupils 161,730.00 County High Sehool Tuition Fund: 170,760.00 Less Surplus of 310,760.00 60,000.00 County Market Roads: Market Road Law (Chap. 431, Laws of 1919) 75,000.00 County Roads: For general road fund and road Districts outside tne city of Salem , 138,000.00 The expenditures for the years 1923, 1924, 1925 and the first one-half of 1926 are included with the totals in the item (County Highways, Bridges and Ferries), as shown above. Market Road Bonds: For the payment of the fourth installment of Marion County Road honds due July 15. 1927 85,000.00 For the payment of interest on Market Road Bonds for the year 1927 30,387.50 To comply with the provisions of Chapter 28, Laws of 1 925, the following statement is made: Total bonded Indebtedness of the county for market road bonds on January 1st, 1924 July 15th, 1924 paid first 1-10 installment of said bonds July 15th, 1925 paid second 1-10 installment of said bonds July 15th, 1926 paid third 1-10 installment of said bonas Total unpaid balance due on said market road Don as 35,000,00 35,000.00 65,000.00 64,856.56 63,136.32 85,000.00 85.000.00 85.000.60 695,000.00 ! 850,000T 8850,000.00 3850,000.00 -it-.- State-of Oregon: For a State Tax (Estimated by the State Tax com mission ) 8324,736.04 3156,945.63 3156.945.63 $332,157.26 2324.793.42 1378.265.50 286.90 S30.00 489.60 390.36 Receipts from the State of Oregon on account of Automobile License Tax (estimated) g 80,000.00 nuain. fmm Vi cioio nf nrnn fmm thn Market Road Law (estimated) ; g 75.000.00 The Budget Committee of Marion County, Oregon, recommends that there be levied upon the property of said county liable therefor: For the State of Oregon (Estimate given by State Tax Commission) For the General Fund of Marion County - For the County School and Library Fund of Marion County For h Conntv Hich School Tuition Fund for Marion County, 370,750.00 (less a surplus of 110,760.00) 3 For the General Road Fund for Marion County, for Road Districts outside of the City of Salem I 138,000.00 For Market Roads of Marlon County - I?'?r?: For the redemption of the Fourth 1-10 installment of Market Road bonds due July 15, 1927 .8 85.009.60 For the payment of interest due on unpaid Market Road bonds for the year 1927 ju 30,387.50 324,726.04 290.912.38 162,347.30 u.vvv.uu Total amount to be raised by taxation in Marion County, Oregon, for the year 1927 by the Levying-Board or County 948.15 3.414.92 2 902.76 3.210.09 $ Court of Marion County, Oregon 890.00 1 Cash on hand Nov, 1, 1926, in the General Fund or Marion uouniy, uregon 11.167,383.22 ..S 36,315.48 3.189.47 1,500.00 450.00 700.00 150.00 400.00 16.747.28 1,010.00 201.60 211.03 833.10 34.00 15,000.00 750.00 225.00 460.00 1,750.00 75.00 200.00 Bounty on Gophers, Moles & Gray Digger Squirrels: . ..Bounty 3,500.00 Seals. Bounty (Predatory Animals) : jounues . ....... . . Extermination of Canada Thistles and other Obnox ious Weeds Rebates of Taxes: Refunds Rebates of Fees: ' ba.t,e V , . State Sealer of Weights and Measures: ?iary .1 s,einer t weights and Measures Hpp Patrol: . SUt! ,FIr Patrol for Marion County State Fair Appropriation: Expense of .Exhibit . . . County Roads, Bridges and Ferries: SJry of County Road master ........ . Salary of .Deputy Roadmasters ...... ,. County JKoadmaster's Office Expenses ,.,!!! . For . Repairs on Newberg Bride ( Estimate t. ,ForfcqoastrscUoa use, improvements i and- mainten ; ance of pubUc highways.- roads, bridges and fer ries, and all .labor ia connection therewith, includ tax. ail. salaries .of ferrymen, patrolmen; andhelr t . , assistants . thcoughou V- the county, traffic officer. f ' atid. insurance 4 ott Couaty Hoad buildings, con- iraixs, wticas ana road machinery ....... ...... .jso.OOO.OO 197.429 .cs 7S Ann & r Efts 30,618.62 , 25,673.69 22,120.77 1,774.75 1,100.00 " " 402.00 493,20 ' 403.20 ' 403.20 882.80 610.54 75.35 3,485.66 3,594.85 " 2,394.40 102.00 - 68.00 432.00 n,0t n.v-A-' iu ihu funW. ranirad hv law (Oreeon Laws 5169) for maintenance purposes, it is necessary, to raise t the following amounts for school districts named below and the County Court recommends the levying of the following taxes to raise the same: School Dist. No. Amount to be raised School Dist. No. Amount to be raised 3 12 3205.00 17 352.00 25 257.50 26 J 131.60 33 194.50 37 142.00 42 292.50 43 352.00 46 3247.00 75 184.00 83 310.00 so : 200.00 88 206.00 123 215.00 124 j" 331.00 133 810.00 ' 600 00 -l 50 74 225 91 " 50.00 28.35 12.50 6.00 553.50 266.38 : 276.75 ' 557.63 561.30 ; 350 00 "5.00 175.00 350.00 S50.00 - 6O0.00 : " 2.oo 500,0 a.ii gioii 2.400.00 1.290.00 1.200.00 MOO.00 , 2.400.00 2.295.00 1,200.90 4.603.85 - 150.0 488.14 76.00 868.35 15,600.00 4.......... ; .... ' 217.62 544.90 350.00 475.35 ! to ve is 4 STATE OF OREGON . County of Marion. ss. itto onH Levvin? Hoard of Marion county, rvite il tirregon, do hereby certify that the v miw auuiM DSMarvs w &m a , true, fair and complete estimate of the probable expense of said County for the ensuing year. . ... J . ;:' We rurther-certify that the estimate of expenses of the various institutions of the County, of the, amount required for public enter prises, roads,-bridges, ferries, etc., anLall of other expenses of the County as therein set out. is Just and is based upOT a careful study of the expenses of the County during the past and a thorough examination of its probable, needs du ring the year for which aucn estimate is made. That each and every Item therein la oenevea to oe neces sary xor u proper ubcmub wi " bbwbiw fcwatfrwoinvKiwwui pt its property and interests and to be for the public welfare. charge against the county. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 2nd day of December, 1926. That every expense estimated is in accordance with law, and is a legitimatel 1 (SEAL)' ATTEST: U. G. County Court, Marlon County, BOYER, County Clerk; BUDGET COMMITTEE OF MARION COXJNTT, OJlEiSQN, ' By J. T. HUNT. County Judge. - .. .V r J. E. SMITH, County Commissioner. J. IL PORTER,-County Commissioner. T -CKORGE .W. HUBBS, Chalxmaiu - i . . . 1 J. W. MAYO.Secretary. ? - j: a. bakes. .. c - LEVYING BOARD OF MARION COTJNTT, ORSldoK By J..T. HUNT, County Judge. .-.? - r J. 5rf;?TrrH,eoTnrtyt Cominlssloneir. f 1. - 4r 11 1 i 1 1 I I II i I ' Til ' - . . - - Trf3 iaLuriiiiuu..V.9