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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1926)
THE ObEGOU&tAYFf tttt. SALEM. OkfiGOM TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 14, 1926 li f 1 f Is FOR RENT llotut tST FOR GKNTLEM Elt A ' WikM, WELL jHraiahsd bedroom, close a. nM ' 97-W.- -'-- - S704M 3 4fc s& RENT-s-FURNIflHED HOUSES A4 OfcBTKLDE 3 At. PAOK " " 41 North Cottage. STaSStf POR RENT ", , i. Wf- iM pa FeirgrBBd Road t ros. -ly-.x the Miles ' Lines Mill. 2 prr"h. . 134 H. Lita-evy Hi. 27dl5 2. WAN"TKD--MlItceIUiioiui S3 i rcRMiTLRK packino for JSHIF- I buu. Oiese-Powers rarnitwre Oo.. - 85e20tf WANTED PRIVATE MONET FOR far loans. VYs have several sppUce- tioa on head. ' Hikil.RrU Ibc. 205 Orr" Bldg. 86dl4tf FOR SALE S7 HOP GROWERS PLACE YOUR OR ders for hop sticks with the Salem Weod Mfg. Co. $1 per thousand. - No. 461 gut St., Bilm, ( . S7dl7 8 ED-WITT IX V Leak lag perfect eoetrel of ertae la g CUT -MO 7 , , y. , Iastrstuoss . iub .ia.ii. aa bi azz. UN UI1M Lni. w '.... - . SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS. 10 Santa a beadle. Statesman ofTlco. xia lUttta Commercial ' . ' 9V VftOOMAN FRANQUETTE WALNUTS ... i ('mlifaral black. (nuutli Kururr Co.. CAaby. Oregon. fit 7 LfflRST CLASS APPLES, 7Se 91 P R i box. delivered, mono UNIVF.RSALCOMBINATION RAXQE, White enamel finish,' nearly .new. Phone 1682-J. . -STdlS SINGER SEWING MACHINE, lent condition. Phone 797. EXCEL 87414 - BLACK DIRT FOB SALE IS EITHER North or Sooth Salem. Reasonable. L ; Phoae 72F2. 37dl2tf PRINTED CARDS. SUE 14 BT tH IM. Wording. "Room to Reat." price 10 1 cents eeehr Htatesmaa Baaiaeae Office. i yrooad floor. : FOB 8ALrIt 8 GRADE COW GIYINO GAL. PER DAT teetiog abeut & per ceet Clarence N. Holdea. Kt- 4. .Be 46. , . 3ddl5 rpOR SALE TEN JERSEY. COWS ' JTreah and comiog (n aeoa. . 1610 Mia.' aloa. , 39dUf FRED W. LANOE. VETERINARIAN affiee 529 S. CommerciaL Paeao 1198. Ree. Phone 1660. ..Jjg.'ggf WOOD SAWtXQ . 43 HAMS SAW TOUB WOOD. PHONE 0.J 490A-1927 WOOD FOR SALE . 4d 14-INCH OLD FIR- PHONE 2336. 43j8 Best Grade of Wood Dry wood. 4 ft. and 16-incK. Large loads are cheaper: to. bay. Mill wood is wax specialty. Prompt delivery and reasonable price. Fred E. Wells . 290 S. C,h. Phone 1542. 49d9tf ? DRY SECOND OROWTH FIR. 97 PER cars. i. 13. uanr. mono iiif 48423 16 INCH BLOCKWOOD 9 76 LOAD. 4 . load 4U4, dry slab srjod f 4 SO load dry fir aay teocth. Clisa. Christoeaon. J Phoae 142 43al6tf GOOD COAL. DRT WOOD, . PROMPT DELIVERIES. .HILLMAN FUEL CO. - TELEPHONB 1635. . . ' .- ."; . S :' 43J2tf SALEM TRANSFER ft FUEL CO. Loeat and Long Distance Haaliag. Storage and i'uel. 753 . Trade St. Phoae 529.. 43eSOtf CUe-ISCH MILL WOOD FEB LOAD. 99.78 'I 10-iii. 9ad fir per load, 940O;. 16 1 tack aid fir per toad. 94.50. Prompt J -ft.. TaI 941 Thm rnl TaM 67 Ii trees. 49nJ2sf CH OLD KIR SECOND GROWTH ad ash. Phoaa 7Jr. M. L. may POCITRX AJJDEOOS .45 HAVE 225 FINE TURKEYS. WANT TO 11 -them- sttre. - T. P. Hedgsea.f Ptione , Amity. -Oregon. , - 45dl6 WHITE LEGHORN CHICKS FROM SE- lected hena mated with record males. 1 Safe - arrfvat guaranteed. - Deeemaer, Jannaff '913 ner 10O:' expressage pfe- paid. . , GraTiun Hatchery, llayward. . Calif. ' -44I WHITE LiiOHOKN PULLETS. UOLLt.' wood strarn. Rte. 6,' Box 127. - I 'bona 100F3, ' 45dl5 FOR SALE COCKERELS, BARRED Bvock, O AC strain. - Fine Cvgaroas bids; April'. hatch. 93 eackv. - Alice -Aabahr, Oorvallta. Ore. 45d2tf '.MISCELLAiSKOUS ' -51 FURNIIURE UPHOLSTERING AND RE- W-1 at--i.... ' aW. -. r .V 694A.J 71 - SUCOtf THE SALEM .WOOD -. MFO - CO.- DO custom, sewing-of both hard and" soft wood.. . Farmers -briag-ia your Jogs -and take home the lumber. Charges very reasonable. Salem Wood Mfg. Co.-No. 462 Stat Ht; .Halem- . . 5H1.7 LOST AXD FOUND S3 LOST THURSDAY EVENING-ON 'LIB erty rr 'State t., between Marten and the Elsinore theatre, cameo in- gold set ting attached to gold chain. Reward. Phone 1187-' - - 33ql4- PERSOXAL 55 jStKY IF LONELY JOIN "THE SUC- cessful ' Correspondence Huh. K- liable; descriptions ear Oakland. California. free. Box .556. 5d-lS CHARMING YOUNG LADY" WORTH 925.000.fi0. lonely, wfir Warry. ' tlob, B-1023. Wichita, Kaaaas.. - . SSdlC ' XiOSKY TO iijAJs aVf WILL LOAN' 92500 ON- GOOD. SECU&. itj. Telephone 1196.. ...... 5725tf FEDERAL .FARM LOANS ik. F. L. Wood. 4l Stste St. .- , 57m7tf . FARM LOANS , " LIFE XNSTiiANCX CO MP ANT MONET I ft s-eff you. Very low interest rata. TCiapt examination. Quick cleelBgiy loan. Liberal repeymeet privil-W Chaa. Hudktna, Hoots . over Millet Store, Ha less. Ore.- Psoas 96. . . 57al6tf ' . WANTED LOANS f 5 t . .- - .'- WANTED: "- v . ' . . k- . - i evit It i-my - .w ss wat)avw i I v ESTATE. , 1 W.-xT. GRABENHORST ft CO.1, . 184 S. Liberty Bt. 69026tf BUSINESS OPT-ORT UN 1TIKS 61 GOOD BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 1 92000. urecery store, good location. ' $2700 Variety store sad cleaning es-' - ljass" . tsbliehmeaa. ' , S32SO m cash, well equipped . meat - market in new building. $3500 Grocery a to re, doing- good bosi- Bess, ' - ..' i- $4500 Garage aad equipment. . Weald trade for city property. - S5800 Good confectionary aad fountain . - 1 is fine location. - , , f 8500 Confectionary aad luBeh..ood 1 -. Mcatran. " - - SOOOLOFSKY ft SON. 941 State. Seal Estate, Loans, Insursaea, 61dl2ti 'J . (HO BUSINESS. OPPORTUNITIES 1 A GENERAL -MERCHANDIS STORE ia good live town aad doing a fiae business. Priced at 35,OOo 00. Wtll trade for farm of : equal value. Farm uua be clear. " Coafectieaery stuck aud fix tares. Doing a fine business. . Vj!t rA j9t1 Bairn property. See , UASKILL KAKLE, Massters. :v, -lGs 8. Librriy ft. , , r 2242. ...... - . ei4i2tf RKAL KSTATf IJlreetorr - 1920 Sootn Chorea- 8t.. . TeL 204?-J. BECKE ft HEXDR1CK3 189 S. Hixa . . - Tel. 1S9. x A. C. BOHRJIgTEDT 147 X. Commercial.' TeL 577. P. W. OIJ8RR . : . Toiepaoae 2912 441 Ceart- W. O. KKUEOER ' 147 X. Com' I, Km, 4; Tel. IK. JOHN W, ORR New niigk Iilo. TeL 24B5 GERTRUDE J. 492 X. Cottage. PAGE TeL 116 TRIANGLE REALTY CO. 421 Court BL Tel. 651 ULBICH ROBERTS 122 N. Commercial. 'lei. 1954 VICTOR SCHNEIDER. Realtor 147 N. Com'L Phoae 57T . SQUARE DEAL REALTY C. S. Nat l Beak Bid. TeL 470 WELLS TALLMAN ft SON 910 Maaeete T.mole, Tel. "1" REAL ESTATE 63 HAVE CLIENT FOR. DRUG STORE IN . a good Willamette valley city. Please end full particulars first letter. A. C, BOHRX8TEDT Realtor Loans Insurance 147 No. Com'l St.. Salem,. Ore. - ,. SMUtf SUBURBAN HOME Well located close in on Silverton highway. 5 acres of good land with six-room house. Price 645O0. Will ke Soldier loan. v Small payment down, balance monthly, immediate possession. SEE US AT ONCE. W. H. ORABENHOUST ft CO. Realtors ": "134 Si" Liberty St. 63dl4 NEW HOMES FOR SALE 94000 bay t ie modern 4 room home . .complete 4 a every way. located M D street near north l&tb, has . garage.' basement. -1 uraMs, taan ' dry trey a, fireplace, oak floors, 1 bed rooms, liring room, and kitchen targe enough for break fast set, good bath room with recessed tub, 9500 down. 940 per month. Let as show you thia home today. S4200 burs a new home located on N. 17th street just south of Center. This home is modern in every way with tile drain board, oak floors ia living room and hall, 2 bed rooms, bath room, kitch en and breakfast room on low er floor, baa finished stairway to attic large enough for 2 nice bed rooms, garage, paved street and walks, 9500 down, balance 945 per month, immediate posses' sion. 45200 buys a new modern English style stucco home, cement porch, living room with fireplace and oak floora, 1 bed room, dining wo. kitchen and breakfast room on lover floor, 2 bed rooms and bath room on upper floor. . garage, corner lot, terms $600 down, balance like rent, imme diate possession. W. H. GRABENHORST CO. Rwaltor. . . 134 S. Liberty 6t.. .,. Phone 515. r 63dl5 GOOD VALUES IN CITY HOMES AND FARMS A new modern 6-room house on N. Church St. with complete set ef go d furniture. A bergaia for 94000. A fine 12-acre tract near Hubbard, with good improvements. You will buy this when you see it. Price 94000. Essy terms. We have one of the leading chicken ranches in the state. All stocked and - equipped. 14O0 pure bred chicken, 23 incubators. All modern buildings. A real money maker. Very reasonably priced at $ 10,600. Will exchange. - A store building and an apartment ' bouse to trade for a- good residence in Hal em or acreage near. Will assume. If you have a soldier's bonus loan, let us place it f es you. ... A new four-rcem plastered- bungalow for 91000, 9200 cash.' Balance $15 monthly. 45-ecre fruit- ranch- near Salem, la good condition to trade for income property ia either Salem or Portland. ULRICH ft ROBERTS, Realtors. 122 N. Com'l St. Phone 1354. 63dl6 LOT SUITABLE HOME A 50x150 JUST west of Commercial on Lincoln. Price n w 913,500 Both pavings paid. Becke ft Hendricks, 189 N. High. 63dl5 GOOD HOMES AT RIGHT PRICES $5000 buya 138 feet on north 5th street . and 122 feet en Market street with two houses, rental $50 per month. Thia property is a bar kaih. S3iOO bars- a 5-rem house -with base ment, paved street located on N. 20th etrett, .terms. . $1600 boys n 3Toom home, large lot, north front, 9000 oewa. 92750. buys a .large lot and . 8-room house on Fairmount hill. eat, V front, 9500 down. 93250 bays a 7-room home in south Sa lem. electric lights, bath and toilet, fine view, will exchange - - for' smaller home' in north Sa lem. 93500 buya a 6-room home aud 3 lota, paved street, a good buy. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. Realtors. 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 515. 63dl4 FOR SALE OR TRADE $5500 Dandy- 5-room bungalow for close in improved, tract. 97500 Fine 6i-acre tract on highway just out side of-eity. Hss good Rldgs, fruit, electric lights, trade for Salem or Portland property. 93750 Bungalow 5 rooms in Portland. Ideal location; trade for Salem. $2500 Business lot in Portland for home in Salem. Pay or assume difference. To trade your property quirk list with CHILDS ft BECHTEL, Realtors, 320 State Street ' 63dJ2if SNAP 5 acres of good land with several bearinjr cherries trees, fine building site. Price for quick ssle $1100. Term. ' W. H. GRABENHORST. ft CO. 134. S.. Liberty St, . 63dl4 MINUTE rMO VIES I TO VJWFFl AM 1 I VA V'ti SAV.r-AT, tONT VOU "SEE V : I " , SLAT, BUT I NEVER.- RZkX ' FAT' X fW X A XANX 3L WhT SKJrN --PRIVATE - v. rONrH& MWlKCt'r vs nc N pp ; , SLAT, 1 ur GOT rflS IJCxJcfTROtA VYJHY, TAl, LZVS SEND tfA ) Ir? AAJrULL7 SORRY, HA-HA IHAI' 7 WhAI DA MtTAN w ArRcsw aif s(xmrAivHGroeLAj ; -vA DRAFT- 7 siat, but My hen I all right; fat- A I t just rah over, r r4TRBJ.Vrj S : 1 GOT LOOSE ANC ) VW DOf ATI? VDURt J r JQ .. l :'rJ " J y . . " ; ' s. . J,.).,' ;-': ' .".SS -t-'n ' J-.'.' "'! ' 'f ;. i .:'-!: . '-"-;' ' .t I ' - ' T"" t " ? ' ' " ' ' 4 -- "- ' 4 v. - ' ' - , es IT IB RESULTS THAT COUNT PLCS "SATISViiO) SERVTCB." Sea taa TBXANtrLB RJLALTT. 421 Coart, Paoao 451. 3410tt FIVE ROOM HOUSE FOB 8ALX AT 13u0. I00 eaah, balaaeo tarai. S ' leofRemlty Company, 443 Scat St. . Room 7 and a. E. N. Poet .aa4 H. K. Barrett. 63d 10U OWNER LXAVINO CTTT MUST SELL BEAUTIFUL HOME AT SACRIFICE PRICE 96500 Beat of terms. Strictly modern. bow banc low, 6 room, all on one floor.' Hardwood floors. Fire place, faraae. ' All the bnilt iaa. Nook, itationery vtit trays. la fact everything one co old wiah in a tea thousand dollar home. See my agent. CHILDS A BECHTEL Realtor. 320 State Street. 63dl4tf IMMEDIATE POSSESSION OS THREE fine homes. $7&O0 to $12,000. Becke AHendrirks, 189 N. Hijrh Street. 63dl5 FOR SALE , OR TRADE. HOUSE AND lot. See rooms. Plastered. Easily arraBged for 2 apts. Very close la. Call owner 773-J. 6341 1U A GOOD BUY IN SALEM HOME Muat sell 5-room modern, well locat ed home, paving paid, walking distance, close to schools. Price 92750 or 93500 all furnished. Terms. Lots on paved streets, a grd filliag station site. See Us For Home ' VICTOR SCHNEIDER, Realtor Lea as iBsuraaee 147 Ne. Commercial St. 69al4tt FOR SALE GROCERY STOCK AXD -fixtures, Cheap rent, . good location. 91050. Six-room modern house, foor blocks from post office, $4500. Went a car as payment i small house. F. Wood. Geo. F. Teed. 341 State St. 63dl2tf JL GREATEST TRADING ORGANIZATION ON THE PACIFIC COAST We have over 3000 properties listed for exchange. Every kind of property. every price, every location. We can match your exchange EXACTLY. If you " would like to trade your property TODAY, come in TODAY. See GASKILL ft EARLE, Realtors. 166 & Liberty. Phone 2242. 63ml2tf NICE. ROOMY HOMELIKE PLACE with lota of shade, fine fruit, grapes and nuts, 7 -room plastered house, base ment, fireplace, bath, S big lots, ga rage and- poultry house. - our block to street car, near new Tuxedo park - - schooL Will double in value in short time. A34O0. tvm, 849 Rural ave ' sue. V. C. Conner, owner. Statesman office. 6307U REAL HOUSE BARGAINS 93000 9300 down. 4 rooms and bath, large lot, garage, shed, in fine condition, near bus snd school. 9350O Terms. 6 rooms, 3 good lots, some fruis. $9000 9500 down, f 10,000 with fur nishings, 9 rooms and bath, full basement. Jot t) 9.x 14 7. near state house, nuts and fruit. Fine for home or good rental proposition. SOCOLOFSKY ft SON. 341 State. 63dL2tf LAND FREE IF PLANTED. TO BANA a. Baaanas bear full crop the sec ond year. $5.00 monthly will plant five acres, which, should .pay $1,509 profit snnnally. Reliable companies will cultivate and market your bananas for 1-3. Bananas ripen every day and you get your check every. 90. days. For particular- address Jantha Plantation Co.. Empire- Building, 'Block No. 495, Pittsburgh, Pa. . ... 63x112 LOTS LOTS LOTS $10 down and balance 910 per month buys fine lo in Kay's Second Add. Prices 9150 to 9250. 910 down and balance 910 per month buys a fine lot in Rosedale addi tion close to the - aew linen - mill. Prices 9275 to 9500. 9 10. down. snd balance 910 'tier month ,( : luyY two fine lots located souths - erne m pavement OifeoKSt ntta. Prices 9500 for both. $25 down snd balsnce terms will han dle a fine, lot on Kucsl. avenue. PricpSpO, int. 6. If it is -S lot that you sre looking foe, See w. jr. grabenhobst: co. Realtors. 134 8. Liberty Street. 6.1dI4 LOTS NORTH IN FINE HOME Dis trict. $400 to ,9700. Terms. Becke A Hendricks. 189 N. High. 63dl5 SELL OR EXCHANGE FOR SALEM 8- r. close in, lot 50x165. 9- r. corner lot 60x142-. 6- r. modern, new, X. for grocery. 7- r. North, corner lot. Oxl25. 7 r., corner lot, 60x125,- North. Duplex, 8-r. close in. 5-r. home on acreage. Canhy acreage for Salem. W. Salem. 2t seres ' for Rlm Business corner for Sslem, Albany or Eugene. Islla.- business lot 100x150 for Sa lem. BERTHA ZUEHLKE 671 X. Capitol St. Phone 1879-W. 63dl5 8EE US FOR BEST BARGAINS IN SA LEM HOMES. CLOSK IN NICE AC KKAUK HOMES AND FARMS. OUR extensive list of over 200 well selected properties in tnee various rlssses fot ssle anil exchange, enable us fo eithet sen you wast you want at attract v prices and terms or exchange what you have for what yon want. We have re cently eiosea several aales snd ex cnauge -aearfs very satisfactorily aad seiu ore inqniriet and more properties added to cur for sale and exchange list. We sill be glad to have you submit your want- end will assure you our nest efforts in. locating you sat Kee WELLS TALLMAN ft SON, 216 Masonic. Temple, phone 618. Public stenographer ia office. 63d 1 4 BIO J A BOA I X 6-ROOM MODERN BUN gaiow. excellent location, turner lea B city. Must sell at sacrifice. H Hill 3U7 Aberdeen Ave., Hoqniam "B-u. o3di BARGAIN IN HOUSE OF 6 ROOMS, nas oath, toilet. lights, two lots, plenty bearing apples and eherriea. ga rage, barn, gravel street and sidewalk in. Price 91250, a good speculative ouy or a nome. Located in north Sa iem near Highland Ave. A modern home en North Winter t., erase rn, h ro ni ; basement, furu ace, fireplace, garage, all in good order with street and alley paved. Price A good 5-reom bonne with basement nas natn, toilet, liirhl and -garage in basement. Thi is priced right snd on easy terms. -TJ400, f TOO down. Bal ance use- rent. See J. A- or W, O. .MILLS 331 M State St. 63dl : BXAIi ESTATE C3 -ROOM PLASTERED HOUSE. COBXEB lot. lOO front em -pared street. $1400, y cash 250. ' AttraetiTO arw hoaa. 4-room. atriet- ly modera. excellent Wcaiici". 93700. New 6-room modern, ' FairmvBBt.' 96300. ' . . A mom ttacco. aew end completely farntshed. very close im 15,600. WIXXIE PETTVJOHN". Realtor 175 S. High. 43412tf FOR ACREAGE. Adams. PHONB OLXNS 9iaa2 SPECIAL 9150 down and 925 per month in cluding intercut for a 4-raom bong low, basement and garage 92500. $200 down for a 3 room bungalow. good location, pavement paid. 9300 d wa and 935 per month in cluding interest, for a 5-room bungalow. basement, paved street. Price 93300. 9500 down, balance, monthly for a 6 room bungalow, basement, pipe furnace, fireplace, garage with concrete drive way, hardwood floor, 94500. 9300 drwn. balance monthly for mod ern four-room bungalow, break fast nook, fireplace, paved street, furnace, 93400. Loans, Rentals. Insurance. MELVIN JOHNSON. Over 20th Century Store. Phone 559. 69dlltf ONE OF THE BEST TRADES FOR YOU roantrv folk is a business corner rlose in. price 910.0OO. Get busy. A real buy in a business and income location netting 960 per month, and your living quarters. 96000. Act now. Corner east and north fronts. 193x 165 ft. close in 915,000. Buy now. It's going higher. Nothing like it to be found in Salem close in. Apt. house trade for bouse and lot. Just think of it getting income and bus iness property all in fne for your house and lot. $18,000. Safe buy. . One of our most beautiful home for 99500. You can never put it in the same place for that price. Take ad vantage of it today. Modern bnngalow close in. every thing to your hearts content and paid for. 93650. 6-room cottage, east front, close in $4500. , Confectionery, modern in every de tail, 97500. Grocery store 91650. Service station, beautiful home, fruit on l acre, 97000. Yon gain lr00 WTien you buy it. Beautiful lot 92100. Lot close in, 91850. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 492 X. Cottage St. 63dl4tf FINE NEW HOUSE JUST BEING OOM plcted. double constructed, fully plumbed, built-ina. electric fixtures, four rooms and breakfast nook, bath, connecting sail, closets, with one-half ere fine garden land, enough to al most support a family, located on pave ment just outside city limits. All city conveniences bat no city taxes, 93200. Small down payment, balance like rent. Carle Abrama, 1465 Chemeketa St. Phone 1894 J. 63s'J6tf BUY NOW AND SAVE MONEY 2 acre suburban home close in, new, 5-n-om house, garage, electric lights, 92000, terms. 5 acre tract, good bid?-., fine soil, snap, 920O0, want hmall residence. Good 5-room bungalow and garage, nice corner lot $2600. $250 cash. 8-rootu bungalow, S blocks frm State House, snap, $2500, $500 down. We- can match your exchange. IO an and Fire Insurance. PERRISE ft M ARSTERS 212 Gray Bldg. 63dl4tf WERT SALEM SNAP A quiet homy home of 5 rooms and 'garage. ' Concret 'foundation, side walks, sewer. Price $2200. with terms. Beautiful Fairmount Hill 7 -room residence with every modern conven iences. Price $8500 with terms. If you are looking for a beautiful home you had better see this at once. BULGIN ft BULGIN 275 State St. 63dl2tf . installment Acreage 9 20 down ami '.balance 920 per month bnys 20 arres nf first class land, for walnuts, filberts and fruit, lo--rated- on -main gravel road. Price $1600, itrt. flr. 10 -down --md.bslsnes 910 per month buys 10 srres first class straw berry soil, small shsck. Price $1350. 9 25 down arid balance $10 per month buys one of those fine 5-acre tracts on ' the Garden road close to the Swegle school, psved rood. Price ;9 1500. int. 6?r. $ 25 down 'and balance $10 per month buys 2 acre tract near Silver ton road, close in. Price 9875, in.V6-. $100 do-rn and balance . $10 per month buys 5 acre located south of Ss lem, not far out. some fine tim ber, gravel rd. Price $1250, int. 6-r. 25 down and balance 910 per month buys acre -tract located at the end of the bus -line on S. Commer cial street. Price 9750. - Good store location. 9 50 down aad balance 910 per month buys s fine .sere tract located . . sruth not far from McKinley Rcnoot all m bearing cherries Price f800. 9 50 down and balance 910 per month buys 1 acre tract all in bearing apples. Price 9400, int. e-. 9 50 down sod balance terms bnys a fine view tract overlooking the citr south of Saleui.v. Price f 850, int. 64. 9 50 down and balance 910 per month buys a fine view tract in Ben Vis . ta. park covered with oak trees. --- PfHce 9800. Int. 6. ' If it is an . Installment acreage that yen are looking fort see W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO 134 S. Liberty Street.' 63dl5 OKKKKKKKKKKTCKKKKKKKKKKO K K K K K K K K K K K $1200 CASH BUYS $1500 VALUE Fine lot 50x129 in restricted dis trict. Close in en N. Church street. A GOOD INVESTMENT KRUEGER Realtor 147 N. Com'l St. Phone 2' 7. K K K K K r K K K K 6dl2 K OKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKo REAL ESTATE TRADES 65 SPECIAL A good, a-room plastered cottage :i()0, will take for first payment a close in lot. Apt. house 95500. clear, trade for farm. 30 to 60 acres. Some good timber land close to Salem, trade for Salem . property. 6-room plasterrd nouse will take good car for first par ment. 5 acre rlose in, 93000, trade lor nouse aad -l t. See TH0MASOX. 320 State St. With Childs ft Beehtel. 65dl4tf RILAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE TRADES 6S WILL TRADE. 75 acres of good lead, 50 seres in cultivation. 6 acres Lake La bit. Baav erdaa land. Good 7 -room house. Will take Silverton, Salem or Portland property in trade sip to 98000.0O. - &2 acreav-Haselgseea district, 6 acres strawberries, 2 acres loganberries. acres orchard.' 7-tmb boose, electric light, water system, bath, toilet, etc. Want 5 acres Hose in. What have you f RICH L. REIMANN, Realtor. 147 N. Commercial St. Salem, Ore. Phone 665. 65al0tf '"0 FOOLIN' "A REAL BUT 10 acres. 35- fn cultivation, balance oak pasture, extremely rich soil, creek bot tom. Varietv of fru:t "d walnuts STRICTLY MODERN h uaa, electricity, basement, fireplace. Lath, water sys tem. Model Urge barn, chicken house, brooder. One mile from town. You wouldn't believe the price if we told you for the improvements are worth what we can sell this for It's clear and the owner will accept strictly mod ern Salem residence or good close in ' small acreage. SEE THE PHOTOS in our office and let us tell you about this. XOW.f TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 421 Court Street. Phone 651. "Headquarters for Farms" 85dl0tf REAL KHTATK Farms 67 FOB SALE TEN-ACRE TRACT. BIG crop yields insured by irrigation. In sured market. You can contract your crops at good prices before planting. Von can clear above all expenses, 9150 to $250 per sere annually. Other, are doing it. Why not youf See Flax land Development Co., 411 Masonic Buildinff. Phoae 155. 67d9ti WE SPECIALIZE IN OREGON FARMS You will find our farms all priced right, some 1k than their vslne and we will prove that they are good buys. Some irrigated. Suited for berries, fruit, flux, grain, mint, truck or poul try. Some wonderful stock snd dsiry farms: also trades. VICTOR SCHNEIDER. Realtor. Loons Insurance 147 No. Com'l St. 67nl4tf REAL ESTATE Suburban 69 CLOSE IN SUBURBAN HOME BEAL'TIFl'L 314-ACRE TRACT $3500 On paved road, just out side city limits, has bath, lights, water sys tem. Fruit. Just like living in tha city. No city taxes to pay. $2500 Half cash buys a beautiful 10 acre tract, bearing fruit trees, old bldgs. Ideal for chicken ranch. See CHILDS BECHTEL Realtors. 32b State St. "69dl4tf AUTOMOBILES WANTED 7T CASH PAID FOR FORDS EIKXB AUTO 7TmI2tf USED CARS FOR SALE 79 Turkey Free With every used automobile sold be fore Christmas Day. 1926. Gardner Sport Model. Ford Touring, new paint. Star Touring, excellent condition. Willys Knight Sedan. BoicV 4. splendid offer, .lord an 8 Cylinders in Line Sport Oldomobile Sedan in fine shape. Karl Touring overhauled. Pierce Arrow 7-passenger, rea sonable price. Hudson Sedan, fine paint and good condition. Willys Knight Roadster, special top. Other light cars offered at prices that will meet with your approval. Care ful attention, mechanical inspection, ex pert workmanship and honest repre sentation are the factors that are con stantly building confidence in the minds of the bujTng public. Our used auto mobiles are appreciated hy discriminat ing buyers. They represent sound methods. They can be purchased for cash, trade, or terms. F. W. Pettyjohn Co'. 6 North Commercial Street PHONE 1260 CADILLAC NASH After We "Se!l We Serve ' 79dl2tf 1 923-o-Dodpfe Touring. .1923 rOhevrolel Coupe. ' 1924-Chevrolet Touring. . 1924 Ford Touring. 1924 Ford Coupe. Good rubber New paint. Newtonr Chevrolet Co. Opposite the City Hall. 79dl2ti ONE TON REPUBLIC TRUCK. PNE1- nwitic tires $450.00 Sampson Truck Pneumatic tires ltO.(H) Oldsm bile speed wagon 9200.00 1924 Dodge psnel delivery, A 1 condition, guaranteed ' ssme as new $675.00 , BONE8TEELE MOTOR CO. User Car Lot. Center and Commercial. 79J15 RELIABLE USED CAR MERCHANT FROM PORTLAND TOLD L'fc: YOU HAVE THE FINEST QUAL ITY. BEST CtrNlHTIONED. WELL EQUIPPED. LOWEST PRICED USED ARS'I HAVE SEEN." WITH YOUR EXCEPTIONAL GUAR ANTEE. PURCHASERS TAKE ' NO t HAXCES." ' We a partial list of these qual ity ca rs : ... 1926 Chrysler "58" Coach in wander ful condition. 1924 Ford Coupe with-blemish or im perfection. 1921 Ford Touring. 1924" Chevrolet Touring looks like new. 1924 Chevrolet Coup in remarkable condition. 1924 Star Touring not reconditioned but guaranteed. 1924 Star Touring at a bargain. 1822 Ford vRoadater, good condition and repainted. CALL FOR BURK, at GINGRICH MOTOR COMPANY Chrysler Sales and Service. 79d21 $50 Only, for s good used car. an ab- solute bargain, see it today. Others under $100 Take advantage, of thia opportunity. F. W. Pettyjohn Co. 365 North Commercial Street Phone 1260. 79dl2tf STUDEBAKER TOURING LOOKS snd runs like new. By private party, $385. Phone -1298-W. 79dl4 USED CARS FOR SALE , T 1924 OAKLAND TOURINO. LOOKS like aew; balloon, tires, bumpers, snub bars, etc. Will tske s piano ia trade Phoae 1241-M. 79nl9tf 1927 License Free With any of the used ears at VALLEY MOTOR CO. If you have an old jaaA not worth buying a new license for. trad it is on ana of our reconditioned car. Act aow while Tea have a good te 1 action to pick fmm. Ford tourings with starters 995 to 9175. 1923 Star touring, extras 9125 Ford sedans 9125 to 9360 Ford coupes 6 to pick from, including s 192ti m del for , 9465 Remember next year' a license with these cars at these low prices See Our Guaranteed Fords Valley Motor Co. Salem. Oregon 79d5tf OMERRTXMAS MERRY XM AS O 5 LOOK Mr. USED CAR BUYER) 1927 LICENSE FREE WITH EVERY USED CAR PURCHASED BE FORE CHRISTMAS : : We have a complete line of good used ears aad have every ear marked with the price in plain figures on the wind shield. Moat all of these ears have bees re conditioned by our shop snd carry our thirty day guar antes of de fective parts and free service on adjustments. We hav good ma ning automobile low as 935 ad up to 91650, la other words anything from Fords to Pscksrds. Many people have looked our stock over aad our prieea are re maining the same with our offer as a Coriatmas present to yon ef a 1927 license free with each ear that sell for 9100 or more. If you are interested in a good used ear don't buy before you look eur stock over. WE ARF OPEN EVENINGS AND 8UNDAYS Capitol Motors Inc. - 850 K. HldH ST. H Biddy Bishop. Al Rousteaa. H ' ' PHONE 2125 en oc O-MERRY XMAS " MERRY XMAS O TWO PACKARD OF OI.DSMOBILF. THE BEST LOOK HAVE YOU KEEN THE BARGAINS BUY A CAR FOR CHRISTMAS Ford Roadster (delivery body) . 9 40 Ford Touring ..- $ 35 Ford Sedan $ 65 Buick 4 light delivery . $ t5 Buitk 6 touring $ 75 Chalmers 6 Touring $ 85 Ford one ton truck (stake body. good rubber) $ 95 Studebaker roadster (rood shape )..$ 95 Ford Tourings and roadsters $100 to $225 Nash Sedan - $250 All the shove cars are in good run ins condition aud are priced for quick Kale. Come in and try any of them and if you can use some good cheap trans portation we have it. We also have some real bargains in high class used cars which carry our guarantee and iili-Q s 1927 license free until Christmas with a purchase of $100 or over. Open evenings and Sundays. CAPITOL. MOTOKS, INT. Biddy Bishop. Phone 2125. At Rosseau TWO PACKARD OK OI.DSMOBILE THE BEST 79dl9 MacDonaid Auto Co.s Big Price Reduction AND CLEARANCE SALE .This is Willys-Knight and Overland week all week. i Greatest bargains yet offered. Must reduce our stock. Need the room tbt new shipments. Look our bargains over i our lose ia your gain. ; A few "are listed: Willys-Knight tourings in sport and country Club models, all have new paint, good: rubBer and many extras. Willys-Knight Sedans, late models almost like new. 1926 Overland Sedana, fully equipped xnese are repossessed, cars. Overland Tourings good buys. Templar Touring, has wire wheels anil many extraa. Moon touring with wire wheels. Sttudebaker sedan some buy -very - reasonable. .1925 Marmon Coupe, almost new. Many more to choose from. Our cars are all reconditioned and serv ee ia our motto. Remember this ia tbe week to buy that used ' car. Demonstrations cheerfully given convenient term and liberal trades. MacDonald Auto Co. Cottage and Ferry Phone 409. Open Sundays and Holidays Evenings until 8:30 p. m. MARMON WILLYS-KNIGHT OVERLAND WHIPPET 79n24tf I Salem Maxkets I O -O FEED No. 1. wheat, white 9 1.22 lied.; wheat, sacked , 1.19 Oats, per bu. milling .48 . ' Hay,' oats, vetch, per ton 14.00 PORK, MUTTON AH DBEEF Top hugs 11.25 Sow .08 Top steers : .06 Cow, 20.04 Bulls .-. 905 Spring lambs, under 89 lbs ,10'j Top 'live veal ., .7.09 Dressed veal 14 Dressed hogs .15 POULTRY Light hens 16 Heavy hens : 20. 22 Spring 170.23 Roosters 08 Heavy colored frys .16. 18 EGGS, BUTTER, BUTT ERF AT Standards 89 Selects .4 1 Per pound .24 Butterfat .46 Cream batter 48. 49 VEGETABLES, FRTJTTS Vegetable, beets, sacked...01 0 .02 Onions, des. bunches 40.80 Celery, dox. bunches 60 85 ti 91.10 New cabbage 01,02 Old potatoes 1.50(5? j.OO l.ocal onions ' -01H Carrots .02 Californis lettuce, crate 8.25 CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY : Of Reliable Bnslntfts ami ProftNudonal Firm Arraagrd In Alphabet ioal Order for Quick Relerenee " UCTX0VXEKS F. N. Woodry The Woodry everybody knows. .Cash paid for used furniture. Res. and store 1610 X. Summer St. Telephone 511 H. F. Woodry & Son Right down town. -Cash paid for used furniture. Store 271 N. Com'L Phone 75. Agents for Lang Rangea. 11 1 1 11 li laiiia ! 1 11 aai ACCOUNTANT O. ED. ROSS. ACCOUNTANT AXD Aud iter, 3311 State. Phone 098-R- al7'26 BATTERY AND ELECTRICIANS R. D. BARTON EXISI BATTERIES. Starter and generator work; 202 boats High. Phone 198 COURT ST. JOE WILLIAMS BICYCLES AXD RSPAXBINO LLOYD E. RAMSDEN COLUMBIA Bi cycles and repairing. .987 . Ccurt- CBXMESS &SKE9T TICK SO HERB COMPANY. ESTAB- lished Jyoo. J. a. ieong, mgr. x-aoae 283. 420 State 8t. Upstairs. 020tf CHIROPRACTOR DR. H. B. 8COFIELD, P. S. C. 929 Oregon bldg. Phoae 2194. DR. O. L. SCOTT, PSC CHIROPRACTOR 256 N. High. mono H'-iB-rC or mi. ELECTRICIANS FLEENER ELECTRIC CO. HOUSE wiring by hour or contract. Estimates furnished. Phone 980 171 Court St. FARM PAPER IP YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper sead five 2 cent stamp to the Pacific Homestead, Salem, Oregon, for a three months' trial subscription. Mention this ad. POULTRYM EN SEND EIGHT TWO- cent stamps for special three months trial fx the best aad oldest Journal in the west. The articles aad adver tisements are of special interest to the poultry breeders of the Northwest Northwest Poultry Journal, 211 Com mercial street. Salem, Oregon. FOR SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mort- gagea. Trust Deeds, Contracts on house Will net 6 to 30. Becke ft Hendricks Heilig Bldg., 189 N. High St. jl-tf FARM LOANS PLENTY OP MONEY to loan on good farm security. CITY LOANS We are loaning Pru dential Insurance Company money 00 city residence and business property, st 5 H cro plus s commission. Hswkins ft Roberta. Inc., 205 Oregon Building. d!4tf FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS. WEDDING BOUQUETS Funeral wreaths, decorstions. C. V. Breithaupt, florist, 512 State St. Phone 30. - - INSURANCE LOANS, REAL ESTATE, GENERAL IN ursnce. W. W. LA FLAK, 410 Oregon Bldg. Insure Tour horns or -ear new- BECKsfftPllE'NDRiOKS Heilig Bldg., 189 N. 'Higtt SV Jl-tf LAUNDRIES ' CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY "The Laundry ot Pure Materials ' Telephone 165. 1264 Broadway THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WEIDEJ8 LA.UN.D.RY Telephone 25. 263 S. High TRY THE HOME- WET- -WASH LACN dry. Phone 17L 1856 B street. J17tf LADIES' TAILORING D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOR MEN and women. 4-74 Court St. UATTRXSSBS MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY THE Capital Citr Uedding1 Co.. 1190 NeTtar CapitoL Called for aad delivered. All work guaranteed, rnone . nu MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 517-W. TatTJSIO STORE h GEO. C WILL PIANOS." PHONO graphs, sewing machines, sheet music and piano studies.. .Repairing phono graphs and sewing machines, 432 State street. Salem. NEWSPAPERS THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM, SALEM Agency. The Ac. TeL 939. THE OREGON STATESMAN. 50 CENTS per month delivered to your home early each morning.- -Tel. -23 or 683. PAPERHANGING AND PAINTING PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paper-hanging," that rog, etc Reliable workman, CHAS- BENNETT. PAINTING CON tractor, interior deeorariag". -541 Mill, 1937-J. n27tf PACKING AND. SHIPPING FOR EXPERT FURNITURE PACKING and shipping, call Stiff Furniture Store. Phone 941.- PIANO TUsTEmS THOMAS FAY. PIANO TUNER, NOW at the P'-rtland Music Co, 855 N. High Have your piano tuned by one wke ha had years of experience -in the work. 8s8tf PIANO TUNER. . EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Piano toner. Leave orders Will' Music Store. By Ed Wheels laUHTXX0 FOR - STATIONERY." CARDS. PAMPH Lets, programs, books or aay kiavd of prist isC call at ta. stateamaa x-nas- tag Department, TeL 583. 215 & CaMsuaercial, rxiTMBXjra PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Graber Bros,, 154 S. Libert v Phone 550. M RADIO Radlolas For Every Purpose : Every Part All SUadard Sixes., at Radio Tubes HALIK ft EOrP ELECTRICAL SHOP . 335 Court St. Phoae 489 ' REAL ESTATE IF YOU HAVE PROPERTY TO BELL or if you are looking for a ho ass, farm, or businesa property, see as. BECKE ft HENDRICKS. 189 N High St . Heilig Bldg. ' j8tf REAL ESTATE GROUP mVESTMENT8VCloB-la " income property , in Salem. . Ib-"4 creasing in ralue 10 to, 20 pet cent by abundant comparison Any amount from $100 up . . Many pleased to realise possi bilities of united investments. HARRIS, Masonic Bids. 5 u ' 11 n 1 Tel. 218, ' SECOND HAND GOODS BUY USED MEN'S CLOTHING. JEWEL ry. Guns, Tools, Bicycles. Star, sx chsoge, 324 N. Commercial, phono J56. . el3 WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH -iag aad shoes. Best prices paid. Capi tal Exchange, 342 North Commercial . Phone 1368-W. STOVE! AND STOVE REPAIRING STOVES FOR SALE REBUILT AND""1 repaired by expert. All kinds of wrr-' ea wire fence. Fsney and paain. Hep'' baskets and hooks, logs a koeks. Esleaa Fenoe and Stove Works, 250 Court Street. TAXIDERMIST TAXIDERMIST SHOP E. E. WIO frias. Prop., 1145 .Norway. Near. Woodry 'a Auction Market. Tel. 2261-W. TRANSFER AND HATTLXNO TRANSFER AND HAULING OF ALL kind.. Phone T2F2. WE MOVE. STORE AND SHIP. HOUSE-, hold goods. Oar specialty is piano aad furniture moving. . We also make coun try trips. We hairttle the best coal aad wood. Call on ns for prices. We give good measure, good quality and god service Lermer Transfer Co. Phone 93C CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. S2f State St. Phone 933. Diatribatiag .'orwarding sad storage our specialty Get onr rates. WELL DRILLING R. A. WEST,"RT. 6. Box 103-A, PHON1 110F5. 2 miles east en Garden road WATER SALEM WATER. LIGHT ft POWCB CO Office 04 li nth comaerelal Bt. Tea per .coat, discount on dames tie flat rasj. paid in advance. No deduct! ea for ab seaes' or'sn'y cshse unless water. is shut off your premises. aai ma TRAVEL Safely Swiftly sad Cemfortshlj iabusaes .of the Parker Stage Liaee. Stages leave, tar: Silvertoo 7 a. m-, lis. as., 4 p. am. . Mt Auge 11 a, m., 5 p. ns. Dallas 7 a. m., 9 a. nv, 11 -35 a. at Falls City 7 a. m.. 2rl0 p. ta, 5;15 p. m Independence 7 a. m 9 a. as. lljVt. b; 'f:H'p.k, 5:15 a. ta, Sunday only 9:90 p. sa. lionmouUi .7. a., (b, . 1 1': 1 5 al m 3:10 p. wa.., 5:15 p. m. Sasssy enly, 7:10 p. 1:30 p. . . McMinaviUe 8:30 a. am., 2:10 p. m 5:14 . tat. - ' - Nrwberg 8:80 a. m , 2:10 a. . m., 5 :15 p. m. . . TUUmobk 9 :30 a. m., 2:10 a. as . Call 222 or 9 for iaformatioav mtt o I General Markets LIVESTOCK . PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. Is. (AP) Cattle aad calve-steady to 25c higher; receipts: Cattle 1,445; reives 103; Seers, good. .98,2.5 8.Q.:. .medium 978 25; common $b($7; csnners and eutterk steers 5l&0: heifer, good . $7&7J5; t. romtnbn a net medium $5 7; cows, good t $6.(6-50; .common and. medium 94.50 tp 6; low cutters and cutter 92&4.50; bolls, y good ' $.30AJ 5.50; cutters and medium, s-nners- and .bolognas- 9464.60; calves, ' t'i4ti. -. medium to t.boicev milk, feds excluded 9 (4 10; culls and common $6g6; veal- "77 ers, medium and choiee 910& 12.50; culls ' ' and common. ti.50(tf-10. . Hogs steady; receipts 2.950. (110 - "V through). Heavy weight : 2SO-250 -pounds'! t medium, .good and choiee 10 Q 10.75; me dium weight 200-250 pounds,1 common, medium, goodand choice. 9 10.75 11.75 ; light weights 160-200 pounds, ctaara, : medium,' good and choice $11.7512; light lights 130-160 puods, common, me- , i duim, food, ad choiee, llJ&QG& 12; pack- i ing bogs rough and smooth $8.50410: slaughter pigs 90-130 pounds, medium, ' good and choice 9H11.75; feeder and stocker pigs 7O-130 poaads medium, good and choice 9U&12. Sheep snd Iambs steady; receipts 1.425.1" uju mrouiB). Lirnon, medium to ca.ico , 810 12; lambs, culls and commoa 10: yearling wethers, medium to choice $8(10.50; ewes, common to choiee $4 tft-' 6 ; culm 92 6 4.: ; . . s . . - Outside quotations based en beat' Mount Adams, eastern Oregon aad simi-) lar type lambs. Few vslley lamb sell ing above $11. - --;' PRODUCE ' ; -"- . PORTT.AXD. Orew JLec. . 13. (API Milk steady; best churning cream 6c per pound net shippers' track fa son 1 Cream delivered Portland 49 per pevnd,' ' Raw milk (4. per xent) .9J.2j ewt C ev b. Portland. Poultry steady; heavy hens 25 26c r light 18W19c: springs 21ta22e; broilers 25f26ct pek in white daeks 24c; colored 1920c; turkeys live 30S2e; dressed 33 6i40c pound. Potatoes stesdy: 91.251.50 iaek. Oni na firm. Iocs! $1.2501.50. . ; , VEGETABLES- FIRM - - PORTIXD. Dee. 13 (API Ce Id weather haa given local vegetables the first rest freeze they have bad for two years and prices on all of them are firmer today as a result. Root vegetables end rebbage advanced above 25c per hundred pounds. . Onions continue firm but Bota-tr-es are unchanged end slow.- Local cauliflower is about eiesned up. Faocv stock is bringing- 9t.75-2.O0 per ersti Shipments are expected from California the latter: part of this srask-- Uit. . .'irn. $t. 93.SO. per create. Sweet pota- - ims 11 .-ja to sc per pound. - . - GRAIN 1 . . - PORTLAND. : Dee. 13. I API Wheat bids: BH8 hard white, hwrd whit. HH. Baarf. federation, soft wait, westora white. Dee.,, Jaa.:. 9134: ssnl aisier. V- t V" i - r Jaa. 132 : , wOrtheTv: spring. Dec Jan. 81-83; westers red Dee 91.8sT Jan. 8181H. TT Oat No. 2. 89 pound white feed sad gray. Dec.. Jaa. 934.50, 929'iT Ma 2, 4A pound BW- Dee, Jan. 'Cons No;' 2eT shipmeBt Doew 7aau MillrBB. staaiui rx aa. S29.50. ".'-. v. - ) I- i.i i .1