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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1925)
T11C OREGON STATESMAN,; SALEM, OnECOIl SUNDAlt lORlNG, JANUARY : 15, 1 025 ! ' - j i . I f fern ?fr Trade Marked Gasoline Sales Good A KEW derelopment of great In terest to motorist has recently put in '.its appearance "in the form of trade-marked.' certified gaso lin. This is a new innovation and a radical departure from the old methods of merchandising gasoline. The "trade-mark feature is extremely noTel. In the past it has been neces ary for car owners to depend solely on th honesty the gasoline dealer t to supply him with the proper gaso- jline. (.;... i' : 1 I 5 This new feature, howeTei", makes ! all substitution impossible; aa the . gasoline has been given a distinc tive blue green color. So that the motorist may be assured, that fie is getting what he calls for this gaso line is sold only from pumps having visible glass bowls so that the color may be seen. . In - ; Another unusual feature bf tW idea is that while the gasoline itself is colored it will not stain or injur even the finest fabric The idea of tinted gasoline should prove extremely popular as the ca owner is Mcertified' against substi tution of inferior grades of gasoline and as a consequence wiU always ba assured of a. uniform grade of.fucl no matter where h jnayba ' t fin'JTOIJ CHEVROLET no ni ui cun uiiumiiiD Many From Salem and Vi cinity Call to See Latest Improvements of Car From 300" to 500 people have visited the display room of the Newton Chevrolet company each, day since he arrival, ef the new tar. Only the touring model attd a chassis is here but there has been- almost a continuous string of people in to see them. .The closed models are expected to be here soon. An article taken from . the "Automobile Topics" . about the new Chevrolet follows: Chevrolet, most prolific produ cer of the General Motors string and one of its mainstays as a money maker, enters 1925 with a. brand new series of ars. .The line is complete , built on a single chassis, materially improved in appearance, and priced at figures carefully calculated to assuife its position In the hotly contested field of low-priced competition. -" With Its improvements, the! line Is now destined to attract an even greater volume of buyers f ronjt the ranks of products of higher cost, and dealers holding the franchise are congratulating themselveis on 1 l a in the opportunity I that if holds in store for them in this PrestpecL For it is an undeniable fact; that with the increased crowding of streets and highways former buy ers of larger and more luxurious cars are now leaning toward the compact, light and good looking car that is easy to buy and cheap to run. I - Jr , Another opening in the ranks of higher-priced car purchasers is that of the owner of a fini car who .wants a second machine to run about in, saving wear and tear on the more costly machine All told the market for cars in; this field is widening ery rapidlyi and the 'engineering and sales forces of. the Chevrolet Motor Co., i have completed plans for making t big dent in it. f M . $ -y This ls how the new lin has been disclosed to the dealers: I . "A new Chevrolet more beauti ful in body lines, more room j and comfortable, with a host of; new mechanical and body j featu)res-f has been announced this week by the- Chevrolet Motor -Co. frh new cars come in five body typejj, the touring, roadster, coach, qoupe, and sedan,' and are being shown tor the first time at the KewYpt;k show.- ! ;; " 1 1 ? : : " "There is hardly a i f eatipe of the' Chevrolet that is not ner, im proved: or re-designed, ;while mdst of these features are of the type and quality characteristic of; high er priced cars.' J j j The following outstanding fea tures are to be found on I these cars:: i- 1 : : . I ( --i 1 : "All models! have full .sfreain llne bodies, with refinements in design which makes theni. the most beautiful. cars Chevrolet has ever produced. :f j f: 4 ' "New clutch of . the, dry plate disc type, completely enclosed with fly-wheel.! jj f;.;-Jr :j " '- "New axles rear axle sis Jen tirely new of banjo type coijstruc- one-piece windshield, with regula tor located above this windshield and automatic windshield wiper, controlled; from the! dash. ( This new windshield . affords unob structed vision end perfected ven tilation. lAU closed I car j hate new type petal door checks, op erating at the tops of the doors. The windshield In j the open) body has been so changed ftbatj the rub ber weather-stripping between the upper and lower windshield can Jn no way Interfere with vision. - There are dome! lights in coach and sedan and robe rail In the se dan. All body types are equipped with cowl ( lights and! new instru ment board, refined and designed for maximum leg room, j j j : All bodies are finished in Duco. the new and lustrous! finish which retains its! glass Indefinitely and Is practically impervious to ; dam age. Chevrolet Js ! j thej lowest priced car; to introduce Duco fin ish on all Its standard body types. : Another innovation, particular ly in the pow-prlcedj field! ; Is the finishing of all Chevrolet cars ;in colors. The touring,! roadster and coach are blue; the! blue with while the the lower finished inl a rich; dark sedan is! aquamarine upper panels : in black ; icoupe is sage green on panels! aod hood and black on the upper panels.,! Fen ders on all the models are enam eled in black. SALEM DEALERS I-!' El TO CI H E at -I ! WALTER P. CHRYSLER'S kECKLESSNESS NOT SPEED THE REAL JIENACE fTBTATM ritv recently iin- stalled trafSc towers for jthe regulation of motor- vehictlar mrA nHlMmii traffif! and ; for ithe safety of both. Merchants along the street where the system was jput into effect complained that 'motorists ;no longer looked at the shop Win dows but instead watched ;the lig- - oals. ' ' Comment is hardly necessary but it might be added that traffic regu lation and control is simply the bu- nrss ol protecting numan uvea. Tii- nunw in America a . -with laws avi Mais m v w " limiting the speed of motor velujcles and substituting laws rwhkh puhish severely for reckless driving.. The Committee on Traffic Control of; the National Conference on' Street jand Highway Safety, in its reportj to Secretary Hoover, urged that reck less driving and other-flagrant dis regard bt the rights of others? by any user of the streets or highways should be vigorously and unceasuig- y prosecuted. "" '.:.:. ' as TK.r im a frnirral nrartirp In dt- . J - mm - - r 1 . scribe an accident as an autotnobile accident if the vehicle colliding1 with the automobile is lighter in freight than the motor car. Under thi sys tem an automobile may be parked with no one in it, a wagoti may run into it and the accident will be de scribed an automobile accident That seems hardly fair especially these days when so' many people, seem to be busy calling attention to the ek i tent to which people are killeji and j injured by motor cars. : , : And here is another thing, f It jis 4 only fair to the industry and o ie motor owning public that statistics i about motor fatalities should explain where the accidents toolt plaCe. alt will be interesting to note to what extent accidents take plaice In the crowded cities. The truth is that in most places in the United fStates the operation of motor cars ii nota . bly free from many- serious; acci dents. . - hi; : 'i 5 The- automotive industry LhaSj a right to ask for fairness in the dis '' cussion of, automobile accidents. 1 BANG XAl 'fTi .in';-'- 1 Jfgfr tion and with 5 one-piece pressed steel housing.- "New springs of the semi-ellip-tlcal type, longer and easier rid ing. ! " ; - ! :"'; I ; ; "New and heavier channel steel frame 38 inches longer, with five' sturdy cross members. ; "New improvements In the al ready famous Chevrolet motor, such as heavier crankshaft with larger connecting rod bearings, longer and; larger ' center main bearings, shorter intake manifold bringing the carburetor closer to the cylinders, insuring better carburetion and easier starting; rocker arms and valves completely enclosed. .!'.- J ! ; "New Harrison radiator; shell Lof highly polished, non-rusting airplane metal: l i ' All open models have rede signed windshield, with very large upper panel to permit unobstruct ed vision.- " - r i - ' 4 f : i'j !' t "All -closed ' bodies equipped wth 'VV one-piece- windshield and automatic windshield wiper. "All closed bodies built by Fisher.-;'. V :i 'i'j? "New bodies roomier. "New instrument board, with more convenient and beautiful grouping of Instruments." ; j While the new radiator remains the same- in soze and capacity, the material and appearance of th shell has been radically changed. In place- of the former enameled steel shell, the new radiator shell Is made of airplane metal, which is non-rusting because of the com position of the material used,, and has all the beauty of nickelj I The clutch has . been 'changed from a cone type "to a perfected single plate, dry disc design, which requires no lubrication. This hew type makes for easier opera tion, smoother engagement, more positive drive and longer life. The rear axle is entilrely new. In ' its construction, the different tial complete with the ; ring gear and pinion are mounted as an in tegral part of the third member. in what is known as the differen tial carrier. The new stamped.; one-piece axle housingknown as the banjo type is similar in de sign and construction to that used on the more costly cars. New De parture hall bearings are used throughout. The front axle has been greatly strengthened. ; ; The springs are of the semi-elliptical ' type, instead of the dis tinctive pattern heretofore- em ployed. They the longer and pro vide easy riding. ! They are fab ricated of Chrome Vanadium steel, one of the toughest types of steel so far developed. The rear springs are underslung to Improve road ability. Alemite fittings insure positive lubrication. By the use of bronze bushings the. life of the shackle bolts is greatly lengthened.- ;v::---;-. -I ' The new channel steel frame is 38 Inches longer than the old type. It Is also stronger .and has fire sturdy cross members Instead of four. - T ' -5 i ' .; '"""; : ' : Many features which make for comfort and convenience I have beei Incorporated In the new bod ies. The open bodies : are room ier; the front seat has heen tilted back at the top for more comfort able seating; the spring construc tion In the seats has heen substan tially Improved ; the rear cushion seat: has been lowered at the back; the tonneau ' floor ; boards f have been lowered and the front sec tion placed at an angle to serve as foot rest. - ; . i All closed bodies : have the rounded curves, and graceful lines that have come to be associated with all products of the Fisher Star Dealers 'Assemble Oakland for Sales Con ference, i ; ! : U ' ' 'i i Ii 1 : Fred Delano and A. I. Eoff, of the Salem Automobile! company, local Star,' Flint andj Durant dis tributors j j returned during the week from attendinglaj Star sales conferencei in Oakland, California. Dealers from the nof thwest were in attendance including men from Washington, Oregon, Nevada, lArn izona, Utah and! California. In speaking ibf the tripl Mr. Delano stated that they werje very much enthused and thdught; that the line-up for '1925 Star car was wonderful 'We cak'i help but believe morehah,everln the slo gan of the' Star (Tomorrow's Car Today). The fact thatj manufact urers of other makeiL pt cars! are re-designing their.'s ike the Star is gratifying." said Mr.! Delano. ; While in Oakland; t&e dealers were guests of the Durant Motors company of California at the Oak land hotel. The Oakland factory was visited and according to Mr. Delano, they are running fall blast and turning out cars as fast as possible. ; . Mr. Delano and Mr. Eoff. drove a Star sport touring? on this trip and reports the j roads in good condition ijbut they ran Into some fog and slippery roads At Orlando they Report having cwii uranjes on ine arees. OF yol-ve !prob.blv He.rd THE ONKMIOSS SHAY You've probably heard bf the one- hossfghay ; . " j " I That ran so well and then one " day :. . r .l 1 Just fell n a heap of quick decay. Your motor car is goini that way! ; I I -1' I With "Step and pisopniron, bolt ; and crew, j , I . Spring, tire, axle, nd linch pin r to. ! ; ';. -l Steel of the finest, bright and blue; - J Boot, topi, dasher, from, tough old :hide - ;.;( : Found fnj the pit when the tahner died." Jn the shay or the car there is always a spot Where the elements! gain a chance To rot. "There are traces Of tage In the ten-hoss shay, I A general flavor of mlld decay. But nothing local fes one might Mist and Ithe dews have won in the ' test Rust and ruin have! done for the ' ' . rest Till "First a shiver and then a ' :,thrtU . I J !' ;. I Then something decidedly like a 4 spill. ' j- And the parson wag Bitting upon ; a rock.- ; ;j At half past nine by the meetin'- house clock; i! The poor old shay in a heap or ; mound : J , : As if it had been to the mill and ; ground!" j ROBBER USES MOTOR CAR ; j AS DIKING ROOSI BAKERSFIELD, Jan. 17 A closed car served as; a dining room and wardrobe for a hlef who en tered the sedan of W. C. Willis. Bakersfleld sportsniain, who lock ed It up j while at Pasadena, .. A Jarge appetizing lunch t andj his -overcoat were f placed In the car by' Willis who locked it up as he left. Returning Willis found the thief ; had 'sealed himself : In the car while tie ate, attired him self In the coat and departed after ' 1- i j S ? ' i 7- I ! - . . : - l.t nil IMS mmsmm v y - . - : . y ' ' ' "jJ i - s i - .; - i New Radiator Harrison Honeycomb Radiator with shell of .highly polished, non-rusting airplane metal adding greatly to the appearance of the car. : New Clutch j ; . . .I..'-.. Single plate dry disc type easier, smoother, more positive, requires no lubri cation. Clutch and fly j wheel fully enclosed. New Axles Rear axle redesigned, strengthened and en--larged; gear contact great ly -increased; one-piece banjo typ housing. Front axle strengthened. . New Springs Semi-elliptic chrome van ; adium steel springs rear ' springs underslung Ale i mite lubrication. f 1 New Frame -r S;,T - j .. - : T-onger and stronger. Five sturdy! cross members. Deep channel steel construction. , . New Bodies Open bodies longer and roomier; modern full Stream lines; beautiful durable upholstery on deep cushion springs. Closed models have new and more beautiful bodies by Fisher. J I y ;-;ir j ;': l j -New Finish Lustrous, durable Duco Open models and Coach in rich dark blue. Sedan, aquamarine blue and black. Coupe sage green and black, i i f New Motor I Refinements Improved construction for carburetor and mani fold. ' Extra wide crank shaft, bearings. Rocker arms and valves enclosed for better lubrication and protection from dust .and dirt, i. i ... . ... " ' New Windshields t i - , - : i ! . . : : - y . t i .' Closed models liave new type VV one-piece wind shield with automatic Windshield wiper. Open models with new pattern windshield with" very low bottom panel, rubber weather stripped. The Roadster $ 525 tetuuL The Touring $525 MidL i , Balloon Tires wul Due Wheels standard equipment f::? S3 Q ;; . .t - -- - . i I Balloon Tires and Disc Wheels standard equiprnm Lif x ftp K 'Uii j The Coach $73 5 'teNil" , .. Balloon Tires and tpecial Artillery Wheels standard equipment I i ? NEWTON-CHEVROLET CO. OPEN SUNDAYS AID EVENINGS . J : . ; ' -I .. . j .. . - ; . .... T ' ' , . . . i Opposite City Hall Corner Chemeketa and Ilighi Phone 1000 -1 ' I f t t .-3 ' lcWaj tlie car ra,lau . -r - The road ho9 u a constant -imitation to "B SJE