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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1924)
t THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM, OREGON THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 11.: 1924 lassified. Sailemrfs Great Pill i. c Section Market 11: 1 I I I' 1 i i j V i'i ' . s" ) 'i ' t. 1 f 5 r t t r i i i Male, and Female 10 I WOP PICKERS WANTED, $1.00 PER - hundred, good bop. !.. If so a hopyard. Kt. Bos a. m miles north of 8s- lss ob H'rwtr road. 19-al I BAILSMEN 20 MAKE 110 DAILY ON QUICKEST 8F.LL iag Mary R frorka, factory to wrar-r-r. Wondcrf nl variety firw fall atyl. Kodasi Co. 674 Kodasi Bld. Cin'li. O. : . -l - 20 s!4 i Magazine salesmen to act as district manager in tain territory, alio row manager for ts fsstsat maf a iao proposition today, car furnished to producers. Writs or wlrs giving psst experiene ts II. A. Steel. 6 Columbus Ctrfls. New Yorlt. N. Y. 30-s2 LOST AND FOUND 23 LOSTTHBEE KEYS ON SMALT ring, l.aava at Beck A Hendricks office, U. B. flank Bldg. i 22-S12 LOST SOMETHING f FIND ITI PHONl wast sd t Ta Sis Us at an. Phone 33 ; i - ij , ' . ' . , tt-mU LOST CHECK-BOOK AND 8MAU aaefnoraaduaa book is or near Oregos - Bldg., Lssts at 8laUamaa office. ! Sa-s22t! PERSONAL 23 MARRY IP LONELY MOST 8UCCESS : fol "Home Maker;" hundreds rich; strictly confidential; reliable; years - nericae; descriptions free. "The Sue- cessfal Club," Mrs. Nasb, Box 55fi. Oakland, Cs literals. ' 23-sl4 r LOANS 24 TO LOAN 300 "HW STATESMAN. . I ! : i j' 24-sl3 GOVERNMENT LOANS ON FARMS SH per eeat. ; F. L. WUkiasoa. 302 D. 8 National bank bids. ' ' g-sprPtl BEAL ESTATE City 23 Own Your Home MODERN BIX ROOM HOPSE COM pletely, newly and artiatirally faraish ed. ' See owner on promises, corner Oak asd Liberty. , 25-ol0 6 ROOMS MODERN TERM 8 OR WILL leas. 1565 8. Cottage, S2800 or $25 month. i BECKE a HENDRICKS U. S. Bsnk Bldg. . 25-slltt A ROOMS AND ENCLOSED BACK porch. : strictly modern, with fireplace, east front, on corner lot, double garage, . north CspitoL aear high school. Frire $3UO0; 5 room with bath, new electric range and water heater, on Division, near High. Price S20O0 only $100 down and balance $30 a month without interest. This gets away from rent, eliminates rsr fare and buys a home . at the same time yon can't beat that. ... MeOILCH RI8T a PENNINGTON 209 U. 8. Bank Bldg. Phone 140. r . i 25-siitf Business rorner .$13,000 Basiness hooso ..... ,4. Apt. koase elos ln.P. Apt. hoas elos in . ..320,000 -314,000 .$12,500 .$40,000 Apt. house closer in . Apt, honse still closer in $80,000 beautiful, home, mora beaatifully lo cated ... .... i 13,OIHJ ; Attractively located bom in South Salsm, furnished ,........$65oO OEKTRUDE J. M. PAGE ' 492 K Cottage. 25-slltf ROOM BUNGALOW i EAST FRONT, : barge lot $3aOO; 6 rom hoaasv ia good condition close ia $5000;, 5 roe in new bungalow east front, gsrage, paved ' street $3800; attrsrtirs lsrgs corner kt 1 7 room house, basement, furasce, gsrsge, east froat, $3375; A beautiful homo on : car line, paved atreet, large corner, $4800; 4 room house la splen did; condition, $lo50; 4 room house furnished, psved street, east froat, clots in only $2300; Oa creek. Urge lot close la 1 rooms houae, 2 spts. in bssement, 3650. Oertrade J. M. Pare. 492 N. Cottago SU i 25-alltf ' ( SNAP! ; -i - ' ' Owa a' bom of your own: Fair boat 4 sboms: 2 lots: good well. At sscri fieo. price. $700; wtih esay terms. For aala by Child isechlel. su etste StJ . - . -A r-l. 25-slOtf i ! $1700 BUYS: A good five room plastered bangs- low MB, witn oata, toilet, located near car line, $1100 down to handle. This is a real aargata. W. H. ORABENHORST CO. .$75 State St. . .25-slS FORI SALE NEW BUNGALOW, WALK lag distsaee, $1250; lossy terms. Owa' er. Room 8. , Bayn Building. 25-slO ! S ' FOR SALE ' .5 room house, hot and cold water. MSh, lights, completely furnished. Own er leaving and must sell. Prie $2650, Small eaah payment, balance monthly. ' I KRCEGER 147 North ComiMrcial St. Phone 217. i i ,25-slO i $2750 $750 CASH - t ' Worth Salem, 5 room hoas with bsth. ball, sttio snd basement. ) Good com fertsbla home ia agreeabbs setting of shade sad fruit trees: big" lot. teoad 'street. Bargaia. Must sell. If you tfos't lik the prie or terms, make fler. See the place, 1B95 N. Church St. Paoaa 1565K. za-ailw S27C0 Fairmount Hill ' Small i semi-modern, 5R hoas and garage on paved street. On of tb best loeatioaa on hilt. $500 cash down. Or what: hava yeaf i Bslancs monthly. Robinson Oregon Bldg.' 25 sl OAKS ADDITION LOT PRICE $1100; It's a dondy and terms will hsndle. ; t BECKE a HENDRICKS tr. S. Baak Bldf. 25-slltf BEMI-SfBCRBAN CITY CONVENIEN ess. 4 , room new modern Dutch Col aial. Lots r bailtia features. Double , construction. South Salem. $6,250. V Sis room modern, -bungalow. Sslem Heights. On acre. ; Fruit, poultry yarda. ete. unlimited view, f,uuu: : 8 room boas. Modern eoaveniences. Psved street, on acre. Beautiful tres , Clots t schools. $6,500. , A. C. B0HRSSTEDT 1ST Ma. Com'L St- Sslsrm. Oregon j j. - 25-s7lf i i MUST OO i Tha I'Ul bouse snd aer of rood: land, easy terms, well located. $1SOO. Near car tin, os paved road. Also . " . 1 room plastered new house. So. 8s- - lem ear line, $850. Wood shed, rood rsrsge, food value, terms.. Be wm ' r-lemlac. $41 State St. 25-sMf FOR 8ALK BY OWNER MODERN 8 room boos, basemeat, paved street, ga. rara. 181 S. 14 th. Phoaa 1140M. FOR SALE TWO SEW 4 ROOM BUN, - n-alowe. Very email payment, like rent. Will take aato oar either of these. Phone Owner, 520. i 25 14 OOOD BUYS INVESTMENT Kir ctotein 10 cr improved tr$e( Barfsia $3300 esty terms. , ! Good apartment houa elos la . Sasp ; easy terms. ' . . Close i a aer Improved tract sow 1 1 horsa, tools, lead, $3230 want real Fin new 'all modern 9 room bnagslo tin location $3800 terms. Several Farms to ; sehaaga fr lt i homes. - ' ' - i ' . n Dandy aic 5 room modern ftangalo 8350O. I . ' ' , ' . ' J . Be nr Hst af Bsrgslss zchssce4 bfor Investlnf. , - U - PERRINK MAOTEE3 - ' Com. Club Bid. 85-ltl REAL ESTATE City 23) j 4- fl RfKJlS $3000 4-t TERMS. SEE AT 12-tj Waller. Trun lot and modern houae. Reduced jrom' $3350 to move. Close car and srhisola. : Bssement. BECKE HENDUICKS IT. S. Bsnk Bldgjf 25 slltf Best Buys and Exchanges h . 6 room modernibaagslow, 2 lots, ga rs rare, $4200; ternia. n 7 room modern very close in, $3000. f: Essy terms. 8 . $5500; furnitnrp snd hardware huain- Bess in good town, 'will take Salem residence or Ineodie. $18,000' general merrbsadise and building msterisl .business doing $100, : 00O annoslly, soma terms. $25,000 buy a well located business block in Sslem, Tesay terms. ' Money to losn, houses and apart ments for, rent. Socolofsky i 941 Stat i!t. 25-setf IP Y0TJ ARE IN ITHE MARKET FOR A BARGAIN ; HERE ARK A FEW SAMPLES: - 8 room bungalow, basement and : all modern conveniences; one acre of land. Jnat the thing for parties wanting a cow and chickens. Prie $4250; terms to suit. ! ' - '-.;!: Brand new 4 room bungslow, modern except basement,! tor only $1700; good term a. - . ; $'4700 bnys a 'f room bungalow at a sacrifice. Party! is going to Portland, and must sell.! lit bas fall bssement, plsttered, bsth, toilet and alt modern conveniences; easy terms.: , 80 seres of Isnd aesr a good thriving suburbs a town, 130 acres in cultiva tion; 30 acres In open pseture; 20 acres timber. Watered by well; spring and creek. Good; 7 room house, Vi mile from pavement on good rock road. 2 fin cows: 2 heifers; 1 mere; 9 tons hay; 100 bo. oats; 4 tons straw; geese; chickens; all farm implements. Price $7000; very esay terms. SEE US ABOUT YOUR I.OAK ' W hsve money to loaa either an city or country property. If yoa have', aj; house to rent, let us rent it for yoa. j -t We apecialise n trades. If yon hsvs anything to trade:. Farms for City or City for Fsrms,! let .us help yoa find what you want.! . ' Moisan & Ulrich 122 N. Jdittimercial ; ' Phone 11 354 fCEW MODERN $pUXOAI.OW, PAVED street, east ssiem, $:ieao. Neat five room -bnncalow, paved Street, eaat Salera. $2700. Six room strictly modern horn, close In, $5000; eaSyHerms. Exrhsnre 78 -acre farm, $4000 for borne in Salem.j, - r T3 acre farml aear Woodbnra, $12. OOO, for suburban bom. : F. 1 Wood, $41 Stat St. : ji ' 25-slOtf CLOSK IN IIOlME 4 room lot 50 by 165. psved street, esay terms. Price $2650. W- IL GRABtNHOKST a, CO. $75 Stst 8t. fi : 25-sl2 $300 DOWN. TAKES 1180 MADISON. Dais ore asi? month. . New, modern. BECKE a HENDRICKS S. Baak Bldg. 25-slltf A BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME OF 8 acres ia cherries. English walnuts and logaaa. :. Very eloae to Salem. 7 ' room, modern baas aim oat saw. Fall basement, turners, fireplace, plumbing all ia. lots of tbuilv-ina. Small barn, chicken bouse, f For ssle at $12000 or trade for Portland property. IWrit or ae Mrs. Mover, 147 N. Commercial St. s - 25.5tt -t-For Th-'- Salem Florist or Gardener hsve: 1 large lots or nearly 2 teres, Just 3 blocks from paved street, , arith rood 1 VAAm nlaatereil hnnaa m. trie lights, bsthl, part cement basement. ""7 iny BvumiiH. uooa Darn, woodhonae snd aheds. Hss a complete water aysteiq from inexhsnstible well with electric motor.' Ursa tower tank. pipes sll over ground. Owner old and sick, is leering. Price $4500. S roomi natural wood f iniah. hard wood floors, furnace, cement basement, large lot on psved street nesr Stale, a very fin heme at $5300. 8 room 1 ; tery modern plastered borne elos in, '6 bedrooms, furnace, cement basement, large garage. Reason able at $000. Some terms on above. Oregon Farms for- sale or trade. 10 acres highly improved. 2 miles out on liarden road, good 5 room bouse, s barn, garsrei hen heuaes. baa Cherriea. Prune. Filberts. Raepberriea. ete. close ; to school. WiH trade for smaller place . vm ma-nway jor oai property r sell for $6000. t I 4 seres between D street and Garden road : rood 5 room bouae. kin ban bouses, all fenced, lota , of fin fruits J and berries, loe to school. Trade for ; leas gronnd on highway or Salem borne. Prlc $5SOO,i . i t 28 acre well improved. 3 miles Woodburn-Silvertoa paved roaU. Small houae, good bsm, gsrsge, hen house. Trsde equity for Sslem home or sell ; on good terras :for $5700. ' 170 screi near Msrion and Turner: '5 room house, lsrn. fenced sheep tight. -windmill, running water. Take city . property, sellSor rent reasonsbl on f long terms. ) 640 acres 'eastern Oregon, good Isnd, small haase,! near good town and high' way. 3 rood live springs: alao 20 acres, j wjrll improved in Liberty s district, hss fs ir small buildings, fruit and nuts, good timber and running water. Owners is old, will sell er trade ' either, for home in town tip to $3000, balance long; terms at s per cent. List property or Students rooms with us free of charge. Phon 206. . Kssterners Salt for ssrms. : Oregon Incorporated 'Victor Schneider. 'Secretary, 315-318 V. S. Bsnk BIdgv Balem, Oregon. 25-813 MINUTE MOVIES THE WORLD tCFORE VtDV MODELING IN I ' 1 BELL. t ?: 1 REAL ESTATE City 23 ROOM HOUSE ON STATE STREET Old Ivory finish. House in excellent condition, garage, $2650. This is a good buy. 6 room modern bom a 14th street at $480; will tske rbesper bona or good bailding lot sa part payment. 6 room house., chicken bona .and garagej on acre ground, $'JjOO; will trad en larger acreage not over $5, OOO. t WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor 216 Oregon Bldg. 25-a7tf I $4400 BARGAIN New modern attieco bungalow borne located on psved street. Terms, t W. H. GRABENHORST a CO. I 275 State St. 25-sl2 FOR 8AI-E SEVEN ROOM HOOAE. modern throughout, good' location, IV blocks from state house. Address Own er, 1051 Chemeketa St. 25-a29 s -f $1550 A- Buys a good four room bom with electric lights,, bsth, toilet, esst front. $250 down, balance $20 per month. W. 11. GKABKMIOKST a CO. 275 State St. 23 .12 6 ROOMS IN OAKS $4375. FURNACE. fireplace, garage, large.' See at 1275 E street. s , BECKE a HENDRICKS ' U. S. Bsnk Bldg. 25-slltf 6 ROOM HOUSE ON CAR LINE. MOD- em except best, 8'JOOO. $300 cash, rest lik rent. 6 room modern bouse, 'two lots, $2800; $300 down. A room mod ern except beat, $2800; $300 down, rest like rent. Iojts, Nebrseka and Dakota land to exchange for Oregon. See ua for Bargains snd Exchangee. BARBER 200 Gray Bldg. 25-a30tf BARGAIN IN HOME. GRAND VIEW, overlooking city and valley, near street car line, corner lot 90x135, fruit, ga rage, eity wster and deep drilled well. 6 plastered rooms, bsth, sleeping porch, full concrete bssement, $3200; terms. See owner. 2390 South Church street, corner MeGilchrint St. 25-s29tf GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY store by owner. Welt locsted in Hilverton. M. E. Strand, Silvcrton, Oregon. . - j .j - ' 25-sl6 MODERN BIX ROOM HOUSE COM- pletely, newly and artistically furnish ed. , See owner on premises, corner Oak and Liberty. 25 7 PRINTED CARD8 SIZE H" BY 7V4" wording "tor Sale, r.nquir At. fric 10 cents each. Statesmsa Business Office, Ground Floor. FOR SALi: 3 GOOD EAST FRONT lots on Capital street, paving psid. 1 Good terms. For ssle good lot on Norwsy, 50 by 125 for food east front lot on Map le avenue, $250. t block, 7 fnll lots, elos to Engle 'wood or Junior high school. $1500 for aU. 0 good lots 50 by 100 on psved street for 81UOO. Good lots in Salem Heighta and Nob Hill at all prices. 3- acre tract well improved and 9 room modern bouse. Very close in Good terms. 147 N. Commercial St. Mrs. Moyer. 25 s5tf INVESTMENT 2 HOUSES FOR $3000; $5uO down to hsndle. i BECKK a HENDRICKS ? U. S. Bank Bldg. 25-slltf "We All Dig for Dollars" Good 6 room bungalow, basement, good property. Only $2800; terms. ; Fin 6 room bungslow, paved Street, facing east. Barn. Price $3000, terms. Fin lot on Fairmont Hill, 75x150 $750 for quick sale; terms.' : A very fin 10 acre tract, close in, rich aoiLl A snap at $4000; terms.' Money to loaa at 6 per cent an good farm property np to $5000. If It Is a house, lot, farm, or a trad $! me i J ; W writ Insaranea, ; Rich L. Reimann Realtor . I 807-308 Orcfon Bldg Pbon 1013 ' i $Val7tf BUSINESS Opportunities 2 BUSINESS PROPERTY GOOD 7 ROOM home, on lot suitable for many, busi nesses. For quick ssle $5800. i ; BECKE A HENDRICKS U. 8. Bsnk Bldg. 2 slltf BUSINESS LOCATIONS TO LEASE W have three for Smsll grocery, res taurant or confectionery.. Space 2.x by 60. u BECKE a HENDRICKS f U. S. Bank Bldg. 2C-alltf BUSINESS CHANCES RESTAURANT for sale; also residence grocery..) Both In Salera. Living quarters with both. Confectionery and lunch - in Albany. Cash to handle. . Gas station on high-' ' wsr. : ! . .- v i BECKE a HENDRICKS i IT. 'H. Bsnk Bldg. 26-sllt REAL ESTATRI Tntdt 27 MODERN 4. FLAT BUILDING. PORT land, accept 5 room Salem houae ss firat payment. Phone 1673R. 27-slXt REAL ESTATE Farms 28 i 6 ACRE SNAP ON PAVING CLOSE tt Salem. Good houae snd garage $4600. BECKE a HENDRICKS . U.;S. Bank Bldg. 28-slltf A 8SAP 10 ACRES WITH GOOD bidd ings, bearing prunes, cherries and ap i pies. located nesr Livesly, on rosin road. Price $3000 ; cssh down. W H. Orabenhorst a Co. 275 State 28s7tf i 6H ACRE TRACT Locsted nesr the city, sightly Joe; tion, soma timber. New three room garage house. Price $2500. Mortgags $1800; balance $150 down, $20 per month. ' 1 . j 1 W. II. GRABENHORST a CO. ? 275 Bute St. 28-al3 V FINE 54 ACRE FARM i SNAP! ; only 7 miles from Salem on good road, not far from a paved road. Best of soil and location. Part cleared. Soma timber. Well fenced. Plenty at good apring water. Owner non-resident. Will sacrifice. Prie $3500; term. 8e Childa Berhtel, 540 State St. 28-elO'f Pacific ciTyj.J. TiME AS SCVErtAL - APPEAR ON THE BCACM IN LESS THAN ONE HALF. OP ONE PER CENT BA"TV4N(y S'wfp SHORT DEACM , LVI. HAGRy CCAiJd OF iNV. BREAXS 100,250 ANO VOO METER. SWMMiNty RECORDS. HCi. CRAVtfL UA FORMERLy AslTAX, ) hDIMFP AMD rCJfVl!v? J Lry mis fast jveTeRS REAL ESTATE Fa rms 28 'TWENTY ACRE AND PLENTY" Free book tell truth about Florida ; land; monthly 'payments $1 acre; -Orange Groves planted-.; 10 per cent above cost; SYLVESTER WILSON. i Dept. F, 29.1. Orlandot FIs. 2-b14 g( ACRES OF CHOICE LAND ALL UN rtcr cultivstion. looJ -5 room bouse nd out builsdings, 3 aiTc young prune. Family orchard of alt , kinds , of fruit. mile east of pen otc . psved rosd. : Will take houae in rityt np to $3500 and $2oOO canh. Balance terms. Price ' f 8mj. Plione 19E4 for particulara. , - . 2M-S14 t i LooKt A rest fsrm bsrgsin' 04 sere river bottom farm, 45 acres plow land, good, i biuldinga, 8 room house snd Urge barn : 40 by BO. nearly new. i'ric for quick sale $8400; 43400 cash.! balance time. Or will take good bom .around $3500 In Salem. ' i W. H. GRABENHORST CO. Realtors. 275 But St. i t J! 28 sl2 19 ACRE FARM CI.OSE TO SALEM j -North. $70K. Its s dsndy. s - BECKE & HENDRICKS 1 T7. S. Bsnk Bldg. 1 28-slltf 320 ACRES RANCH it With approximately. 20,000 cord of stsnding fir timber, 90 acres plow Isnd, old buildings. Price '$65 per acre if sold soon. This is a. real snsp for some one. Located on-mile off main Pacific j highway. Will take some good Salem city property for part. W. H. GRABENHORST a CO. 275 State St. J 28-S13 VERY DESIRABLE SMALL TRACT ON Portland road. Well ; improved and reasonably priced. Phone 206.' Ore icon Incorporated, 315-310 V. S. Bank Bldf. : i -- 28-sll 11 ACRES THREE MILES SOUTH FOR 5 $2200. - if 40 acres 5 miles south $5500. 80 acres 5 miles south $8500. . V Reasonable terms on' any. t BECKE A HENDRICKS fU. S. Bank Bldg. 28-slltf FOR SALE 158',, ACRE FARM Lorsted :.f. near Salem on main road. Price $4.- OOO. W. II. Grabenhorst a co. 275 'State. rr 28-s7tf REAL ESTATE: Suburban 30 CHOICE8T SUBURBAN' IIOMESITE8 Overlooking river drjve, snd besutiful " Polk county orchard 1 bills. Selections being made and developments coming, t Kan offer to an early , buyer. ; HARRIS, 317 OrrgOn Building. I . s Phone 455. ' . : i 30-a27tf USED CA1LS For Sale 31 REAL USED CAR; VALUES I 1920 Ford touring $175 1920 Overland touring;; $175 1921 Ford coupe.....;-.; 300 1921 Overland sedan... .... 450 1923 Chevrolet tourirtf.....t 450 1924 Chevrolet touring i.... 500 1924 Cleveland tourin 850 " 1921 Oldsmobil aedsit i . 850 ; We allso have Chevrolets and other smsll csrs at $50 and up. All cars guaranteed as represented. "After We Sell We Serve" F. W. PETTYJOHN CO. 219 N. Commercisl St, 31-sl0tf FOR SALE FORD COUPE, 1922. MUST i sell. $300. Call evening. 930 Broad f way. 31-sll FOR SALE 1923 OVE.RLAND SEDAN I A-l condUion, looks - like new, $100 t worth extra equipment, csr run 800O I mile $750. 1923 Chevfblet touring, A-l I shspe $450; 1922 Dodge rosdster, $450. Terms. Bonesteele Motor Co. 31-sll 1920 Chevrolet touring. . 9190, new paint, motor at. . 1920 Chevrolet touring- .$200 ' new top cover, good tires. . 1921 Ford Toadater. . $200 ' delivery box on- rear W give essy terms. NEWTON CHEVROLET CO. i 31 l9tf FORDS ' i 1923 Tour- Vacuum tank, speedometer. j SAM spot light, automstic windshield j clesner, mirror, sest t for bed, trunk. dash light, foot throttle. All for $36j i 1923 coupe extra good on $450 J 1923 4 door aedan, extras $675 f 1921 . roadater, rebuilt . $245, 1 i CHEVROLETS : 1923 Superior model -touring, driven 5 1200 miles, new paint... . i$45Q 1923 Business coupe-4..;...'. .....$."95 1922 touring j .;... 275 - STARS: r 1923 coupe, driven 9000 miles $575 1923 touring, new corj tires. ....:..$395 1924 sport 5 psssengsr, driven 4000 ; miles f ..$680 OVERLAND8 1924 sedsn, new typ with wide ; sest. extrss i ..;.i.4-i.. $890 1923 touring ... - ..$450 Of course these cars sre guaranteed same as a new automobile. Certified Public Motor Car Market '' . 5 31-813 Used Car Specials Oldamobile sedan.' Dodge aedan. . Flint coupe. j. ; Ford touring. 5-s Jordan 7 passenger. . We will give you the most reasonable terms and guarantee you ino per cent on the dollar on your investment. Bny from na with confidence. MaeDONALD 'AUTO CO.. Cottage at Ferry KL?Vi , 31-s7lf FOR SALE PAIGE LIGHT SIX CHEAP. Phone 1438 W. s 3110 T78ED FORD CARS FROM Alt AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER Touring cars u.,..$ 85 to $350 Roadster $ 75 to $325 Coup .. $175 to $450 Sedan $225 to $450 Light deliveries .. $ 65 to $275 Ton . truck $ 85 to $385 Bugs" $125 to $225 All cars ar guaranteed. Liberal terms. A lew Big chassis $35. VALLEY MOTOR CO. Phone 1995 26 N.i Hich 31-jne2Stf (AU rights protected by The George Matthew Adams Service -Trade Mark OS W .; : j li. CLASSIFIED Of Reliable Business AMBULANCE AMBULANCE SERVICE, DAY OR night. n 11 1 iij poutn Liberty. AUCTIONEERS 5 F. N. WOODRV Expert Livestock, fnenitnra, real eitst AllTIU.KKK Res.. 1810 M. Summer fbnn 511 for ssle dates. L. E. TALBOTT , Auctioneer " : Phoa 470 202 U. 8. Baak Bldg. 9' j O. 8ATTERLEE . Auctioneering Rooms 25-26, Breyniaa Block Phone 4 30 or 1211.1. ine-12tf AUTO PAINTING HAVE US REPAINT YOUR CAR WITH our nw permanent finish. '"""ffi(T -Ti r--, Desurr Css " High Street st Trsd AUTO REPAIRING i Cylinder grinding, crank shaft true- inf. We're specialists. Donerit Ma chine Shop. Automotive machinists, 349 Frry St. 1 '' BATTERY AND ELECTRICIANS Wiiigm 3 ;. 631 '':" Court St. JUK VY1L.MAMS PRESTO-LITE . BATTERY SERVICE Station. Expert batterv and electrical I work. Ferris Broa., Phons 1803. 414 Court. R.!D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES Starter and generator work; 171 South Commercial. . 1 BICYCLES AND REPAIR INO LLOYD E. RAM8DEN DAYTON BICY; cles snd repairing; 387 Court. CARPET AND RUG WEAVING SALEM CARPET CLEANING AND Fluff Rug Works Rag and fluff rugs woven any sixe without seams. AVw mattresses made to order. 0d mat" treases remade. Feathers renovated. I buy all kinds of old csrpets for fluff " rugs. 13 Va and Wilbur streets. Phone 1154. Otto F. Zwicker. Prop. tJ ' CHINESE PHYSICIAN DR. L. T. DICK CURES ANY KNOWN disease. 153 8. High St.. Phone 283. T - - - g CHIROPODIST i :- DR. S.F. SCOTT. GRADUATE NA .tional University- Sciences, Chicsgo. ' Msaonlc Temple. Phone 640. i; j CHIROPRACTORS DR. O. L. SCOTT, PSC CHIROPRACTOR, 414-19 U. Bank Bldg. Phone 87, res. 828-R. CLEANERS a DYERS SALEM CLEANERS AND DYERS. 1215 S. Commercial. Phone . 1868. W spe cialise on one day sTviee. CONSUXTIKO ENGINEERS CIVIL, CONSULTING. CONSTRUCTION Conctructing engineer. Surveys, esti tnstes ' Jno. IL Neef, 919 Oregon 'Bldg. Phone 775. ' . - CONTRACTORS FOR CEMENT "WORK CALL AT 436 i JJ. Summer street, rnone on j. puroiiv, rtrv : ; fwvTPirriKO - en ...... . -ww. ...... w. - - - - tflMnval MBtractlne and bnilflin. Estl mstea gladly f urniahedL Phone 1807R or S9F12. i d2tf DBE8SMAKINO PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BY 7'A" wordtnc Dressmsking" t price -10 cents each. Statesmsa Busineaa Office ) Ground Floor, . ELECTRICIANS SALEM ELECTRIC CO. M A 8 O N 1 C : building. Phone 1200. ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND SUPPLY ( Co. Phone 1934. 222 N. Liberty. FLEKNER ELECTRIC CO. House wiring by hour or rontrsct. c Fs- timstes furnished. Pbon 980. . 471 Court St. 1 HALIK ELECTRIC SHOP - . ' Electrle Tlxturss , Waahins Machines I Vacuum Cleaners - 837 Court "St. f , Phone 488 I Res. Pbon 7025 FINANCIAL in Ka ts hp. ns nnoo city PROP, ' arty at a low rat on the easy psymeni plan, so at end of year yon ar , alt i paid np. Farm loans on Isrg or small trsrts; private money. See first; and -i you will go no farther. O. W. Laflar, 410 Oregoa Bldg. Farm Loans , ANDERSON a RUPERT .408 Oregon Building LOANS Fsrm snd City - ''1 Most liberal ratea and paymeat privilegea. 1 j HAWKINS ROBERTS 205 Oregoa Bldg. Salem, Oregon fa tf AFPRO PR I ATE. EKERCl SES ACCOM- PANV TWE VN VEIL I img- C4 "THE NEW I MEMORIAL STATUE. OF VJiLLlAM X 5 SVVISHTVIE MAN nwmO iN.VENTep 1 FLV- SjUATTE;RS ANIMATED STARING HIM IN ' THE FACE M lonK MEANER F'l ZJL 1 iTeTr"' m W.J - Ban aw 1 I a . m 1 1 . BK. -J S I - f jm raJs m- rr-a l I Ni 1 III.-' BUSINESS and; Professional Firms Arranged in Alphabetical j Order for Quick Reference FINANCIAL LOANS UNDER RESERVE SYSTEM ; on city or farm property. Reserve D- Kosit company. 72 Fourth Street, Port ind. Or. FARM LOANS LESS INTEREST. I louger time, no eoniiuisaion. Protects j agsinst adversity. City loans, lowesr S rates, monthly insTsllments, pre-psy-j nieut privileges. J. C. Siegmond, room j 2, over Ladd a Bush bsnk. City Loans On improved property or for improved purposes. THE B EST and easiest wsy to pay on loan ia our monthly 1 installment plan. 96 payments of $14.14 repays a loan of $1000.00 and interest. Equitabl Saving a Loan . Assn. ANDERSON a RUPERT Agents 408 Oregon Bailding FARM PAPER IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST fsrm paper, send 15c to the Pacific Homestead, Salem, Oregon for a thr- months' trisl subscription. M n t i n this ad. POULTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamps for special three months' trial for the best snd oldest journal in the west. The articles and advertise ments sre of sp-cisl interest to the Soultry breders of tli N o r t h w e s t. orthwest Poultry Journal, 211 Com mercial street, Salem, Oregon. FLORISTS CUT; FLOWERS, WEDDING BOUQUETS funeral wreaths, decorations. C. i. Breithnupt, florist,- 123 N. Liberty Phone 380. i FUNERAL DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY. FUNERAL DIREC tors, 210 Center. Phone 1656. I! FURNITURE 8T0RE8 G1E8E. FURNITURE CO. QUALITY furniture for less money. 372 Court, Phone 464. . PEOPLES' FURNITURE STORE NEW and -second band furniture; 271 N. Commercial. HEMSTITCHING. MRS. C. E. ..MILLER, HEMSTITCHING, stsmping, button. Room 10, over Mil ler's Store. Pbon 117. STAMPING, HEMSTITCHING, NEEDLE work. The Vogue, 429 Va Court St a-31 I1EMSTITCHINO. STAMPING. PLEAT ing. ' Tha Petit Shop, Room 5, over Busicks. n29tf SALEM ELITE H BM STITCHING plesting, buttons, stamping and needle work: 328 Oregon bldg. Phone 379. HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN DR.L. G. ALTMAN. HOMEOPATHIST. Does' a general practice. Treata Goiter, Gall Stones, and Dropsy, arising from disease of heart, liver or kidneys -without operation. Office and resi- ' denee, 296 N. Liberty St., Salem; Or. Phone 147. INSURANCE LET US TAKE CARE OF YOUR INSUR anre and WORRY in your stead. 1 We write all kinds of Insurance and KEEP YOU PROTECTED at no extra cost; Phone 200 or call on OREGON INCORPORATED 3 15-3 IO U. S. Bank Bldg., Salem. WARREN F. POWERS Life, Accident. Fire, Automobile 21W U. S. Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone 607 LADIES TAILORING D. KH. MOSHER TAILOR FOR MEN snd women. 474 Court St. LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY, 316 S. Liberty atreet. Phone 25. o I d e s t " largest best.' Established ' 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Quality work; prompt service; 12 6 4 Broadway. Phone 165. ' LUGGAGE COME HERE! The bt-st buys in hand luggage and trunka. MAX O. BUREsT Furnitur 179 N. Com'L Salem MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY inone nn-n. 3CUSIO LESSONS A COURSE IN BUSINESS PIANO playing. Popular ayncopated, standard music. 8emi-clsssie "and ballads; 12 lessons. Waterman Piano School, Mc- Cornsck Bldg MUSIO STORES SHERMAN, CIaAY a CO.. PIANOS'-: Steinwsys, Duo-Art and others. Moore's Musie House, 415 Court Street. GEO. C. . WILL PIANOS, PHONO grsphs, sewing machines, sheet muaic, and piano studies. Repairing phono graphs and aewing .machines; 432 State street, Sslem. TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW Victor or Brunswick. IL L. Stiff Furni ture Vn., Mwic Dept. ' ' - NURSES FOR PRACTICAL NURSE PHONE 4G1-M - ine-28 Registered U. S. Patent Office) hoochTon , Tex as . CHIEF PEC EVE. A FULL-BLOO&EP STlOUX. IMD'AN UJHO HAS RECENTLY PROTESTED GAINST THE INFERIOR BEAND OF ' FIRE-WATER BEING- SUPPLIED MSTllBE By GOV. DIRECTORY NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. A. SLAUGHTER ACUTE AND chronic diseases; 415 Oregon Bldg. Phone 110. - - i - I NURSERY STOCKS i FRUIT. NUT AND SHADE TREES Jejjrels287 Ststej OPTICIANS THE EATON OPTICAL CO. i Charges reaaonable Examination tree. 282 N. Commercisl St. ' - PAPERHANGINO AND PAINTING PHONE GLENN, ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorsting, psper banging, tinting, etc Reliable workman. i i - ij GET MY - I FREE SAMPLE BOOK lor 'comparison ' MAX O. BUB EN Furniture - 179 N. Com 1. Salem PHYSICIANS ft SURGEONS 1 Qeorge R, Vehrsj M.- Special Attention i -Surgery, Syrecology, Obstetrics 410-11 U. S. Bank Building Office hours 10-12: 2-5 and by , appointment 1 Office Phone 615 Rea, Phone 1975-, PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Pi ano tuner. Leave orders Will' Music Htore. i j PLUMBING PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work. araber i Broa., 141 B. Liberty Phon 550. - 4; ii I M9tf PLL'MBING REPAIRING AND COIL work. Phone 495-W. Shop 127 Union atreet. A. L. 1 Godfrey. - RADIATORS, FENDERS. ETC. RADIATORS. FENDERS. BODIES md or repaired. JV C. Bair, 236 State St. i BADIO - RADIO DOCTORS ' j SALEM ELECTRIC CO. F. S. BARTON, Prop. Masonic I Temple Phone 1200 XEPAIRINa !! i I; ALVIN B. STEWART I , . ; 847 Court 8t. I s Jmbrellsa, Cutlery and Keys ' Ilkwamowers. rssor-blades, I scissors, knises snd fools sharpened. ! SCAVENGERS ! SOUS SCAVENGER SERVICE GAB bag and refute of all kiuda; removed by the month.. Reasonable ratea. Cess pools cleaned : and dead aumisis re moved. Phonpa: Of'i-e :15;' Res. 2058. SECOND HAND GOODS WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTK iug and ahoea.1 Best paid. Cap ital Exchsnge; 342 North Coiaaiercial Phone 1368-W. " j j STOVES; AND STOVE EEP AIRING STOV.ES REBUILT AND REPAIRED - 40 yeara! experience. Depot: National fence. sizesr26 .0 58 in high. Patnta, oils and varnishes, etc., loganberry and bp books, Sslem -F' nte and Stove WortSi 250 Conrt Street. Phone 124. TRANSFER AND HAULING CAPITAL' CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 Stste St. Phone 933, Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty. Get our rates! r - ; i 1 ; WE MOVEj STOKE AND SHIP1 HOUSE - bold goodsi Our specialty ia piano and furniture! moving. e siso msfce coun try trips.! AVe hsndle the best coal and wood. Call on us for prices. We s,ivt good measure, good quality- and good service. Larmer Transfer Co. Phone 930 TRANSFER !AND HAULING OF ALL kinds. Phone 19F3. ' ! TRANSPORTATION 1 PARKER'S STAGE LINES i. O. W. 'Parker. GeneraP Manager; Central S'.ag Terminal Salem, Oregon. SALKM-SILVERTON DIVISION . Leaves Salem, Central Stage Term 1 pal: 7 a. m. ; 11 a. m.; 5 p. m. . Leave Silverlon New Stand; : 9 a.m.: 1 p.m. : 6 b.m. . s . Salem-Independence-Monmouth Division Leaves Salem; Central Stag Terminal 7am.; 9 a.m.; 11:10 a.m.; 3:10 p.m.; 5:10 p.m.: - Leaves Monmouth. Monmouth: Hotel: . 8:15 a.m. 1 p.m.; 3:15 p.m. i Leavt-a Independence, Beaver Hotel: 8:30 a.m,; 9:50 a.m.; 1:15 p.m. 4: p.m. ; 6:30 b.m. 1 Leave Cshtral SUg Terminal, Salem: i:for Dallas at: it i . 7 a.m.; 11:10 a.m.; 8:10 p.m. Loaves Gail Hotel, Dallaa. ( t: i 8 a.m,; 1. p.m.; 6:15 p.m. Wa make .connection at Sslem t all parts of the valley. Extra trips bjr ap pointment. " . I; J. W. PARKER, General Msnsgef. WATER SALEM WATER, LIGHT a POWER CO. Office, 801 South Commercial St. Ten per- cent discount on domestic flat rates psid i in advance. No deduction for absence or'sny cause unless water is shut eft yonr premises. 71 CITIES ARE IN DEFENSE DAY LINEUP (Continued front paga 1) many times. . Patriotic Ttiwns IMenl i The complete Hst of Oregon towns that have reported enroll- By ED WHEELAN '.ck-Ops of the pAy Te GIRL U'HO rrVliNkS AO 1 MAN IS GOCO ENOUGH FOR L)Pt MAV BE. RIGHT4 BUT SH' ment of Tolunteers and participa tion to date Us as follows; Afbany, Arlington. Ashland. As toria, 1 Aurora, Baker, Bandon, Bend, Brownsville,- Condon, Cor- vallis. Cottage GroTe. Dallas. Du- fur, Eagle Point. Elgin, Enters prise, Estacada, Eugflne. Forest (Jrove, Freewater. Qf ants Pass. Gresham. " Ileppner, - Hillsboro. Hooa Kirer, independence, Jeffer son, Jordan Valley, Junction City, Klamath Falls, La, Grande, Leban on, Marshfleld, Maupin. McMinn- ville, Medford. Milton.lMIlwaukee. Monmouth, NewbergJ Newport. North Powder. Oakland. j Ontario, Oregon City. OswegbJ Pendleton. Philomath, Pilot Rock. Portland, PrlnevlHe, " Reedsport, j Roseburg, St. Helens, Salem, Scappoose, Scio, Seaside, Sheridan, f - Sllvertoh, Springfield, The Dalles, Tillamook, Toledo, Umatilla. Union, Wasco, West Linn, Woodburn,' Yoncalla. v - ' Col. vCarle Abramsf yard mar-. shal, gives out the following in structions and program for Salem: 1. The Defense Day parado consisting of military, patriotic, fraternal and civic I organizations will start promptly from Marlon square at 6:30 p. m;,' September 12, 1924. The grand marshil will open headquarters at 6 p. m. Friday, Sept. 12, 192 4 at the band stand in Marion square, and men and women who hare not been assigned to organizations for the parade will be so Assigned If they will- report to the grand, marshal at the band stand. 5 - 2. ,,.Line -of march: v South on Commercial to State, east on State to .Liberty, north on Liberty rto Courit,4 east on Court to Cotta'g !, south on Cottage to State, ' west on State to Liberty, south on Lib erty to Ferry, and the armory. 3. Order of march j . Grand marshal and staff. Mist division. Captain Paul Hendricks com manding: American 'legion fife and drum corps, company "F' ONG, American legion, headquart ers department CAC.jONG. (Head of column on Commercial at Che meketa facing south I . i 2nd division, Captj BJ F. Pound commanding: Grand Army of the Republic, Women's "Relief corps. Ladies of the 3AR,, Sons of Vet erans, Daughters of Veterans. Auxiliary Sons of Veterans. (In automobiles -north of Center- oa Commercial facing south). , 3rd division, Co.IA,;: t. Wool pert commanding: ' Spanish Am- : erican War Veterans, Ladies Aux iliary Spanish War' Veterans,. Vet. erans of Foreign Wars, Disabled Veterans of the World war., ton east fide of Commercial facia; south, north of Marion); ' 4th . division, Al x Pierce com manding: Civic and fraternal rr ganizations. Cherrian band, Cher rians, Elks, Knights of Columbus, YMCA, Salvation . army, Rotary club," Kiwanls club, : Lions club, other organizations. (On Marlon street east of Commercial facing west). ' . f; 5 ' i r 5th division,. Major W. Carlton Smith commanding: r82nd In fantry organized reserves, attach ed medical personnel; headquart ers company, headquarters and headquarters company 3rd battal ion, company "H." (On Marlon street west of Commercial facing east).- :' '- A- ' : 6th division, 1st Lt. L. J. Pa.-e commanding: 412th artillery or ganized reserves, headquarters and Jqrs. battery, 2nd battalion, com bat train, battery 'A." (West side Marion square fating south'). 7th division. Captain D. A. Young commanding: Corps troops, Boys' training school band, motor transport' edmpany No. 38 2, 5 4 5 1 ft motor' transport company, 450th motor .1-transport : section, 109.h communication section.; (North side Marion square facing west). 4. Organized reserve units will assemble as heretofore indicated in - orders to unit j commanders. When assembly is complete these units will take their initial posi tion as Indicated in parade orders 5. "The reviewing stand will b on the. north side of State street in the center of the block, be tween Church, and j High streets. The parade will be. ' reviewed by Mayor Giesy, and the commander of the GAR. I 6. The following staff is ap pointed and will report to the grand marshal at the band stand in Marion square at 6 P. m.: Chief -of staff. Capt. T. A. i Brown; aides Dr. Henry Morris, Iklton Hamble, C. A. Kelts, and Glenn Adam3. Captain Paul Hendricks will de tail three musicians and' three aides from the national guard- to report to the grand - marshal at the same hour. i! 7. The Boy Scouts will report to the grand marshal at Marlon square at 6 p. m. 8. When the head of the par ade reaches Liberty and State streets marching west the entire parade will halt for-a period of two minutes while j massed musi cians blow taps from .a point In the court house square. Every one in the parade ; will uncover and stand at attention In marked respect of our dead who were killed in the battle; of St. Mlhi!, on September 12, 10 1,8. - 9. At the conclusion of the parade at the state armory, a massed patriotic meeting will oe held. A very Interesting progtpm has been arranged,, some gool singers, musicians, and interesting speakers have Tolanteered their services, and everyone is, request ed to attend. I-