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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1924)
6 I I 1-4 f 2 i i si s S - q a i a 3 3 5 i i i I H l THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM. OREGON THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 11, 1924 1.iiMlWUiHII.JIillillllililMtoU.MMUlllWIIUttoWiailUIIIIM.iilllih W u--, Ttf YOU ARE 1NY1TEB TO ATTEND THE .... .. .. .. J Radiola III 00 V A wo-fc J - finely mad:i nc-otanaliy leu Shtm it meal J cost you to makm itl Getsdutance derfy! Two dry cell Radiotroas WDull and headphone everything cept batteries and antenna fa, cfaaded la the price of thirty fire dollars! -j- IU-a Il Long I)islahce si a i; A four tube Radiola new-splendidly built to bring in big distances. Extraordinary value. With four 'Radio trons 5 f s ? Radiola Loud ffpeakerx : - $100 Uadiola Rtgeniaflex 9 Regenoflex! Selective! Time laooWcomtry faraway stations--when the big evear-by stations are peratins , Perfect clcarncas ao interfer ence J Perfect too no distor tion. Qualities, for which Radiola Regenoflex Is famous. Come heaf it! ' With RaJtela IjoudsfieaUer, end four RadiotrontWp-li $202 sjuduji at MTtmMwmn m ra m m m tarn su at mm n I 3 e.l : Sj: n 3 S ' i ac . we- 3: 10 Doors r . . i l '-'..4 i '- I RAD s s . f fiii i I a j; r TONIGri OPENING ; . . , ...-.- 5 ' ' ' . Ill:-",- -" . . ; j i:- - . r - . - a? I i : ' '; 1 'niiMi.N.ii!n:ihl!i.iii'iiS'in.miM! wuu:amaRiBsmiiiiiaiiiii Op Our store will be especially decorated: for the event. There will be displays of various kinds of radio apparatus. The full line of the famous "RADIOLA" receivers will be on display and they will be explained and demonstrated to you. At 8 p. m. reception will bein from coast stations. At 9 p. m., immediately following Mayor Baker's reading of Defense Day proclamation, we will receive our RADIO OPENING PROGRAM. A group of Salem's best musicians will go to Portland to put on this program for the occasion and it will be broadcasted by special arrangement with RADIO KGW. Our special RADIO OPENIjtjG PROGRAM will be a surprise program. Some of the artists are: Miss Trista Wenger, R. D. Barton, Carl Wenger, Prof. T." S. Roberts. You will like it. .; Come and hear it; j COAST PROGRAM of - PROGRAM FOR KGO -312 Meters General Electric Co., Oakland ll 8:00 p.m. Studio program. - Part I a program Spanish music: j . i Piano solos j i Andalusian Airs 1. Gomez Fandango :.....L. i.... . Romo . 1 - Professor Zurbano Soprano solos I i J Clavelitos (Little Carnation) ..... Perjura The Perjurer) Pearl Ilendon I i Bass solo- iMonologo de La Tempestad ........ ..... Jose E. Corral Short address -"Spain" (in Spanish) : Professor Oscor Galeno Soprano solos ' Cielito Lindo ........ --. La Paloma . - ' Pearl Rendon , ) Bass solos- Cauto del Presidiario ..... ..... I Las Violetas .. - v t; Jose E. Corral v J, :i . . - Part II ; Contralto solos Three Indian Songs .1..: J Edith Sandoe ' . Ruth Waterman, accompanist j Travel talk "The Colosseum." (First of sries of five talks on "Rome, the Eternal CitD ; ; f , Ford E. Samuel . j Baritone solos w ill . Vision Fugitive Massenet Du bist die Ruh j.. Schubert Life and Death Coleridge-Tiylor ' : B. Simon ; ' Soprano solos Wish Blossoms Eville Summer Wind . .i - Bishoff Ann Mitchell J ? Humorous Monologue "Marrying for a. t Livirig" - Dix " Vera! Frances Morse r U Piano solos ' . f t i . Nocturne Op. 32, iBMjor i?i:ir.:i:.i'topin'; s Polichinelle (Woman lftt$ (....., Racjimapinoff - Zulima Bainbridge Brown . ' .: Soprano solos ; - , llj j Rockin' in de Win' . ............ ..... Neidlfnger Angel Cake .......L. . .... .... Smith Ann Mitchell Lumberjack poem "Tillie Olsen" Fred Thomas t Burlesque "My Old New Jersey Home' ' Meryl Bish Valverde Tejada I. Chapi i ' -.mi Fernandez Yradier , .... Alvirez Tejada Lieurahce Si ' Contralto solos Three lullaby- songs by Cyril Scott, Gertrude1 Ross and Kate Vannah Edith Sandoe - Humorous dialogue "The Martyrs" ....4.....Jl............. Dg MiUe 'j; Vera Frances- Morse Fred Thomas Popular songs I I Was Married Up in the Air and I've Been L Up in the Air Ever Since I Smith j 'Tis an Irish Girl I Love - : Brown I -i Meryl Bish i Mrs'.. George N. Calfee, accompanist Piano; solo Cantique de Amour Liszt . Zulima Bainbridge Brown 10 :00 p.m to 1 :00 a.m. Dance music program I by Henry Halstead's Orchestra, assisted by I soloists, Hotel St. Francis, San Francisco. PROGRAM FOR jkHJ 395 Meters , Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles 6:00 to 6 :30 p.m. Art Hickman's Concert Or I chestraifrom the Biltmore Hotel. ; 6:3ttto 7:S0 p.m. Children's program presenting 1 Dickie Brandon, screen juvenile, j 8:00 to 9:00 p.m. Program presented by the f Continental National Bank. 9:00 to 10?00 p.m. Program by Filipino String j Orchestra through the courtesy of the Blue i Bird Cafeteria. 10 :00 to 11:00 p.m. Art Hickman's Dance Or 1 chestrajfrom the Biltmore Hotel., I 1 PROGRAM FOR KFI 469 Meters Earle C. Anthony, Inc Los Angeles 6 :45 to 8 :00 pjn. Y.M.C.A. lecture and Los I Angeles Junior Quartette. 8:00, to 9:00 p.m. Ambassador Hotel Cocoanut I Grove Orchestra. ; j . u 9:00 to lt):00 p.m. California Theatre program. 10:00 to 11:00 p.m. John Smallman, vocal pro j gram. I J .r: ;v:j '. J '' 1 y .' ! PROGRAM FOR KLX 509 Meters 3:00 to 5j00 p.m. Baseball scores. ; 7:00 to 7 :30 News items, weather report, mar- ket and financial news'. L PROGRAM FOR KPO 423 Meters Hale;Bros. Radio Station, San Francisco 12:00 m. Naval Observatory time signals. .. Reading of the Scripture. 1 1 :00 to 200 p.m. Rudy Seiger's Fairmont Hotel Orchestra, by wire telephony. 2:30 to 3 :30 p.m. w Piano solo Spring Sonata .l.......,..4-.--.-.,---4-- Beethoven f 4 (Allegro. Adagio molto expressivo) ' Mme. Pavla Angermuende, pianist Thomas Jussof McDermotti violinist Massenet ....Dickson Dramatic soprano solos Ouvre tes Yeux Bleus . i.. Thanks Be to God ..... Ramona A. Leonard i Mabel Jones, accompanist i s! 'Violin solos ' Meditation from "Thais") L Massenet Romance .. . .... Vieuxtemps Thomas Jussof Dermott Mme. Pavla Angermuende, accompanist Piano solos -J j Au Matin . ... :. ....... .. Godard ; Minuet! .............:..."........... .. Paderewski I Mme Pavla Angermuende r ; Dramatic soprano solos T : ; To a Hilltop.. .-..,...........:..... 1.:... Cox I Did Not Know . . ...!; Loepke ! Ramona A. Leonard ; i : j Mabel Jones, accompanist i Violin solos , s Preislied (from "Die Meistersinger) ; . ! Wagner-Wilhelmj Allegretto ............... Boecherini-Kreisler Thomas Jusoff Dermott . j Mmel Pavla Angermuende; accompanist 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Rudy Seiger's Fairmont Hotel Orchestra, by wire telephony. - I f I 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Children's Hour. Stories by Big Brother, taken from the Book of Knowledge Some Singing Birds. The Man Who Gave. Fables of Aesop. " Catching a Thief. ' 7:00 to 7j:30 p.m. Rudy Seiger's Fairmont Hotel Orchestra, by wire telephony. 8 :00 to 9 :00 p.m. Organ recital by Theodore J. Irwin, KPO official organist: ; March Persian ... . ..: .-X Strauss Andante (from "Orfeo") Gluck Caprice Alceste .. ... Gluck Symphony (from "The New World" j slow! movement), -. Dvorak Operatic selection (from "Madame But terfly") Ul Puccini i Abandonada (Mexican waltz) Puccini Selection Old-time Favorites (by request) Musical comedy selection (from "Blos- . som Time") Schubert Vorspeil (from! third act of "Meister-" " ' singer") - - J Wagner Air .de Ballet ........... Van Gael Danse Arabe (from "Nutcracker J Suite") - ... Tschaikowsky Fox-trot Mandalay : j 9:00 to 10:00 p.m. Program under management of Mrs. Raymond Marshall. 10:00 to 11:00 p.m. E. Max Bradfield's Versa- i tile Band playing in Palace Hotel. FIRPO -"vlILLS EIGHT WILL BE RECEIVED ABOllT 5:00fP. ON THE STREiET Cy& FoBfiOi we peaHlly zvacut yociitf osme. , Yoiui wiillll Use more tEnaim n 4 3 3 . fi- it i QOQUJ.lll.ri rtfXMC If I Selective! I Radiola "X. 'A long distance Radiola non-radiatins super sentitive eupremely selective. Irifa beauti fully finuhsd art cabinet, with loudspeaker built in. Radiola X, with 4 dry cell Radio- :tronf WD-11. Complete $256 Radiola Sttpcr-HctcTodyne n NO ANTENNA! . - " - ., , . , !j " . , And rid ground connection. A remarkable new impro ved , Supr-Hetcrodync receiver. Super selectivity far in 'ex cess of any known" type. Supersensitive. A long -di-- tance as well as a local set. And supremely simply to operate, ' . ' .; - Radiola Super-IIetcro djrtie with Radiola Loudspeaker : and 6 Kadiotrons UV -199. Entirely complete ' '.$28Qf,, RADIOLA 11 1 :fs4l I no gimd Complete as yew cee It. N connections of any kind. Loudspeaker apedally boilt In. Space for batteries inside. An Improved Super tleterodyne receiver of tmprecented per formance. Simple to opvrste. In a beautiful cabinet. With 6 Radiotrons UV-199. i $436 rMfflMK in wjumhswi mm mtmnnmm rje$GKniQ iyfaefoeF vfsca ace Unite ceoitesS Sim cadSo oc in1t. Yotm wM end joy 8$.