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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1924)
!; I 1 ' ' ' ? a. i 1 ! I I : :,. . ,, ) VS Advertising copy for the big .'Sunday's Issue of the" Oregon. Stau aman should be In -by Fri day even hi g. . When j your" copy la fdy telephony 23 or 53 and . representative will call. Advertising Is a bridge span ning j the . river of doubtful . values to the- shore of worthy mer chandise. Read them every day, SALEM, OREGON. FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 12, 1924 BHVENTY-FOURTH. YEAR PRICE FIVE CENTS : i i J i. I s 1 'i ft. v 1 !.! CITY TO JH DEFENSE TEST f i i - Parade to Form at Marion a Square) at 6:30 O'clock i and! Will be Followed by Armory Program - SIXTH ANNIVERSARY OF STL F.11HIEL OBSERVED Two Thousand- Additional Volunteers Expected foi , Come in During: Pay t Qa1m wt11 Inltt With all Of JFU ww -urn m : ' Oregon today In making the first teat ' of j the . national defense, act a- success and will turn out a large crowd to observe the sixth anniversary of the battle of St. Mlhiel. j With three eastern Ore gon towns reporting yesterday, the number Is now 74 and no town;' In the state of more than 100 0" population has failed to make plans to observe the day. Parade Forms at 0:3O Beginning, at 5 o'clock., when all the business houses are expect ed to close their doors, ample op portunity is given I all to eat and report at Marion j square where the parade ! will form at ' 6:30 o'clock, f I immediately after the parade, armonr, which breaks up at the a, patriotic program will b held, with Justice George ax, Brown, of the Oregon , supreme court, as the principal speaker. Short talks will be given by Har ley O. White, president of -the Chamber of Commerce, and by C. B. McCullach, bridge engineer of : the atate highway department, Col. i Carle Abrams grand marshal of j the day, will be a the Marlon square bandstand at 6 1 o'clock and . will, assign units to their proper stations In the parade, i He, will be assisted , In this task by Captain T. A: Brown, chief of staff. Dr; Henry E. Mor ris, Bolton j Hamble. C. A. Kells and. Qlenxt. Adam- The Boy Scouts will also report at 6 o'clock. In, the! reviewing stand will be Mayor 'John B. Glesy, the com mander of the GAR and Sam A. Kozer, secretary of state. The stand will be located on the north sifle of! State street In the center of, the court house block. ; Musician Blow Taps When the head of the parade reaches Liberty and State on the return j march, a: halt of two minutes will be made while mass- : edj musicians blow taps, j Every one in; the parade will uncover I (an,d stand at attention, in a res f ectful, tribute to those who gave their lives in, the. battle of St, MihleLj (A11 organizations which have been seeking recruits have met with a wonderful! success. Colon; nel Abrams said last nJght after a, meeting Jot the general com mittee !whlch completed a few of the minor; details. The enroll ent committee, consisting of Mrs. John A. Marson. Carl Gabrielson and Prank: Drubin, Jr., will clr cuJate t the enrollment lists In factories and other, places where men and women are congregated In, any numbers today while booths will be maintained In the ; banks postof flee and , prominent street corners. It Is' estimated that ap proximately 2000 additional sign atureg will be obtained during the aay. uemoers I tne American Legion! auxiliary will assist In, obtaining the signatures. ' I North Powder To Fore : North Powder, in Union county. was the first place to send its consolidated enlistment of one-: day volunteers to state headquart era at the adjutant general's of flee, j There Is a' total of 180 names ' appearing on the muster roll submitted by Major Chris -E. Johnson, more than double the quota for the town. Mayor John-; son reported that additional en listments would be made today, THE WEATHER L i ' " - . ; OREGON: Fair and warmer Friday; gentle east to north winds. ... ' i 1 LOCAL WEATHER , (Thursday) .-Maximum temperature, 88. Minimum temperature, 45. -Rainfall, none. River, f2.4. ; j r. Atmosphere, Clear. I Wind, north. 1- HE FOULED ME CONTINUALLY, 99 LUIS; AJ' FIRPO . : it I i Argentine Fighter Declares Declares That; Wills Used ; 1 Unfair Tactics in Ring JERSEY CITYi N. J., Sept. 11. (By the Associated Press)". Luis Firpo charged, after, his, los- ng battle with; Harry Wills to night that he! f was . repeatedly fouled by the big negro. "Continual fouls by Wills made it Jmpossblle for i met to fight my, fight,", declaredi j the Argentine through an Interpreter, ' Firpo asserted that Wills s used unfair tactics when he dealt the blow that resulted 4nl the Argentine's knockdown in ; the second round and declared the negro repeatedly used questionable tactics on the break. Closest. Primary Election in Years Gives Slight Lead Oiler French ; Mi SEATTLE, SepM 11. Listing of five additional ! ;precincts. and. re- checking of the entire 443 p lUcts In King county forced Col onel Roland H4 Hartley, Everer , Into hte lead for the republican gubernatorial nomination late to night by 1,54 3- votes over E. L. French, Vancouver. ( The tabulation, represented votes east in 2,339 : precincts out cf 1.453 In tha s?ae and the 114 inissing precincta were y reported small. The figures for the 2.333 precincts gave$ I Hartley 57,342, French 55,799.; ; : The tabulation showed tb&t French was leading in 26 of, the state's 39 counties. The counties in which Hartley was leading fol low: '; Benton, Clallam, Island, King, Kitsap, Kittitas,! San Juan, Sno homish, Spokane, Walla Walla Whatcom, Whitman and ' Yakima. Some of the f counties reported that the ballot boxea have been sealed and a recheck of the coun ty "vote "must; await the' official count. It was also said in certain quarters that , the nominee of the republican party ! in Washington might be decided by the ballots cast by the absentees. The position of the other can didates seeking I nomination fo Other state and . congressional of fices was not changed by the late night tabulation i : ' ! - --I If i i YMCA Setting Up Program Next Sunday Afternoon ! Everyone interested in the YMCA and its' various activities fsj lnvfted to -attend tfie fourth annual setting j up conference, it the Wallace farm Sunday aiter noon. The program will be held rain or shine. Those wishing, to attend but who: have no convey ance are asked to telephone 225 for the , necessary arrangements. A picnic supper - will be served at 5:20. o'elock,; with lunch to be brought by the visitors. Coffee will,; be served- , . . , The program i starts, at z:i6 o'clock, with a get-acquainted per iod. Joe Nee! will have charge of the song service, with Rev. Blaine Kirkpatrick leading the devotion al. ! J;;! . : Speakers' and their subjects will be. W. I. Staled president, "Why We Are Here'ft George Hug, phy steal work program; Paul B. Wal lace, religious; work; Dr. F. E, Brown, boys' work; Harry Stone, of Portland. '.'The YMCA"; T. B. Kay, f'The YMCA an Asset to Sa lem";' Rev. WH W. Lohg. "Th Churches and; the Salem YMCA"; Eean. George j H, Alden. "Willa mette University and the; Saler YMCA , v. QJ Borer, county clerk, "How, the5?Y May Help.'th6 New Citlxen": Col. Carle Abrami, educational work; D. W. Eyre, the thrift campaign; T. : A." Liveslcy, the new building, and a summary by W. W. Dillon, state secretary. Wholesale Arrests - Made in Philippines LIHUE. Island of Kauai. T. H SeDt. 11. - Ifiy the , Associated Press). One -hundred thirty Fill- D4no alleged: ! - sugar plantation strikers were ; brought, to the court- house here today from the LIhue and WaitneaT jails under militia guard ! but their pretlmi nary, bearing f was continued to permit the gathering of more evl dence. : ; HiTLEJBK SHIFT ATM TOWfflPW Fighting Now Centers at Sector in. Hills Southwest of Shanghai, Instead of "Eastern Front" CHIEF OFFENSIVE IS BEING LAUNCHED Attacking Forces Seek to Cut the Railroad Lines Leading. From City , SHANGHAI, Sept. 11 (By the Associated Press.)- The center of interest in - the Chinese civil war active fighting. In which, thus far has been confined to the armies of the Tuchuns of Chekiang and Klangsu, was transferred today from the sector immediately west of this city, referred to as the "eastern front"; to the Tai Lake district to the southwest. Among the hills around Ihlng In the latter region, the Crekiang army is launching. Its chief offen sive, driving towards the Shanghai-Nanking railway and the grand canal where they would sever the lines oyer which the Klangsu armies are receiving . their sup plies and reinforcements., The arrival of wounded has been of some severity. According to the Chekiang headquarters, thw offensive is. progressing favorably. The I Klangsu army made an other attempt today to drive the Chekiang force back from Hwang- tu on the Shanghai-Nanking rail way but were unsuccessful : and while reeling under the shock of its ; defeat was counterattacked. The . Chekiang leaders now hope to push. , westward . on this wing, as rar. as. Anting, five miles from, IB DEAD, II Jack King, His Brother, Al most buffers Death, at Butte, Montana, Mine i Arthur King was suffocated by, poisonous fumes in a shaft of the Seymour lease mine, Butte, Mon tana, on Tuesday. September 2, according to the Butte Daily Post of the 3rd. The mine is one be longing to the.. Anaconda Mining company. Arthur King and Monte Allen, superintendent of the. mine, working on his first shift as such, were found, dead In one of the shafts, after a fire which destroy ed the engine house and gallows frame of the mine, and filled the mine with deadly fumes, was ex tinguished. The first started the night of the 2nd and was ex tinguished' the next day. Willamette Graduate, SAlera Man Arthur King was born on How ell prairie, near Salem. He was a graduate of Willamette univer sity. IIe was a fellow student with Dr. C. H. Epley and Dr, C. H. Robertson, and other well known Salemites. He was aged 52 years, and leaves a wife and daughter, vho were visiting at ; (Continued on pa 2) 1 EZRA MEEKERDEFEATED SEATTLE, Sept. 11. Exra Meeker lost in a race for a seat in the 'house of representatives In the Washington state legislature by 35 votes. , . A Large Balloon is Seen In Vicinity of Newport NEWPORT, Or., Sept. 11. A large balloon drifted over New port and: out to sea early ; today When' first discovered it was. di rectly J west of the city traTellng in a f northerly direction. When off Agate beach the air current changed its course and it .("ap peared in, a- westerly direction. The balloon was high and seem ed to be without a basket. - It was visible for an hour. The northwesterly wind that rises with the incoming tider It was thought, might drive the balloon shoreward tonight.- COOLIDGE STUDIES REPORT WASHINGTON, Sept. 11. -A light calendar permitted Presi dent Coolldge to devote a good deal of time today to study, of the tariff commission report. KFIBE Urc ri Afr knocked; him OUT,;' WILLS Fighter Who Defeated. Firpo .Declares That Close Kange I Saved Argentine I JERSEY CITY. N. J. Sept. 11. 5- (By the Associated Press). I would have knocked Firpo out If the Argentine had opened up more, instead, of fighting con tinually at close j range," Harry Wills declared after jhls victorius battle.' .'('.. A x :, Although It seemed to observers that the negro was doing most of the holding, Wills declared Firpo was the most eager fo clinch and hold. "Firpo is game; and he knows how to make himself," praised the negro, "but his hardest punches didn't hurt me." j : Car Containing Loeb and Leopold Meets with Ac cident on Way to Prison 'i 1 PENITENTIARY. JOLIET, HI., I Sept, 11, (By. Thq Aesociated Press) Nathan. F. Leopold Jr., and Richard Loeb who killed 14 year old Robert Franks for a thrill, narrowly missed possible death on their motor trip to prison tonight, the climax of their separation from society for the remainder of their natural life. In the center of a" five car con- voy, traveling about' 35 miles an hour, the car containing the two boys was suddenly seen to swerve' abruptly, to the right,! dive, into (he unballasted . tracks of an elec tric ; railway, suddenly right it self and bounce fifty yards down the center of the right of way before it was stopped. The. brakes . on the car ahead Of the boys burned and; stuck, bringing it to, an immediate-stop. Jo, avoid smashing into it. the driver, of the Loeb-Leopold car gambled with death . to the princ ipals of the drama and steered at a. right angle into the rails and ties. . To his coolness and judgment, many officers : of the party at tributed the aversion of a more serious result. It The boys were unhurt, though badly jarred. The deputy sheriffs shouldering shotguns- and quick ly, levelling them atf the principal Car of the convoy ; ordered a quick halt of the procession for an inspection.. ; Ah .electric car which came Into view just as the machine left the. roadway was halted and its -glaring searchlight focused upon the prisoners' car. I; The oncoming, electric car was flagged hurriedly by deputy sher iffs and was brought to. a stand still a scant sixty feet from the apot wheye the automobile had bounced off the tracks I "Did you get; a ; thrill out of that, Nathan," : a newspaperman shouted into the fear, Leopold squirmed and ' laughed. He said pothing. -j II. 1 "How about ybubickle was the next query. -. - .f ; t. I can t say anything," he re plied, without any ehow of feel ing, y M y:M: Deputy sheriffs then cleared tne roadway. ' 1 ' l j The trip was quickly resumed but at a. considerably reduced speed. ' I : At the main prison gate, the youths' car was surrounded by a cordon, of armed - deputies, the heavy gates opened, wide enough to admit a man's ; body and in ;ess , than a half j minute the two .young intellectuals were within he walls of the. penitentiary with tne doors , closed behind them. None of the Chicago escort, ave Sheriff Peter Hoffman and jhis deputies was admitted. The prisoners were hustled .through another. Iron , gate tnto the Inner Courtyard, and i thence to the ?court solitary," j wiere all pri oners must spend tbeir first night In solitary confinement. " 3 . 1 entering the prison building nonchalantly Loeb, ho was ahead of bis companion in the march 1 . ... -.St.--- inrougn the yard. : surveyed the dull grey room smilingly. A gleam of genuine interest showed in his features. '?.( ; "Well." he chirped flippantly to his companion, ; '"this is not such a bad place," ? ' ; Leopold responded with a quick vanishing smile. He remained si lent. The formalities of the trans f pr of prisoners over. Warden John L. Whitman took the pair in tow. to put them : through the routine established! by prison regulations for "lifers.." ' Leopold and Loej!. began eery ing time. ' Sffilo WEST INQUIRY IKES REPORT ON FRUIT DEAL Supplementary Report to I Governor i Pierce Casts Further. Light on Kings Food Operations DOCUMENT l& SENT TO ATTORNEY GENERAL Explanatory Statement by W. E. Crews Given to Van Winkle . Willamette valley fruit growers who sold their output in 1923 to the King's Food .Products company taking in payment the company's negotiable warehouse receipts, have lost heavily, according to a report made to Governor : Pierce by Oswald West and George Black;; this committee delegated to in quire into methods of numerous; Portland stock selling, companies; . Following receipt -of the re port. State Corporation Commis sioner W. E. Crews, at the request of the governor, made a full state--ment relative to his cancellation of the King's permit and the gen eral policy and power of. his office In administration of the blue sky; lav. f i IM On Thursday ! the governor's committee submitted a report to him covering the latest phase of Investigations Into . the King's Food Products company's operar fiohs. It follows: f! I "Agreeable to the request con tained in your letter of August 29, 1924. your committee respect fully submits a supplementary re port in the matter of the King'a Food Products company, ' parttl ularly as to i its failure to pay the fruit growers for deliveries made during the season of 1923. t'Some time In January, 1924, a meeting of the unsecured credit! ors of the King's Food Product company was held-at Salem, Ore Those present appear to have re presented both a majority of the creditors and a majority or the; indebtedness. ' B. K. Knapp of the Spauldlng Logging company was selected as chairman of the meeting and. later served as ex- officio member of the ' creditors! committee appointed at the said creditors' meeting. S "The committe appointed con sisted, of, thf, following, creditors! T. C. Wadsworth; Dr. M. Hayterf G.j L. Curtis, J. :P. Aspinwall. F. N.: E wing, B. K. Knapp, ex-officio chairman. T C. Wadsworth was named as secretary of the com mittee and William B. Layton was employed as counsel. ' "On January 26, 1924, the above committee made its report to the unsecured creditors and rpi commended that, they co-ordinate their interests and be represented as a unit' and that the note of the King's FoodtProducts company be taken by the committee, as trusi tees, In an amount sufficient to coyer the, claims of those unsecur ed! creditors "participating. "With this end in view the Port, land members of the creditors committee, after conferring with the officials of the King's Food Poducts company and - Ladd & Tilton bank, secured from the company its note for $168,809.57. It does not appear that this note was In any manner protected (by the, pack, as that had been pl&d- ged to secure -loans from the banks and had to stand to pro tect any further advances so made. "Notice appears to have been sent to all of the unsecured credi tors by the committee and the greater part of them seem to have participated in the program re commended. Through certain ad justments the, claims of unsecured creditors were reduced to $151, 997.32. ;!"F. A. Douty,; a member ,of the board of directors of the King s Food Products company, made a proposal to the committee to pur chase the claims' of the unsecured creditors for . fcwenty-five (251 cents on the dollar, and It appear to hare been accepted by the com mtttee. The refusal of a number of the creditors, to participate re duced the indebtedness witn which the committee had to deal to $139,328.32. Creditors hoJd ing claims to this amount assigned some to Mr. Douty and accepted 25 cents on the dollar In full set tlement. As to who furnished the money for i the purchase of these claims your committee, te not advised. 4 , . "The full amount of the Indc-b (Ceatinntd ea pag,4) SUPPORTING CONSTITUTION AND 1 K DEFENDING THE AMERICAN FLAG; CONSTITUTION THE PEOPLE are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not fo overthrow the Constitution, but to over throw the men who pervert it. Legislation and adjudication : i t M r e a s onf muit furnish all the materials for our supportand defensk Let those materials be molded into! general intelligence. sound morality, and in particular, a revereivce for the Consti tution and lawsj and then our country shall ; continue j to im prove, and our nation, revering his name, and permitting 119 hostile foot to pass or deseerate his resting-place, hall jibe tlte first ct o hear the last trumpet tjiat shall awaken our Washington Abraham Lincoln. i . ! l . The, Flaff of The Nation ; ( Works which endure come from the soul of, the people. The mighty in their pride walk alone to destruction. The humbje walk hand in hand with' Providence to immortality. Their works suryive.V When the people of the Colonies were defending their liberties against the might of kings they chose their bannifr from the design set- an the firmament through all eternit'. TJe flags ot the great empires of that day are gone, but the Stafs and Stripes remain.. It pictures the vision of a people;! whose eyes were turned to the rising dawn. It represents the hope of a father for his posteriey. It was never, flaunted for the. glory of royalty, but. to be born under it is to be, a child of a king, and to , establish a home under it is to he the! founder of a royal house. Aone of. all flags it expresses the! soverignty ji of tHe pebpJe whiel endures when all else passes away. Speaking wih thei? voice it has the sanctity of revelation. He who lives under it and is loyal to it is loyal to truth and justice everywhere. He wholives Tinder it and is disloyal to it is a traitor to the human race everywhrerrVTiaf 'couldrbe saved if the flag of the American Nation were to perish f Calvin Coolidge. 5 u. Superintendent of State Adult Blind Sschool u Dies at Age of 72 Richard Bennett . Gpodin, 72 years old, superintendent, of the State, Employment School for Ad ult Blind n Portland,; and former secretary of the state board of con trol Idled at the institution early yesterday after a long illness. Death was attributed to a general breakdown. . Mr. Goodin is survived by his widow, Mrs.. Ella Goodin; four daughters, Lena Goodin of Port land, Mrs. Lillian Cooley of Pen dleton, Mrs. Florence' Goodmiller of Seattle, and Margaret Goodin of Portland; and one son, K. B. Good in, Jr., of Salem, iu Funeral services will be held at Hillsboro Saturday at the Metho dist church at 10:30 a. m. A' successor -to Mr. Goodin as superintendent of thej Oregon Em ployment Institution j for the Ad ult blind la Portland, probably will not be considered until the next regular meeting of the state board of control. This was an nounced by. members of the board here yesterday. - , Mr. Goodin had been In the em ploy of the state for more than 25 years. He first had charge of the bookkeeping department at the Oregon state hospital, and later was secretary of . the board of con trol tor many years. For the past nine j months he had been super intendent of the blind institu tion.! . , . ty . ; . State officials expressed sincere regret when the news arrived that Mr. Goodin had died in. Portland. Governor Pierce, In a brief state ment issued, said that in the death of Mr. Goodin the state had lost a. faithful, conscientious and ca pable' employe. Other officials were equally laudatory of Mr. Goodin. -: Members of the board of control will attend the funeral which will be held at Hillsboro Saturday, Mr, Goodin formerly resided atrHills boro. where he served two terms as county clerk." LOS AXG ELES. r Sept. 11. Mabel Normand, motion picture actress, is, named in- a counter suit . for divorce - and . division . of $1,000,000. Ml PASSES BEYOniD MUST. BE UPHELD must follow and conform to the, progress of society. Is it unreasonable to expect that some man, possessed of the loftiest genius coupled with ambition sufficient to push it to the utmost istretch, will at soim time spring up : among us ? Aiul when such a otic does, it will re quire the people to be .11 n i t e d with each other, attached to the government and laws and 1 gener ally intelligent, to successfully frustrate; his de signs. -.-! j " ;v Reason- cold, alculatirir, u i m pas iou d DOES HE CONSIDER That is j the Question of Dawes, Speaking in U Follette's-Stronghold I i MILWAUKEE, Wis.. Sept. .11. (By The Associated Press.) The IaFollette independent candidacy was . attacked . here in. its strong hold toniglit by Charles G Dawes, republican vice presidential nom inee, as "the quintessance'of dehi agogiam, animated by the vicious purpose of undermining i the coh stitutional foundation of (this re public." - j .. . : . s if ; Speaking In the Milwaukee aud itorium, Mr. Dawes declared that "in the mass of clap-trap accom panying the LaFollette effort we can see one steady purpose always in mind the attack on ; the con stitution ot the United States." and it was to this "attack" that Mr. Dawes devoted most of his at tention. ' :; . The republican nominee describ ed Senator La Follette as ".the master demagogue;" ; j warned against any party attempting 'to take a position in the ; half-way ground between "those who favor the constitution of the j Unltld States and ; those who would de stroy its essential parts;" declared this division to be the greatest Is sue of the campaign, and appealed to the voters of Wisconsin to de cide the issue, "by. a full vot of the registered, voters, not by the fractional vote which, for the last four years, has been cast In Wis consin.". - jjhj- ' '" i;. ;: ; - - The republican candidate com bined with ihis attack on the at titude of, the La Follette move ment toward the constitution" an assault on ithe statements made by Senator La- Follette in his lii bor Day address. . "In Its strong appeal to the pre judices and passions of, the peo ple, the speech was unusual, but in no other way," he asserted. "Never In the history of the Unit ed States, has the common sense of the average individual received a greater affront. La Follette's speech should raise the question n the - minds of :. the American . xidfc ple, 'Does he consider us a ri.c of fools?'." j i ,71 , Mrj Dawes In beginning his dis- (Continota on psgs 7) : s s D I ALII TOO GOOD FDD LUIS: II. FIRPO Harry Wills; Colored i Boxer, Gets Unofficial Decision Over "Wild Bull of .the Pampas.' BOUT LASTS FULL TWELVE ROUNDS Famous Argentine Gets Groggy But Does Not Go Down For the Count JERSEY CITY, N J., Sept. 11. (By the Associated Press. - Harry Wills battered hia way to a- smashing onesided i victory, to night over Luis AngeJ Firpo. in a gruelling 12 rounds battle before a throng estimated at 75,000, in Boyles Thirty Acres. Dominating the fight. from start to ffnish, with an exhibition of ring crafts that completely blocked Firpo's" heaviest guns;: his famous right. Wills beat the giant Argen tine into decisive defeat with a bruising, relentless attack to the head and body. . " ; " ; ; No official decision-; wasi render ed as none Is permitted under the New Jersey ring laws, but, there was no question of the outcome. Firpo, in the opinion of some critics, barely held his own in one round, the third, while the big majority of newspaper critics gave every round to he negro. The Brown' Panther was at his best, employing alL bis : strategy to campletely, baffle hia' opponent hut Firpo-was not the Wild Bull he had been in his other battles. Shorn of the . mighty smash that sent Jack Dempsey flying out of the rmgra; year- ago, the South American's T attack was impotent and his . defense was loo crude to uvoi.l the' continual barrage of WiMa blows; Wills employed all the trirks of his trade to stand off Firpo's charges. ;The big ne gro continually heldl Firpo with his long left, and wrested tht Argentine about while he admi nistered terrific punishment with short right, jolts to the head and body. At close range 'F!Irpo was bewildered, helpless and at times handled like a child by his dusky rival. . 1 ; Dempsey is Present RINGSIDE JERSEY CITY, Sept" 11 Jack Dempsey, wearing - a' light tan coat and cap, slipped unobserved into a ringside seat while the first, bout was oh. Jack Kearns was with him. - Round One They; met. in a clinch in the center ' of . the rlig and wrestled to Wills' corner. They clinched again In the center of the ring, the referee' prying them apart. Wills staggered Firo with right to jaw. They exchang ed blows at close quarters. IjWILis got in with heavy blows without a return. There, was much wrestl ing. Firpo staggered Wills jvUli. his hes vy ight to the body and then to the jaw but the negro was unhurt. Firpo landed a right uppercu't but the fcegro ony smiled. ' Firpo missed a right and Wills rushed him across to tne ropes with a pantherlike leap. They were fighting 'furiously iit the bell. j i" Round Two Firpo landed four rights to the jaw as tbey met' in. the center of the ring.. He stag gered the negro with a body punch. Firpo was landing his right consistently, to -. all . parts of Wills' body and- head. r They clinched. -Wills " knocked Firpo down with a left to the jaw but he was up at the count of thrjo apparently unhurt, j Firpo fell into a clinch when ;he got up. Firpo was w?ld with 'his right. Wills missed a right; - They con tinued to clinch. Firpo landedUii right, solidly to Wills head as tnj bell rang. Round Three Firpo rushed out of his corner with a characteristic leap but Wills immediately fell into a clinch. They exchangel blows at close quarters, Wills ty- , (Con tinned cn pg 2) Business Houses . Close at 5 O'clock Mayor's proclamation or ders it. Business i Men's League requests it. - De fense Day Committee Re quests it. . Tako vVarning' t)o Your. Shopping Before 5 O'clock Tonight. NEGRO