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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1916)
v - -.. F Hill nyikiiTf ni If w ilini35 h i HI) ; mmii r w Pa Tonight .f ftjr, " with heavy frost;' tomorrow, arm- : r; nortl wester-, ly winds. Hu- m i!ty. 60. 1 SVpuiXV. NO, 53 PORTLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY ' EVENING MAVf il. PAGES. PRICE TWO CENTS OK THAI AD RlVt ' TAMOS riYI bCWTt II anil f 4 K2 II f 11 IJ till f t I If .1 I I V 11 lyl IAX A UIT.Ilin HPKXU- . ""V 1 V 1 I I I I I " I vy II1 1" II VI I K 1 I iJi li i ii I V II iif -i i ii i Mi Hi ,,B3gSSaa-l ill 1 mi i ii " i - . ,, ' . , i i , -i --!. i '- n '", n -, T 'IT' r If ilH I U'- I).: . '.II J'" ' '' 1 1. ,.. I.'.'.,'" :" iprtyeven uie on ; t H Three Hope : : T. yessel Which Ran Out of Portland for Years Lost South of San Francisco; Carried No Passengers. Fort San IaH. Cal.. May 11. (U. P.)-t.Wbll patrola watched the breakeri today for th bodita of tha 47 believed dead in the foundering of the North Pacific liner. Roanoke, a wireless message came from tho steamer Lansing saying that It had gone over the acene of the disaster off Point Buchori and found no trace of survivors. The radio was received St 9:30 a. m. by J. If. Sims, prealdent pt the Pacific Coast railway. It also announced that the Lansing was com ing Snd, 4 would arrive at 11 o'clock, i' Humors sloag the sea coarp tbat another llfeboet containing single corps had been found were not pub tantiated . and were discredited. 80, far, the en ly, men known to have es caped death . Joseph' F. Klb, a quartermaster, and two Mexicans, who drifted ashore with five dead bodies in lifeboat near here last night , ' ) . ays Cargo Voorly Placed. J Manuel Lopes, fireman, who came ashore -in the lifeboat with Quarter master Klb and. Cbarles Rouiero, told a graphic story, of the disaster ' this Afternoon when; he had parUaily recflv. red froinrtbs.siiock.' i:J . .... He declared hat "the' -rtW .f-the Koanoke was Inexperienced and that. in, his opinion, the cargo was badly loaded. larea he- protested to Captain Dlckso m4 beg ged' thS -skip-; tOonoloded ea fetce Bvn. -Cotoaa TweV , TWO OFFICERS OF LOST ROANOKE HAD THEIR Their Wives Were in San f, Francisco and Bid Them Goodbye on Last Voyage." Portland Women Widowed. Two Portland women had last sight of their husbands when the steamer Roanoke left the South Seas pier In Sin Francisco Monday. Mrs. Charles J. Green, wife of the Roanoke's first officer, and Mrs. D. Mclnnis, wife of the chief engineer, made the trip from Portland to be with their husbands on the Roa noke'js arrival At the Bay City. i . Mrs. areen left , on the steamer Bear two weeka ago while Mrs. Mclnnis -made 'the " trip . on the steamer Break water. ' , . j The Greene occupied apart ments at S00 Wllllkms avenue. . while the McTnnises also l,lved fin that neighborhood. A daugh ter Also survives the chief en--glneer. of the Rosnoke. She is .staying temporarily with W. A. Lynch at 439 Larrabee Street. f - The shipping fraternity i todav nourning the loss of the steamer Roan bke and her crew. The Roanoke had been on the Port ndsan uiego run In the North Pa- Uio 'Steamship company service for several years prior to this winter khen, to" tsks advantage of the hleh freights, she was transferred to the fveat coast run. Captain Richard Dickson hae been pa her for many years and is known n svery port on. the coast. He was egardefas an excellent navigator, and hearty laugh, his ready wit ai.d the nany interesting stories he had stored kway made him very popular. vnariee j. areen. the first officer n he son of Captain Charles Green,' of hs steamer Multnomah. He was for merly a member of the Bandon an'.l "ort Orford llfesaving crews, where 'Is fearlessness gained him consider ble.farne. Later be went to sea and erred on 'various steam schooners be ore securing the mate's berth on the loanoke a year ago. Chief Engineer Mclnnis had also been 11 the RoAnoke a considerable time. He A greet favorite alone the water- ronU His wife and dauchter live here. h Myers Is Released. " Cincinnati. Ohio. May 11. (I. g.l -Philllp K. Myers, a Los Ans-eles At- HOMES PORTLAND rney, who was Arrested here recently n embesslement charges. WAaVeleMed n car- of relatives today on orders rom the district attorney of Los .n- Jeles.'' k'-. : .ki I .! ' 'i Survivors Reach Shore Abandoned for LOST AT SEA WHEN ROANOKE GOES DOWN Among those missing of the crew of North Pacific com pany's vessel are (from left to Tight) : D. Mclnnis, chief engineer, of Portland; Charles J. Green, first officer, of Port Und; Richard Dickson, captain, of San Francisco. , ;: .4 1 ' i ii Teuton 'Statemerjt ? Says the Losses ,of French, Were Heavy in Two Assaults, Berlin. May 11. M S.) Ad-dltlonai-Gerraan-aivanoes on "the west ern front And repulse of, the French At several points -were announced in An official statement, Issued, from fhe war"orflcehere todsy. Te ststement follows: -, . "Taubes yesterday bombarded pun kirk and railroads neAT Adinklrk. ; : "West of the Meuse the-French jes terflay af ternoonattacke-pur forces near Le Mort' Homme And fa the even ing attempted Another offensive south' east of. ' "hill No. S"04. Both AttAckS broke down under our curtAlns of fir. the enemy sufferlnr heavy losses. heavy "A Bavarian patrol In the Cajnard forest captured 6 French. The num ber of unwoonded prisoners taken since May 4 in the vicinity of hill 304 totals 63 officers And 1616 soldiers. "East of the Meuse a French attack in the Calllette woods was repulsed. "Southeast of the railroad station at Selburg.' the . Germans stormed and captured 609 yards Of enemy positions Three, hundred and nine unwounded Russians were taken as well as several machine guns and -mine throwers." Deny Half Army at .Verdun. Paris, May 11. (U. P.) With bay onets and. hand grenades, the French during the night repulsed a Qs.-rnan At tAck northeast of Verdcrtr; it was offi cially anni unced. West of the Me-use tae. uaa nothing more than it;i)ery fiKb'-X'g la1 "'Sbt ! Though there is still artillery fight ing oil the Aieuse west bank, the m-preo-sion Is again growing that ths Tor mans are preparing to abandon their attack on Verdun. Officers are ridi culing the German statement the: 300, 000 French are engaged in the defense. They raid that Germany caused this to be putlished to show the people thAt they confronted great obstacles At Vjr dun, and to explain their failure 10 cap ture the citadel. Russians Repulse Get-mans. PetrOgrad, May 11. (I. N. S.) (Offi cial.) Western front: At Smorgon, south of Krevo. the Germans were re pulsed. At Chartoryvsk an enemy aero plane waa shot down and the occupants made prisoners. Eight New Bishops May Be Proposed Methodist episcopal Committee Ex pected to SCAko KeoonunendAtlon; Coast OlTlaes Mentioned. Saratoga Springs, N, T., May 11. (I. N. 8.) It was understood here todAy thAt the Methodist Episcopal commit tee will report About May 15 recom mending eight new bishops. Among those prominently mentioned for elevation are Ir. Locke of Los Angeles and Rr. A. W,. Leonard of Se attle. ' M '11 German Home Secretary to Quit. London, May It. (I. N. S.) Munich newspapers state that Home Secretary Delbruck has ben , invited to resign, owing to the failure of the food organ isation plans according to, ths Daily News correspondent At ierna. , GERMANS ADVANCED laiMAmcKSi if WSED!S REPORT KoanoKe the Rest iCAUSE OEA Sf,lllll(ATS 1 .-i Question.' pf High'.'School Credit Brings Out Diamet rically Opposing Views having decided yesterday thik 40 per .cent ofthe; cUdreii ip .Oregpn.Are wholly- without religious- tnstro,eitoa and that a coastderable . proportion .of th remainder are' Inadequately or im properly trained. ,. the fourth- annual convention of" the Religious. Education . aasoclatlon, pacific coast division, split decisively this morning on the ques-' Hon of hlgTi school credit for bible luuy perwrmea eisewnere. i . J. A, Clrurchail, state superintendent KT,1 " V"" ' l.?rlV"f:?n? 01 l1 n'sTrscnooi credits essential year's study divided equally between ths Old and the New Testaments And Along the lines of a,syllabuis which the siii ucpi iiuesii tins preparea. -Study Is Optional. Tender this plan students may elect to 1 take up Bible study requiring 40 minutes to an hour each day and re citing at Sunday school. The study is entirely optional and not to be urged by principal or teachers. There are to be two examinations a year and manu- (Concluded on Pige Nineteen, Column Two) Jumps From Bed to Save Drowning Man Man, Living in Apartment House rac ing Beach, Ksars Cries sad Bushes to Rescue in Bis Pajamas. Santa Monica, Cal., May 11. (P. N. S.) Hearing the cries 'for help of A. E. Hoover when he was seized with cramps wnue nn me sun nere. jari 1 BIBLE STUDY ISSUE IS BREACH ocnraaei, m an apartment . b f jj border settlements Are pre- house facing the beach today Jumped ; f, ht Th, autnorltjMV ? i ' fldilieve teat the bandits are participating brought , to shore unconscious but Is j tral heaaquar"" within a short ride of expected to recover. tlje Jlne. . Every Mexican 'on the American eld's - ' is under suspicion, and even those InP hn P flTmPVC! I .nOP Property in Flood! Dam Breaks and Releases Weter in Fack Saddle Reservoir, Teuton Coun ty; ews Zs Delayed. Boise, Idaho. ; May 11. Flood caused by the breaking of a dam, whlcto re leased the water in the Pack Saddle reservoir, caused a heavy loss to farm ers in a remote section of Teuton county last Saturday. News of the flood reached Here today. Farm houses were swept away and ranchers lost all their belongings. The settlers were warned in time to es cape. Fresh Troops En .Route. San Francisco, CaI., May 11. U. P.) Headquarters - of the -wester depArtment ot the United States army here Announced - todAy thAt the fresh troops ordered! from the Pacific CoAst to the Mexican border were eh routs. Tha Second BAttallon of the Four teenth .Infantry went from Fort law ton, Seattle, to DouglAa, Arizona,.' and tha Third BAttallon from Fort George wrignt, spogane,. to jjougiaa. - . . AMERICANS ARE AGAIN WARNED 10 QUIT MEXICO Reiteration of Mexico's In sistence That Time Limit Be Placed on Expedition's Presence Causes Worry. FEWER THAN 3000 ARE STILL THERE IS REPORT Secretary 'Baker Is Optimistic After Receiving Latest Word From Scott. "Washington, Msy It (V. P.) The state department through its consuls today Again warned Americans to quit Mexico. ': : Reports compiled recently said that there were fewer than 1800 AmeKcsns In Mexico And this number has prob ably been reduced; since developments caused a massing of new troops on the . border. Reiteration of Mexico's . Insistence thst a time limit be placed on the American expeaiuon's presence - m Mexico is causing uneasiness. Secrstary of War Baker WAs-optl mistic, however, After receiving Gen rai Hugh Scott's lAteajf word. ! Fttngton to Mount Militia, .' - El Paso, Texss, May' 1. (U. P.) General Alvsro Qbregon. today exoect ed. to, submit, tn writing his proposal for a cooperative border patrol involv ing withdrawal 'of - American troops rrom Mexico, , This Is the CarrAnxlatas1 last hope of overcoming the deadlock lot the -OeneraJ Seott-Obregon confer ences. As Scott is powerless to de- cioe wnether tberA shall be a. with drawAl hers is.a DossibUitv of ne gotiations switching to Washington for adjustment ojr tne state department. . Mnwnue ; thos TOiUtla of three border vatatss . is hurriedly eoncen tratlng. tJeneral Fred : -ffunston has ssnea perTuisios c to oung 200 Ju fantrymen for Jfee.bofder contrel.'-': General Perishing" 4sf tccte4 tls Mn9i HUUtnUAtlit tot. lti stl soutnerntnoflt. bto, Nearly gusiu reu tars, inciting coast and field .ajrHUery. Are now en toute to xb border. A new detachment CAvalry- hA- already orossed thims seekinr' the Mexicani wno rataea -leon. springs Texas. . General Fred. Funs ton today is aeri oualy considering Asking tbe First cav alry of the Chicago, militia to be brought south for duty on tbe Mexican border. Funstoh was informed that the Chi cago regiment has mounts and is ready for duty.: The shortage of cavalrymen oa the border led Funston to previ ously ask the war department for per mission f to- mount 1 100s- infantrymen. Funston todAy declined to comment on the reported Abandonment, of the line beyond Dublan. Officials believe that this move is progressing under Fun ston's orders. Funston has decided not to go to Columbus at present, but to eo from El Paso direct to San Antonio as soon as Scott releases him from his connec tlon with the Mexican negotiations. ueneral Alvsro Obregon visited Gen ral Hugh Scott At 10 a. m. todAy for a conference At which he expected to sub mit his plan for a cooperative border patrol with American and CarrAHiista troops keeping or thelriown side of the line. - The meeting took place in Scott's private car. General Amador Accompa nied Obregon. The conference recessed at 1 p. m. to resume at 4 p. m., but no anounce ment of its progress was made. "I think we made progress toward a settlement," was General ScoLt's only comment on the conference. . System of Raids Seen. Marathon, Texas, May 11; (U. P.) American authorities are convinced to day that an organised system of Mexl- ' can raids against United States soil is being put into execution. Fifty Mexicans- swooped down upon the town of ! Blocker, near Eagle Pass, looted stores on two ranches and escaped with a number of horses, according to advices received here today. No fatalities were reported. Civilians along the border organized when they learned that two armed M ex it : n bandit bands had appeared be- (ween Boqulllas and OJlnaga. A num- who have heretofore been friendly are now distrusted. It Is believed that the raiders obtain information' from their countrymen-on the-Amtriein side and divide the loot with them. Major Langhorne's Eighth cavalry squadron encamped in - Mexico - last night, having crossed the International bcmiMary near Boqulllas yesterday. They hiked from Marathon to the borv der, a distance of miles. ,.The troopers expected to Immediately push on to Ataquilla, where the raiders are eaid to have their rendezvous. Mysterious Priest Is Reported Killed Orsgoxt Rasputin, "Who Wields Im mense Znflnenos Ores Russian Royal Family, Bald tft Kara SeanJCine. Bertha, May 11. (U. P.)(By wire less via' Say ville, L. I.) Bucharest re ports from Petrogrsd said todsy that Grgorl Basputtn had. been . assas sinated. - Rasputin is a half illiterate priest credited with exerting great -influence over the czar and czarina. He is a peaca and tarn perancs advocate. ghitibiias EiqualsDemand of the Chinese Protest Made by Residents in Unit ed States Against Additional Re striction on Immigration. "Washington, May 11. (U. P.) It waa learned today that Minister Koo told SecretAry LAnslng yesterday that the Chinese throughout America seri ously protested Against the additional restriction on Chinese immigration proposed in the new immigration bill. He requested elimination of the pro posed restrictions and demanded recog nition of tbe Chinese as the equals of Americans. He Also wanted elimina tion of the specific exclusion acts naming Chinese. The Chinese contentions are under stood to have been presented to the senate committee oh immigration. In support of their claims, the Chinese clti that they are citlxens of a repub lic and should be recognised as the equals of any other people. vThey don't insist on this in order to secure Immigration rights so much as they do to secure recognition. They are willing to be excluded if the same exclusion is applied to All other peo ple, claiming that no distinctions should be made Against them. Their secondary contention is that they ahould not be specifically men tioned in exclusion acts any more than people of other nationalities should be. THREAT TO BLOW Iff CONTAINED IN LETTER Federal and City Officers Seek Author; Extraordinary Precautions Taken. -Washington, May 11. -(I. N. ..) Special agents of ths government po lice : and postofflce inspectors coop erating today to trace a letter received by AH newspapers f .Washington, read lair:: ' - V r-.' .i; : -.:4A'v'4j. UX-mr'-WsT.-.iOL'tN'HIaitan rraeAt or agneuiture .wai ta mown up LxtraordlnAry -FecAntlfcna Are being taken at ths departmeat of Agriculture to prevent the success of any-aueb. plot. Guards have been stationed at the main building and at ths additional build ing, with " instructions to appreaand suspicious cha4-aeters who -might place time bombs. Similar precautions are being taken at the other government buildings. Officials believe the letter may have been written by a Joker, but they are taking no chances, realising that when Frank Holt placed the bomb in the capltor about a year ago he wrote letters to the newspapers about It. Holt's communications arrived after the explosion. . Report T3,odies of Three Are Located Americans Missing Bines Glean Springs Kaid Reported Discovered, Murdered; Prisoner to Xead. Parsuers. Marathon. Texas, May 11. (U. P.) Unconfirmed reports reached here to dAy that the bodies of John Wood son. William Harris and F. B. Allls worth, Americans, who have been miss ing since the recent tnenn springs raid, had been found. Lieutenant Colonel Alvarez, one of the captured raiders of Glenn Springs, .was Sweated toaay, ana prominea to lead the American expedition to thf rescue of Jesse Deemer and Monroe Payne, American prisoners. Alvarez said that his band had planned to meet another at Atoquila. Major Langhorne received other Infor mation that the fugitive raiders, were two days ahead and traveling slowly. Langhorne expects to rescue the captured Americans. There was- an un confirmed report today that Payne, the negro prisoner, had txen released. Colonel Sibley s Fourteenth cavalry Is due to cross the border today. U. Coy and Frank Rowan reported among the Americans captured by Mexican raiders, nave arrived at Marathon. Pneumatic Chemist Has Traveled Some In Past 300 Years The word "gas" was Invented by Jean Baptlste Van Helmont. Belgian chemist, physiologist snd physician, who flourished three centuries ago, at a time when as yet the hocus poeua of the alchemists wis but slowly giving place to science truly so called. He was tbe founder of pneumAtlc chemistry snd was the first to under- stand that there are gases dls- tlnct In kind from atmospheric air. The behavior of carbon 4 dioxide though he didn't call it that reminded, him of the Greek "Chaos." which he changed to "gas." Thus, "gas" la not derived from the Ger- men "gelst," meaning "spirit,'" A- - ' ; after all. At All events, from the grop- lngs of such, as Van Helmont to the certainties' of,. today is a j loti g;c step ho w lon, may . be . estimated upon perusal of the" article to be -found on tha edi- torlAl page Ot The Journal to rdey -under tbe title ."Notoinr the M Alter With Portland."' . The wonders wrougBt""fwlth gases are nq ' more wonderful j than- the processes' porsuad in 4S their segregation, by a firm ot Portland chemlsta . ; BUILDING AT CAPITAL . t - - . .j, v4ls continuance f -executions In Ireland 4t(laneoontlnuaBcf .martial lw( T-r'. ' - . ' " 9'.. " v 5 "ITOlLLIollS Pacific Coast Hard Hit With Practically Complete Loss Reported From Some Im portant Sections. IDAHO SUFFERS LOSS OF BIG PRUNE CROP Unseasonably Cold Weather Is Being Fought With " Smudge Pots. x Heavy Frost Forecast. Portland and vicinity: To night fair with heavy frost; Friday fair, warmer; nortn westerly winds. Oregon and Washington: Tn niirht fair with heavy front; Friday fair, warmer; north westerly winds. Idaho: Tonight fair wlih heavy frost; Friday fair, warmer. Millions of dollars dam acre has been dons fruit crops along the Pacific coast during the last 10 daysby the unsea sonable cold weather, and in some sec tions reports indicate that the produc tion will be nominal. Mr. Day of Scobel Day, well known New York interests, who was Jn the city, reported that ths damage to fruit in the south bas been unusually severe. According to Mr, Day, ths pear crop of ths Rogue river country is practically ruined, and Winter Nellls will bs generally absent from tha market this season, so .far as southern . Oregon is concerned. MK Day has Just returned from a thorough Investigation of the fruit erbps of California and southern Ore gon. I Hi reports that ths pear crop of northern California will show damage 01 anout so per cent, wun tne bin Coueiudet) ttt rge Tkree. Op Umbo Two ' r Oiv Seized Schooner Ajnerioaa Ship Oregon, to Be Taken to Victoria, B. Xs Vow Xeld at Mel pomene Cove, Ouadelup Zslaad. San Francisco, May 11. (P. N. 8.) Still flying the American flag, the power schooner Oregon, of San Fran cisco, seised by the British, will be sent to Victoria, B..C, to be passed on by a prise court. The Oregon has been loeated for the ftrst time since the seizure, according to advices re ceived here today. She Is st Mel pomene Cove, Guadaelup Island. 250 miles southwest of San Diego, with a prize crew aboard. The Oregon was seized by the British cruiser Rainbow on April 23. off Capo Hard, near Guaymas, in the Gulf of California. The vessel reached Ouade lup Island May 2. The British south Pacific naval collier No. 942 la also there. Fishermen, according to the San Diego advices telegraphed here, report that Melpomene Cove has frequently been used as a coaling base for war ships of the belligerents. Martin Swanson, captain of the Oregon, claims American citizenship. Premier Asquith Will Visit Ireland London, May 11. (I. N. S.) Premier Asquith to day announced that he In tended going to Ireland to consult civil and military authorities on present con ditions In Ireland. Under Secretary for War Tennant today announced In the house of com mons that 14 Irish rebel leaders hart been executed, 75 sentenced to hpiiaI servitude, six condemned to hard labor and 1706 others ordered de ported. Premier Asquith announced tnat a total of 180 persons were killed and 614 wounded during the uprisings. Operator Asserted Roanoke Damaged Lbs Angeles, Cal., May 11. (P. N. S.) George K. Chamberlain of Raw telle. 21 years old, wireless operator on the ill fated Roanoke, which went down off San Luis Obispo Tuesday afternoon, wrote letters only a few days Ago expressing a premonition that he would "never come back alive." The letter told of how, on the trip just prior to the Roanoke's last, the vessel had been badly damaged in a gale, and should have been drydocked at San Francisco. Turks Defeat Russians. Constantinople, May 11. (I. N. 8.) The war office today announced that Russians Monday were driven At .the point of the bayonet from positions In the Mount Kope sector along a front of three kilometers, the Turks captur ing six officers, 3fi0 men. and four ma chine gun. " ' - Dillon's .Resolution Beaten. "lxndo,-'iay 11- (l Vt. . The house of commons today vote.; down av resolution offered by John Dillon I calling upon tbe government to furnish I a ststement of its intentions regerding E.L.AmidonIs Fined $25 for Hitting Hutton rolitiriai Attacks leader of Anti Saloon League in Judge Catena' Court Jtoom. Knocking off the glabses of U. P. Hutton of the Anti-Saloon league and kicking him cost Ulmer I Aruidon, a Republican politician and supporter of C. N. McArthur. I2S this morning after he had attempted to stage a flht with Hutton in Judge Oatens' Hutton charges Ibat Amidon's cttack today Is the second attempt maile by McArthur supporters to get hln into a fiBht. The trouble occurred In the court room, shortly after 9 o'clock this morn ing. Judge Oatens had Just convened court to hear witnesses In the libel suit of C. N. McArthur against Hutton, and was waiting for the stenographer. when Amldon walked over to Hutton. "Are you the man who testified yes terday that my wife stole some ropers from you?" Amidoti asked Hutton. "Who are you?" queried Hutt:i. "I'm Amldon," was the rerU'. "Yes, I said It." Thereupon Amldon swung and hit Hutton. knocking oft the glasses. Witnesses say that when Hutton stooped to pick up his glasses Amidun administered several kicks. Bailiff Fisher and several in the courtroom Interfered and t he fight was stoppf-d. Judge Gatens, who witnessed the attark. held that Amldon was In contempt and assessed a fine of $25. Hutton save that it was only last Friday that .1. J). Woodman, a barber of Kast Seventy-second street and Sandy boulevard, who was appointed a doorkeeper by C N. McArthur while speaker of the house, attempted to get him into a fight. Hutton charges that Woodman celled him several names and did everything possible to start a fight but that he refused to have anything to do with the man. 18 ON HIS WAY TO TRENT Italian Campaign Quiekbut " Persistent -and Steady; 'Js Gaining Little Attention," ROme. Msy 11. (L N. S.) Persist ently and -steadily; but without noisily advertising his. achievements. General Cadorna la now winning his way to Trent. Ills campaign u passing al most unnoticed outside of Italy, atten tion being fixed on the fighting on the Isonzo.llne, where, however, operation are reduced to smell and unspectacular local affairs' for he present. The outstanding fact in the Trentlno fighting Is that the Italian army has advanced 18 miles from the existing Austro-Hungarlan frontier, which is 34 miles from Trent. General Cadorna's outposts are on the outskirts of Rovereto. Kast of the Adlge valley his troops have seized the Zugna chain of mountains as well as 16 miles of Austrian roads running from the Fugazzo plateau to Rovereto. West of the valley the railroad from Rovereto to Riva on Lake Garda Is also In Italian hands. Austrian Transport Sank. Rome, May 11. (U. P.) A French submarine has destroyed an Austrian munitions transport off Albania, it was officially announced today. The crew, it Is believed, perished. Fighting on North Greek Front, Salonlkl. May 11 (U. P.) Brisk artillery fighting on the northern Ore clan front was reported today. The Bulgarians are reinforcing south of Monastir and throwing up defenses, evidently expecting an attack from the allies concentrated at Fiorina. Italian Charges Repulsed. Vienna. May 11. (U. P.) Italians repeatedly attacked Pan Martlno after showering the Austrian trenches with heavy shells, but each charge nas re- puisea. me war ornoe stated toaay. i lie Brunei? ugniing iinircu in in tensity on the east Tyrol and Carin thlan fronts. Second Battalion on Way to Border Duty Train ot 31 Oats. Carrying Twenty first Infantry, Passes Through Port land En Bout to Arizona. The Second battalion and one com pany of the Firt battalion of t rj Twenty-first InfAntry pAssed tnrough Portland this afternoon on the way to border duty in Arizona. Contrary to best usage of novelists, there were no cheering crowds. There wsa no blare of bands. There wasn't a. vestige of hysteria. Rather, the departure was business like. The long train of 21 cars extended from under the train shed far into the yards. There wasn't' a sign of color save for the bits of red flannel wrapped around the pasterns of the colonel's horse. All was brown, khaki brown, a brown that will match the border. Three stock cars contained (1 head of horses and mules, horses for the of ficer and- mulee for the Red Cross wagons and mess wagons. To three flatfsrs toward the rear of the train were blocked the wagons. Bpeeder Sentenced to Five Days. Tom Gekas, jitney driver, convicted in the municipal court yesterday after noon Of speeding, was sentenced to five day a in, jail by. Judge lnggutb CADORNA'S ARMY HAS ADVANCED MILES it FORTY-FORTY AND FIGHT"1S OH SLOGAN Paraphrase of Famous Cry of Northwest Indicates Strug gle Senator Chamberlain Will Make in Land Grant. HOUSE HARDEST NUT TO V CRACK IN COMING FIGHT Taxation as Soon as Timber Sold Important; Amend-V ment Adopted. WaBhlnirton, May 1 1 . ( WASHING--.. TON BUREAU OF THE JOURNAL.);' "Forty-forty and fight." adopting , A sllht paraphrase of what was once a strong try In and snout the northwest.? Is the (slogan of Senator Chamberlain In the struggle yiat Is coming over the' benefits Oregon Is to receive from ; sales of timber on the lands of the' Oregon and California grant. -::) ' The senior Oregon senator made a good start when In the Bub-commfttsej of the public lands committee,' , Of " which he was chairman, he secured full acquiescence in his contention that congress should not be moved by; any considerations of how much ' money It can turn Into the" federal treasury from these land. The correct; and logical principle, he maintains. Is . to remember that these lands were granted to the rallroAd with the object of, settlement. -snd of. securing the greatest development for the state within which the lAnds lie. ZAea of Original Bill. -'':.'. This is the idee embraced In the original Chamberlain bill in alloting 40 per cent of the proceeds from tim ber sales to tbe state school, fund snd 40 per cent to the land grant counties for roads, leaving 20 per cent to the federal government. -The house com mittee deviated from this" idea when it framed -XtJttj4towln mUr2ape. cent for schools and 80 per cent for (Concluded on Paft Twf Oolnmo Four.) OPPOSED TO A PEACE Censors Pass Dispatch Say ing Pope Has Asked Pres ident Wilson to Act. 1U ' - t Rome, May 11 (U. P.) Though the Vatican was silent. It was reported to day that Pope Benedict, through Mon- signor Bonzano, apostolic delegate In Washington, had requested President Wilson to initiate a peace movement It was rumored thAt France Alone Of y All the belligerents was not now in cllned to make peace. . - The above was transmitted through Havre, and, therefore, passed the Ital-. Ian and French censors. The fact that ; both permitted it to go, through may be significant and an indication of the al lies attitude toward the peace the hint contained in the German reply to " America's submarine note. -., Desert Town Store r Safe Yields $10,000 Bobbers Secure Several Thousand. : Bollsrs in Checks la Addition to Ooldj Letter SAld to Be BUae Payroll, Los Angeles, May 11. (P. N. 8.). Dynamiting the safe of the Illings-" worth Supply store at Randsburg, on the desert in Kern county, robbers; early today escaped with $10,000 in gold and several tnousands dollAra" worth of checks. The money was said to be the payrool of the Yellow Aster mine at Kandsburg. The robbers es caped in sn automobile. .v Bar Pin Is Lost Canaries for Sale '. . ! Mrs. S.. Who resides on Esst 80th St.. has a chatoce to make v money out of Portland. She therefore exchanged her home for other property through a Jour . nal Want Ad. Look them over on pages IS and 20. Dogs. Birds. Pets S . FOR SALiS Four pairs of mated canaries with cagea Household Ooods for Sale S 1 ' FURNISHINGS of 4 room house to highest bidder. &ost And round 81 LOST A gold signet bsr valued keepsake. Pjn. ' The average dally circulation of The Journal in Portland and Us trading radius exceeds that of the morning paper bv several thou-' sands and Is practlca'.ly 60 per cent greater - than Its nearest afternoon contemporary. FRANCE S REPORTED TO BE ONLY COUNTRY i.