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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1916)
' V eM f w KILL W RAID OFFICIAL HEARS v i i. , Cpstoms Inspector Arriving at Marathon, 'Texas, Declares cattlemen iom mm ot nam Near Brownsville Thursday. AMERICAN TROOPS ARE 1TO BE KEPT IN MEXICO Cabinet Decides They Will ' . Not Be. Withdrawn Until : F Raids Ae Stopped. , Tucson. Arin.. May 12. (T.i N S.) Reports reached hew today that Mexi can bandits had raided and burned Lo chte!. Arts., 30 miles east of Nogales. -Colonel Sage, commander -: of - th lAtn erica n troops at Nogales, has sent company of infantry and 20 cavalry men,, to guard Lochiel, Washington "amp and other towns on me Ameri can side. Marathon. Texas. May 12. (I. N. 8.) Forty Americana 'were killed by Mex ican bandits, who crossed the border hear ' Brownsville, Texas, laat night, (according to Rufus Stirling, a customs inspector, who arrived here today rrom tanrirann. A number of woman ami : lr,M1Arjn urn imnnir the dead. Stirlina Wld. Ha was unable to furnish de hails. Stirling says he received his infor mation from cattlemen in whom be haa implicit confidence. El Paso. Texas. May t.--J. N. S.) Irha American expeditionary force will remain in Mexico until the border htates have been entirely cleared or bandits, i . Meantime, Carranalsta troops will po lo Chihuahua, Sonora and Coahuilla, ooperetlng with the Americans. . These were the statements made Mr.t 'General Scott and Secretary to )brecon Amador before mey iert to- Jlarvvv :-y. Both indicated that they believed an km Icable settlement would b reached Lnd. that a protocol IJUUiy,, would, Ignad shortly.' Cooperation Arranged, . Amador added,: i "Generat-'Obregon has ordered Gen- Isial Trevlno with 10.000 troops to oc- fupy the Parral district between San fAntonlo and Namiqmpa vmn vuuu nore troops held In reserve. There kill be no war with the United States t Mexico can prevent It. By Obre- ICooeluded en l'fr roar, Colamn Two) T BY OF , ! and i Conferees of Senate House Adiourn After Be coming Deadlocked, ; Washington. May 12. (U. P.) The pouse and aenate conference commlt- ea practically agreed, to an army pro- Icing 175,000 men, a government til- rate plant - and a system of civilian raining camps instead of the senate's ederal volunteer plan. Washington. May 12. (I. N. S.) appeal will be made to President Vllson to bring members or the house Into Una for action on tha army re- rganlzatlon bill. Senators and repre sentatives who are anxious for an dequate army program said today hat nothing short of tha personal ln luence of the president will bring it bout. After several hours of wrangling esterday, the managers of the house nd senate adjourned the conference, opelessly deadlocked. Realizing that ha ; conferees, with Instructions not t, accept tha 250,000 regular army oted 1 by the aenate will not yield. he senate confereea made an espe- laliy strong plea for an enlargement t Hha Plattsburg camp scheme. This feature originated in the house, hat ' body, however, had repudiated h volunteer army plan of the sen- te. Tha elimination of that feature nd tha refusal of the house to accept he larger regular army practically educes tha bill tothe original house reposition without giving the; senate ny voice in tha legislation. , state conrerecs -pointed out today that with tha single exception of the atlonal guard sections there is no revision anywhere to create a nu- leus for a volunteer .army unless the lattaburg plan la enlarged and its cope considerably' extended.'. House onferees are refusing to increase fed- rai support of tola plan. j, Fire Does $300,000 Damage in Sandusky Vate Supply la factory District Shut Of f to Increase Pressure la Threat-, ened Slatrlct Before Bias Controlled Sanduaky. Ohio, May 12. -ft. N. B.1 kFire, l starting today In , a I Uvery table, spread to the heart of the city, .ppealswere sent to Toledo for aid. The fire waa' finally controlled with ut outside help, after the water aup ly In the factory district, had been hut off. thereby increasing the pres ura'in tha downtown mains. Tha loss esumataa at 1900,000, , ON'S AID MAY BE SOUGH BACKERS NREAED ARMY Rockefeller's Will r Relieve Poles Rockefeller Foundation Plans for Relief of Poland Consented to by the Allies. Washington May 12. (I, N. S.) Acceptance of tha offer of the Rocke feller foundation to provide relief for war aufrerers is made by-the entente powers In a cablegram received at the state department today. The ca blegram was from American Ambassa dor Page at London, and read as fol lows: "Foreign Minister Grey bas given me a memorandum, which is to be made public here, conveying consent to the Rockefeller foundation plans for the relief of Poland by the British, Rus sian and French governments, provid ed the enemy governments meet their conditions." It is believed the conditions refer to pledges that none of the supplies to be sent to Poland will reach the Teu tonic armies. 1 Caplan Case May 6c To the Jury Tonight Dlstriot Attorney Demands Death Pen alty for Accused Dynamiters la Argument Guilt Wot Proven. Los Angeles. May 12. (P. N. 8.) The death penalty was demanded by the district attorney today In tha clos ing argument to the Jury In the case of David Caplan. accused dynamiter. Caplan appeared little affected when the request for his Ufa was made. Once or twice during Keyea' address he talked excitedly in whispers to his attorneys. Other times he Just smiled. Defense Attorney Coghlan began his plea for Caplan'a life, shortly before noon. He argued that the atate had not shown where Caplan waa involved in the purchase of the dynamite used in the destruction of the Times build ing. He was the only attorney to speak in Kaplan's behalf. District Attorney Woolwina stated that he would conclude the closing argument and would probably finish tonight if Judge Willis allowed an extra hour's hearing. It waa considered probable that if the extra hour "waa allowed Judge Willis would call a night session for the reading of his instructions. In thin event tha case will go to tha Jury tonight. i 'flsBaasjiMMsSMMMnHBtaMaaaMsessBHSBMBeMMt Two Irijurea' When ; 7 Machine Turns Over John Knko and S. Butwell Are Kurt; Accident Occurs While Making Too Sharp a Curve. A second's indecision caused the wreck of an automobile and the injury of two men at 2 o'clock thia afternoon! when John Zukos, head waiter at the Nortonia hotel, turned his car Into Twewty-fjfth street, at the head of Flanders. Zuzos and S. Butwell, one of four companions, were Injured and taken to St. Vincent's hospital. Zukos was driving west on Fland ers. At Twenty-fifth he is said to have started up the bill toward the hospital, then turned suddenly north. The car swerved around and ran upon the curb, turning around and pinning Zukos beneath. Zukos' companions were waiters at the hotel whom ne waa taking for an outing. They are Butwell, Krnest Cournava, Thomas Stevens and John illsaes. Multnomah Hotel Lease Is Proposed J. C. Donnelly, proprietor of Donnelly Hotel in Tacoma, Makes Offer to Owners of Structure. Following an insepection of the Multnomah hotel yesterday, J. C. Don nelly, proprietor of the Donnelly hotel in Tacoma, made a proposition to the Thompson estate, owners of tha struc ture, to lease the Multnomah for a term of five years. Mr. Donnelly pledges himself to spend $40,000 or $50,000 in improve ments to operate the building as a popular priced hotel. Dispute With Allies To Await Results Washington, May 12. (D. P.) Sec retary Lansing mads- it clear today that he would take no step in the British-American dispute until Ger many demonstrates that she is not making her submarine pledges condi tional on the course of the United States with regard to Oreat Britain. He did not say how long he wouW wait to determine whether Germany Intends to adhere to her promises. Ambassador Gerard waa directed to day to report on what punishment had been' administered by the German gov ernment to the commander of the sub marine that attacked the channel packet Sussex. Any inquiry he makes In that connection will be informal. Wants Committee 7 To Work in Open Washington. May 12. TJ. P.) Sen ator Kenyon today Introduced a resolu tion suggesting that the senata Judl clary committee consider; senate busi ness in the open, with tha exception of International affairs. 'lMt ycatr , a similar measure failed of adoption by a aingle vote. j Curzon to Head Aviation. London. May 11. (I. N. 8 ) Tha Dally Telegraph says it learns that the government will announce Tuesday its decision to create a ministry of avia tion neaaea by tari lursoo. or Ktaia REBEL GENERAL AND ASSISTANT SHOT IN DUBLIN James Connolly, Commander in Chief of Irish Republican Army, and S. McDiarmad, Rebel Leader, Executed. ASQUITH ARRIVES AND HALTS COURTMARTfALS British Premier Approves of Executions of Signers of Proclamation. Xrublln, Kay 13 (X. K. S.) Offi cial announcement of tha execution of Jamas Connolly and . XcDiarmad for participation In the" recent Xrlsa re volt was made nora tola afternoon. Connolly was commander-in-chief of the revolutionary forces. McDiarmad also was on of tha leaders In tha movement. The two were convicted by a court martial on Tuesday. ' General Sir John Maxwell approved the sentences. afcDlarmad's execution leaves only Samoa Ceannt of tha seven signers alive. The others have aU been ahot. ASQUITH STOPS REBEL'S TRIALS FOR REBELLION Washington. May 12. (TJ. P.) Representative Dyer Introduced "a resolution in the house today asking congress to formally denounce the execution of the Irish rebel leaders. Dyer asked tha house to "express tha horror of tha American people of the summary executions by His Brit tanio Majesty's government of Irish patriots who followed the inspiration of tha .American revolution, who. dedi cating themselves to their country's cause, attempted as . an organized force, under the forma of war W erect a republic" London, May 12. (TJ. Vf) Premier Asquith, upon arriving today in Dub lin to take charge of a situation which Is admittedly growing more serious. Immediately ordered postponement of court-martials of rebel leaders pending tne outcome of bis conference with of- facials. He met General Sir John Maxwell. officers of the British army and civil authorities, and urged Maxwell to speedily inquire into the shooting of Kditoc Skerrington without trial, which act aroused Ireland's deepest indigna tion. Several thousand messages protest ing against further executions of rebel leaders have reached Asquith. Many urged the government not to scatter the sparks of a new revolt by severe repressive measures. While agreeing with critics of the government's policy that the killing of Skefflngton was atrocious, Asquith approves the xecution' of the 14 rebel leadeis who havo faced firing squads. He intimated that S. Mc Diarmad and Fiamon Ceaunt. both of (Concluded on Pace TwelT-. Column Two) Child Is Enriched By J. D. Rockefeller Xlttla Q lrl Who Has Savings Bank Zs Given Six Cents by Richest Man la World While on Motor Trip. New York, May 12. (I. N. 8.) A large gray touring car stopped at the Ferry house at Perth Amboy today. In it were three men and two women. They were waiting for the Stater. Island ferry boat. A pink frocked. curly haired youngster stood by the car and eyed it in wonderment. Shyly she put her hand on the dust covered mud guards. A' man, tall and browned, stood In the tonneau, and smiling, leaned toward, the little girl. "Have you & savings bank?" he asked. The curly headed little one nodded. Drawing his hand from his pocket he handed the child six cents. Elated she hurried off to deposit the for tune. The man was John D. Rockefeller. H. L. Oorbett Heads Development Bureau Bow Chairman) Succeeds C. C. Chap man, Whose Verm Had Expired Other Members of Committee HamxL H. 1 Corbett' has been made chair man of the Otregon development bu reau of the Chamber of Commerce, to succeed C. C. Chapman, whose term has expired. The other membeis of the managing committee of this bu reau. announced today, are: John E. Cronan and Emery Olmstead. direc tors, and Edward Cooking-ham. W. P. Dickey, Frank "W. Robinson and Whit ney L. Boise. The managing committee Is com posed of the three directors and four general members, the latter appointed by tha former. Tha committee will serve one year. - Germany to Seize All Freighters. Stockholm. May 12. (I. N. S. (Via London) It is reported here that Germany wUl 'seise all Ger man freight vessels in home ports on June t. The purpose of. the contem PORTLAND YESTERDAY SAID GOOD-BYE to the Twenty-first Inf entry. A tram of 21 cars carried the remaining five companies of the regiment away from the post at Van , couver for Mexican border service. "Where you-all goin'?" asked a colored porter. fl doan zactly know" replied a troop train porter, bat it's souf. Florida, I guess' Arizona is the des tination, however, the" four companies of the Second battalion to Nogales and Company C of the First battalion to Yuma. The rest of-the battalion now stationed at San Diego will join Com pany C there. Yuma will be regimental headquarters, with Colonel Francis H. French in com mand. The big train carried 375 men, 17 of f icers, horses and mules, and wagons. jt ' ft A ' jir kZ-- . lt h ; - ' - ' . f f ' J v V -? - " ' - I 'it ' - ' '-M , k- ; . , ' , 1 NO WARNING IS GIVEN PlifWrS TO AUSTRIAN STEAMER, U, ' Dubrovnik Alleged to Have Been an Unarmed Passen ger Boat Plying in Adriatic. Berlin (Via Wireless to BayVIlla), May-, N.aV)--Th-Ttotro-JJan garian passenger steamship Dubrovnik haa been torpedoed in the Adriatic aea, according to official announcement here today. The Dubrovnik was unarmed and was sunk without warning. Maritime records ehow there are two vessels named Dubrovnik. The vessel torpedoed Is believed to register 481 tons and to hall from Ragusa. The larger Dubrovnik is at Constantinople. Recent reports from Paris and Rome stated French submarines were oper ating In the Adriatic sea. Rome yesterday announced that an Austrian munition transport had been submarined. Possibly the Austrlans declared the same vessel to be a Uner. The Dubrovnik was of 4238 tons. One Day's Debate For 0. & C. Grant Washington, May 12. (WASHING TON BUREAU OF THE JOURNAL.) At conferences between Speaker Clark and Congressmen Kltchln, Mann and Ferris, the latter chairman of the public lands committee, it was decided that the Chamberlain land grant bill shall be given one day's debate. It is expected that the Chamberlain bill will follow the shipping bill of Thursday unless crowed aside for a day or so by appropriation measures. Revolution in Lisbon Report From Spain Troops Have Mutinied Is Word Prom Granada by Wireless to Berlin and Have Set Arsenal Afire. Berlin, May 12. (U. P.) (By wire less via Sayville, L. I.) A revolution has broken out In Lisbon, according to reports from Granada, Spain, by wire less today. Troops were said to have mutinied and set the arsenal afire. Gasoline Prices Manipulated. Washington, May 12. (U. P.) The federal trade commission following its investigation will report that there has been ' artificial manipulation of gasoline prices, it waa said today. The commission has been hearing evidence recently. Sawmill for Sale ' Money-Making Swap People read newspapers to lea-n. the latest happenings. Your Want Ad in The Journal may be a piece of business news for which prospective purchasers await. See pages . Business Opportunities 80 FOR SALE One sawmill and 20, 000.000 feet of timber. Pnralahod Booms 70 FURNISHED room, clean, carline. $4 per month. . near Swap Column 25 $40 C&tavas glove dies and block. complete. Big money made. ' What have you? The average daily circulation of The Journal in Portland and its trading radius exceeds the morn ing paper by several thousands and is practically ' 60 per cent 'greater than its' nearest afternoon contemporary, . , -. ' v - I h i U FRENCH DENY HAVING EVACUATION OF FORTS 'AT VERDUN Germans Announce Storming and Capture of Several Lines of British Trenches, Berlin, May 12. (TJ. P.) Germans stormed and captured several British lines southeast of the Hohenzollern re- doubt, it was officially announced to - The Germans captured 127 British and several machine guns. A coun ter ; attack was repulsed. Paris, May 12. (U. P.) Two heavy Herman nttnr-kii almlncr n f rr-rtnr of Wednesday's French gains on the western slope of Dead man's MIL have been repulsed, tha war office announced today. Near Avocourt wood and In the regions of Douaumontf and Vaux there was .heavy cannonading all night, but the infantrymen kept in their trenches. It waa officially -denied that the French had once contemplated retiring from forts northeast of Verdun. "On the contrary," said the com munique, "February 23, two days after the battle opened. General Decary or dered every point on the right bank of the Meuse held at all costs. "On the evening of the 24 th General Joffre ordered the commanders to 'hold the front between the Meuse and Woevre with every means at your com mand. . "On the evening of the 25th General Joffre, sending General Petaln to take command, reiterated 1 ordered the right bank of the river to Verdun held. Every commander who orders a retreat will ; be courtmartialed.' " to Make FundLvailable Washington, May 12. tt. N. S.)- Secretary McAdoo has asked congress to make available for next year any unexpended balance of the 17,000,08 appropriation fcnada -t wo years ago to defray expenses Incurred by the United States in caring for the interests of belligerent nations .and their citizens In the enemy capitals. . " ' . " PLANNED 0) (L i- PROHIBITION LAW IS OBSERVED BY 'Grand Jury Finds Local Plants Are Living Up to Letter of the Law, No real beer has been manufactured In Multnomah county'' since January 1. The prohibition law in thia regard has ' vl01ated. Rep0rt8 t0 tbe eo,. traryiare without foundation. This is the substance of a special report returned by the Multnomah county grand Jury at 1 o'clock this aft ernoon. The report was , received by Judge Kavacaugh. The investigation was made by the grand) jury, the report states, as the refiult of District Attorney Evans call ing attention to rumors being clrculat- led to the effect that intoxicating Itq i uors were being manufactured in this (Concluded on Pace Two. Column Six) Manufactories on The , Lesser Scale I Worthy of Honor $ !In the apportionment of tt honors, .the small establish- j intent Is entitled to as high a moral Valuation as the largest, ifr t actuated by the spirit of the real worker; which is to say, 4t the real producer. Read, then . and profit by the reading about a trio of smalt estab-' llshroents, on Tha Journal's 4C editorial page today, undes the title "Nothing the Matter With if, Portland."- These exemplify - it those elements which enter into the developing of ground floor it propositions, many of which tt have already been exhibited tat It The journals maustnai artl- ctea, to the vast enlightenment s t and encouragement of the peo-; y -Aple of Portland themselves, to 4a say netnmg or xne journal s xquitltude t disunt readers, m BEING PORTLAND BREWERS Hindu Rebel Once Student atOregonA.C. S. Lall Reported to Have Been Executed With Others for At tempted Revolt in India. San Francisco. Cal.. May 12. (U. P.) News of more executions of Indian rbl h the British was announced here today by Ram Chandra, editor of a Hindu revolutionary paper, ne aaia that Vishnu Ganesh Plngle, formei student of the University of Wasnlng ton. Seattle, and S. Lall, formerly of the Oregon Agricultural college at Cor- vallis, Or., had been hanged for rebeis s-, i i i . .. . i rrT1 ... r"ftf. vamsoV. May 12.-S . Lomer Hinau student at u. a. v,., was i Bar tered aa a "special" in 1913-14 irom St John college. Agra, India. In De ccmber, 1914, he applied for a tran script of Jils college records, renewing the reauest in December. 1915, evi dently with the intention of entering the William Warren school. Palo Alto, Cal. His records show good conduct but scholarship slightly under the average, fci. A. Howeii, secretary oi tha college Y. M. C A., saya tnat so fsr as ha knew Lall was a quiet. cheerful, gentlemanly fellow. Seattle Student an Agitator. Seattle. Wash.. May 12. Informa tion regarding Vistnu Plngley, 24 years of age, a mechanical engineer who spent one year in college in 1913-14 is that he prepared at Lincoln high school. Seattle and registered from Talegoan, India, and was always an agitator around college. When a freshman be tried to sue the class over class fights. In the fights he was tied in a soap factory for 12 hours. Ha waa a member of the Cos mopolitan clubhand Hlndostan cluo, and waa a poor student JITNEY DRIVER QUITS E Man Tells Court He Has Sold Car; Surrenders Badge; Is Fined $5 by Judge, Although H. Jacobson. Jitney driver, of 39 Carrutbers street, purchased a new automobile yesterday, be was enthusiastically In favor of selling tha machine and surrendering his Jitney license to keep from going to Jail thia morning when convicted in municipal court of reckless driving. Jacobson and A, Llschlnskey of 284 Lincoln street, were arrested by H. P. Coffin at Third and Stark streets last night. Tha two machines were racing up Third street and j Jacobson was on the left hand Side, Jockeying to pass his rival. "Didn t you promise tr.e you would go to Jail next time you were brought In 7" asked Judge Langguth. "1 -did that, your honor," Jacobson burst forth, "but I've quit the busi ness. Here's my badge. Take it I don't want it I aold my car this i morning, and X am out of the Jitney business." Taorw?!Ja to go out of business, I'll only fine you 95, but Llschlnsky'a fine will be 110." LIschlnsky then declared: "My God, judge, if I'd a'known thia I would have quit the business too.' After the trial Jacobson walked over to II. P. Coffin, aaylng. "Cann you let mo have that badge Just today T' m The request was refused and the badge waa sent to Secretary of State Olcott with a request for its cancella- tion. With it Coffin requeated that the chauffeur'a license of M. Pearlman be cancelled. .Pearlman waa convicted five time, of traffic violations, and on the sixth arreat on a charge ot speeding, ha left the city for parte vn- known Deny France Most Opposed to Peace Washlagtoa Embassy Olsenssea Xeome Dispatch aerman Embassy Open In I Talk on WUHngaass for reace. Washington, May. 12. (U. P.- Commenting on the United Press dls patch from Rome yesterday, declaring that France was believed more opposed to peace than the other entente allies, the French embassy said today that France was no more against peace than her allies. France la still one for all and alii for one," declared theembassy. The German embassy makes no e mm ARREST ON SPEEDING CHARG cret oi uermany a willingness o laixiiy an noneat oiixcrncs oi opinion. peace. Attacnea sata tnat tne terms would be the sanre as Imperial Chan- cellor von Bethmann-Hollweg named In his reicnstag apeecn. With regard to tha peace paragraphs in Germany s last submarine note, an embassy official said: "That sugges-i ton is a plain declaration of hope that fth. TTnltjwl fit a f a mav 1r tn Hrinarl about peace." - i Mutiny Breaks Out On ItcMattlesHp Tares Xnadred Bailors Deserted Teg. - sel at BaUvU and Paraded nborVs Streets; Sixty Were rnnlsnsa. Amsterdam. May 12-(I, Jsf.. 8.) CVla London )Mutiny has broken out nn board a Dutch hattieahin t t.. according to dispatches from Batavla to tha "Telegraaf," ; Three : hundred sailors deserted the shin anil naraAan stf-the streets of Weltervereden, a suburb of Batavla, Tbe soldiers of the gar rison captured 0 of the mutineers, who were punished. - ' . SECRET CIRCLE OF OBEGOltl FIXES PAVING Threatens Lightner That Un less He Changes Ypteas Demanded Paper Will Not Support Him for Reelection QSKAR RUBER GIVEN POWELL VALLEY WORK Grand Jury Hears. Amazing Story of Invisible Govern ment's Control. I The Secret Circle of the Oregonlan v ' decided that the Powell Valley road should be paved with bitullthlo after the county commissioners had voted to pave it with concrete. The contract for the work was diverted from tha; firm of Montague-O'Reilly to Oskar Huber, who is a client of Dan J. Ma larkey, close to the bosom of the In visible Government of Portland. Tha switch was made in the office of the Oregonlan. according to U-s,tlmony giv en before, the recent grand Jury and admitted by W. L. Lightner, whose vote as county commissioner changed tha result. l The story told the grand Juhy is sub stantially to the effect that the county commissioners had held a meeting; at 1 which the question of paving different roads in Multnomah county wsa din- cussed, and the use of different kinds of pavement on certain roads deter mined upon. The commissioners de cided that the Powell Valley . road should be paved with concrete' pave ment Commissioner Liirhtner insisted' that the Towel! Valley road should- be finished with concrete. Jt was so de cided, and the meeting wee adjourned. After tha meeting Commissioner . Lightner was called to the office ot tha Oregonlan and told that it was de sired to have tha Powell Valley ; road paved with bitullthlo pavement, and to have Oskar Huber given tha contract ' for tha work. l ,1 Lightner demurred because the board at county commissioners had alraady , decided tha question, and because ' he believed in and avrdthe action aU I ready taken. The evidence before tha grand jury shows that Lightner was told that If ha did not consent to the u of bitullthlc and to tha award of the contract to Hober, the Oregonlan- (Crmeinflrd oa r Fifteen. Column Tirol BRANDEIS RETAINED E HE 'LEANS BACKWARD' .Head of Tobacco Company, Regarded Him as Hardest Man to Get1 By, ; Washington, May 12. fj. N. S.J ' The senate Judiciary committee closed hearings on Iouls I) Brandels' ap" polntment to the supreme court today : I after Chairman Harlan, of the Inter I state Commerce commission had given I Brandels a "clean bill of health." I Harlan testified that during the rata I cases Brandels served the public ln- terest in creditable manner. w'miiin.fnn mTTT? itt t r." tWgh beVore' "JSM. tee nVMtlgatlng the qualifications of lMvltt D Brandels as Justice of tha United States supreme court, Louis Liggett of Boston declared today that he employed Brandels to say whether the proposed merger of the United: Cigar Stores and the niker-Hegemart drug stores was legal because Bran dels was known to "'lean backward" rn favoring the enforcement of anti-trust laws. ' We thought that If we coold get by him we could get by anyone," said Liggett's attorney, F. B. Snow. Bran.' dels, they asserted, told them that tha - 1 proposed merger was lawful. Tha forces opposing the confirmation of Brandels' nomination called I Liggett land Snow to show that Brandels was; lout of sympathy with the anti-trust act and that he approved combines which the government believes illegal, Federal District Attorney George I Anderson testified that he thought the - l merger illegal, but said this wa mere ' I Liggett said that tne department or Justice was still suspicious that the I merger might harm competitors If it I wished to do so. and that it was in I violation ot the trust law, although nd suit had been filed. t The merger was completed. $ Dies Unexpectedly Word JUcelved la Caioasw of Faasiag . of William A. Oardaer, Head of CM- eage awwwiw. Chicago. May 12. a. N. S Ham A. Gardner, president of the Chi eago ft Northwestern railway, and one I the best known railroad of ficlala 1n 1 the United States, died at lila summer I home In Ostervllle, Masa, last BlghU ..xnrilinr to m ilisoatch received Mn .XalvaSu .UI. UWAiCA mmm wt Old. ' --... " . ' , Details of his death- were not' re. celved in Chicago. It had not: been reported even that b was ULv,,, MERGER BECAUS plated action la not disclosed. ; . ;.rL: , 4: 1.