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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1910)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 3, 1010. 3 ACREAGE! 87 Ilillsborp f 6 and 10 loiirnd. riot cariiii-: an u - Hillshoro pro tracts, sn fur . out. clone to level 1 ml and the 1 o in FOR SALE FAR3I3 1? . vr low and I ha terms within . the reach of -all. Let US tell;S Y nmi. aK.iit thoaa tracts. r D. Ji. rcarce 41$ Heiirjr Bid. Hillsboro Hillsboro 320 Acres . ... J miles from Ooldendal. 179 In crul- tuatlnn. 0 to 76 acres in wheat: house, lwrn and outbuildings, spring and well; II fenced: $26 per acre; 1-1 crop with the bargain; It's tha beat buy In the country. : - . , ' ;;:-., John Dick ; ' ' 626 Henry Bid. i , Orchard Land ls acrea of rood land at low price. (0 acrea open, about 20 acrea ready to rlow,'. 40 acres virgin timber rest aec fnd growth. -Nice stream of water on land.-land lays fine on county road; a it "id buy at lie an acre. 13 miles outheaat from Estacada. Mt.. Hood J , nd Co., 711 Rothchlld bldg. 5sINK.TK.KN. acrea, near carline at Tl garvllle ; improvement. 8 room houao. 2 large barns, S . root housei, chicken houses; in fact, all necessary outbuilding; 1 wells with rood water; 4 acrea In orchard, all land in cultiva tion.) Thla la surely a desirable subur ban 'nnme: price, lionn. Terma. CAUBEr LAND 1 NVEST M ENT ' CO., i u- L.umiermen a mag jrnone jMin ns TKN ACRE TRACTS . ' Absolutely the beat on the market, mile to electric Una 40 minutes out. Prices from $1260 unimproved to 15000 with hew modern 6-room cottage, barn, windmill, water worka, etc. , telng ia believing! let us show vnu. HOLT REAL ESTATE AND INVEST MENT co., 06 Rothchlld Rids-, Main ((31. , Bunpalow Bargain, $1700 14 00 rash, new and modern, rooms, with bath, cabinet klcben. full base ment, wood hoist wired for electricity, rlaatered, china closet, watnacott with plate rail In dining room, lot 40x100. by owner. Taka Mount Scott car to Anabel station, 1 block south, first bouse eaat green roof. $850 Chotea M acre facing on two streets; will make 4 lota 40x117 each; blocks to carline, -, . , , 'i Spccr & Co. ' ' - f : 1000 Belmont St. s. i' i . l. . ' ' . . IV A( Ht.ti apple land at M osier, on easy terms, from Tabor 696. owner. 245 Glenn ave. 10 ACRES partly Improved, with ulld ings, fine land. flSOO; $1200 cash. rwnw. E-406, Journal. f EXCHANGE REAL KSTATB 24 A GOOD pool hall on west aide, doing a fine business, for sale or exchange for house, lot , , SO acres fine apple land at Estacada, all cleared; will exchange for house and lot in city up to $2000; price, $3000., 4-room ; house, 100x100, corner, In Montavllla:. will take good rooming iouse up to about $700, balance easy terma; price, $1800. 1-acre chicken ranch, good 7-room house; price. $3500; wll take house closer In up to $2600, balance terms. , . v FOR SALE . nv . OREGON LANDS I N FOR M ATI ON BO- ... K.A1T II acres, 1 mile from Eugene, fair buildings, 4 acrea of bearing prunes, ail fruit for family use, 4 aerea good timber; will mak an Ideal home; price j.bu; terma on 2uut). ,. , SO acrea. $ miles from Albany, all In cultivatlun. a-ood hulldinas. sood roads R. K. IX and telephone, plentjc fruit for Wa alao . hava near Albanv acreage. from t aorea to 100 acrea, ready for the plow. $60 per acre. nil sort's, 4 miif?a i runi imiucn'.-. Wash.. 85 acrea fine bottom land; can all be irrigated, I never falling springs, hay crop every year, 60 acrea in cultivation, good house, barn, all outbuildings, water can be piped to house, zou ieot ran; nrlce 18500 . half rash. 104 acrea, Myrtlo Creek, Or., 40 acrea tlllabla land. haJanie oasture. bearing orchard, applea. pears and peaches, well and running creek, s new nouses ana new barns, some saw timber, any amount of wood, U mile from school; urlre 11800. 160 seres. Ciicndaie. ur., q acrea unaer cuillvauon, 60 acrea pasture, o aurrs ifiilfa. plenty of water to irrigate, an bottom land, $,000,000 feet of timber, 00 fruit trees. Ideal country home; price o per acre. - 10J acrea. 1 mile from Buena, Vista, Or., good family orchard, 4S acres in cultivation, good improvements; price $'"o- . .. .. zo acres, junction city, it- an inyei and In cultivation, 4 acres in alrnira. 1 acre orchard, a nod house, barn and out buildings; price 14500; cash $iouo. di- ance 6 veara. Details ORIXJON LANDS INFORMATION BUREAU, Board of Trade bldg. TWIT OTEIi Flows Through This Land blocks from electrio canine, a cent car fare, 5 acres, all good, rich land, and under high atate of cultivation; about S acrea In full bearing orchard, B atory house, barn, chicken and out houses, fruit dryer, chicken yards, etc; variety of small frtilta. Join ing city limits of Vancouver, city school privileges, free mall and telephone service. An ideal chick en and berry ranch. Dirt cheap at $4600; terma. Thompson & Swan CITIZENS NAT. BANK BLDG., VANCOUVKR, WASH. AND 110 JD ST., PORTLAND. Equity in (-room house In Montavllla to exchange for a young team weighing 1400, or better. 7 Good vacant lot on Alberta t. to ex change for heavy work team, harness and wagon; about $600. 41$ Oregonlan Bldg.' M. 7084. ' " AM an old man.Hud want to retire from business. I will exchange my grocery, store, doing nice business. In one of the best residence locations In l"ortland. Stock is clean and business Al. Will take city property. Brown, 411 Pouch bldg. v - . MORTGAGES. " '. I;Uave several Al mortgages paying .big per cent to trade for soma kind of business chance, rooming house pre ferred; can pay cash difference. Peters. V Z. "SWT Eal. " f . m n m m " j if ii. qui m. main III. OHP $0 acres. 24 cleared and enough good green timber on balance to pay for land; Vi mile to sawmill, 2Vi miles to R. R. station and small town, 1 H miles to electric line and only 16 miles to Port land; good, level soli and 6 acres BKAVERDAM; good room house, barn and other outbuildings; ail renced ana cross fenced; owner had to move on ac count of wife's health and will let prop erty go for $100 an acre, which gives the buyer sn opportunity to make an enormous profit in a short time, as the electrio line Is completed within a short distance and Is to be extended through the place within a very few months. The owner has agreed to give right-of-way. Terms If desired. Call and we will convince ou of the aafest Invest ment on the market. CRAWFORD REALTY CO., 335 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Or. FOR SALE FAIIICI Columbia Kiver Frontage 10 acres, all gitod. Mch land, with T50 feet of deep water front- . age, shout 14 acres In full bear ' Ing orchard, balance under cul tivation, except a acrea , of cot- tonwood timber. Old ranch build ings; abundance of miring water; M mile from railroad station on H. P. 4V. H. R. R ; railroad through 1 tract, affording rail and water transportation; close to store; It F. D. mail and telephone ser vice; free delivery or groceries, meats, etc., In fine neighborhood and I miles from Vancouver, on the famous "River Drive Road," Land slopes to the south, . affording finest view of Van couver, Portland, the snow-capped mountains and surrounding coun try. Ideal country home site. Price, If . sold in next 10 days, only $13,600; $7600 cash, balance to suit. . Thompson & Swan CITIZENS' NAT'! BANK BLDG. VANCOUVER, WASH AND 110 2D ST.. PORTLAND. 160 Acres, $12 Per Acre The south U of the S. W. U. the N. K. V of the S. W. i, and the N. W. of the S. E. section-34, township 2S south of ran ire t west W. M.. t miles from Myrtle Creelf, Oregon, on good road: 160 acres best of level, till able soil, 30 acres In cultivation, run ning water, good log house and barn. Laat but not least 4,000.000 feet yellow fir. Buyers that want to scoop a bsr galn go see this anap, then telegraph ua a deposit OREGON ADJI'BTMENT CO.. 64 M th. 110 ACRES with modern house and i . barns. 13 miles from Portland; a fine place 'for subdividing. 40 acres, 1 hour from Portland, on electrio line; can be subdivided and sold at 109 per cent profit. 6 acres, near Portland, on electric line, blocks from station: daep. rich soil, living spring. Terms on all above. BAIRD & BROWN, $13 Ilonry bldg. HOMESTEADS 47 CENTRAL Oregon homesteads that you don't have to live on, located In beau tiful valley; no atumpa or rocks; plenty water and wood; schools, churches, stores, P. O. and -3 railroads now being completed: price $1.28 per acre. A woman whether married or single can take one of these 320 acre claims, Spe cial homesteaders' excursion leaves very two weeks. Write, for descrip tive hook. Central Oregon Development Co box (14, Portland, Or., or call 22$ A hlngton bldg. ' - n A"RES 100 can be cultivated, fln est fruit soil and section. mile from county road. It f ,1. and telephone line. 6 miles from R. R close to port- lsnd. Will surprise you. One man can clnar 10 acres and put It out to trees this spring. Our charge for locating. $400. which will be the best Investment you ever mada. t ' , . OREGON LAND CO.. 215-217 Henry bldg. Main 7413. WE can locate you on 20 acres of rich government land In S. K. Oregon. In the section about to be opened up by the Illll and Harrlman lines and afford ing the best opportunity left In the IT. S. to get a homestead; our agent baa been on the ground four yesre, knowa the country thoroughly and leavea with partvfor locators enout February i; consult Mm at our office.' ' THE HART LAND CO., J4 Second St. FOUR homesteads, lying close to good' road, within & miles or good town, relinquishment 3,000.000 feet yellow fir, some cedar. We ran locate You In Tillamook, Lincoln,' Crook, Lake and Klamath counties. DAVIS A BUITKAMP, fi With BUSINESS CIIANCKS SO 0 Dekum WILL leave Portland parties to locate on 3 bldg. FebT DIAMOND REALTY CO., Room 14, aojH WnNhingtoii at. $125, 76 cash, furniture of 4 room flat, rent $16. at Williams ave. and Knott st; this Is u good one, ; ' $200, half cash, buys a restaurant and lunch counter near' courthouse, rent, in cluding water, only $17; you want apmo t h lhggood 'or.ii- money. , . WELL established real estate office, good list well located, and nicely furnished, on east side; wilt sell cheap as I have other business .to attend to. Will spend ono week making purchaser familiar with the details. East Hide Investment Co., $7th and Hawthorne. Tabor 1147. A Great Opportunity. Partner wanted In a first olass room ing house proposition! Tbi" la well worth your while to Investigate. Only $406 required. If you want a business call and get further particulars. Globe Brokerage Co., 211 4th at. Small Dairy for Sale v " Splendid location, good short route, low rent, price reaaonable. Will take good small team as . part pay. . Also dairy, with cows, for rent C. I Dlx, Arleta. . . ' , ' T , Here You Are Light grocery, cigar and confection ery, with 6 furnished living moms, do-, Ing $26 dally; rent $16; to see Is to buy. rnce tow; terms. 1'cters, 16 N. 6th st hotel HELP WANTED FEMALE 2 WANTE1 Young ladlea to study com mercial telegraphy; good positions; Individual Instruction; day and evening; Investigate. Oregon Vollege, 83 6th, corner Oak. . WANTED A middle aged woman for chamber work, one that goes home nights, at the Standard House, 131 H N. (tfi at ' , - ' ' , , ' ' ' . , , STENOGRAPHERS taking our special day or evening drjll, any system, we place In positions. Eclectto Business tlnlverslty. 429 Worcester bldg. WANTED Gill for general housework . Good wages, i Apply tm wt mt north, morning! before 10, afternoons arter u. FURMSnED KO0M3 WEST SIDB I NICELY furnished suite of r. sultablo for J or 4 gentlcrtent modern oonvcnlences, hot running tor. bath, heat, light phone; neighborhood; rent $20. I'honeAl TWO nice cloati rooms. U I" each. bath, nhone. 195 N. 17tl , UOTELS h CHOCOLATE dinners wanted. aoo wages, steady employment. , Pacific Coast Biscuit Co., 12th and Davis at. WANTED "Young and bookkeeper: . work In store also. lady stenographer must be willing to 72 Sixth. MAID .wanted for general housework -In family of three, wages $13. 34 29th at.. Willamette Heights. M. 683 toAtoTKOl-Chlldreii'B nil rum must 1 experienced, with gmd references. St IjOuIa, 246 V Washington, Main 2039. GJRL'for aeneral housework7i In fain lly; German girl preferred: reforcnoea rt"i,irra. pel mnimoi CKGCOLATM dlDDer: muat be fi class., call after ,10 a. m. Bwetianaa, z Morrison si. mm ores nl 60 acres with 25 of cultivation, all acres of. fine saw body, nice spring land all lies' nice, acres in fine state good rich soil, 10 timber, all In one and fine well; the no rock, irult for family use. good buildings; Is on good road, only ( miles from Oregon City; farm Implements and stock go with the place. Price $4650. R. E. WOODWARD. . Over the Bank of Oregon City, Oregon city, or., tiox 4. 0 acre home steads In central Oregon. Location fee $76. location fee on coast $100. Re- Inaulsuments 1260 un. Nimmo A ltiiney. 13 Hamilton bldg, ' FJNE prairie land In Montana, good i grass, no sagebrush, close to railroad: Join us next week. A. Underdaul, room A, Lunrber Exchange bldg. GERMAN-AMERICAN REALTY CO. IF YOU want a good20 aore bome etead, see ma at once, I will return to Crook county in about 10 days. Call on me or address fid Eaat Ankeny st, Portland. Or. THE opportunity of a life time for homesteaders; act quick. (10 Swet- lana. 23 KOOM noiel In heart of bus ness district oak furniture, everything in goon condition; long lease: doing bl; business: rent $140: price $2000. wort $3000. Call for particulars. Resson. leaving ony. Kooni 8, SftZ Washlngtor Tl l!ST A ITU A Xlf One In tha lirnrl nt thm r.(lr nnl tit doing Al business; well worth $360, but yuurs iur f iou ii laxen at once, t'eters. 15 IV. 6th St. ' . A BARGAIN Will sell my confection ery and . cigar ., bualnesa, , long, lease, rneap rent, living rooms, an Ideal place for man with pwn help. See owner, I.I I St ST. WANTED Man with $6000 for fine estaousnea Dusmess, guarantee 60 per cent profit on Investment yearly; money fully secured. . For particulars 62(14 waaningion St. FOR SALE Woodyard doing a good" nunlneas, finest , location ln city horses, wagons and wood saws; got TIMBER 28 4.000.000 ft. yellow fir timber. In Slleta relinquishment can be scripted; (. 000,000 feet yellow fir in Yamhill coun ty, vry cheap. DAVIS BUITKAMP, 610 Dekum bldg. WANTED FARMS 38 WANTED Farmer with land to clear powder and slump puller not needed. work wen done. O-402. JournaI! 160 ACRES, eastern Oregon, near Mad ras; fine wheat land. 70 acres ready for plow; $3200 equity $2000; will take house and lot north of Tillamook. 420 Lumber Exchange. TO. TRADE for house and lot or close In acreage, 80 acres good wheat land In Morrow county, 4 miles R. R. station; all fenced and under cultivation. For particulars write Gresham r. jr. p. Box 144. - 6,600,000 No, 1 yellow fir to exT . change for a close In residence. O. A. Graham, 204 Mohawk Bldg. Tel. A- 321,. - -' "i" HAVE good patent worth at least $10 000; will trade for real estate. Citv property preferred, F. 3, Weber, 654 Vaughn. - OR sale or exchange, several head of cows, young stock, hors and wagon, lor vacant lot, Oregon Citej iworse, aieiarum station. EXCHANGE for Portland property: 8 lots; all in fruit; 6 room modern bouse. Orange, Cal. 614 Swetland bldg. IF you want to sell, ouy or trade, see Shoemaker, 627 Henry bldg. Main MUST SELL. . 105 acres of fine soil, 70 acres cleared and most of balance slashed and burned. Good two story 9 room house, fine large barn and other outbuildings. ' Large family orchard; good well at house and place all fenced and cross-fenced (new). This is only 14 miles from Portland, in a fine neighborhood and close to rail road station, -atore and school. Two cows, fine team, chickens, wagon, buggy. Harness, mower, rake, narrow, plow, nil other farm teola and crop.; R. F. D., telephone and cream route. Price $75 fier acre. Easy terma. Land In this mmediate vicinity is selling. for more than 9125 an acre, but in order to sell at once this great sacrifice la made. Look at this at our expense and be con vinced of the greatest Investment on the market. CRAWFORD REALTY COMPANY, 335 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Or. How Is This for. a Bargain? And Near Portland, Too. 70 acres, 10 acres In cultivation, 76 bearing fruit trees, small fruit, balance land In oak and fir timber, 2 springs and the land Is rich, black loam, slopes to south and wesf, mile to school, 6 room house, barn and other outbuild ings, 3 milk cows, 1 heifer, 48 goats, 45 chickens, plow, harrow, disc drill, mower, rake, cultivator, sheep shearing machine, wagon, buggy, full set small tools, all furniture, all the feed, 25 sacks potatoes; everything In good con dition. All goes for $2500, cash. Henkle & Harrison 511 Gerllnger bldg. TWO POSITIVE SNAPS. 40 acres, ( cultivated, 26 acres pas ture, with water running through; coxy house, best of soil, fair barn and other buildings: horse, buggy, wagon, imple ments, cow, heifer calf. 60 chickens. 100 bearing fruit trees; furniture; photoa In office. Price $1650; terms. 45 acres, 26 cultivated; small but comfortable house, 3 hen houses, etc.: close to good town, good neighbors and school close by: running water through pasture; Just. the place for a home and a fine little place for diversified farm ing. $2600; terms. ROSE CITY REALTY & INV. CO., 515 Lumber Exchange, "II. IBM A good house, barn and outbuildings, city water, all kinds of small fruit and fine young bearing orchard, rich soil, fine drainage, on good street, splendid view of Portland, river and 3 enowcaps, only 2 blocks from new carllne. There are OH large lots, all for $1600. WM. SMITH, Over Bank of Oregon City, Box -45. YOU owe it to yourself to write or talk to us if you want a farm. We have all kinds in all parts; owners' prices; choice dairy, stockraislng or sheep ranches to small home or diversified ranches down to small home or diversi fied farm propositions close to city. ROSE CITY REALTY & INV. CO., 515 Lumber Exchange. ROOMING HOUSES FOr. !-.LE 53 Rooming Houses Who wants a good cheap rooming house? Good location and your own terms? Call Marshall 695. 24 rooms, rent -$80, lease 2 years, siz&o: terms. 16 rooms, rent $75; 2V4 years' lease; rood furniture. I860: terms. 18 rooma, rent $65, 2 years' lease; 31400: V4 cash. 29 rooms, rent $75. 3 years' lease; this Is a snap. 31200: terms. 20 rooms, rent $76, 2 years' lease; $1000, balance to suit; furniture good fine location. 17 rooms, in good location, rent $40; $1000; lease. 21 rooms, rent $60, lease 1 year; can get $1600; Vi cash; good furniture. 13 rooms. $600; rent $30. 25 rooms, rent $100, lease 2vi years, $2100; cash, k city property. 401 SWETLAND BLDG. IF you want something else for what 7u nave, can ii j-tpnry bldg.- - u13 Tr y111"3?- What have you? . i. it at v-u., ai or Trade. WJLL trade lots for horses, wagon, har- ". iiuiK-H prererreo. -35. journal. WILL get you an v thine- in trada tor anything you have. 322 Honrv hlriir. g you have. 322 Honry bldg. - EXCHANGE MISC. OR "SWAP" COLUMN 29 ii-ui.A iw exenange ior painting, pa- Derhanalns . or cimtnt wnrk R80L oia violin for a diamond. 67 Labbe bid.. Washington st WANTED REAL ESTATE 81 WANTED City property, vacant or lm proved acreage in small and large tracts; we 'are selling property right along ti(i htv, more clients than wo Lave utabIejroperty; give us. a trial. ' , . ,.: SHOEMAKER INV. CO.. V ' ' 627 Henry bldg. HAV23 buyer for a small place, from 1 to IS acres,, well located and im- ; rII?'ad a a farm ,n neighborhood 1 of $6500. is V.. ' C L. HAMBERGER. BOS Chamber of Commerce. llAVE buyer for a large bodv of cheap stump land, well located; please send romplete description; the land must be a bargain. . ; . - i';r -!.HAMBERGER. Main 6124. 608 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED 100x100 or more Soinlna proposed Ught of way of O. R. & " Vancouver carline and fiV' S. R. R.J must be snap. Phone Woodlawn $14. Ask for Mr. Henshaw. WE want several vacant lots that are . offered at bargains. We can use sev-f-t these, especially In the Alberta Jllstrlct and on the W. W. line. Smlth Wagoner Co.. 811-813 Lewis bldg. ' A NTED Close In lot east side, for ' homo, also business corner; no agents, give location, description and lowest r.r,'-. Clarke, 21$ All sky bldg. 3d and Jfnri'lson, WANTED, LOTS. Cash for good lota, Vernon district preferred HOWARD LAND CO., " ' j 420 Hwetland Bldg. - -W A NTJOD Not less than 160 acres; most be on Willamette river; will pay fl to $200 per acre; owners only. V. II Mrlifusa Investment Co., 233 Alder. .iI.rr.L nioJi cottage by reeponstbla Van lea, small payment down, balance r '.xtK:!. TrU-phone Kttnt 6493. (VAN! J . I A iTiinxsiow: nuTet be a ba' S.n. pot over $2200. X-390, JoutnaL Farms for Sale 70 acres. 12 In cultivation. 80 bearlne trees, 8 room house and outbuildings, right at depot, finest of soil; a rare bar gain at $2800, half cash. 18,600 acres range and alfalfa farm, eastern Oregon; price $8 per acre, terms. 75 acres, 60 acres open bench land, running water , year round, on publio road, well fenced, $14 per acre. 12 acres, 1 miles from Hood River Heio-hts. fine house and barn, new: elec tric light all set to ft-utt of the finest varieties, 3 years old; a bargain at $1000 per acre, good terms. IOWA-DAKOTA LAND CO, 418 Swetland bldg. FOR SALE. 60H acres. 80 In cultivation, balance pasture and timber. 19 miles from Port land and one mllo West of Mlddleton, R. F. D. and telephone in house, water in house and creek through place, all necessary buildings, plenty of fruit. No. 1 orchard land; price $5000 or $6000 with stock and implements. J. L. Ken.' Sherwood, Or.. R. F. D. 3. Box 52. 62 acres, 11 miles west of courthouse. 6 room house, large barn, school across the street, thickly settled, 20 acres in cultivation. 20 easily cleared. rood place to cut In small acreage; price 7800, $3800 cash; owner sick, must sac rifice. DTAMO'ND REALTY CO.. Room 14. 303 his Wash. St. Everything Hut My Wife and Child Furniture of 30 room rooming house, all new, $2200. terms. Also furniture of 16 rooms, $850, terms. Both rooming houses in the VERY HEART V Of Portland's business section. Best of transient business; fine list of perma- nents. Lonsr Lease Must go back to farming. -Must dis pose of my interests here. Call owner, 343 MORRISON ST. . $1800 Will buy furniture of a 23-room house (brick), nice and clean, well located; furniture in the very best of condition; good carpets; in fact,, it is away above the average. Has gpod patronage. Otto & Harkson Realty Co. 133 First Street ittend to. E-401. other business to Journal FOR 8ALE-r-Cafeter!a, complete, doing a Dig ousiness; Deat downtown loca tion. Owner has pressing business out or city and must leave. Address P. O. Box 34, city. A TRUSTWORTHY pariy with few hundred dollars and services, can find a good opening with responsible peopla Will stand closest Investigation. E-409, Journal. , Sawmill for Sale Capacity 15,000 daily.' Easy terms to responsible parties. Address Box 474, Arleta. for particulars. PARTNER wanted; strictly cash buai ness; pay energetic man $4 day; ex perience unnecessary; $200 required. Particulars, 248 Stark st. A GOOD grocery buy, close in. Too old to run the business. $376 takes the business as It atands. Brown, 411 t ouch bldg. ' . ROOMING HOUSE. 8 rooms, rent only $25; can easy clear $50 per month; worth $800; for quick sale $300, cash. 101 10th st. HELP WANTED MALE 1 WANTED Able bodied men for the U. S. Marine corps, between the ages of 19 and 35; must b native born or have first papers: monthly pav 315 to 369: additional compensation possible; food, clothing, quarters and medical attend ance free. After 30 years' service csn retire wRh 75 per cent of pay and al rowances. Service on board ship and ashore in all parts of the. world. Apply at New Grand Central hotel, Portland, Or. WANTED Seamstress and apprentice for dressmaking. ; 44 Hamilton Didg. 131 3d st. Mrs. Hunter. - GIRL for housework. 1209 Hawthorne ave., corner 41st HELP WANTEDMALE AND Vvl-FEMALE 20 10.000 POSITIONS Tor rraduates last year: men and wo men learn-barber trade In ( weeka; help to secure positions; graduates earn (ll to lis v ceaiyt expert instructor; xooia free: write for catalog. Molar System Of , Colleges. 16 N. 4th St.. Portland. N1G1 IT SCHOOL for shorthand, book keeping, typewriting, arithmetic grammar, eta; positions assured to those, competent. Eclectlo Business" Uni versity, 629 Worcester blk. WANTED To meet some ladles or gentlemen who wish to take a trip east Drexel hotel. 3d and Yamhill, room 623: hours. 2 to 8 and 6:30 y 8:30, WANTED Men and women to learn to dance correctly. The best school In town offers half rates this month. Ring lr's, Grsnd ave. and E. Morrison. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES 53 C. R. Hansen & Co. GENERAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. Main office, 26 N. 2d at, Portland. Ladles' department, 7th and Wash, sla.. upstairs, -Port land. 424 Front ave., Spokane. $7-89 4th st, San Francisco. Established 1876. . HANLEY at TAPLEY EMPLOYMENT CO., headquarters for TL R. work. 2ft N. Id st WANTED AGENTS SALESMEN wanted to take our cash -weekly selllna choice nursery stook. outrit rree. Capital City Nursery jo fisilavm ri- SITUATION WANTED MALE 3 ' . - MUNICIPAL . 270 MADISON. BET. 3D AND 4TH MALE AND FEMALE HELP NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYER OR EMPLOYE MAIN 3655. A-B624 ' mh,.n wamibu Experience unneces sary, for firemen or brakemen on near by railroad; account increasing business; no striKo; age zo-so; 88O-1100 monthly; promotion; 1200 men sent to positions In last four months: send stamn: state era weight, height , Railway Association, care Journal. - WANTED Salesmen; many maae $100 to 1150 ner month: some even more. stock clean, grown on reservation, far ly; choice of territory. Address Wash ington Nursery Co., Toppenlnh. Wash. WANTED An experienced Jewelry salesman: one who does watch repair ing preferred: apply between hours 10 and 12 a. m. and 3 and 6 p. m. to Gevrutx Bros., East Burnside and Union ave. MEN WANTED To prepare for rail way mall examinations, commence ment salary $800. Preparation free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 308L, Roches- i ter. N. Y. 20 ROOMS on Washington St., close in. Best rooming house ouy ever offered. Owner leaving city. 29 rooms, transient, on Morrison St., good furniture, new carpets, clearing $175 per month. Special if taken this week. PORTLAND ROOMUG HOUSE CO., 313 Henry bldg. Acreage Near Railroad 2000 acres locaed off land. $12.50 per acre; 5 ml. from station; easily cleared . Dud Irrlvotari . t Hickok Realty Co. 623 Board of Trade. A-7111 ROOMING houses, any size at prices to sutt; we buy, sell and exchange. PORTLAND ROOMING HOUSE CO.. 318 Henry bldg. . , I Want Farms Improved and unimproved: this Is not wind, nor Is it a fake: It 1s an honest firoposition and will prove It to you f you call on mei have letters from 268 German families that are contem plating to.come to Oregon In the spring to buy farms of different sixes. I have only a few unsold on my list. I ap peal to you who are willing to sell; give me a chance. I will prove satisfaction to all concerned; will give reference if you so desire. Call or write me, giv ing exact location and all particulars, and will-prove myself as above stated. John Dick 626 Henry Building. Do You Want a Home Where lung and rheumatic troubles are practically unknown 7 Where grasses grow green the year round, -and you raise two crops of corn on the same ground the same year? Where the soil Is a rich sandy loam, and in the great oil region In the world? Where we guaran tee a perfect title, and fresh. Wholesome water ajt a depth not. to exceed 15 feet? w nere you can buy on me easy payment pian: This land la round in CHICKEN ranch, 6"4 acres; 3 large chicken houses, good yards, good well, house 16x24 unfinished; price $2750. F. L. Cole, owner, Gates station, Gres ham or Cazadero car. FOR SALE 8 room boarding house In good location; lz Doarciers; aiso ransient. For particulars, phono Tabor 411. MINING STOCKS 68 FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE FOR RENT FARMS 14 FOR RENT 7 acres good land; no rocks or gravel; good 4 room house. close to Gates station, o. V. P. line: wood, chickens, furniture and farm Im plements for sale. For particulars see Geo. .Mammon-at ates station. UNLISTED STOCKS AND BONDS. Before buying or Belling any MINING, OIL, WIRELESS or INDUSTRIAL stocks or bonds try fls. . We handle bargain; only, Buy, sell ot trade. Con sult uh by phone, in person or by letter. WE E, DAVIDSON & CO., Lewis, bldg. " - 4th and Oak sts. 320 ACRE farm, very suitable for dairy business; about 100 acres clear new house, water and big barn: 15 miles from Portland. See owner, 310 K. i tn st. . 15 ACRE farm at Sylvan, Or., 2 miles west of Portland. For particulars in quire Mt. Zion Grocery, Portland Heights. Main 8496. THREE acres, one acre in strawberries, house, barn, etc.; take Alberta car to Killlngsworth and 30th st; go mile east. C F. Siemsen. FRUIT LANDS 40 111 iiioi; IOWA-DAKOTA LAND CO.. 418 Swetland bldg. Of 160 acres 5 miles from Roosevelt In Klickitat county, Wash.; 120 acres of unable soil, 27 of which are now in cultivation, balance ready for the plow; good bouse and outbuildings. 1 acre In orchard, fine water, 4 horses, 3 cows, 80 chickens and all farming machinery and iiousenoio goods go wltn the place; owner must leave; a sacrifice at $2000. Call for particulars. 'WWFIMIMIIIfl 325 Lumber Exchange. . ATTENTION DAIRYMEN! We hava fur ul, tha ' I..., , .t oldest established aairy In Baker Citv to tuuu per month. Purchaser steps Into estab lished business., Price $7600, Will not last long. , . v. BAKER IRRIGATION COMPANY, ' Baker City, . "Hither Hood" Apple Land 80 acres, 7 miles from O. W. P. line; E acres cleared, 40 acres open land; some timber; good buy at $26 per acre. Mt. Hood Land company, 711 Rothchild bldg. IRRIGATED LANDS 42 IRRIGATED LAND. Our 6 10 and 20 acre suburban farm and orchard tracts-are located on the sunnyside of the Baker valley, the most beautiful and productive valley in the northwest. We plant' and care for or chards for non-resident owners for five years for less than $250 per acre, in cluding price of land. Liberal terms. Write us. Land Dept BAKER IRRIGATION CO., J3aker City, Or. 7000 SHARES of stock, fully paid and nonassessable, in the greatest mining region in the world; par value $1 per share. M-899, Journal. MINING and industrial stocks; tele fihone end other bonds bought and d. C. 8. Fletcher. 126 Ablngton bldg. BUY Calumet Buena Vista copper stock, 10c share; nothing better. 209 Allsky. iF you wish to buy or sell mining stocks, call on 3. B. Purcell. 810 Oak. BUSINESS CHANCES 20 OYSTER and chophouse, good location, cheap rent.- Must sell at once; good business; $500. cash $400, balance $25 monthly. E-400, Journal. rf WANTED A live man to drive coffee and tea wagon. ' Trade Is well estab lished: salary and commission paid; cash bond of $200 required. " C-400, Journal. STUDY LAW. Day and night classes. Third term .begins February 7, with new classes. Portland Law School, 630 Worcester block. Phone A-5446. En- roll now. - ' WANTED Man and wife to take on shares a small vegetable farm with orchard 15 miles from city on level road. Inquire 207 Commercial block. : Main 4989. I YOUNG married man with reference and 10 years experience in the lumber Dusinees as snipping ciera ana yara foreman would like position with chance of promotion. A-4 02, -Journal. CARPENTER,' experienced, desires posl , tion In large hotel or office building as maintenance man." C-397, Journal. CARPENTER and builder; new or re patr work: day or contract ' Phone Woodlawn 1236. FOR excavating, lawn grading, lot clearing, plowing, etc. Phone wood lawn 2467. 1 GOOD male stenographer wants posi tion; 'can also keep books. A-406, Journal. . . ,. ' ' " '' " ' COOK M ea t 1 pa s tVy ; country or camp; sober and steady; wishes po- sltlon. E-408, Journal. WILL' do your paperhangtng or other Interior work cheaper than the shops. E-406, Journal. -, ' - POSITION wanted as meat cutter; male ket and hotel experience. C-398, Journal. HOTEL PORTLAND, , European - only; tl. 16 day. . BELVEDERE. European 4th and ROOMS AND BOARD REDUCTION mada on largo froi If taken by two young Uadh-s tlemen; , also one sleeping run board and comforts of homo; i per week, with two meals dal', 881 H 4th at. - LARGE, newly furnished fron j first class board for two o f furnace heat, bath, phone, $2. month each. 173 lti at. ; BOARD optional, largo r""'"( , gentlemen, siricny privma i adults) select environment, lan place, furnare, I baths, llawthori ..,. 4.. Al-lrlr.t I'd, inn Tabor 2M ROOM and board, clean prlva I e Ing house; . home cooking; $4 week. 283 N. 16th at. BOARD and room, geiitlom'n, family, borne cooking. .266 11 st. Main 7868. '. ' . ' ROO MS with or without board; I home, strictly, home cooking. Bin St. JN. Hiking. nil fut 663 Wash., near HUtU W front room, sultablo for 3 gon ' home cooking a specialty. - . I HOAkD and. room for 2 slngM bath, phone, parlor, piano. week. 191 11th. Flione Main ROOMS with or without bo. housekeeping rooms. 293 V and E. Clay. R. E. West. NICELY furnished rooms, 1 phone, 12th st. with or M. 7779. without bi HOTEL- IPAWO ROOM AND i SMALL room with board, $23.t 3d. The Hollywood. NiOE' front room with board In residence. Phone East 1329. WANTED ROOM AND BOA WANTED Room and board by man and bis little daughter: 1 family preferred. A-409. Jouri UOL'SEKEEPINO 11003 WEST SIDE , NICELY furnished housekeeping $ rooms, bath, hot and cold .watei. phone, gas, electrio lights; also alngle rooms, from $1.60 up; an elegant largs i front room, suitable for two gentlemen. 208 17th st. 8. Phone Main fySO nicely furnished housekeeping f rooms, with use ot piano ana pnm and bath: rooms on first noor from carline and only 8 blocks postoffice, for $16 per month lren. 30 waraei it. ' ' 1 t r; H 1Y i from j i; no i THE SUTHERLAND Newly furnU housekeeping rooma, noi ana coiui ter. , electrio lights, gas ; ranges. hath and phone. corner 27th and Main 2036. 16th- or W. Thurman. can A-4. W ELL furnished housekeeping roon , $8 month. 3 for $iz: cottage. lower flat. 4 rooms. XIC: unlurnl house. $10. 364 L'fi tn, iMortn. "w i from depot 3d or Morrison to block north. ; -. rlfan furnished front rS "for rent, and basement 'kitchen j cooking. 1 sleeping room and kit utoatairs. Both furnished for rent 1 r at 667 Everett st. THREE nice large sunny rooms oi floor, furnlsnea complete ior i keeping, for $16 per month; the faces the beautiful park block. , 4 OLEAN neat connecting suite off keeping rooms; cam, r gas; private norue. ami rison st. - T fori.'v week ap, Isrge, clean. furnlsh. 184 Sherman.' South keeping rooms: parlor, laundryj 1 Alder, neaf business; con reasonable, gas range batli Call early. Phone Main 4897. THE COLLINS, 603 H Alder, ne - nlnhed h Ausokeenlna rooms, i en suite; phone, bath, central loj LARGE. Iiaht and clean rooi nlshed complete for houscxeeit Thurman et. A GOOD carpenter, wants work, Inside preferred. B-400, Journal. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE 4 WANTED By refined widow, stranger In city, housekeeper . in widower's home, or for two gentlemen; beat ref erences. c-407, Journal LADY wishes position as housekeeper; refined. : musical. . aood cook. D-403. Journal. A LADY who is very fond of children would like 1 or 2 to care for.' B-409, Journal. " iIF you are a salesman earning less than $175 a month, it will be to your ad vantage to talk with us. .' Must local reference and furnish bond. 220 Com. Club bldg. DERBY have Call low prices hats, rent In possible. 13 values, basement $1.00. makes Our low der, cor. 6tb. The Hattery, 315 Al- WE aid our members to secure em ployment. Constant demand for young men of ability and integrity. Special Employment Membership. Y. M. C. A. WaNTBD Young men to study, rail way telegraphy; good positions; day and evening classes; investigate. Ore- -on college. bin, corner oak. A GOOD. by day. reliable woman wishes work Mrs. Hilt Phone Main 9390. COLORED lady wishes work aa Cham bermald. Call East'4819. GOOD dressmaker wants work by tho day; $3.25 a day." Phono East 5921. WOMAN wants housework by the hour! Phone Main 3297. 189 W. Park st. WOMAN wants work . by day; rcfer- enccs. Phone East 2039. DRESSMAKING 40 SHIRTWAISTS, 76c; skirts. $2.60; Princess, $5.00 and up; work guaran teed. Main 8776. ; TWO housekeeping rooma suit:! couple or two working peopll reasonable, close in. 38 North NEWLY, furnished "housekeeping reasonable; free pnone amu 645 Washington st., near lth.y CAMBRIDGE building. 3d and M st, furnished for housckeeplni desirable. Apply room 36. PLEASANT housekeeping suit reasonable.. ' 482 , Washingto Portland theatre, TWO and 3 room suites, eomolett nlshed for housekeeping, $2.6 $3.50. 245 N. 17th. Main 1181 THREE room suite, with private on lower floor; also a room finely furnished. 290 12th. THREE large, sunny house!- rooms, walking distance. - 85. st. Phone Main 6076. .; ' 3 NICELY rooms; gas, Hall st. . furnished ;i hous'i electrio light, b 435 MAIN cor. 12th., suite of twj for housekeeping; hot and coll free phone, bath. - f- FOR RENT Three unfurnished A housekeeping rooms. , , InqUiil naieign near z.ia. j - UNFURNISHED RCJOMS f 10 COMFORTABLE housekeeping now vacant, central, cheap. 32 N TWO front housekeeping roonif pnone, ngnx ana bain. - as Ns l NICELY1 " furnished, light airy r $2.260 $3.25 per week. 241 15 LARGE bowl of rice, 6c; coffee or cocoa with snails, 6c; beans, 6c; beat bean soup, be; ciam chowder with crackers, 10c. Owl Rice Kitchen. 66 4th. FINE opening for young man, experi ence unnecessary, small capital re quired; must be wide awake. Call 326 Washington' st., room 417. WANTED Good sober young man to learn driving and repairing automo biles. Apply at once to 52 N. 7th, cor ner Davis. CONFECTIONERY and lunch parlors; live southern Oregon town; $600; rent $15; fine climate; good buy.v 313 Washington st, room 30. NICE confectionery and grocery with living rooms; will take- part trade: will give a bargain If sold soon. Call room 719, Board of Trade.? BARBER shop for sale, 5 chairs, doing good business good location, cheap rent, good reasons for selling. C-894, Journal. PARTKER wanted used to farm pro duce, guarantee good : salary; also profits? small investment required. Par ticulars, 48 Stark st. WHEN you want a good tamale call at Hum & Ray'a tamale parlors; guaran teed the best in the city. 173 11th and Yamhill sts. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPOND-. ENCE SCHOOLS, SCRANTON. PA. REED & PIERCY. ' 311 McKay Bldg. Phone Marshall 697. WANTED Honest man with $200 to take half Interest in traveling motion picture show. For particulars call 526 Wash, st. " f ALL kinds of rancn help wanted; also 3 lady housekeepers. Inquire 'at the Madras Employment Office. Frank H. f ratt, prop. , HOMESTEAD! CAN locate some good timber home steads with from 6.000.000 to 8. 000. 000 feet of fine yellow fir, mostly relinquish ments; price ior claim irom 30t to 3?ooo. 803 Wash, st, room 26. HARNEY, county homesteads; best inA Oregon, near surveys or two railroad.-), good soil: locate soon to get the best J. 1). HAYES & CO., - , v 802 Swetland Bldg. For two days we will., locata. von In central Oregon on 160 acres; fee 125. 206 4th st. WE ARE locating 320 acre claims, near ' Lakevlew, Or., close-to railroad. W. ja, HARTLEY, ill Swetland bldg. GROCERY Owner retiring; established 10 years; price sacrificed. Partlcu- lars, Z48 stark st. . HAVE good business -proposition. Want to hear from party with capital to Invest A-401, Journal. .,. -. VANTED Neat, honest young man with little-money, to show property and work In office. 225 6th st WANTED Partner, lady or gentleman, with $500; splendid opening for right party. D-401, Journal.- ROOMING HOUSE wanted for cash; must be" in good location. Room 8, 862 Washington. , WANTED Lady partner In photo studio BOOKKEEPING, private tuition in bookkeeping given by an accountant' 301 Merchants' Trust bldgi 6th & Wash. MEN wanted to .take rooms at the Vic--tor house, 171 Front st, by night 25c and 60c; $1 a week and up. . WANTED Men and - women desiring nomesieaas. j.a.n ana see us. yve have BOmethlng-new. 206 '4th st. ' 6 NEW ROOMS, gas,'"bath, $l$i alngle rooms, a.ou. iu maraet st. FURNISHED ROOMS WEST SIDB O HOTEL BRESLIN. " ' 1 422 , Washlneton. Cor. 11th. - Steam heat, hot and cold water, baths. nicely furnished rooms, $3 per week up transient rates $75o up. ' : FOUR room housekeeping apartments, also two large front rooms, nicely fur nished and steam heat; free phone and light. 1 Vallamont Hotel, W, Park and Yamhill sts. , NICELY: furnished room in modern home, would be suitable for 2. 57 Trinity place, between 19th- and 20th,' near Washington. Main 6337. or A-4744. LARGE : newjy rurnished rront room, modern; : bath and toilet walking dis tance, $4 per week. . Home Phone A-7336, or can at z t iviuntam"ery "i. FOR rent - In beautiful private home. . nicely furnished alcove for one or two gentlemen, very '.. reasonable; walking distance. A-6723. . . t , THREE rooms, $5 per month, 406 ton road. Call 650 E. 7th st, Lincoln. - , TWO desirable "well Pat-near furnished. Haht $3.60. 212 .7th st. HATS cleaned and reblocked, 60c. The . Hattery, SIC Alder, baaement ' N.;E. cor. 6th and Alderr - CHEF headquarters and helpera Cali fornia Wine Depot 285 Yamhill, next to Journal. - SOLICITOR for cleaning and dyeing works; one with city experience. Call 490 Wash. st. doing good business. FOR C-408. Journal. SALE A buttermilk" equipped. Phone Tabor 446. . route; business cards. $2;- 600,- $1.2$; 200, ic. Rose City Printery. 192 3d st GOOD lot : Hanson. to trade for auto.. A-1215. FOR SALE Blacksmith shop. lot. tools , and material. A. Peterson, Barlow, Or. WANTED 2 hustlers to sell real es tate; come running. Clarke & Stone, 212 AUsky, 3d and Morrison sts. ' ' X YOUNG man wItFnreferences to learn business. Txirklah bath. Corbctt bldg. WANTED Men to r - half soled for 80c. have their 222 2d st. i shoes WE want a tailor to repair second hand clothes. 208 Main st. - . WANTED First - class furniture - lsher. E-40i. JfournaL , fin- : rooms. $2.50 and corner Salmon. ' $4 PER WEEK Large front room, nieo furniture, suitable for two if desired: bath,-phone, heat. 226 12th st. CLOSE in. very quiet front room and den.1 suitable for .3 or 3; beautiful sur roundlngs. 261 14th. NICELY heat batu; walking distance. furnished .- room ; - furnace Main 4288. -'-'r :;.,.-; .a 2 NICELY furnished outside rooms for rent; gas, electric lights, bath. Phone A-7149f 362 Jaqkson. corner Park, FtKNlSHiiD rront room- in - modern ---flat large bay window, furnaoa heat 941 j-otn st., near Washington -345- 6th st. rooms 1.6O up per week. Main 7754. NICE. large, bright and pleasant room ,i for rent: Centrally located, ii N. 11th. cor, Burnside. - PTEIL M1M Free phono and & THE Temple, 843 Yamhill. st. opposite Hotel I'ortland; furnished rooms, $2 a week Up; transient . . $10 THREE housekeeping rom plate, steel range. 618 7th st. M , 2 THREE roomed suites $10 per 1 . 1. n ,1 iiAM . .j : $13 14th, corner Clay, desirable 1 room furnished housekeepin MITCHELL Housekeeping roon gas; moderate. 7tn Flanders HOUSEKEEPING and furnished complete. sleeDin 166 N. 1 HOUSEKEEPING K002 EAST SIDE ' : $9 Two nicely furnished roomsl dene for 2 adults, bath, phon Piedmont addition near Jeffers. school. 1212 Moore st Woodlav $1.26 to $2.00 week, clean hi housekeeping rooms; i laundrji heat 408, Vancouver .ave. iS Bnou, 6039.-!-"- i i . TWO nicely furnishecV housekl rooms, gas, bath, phone:, reafc-. rent. 361 1 Williams ave.r corner, Ji way,--, . .,,.,..?.;,-.,;,,., ). TWO nicely furnished- housek , rooms; water,, gas, wood, phot E. 30t! N. Phone . East 4056. KTCEi light, modern liounek rooms for rent. - 354 Ross tt . E-2788. .'H :.;r-ri -y.' TWO houaekeeplrfg rooms, ground sink, nantrv and phone. , 607 M slppi ave., Lower Albina. 'f - FOR RENT HOUSES ONE 6 room flat in good .order 1 7 room house, plenty fruit and $18. 749 Mississippi ave." ; . T.KT Noland'8 Barirara A T run ft move you; prompt delivery, low n 89 4tn. wain sa. A-2475. ENTIRE second floor. five rooms . stable room in cnnnwtlfm at tiflfl St., t. - fiiain 887. ; ij ' . . . , , . . v. . 1, iiuuqu iwi iriii.. In'Bunnystde. Call phone A-71 F $15 New, ; modern 6 room cottf oio-k to car. fllone . 'labor 1 FOR RENTES East safi, -. room : lnjuso. NINE room house, 17th st.1-S month. Ipqulre 628 Irving f- I 8-room houses, modern, on-et 831 and 623. Main 1410. $15-7 ROOM housu. balli ami lights. . rtione 1-Jast 635. j -7- I