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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1910)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL.- PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 3, 1910. f' i A i L.'i m Ji. 4J ' . . '.. 'i' , a re H ro" nLXT I10LSI :a 13 1 i.CN yon move you'll wt new fur. -' Tture, liny iudl.'iously d your aav i a will exceed moving expense. - ilia lrTet furniture house In th. -i ! 1 thsrv two year", f.ookers hown sm courtesy buy- I V 0"A N A TCI I L E Y 1NIT"RK. CO. ' 1 -id ave.. cor. B. 8t.rk L F Nikeny nfl missell-Shaver Car wmoyt door. 4r'(i i-Hii7i!iuH. nluely locattd on 18th between tilrk n4 Oak. In- t' ' 9itf next Joor, or piiuno c. . .n J-: rotiuiH, ground fl-iof and t Client,. 0 xeiiiciu, ' tiiooorn nuuninsv 'immo x 112 ImJ tiding water. t' iiuiKais jilork frutu Sell wood I l III llirr, y I ' Iknt Modern 7 room hou fA " 'tJy: 31 nt and Ellsworth t.; If Vm Richmond car. Inquire n ' ' i' !' A ' f j7j",f)rtn- V'' l Yoom house and woodshed. Ei "' II it, 19 a month. Call 1018,Ei : II . Nuitii. U uJrooni"l"tige. gas. bath; 622 -, 1 j wion. Inquire, of owner, 127 lat i house; on naxt in Kent 4640. jnendent L a u n d r y Co, .IK MAIN 6128. A-1028. IN room house for rent. IZO per it- ith. 697. aisaison at. inquire vv. .tvtitj!, 4ft4 Jefferson, in- . - tTT ..i'rr i ". ,1 r aOItll, i"l. I irnii, ivuiii uihwrh Wih barn, at Stewart'. Apply Jewelry the 6 asiiington at nr.MT K room cnttaaa at North ItO na car harna. with fruit... I'hona ;nwn 1467. vl- iiniTKrn mil num r. iCjF'UKMTURB VOn 8 A LB 82 ailf hlnr ready to atep tn. Good. liouaa. Cheap rent. Maka your " i H-V Jiava a nlc lnooma left. v I L M"! j : Plmna K-2TS8. I h, furnllura of 7 rooms, iroml ' lit Jf.lon, paying bualness. rent 130; . (I .i inova ta own resldenca. 64 H , 7 - (TffirRl of a 17 room rooming for sale: rood location, lone all full; rent only lS. Call B-1396. i IXURFl of 7 room house for aala. ' I central, .cheap, 1 ivl j rent 130, Phona Y 1Y fur'nlslii!l. model r ted and pnintad, ri rooms an oc- owner, A-8313. modern cottaca. Just bnintad. rant of one room kpennea; nice home. 845 Clay. 1 S, roiuplelely furnlahed, heart vv. rent 126. For Information jfilOth at; 1:30 to 4:80 only. ; tl for rent, I rooma, fine locality, ..." " IU R.7 ,l,Vl 1H ..BIIIPUII. l ,.a FCKMSHJJD HOrSKS 30 IIODERN" 5 .room cottage, near ear line,, 125 ,. - . Speer & Co. IfiOO'i Belmont St re: on, Hawthorne ave., close in; Saonable reat. Call at 291 Glenn aye. iwtlmrne car, At', .. . " .'-.1 , t . . ;l uij I ni i;"inrici, luiiiiniivu o rwu, I r ,'vminAr, n min o ra i win tni ijiiv, jit oniavnia, lor i" per monio; snap pwotifincl Mir. i rnlnlifd cottage, 4 rooms, $25 Apply 84 N. 26th; XV. car pot on 3d, or Morrison to zstn. n. f SY room cosy home, completely fur- niffnen, rem journal FO BEXT -FLATS IS ' IVE room flat, modern, west aide, $20 J 'i er month. . 372 1st st Phone Main I i" RKNT Modern rroom flat; fine 9 Jf en tor young eoupl. 126 E 8th v f I'honw T5-298. . ' ,..RENT New modern flat,-walking w i a ti fea innnira x u. h nvana a r V fit DHimuoiu una lurniiuea, . t iivi riat nntnrnnir Corbett t l-i7.:., 1 iTAKTMiCATS 43 I'ail fill ,VF.Ll.fu I mouth. from de Slock IK " t.'i Kat tk and Grand ave.; J? Jl, ?y furnlshod in three, room i MpP'ng; new ones: nuuaina;; remi f, Vie. ?Kast 800. No children. i txj rroiua AXD OFFICES 11 ett class outside office rooma for : ,1 in new puuuingi vimm iirai. H and gas light, witn janitor aerv CT.1.T. B. cor. 8d and Madison. - I thlllOOM to rent, new Lowls bldg.; .t lt-hK: una, nhona. to. D-404, .'. ' rta - - i :' . 1 . 1ENT Storea at reasonable rent: i " ' ?J briok building, S. W, cor. 2d nd Inquire 291 Morrison at. ' Kf Hinlco of floes in the Coucn A. - 1 M aad nbera biags. 601 Couch bldg. WAMTED Tty REAT . 1 room furnlahed apartment, mod- ; close to postofflce. -C-399, Journal. ivSi, IOKSE3, VEI1ICLES, ETC. 18 1 areneral ' purpose horses, weight , 6 years old, sound and work any single or double, suitable for hark W team some good gentle single ".is and delivery horses. AH this , IJiown in harness and guaranteed 'ill sented.- 17th and Qulmby, '''(ii and heavy breeching harness. ny xo, jo w wora, iio; i pair iiorsp, good workers, single or ; -wiu eu separate. , lTtn ana r'?.'var W ' 1 1 if U' it II . -.if -pr 1 ! JB clipping done at U. P. Stables I. i se called for and delivered ' anj featt oy. any fof. city. f 239 Russell St., Phone T H ., if I farori, black mare and horse and ;.r 1 iiiess, weign isvv ion., no more life , i&ste. Fst l?th and Madison. '"..'''iljMBEIl.-of first class draft horses. 1 .- s . ait ; T HO some ffoou iarm jiinrcn. -aii I. . J 1 ion alJIai A. vT : i '' v Hnn hiiii mi. - l no ai ii nil mini hl.. f ; ' i jg ana eoi WANTED. . horse, mare preferred, llOO or yarm worK; state price. j. iwtone, R. F.-P..-Hillsdale. Or. ,.KX flk and bucsrieB for rent by day. VllFani TTionth; jipwsJal rates to rood sound 2800 lb. 2500 lb. team. w Vx,l35; wagon chpup.' 289 Front st. a HV lifiirr lmfaaa matrnn . a rtH 57s to trade for lots will do well I8er this srt. B-390, journal. UVESTOCK AND FOFLTR1' S3 ,J1.a.,. i, ...awavi. ih from Silver Tin Anconas. 81.25 tMi'lng, White Minorca took first and IjA 1909, Salem: also Buff Orplng Ifand Indian Runner ducks. El Mo- "Jplacc, Milwaukle, Or., Red 463 CH H la IWrnurhhrul WVilla L' klihrrr chickens; price $1 each. ' In- JI of C. B. Hysom, Postofflce bldg, i.n t -iy, or i. io7iTiC-Span of gray mares, weight J $130; U Union ave. - ; ' of broke horses, from 900 to 308 "t St.; y ;;:,;;.: w i iuu.ow. east -eiae. oee Aitor- Vv Mara, zip Allsky bldg. ll Z A-l Jersey helftjrs for sale, ,166 t. MiAn wt.. Arleta. .:'": .- Prr MLSICAL INSTRUMENTS , S4 Chas. E. York Band Instruments and Music Hong. . -Rennlrltg, exchange. 88H 8d st . FOR SALB AUTOMOBILES 44 v f MOBILES ; to trade for real es- f .1 1 stocKs, - nonas. , mortgages, :?l I ,ji . . Wa rift va what v va,, l-i f L'ublle Brokerage Co., 218 Board -riw bldg. .fhone A-7707.- . . tt 'a-GAIN-r-Must be sold at once,-6 . f Y f n ger Reo, with top, gas lights. Owner Icavina the f cltv .for iat.- Phone A-7707;, Auto BrkK. I 1 '. . Wnarfl of Trade, i , I : pasfenger'automoi)lle for sale t(de. . r. nni T , 1 j Room 304, Henry bldg. I Oil SALE AUTOMOBILES 41 KNOX, tha vfnstt stork ear tn tha WerM; Molina, the beat car roado for tha money. We also have a number of four cylinder cnrs slightly used but tn first cliiss condition left here for,u to aell at real bnrirnln prices. WESTERN AUTO CO., 631 Alder at. for 8LK AaaCKLIlMCOtS IV Get your fine fura at coat during my removal sale, which 1 on until the 161 n of February, wtun 1 will niova totny new location, between Washington and Alder streeta on 11th. St. Itathef than iove my present etock I win aaci-irie same at ana oeiow kuki. maklnic this your uiisurimnsed cham of obtatiitn 117 fii oi fere flue rurs at pricea low 4han ever e,d on furs of Quality. Highest prlcee paid for tntun. Coma early and a-et the cream, which la always included In money laving aaiea. . A. lOIEfv ;v-: i 148 FIFTH T. ' ' rLKASL'KE LAUNCH. "-' ; IfO. &MJE 7 ft hull, hardwood decks, t h. p.. f cylinder 4 cycle I'aJmer engine, apeed 10k mllea. Complete equipment. Includ ing chairs, life preservers, tools of all kinds, chain blocks, Uaiits, etc Kino boathousa, Outfit Invoices $965. Will ell right now for 8571 cash. No trades considered. Must be taken before Feb. 15 or owner will not sell. ' This ta an excellent buy for aomoone wanting a pleasure boat' for the coming .season. lain 684, or address V-893, Journal ; :. Patents , Z have United States and Canada Bat- en t right of latest Improved automatic toy rifle. Will trade for real estate. automobiles, or motor boats. Address H. Griffith, P. Q.l Box-1036, El Paso, Texss. K'L'MBKR of .articlea: 1 want to dls- poae of - bedroom- furniture, carpets. cook stove, extension-table and chairs, sanitary couch, gas range, machine; bathtub, linoleum, wardrobe, cupboard. ornce den. bub k. yiner sr. BUCKKNSOKRFKR TYPBWRITKRS, only stannard machlnea ror travelers, 140. 850. We are the only authorised dealers tn northwest. N. M. Hayter Co., so ttn st., Portland. Main f6:'. WE have large stock , Edison moving picture machines, special prices; one, first class, for 376 ComDlete. Write us for prices on film service. Laemmle Film Service. Pantagee bldg.. Portland MOTORCYCLES and bicycles, new and - second hand, buy, sell, exchange, re pair. Agencies for Thor and Yale Motor cycles. Apex Bicycle co.. I lth. a-sjos BAFES Large , assortment 3d hand aafes. slightly used, cheap; new and 2d nana vault doors; new sates, all sizes. Call, write! Portland Bafe Co.. 87 6th. PHONOGRAPH. Including revorder, re producer, speaking and hearing tubes, few records, in A-l condition, $16, 1-$ cash. ' Phone A-1766. IMPS, Journal. LAW books for sale.'S. volumes, broken 'set, good condition, 20 per cent off cost. E-407,- Journal. SCHOOL books bought, sold and ex- changed at 211 2d. near Salmon. 168 5th. opposite postofflce. - FACTORY rebuilt typewriters 820 to 860. rental terms. Main 8870. North west Typewriter Co.,' 222 Ablngton bldg, FULL bleoded -male Spits pup for sale. B-1068 oi k. wrana ave. LADIES' suits uheap, Inuulre 1nitor, 668 Flanders. mone Main 8251. NEW No. 7 Bllckensderfer typewriter and leather case. 41 Kucnanan bldg, 60dBUSINES8 lirds, $1. Mention ad, Rose tlty prlntery. 192 3d at. FULL blooded male Spit pup for -sale. - M-JUbK. WAJfTEIMISCEIXAirEOUS . 5 WE want your furniture and will pay nignest casn price. . ljii ub up ana let us convince youj money talks. Sav age & Pennell Furniture Co., 351-353 1st st. Phone Main sgo. CALL up the People's Auction House to sell your nousenoia rooas. rromDt attention and nignest pneea. je, tTont St. Phone Main biu. PROMPT attention and btghest price paid lor rurnuure. nawtnorne inir. Co.. 158 Grand ava. near Mor. E. 6204. GROCERY atore fixture. . State what you have and lowest cash price. M-408. Journal. BE WISE; get more ror your second nana lurmture oy sen in g ji to.jrora Auction Co.. 311 1st M. 8951. A-2445. THE East Side Furniture and Rargaiu House pays the highest price for sec ond hand furniture. Phone East 453. 6POT cash paid for furniture; prompt attention always glveh. East 1087. WANTED Brush to cut or lot to clear and grade, l40. Journal. FIN AN CI AX. 31 QUICK LOANS. on ' furniture and pianos (without $ removal), storage receipts, life la - I su ranee policies, - livesiocKs, Kb, lew- 3 9 and all $ 12, Ham- $ $ elry, diamonds; real estate I kinds of Becurltles. Room 3 llton bldg.;-. 181. 8d st. Main 2084. LOAMS WANTED HO WANTED From private parties, loan $700 for 6 year at 1 per cent; on good real estate ecurlty. Address Gresham, R. F. P., 8, Box 144. WANTED To borrow $5000 for 6 year on' Improved country property, worth $16,000; 8 per- cent Interest C-391, journal, WANTED $800. Will pay 8 per cent. . 6 room house and 2 lots. Take Mount Scott car to Tremont St., two blocks. G. T. Foster. $600 VALUE, two lots, want $200 two years;- will pay 8 per anent! prefer prl- vate party.' E-403, Journal. - $1000 AT 8 PER CENT. Fhone M. 48S, or call at 828 Allsky bldg. MONEY TO LOAN 27 MONEy advanced ' salaried people, house- Beepers ana mneiK upon weir own names without .security; cheapest rate, easiest payments; office in 66 princi pal cities; save money by getting our a, aiiwi t, waaainuf w w a v-a-..aa; I BUY for cash either first or second mortgages or seller's equity in con tracts of sale on real estate in Oregon or Washington, H. E. Noble, Lumber- terms. ' Toiman, 81.7 Lumper Kxcnange, WE LOAN money on diamonds and Jew elry' at reasonable interest for long or short time. A. & M. Delovag. Jewelers. 269 Washington nt - ' 6 per Cent loans in amounts $1000 up; also several email sums to -loan. Henry C Prudhomme Co., 636 Chamber of Commerce. BLDG,, LOANS Installments, 6ft per cent, oiraigni per cent. Main bbut Dekum Bldg. SALARY LOANS Confidential, eaay to get and eaay to pay. F. A. Newton, S16 Henry bldg.. 4th and Oak. , - r ' " " MONEY to loan on improved city prop. erty. H'm McMaster, 802 Worcester black. - , '''.g-.;,,v.:r-;.;.;'.;::,' , - .. PLENTY money to loan on city or farm prcpOrty: low rates. E. R, Hlckson, 617 Board Of Trade bldg. ''- MONEY to loan, large loana a specialty, building loans;, lowest rates: fire In- turance, w, ;u. bcck. an tTtmng, $100,000 on mortgages, city or farm property, fire- insurance. McKensie & Co., Gerlinger bldg., 2d and Alder. SALE bldg ISAAC L. WHITE, money to loan, fir insurance, in cneriocit oiag. LOAN for the asking, salary "or oha. teL The Loan Ca. 414 Dekum bldg. MONEY to loan en all kinds ot security. W. HoU. room , Washington bldg. QUICK loans on all sicurltlea. g, W. King. 45 Washington bldir. Main 8100. SUMS of $2000 upward on real estate. Goddard ftWeldrlck. 248 Stark. - LCiANS op wheat land. L. K. Moore, 617. Board or xratie, Portland, or. 27 "Hutton Credit Co.. ' til Di-kum bldg. For thoss who need financial. HELP Cheaper rales, quicker service, Oldest and Most Reliable- Thousands of satisfied customers are our Jit recommendation. It you need money come and See Us Today Phone"Main 2369 ' SALARY LOANS ON TLAIN NOTE3 iu to iiuo CHEAPEST ANT) BEfT PIACIS TO HOR ROW MONK Y. AHMIbl TKIiY NO HKCIiKITY. USINKUM STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL ABSOLl'TKI.Y NO KKCHRTTY, BU n'VTMTbStW"'- . . . . . . . - - - - z-t """' . U5 FAILING IlLUu, ' ' TUB CRF.KCKNT T.nATU AfJKNCY, 402 Rothchlld bldg., corner 4th and Waahlnston. . 'J'hk rt-cosrnlxed bank of money, to loan the wage earner. A clerk, bookkeeper, chlcheaters niaTnond RVd Pini r machlnrst, engineer or employe can ob- ??.r?ZL' tain money of us on hla note y'tbout ?'., PX ""is-gists everywhere. security. 316 return to us.... 1.. 3 4.00 a montn $30 return to us II flA a nmn Hi $50 return to us $13.85 a month r'nnfUnnlUI' nn linnlaiunl InnillrleS. upeciai rates on pianos, rurnuure, eio. ' chattkl-t5an U Installment loan n-pleuoa, furniture, warehouse receipts, horses, insurance policies, ana ail aina ox iouriiwi real estsie ana loans rrorn NEW EUA LOAN -A ftTU, CO. W1 Tl - - v 1( Ablnston bldg. NOTICES. SO Know ah aien rv i nese rrwmuwiu n, i.-. ,m That, whereas, the Hoard 0v!""n' mlaiBtit-lS-lAa.aa 7t Ilia fit si ia ftr I VfmT Bill the United 8tate Bureau of Fisheries propagating and .tucking the waters of th wiiiin,n and cini-kamas rivers. 1 1 h. v as nrmwBiiiafi - nt l 8iL(.'fvr 11. anu io mo wiiiaineue ana tiafunnaaii'oi"! and their trbutarie. In the State of Oregon, with salmon fish; and ' Wherea,- Said stream are frequent- ed by salmon fish, and for the purpose of nrotactlna? Mm aauia. the said Board of Fish Commissioner ha deciaea to fl?.M.lh. Md, Wniam,U..rtV5rrJ.n- i 1 1 iru t ucn. imww iimi iiviu v thereof, at Oregon City, and all of the Clackamas river, and. It tributaries, to prevent flshtug therein, in any manner wnatever. for salmon fish, during the period of time herein speclrled; Now, therefore, notice is hereby given by said Board of Fish Commissioner that said Willamette river, and it trib utaries, below and north of the fall thereof, at Oregon City, and all of said Clackamas river, and It tributaries, are. and each of them 1. hereby closed to fishing, in any manner wnatever ior aniiiiivd iiBt.uiK, iM-iworu j v snd li o'clock noon, on tha first dav f ii.v lai'ni .nd it'i. and win w. nn. lawful to fish for, or take, or catch any salmon fish in any of said waters dur ing said period of time above specl- led. 91. Any and all person whomsoever so bT nrw J2tadMh5 iwvmJl'' WUI be prosecuted, a b JJ)vJaa- Governor. F. W. BENSON. Hecretary of State. State Treasurer. Constituting the Board of. Fish Com- . missioners. Attest: 1L C M'ALLISTER. Clerk of the Board. NOTICE OF MORTGAGE AND FORE- CLiOSURE AND SALE. Notice is hereby riven that by virtue Af A fori a In i.hatt.1 tfinplsasA r t rial. 1 November 9, 1909, mado and executed by Mrs. C, S Murnhy as mortrajtor. and In fuvn, nf Rum Uanitolenhn a a tnnrt. gagce. to secure the navment of tho sum of $380.60 In accordance with the! Fromlasory note therein described, and or the purpose of foreclosing the said mortgage lien, In compliance with the terms or saia cnattei morttrsee. in caae of default in Its payment, the whole amount, nf 1HR0 K0 rxlns now diiA and I payable, and said mor tirairors bcinar in uorauit ana no payment Having been maue thereon, the undersigned will on - v.rawua f isiv, L v J V;iVV-IV R . All. I thorAnt lt Van i q rrawT amlv IntAmA. M'onriinrv m. lain in i nAir bfU company, 503 Alder utreet, in the Jf illPt ZuSufWkfVFJZV?' Sit hiddVS u.?i. CLft0tKth n,Ki" ?lbtAd.c"hJ" Dh1nlh.'?Uo.!f insr described , nersonal . nronert v. to. wit: One Haynes automobile, model o. oo. minis a o passenger car com pletely eaulDDed. to satisfy the amount oue ana unpaid on said chattel mort gage, together witn the costs and rx penscs of sale and aocrulng costs, in- eluding a reasonable aUorney'8 fee for I foreclosure. (Signed) LOU WAGNER. Agent. Date and first insertion, January MRS. L. HAMILTON. 158 North 17th t.. wishes her many friends and patrons to know that she Is still con ducting "The Home" cleaning and dye- mir nusiness, reDorts to me contrary noiwnnwianoing. inone Main 8as(. LOST AND FOUND 21 THE JOURNAL maintain a Lost and Found Bureau to aid the Dubllo in tha recovery of lost articles. If you lose I anything. Inquire at onoe at the Lost aim r vuuu ouru or ji no journal, anq I a recora wiu do rnaae or your loss, if you should find any article of valus ana wisn to una tne rigntrui owner, leave It at the Lost and Found Bureau or t," Journal. WE will pay One Dollar Reward for the buslnessaddresse of each of the following: E. ,M, Avers, Mrs. Edward Liittiepage, Llinan.Bauman, , Anna Mat thiesen, Mrs. J. Dl H4ckox. John Hen derson, Clara A. Berg, Anton Cloud, Lottie Segur. a It will be to their ad vantage. Mercantile .Protective Asao- ciation, 301-303 Commercial blk. LOST Purse, 7:25 pt m. Tuesday, near Grand ave. and Burnslde, brown leath-, er purse, containing calling cards, Mrs, F, B. McKaraghanj also Buttorfield, Dr. Reisland, some change, phone East 1605, K-1B4J. 42 K. joucn. Reward. STRAYED Black mare, white star like "question mark" in forehead: 800 lbs., unbroken; balr off In two small spots on right front leg and lower I shoulder Joint. .Tel. Tabor 1669; reward, LOST Ladies' small Black purse, con- taining 2 keys and! small change, please returrt -Mabel JBoucher, Olds, Wortman A King. LOST Five, $20 bills Tuesday after-1 noon at Dresser' store or Washlnnr- ton marKei. r inner return to Btenog rapner, Aoingron piax. LOST At Meier & Frank, a small alll- gator purse oontammg money. Finder please leave at the phonograph room at t.ipman woites. rcewara. FOUND- Hartness, cieaner and dyer, now located at 271 Taylor st Im perial Dye Works, A-7883 7 formerly of ; VVlliameniB uye woraa;. -LOST Friday, gold bead necklace; flnd- er please phone Main 7337. A-3615: rowava, PERSONAL 22 t nST vitality restored by Dr. Tirana Nerve Tonic Tablet, 25c box. 6 boxes $1.25. Stipe, ravior urug Co., 289 Mor rlson. Mall order promptly filled. , PR. ISABELLA, MACKIE, Private hospital for women. 800 E. 60th St. Tabor 699. MRS. SOPHIE B. SEIP. mental s:len. wslivlnlna 's6 : Meet,n Wednesday evening at 8. - LXV. . al. ....w., wyubiBu.,.iOTagcq , i - of women; an irregularities corrected; no exposure. , Call or write til Allsky WOMEN, use Femoids when other fail; tor aaie oy tne Auspiuna urug co., 106 N. 6tn-St. -MB1B BiUO.v ' UP-TO-DATE manicuring, scalp treat- CEMENT and concrete work; cement ment, face massage. ; The Drexel, 2d plastering a--Specialty; cesspool and and Yamhill, aulte g20, septic tanks.'., vWoodlawn , 2442, 375 LA FRANCE hairdresslng parlor, 842 H PiI!rjlLJ r. A Palon: . - Wash.; manicuring, facial massage, CONCRETE,, brickwork, excavating, re scalp treatment elex-lric Vibration. . . pairs. prop- postal ' J. Wempe, 187 L"ADIKS Use Pumont's Sonltafy resu R. 3'!'t- : - . f, ., , latois; correspondence desired. J-l 80, J. H. BI RTt N, general contractor aim. Journal. , ' - I ' builder. 118 ltt st. Both phone H17. PERSONAL PR. ALICE A. oRirr. Dlseasas of women and children ex clusively. Women are often saved se vers surgical operations by consulting me. Nervous diseases of children a specialty. All the lateet electrical treatment given. Correapondence so licited. No chsrpte or consultation. Phones, Main SP2S. A-807. Office room 1ft, arsnd Theatre bldg, Waah Ington and Park. , - : TI3E (Jillrillfi moHtiasu'ccesfuyVirma toloxlst work in cltv b exnert foreign operator; the removing of warts, moles ann superfluous hair; we also give eio trolosls facial niHanr. hautirvlna- the complexion: expert French hair dyeing. aeiying detection; your Own naiuraj shafln guaranteed. - ' Tin i.ipuiio Physician and surgeon; treats women and children exclusively private hos pital' accommodations: examination rroe. Main 4047, A-2411. BOB Coromon wealth blc1g.r 6th n d Ankeny. lnna. . TOP J 8M Yamhill t. High class ladles' Turkish, i jkMcifiiMii nun i s) i rin lining' gvnnri iiiiiv Uendant; toGp" and 'wigs; ail f kinrtrfl I oi naie rarmm- nnari . man in at. tendance. '" . " LADIES Ask your druggist for rr inicnestera Pills, the Diamond Brand. r 85 Tears known haul, aafaat twys reus Die. Take no oilier. LR WALKER. SDeclallsl: ouieklr eures) I amasses or men. blood and akla dls- I eases. Sores. Ulcara. awnllwn rlanda. kid. I pey. bladdsr and pile. 181 1st su. Port I ISOO. r..A n...ii.t Men Cured Oclckly I Modern electrlo treatment for disease I of the prostate, nervous debility, plies; i ic. - vv. l. Howard. M. D.. 84- 'HOW' i cnuq oiag.. tn and Waahington. I . 11 1 ' I GERMAN books, magasinaa, novels, eto. German, English, French, Spanish, ww h Mm AWIHIII UIVMVH-imi SVC elgn books of all kinds, Bob male Co, XZV IBl St. V0"' private ailments; advice free, I tIA..a.a, ak u a. r . , , a fnw Tamhill. Main 1770. rrr, w.i . , M -' foffbRfrZiVrZ I ' no V" oexoid Pius as a brscer, re- -When weak, nervous or deapond- atnr Tnat vlrnr- t,H,. tT- T.V a f' t..vlrr' prtiVe 'X JTi bof!' tor s: r' ,f P'-ce, 811 Allsky. PR. SANDERSON CO., Savin and Cot- ton Root Pills, sure remedy for delayed periods. $1 per box or 8 boxea for 85. i. j. fierce, su Aiieny nag. BALM OF FIGS for all female dl 29 Belmont Esst 2498. ARTIFICIAL LJ51J1S a C. LINSTROM & CO, 498 Wash. Artificial limbs, trusses and brsces. ASSAYEKS WELLS PROEBSTEL, aasayer. ana. lyticai cnemists. ZQ4',4j wash. M. 7608. I PORTLAND analytical laboratory, til Worcester Bldg.. sa ana oak. M. 5980. I MONTANA assay office, laboratory and ore testing work. 188 Morrison. ATTOKNETS CHRISTOPHERSON & MATTHEWS, General practice. 411-11 Buchanan bid. BUSINESS C AK P HOWE. DAVIS COMPANY. 108 Id t Blank books m'fg; agta. for Jonas' improved Loose-Leaf ledgers; see the new Eureka leaf. A-S183. Main 183. WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO Street paving, sidewalk and cross ings. 817 Perk bid g. TIN roofing, guttering, repairing and aenerai lobbinr. j. losii. 211 Jeffer son st Main 1424. I 8UN SOON Huie sells Chlneso goods, embroidered silks, dress ng gown. ITartnn CnSlrS. matting. U Bin t THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO. Portland office, 404 Worcester bMg. JAS. Mcl. WOOD & Co.. all klnda of In- aurance. urety -bonds. McKay Mdg. COLLECTIONS CURRENT and delinquent account col- tectea. wens mercaniiie Agency, V4 Boara or Traae Hiag. 1 CARPET WEAVING NORTHWEST Rug Works Rugs from old carpets, colrTnial rag rugs, silk portiers. 158 Union near E. iforrlson. COAL AND WOOD NOTICE pITn SLAB WOOD GREEN SHORT WOOD, per load GREEN 4 FOOT WOOP, per cord INSIDE DRY SHORT, per load.... $8.50 ALIi DELiIVISKmH MADE PROMPTLY. Tiie Portland Slabwood Co. Main 3119. A-7001. PACIFIC SLABWOOD CO. Pry inside wood, per load, $3.60. Small, dry, inside wood, per load. $2.60. planer trimmings, per ioaa, ij.uu. Green slab wood, $2.60; blockwood $4 Main 3709, A-7356. Fulton Wood Co. Dealers in slab wand: thorous-hlv dew slab wood a specialty. Prompt delivery. t'none Main i , jv-zb. STEEL BRIDGE FUEL CO.. tjoal and wood. Dry wood, blockwood, slab wood, cordwood. Prompt delivery. Phone C-1773, E-424. Wood, Coal and Dry Slab WESTERN LUMBER & FUEL CO. 287 East Morrison. East 26. B-1026. PROMPTLY DELIVERED . Call Main 8767. Foot of Curry st YAMATO Wood & Coal Co. All kinds of fir wood and nice coal by sack or sac it or th and ton. Phone a 818, B-1867 Main sts. SOUTH . Portland Slabwood Co. Main 2153. A-3842. Dry inside wood, green labwood, clean sawdust for bedding, cut fuel; cordwood. - - A LARGE team load of sawed Umbers, - nlunks and , boards. $2.60 . uer load. East 163b a. H. Edlefsen, the f wel man Ch. of Com- merce, sells anthracite and cannel i also cheaper grades of coal and dry wood. EER & FARR. dealers in all kind fir ani hardwoods: promDt deliverv. 05 Water st Main 4598. A-4647. PrtwptrE wood vard 270 12th st Or- dera promptly filled for coal, long and sawed wood. Main 1860. CHIROPODISTS CHIROPODY, manicuring. Mr. Dunton, Tiifora oiag.. room tutn ana Mor. CHIROPODY AND PEDICURING Mr, m. l-i... Tflll. 429 Flledner bldg. COMMISSION MERCHANlBi VB pay th highest spot cash prloea for dressed veaL hoea hides, eiraa. butter, cheese, furs, wool, cascara, hny. train, write wnai you wian to sell. Ruby Co.. 884 Couch St.. Portland. Or. CAIUEET CLEANING TONR! CARPET CLEANING WORKS. Work gun ran teed. Tela East 360; B-2336. CLEANING AND DYEING JHE Superior Tailoring, -Cleaning and purine with liviiig room. BAIT? I lirau, ,ue au bi. H. W. TURNER. Dyer Carpet dyed a specialty. , ova jerxerson at Mam 2618. A-251S. - , CXIOiTRACTORS AND BUILDERS li:TKCnVE AGENCY ROOMS 804-5 Merchants' Trust bldg. Phone "Muln Si 1 6. All classes detec tive work guaranteed, Cliasj A. Tenant, mntrxrer. IIAJSCIAO MR. & MRS. ' HEATIl'fl PANCING HCrtoOl, (formerly liertha Heckotls). Allnky bldg., 3d and Morrison sts. Cluxs every Saturday evening; private leNsons daily; waits anj two xten guar anteed in FOl'R lessons. A-5182. . KLECTIUCAL SUl'FUEa : PACIFIC Electrlo Bngineeiing Co. Motora for rent or if. la- 313 3d at. ELECTKOt VSIS MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair re moved. Mrs M. D. Hill. 43 Filed ner. l'TILMTl'I.K ItErAIlUXG REPAIRfNOT. reflnlshlng, polishing, dull. GASOLINE ENGINES STATIONARY and marina; electrlo equipments- launches. acoeesorle, wholesale and recall; engine repairing. Peterson Machinery Co.. 1 M Morrison. LEATHER FINDINGS CITAS. L. MAKTICK V CO- U Froat. . leather ' of every description. Up nfrs. flndlnas. - UVE1CY AND SALE STAULKS HESSIAN table Hack, llyery. boar?; ' log and sale; fnmlture-movlng. Ill TJnlon ave. Phone B. 863: lght M. 80. 41LSIO TEACIIEllS WEBBER Academy er MubIo. o'Jn. mandolin, piano, guitar, banjo. 4181 Washington. ETC. KM ITH, teacher of planov. 461 Sal- won, Main T40, conservatory cpr. E. THTEUIORN. vlofln teacher. pupU Hevclk, 900-1 Marquem blag. a-i- Louis a. creitz, violin t.acnr. 311 Sherman st. Phone Main PIANO, violin, cornet, mandolin. Prof. R. A. Smith. 393 12th st. OSTEOPATniO rUYrWCIANS DR. LILIEBELLB PATTERSON, spe cialist on nerves, acute and ohronle dtseaaea 817 Fenton bldg. Main 89(1. 6X SMITH, rrad. Ktrkville, Mo.. 1898: post-grad 1907. Swetland bldg.MJJI98T aRTFTj. BARR, A. B. O- 107 Mohawk bldg., 3d and Morrison. Main 3218. PAINTING AND PAPERING FOR best work, price right, eall P. A. Doane. 104 Union. Both phonea PAINT, OIL AND GLASS RA8MU6SEN A CO., "High Standard" paint, ne. cor. 2d A Taylor. M. A-1771. PATENT ATTORNEYS HANDBOOKS for inventor free; tell how to obtain and value of patents, trademark registered. Beeler & Robb. 177-181 McGlIl bldg., Washington, D. C. R. C. WRIGHT. U. 8. and foreign pat ents; Infringement esses. 804 pekum. REAL ESTATE J. W. OGILBEE, real estate and loans; estab. 1683. 14SH 1st st. room 11. RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS STENCILS and office stationery, Cun ningham Co.. 281 Stark. Main 1407. SAFES THE M osier Safe Co.. 108 2d at Safe at factory , prlcea; repairs, lockout opened: bars-sins in second hand aafea. PRINTING "Doers of clever things with type and Ink on papc." HI H lt THE EAGLE PRINTING CO. not In trust; close figures, good work 603 Goodnough bldg. Phone Main 4121. OOILBEE BROS., printer Cards, bill beads, etc. Main 1S68. 145H 1st st SEWING MACHINES SEWING machines repaired, all klnda Mnehine Repairtna: Co 885 1st. M.2108 SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES SHOWCASES of every description; bank, bar and atore fixtures made to order. The Lutke Mfg. Co. THE JAMES I. MARSHALL, MFG. CO.. new irnd old showcases, cabinets, store nd office fixtures 2SQ Conch. M. S703. TOWEL SUiPLr CLEAN towels daily, comb, bruati. soap. $1 per month. Portland Laundry k Towel Supply Co., 9th and Couch sts. Phone M)n 410. A-4410. TRANSFER AND NTORAGU Oregon Transfer Co. Established 1870. Transfer and forwarding agent. Storage, free trackage. Office, 810 Hoyt st, bet 6th and 6th. Phones: Main 69, A-l 188. C. O. PICK Transfer & Storage Co., of fice and commodious 4 story briok warehouse, separate Iron room and fireproof valut for valuablea; north west corner 2d and Pine sta Piano and furniture moved -and packed for ship ment. Main 698; A-1998. OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO. General transfer and atorage. safes, pianos, and furniture moved, packed and hipped. 209 Oak at Main 547; A-2247. INDEPENDENT Baggage & Transfer Co Storage. 824 Stark Main 407, A-419. SIGN AND SHOW CARDS FOSTER KLEISER, algns; the larg - est sign maker in the northwest; 6th and Everett t. Phone Prlv. Ea. 66. Home A-11SH. , SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" Portland Sign Co.. 297 Stark. Pacific S9. SPRAYING MACHINES THE HARDIE MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturer of hand and power prayers, nozzies. roas. etc. 85 Front St.. Portland, Or. SURVEYORS WALTER M. OBER, platting, subdlvid lng and topograpnicai maps a spe- ..... . .' II m tl O . I. XT T I, n a a Clalty. on w. ii. .p-iui'w. TlTPEWIilTERS ALL make rented, repaired, sold. Cun nlngham Co., 231 Stark. M. 1407. TAA1UERMIS1 A1VD FURRIERS OREGON'S best tsxtdermlst, expert In all branches. C M. Harris. 496 Wash. UMBRELLA , REPAIRING WE sell, repair and recover umbrellas, 486 Washington, near 14th. F. Lang. WELL DRILLING. JAMES W. GREEN, contractor, well machines for sale. 390 Vancouver ave. WHOLESALE JOBBERS naBSBajBBaaBiBeaa,"aaaa WADHAMS CO.. wholeaale grocer. manufacturer and coffee roaster. 4tb nd Oak t. ; - -. : - EVERDING 6V FaRRELL. produce and conwnlsBion merchant. 140 Front at. portiana. tir. rnona aiain it j. ML .VT GUNST aV CO.. DISTRXBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS . PORTLAND. ORE. LLEN LEWIS GROCERIES. VETERINARIAN DR. A. G. SMITH, V. S.. U. S. stable, 248 Front. Main 4156. . Res. Main 180J. Humane vetekinarV hospital Dr. Johnson, 131 16th. M. 681L A-4287. REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY , , Alphabetically Arranged for the Convenience of Journal Header. 500,000 PORTLAND 1912 . A dollar wlaely Invested In Portland real estate today mesne dollar to the Investor in the near future. Portland, la yet in lis Infancy. No city on .the Paclflo coast has a brighter future. - Extenslvu development era now in progress. Valuable Information can be obtained from any of the lie low named realty dealers. NAME y -t . ADORERS ' TKLtl'HONE- Ber, A. A.,,. .........719 AMnttoo MMg Muln 5:m; A T Bker, 1. U., City turn Property ,.H larbrit Bldg A-44'J; Muln I'M nniv-6tla Com puny,. . Il' K-rnd S , Mnln au4 A ... Br:tilifr BenalWt.... '.. ,.,.bol Mi Kay Bi1r WlniiMf llflghta. Main r, imrworiB-st.iiiooii Company, la. rhapln j Harlow.! . .11 ....,...... i... ... Vina n V . tixr ... k. , ' nwwmi,,,,,t.,i,iuj'iH,u7 nita tuidi ...a, ,P,M'-'w Hobart aV Uarahall, Farsia, f lty f roprty......RDi 7, S.V'4 Aider Main 'l Ilouck. Uauria a. (ColoalaaUoa)... 8 Libtx Bldg Main I- Knapp A M.ckry, T Chambn- r Commtrca. ...Mala and A T'l'i J. HI. Lang Co , 414 Ablefton Bldg Mala K M M'U A Voo BoraUi .....14 fcVm4 Bt Hals and AHA Omrot i Real E.tat Co., The. , Orand Are. ami Mlt-niab,...r.t er, IM;1 a:.:..n "'" Co. , , "rr;, naiina Co...,, ,... Abler st .Taia in George P 204 tlark St.: Mala t2. h 'Ids, J. H.. ,.... fltrlliiftr Bids, , Mule ', !1. D. C .,....,........Corm-r H7th and K. RalOMnt.. tal 14 W" fill IK. Kill, Sal nKimiraoo If. . Co.., p. i... v BANKS F IMT NATIONAL BANK, Portland. Or. ; CAPITAL AND SDBPLt.'S $1,500,000. , , , ; UNITIO iTATtJ HATOJJAt BANC Of POItTLAND, OBEOON. , , , ' ' Nortbiraal Corner Third ana Oab Slwta. Coednets a eeoeral Banking Bnalosae. DRAMS IHHl'EU available ta Afl rttlw at !. .".""ed State sod lurope, llonrhnns andManlla. CollecUuos aiada ea farnrabla tarm. Praaldeat j c. AtiSS WUliTH Caahlw 1 .- R- W. ICUMRKg Vic f raaldtnt. . . . . n. a, Kmmnm.m Aaalatant Ca.lilr. ..... n EHMAN.AMIRICAN BANS Portland. Or. J ., Traaaact a general banking boaloeaa.. Cltlm of tba L'nltad Stataa and JLnrooa. ax.oant. Haft drpoalt vablts. BONDS AND 1 OBBIS B BOTH KB. 8, Cbambef ef ConBMre Building. MnnMpal, Raflmafl anil P.iblln- tVrvle rorporttton IV.rd. rOWNINOHOPKIN8 CCv Stock and J Portland. Seattle, GICAND CENTKAL SOUTHERN I.EATlKfl PORTLAND. Aahlaod PaaaenjraT Cottar Ornv Paaaenge: , 8:80 s. tn. 4:15 p. B. 41 00 p. Bi. 6:S0 p. BX 7:48 a. B). nnaaxa Limiiaa Bllrarten Paaaenger .... ( alirornla Eipreoa Ean Kranclaco Eanreaa , WEST BIDE. Orvatll Paaaentm ......... Rbertdna Paaaenfar Foreat Orov Paaansar , Fore! Oaove Paaaenfar....... Foreat (Iran Paaaanxar .. 1:80 s. B. 7:) a. 4:O0 p. 8.50 a. IMi. 8:40 p. CANADIAN PACIFIC C. p. R. Bbort Line via Pookas..., 7:00 p. bi. Via gaattl. Victoria 4k Vancoavar.. 8:00 p. m. VI Snraa 11:15 s. a. NORTHERN MtAVBJ PORTLAND. North Coait Urn! tad. vl Psit Soond 10:00 , n. North Coast Limited, via North Bank JM p. . Atlantle Expreaa, via jpH(t Bonnd 11:18 a. 01. Atlantle Expreaa, rla North Bank... 0 -OO a. a. Tirla City Exprea via Pngt fmtnd 8:80 p. i. Twin City Bxprea. vl Nortk Bank 7:00 p. a. paatern Kxprea. via Pofet Found... J215 a. bi. iiatarn EvprMS via North Bank.... 0:00 a. a. Ulaaonrl Eltar Expreaa via Paget Sound 10:00 a. B. Mlaanurt River Espraaa, la North Bank T:00 p. m. Portland, Taenia Seattle Ex- prea. Oraya Harbor. Olympla and Bontb Rand brinehe 7:00 . n. Pnrtland-Vanronvar aperlnl .....10:00 a. ta. Pinret Boond Limited, Gray Fl ar bor and South Bend brincbe 8:80 p. at. Yaenlt Paaw-irer 4:00 p. dV OREGON RAILROAD TWAVIMl PORTLAND. I'andletnn I.wal 7:40 a. m. Roo-Spokane-Portland T:01 p, m. nri(ton-Waahlnston Limited 10:00 . tn. Tb rlle Local .-. 4:00 p. Bt. Oregon-Waahlnston Eipreaa ...s.... 8:00 p- an. ASTORIA AND LEAVING PORTLAND. Soaalde Txpnm 8:00 a. Rainier Paaaenaer :18 P- " Aatnrla Expreaa 8:80 p. m. Rainier Paaaenser 8:10 p. OREGON AND WASHINGTON RAILROAD COMPANY, v . n nADTf . V ri a 1DDIVIN S.,.,,1. Paaxiniror 8:00 I. BI. i i r, ." , ij. I ' iv i im,., ay. - I Shunt Limited 8:00 p. m. Owl .11:48 p. m. Boolcane. Portland ELEVENTH AND HOXT T.KAVINO PORTLAND. Inland Empire Expres ..... ." For thlcgo. Bt. Pn1. Omba. Kanna City, St. Lonla. Wall Walla. Paaeo. Roomvalt Oranddiillea. Ooldendnle, White Salmon, Steven son Vancouver and Intermediate station. North Bank Limited. .............. 7:00 .. For Chicago. St. P.nt. Omab. Kanaa, City. St. Lonla. Spokane. Spram. J.,."7uli, ,Uo PaaeoV B.Welt. Grandd.llea. WhlU Salmon, Steveriaon and Vinronw, ' Columbia River, Local for VancodT.r -nfl Ca- majai ,..... 4:JW P HB. White 'Baim'o'n, Lyle, Granddalls. Cliff and all Intermediate station. Jefferson St .,,.. rtRna T:40 a. m. ?or! "3 nln!: 4:80b. m. Portland-Oawego Suburban Leivlns Portlaad and, p. p. m.. 12:50. x:0o. :B"' :"' Portland Ryn Light & Power Co. Ticket offtce and waiting room First and AU deA.rtbnrbB train, except Yjneopvet Je.vj Eatt MorriU and Water afreet. ln.ted of FlrVt and Alder atreeta. a tormeriy. tint ana Bg LEAVB ro8 nta-4:00. :30 . . "d evory 80 . . including p. m- then 10:00, i uin ---- : :- r.- " J Vnd Intermediate polnt-4l:55, 8:45. r40 , a. m. f .2:45. 8:45. 4:45. 8:45 p. m. Oregon Elctftric DEPOT FRONT LEAVING PORTLAND, Salem Int. 8t. loel --; .;;- HUlboro-Foret Grove loci saiem mt. stv- , H"llboro-FonN. Grove local. Hlltaboro-Foreat Gwva local..... Hre.rGfvVVc.i- HilGii:::::: HlllKtroro-Ko'ei't rov loci .. Salem Int. Bta. '.V ! '. ! 1 WIlHonville Int. Srt. toeal. Hiliaboro-Poreat Grove -Salem Int. Bt. loc"' ' 8:30 a. m. 7:00 a. m. . 7:50 a. m. . 8:30 a. m. . :15 a. m. .10:80 . m. .11:00 a. m. ,12:10 p. m. . 2:00 p. tn. . 2:t0 p. m. . 3:S0 p. m, , 8:50 p. m. . 8:10 p. m. . 5:S0 p. m. . :S0 p. m. . :25 s. m. 8:40 p, m. c.i-m Int. Bta. ioc- -. .n i, - . , 1 , local ion uuij 111 y UiU r'oT'Bem. Falls City Weatwn Railway Time Card United Railway Co. Leaving Portland r.Br,l"K1tBnga1f RTii-. VA56. 1; : at a fit ft riOnS. O 1V V V - I fi and Intermediate stations, Saturday t0n, o?ldiV nnlv TlO. 10:00, 11:45 P. M. I TPNSPORTATION OPEN RIVER CO. OaliStaDocRr1' Fhones Main 8960, A-3587 STEAMER J. N. TEAL Leave Portiana ( a. Thursdays and Batuniay ior wmie siimon. Hood River. Underwood. The Dalles, , Big Eddy and all way points. Passenger fare between Portland vand The Dalle. 31.00. NORTH PACIFIC S. S. Co. i Steamship Santa C'ara sails for Eu reka and San Francisco January 1. 15, 29; February 12, 26. at 4 p, m. : Steamship Elder saila for Eureka. San Francisco and Los Angelea, January 4, 18: February L I5at 8 p. . Steamship' Roanoke sails r San Francisco and Los Angeles, January II, K-. Webruarv 8. 22. at 8 t. m. A Ticket office 133 3d . Teltrplnus, Uala 1314. A-13-14. H. TOung, Agent. .WW m LttnjUU, bldg. ...Otb tot v.h. Main iwmii ding .Ualn Ki. A-;.' i.i i sail Chamber of Com marc . i. w .. . h . i I f- I . Kucboaur and Tukoa Vt Abler St. ...Mala in ,...Hnry Bldg.. tb-Oik. .Mat BOS4. A 8 r.T ax4 Cornell Hills... ....Mais aaiauni i. aani-T. . . . , ., i ....... A. M. WBIOHC 4......W, A, aoi.'. Corner Blith sad Wa.hlnrtoa gbi. Draft iaanad availabla la all the prrudpat lour par cant lutaraat paid saTtns INVESTJ1ENTS Grain Brokers. Established 189$. Tacoma, Spokane. 201-J-8-4 Couch Bldg. STATION TLME CARD PACIFIC ARK VINO PORTXAM1 Ortnn Cxnre 7: a. m. SIlTertoa I'aaaanfae 0:30 a. a. Portland Paaavngrr ............... .low p. m. Hhaata Umlted t.SO p. m. Roaeburs paaaenger l p. m. Portland Expreaa ...,ll:QO a. m. WEST SIDE. n. Corrallla paaansr 8 90 n. si Bi. Rberldaa Paaaensar .............. .,10:30 a. at. Bi. Foraat Ororaj Paawnrar. ...... ...... 8 00 a. m. BI. Foraat Grov Paaavnarr. .......... ..11 uVt a. m. sa. I Fortat Grot Paaafntar 4:40 p. tn. RAILWAY COMPANY. -. . I C. P. K. Short Una via Spokane. ... -O0 a. tb. Via Vlnenarar, Virtnrla A SeattU.. 8: p. m. I Via Sumaa sod Saattl 7:00 a. dl. PACIFIC ARRIVING PORTLAND. , North Coait Limited, via North Bank 815 North Coait Limited, via Paget Bound T:30 . . Noribern Taeifle Expren. . via North Bank ., 80 a. . Nortbara Pacific Expreaa. via Pa get Sound : - . Paelrle Exptvaa, via North Bank... :1S p. m. Pelflc Exprma, via Pneat Sound... 7:R" a. m Weatera F.xprea. vl North Bank.. 8:15 p. m. Veatern Exprcs. vl Pnset Sonnd. .10:80 M. Mlasotirl Rlrar Exprea. vl North Rank 8:0a . at- Mloaonrl Rtrar Expreu, via Paget Bound , 8:00 B. m, Portland. Tacoma A Seattle Er- , , ; preaa, and front Olympli, Sou IB nuno ang urayp nxroor,,... i.M riixet Bounn Limited...... VaoenUTer-Portland Special Taeolt Paaaenser , . ... ,....,,.50:SO p. bi. :Ort . m. NAVIGATION COMPANY. ARK1V1KO PORTLAND. Sttn-ffrmkane-Portlnnd .. :O0 - m- Th Dalle Local .., 10:tS . m. Portland Llmltd , S:on p. m. Pendleton Pnaaoiiger .............. 8:SO p. m. Or(mn-Wahlnxton Exprea . . . i ..1Q:30 m. COLUMBIA RIVER ! , . I ARRIVING PORTXASD. m. I Portland A Rainier Paaaecfar. ...... 1:1W a. m. I E"!D5 .JPrea ...j- U:t I Portland it Rainier Paaaecfar....... 8:20 p. m. I Tortland Eiprg 10.00 p. tn. ARRIVING PORTLAND 1 OfTl ... T:l . m. ... 6:2"i p. ni. . . . 6 :00 p. ni. Shaata Limited I Portland PaKaenser Seattle Railway STREET PASSENGER STATTON. V AKUIV1.U PORTLAND.: Front Chlcaeo. St Pawl. Omab, Kanaa CH. St Lnnl. Wall Walla, Paee, Bnosevelt. Gntnddalle, White Salmon. Stevenson. .. Van eooer and Intermediate atatlon. North Bank Omltml. 8:0 . m. From Chicago. St Paul, Omtba. Kanaa Cttr, St Loala. Spokane. Spram. BltarilJo. Llnd. Paaeo, Rooxevelt,. flranddalla. Whit Salmon, Stevenson, Vancouver. -Inland Emnlr Epre. ............ 8:18 p. tn. From Cllffa, Granddalle. Goldendnle, T.vle, White Salmon, Cam, Vanconrer and aU Inter mediate stations. , - ,r ' .;.: Columbl.n River Local.'... ......H:25 p. m. reet Depot I PaHa to. Portland DU to Portland. ............10:18 a. m. . . . . a, m.. 5:30, 6:30. 7:80, 7:40, 8:60, 10:25; , . . V .ov p. Ba, ' : 11 :a"- ' ' -- FolrTlew and Troutdale :B8. T-48. n-4H a n 10:45 a. m.; 12:45. 2:45, 8:45. 4:45, 6:45. 9:45 p. as. . rOR VANCOUVER. - Ticket office and wilting room Second and Waahington atreeta. ' . ,JL M.4l.-:n :50, 7:23. 8:00, 8:33. :1a, 10:30, 11:50. . . ' P. , M. 12:80. 1:10, 1 80. 1.80. g.M 4:30. 6:10. B:80, 6:30, TK15. 7:40, 8:1S. 8.2J 10:H5.-11:45. , On third Monday ta every too nth hit cat leaTe at 75 p. m. - Pally except Snnrtay. "Dally except Monlnv. Railway Company fD JEFFERSON. ARRIVING. PORTT.AND Wllaotivill Int. Sta. local. .8:40 and T:ftS a. m. milsboro-Forest Grove local,.,,..... 8:00 a. m Salem Int.-Sta. local. g.40 jj, Hlllaboro-Foreat Grove local. :80 a! ta'. Salem Int. Sta. local ,Jt :oO a. tn. Hillaboro-Foreat Grove tocah, ..11 :40 a, . Salem Int. Sta .local.,. 1:13 p. m. Hlllshoro-Foreat Grova local.....,.-,, l;0O p. m. Hlllsboro-Foreat Grov local. S:80 p. mj Salem Int. Sta. local. 4H p: tn Hillaboro-Foreat G've local (Sun only) 4:40 p. m. Snlem-Tualutln only. Umltd...,r.,, 4:00 L tn Grov local, 8:20 p. m, 8al.m In. Sta. local,....,.,.;,.,, ' g:oo . Htllaboro-Foresl Grove local......... 8:! p. m. Salem Int. Sta. local. ,.,..,., 8:20 B, . Saletn Int. Bta. local.,,.., ...,0:S0 p. m Hlllahoro-Foreat G've Iocs) (Sat onl)lJ 00 p. m. a - - ...v., ,k., uf,,.a.w u. n polut vU SalelB :o0 , .. p. m, dully Arriving Portland i from . BurlJogtor, and Ir.termetliato atatlons, 7:60. -.9:0(1, 10:00, 11:00 A, M.; 12:00 noon; 2:00. 3:00., 4:00, 6:1)0, 6:00 P. M. Krom Xtnn. ton and Intermediate station. ,. ccpt Sunday, 7:00 A. M. From Linn I 'W AIJ-. 1' IUIII Ijlll ton and Intermediate station. S-ituid and Sunday- only. 7:20. 9:50. 11:35 P. TRANSPORTATION FOR. TILLAMOOK Steamer "Sue H. Xlmore' iBteamer "Oshkoh" , Schooner- "Evie" - ' Schooner "Gerald O." Freight received dailv at Couch street dock. Sailings every Tuesday and l-YU day evening. Passenger rates from Port land $7.60. , From Astoria. $5.00. - Tele phone Main 861. ,-,-f . 5., ,-:.;.', . - Ban Francisco & rornand S. S. Co Only Xllrect trteamer,- daylight taiila?." From Ainsworth dock, Portland, 4 p, iSl 8. S. Kama City, Pao. 4, 16. 8. B. Bob City, Feb. 11, 83, ate. - . From Pier 40, San Fninclsco, H tt. rn. 8. 8. Bos City, rb. 5, 19. . . . 8. 8, Kansas City, rb. 13, 8d. J". W. Ransom, dock aenf, Muln if. Ainsworth dock; M. J.' Roche, cltv tt, fe at agent, 143 Third st, Majn idt. A-H si. COOS BAY LIN U The steamer .. BREAKWATEIl J-av. Portland Wednesday st 8 p. m , ii. Ainsworth dock for KortH Send, f : i . field and Coca Bay po.n. a, j-r-iv : ccived untll 9 a. in. on fi?y nt ',, fanseneer fnrc, lot Kiti. i i-!. c tli. $7, Including t'rii ami -..: onii'C city ticket otfv. 1 l,i 1 . tngton et. or Ainawort.i -n i Main 2S .1 , v