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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1907)
12 , THE OREGON ,' DAILY. ' 'JOURNAL; PORTLAND. '..WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 2. 1C07. San Francisco Office pregonljourna 789 Markets t, bet 3d 6- 4th -,. cupxioa mxomrxA. Orrrn!tna when In frtKlwj ran fear their mail Ma la " Th Journal o . ARTHUR I: FISH. KprtattT. 'NEW TODAT, . DEATHS Jonesmore WARLEN Oct 1 ged I years, I NEW TODAY. 101 Borthwick street; typhoid man! iHm ....... . .... ... j t ' i v. LEE Oct i X, Stephen P. aged 72 years. I month and 11 day. 608 H. . I, , aI I III IIUKII. . I ALLEN Sent. ji. William Aller , 21 veara. it SL Vlncant'a hospital If vou want a home buv a lot ai.r !. J' - b i ' . ..I t ... I "J" VCl. I. 1W A. AjOWJ U A Jonesmore ana we will build . years, louUviuvWmM pulmonary '.: - -i. "'.ii- 'j I-- .... I tuberciiloala. - -. . you a name, nu ici us i COLTON -ept If, Patrick J. Colton, a area years, av vraiiaee, Aaauu, pw raiysi. i LeISINO Sept.- -10, Joseph ' L11ng, axed tS yea re, at Good 8mriun hftanltal: diabetes mnlltna. ' i.i GHAUT Oct i, Edward JoaeplV Orout aged ( months, and 2$ day. 88 West i ...... .nanrne Main 392; A.2392 fifi Sfarlr St. -"rlti,?r"'"'"ctlfn V" i , HUIII VALAIll rKUrCKlI I . I DIED In- this city. October 1. Carrie . . .. .. - v.,. .,. : ; 7 I ' - Adelaide Hwanman. sired x monma. U miu, iiivii - .... , , TVy,t-v,AU I-.-.LI. " .. I-U it aT Am as 1 .Ma. . A A ' a W W a ,1 All 1 blMlVll II HUH fJl IT 4 at Willi II, r stuiirtA 10100 OB Wmisms . Tfc,I Kit llllll A UH1 demon. 61 years, funeral notice later. i I ,N I I .111111 un II " 'i '' 1 85250 100 ft fronting Union .. JWWW " FUNERAL NOTICES. v . J - as 1 UVUl IV mitRI 1le HW aJeM-eswaSWasaNs f ?S2Jtft.?i!i VirVi SSwain lid Oreshara; beat of land; 40 seres clear! ANDER?ON In this city. October 1, YTn?0.100 Tor,t,,t- "wen x,f ( cows, team, annlnf utensils, eto.; John H. Anderson, sed .4 years. Pu- ''.oSlvJL4t.A.iai and rnnnlns-wster. rood' dairy, or Irtrden neral serrlcee will be held at Erlcson's S2 100160100. tor. Maliory ave. ana farn. 1ji0oo down, balance 5 years I chaoeL 401 Alder st.. at t p. m.. Thurs- 1000--0xl00,,cor. Bnaw lilircv llllh a tvirc'TUCUT terment Oreenwood cemetery. I l-'f1 J! "' MJ 1 III " I mi M WARLEN The funeral services ot Evelyn B-, daurhter of Alex and Ber tha Warlen, will be held at the family reaiaanoe. toi Bortnwtcic si., at i p. m.. i nursoay. vreioDer s. rionua invtivu. interment Lone fir cemetery. Evalla B. Warlen. IJennle P. Bales to Jennie Martvn. months and S days, I ,. lot 4, block 20, Ksnllworth, W. Hi" i SJ9O0 Tii00 In E. 8tl st W. ' ' MlOOO 50X1UO. cor. 4 show you. Geo. D. Schalk ausn m .imam (o. ' i Portland Heights 'Commercial and mkvi. sosiOA on Minnesota st a050 100x100 on Cambrlds-e, near I t xtski nitTlitl TTnlveraltv Pars. fooo-O full lots, EKceleior addltloa; 30O 100XI7 uvenooain wiuim u nvor. . . r . ottiQO 80x100, ITnlversttv Park. ,. 50 60x100, Terrace Perk. , : ,( Jk30(V 0xl00, Highland Park. ' . lr50 0xl00. Waverly Heights. 250 0xl00. Alberta carllne. - . Jt250 0xl00, I blks Alberta caxllna 1350 (0x100, 414 and Alder st. .25 60x100. cor. on North th at- ilit-soslOO. cor.- on North 10th st 250 eOxlOO. 16th at. near AJnsworta ave. . - ' ' . j 2?ZJX;i 4 hlka Alberta eartln't, nent" on Tn,rd ' Madison, 25 !?xl00, 4 pun. . Aioena cariina, ... hu adiv room REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS John B. and Elisabeth Moon to Frank J. Richardson, lot 14, v 'block 1 J, Goldsmith's addition. IT, LJ ...,....,............ 16x100, Mt Tabor addition. 0TT0, CROCKETT & HABKS0H ...... I33H nlSTIT. Cheaneat ouartae 'on lower helshts: Deauiuui view. , . '. .. U Couch Bldi.i 4th. near WshlnioiL H?'Xt'nd. fc.fj5,i? lots I and (, block t, Monta villa. W. D. George W. and L. M. Bates to Oeorre W. Bates Co., lot f. mock is, sud. froeDsteta addi tion to Aiblna. W. P. I Moor Inveatment .company to John Ratthje, lot 7. block I Vernon, W. V. Moore Investment company to John Ratchje, lot , block I, vernon, w, u. Ipartineit House- Site The best 100-foot corner for apart- Hamllton bldg. v 10 10 :. ',,11 ,' .1 160 111 WEATHER REPORT Q. Q. and Laura M. Gammana to ' - Rose City Park Johnnie Capdeboscq, lot (, block 12, Eveiyn, 8. w. u...... Johnnie Capdeboecq to Gustavo Kurat, lot , block 11, Evelyn, w. MX The disturbance vesterdaV north of Moniana is now. central porta or Min nesota and a new disturbance tit ria. I elded character has developed In the souuiwesc. A ntsn rtrsaaure area of I n n.t.. i- a illgn . CiaCS KCSiacnce UlSVriQl. I i"7 .Tr.:. .' t- ' vV.v. " ' . I Madeline Morterud. lot 16. euro area has moved from the lower lake region to the middle Atlantic states. Light rain has fallen at scattered places In the north Paclno states and generally throughout Nevada. Utah, the umer Mississippi vauey ana me upper lane SPLENDID CAR SERVICE BULL RUN. WATER CEMENT SIDEWALKS GRADED STREETS block IT. Lincoln Park annex. W. D. . ............. I J. P. and Louisa M.'Menefee to Mary Phelps Montgomery-, lots 1 and 2, block 70, original town- sue -or AJDina, w. u. region, ft Is much cooler In Nevada, rnlt n? Carolina Giordan to O, 111 400. 100 1,000 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS S10 ' v, . i ....... . Xlnathan and Genevieve Chapman,. Sweet to William Shepard Hid- V die. lot I. block L Ooldamlth's ' .Jilti.. . . r. ... UUlllUfl TT . U, I........ 49,VVU 4fcUIIIW A. mill 1AJVII lu V , , itohr, west H 01 lots 7 and 8, . block I2. Hawthorn Park ad- i" d(tlon, W. IX . ' , 10 investment company to Michael J. Brsnnan. lot 1 and 2. block- ivumnnh rj, . . ..... 4,4VV vi. n. ana juinei t. weoo 10 LiOi- , tie Wee t man, lot (, block 25. Alblna Homestead. W. D. i 1 KnA xjeonara koss 10 wesimsn, lot 5, block 26, Alblna Home- , l- stead. Q.i C. D. ....... . . . ..... r. 1 l-OR ABSTRACTS.' " TITtB , iNdR- ano or mortsace loans, call on Penins Title V Trust Co., 204-1-4-T Falling bldg. G'EfVOUR" ' INSURANCE 'ANB1Tb Stracts to real estate from the Tin. Guarantee A Trust Cov 140 Washington st, cor.- 2d. 'V i , NOTICES IIELP WANTED M.1LE BLUJS'AND FEIALE IIELP r '' WANTED. '- " .' At ' . STAVB BOLT CUTTERS.' TV pay, H. 60 per cord; steady work; good aorornmodattons at camp. WESTERN COOPERAGE CO, ' ' - Room 106 Stearns bldg,' ,' '!.',' Portland. Or. -r MEN AND WOMEN ANXIOUS TO IN cresse their earnlns capacity; wt have helped thnuminda, let un hlp you. INTERNATIONAL CORREH1VaN1 - ENCE dCUOOL, . 1, ; 4H th st; onen Evetilnss.' STKOURAl'HKHd. IJOTiniALli2 ANl WANTED-ROOM AND BOARD LITTLE LINERS, WANTS, LOST AND, .found, for sale, to let., etc., In The Journal coat only 1 cent a word: 11 words or las, 16 cents each Insertion, . Phones Main 7171 Homo A-8230. - - (. aE"NTLEMANr AND 6-XEAR-0L6 ilnoBhter .nt nl,pi Ia , nknin end female, aood positions opeu with best! board. T-il. Journal. Arms; no charaj. Underwood Type- a- , , - i ) us , writer Co. , S8 6th st, ' I . irM VTi,iiif?ar'vt..a vtrnna ' WW A aV -4'tIJV; MaJiA41 W W - . 4 WM WILL BUT TOUR HOUSEHOLD goods and guarantee best prices. Call, WAKTkB Salesmen i maKT UM n.f.: tNo nrYos 2I4.0. . ". pr "Jhs 0I2. A!"" WsPhlngton T sT Paclflo 1270 or A 1670. tlon. far from old orchsrds: cash - ad-3 MEN ANU . WOMEN TO LEARN THE phone or write. 8. J. A U Rubensteln, vanced weekly: choice of territory. Ad-1 baroer. iran in I weeks; cost less, ii Front st, opposlt National not!... dress Wsshlngton Nursery Co, Top-I oeuer saiai-ies, iearna in es mnoinan rscmo lioi. Punish, Washington. - , .".'J. TlS'Vtt, it" " OASlU'OR 16uSEU6U) 6668. iUV v . I',! TT-l tj4aa1 I.lf:.' ? - ; rfe A Pennell. 146-147 1st Pao. 160. Union Hotel LITTLE LI found, for i n. iaiii Bi. I Journal cob f mamnioTmiDi io mi Dueruvre m - i -. .r ..-i I worue vi ivbb, a.ov wr wva. -rwi... .u ijiy vvi www ciai montniy rates given. . Aniwrson,- ..y i . , . .I, - I I, - , Y&W&JtPTn yVE PA Y ' MORE FOR" '. t onlv 1 cinf a word- II , x PORTLAND AUCTION WANTED BOTS FOR GOOD POSI 'S'URNITURiil ION BOOMS, . , 1 1st st' ' Phones Main 7171. Home A-3130. IF YOU WANT TO BELL, SEE US, iic-iriiinTruu pnii ill lirtTtf. -oKunu nana 1'Biace. iiicnesi prio Vd'i5auVnt hla , HeloVf all ? r. aecond-h.nd good." 1T 'Flan- kinds rree to employers. Paclflo nomt rnwn w;n ia. Employment ofloe; phone Pacific 1406. HIGHEST PRICES " PAll) FOR All. ivo- momwin. i sinus oi second-nand. aooda .union A A. .A A A W A- v.. AWA W , . ... I . ..... W A P-AiVHU'llKUU. ' UUV'W tlons la candy department Paclflo I qood POSITION "tttlt ' T6 TW5 Exchange, 261 Front sg Paclflo 1411. Coast Biscuit Co.. 11th and Lav Is st. - , WANTED. Livs-men to sell rural directories; nine farmer out of ten buy them; 76 I NOTICH TO CREDITORS AND TO all 'bersona firms and cornnrallnna interested In the Oregon Trust A 8av- lass osna, In curauanee of an order made hv lha nonorarie,- the State of Orego In the suit of i airalnst th Oreson Is hereby alVin to, the credltorssB wMl " ind-w- n.nJ I!0 tl?r -.11 vi-m. .- I need acDly. Portland psan at lhxmt uo.. - .'V. WW. M A . . ... W .BI1.A .,1 , 1 L 111 II A I . " " ' . . . , ' havlnany claim or demand against th l) . - . l. .1 Said JVgon Truat A Savings bank, a CAL. WINS DEPOT. HEADQUARTERS corsflratlon of Portland. Or, to present! for cook and helpers. -148 4th. P. circuit court of ths ner cent commission: boys are making I T.ttti.K LINKBS. WANTS. TIST AND n for Multnomah county Jt, to 10 psr day. Call at 268s Wash-1 .. found, for sal, to let, etc, In Th IaOUI J. WlldSu Plaintiff. I ln.n . twinn. 1 anil rmt ktiav I TAiirn.l Mat'nnl. A AA.f m arnnll II Trust A Bavlngs 1 1,1. viwtl,'"t.vbihtL'xrf'illt GTAT. I words or less. 16 cents each Insertion. . . aaV.. n . j I All A Bdt CA blA. . WVA . .. . J . . .... i fnones main tits, noma a-il'iii. tlieTv same, with the vouchers (Hereof. I Loratl. POSI- dulyrerlfied. to th undersigned re- 1 taILOh " WANTED STEAD? P lltVtViiK?,rtt?n .Tru'h a,i,n" tlom By8elllnedmg clothl ; T Tv "v"vr V,V wdi ddd t.7 a Ti-n irvriTirMri,'ri7 rurnsce to tend or position TVir Ian1 tOi" flamwaamKa. IIAf - THOMAS C. DEVLIN. Receiver of the Oregon . Trust A av- isa nana. clothier. WANTED ERRAND BOJ. J. R. fyi'fS, ni SJ, linn , s-y assa, ar , men and women to sell the Red Cross LkfOitMiTV a i-il.r a viU'j"!.! a i ,k Til un oi snnuary orusnes. wiu at sv l , order. K. E. Knrlson A Co- til An- l r igiunrr hjK. - - I aeny st Main 6260. I ITTI L. f t .T1.U11 i r . ... n r r. A. tvtli SITUATIONS WANTE13-4.JIALI5 i 'oun: forieYo'ietCTn Th. uuruai oobi oniy esni a wora; is words or less, l cents each insertion. Phones Main T178. Home A-8210. PHONE EA8T 6204 tF YOU WISH Td sell your furniture 168 Hawthorn BY FIRST-CLASS HIDE .MAN ' IN feKBT LooOer' fillOEii . kAtli TO . uiu. w.rrn-.u.-, . . .'i wu . oraer. union msde shoes la stock, or weeteru Oregon. Address 8, Journal. Erneat'Claus. 851 u. ailun : . MIDDLE-AG ED MAN QUICK AND AC? LADIES' AND "CHILDREN PJUW curat at figures, wanta poslpon. J- K sewing. Phone East 6270. v , journal. : - WANTED Til l? A Rife vna "axfiVJ. KTTma, . . . , . . . ... A , I . .. . " - w. . uuBt.1. ia viAii i a i cniia; good home: resTnabla charsea. furnace to tend or position aa watch 880 Thurmaji. between 26th and 27h. an. Aonreaa, iv-ao, journei.- - - i GRUBBING contract sourl av. sjgaa.d CLEARING MIB. by FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RE.NT te AadrtKII. tjk, XL, , JZJ Mil i - - - i .r-rfcj-ajxLs-iA-, ttr1jr--iisrxi-i,ijr ;jihn.;eofUw" LITTLE LINERS. WANTS. LOST AND WaXTZuLbtMM. ACTtVBi 6WQ KvaNTED t A m ; BITUATION f AS A found, for to L ta. In ThJ team enr-neer; - holntng. statlontrr, I Journal cost onl a word; t j win. iniwimniiva nr inv nrnap avnr r ' man gig wiiriiai . or i as is- Aania -aaAh inuaif iam low pressure. Address T-86, Journal, or phones Main 7178, Home A-8120. phone Pacific 1078. , ; 1 - , APARTMENTS UNFUR'nISHEDV.' PORTER UN ' WHOLESALE HOUSH and 4 rooms-In new building, steam 'or factory; experienced packer, and neat and hot water; adult. ,40854 E. marker; first-class references. 8-IS, Burnslde st TmimAl I i-i.r.t - " 1 M ' "4.U 1 S H i:J a. be tween . . ELECTRIC LIGHTS eastern Oregon; eastern Washington.' "western Montana, South Dakota v and EHMfntf Ptr!ftfnn and Untt J rtheatern Colorado, and correspond uiiullll, KCSIXltllOlU flllU U1IU I ingly warmer in southwestern Colorado. ... . - . , ''. .. .,- , lArlsona, New Mexico, th lower Mla- - All lrnprOVemei.IS inciuaoc inii""PPi vauey and the lak region. f f"m r wwurer id uu aisirict tonigni ana miles Of Cement Sidewalks already Thursday, 4 with rising temperatures laid. Man-houses r.ov :.-ourse - Tmo. r Vonstmct.on. Easv terms of L . ... Max. Mln. Precip. . ( ..--j jcnicago. ui 66 . ', l Cincinnati,-. Ohio .. 78 I Denver, CoL 70 KanaaS f!ltv' Ma.. DA Iiaillliail a IIIUUIUUII l Little Rock, Ark.. . 81 nooa;3 rbsmber of Conmerce. Jw tSSTV xT.W i Nom Alaska' .... 86 Philadelphia, Pa. 66 r Phoenix. Aria. .... 86 Portland, Or. ..... 60 St Louis, Ma 82 St Paul, Minn...., 68 Salt Lake, Utah... 64 San Francisco, CaL 68 Washington, D. C 44 62 64 88 62 68 64 60 84 48; 68 48 16 48 40 66 42 .61 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 Katsendoblar, beginning at point in north line of Hooker at 209 feet weat of southwest cornsr of block (8, Caruthera' addition to Caruthers, thence north 100 feet thence west 66.11 feet thence south to a point 60.1 feet west from south east corner of original tract thence east 60.0 feet to begin ning. W. D. Lulu and Hugh McCab to D. L, McKay, lots l and S, block 1, Waverly. W. D. David and Ella L. Goodsell to W. L. Jester, lot 16 and 17, block 2, Columbia Heights, W. , D ....,- Merchants' Saving A Trust com pany io Mary Baser, lot s, block '186, East Portland, 8. W, D........ ... 2.000 1,600 250 . 1 f. . 'Li a, ... jjIiTilin vouman to Balf B. Tou- ,yu.ii JIUIA v. 1VV UI MIUVA : .6: .44 .-0 .0 An Investment and Home Combined Four acres - the .' city, two blocks from carline, in the fastest ETOwiner jieiirhborhood in Port- . .. a4 ......J (. . 'wr.1T IHaI II: HArfl h werkentln 1 IK a TM. t)..w a nr r ,' . . ...lj;. - j.j 1 Lynn H. Briggs, ll;;Dell Franc Harriet R. Davis to Hannah Gll- o uimiCf i.uuiu uc buvuiiiucu ureeo, zi. nn,4 r.M in W fnr twiV amrtiint ...Hrry H. Holbrook. asitcu. , , , .rncc, 5o,vwv yi,vw down, balance 6 per cent w j.- MARRIAGE LICENSES ' t or "B," Washington addition. w. D. X V. and Anna M Burke to E. , J. Jaeger, lot 8, block 10. Riv erside addition, W. D . . . J. V. and Anna M. Burke to E. , v J. Jaeger, lot 7 and 6, block 4, i 10 260 Leonard B. Johnson, 280 CUy street, C D. Hulburt to E. . FarrelL lot 110 125 TO THE TAXPAYERS OF MULTNO-I- man to work In general tor; must mah County, Oregon Notif is hereby I have best of habits and good references; given inai on Monoay. kku 21, jo, thelgood salary ngni party, v-. n. Doard of equalisation of Multnomah coun- I Hedse. Bee vert on. Or. lY.IL'iiflAUl.'.-?.' .th "ount'l INVENTORS WANTED $60,000 TO viwa wi sain wuiii anu yuuuviJ CAHnilllB ( U .. A T Xl timv RIB rAm, 4V. a- aalia-atHB,M4 -.11. d,a ika ueae 1A.A1 ..J I I IK II V J . era. sj asm as . a. a t ay a w vwaaa wo-nmriH uiim v luw J" ? IfVl IMU gorTot all fftrrorai In valufaflnn. aiaurltw tlorl or qualities of land, lota and other j WANTED YOUNG MAN FOR CLERK fc1TlvATtnj "-WiN'TKb 11 fckri.NKKk! - around floor' lit YmMH property, and It 1 th dutv of all ner-1 experienced In waltW on flrst-claaa PITUA110N WANTED IGINEElt ,;pound floor. I4 YamhUl. una tnlr..t.A in .nh... .1 v. i. ! ..,. .,.ftmM4 in lara-e orders I n ?m !.- I"" -"" and olsce appointed, and If it shall an-1 en hard work: an opportunity for efd-1 A MAN CAPABLE OF R pear to such board of equalisation, that vancement; atat reference, experience overseeing manufacturing mere are any land, lots or other prop-land salary expected to start. Address i mscninery; aiso looping rtv A A. A IvlM Ar In th. n. n. . t . I r. A r T....n.1 I I v.. I ., .-..If . ! . i person or person not th owner .pt WanteiS biHe!aM"aW f 6 " TAkri WaNTEdHsitiUtion ah COLLEd- bathe) am, or asaessea unaer or nevono its I . jr . n u. I i. r 7 1 . 1 - value, or anv lands lota or otner oron. cnarge oi enup.j .iiy iyw won ve i iur or jwi'imi in "i wevaie "-I isjfiw LX FURNISHED ROOMS. 11.60 & ? ed said board of pfuafi! Kast Seventh street, y-ancouver Wseh. neas. 9-86. Joomal. and up. 202H 2d st 9 uon snau mase ine proper correction. I wamui bia acbm ununotu, mvi vt aix i cu a oca ur bwm un av j jskvvly FURNISHED BEDROOMS, coraa wooa cur, near cuj. . iuwu a, i wum wwa ur in m. iiv aw . suitaple for student or tjrfcn employed during the day.- 168 10th at - - -A UNNINO OR THE GRAND. 4W N. D fif.A60kfcl or rectlng I -for gentlemen. 8116 per week and up. nop. w-68. THE RICHELIEU. 11 W N ' iTH BT I furnished; steam heat and I i B. D. filOLER. Count v Aaaeaaor. Portland. Or.. Sept. 28. 1907. ! Notice is herebV 6IVEN", tHat" th office of The Hawthorne Entat I -now located at No. 118 Worcester Bldg, Third and Oak ats.. Where - all matters pertaining to the affairs of this state, or Rachel L. Hawthorne, must d transacted. THE HAWTHORNE ESTATE, RACHEL L. HAWTHORNE. Dated at Portland, Or.. Sept 26, 180T. 122 Grand ave. con st HELP WANTED4-FEULB WAmted-Yoiine adic1s THE PACIFIC TELKPHONH ft A GOOD, EXPERIENCED JAPANESE REASONABLE fegNtJ. PtgASiW. wants position a schoolboy; apeak X clwlI, rooms for gentlenwii.60 Yam Englleh well. B-86, :fournal. v hill, near 11th; gss" bath; both phones. ,.,IT a.t THE COLONIAL COR. . 10TH AND SITUATIONS WAOTEDFEMALE. Mcrrison st. First-class rooms and board. Table boarder and transient WANTED AT ONCE 2 AGENTS, EXPE- rience not necessary, salary or com- i mission. Call after 8 p. m.. 268 Mill at BUSINESS NOTICES TELEGRAPH CO. WILL TEACH I HOUSEWORK BY DAT OR HOUR, 66 J taken. WO? PERALiNENT TOsirlo?: j Vound? VoSlt VJtTn taptt invijjrrMEMT- rprt found, for sale, to let, to,- In Th u-infa i VuiT 7?V: : liniTSa Journal cost only 1 cent a words , is , SHORT AND"" WORK UOHTj ' W J" Tiit" " i TTViT? r jjinu BCDwr. vmrw I non8 Main 717J. Home ABZio. , APPLY CHIEF1 OPERATOR.- 8D I LADY WOULD LIKE,. WASHING OR auy .. jvasc ez; uiu INVENTIONS BOUGHT AND SOLD. FLOOR, MAIN BUILDING. COR. cleaning by th W. PARK AND ALDER. I for Mrs. w. THE HAEHLEN". MODERN C6Ve1J- lences. ya -Jltn st r )r-R003ISt AND DOARD LITTLE LINERS.' WANTS, LOST AND lounq, I or sate, IO 1M. exc, in Th journal cost oniy i can i a word; 16 Covenant Contract Co. 417 Flladner I GIRLS WANTED APPLY STANDARD I DAY WORK IN bldg. Main 281. I factorv No. 2. Grand are. and Eaat 1 places, east aide, close. f - ijc-i-Bi.tibc-Kl' US ln-fe-r .a-1 Tavlor at '. T 66 N. Grand ave. A liJi. l.lil.UU,.. - " ....AA-Am, - " ii ii . . 1 and opticians. 284 Wsshlngton st I WANTED GIRLS TO MAKE FITZ I EXPERIENCED OPERATOR DESIRES NEW FICTION LIBRARYV131 10TH st: books loaned st 6 cents the day. Well shirts atad tBoss of All overall I position of piivat axchang.. at 76 4st st. , Msin e7. wunvAm Aw . IK ..a... ...w I . A I . GOOD . STEADY I Phones Main T1J8, Horn A-S280. Mr.. McCoy, aOSBOKN HOTEL. CORNER GRAND ava, and E. Aih; furnished rooms, sin gle or en suit, with or without board. Phon I East 6618. LITTLE LINERS, WANTS, round, for sale, to let Journal coat only 1 cent words or less, 16 cents aoh insertion. rnones Main 7171. Home A-8230. LOST AND GIRLS WANTED OPERATORS TO WOMAN WANTS DAY WORK; ROOM ete; In The work on shirts and overalla Lon Ing-houM..; preferred. , Phona Main a word-' II 1ven to Inexperienced. Apply at Stand- 0777.-- ' --- - ,-- - Florence .. t. James W. Ferguson. Sand Point Ida ho, 88: May A. Anderson, 20. Phillip Abrahamson, Aberdeen, Wash ington. 10: Sarah Tobias. 22. .. Georg Steele, 814 Fifth street, 24; J more, lot 6. block 12. Piedmont W." D. 7 W. Band Mary Steel to Margar et Schomp, beginning at Inter section of north line of East Morrison street extended with center of East Twenty-seventh, thence north 100 feet, thence MEETING NOTICES ATTENTION NEIGHBOR Somcjhin? Dclng: TO-MGHTl BETTER CORIE, and factory No. Grand ave. and Eaat Taylor at. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY, 248 wasblnrton at. coirer seventh, up stairs. ' Phon Mala sell. Female help ' wanted. ;EMPL iz YMENX AGENCIES RVlnvi uf I t CAMP 41 PACKERS AND WRAPPERS; maneut imnlovmenL Annlv candy do partment Pacifio Coast Biscuit Co, lztn and Davta. THE DEXTER. FURNISHED ROOMf. vuincr a a in ana wssningion, entrance THE COLONAhli,RVSi' IhitV ncihK all ' . latest convenience. IB.k anA PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. I UNFURNISHED ROOMS. 206H Morrison st...k Phon Paclflo 2391 27 N. 2d at..... Phon paclflo 1J00 I LITTLE LINERS. WANTS. T.OST ivn Btn rOf Ca ruDiivut-MT iiA , ' " I found, for aeJ. la let.. tn In Th. .aua. UA.A W A MJU,, A .- I . , . " . w, ... ' Logging camp and farm . help a spe-1 '"""J oosi oniy l cent a word; H ur iota lm cents sacn im Phone Main 7178, Homo A -8 210. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE FOB MEN.' . 21 N. 2d st. Phon Main 1121 GOOD clalty. 20 N. 2d at ' Phon Main Itll W.0MI eent each insertion. positions, work light and clean: per-1 we pay sii telegraph charges, f era ,p . Af Anna Aanecner. . east iso leet, tnence soutb 100 The Spanton Company sgis3& "it wM anrw w .?. br: -::flwUiiir'awtti!- V 3p?rcilal D Hoag, t; Emmtvl wniiam and Annla Ridt to Wil- . 77fl STnTVT T,7?U"'T, tnailr.9K J iu vtii a- 1.1. .1. a j 2,800 i 270 STARK STREET "i House and lot. 50x100, on 15th near East Ellsworth. A fine pur chase. , ; . 4 (xusey Land & Invest ment Co. .V B06-T aTwTXaJV9 8190. ; ' i ' (m i " i Portland Needs More Hotels We have a splendi.d location for one. 'r PRIjCE $55,000 " n Title Guarantee & i Trust Co. Cor. Second and Washington Sts. Ruskv 25. Chariea K, Mccav. 831 cusan treet, zi; Eiien m. Murx, is. ; Wedding Card. W. G. Smith A Co- ! Washington bldg Cornsr 4th and Wash- imgton st. Weddings cards the best 100 for 16. Aivin a. nawK, in zo at' Tonseth A Co.. florists, for flower of all kind. cTSTE 122 6th st Bros., Florists Fin flower and floral designs. - 289 Morrison st - Full dress suits for rent all slsea unique Tailoring Co., 109 Stark st. liam Holl. lot I. block 1. Lin- cbln Park Annex. W. D. . . Joseph M. Healy and Walter J. Kelly, trusts, lots X, 2, 9 and -10, block 2, Warerlelgh Heights, Q. C. D. Multnomah Cemetery company to . Agnea m. Former, lot si, Dlocs; "E." said fcemetery. W. D ' The Hawthorne-estate to Nannie,' A. Harped, lot , block 21, Haw- , thornr First addition, W. D..'. . Moor Investment company to -- M. A. Nelreiter, lot, block 16, vernon, w. u. Tomorrow Nla-ht And Every Thursday Night, , In Our New Temple, x 128 11th t FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ACME EMP; dO, .FARMER , AYtp H?- "W"?? vrnt'ntRf. TNT VlTf.V.tNTrnv ok"" especially. .14 MO 81 and Flanders .ta--" . ' T lielp with stock and-learn the busl- ?! ' - "! " """L"" a, il.66 WEEK Up - lAhntL . - . I naaa . Ula waa - A . wsValr lTWea 1 f ArAll OJZt aUaUA U.hIaIa IMaLO UP " . . . : J?! a AjAAvAT, , f a ., . , , . I help supplied.--Main 4669. 268 Everett ST. X.OUI8 LADIES EMP4 AGENCY, ley's. 214 Id st FIRST-CLASS FINISHER ON PANTS. Paclflo 2810, GIRL FOR GENERAL h6U8EWORK. flnA ftCI '4A TX7I11. M., A. 1 i llll. I TT V-'C. WWA V A A W Vi, , f iI.U,V utuiuun AiuuuJii nu. iui. Heights, Main B&. . A. F. A A. M. Special t Anv. kii-kto Tn cn-T.T. A - nrrr Tlf.n.. I AAAA , . - AAA . VA AA 111 A.. A . WVA MAX M. SMITH, FLORIST, 160 6TU I Etta C. and F." B. Holbrook to SO 600 800 communication this (Wednes day) evanlng at 8 o'clock In hall of Oregon eommanderv, 3d and Alder st.; work M. M. degree.' Vlsltlna- hrpth ren cor dially Invited. By order W. M. A. J. HANDLAN. Seev. A Aft iVASHlNGTON LODGE, NO" GIRL BEAUTIrllL IRV1N6T0N t. opp. Meier A Frank'. Main 7211 BERTHS. SEABROOK Sept 20, to. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Seabroolci University Park, a daughter. I ATESSON Sept 20, to Mr. and Mrs, Olif Atesson, university , Park, a aaugnter.- ; - v k WALKER Sent 80. to Mr. and lira. John Henry Walker, 661 E. Burnslde iu, 1A wii ,. BELLACK flept 16, to Mr. and Mrs ueorg. ueuacg. Hotel Beverly, -a daughter. - BEAMER Sept 12, to Mr. and Mra. Dudley Beamer. Lents, a daughter. BROWN Sept 22, to Mr. and Mrs. Percy Brown, Heppner, Or, a son. PHELAN Sept 19, to Mr. and Mrs. -khn Harvey Phelan, 288 Fourth st, a son. CZISLA Sept 29, to Mr. and Mrs. John czisia, 3Q7 m. Market st, a son. SMITH Sept. 29, to Mr. and Mrs. Franklin J. Smith, 89 Grand avenue a aaugnter. DRAKE Sept 29, to Mr. and Mra Rull G. Drake. Z7 Montgomery at, a son. OSBOURNE Sept 14, to Mr. and Mrs. . Charles P. Osbourne, 911 Clinton at. a daughter. ELSTON Bept 22, to Mr. and Mra. Lorenzon Don Elston, a daughter. TAYLOR Sept 16, to Mr. and Mr. J. enerman - 'iayior, . n iiaiaey st, a 4nii0-hler. The most exclusive. close-In restSenee 1 IfKNNY fietot 1. to Mr. and Mra Henrv aiatricc in cut. opeciai inaucementa to i Kennr- sisfine St.. a aauarnter. , builder of choice homes. Lota 60x100. 1 SMITH Sept. 9, to Mr. and Mr. Ed- ward aa. Bmun, ibwi uarr roaa, a daughter. . . : KRAMER Aug. 5, to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kramer, 307 Fremont t. eon. $900.00 1 s "i. SAST TSstMS. , ' IRVINCTON INVESTMENT COMPANY SOOH S9, eT4JIZXT0V BaVBO. UNDERTAKERS -S300 J. P. FTNLET A SONS. 2D AND MADI son sts. Offlc of county coroner. Phone Main . , A. B. HEMSTOCK, 1 FUNERAL DI rector. East 11th and Umatilla. Phon Bellwood 71. Lady aeslstant EDWARD HOLMAN, . UNDERTAKER, -, 220 Id st' ' - S-i ;. . ZELLER-BYRNES CO, FUNERAL DI- rectors, embaimers, 278 Russell. East 1088. 1 Lady assistant .;.-- . DUNNING. M'ENTEE A GILbAUgH. PTrBUBBAN ACREAGE, beet land In .."nr5rll .S-fn?balm?r",i moern e; about o minute- waiit irom car 1 i. i ,i !. 1 r FtHt line. Cc:zey Land & Invest n:ent 480. ' Ladv osslstsnt. ERICKSON' UNDERTAKING CO.. AND ' emoaiming,? - u Aider .: at: - Maltr 6131. tady assistant. CEMETERIES e:3-t BwrTXAjro wxMk$',i'& RIVER VIEW SINGLE GRAVES, 110; family lots. 10x16. for - 2100. mil upwards, according to sice; the only I fJpn u I F PI?i1PFRTV texorh r" pf" month; leased S years; i!'.provments; satlslled tenant!, C IS r'r inonth: the best buy on the jt i-lJe for the nioney. See, It today. WALDO T. STXWAKT, tATA.a.A. klWilr W Xt TaiIJ .U... .. -j. v . .... . v.wn. ...a.aauu, ... Boiunn l new I Tsncc riTV erwrsr.' jirj a ir-a 'AiAi ,WA Vrf AA. -vinu w u.n,iiio, ,1V, famllv lot. 826 to 37ft. Superintend- ent st cemetery, corner of Fremont st snd Cully- road. ' Phone Tabor 206. For full Information apply to Frank SchlegeL I 132 Worcester blk, Phona A2828. ,v , I 7. 8 and 9, block 1. Highland Park addition. W. D. Investment company to Georg V C-V. M fi..A f 1-a C AA (A. ... W. UVCV., V' . W .and north H of lot 4. block B, Piedmont 8. W. D. Title Guarantee A Trust com pany to Lily J. Edwards, lots - z and i, diock "C 1st addition to Holladay Park addition, deed ." . .... i ... .. . ........... A. W. and Bell U Lambert to Alfred Firth, west of lot 18. Haselwood, W.D. ............. Ernest W. Darling to A. W. Lam bert, west H of lot II, Hasel wood. W. D. . . .............. . Richard Williams to f. J. Me Farland. lot 16, block 4. Wil liams addition, -W. D. . Richard William to R. T. Simp son, lot. IS, block 4, Williams addition, W. D. . . . . ... ....... James P. and Helen M. Andrew to Jesse Shaner, lot 6, block . 1, Logan' addition. W. D. Charles - Hayne to ' Eugenia Hayne. 172 acre north of southeast and lot 6 and south of southeast of section 30, township -. 1 north,, range 4 east Q. C. D. . . . . . . . . . Chester A. and Winifred Leppere to Albert Rasmussen, 3 acres . A .Artk-lAal 1 A.e I n 9 9 VA ... .D. 1 VA .WIIVII W 1. 1 township 1 north, rang ( 2 east. W. D. .V. Margaret D. Maher to the King estate, fraction lots 11 and 14, block 802, Couch's addition, Q. , C.SD. , ... Leon and Rose Bories to James A. Gray, lot 1, block 8, Bartsch Park addition. W. D. Rose Bories to James, A. Gray, jots x ana s, diock b, Bartscn Park addition. W. D. University- Land company to rrancis i. - jCK.enna, lot s, block 66, University Park, W, D. W. D. and Myrtle L. Torrey to Sarah E. Huston, lot 13, block l, Hunnyside addition, W. U. , Title Guarantee A Trust com pany to Stephen Batke, lot 8, block 21, N, Irvlngton, deed. a The Peninsula bank to Emma Weeks, lot 8, block 7, St John " Park addition to St Johns, 8. W. D. Erneat and Marl House to Henry Levltus, lots 18, 17, 18 and 19, block 7, K Mount Ta- bor, W. D. a , Fred T. and Mary Lisco to Peter ' Venetrand, lot 4, block 21, Wal- nut Park, W. D. . w. .... . . Frank Bloslck to Mrs, M. V. Rus aell, lot 2, block 6, Laurelwood, '' W. D. .......'. . A . a . i ... , . a" - F. ' M. and Annie M. Duhn to Emit A. and Olivia - Johnson,' Vi lot 7, block 4, Henry's addition, W. D. .". Gay lord B. and Lydla J. Mallett : to Lovlna Collins, lots 5, 6, 7 and ' 8,v block 20,, Point View, ' W. D. ... . . T . .'. . ; . . ..... Nelson K.. nd Iabella M. Wal- . ker to C. B. Cardlnell, north 75 feet of east U of east of lota , 7 ano , oiocic 372, city, a, w. 1,160 100 46. A. P. A A. M. Stated communication this (Wednei iy evening, 7:30 o'clock. ' iiirRn,r.A,ninir tut tut a... tn, O AAA. ATA. v lanors .welcome, kV. M. ' J. H. RICHMOND Am. M. W.-A. EVERGREEN CAMP. 6.461 meets Wednesdav evening- Allak AM- A A AA -A . . -A. 'ub., w kiiu xoui riuuo sua. line of clonks, skirts and furs, to be sold on installment plan. No experience necessary, uooo money zor a-Hustler. J. D. Sherman, 262 3d st WANTED WOMAN TO ASSIST IN tailor s repair shop. - 281H Alder st, TO ASSIST IN GENERAL housework 821 6th st, cor. Clay. WOMEN AND GIRLS WANTED FOR all , classes of laundry work! good wairea. Trov Laundrv , Co.. 201 E. By order Water at LITTLE LINERS, WANTS, LOST AND round, tor -sale, to let etc.. in The Journal cost" only 1 cent a word; IS words or less, 16 cents each Insertion. Phones Mam 7173, Home A-3Z30. Lt.?5k.'SSS2S5? WFZttnf.W WANTED-A WAITRESS AT PARK visitors welcome. ahtra fiinrtv Wtf i1 Ah-g k ENERGETIC WOMAN OVER 21 FOR Ac7a!Se?a ?J!W Includlng-refreshmenta Commltt.. ' in kitchen. Oilman Hotel. 142 1st. SATURDAY EVENING THERE WlLL" be a home dance. at 281 N. 16th; price uu. jLAnuicv inta, - - - - 760 180 LOST AND FOUND SALESWOMEN. MILLINERY MAKERS. V SKIRT AND JACKET HANDS. " GIRLS 16 TEARS AND-OVER Good, permanent positions to comne- teni ina rename people. FOUND A PLACE TO HAVH hati OLDS WORTMAN A KINO, I mattress renovated and returned WANTED HOUSEKEEPER; GOOD am day. 228 Front st Main 474. wages, work easy, on man to cook i-uruana v;unea-uair nactorv. ll. Mats- for. Address Ar ivicnols. Howard Dr ( BTr. proprietor. Mrs. Richardson, mgr.: aeleoted help a specialty.-' 3aoy Tamnill. Main 41 " v 7 WANTED AGENTS . A HOME COMPANY LOW PREMIUM . rates and blah cash value make th policies of th Columbia Life A Trust, rAh ... 1 , A 1 A . A", 'I Av. Ml ' BlC.A. VVlJ AV .fill AW Sharp, manager of agents. III Lumbe Exchange bldg. . , ' AGENTS WANTED CAN YOU SELL goods T If so we need yourcomplet outfit - free; cash .weekly. - writ for choio of territory. Capital City Nur sery company, eaiem, ur, GIRLS. BOYS. WOMEN AND MEN make rood money taklnr order and semns gooos; se us at once,: rium mer Drug Co.. 3d and Madison. LITTLE LINERS, WANTS, LOST AND found, for sale, to let etc. In The journal cost only 1 eent a word; is aurtrna At. laaa 1 K a.nta aaa.K Ina.pMnn Phone Main 7178, Home A-8210. AGENTS " WANTED 171 12TH ST., corner Yam nil i. - - - . - tl w.Aima4TNA LITTLE LINERS, WANTS, LOST AND . round, zor sale. 10 let etc.. in The journal toii my v i cwt woro; is words or less, 15 cents each insertion. Fflone Min 7173. Homo A-8Z30. i WANTED TO -RENT '. : WANTED TO PENT HOUSES, COT- tages, flats, store, onices, rooming- 721 LITTLE LINERS, WANTS, LOST 'AND female help wanted. Main 6297; A Aouna, zor saie, io let, etc., in The U417. 610 BUCnanan piaar., 288 Wvash rfuunicu cost oniy cent a woro; is I mgion. ' words or less. IS cents each InurHnn m j..- ... ' . , iv umriii Ata.A-.AA : viniAO tyAltijijj a j-nuiis main ma. Home a-hzho. 1- -,,1 ... a . . aauoa uran-vAEiij watch orr uoimes- wrnninj ,vo., tin ana jui Llnnton road. Finder return to 835 vision sts. .. .v , Everett Reward. ' . v nmr . rtr.r ntfunfnil. tiATToT7,T,'Hr,vy . - A7 va uuiaaw..nAJ Aiuvoa n UIaJa. vajoi a ar-iTZ. uuu; answers TO Phone pacific a . WESTERN EMPLOYMENT aOENCT j cail'on t0" ' Landlord"-wm Co "U, to na?JS 0i,ii:v.JrewaI0A?lturn t0 wanted-girls to Learn choccP 2.200 182 6th, or telephone Main 4858. HELP WANTED MALE late dloolng. steady work, i Candy Co., 10th and QHsan sts, Aldon WOMAN TO WORK ON j6ATC BOT ABOUT rS TO HTCT.P ABOTTT waists, aiso snu-i-maKersi ouwon-nole tn anA An .nm. lAllM..l.i: WOrKeTI The Soencer and waist-makers,' T2 5 10th at wnew' y-weeK- Jraieya, 314 3d. !,, walst-mnkers. 126 10th t 10 MEN TO GET 1 THEIR SUITS FROM wANTirr. I yoitno "" nmra "' 'M ..CharleyLee.. 93 N. 3d at, . Perfect Vf it lHaJ, 1 Knareinceea: ftu won iirsi cism. i ".. : r- r : j I WANTED BRIGHT YOUNG MEN TO gon college. 406 Commonwealth bldg. I arrZ03 !.a . YOUNO GIRL - TO -HELP " WITH thmV Vfi7nom'pVt.nt SiSMES: . hotrork and .car. baby: state age m 4 commonwealth Didg. - I j -Z " ' " ' " , . LITTIiH I.1NEBII wlNTR fjlaT A-Ml-kl - - tun Call 628 Clay st. found, for sale, to let atA."!. Thl WX -ZImMCz Journal cost only l cent a word, 15 g ' rrmarrerittAa worda or less 16 cents each Insertion. WANTED COMPStTEi' 116 UPKTENT GIRL i FOR Phones Main 7178, Horn A-8230. I general hou8eVii k. ' Apply 170 N. 22d. MEN AND BOYS WANTFID " TO i FINISHERS TON . PANTSr STICAnv . learn plumbing, Plafttertng, bricklay-' I ; work; good, pay,' - 207 Cqmmonweatb ing; aay ano mgnt classes; ire cat a- 1 oiag.; aiso learners. tlon department.;; New York Outfit. ting Co.. 165 let at. ' TAILORESS WANTED STEADY Po sition, aen Belling, leading clothier. lorue: positions secured: no book learn. I iv ivTun ntof d HrfW a t1 mnr, 1 l nnnna Tp.a HaI,..: , O 9 It O 1 A S. ' ' """' ': AAKI nKJADA- "4i wjiia .acavw hvuuui, . .V,tV i RIH st, San Frsnclsco snd New York. ; EXPERIENCED AX-kANbLE MEI ror colter, iatne rtniahins- tun net- a Dallas, Or. a ' - - i wAnicu uiku iw. iakk UilAKUE n ha . a ' unv-Tu ppr,iAno -p-, I r or wrapping aeK. inorougmy experl- 1.000 time aratnst ilekhew Tor I-cMa rTLr'a''"rn. t o- " PniMfln AM UA.I.HAn . i T .mK.. i?. WANTED GOOD GIRL FOR GENER hld Pnrtlantl Or T .IK.ra 1 I I housework. Good WSgeS. Pacifln 2 100 good agents. ) r - , v MILLINERY " APPRENTICES. Wei , HlfiCUBH POSITIONS FOR OUR I a spienaia opporinnity to learn th members; special t membership St. tnlllfhery business. - Apply at once : to X. M. C a. . . V . X S OIaDH, WOKTMAN & KING, PORTaaAND TRUST COMPANY OF OPEOON. Phone E. 72.' S. E. Cor. d and Oak. LITTLE LINERS. WANTS LOST AND found, - for sale,' to let eto., In The journal cost oniy . i cent a word; TS words r less, 16 con ts each Insertion. Phones Main 7178,- Home A-8230. . - WANTED .TO . RENT A- SMALL place of two to five acre with some rruit ' uive run particulars as to con veniences and carllne. 43 E. 8d st. WANTED REAL' ESTATE WANTED a 8-ROOM - HOUSE IN walking distance of East Side High school; not to exceed 14,000; also 4 or 6 places ranging In price from 82,000 to 83.500. with terms of 8500 down. Commonwealth Trust . Co., : 6th . and Anlraanv . . k. t ' , - for quick Sale list your prOp- ertv - with bldg., room 3. Dubois,, Washington furnished housekeeping rmmi laun dry and bath. - 84 Bherman st, south, Portland. . . - 1.25 WEEK IJP-LtllAN WRtiUhiK5 ., housekeeping rooms, parlor, bath. V Iaundry, furnace heat, yard. 208 U Stan ton t U car. ' LITTLE LINERS, WANTS, LOST AND ' found.-for ale, -to let etc, fnj Th Journal coat only 1 cent a word; - II word or less 16 cent each tnaertton. phone Main 7173,' Home A-3130,- OWENS APARTMENT." 280 V4 RU8 aell street , Two apartments of two rooms each. Also alnrle rnnmi . Large, light furnished housE- keeping room; running water. 603 ft APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED, "" 3 and 4 room In new building, steam " neat and -hot water; adults. 409)4 E. Burnslde st ' FOR RENT TWO' idldia TiNifttii. nlshed .housekeeping room: walking distance. Apply 894 8th st . ' FOR RENT HOUSES aa i ii li ! Ma ea T . . VAN HORN TRANSFER FURNITURE and pianos moved, stored or ahinna Phon Main 1618. ' - W-S RENT AND SELLpJaIOS. fcHi; man, uiay as Co, - LITTLE LINERS. WANTS, LOST AND found, for aale, to let, ate.. In Th Journal cost only 1 cent a word; 16 words or leas. 15 cents each Inaertlnn ' t-nones Main im, Home A-B330. FOR RENT -at lis JhREE-IrOOW cottage, furnished complete,, large yaru enu irun trees. feninaula COTTAGES AND FLATS, WEST SIDE of river; -7-room cotUge, 821; new lower , flat, tl; will furnlsh for llttl more Coast Realty Co.. 22m Morrison. TO LET COMFORTABLE 4-ROOM" cottage. water r connection. lna in. Apply 164 N. 10th at. .s rOR RENT BY OWNER 7-ROOM houan. acrnns Rleel hrlriira (40 In. quire room 26. Washington bldg. .1 $17. e-RooM Modern new - cot- ' tage, 885 Cleveland av. phon East FOR RENT WELL FURNISHED aw MVWUV. 4 V V aW. pVOXia, A' UI IJai" tfcuUra phone B. 2807. - ' ' - liQ J WANTED-100 MEN; . M KETiJHtW GlRLS WHO WOULD LIKE TO TEACli win cure promptly an your private I in tne country, apply tomorrow at ana sexual diseases,; graauate; - ad Vice I loung, wpmen a cnristian Association. - free. ; 170H 3d St. Pacific 2229. - r- WANTED LADY TEACHER FOR M-. I ONE TINNER'S HELPER. INQUIRE Ev Chinese missionT-evening - school; t 271 1st st . more salary. Apply 24IH .Stark,': .7:30 WANTED TWO FIRST-CLASS COAT 1 10 -o P. tn. . - , .. 24 Mor-I GIRL FOR SECOND WORK. , 236 KING , J vh t-.r PhonaMala Sitl. si"-"'ft..V:- ' Tn fl k ( at JT. PolivLra AV Cn ff i.ittiiitiM . .jjt .as ib riaon w LITTLE LINERS, WANTS, LOST AND found, for sale, to let etc., In The Journal cost only 1 cent a word; 15 words or less, 16 cents each insertion. Phcnes Main 178. Home A-8230. - OUTERS WAITING FOR HOMES - from 81.600 to $5,000. ;- Now la th time, todav. - Don't wait for tomorrow. A. S.' Draper, .843 Washington j at. rooms 8 and -4,' corner 7th. - WE HAVE CASH BUYERS POR ' ALU ' kinds of cty property. -What have you for sale? Come and list it at ones, for We have the purchaser: we ar mak. Ing'a specialty :of city property. WASHINGTON A" OREGON REALTY V ; . COMPA1NK, 108 Second St.. Portland. Or. . ATTENTION. - "T" Wanted Your houses and .vacant nropertv.- List with us: we 'show re sults. Also have some cash buyer for close-In ' acreage and small - farms.' E. R. Markham A Co., 209-210, Comflrclal ' FURNISHED EOUSE3. LITTLE LINERS, WANTS, LOST AND louno, lor ai, to let, etc., in The Journal coat only 1 cent a word; 15 words or less. 15 cents each InaerMon Phones Main 7173. Home A-8230. FOR RENT A SWELL, NEW, ' M01 em house, -room. fnrnlh' nr tin. furnished, very reasonable,- Inquire 811 Gantenbein ave.'- - - , . :. , FOR RENT FLATS $9 -a-3- ROOM FURNISHED FLAT, closa in. 682 S. 7th st; Phon B. 1667. WANTED-2 . LOTS FACING MAC - adam st between Hamilton ave. anj Glbbs st. M-35. Journal. - - AM LOOKING FOR RESIDENCE, REA sonahle price and location;' will pay cash for a bargain; small family. - Ad dress Stranger, Journal. - ;r-j.. .. : ;4- LITTLE LINERS. WANTS, LOST AND . round.- for aale,' to let etc., in The -Journal cost only 1 Cent a word; II words or less, 15 . cents each Insertion, Phones Main 7173. Home A-8230. 6-ROOM MODERN FLATS, . 848, 85if ..- and 854 Corbett. at, $12.60 per month. aa m. i nomoson k up,, gzs so. - FOR-SALE FURNITURE : s'.'ROOM; flat for rent; steam heat, hot water; Janitor; cheap.- 407 10th St.. flat L. 5-ROOM MODERN LOWER 1 FLAT. ' unfurnished, $18?-Thurman at., ; near -fair grounds. Call up Morris restaurant, 229 Washington st. Home 2447. FURNISHED MODERN FLAT, 8 OR "? - rooms, cloae in.- Phone R-1122. - FOR RENT FARMS LITTLE LINERS. WANTS. LOST ANn v. found, for Sale,, to let, etc. In Th Journal cost only . 1 ceni a word; -16 -" word or less, 16 cnts each Insertion. -Phones Main J173, Hoii A-J230. . .- Mi :' I: - V