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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1907)
THE " OREGON DAILY JOURNAi; PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVEimiO. ' OCTOBER 2, 1C0T. n S HOUSES FOR VENT FURNITURE ' . ''. FOR BALD ' -S T LITTLE LINERS, WANTS. LOST AMI lounu, ior 10 ini, etc.,1 in in 1 Journal coat only 1 cent a word! 1 word or lss, IS cents each Insertion, ' 1 PHwi Main 7173. Home A-3230. BSbERN flat. ROOMS. NICELY ' - iurnisna; iesirauie location; roomi , rented permanently; bargain. 60H 9th, NEWLY FURNISHED i-UUOM COf In )ro for sale cheap; I room already -. Annreas journal. FOR 1TENT STORES-OFFICES . i ' OFFICES FOR RENT. Elegant offices In tha Commonwealth Bid;., am and Burnside; fine elevator, lla-ht.'haat and Janitor aervlce: rants about i half what : yow would par on Washington or Morrison ata.j ttnanta uvw vwiuuiuimmiin nrav-viaaa, II la .1 siricuy m ouict Duuaing. - inquire oi elevator man, commonwealth bldg. ,, Laroe. LIghT storage-room with new elevator. Call up Main 4077 FOR rent two gr6und ' 'VE66h erncee. rront ana Ankeny ata. Apply R. T. Cox. Telephone Main 411 1'NICjB OffIce buTe- fOr renT: Mamaon "". id and Madlaon ata OFFICES FOR RENT In tile won ceatar and Hamilton bldga.. at mod rata rata.' Appl IM Worcester piy. to Robert Strong, UTUK LINERS. WANTS, L08T AND .found, for aal, to let. ate., fn Th journal coat onir l cent a word; It woras or leas, If rents each Insertion. Phones Main T173. Home A-33SO. THREE-STORY BLDG. WiTjl b61LER ana engine. Appl y 141 N. tth at IRST-OLASS STORES IX Utevt BOiLTS. in a, fine front and reasonable rent - tos nasi Murnsiae at. 104 STARK, room, fiicroxn FLOofc.' for office or manufacturing. Cheap rent, oeatua at Mormann OFFICES AND HALLS ALIskY bios;., an ana Morriaon at FOB RENT MISCELLANEOUS. LITTLE LINERS. WANTS, LOST AND round, ror sale, to let eto.. In The journal coat only l cent a word; It words or leas, 15 cents each Insertion. Phones Main 7178. Home" A-8830. HALL AND BALLROOM. NEW WITH modern conveniences. Phone Main Ills. NEW 1-TON FURNITURE WAGON . tor rent or sale chea p. 343 Ma d 1 ao n. RESORTS CASTLE EDEL BRAU (Twelve -Mile Mouse) Moat unique and best road- L . - ,. A 1- . ,. II., nwuw in mi wvai, aucnen auppiiwi from our farms; first-class gooda; Port land prices. Fred T. Merrill, originator. B 6a WELL SPRINGS. RESORT. OPEN. miles from Drain. Or., on 8. P. R.-R. DUSLVESg CHANCES Bepartmeit Store for Sale Best legitimate proposition of the times. Money maker. Thoroughly es tablished. Requires $5,000 to 16,000. Cash or equivalent Grand 'opportunity. N. L. SHAFER, 42s Lumber Exchange 2nd and Stark sta. 'THeJ COAStf REALTY CO., 1)4 U Morriaon St. Tha Leading Real Estate and Business Brokers. A Few Specials.' 111,000 Income property, IS per cent; can increase income lloo per month. Other, income property all parts city. $l,500--Lot 100x100, 6 rooms; terms. 11.260 a rooms, $160 cash. $1,400 ( 'Yooms, $600 cash. Rooming-house, 31 rooms, $3,(00. $2,00036 rooms; cheap rent $500, half cash, buys 14 rooms, doss In. $800 12 rooms; good 'buy. $2,500 Orocery, $125 dally. $300 Old established real estate of fice. 31,000 Restaurant, $78 dally. $300 Employment agency; money maker. $9002 acres, Eo car fare; small ranch for rent. Other places, all prices and locations. Soma fine chicken ranch propositions. Choice homesteads and timber located. THE COA8T REALTY CO.. 22IH Morrison at. Main 161$; A -4 150. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR BALE CORNER DRUG BTORB, beat eaat side location, low rent clean stock and fixtures; splendid opening for druggist; will invoice $$.600; part time If Oval red; selling on account of other ouainess. u. . wv Turner, lUSft wean Ington at. ' ' , ' , . TtV iiitLL or frfcJf.? . r '10-room , house, furnished: root' Ml per month. 2l 4th at - r SaKERY $600 TAREaV fl estubllsnad, owner iearlnr oountry, w. Aiartin, real eatate, TUiord Diax ivm ana mommin, AT.EGIT1MAT B. OOOD-PATINO BUS- Ineas, Increaalng ataadlly, thorough investigation solicited. Nona but par ties with about $7,000 to Invest need answer. C-34. Journal. - SWELL FURNITURE- '6f "ll-ROdM! vhousenear Portland hotel; thla must om aoia; price, i,vou. inquire , nlshed complete ' for housekeeDlng clears. $71 per month; close-In; west aide; $oo takes H thla week. Room ysLarsyette bidg., tth and Wash. FOR SALEREAL ESTATE XO EXCHANGBJ FOR PORTLAND resiuenos - lio.too farm of. 104 acres, 7( In cultivation, $0 In clover. In orchard; good 7-room house, new barn and out-pulldlnga, hay. grain, po tatoes, j nsad cattle, hogs and chick ens, wagon, team, farming implements. fine, deep toll. miles from town and tl miles front Portland. Trade for $1,000 to 11,000 residence. William Cant- weu. ii-is. journal till Octohar 1. noon: nrwirn, isnoy, or. 60x100, and a corner too, eiectrlo Iignts, cellar, young fruit treaa: floe view, located In Homeataad addition: everything In good shspe; only $900; ius caan; oaiance 'tis montniyj lot THE CROS8LET COM PANT, 101 McKay bide. 3d and Stark sta. MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE, CORNER - ioi auxiou. nica lawn, iruit ana now- era; good Investment or home; $$,00 Phone owner. Pel 1 wood 434. ICREAOE 3V-ACRE TRACT FOR - aale. U mile aouth of Mount Tabor reaervoir; water to each tract Inaulre evenings. 7 Hawthorne ave. PORTLAND HEIGHfSFROM" OWN- arj .quarter-block and I -room bouae, fine view of eltyi fine building alt on corner lot. PTione Paclflo 141 GOING AWAY. WILL SACRIFICE "Mf new t-room eottaaa for 11.330: 1160 cash; $20 per month. 327 Marguerite at. Montavllla. BEAUTIFUL. MODERN Wilt?. I rooms, on carllne, Willamette Heights, fine view, reception ball, living room with flranlana. rilnlnar iAm IrltuhMi four bedrooms; stationery tuba, excel lent neighborhood: $4,600; terms. THE CROBSLEY COMPANY, 301 McKay bldg. 8ES HERE. MR. RENTER; 1 UaVe A rine moaern noma tnat I must ssll nd you can make monev bv buvinr I It. 10 minutes from center of city. 1 diock irom car. gas. wired lor eleo- trlclty, modern plumbing and only $3,- . FOR SALEREAL ESTATE MODERN, (-ROOM HOUSES, FINE locations; we have )uat Hated a few very desirable properties. ranging In firloa from $3,600 to $4,600; every one s a good buy and an up-to-date mod ern home In every feapect and In fins neighborhoods; tha owners are tha ten ants; every house built for a horn and property highly Improved; house hunt ing is, aa every woman xnowa, a r soms and hard proposition. Let . ua know Juat what you want and If wa rnnnni auppiy it , we win i-u jy" wa know now to get boia of nica prop' artlea, , : . THB CROSSLET COMPANY, " " 301 McKav fcMr Id and Stark StS. 30x100 MODERN l-ROOM' c6TtAdC 1 block from carJlne; price fi.oou: 3100 cash; balance $20 a montiu L, H. yreeiana Land Co. ' owner " must ' feELL his beau tlful l.mnm niManra' new. ' modern and very convenient; gaa and eleotrio ll.h. i.-.. - rixICK! all klnda of fruit berrlea and flowers; ciosa ini very cheap; terms. ' inquire tea , re mom. or nhnna wnnniawn TV. 6A(SRlFlfiS 8aLB-mT. Hood VIEW lots $17$ to $10; terms $t down ,$( per month: water malna laid; Wodd- mtr m. a,n... ala rAmmflralll hlr. -hoolvi iibt'SHi t fiARfl 6Lb. L6T 31x110. eltr water, located In auburn, house rented to reliable tenant tha year around at $10 per month; tmly $00: 3660 caah: thla wUl par over 10 par cent on Investment. ' 1 THB CROSSLET COMPAHI, 101 McKsy bldg.. $d and Stark ata. ' HcniylTowiiscnd; 26$ STARK ST.. ROOM II. City real esUta. timber, farms.1' Of- rharda. T Portlind Investors Co.. Preferred Stoek. CR. Donnell & Co. REAL ESTATE, i . Ba i taa Kt.rb mt ANtkbNTf HARDY. UnNTON, 6R resldsnca and business lota, water front and factory altea; farm and tliav bar lands . In ths WllUraette Valley for aale; fto Lrrr.m firat claaa Imnrovomenta and convenient to railroad and market Room 10, 141 H 2d at X.000 ACRB WHEAT LaKD. 2S ACRES Irritated nlenty fruit well stocked with hoge, horaea. machinery; will oell or trade entire place, or half Interest; bargain to right party. Bea owner, lit . fine st., city. room hoUbe; Utth LaWn. VkiSh VOIl BALEFARMS ' , Washlngtoji & Oregon E. C. Hurlbert. 260. Terms on half. Ptark at. TWO LOTS AT UNIVERSITY PARK tor 660. inquire Jonn Kanno, 1609 Flake. BEAUTIFUL LOTS IN WOODMERE for 3176 218 Stark. TWO LOTS AND Lewia G. Conant, room 10, S-ROOM i HOUSE; gas and electric light Phone Wood- awn 100. BARGAIN NEW 4-ROOi HOUSE from owner: cloae $1,600. X-33. Journal. to Bunny side. A BAROAIN. New 4-room cottage, lot 60x100, near carllne. $900: discount for cash. In- q u Ire 657 zanita ave.- -Mia way. v Legitimate Business Chances Tha Amea Mercantile Agency (estab llahed 1896) furnishes free Information on opportunities in mercantile or manu facturing lines, city or country. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY, 204-206 Ablngton Bldg. FOR BALE CLEANING AND TAILOR shop; good location; price $66. Call at 298 Ru.sneH st. -A SNAP: 2 Bi.OCKS P. O. 363 20 ROOM8 and theatres. Going East, Yamniu. Moneymaker. ROOMING HOUSES OVER 60 TO SE- lect from. Call on ua. Northwestern Investment CO., 193 Fourth st. FINE CHANCE TO MAKE BIG MONEY on $1,000 Investment. Investigate quick. Northwestern Investment Co., 193 Fourth st. CIGAR AND CONFECTIONERY AT A -sacrifice; good trade; good location. Northwestern Investment Co.. 198 4th. SNAP FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY Home bakery and grocery, $760. JVorthweatern Investment Co., l3 4th. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS and bonds bought and sold. Corre apondenoe Invited. H. W, Donahue A Co.. 612 Buchanan bldg. Phone Main 7368. , FOUR-HORSEPOWER " WOOD . SAW. Inquire Lowenysrdt, 83 Park st FOR SALE A FINE GROCERY . atore doing $25 a day cash business: good location, nice new stock; buy It ror tl, zoo; owner going east; no agents, 'I'-bo. journal FOR FINE NEW, STRICTLY MODERN 2-story. 7-room house. $5th and E. Washington; $400 down, balance month ly payments. A. P. Smith. Main 8953. HAVE LEFT AT E. 86TII ST. FOUR and live H acres, one block from car and church, near school; good soil cleared; Bull Run water; easj' pay ments. R. V. Belford, owner. Phone East 4788. $400 THE LAST CHANCE $400 TO secure one of those fine 6 acre tracts, 8 mllea out, lty miles from R. R. sta tion. Worth douDle tne price. U. t. LeFevre. room 10, 142V4 2d st. BE WISE INVEST IN A HOME $1,000 4 rooms. 768 E. 8th. $1,600 6 rooms, 765 E. 8th. 31,660 6 rooms, 74S E. 6th. $1,860 6 rooms, Mallory and Mason. $1,400 14 block South Portland. All new and modern, owner. 208 4th. Tel Main 8990 or Pacific 2126. tnni int Mido. 1 block to carllne. If sold at once, $1,000, on terms. Phone Tabor 670. COZY BUNGALOW 4 ROOMS, PAN try, bath, hall, eement basement, best of plumbing, electric lights, china elos et, tinted walla; best of finish, large lot, 100 feet from car; nloa ahada trees. 1.860: $1,000 cash, balance to auit. Phone Tabor 782. $500 CASU BALANCE 16 SUIT; 4 room, modern cottage, close to car, tinted walls, 1 large lots, $1,800. Phone Tabor 782. . $$,700 60 acrea, it mllea from Tan eouver, $ mUes to railroad ataUoai aav ITa timber. 18 acraa In cultivation, all level. 10 acrea of fine ash and vine maple swale, aal)y cleared; 4-room houao, new bam $0x0; 1 mlla to aawmilL on main county j-oad. level gravel road to Portland. R. F. LV near ohool; give terms; best f aoil, If AAA A A . '.-M - I ,M Washington. mllea from rallroadand wai lanaing; all In cultivation and in crop, acrea bearing orchard, variety, (-room house, geod barn, good well, fine prlng R. F. D. 44 of a mlla to school, horse and buggy, I cow a, I bogs, 10 chlokens. some small tools, alt crop and tha verv best of black aoll; this plaoa la guarintaad aa advertlaad; InveaUgate this before buying; give terms. $1400 110 aeras, 14 miles from Van ofeuver, 3H mllea from railroad station, all level, 1,000,000 feet good aaw Umber, 1.000,000 feet pUlng; give term a $3.000 S$ aeras, Jl mllea from Van couver; io seres in cultivation, ail fenced, all level, on main county road R. V. t., near school, 3 mllea from rail road atatlon, beat of black soli; bait cash, balance good terms; will exchange for city property! $1,100 30 acrea. 11 miles from Van couver. 13 aorea In cultivation, S acrea orchard, soms timber, fins spring near houae, old house, good barn, on main countv road. mlla to echool, all fenced, all laval verv beat af aolL fins location; gtva terma. 1 1 ia , -..... .. n,.w. Waah.; 1H from railroad station all invei, on main county, roaa, it v.. hi mue rrom acnooi; tv aorea oi una aah and vine maple swale, beat of soil; half mile to aaw mill; glva good terma. $8.000 7$ acrea, miles from Van couver, all fenced with post, three wires, all level, 1,000 cords of wood, best of soil. 11 exchange for city property. Tha above places ara all guaranteed as advertised. Above bargains are but a few of the farm a on our Hat We have tha largest list of farms of any Arm in Portland or vicinity. Prices range from $600 to $30,000. Writs or call If you ara In the market for a farm. FOR SALE FARMS. FARMERS' LAND CO., HEADQUAR- lere ior acreage and ranna. near city innmii. rtcuic v tut aa at. j ' farm's. 1 Before buying coma and ae us.. We have anything from one acre to 200- aore traota; also city property. Os burn Bros., 419 McKay bldg. Off)oe pnono f aoino , ini; rasiaenos. Bcott IV I. ' - $6 ACRES IW cUCkAMAA C6UNTY- 10 acre black bottom land; unim proved: S mllea from Canby and. New lura. wisn . to trana ror unimprovea lot In Portland. Phono 403L 16$ fiber- iock piqg. TIMBER. LOOKING FOR TIMBER f Wa offer you ovary advantage through our system of expert examinations which enables you to determine the suit anility oi a tract without spending time or money, iz our general report vaai oates that wa have what you want our estimates by two and a aalx aorea are eaaiiy veririea. THY "THB LACET WAT." JAMES . LACET A CO., SSI Chamber of Com meroe, Portland. $07 Lumbar Exchange, Seattle. Last Chance $1,000 6 ACRES, 1 MILE FROM RIV- er, convenient to city; good land. $2,60017 acres, good level land, part ly cleared. 1 mile from river and rail road. 8 miles from city. $7,20020 acres, fine aoll. wall culti vated, good buildings: 7 acrea vineyard, 9 miles from city; good roads. $5 000 20 acres, naif well Improved, fine location, H mils to depot; a bar gain, j4,500 22 acres, all under cultiva tion. 10 miles out on fine road. Buy acreage near city now. It will be higher In price soon. I. O. DAVIDSON. 408 Chamber of Commerce. $47,600 HALF-BLOCk 5N COUCH St., close to Washington; ona of the best buya in the city. Stevenson Brown Co., 311 Buchanan bldg. HOUSE nR'AriTtFUI, 8 LARGE ROOM in Fulton Park, lot 50x100. will sell $100 cash, baliyi monthly; price, $2,500, Inquire 242 Madison. Main fczua $30 acrea I mllea from Vancouver, Clarke county, Wash.: 75 seres in culti vation, 110 acrea bottom land, 40 acres green timber, several good sprints., 2 acres bearing orchard, email house, fair barn; fine dairy and atock ranch; fine creek, plenty of water; can use gasoline launch to Portland. .Thla is one of the best buys on the market and best of aolL Prica only $26 per sere. If you are looking for a dairy stock ran civ in vestigate this before buying. One can have a milk route In Vancouver; only 6 mllea from the city. One half cash, balance good terms. $2.300 80 acres. 7 miles from Waah- ougal. Clarke county. Wash.: 20 acres In cultivation, some green timber, good house and barn, good family orchard, small creek, good spring, good team, 6 head of cows. 2 wagons (1 heavy. 1 light), mower and rake, all kinds of farm machinery, cream separator; best of soil. This is a snap; good terms. If you want a good timber claim In tha Lakevlew land district call before tha 16th, as party will leave at that time. Tha claim will be open for filing on lain. HAMILTON HOLMAN. 304 Qoodnough Bldg., Opp. P. P.. 6th St LITTLE LINERS, WANTS. LOST AND found, ror sale, to let to-. In The Journal coat only 1 cant a word; II words or lesa, It rents each Insertion. Phones Main 7173. Home A-3230. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD to timber buyers only: wa have a few choice tracta for aale whloh we own. Have detailed estlmatea by fortiea. O. F. Sanbourn Co, 401-3-3 Buchanan bldg. ' tf iiBflR-f Imber-tIMber. Will Buy and Sell Timber. Choice homesteads and timber clatma, near R. R. and river. CaU or address the Coast Realty Co., 226 Morrison st THE COAST REALTY CO.. 224 Morrlsor St. WB NOW HAVE CLAIMS WITHIN seven miles of streetcars that will cut 8.000,000, and good farm landa. Sta pies Land Co., 203 Worcester bid g. LITTLE LINERS, WANTS. LOST AND round, for ssle, .to I'M, etc.. in Tne Journal cost only 1 cent a word: IS words or lesa. 16 cents each Insertion. Phones Main 7173. Home A-3230. FOR BALE AND EXCHANGE : ' TRADING PROPOSITIONS. Orocery, $3,000 value, for real estate. .'Homestead relinquishment and SO acrea timber ($1,600 value) for Portland property. Loa Angeles ' restdence for . Portland NO&TirtrasTHmri investment co., 19$ Fourth Bt - A" FARM" 'OT $40 ACRES, 111 PER acre. Will trad for city property. Thla Is a bargain. Call and see us for full particulars. Hamilton Uolman, 304 Qoodnough bldg., opp. P. O. Little Liners, wants, lost and found, for aale, to let eto., In The Journal ooat only 1 cent a word; If worda or leas, 15 csnts each insertion. Phones Main J178, Homo A-$2$0. PERSONAL TIM HER FROM 40 ACRES TO 840 all choice pieces; particulars North western Investment Co., 19$ Fourth st. FOR BALE 80 ACRES SOLDIERS additional scrip, fully guaranteed. II. E. Noble, Commercial blk. Ladles. Attention! not be deoelved by falsa advsrtlaa- ments. Tha original and only Dr. Hary Lane Lady physlolan. with tha old established X Radium Medical Institute aod Sanitarium For year la still at tha old stand. Dr. Mary Lane Lata superintendent of Chicago Wo man's Hospital, treata dlseaaea of wo men and children exclusively; ladles needing Immediate aaalstanoe will eon suit their beet Interests by communlcat lng with ma;y no fee for consultation; correspondence absolutely confidential; matarnltv eases arlvan special atten tion. ReatiMtahl arranaementa made ror tne adoption or imam a. i ne nnm equipped sanitarium in tns oorrnww. Offlra 2K iMir oorntr Id. Portland. Or. phones Main 796. Home A-2794. TH5 ORIGINAL' AND ONLY E5E MARY LANE Formerly with tha X-Radlum Medical Institute, has aevered all oonneotlon with that Inatitutlon and can now ba found with tha Dr. Mary Lane Institute Where she will ba c leased to aea any of her old patients. Expert treatment given women and children's ailments. Maternity cases f lven special attention. Up-to-date ean tarium in connection NO charge for consultation and correspondence sdso lutely confidential. Address all corre spondence to The Dr. Mary Lane Insti tute, Medical and Surgical, incorporated, rooms 6 to 14, Grand theatre bldg, cor. Park and Wash, sts Phone Main $928. y BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES B. niRKENWALD A CO., 304-801 Ev erett at,'Utrgnt butcher supply house an tha coast Writs forcMUo,n, BTfrcIlKRrr SUPPLIED ADOU ifX Dekum, 131-133 1st St., carries a full line and complete assortment at lowest CLAIRVOYANTS AND rALMlSTS FI E El -. ro on yrzsx mors, :. BRING THIS AD AND "FCEIYB V -' ABSOLUTELY FREE, ..-, Ona of my " -CONSCLTATION'-RJADrWOl. S Tha above CONSULTATION READING ' will ba ,t , Given Free f Thla la striotly matter of buslnesa . on your part to call at my of flea and biomi Jkl1 'r-wl tB "OT SPIRITUAL and SCIENTIFIC work. 'jL hint to tha wise Is sufflelsnt , FOR KALE -LIVESTOCK LITTLE LINERS. WANTS. LOST AND found, for aalt to let, etc.. in The Journal cost only 1 csnt a word; 16 words or leas, 16 cents each Insertion. Phones Main 7178. Home A-8280, For Sale cheap three fresh cow, lusters 1'lace, uents. Washington k Oregon Realty Co. 108 Second st, Portlsnd, Or., And 800 Main st, Vancouver, Wash. Phone Main 2404. CHEAP LOT8 $110. Not half lots, but lots 40x125, 20-foot allav Tremnnt addition: noaitive- ly the best lots for the money; buy how, before It's too late; lots won't last much longer at this price. J. J. OEDER, Cor. Grand Ave, and E. Ankeny H. P. PALMER M. VAN ALSTLNE. PALMER-VAN ALSTINB CO.. REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE, 222 Falling Bldg. Main 6481. A-266S BEAUTIFUL LOT CHEAP. $480, at WAVERLEIGH; owner leav ing Portland, will sell one of tha finest view lots on this beautiful tract; Install ment plsn If necessary. See H. W. Lemcke Co., $th and Washington sts. 6-ROOM COTTAGE. WALKING DISTANCE. Near Hawthorne ave., cement walk, fruit trees; a good home for the money; no car faro to pay; price $2,300. J. J. OEDER, Cor. Grand Ave, and E. Ankeny. FOR SALE; REAL ESTATE Acre and Half Acre Tracta. - Wa make a 'specialty of acre-tracts with water malna laid and paymenta of only $10 cash snd $10 per month; a much better purchase for a home or investment than lota. A, C Churchill. 110 3d st SALE CONFECTIONERY. ET gara. Ice cream parlor and arocerv: reasonable it taken at once. Call on owner. 4QZ E.1 Morrison. .Phone E. 4239. FOR SALE STOCK OF MERCHAN- . alsts of ladles' and gents' furnishings, shoes, millinery and groceries; invoice about $8,000; located In eastern Wash- Inaton. M-8Q, journal. Don't Mies Hearing the Wonderful "TELEG RAPHONE" At Rooms 403 and 404, Oregonian Bldg. Free! Free! Free! Frank O'Reilly. State Agent COME IN AND SEE US IF YOU want rooming-houses, restaurants, ho tels, grocery stores, meat markets, real estate, business chances, Investments. Western Realty Co., room 510, Buchanan bldg.. 286 Washington at. Fog SALE SMALL FIRST-CLASS restaurant, good location; doing good business. L-88, Journal. HOUSE; FOR SALE LODGING rooms; centrally located, nal. K-31, Jour, FOR SALE BAKERY AT ONCE. 31, Journal. SMALL PLANING MILL FOR SALE, Sacramento, Cal.. doing good busi ness; owner going east; clears from $400 to $600 per month: always plenty of work on hand. Address Mathews, 1628 H. et. Sacramento,' Cal. FOR SALE THE BEST PAYWd cleaning, dyeing and hat business , in Portland $225.. 184 Burnsida- st. ROSE blocking inquire CITY STABLES BOARDING horses. $1S: Stalle for rent: horses for sale. 446 Flanders. Main 7606. FOR SALE CLEANING AND PRESS ing business;, a good location; cheap rent: the owner la Hi; must leave town. 88S Burnslde. j - V ANTED If UNO MAN WITH $200 to take half Interest in cigar store and poolhal) In good town. Address box 183. Dayton. Or. ' ' GROCERY. FOR .UiCK SALE, WELL! established. $3,800, good location, cloae to wholesale district; owner leav ing country, account sickness. W. Mar tin, real estate, TUford bldg.,' 10th and Morrison. . CONFECTIONERY, CIGAR STORE, v No. 110 N, th st THE CROSSLEY COMPANY. 801 McKay bldg. 8-room house, lot 40x125, near carllne. good barn, good residence section In sub urb, fine fruit trees; (value of fruit will more than pay taxes), everything In good shape; a cosy little home; will rent for $16; bound to Increase in value; plant dollara here and they will grow; only $1,600. " THE CROSSLEY COMPANY, 301 McKay bldg. LOOK ME UP. 5 to 8-room. new modem houses, $500.00 to $4000.00; terms, $260.00 cash balance as rent, locations good in all parts of tha city. A. S. Draper, 348 Washington. St., rooms 3 and 4, cor. 7th. BUCHTEL KERNS MAKE A 8PE clalty of east side realty, rentals, loans, etc. 862 E. Morrison st A' "REAL SACRIFICE SALE FOUR choice lots near Alberta carllne. this week for $200 each; good speculative value; come quick. Home Land Co., 145 1st st. 6UR ACRES IN THE CITY. TWO blocks from carllne, m the lastest growing neighborhood in Portland; Just suited for a well-to-do man's .home; could bet subdivided and sold In lots for twice amount asked, v Price $6,000; $1,000 down; balance 6 per cent -JTHE SPANTON CO.. 270 Stark Street. Look Here . THIS MAY SUIT YOU. ' Full lot, nicely graded and terraced, beautiful new cot tage, 6 rooms, with large bath and pantry; concrete basement, cement walks, all modern con- t venlences, vlred for electricity, piped for gas, porcelain bath, marble top waahstand, sta tionary laundry tubs, patent toilet; Just an ideal home; near KUHnarsworth ave.. West Pied mont; only $2,300, Including atreet and all other improve ments; easy paymenta The Dunn-Lawrence Co. No. 348 Alder st. $500 PROFIT IN 6 MONTHS; A NEW, strictly high clasa, 7-room house, fireplace, laundry trays, lavatory, bath, cement basement, block from Haw thorne ave.; $3,900 caah; $3,000; terms. B-36, journal Farms 120 Acres Yamhill County 76 acres plow land; good building, good orchard, fine water; .Al dairy ranch; 3 miles from good town, railroad and creamery; good mar ket; price $3,600; $1,000 down, balance can stand. per cent. Snap. 80 Acres In Washington' county; 25 in cultiva tion; 18 slashed and needed to pasture, balance good timber, fir and cedar; all Al soil; good family orchard, fine creek through place, spring at the house, pump in it; good 6-room house, with fireplace, new brn and all necessary outhouses; 1 good) team horses and harness, new wagon, plows, harrows, rake and othr tools; 8 cows, pigs and chickens; tin mall route, close to milk route, half mile to good school; fine for dairying, hog raising and chickens; prica $3,000; $800 can stand at S per cent. TWO CHOICE FAMILY COWS CHEAP, very gentle. 96 E. 30th, corner Wash ington. Phone East D606. PART JERSEY, 4 95 hi. 80th FRESH COW. gnl. day; one family cow. at.. Hunnyslde. East 6606. FOR SALE CHEAP. GOOD FAMILY cow. Albert Brsdwlck. Mount Tabor Heights, 1 block west Massachusetts bldg. a We Cure All diseases of men, women and children both acute and chronic dlseaaea of the eye. ear, nose, throat and lungs, heart kidneys, bladder, brain and stom ach catarrh, rheumatism, goitre, indiges tion, constipation and skin diseases promptly cured. All private and wast ing diseases promptly cured and their effects permanently removed from tha system. Consultation free and atrictly confidential. We guarantee all of our cures. New York Burglcal It Mdlcal Institute, Raleigh bldg, th and Waah. Dr. Philip T. Ban Nervous and chronic diseases of men, women and children; piles cured pain lessly and promptly; constipation, rheu matism, paralysis, goiter, cured by scl- entlfto methods; eiectrlo batna, lady at tendant. 603 6th St., corner Sherman. Oraatest living astral daad-tranea elalr. voyant of tha age; ADVISER OB BU"t NESS AND ALL AFFAIRS OS LIFE: whom you will marrr. bow to enntrol the one you love, oven though mlltg away; reunttea tha separated: glvaa se cret powers to control others; no dif ference how close or how far away, you ' uuuuo twt aaairea results. Tells you lust how, whero and whan to invest your money to obtain tha beat possible results. If you are sick, mel ancholy disheartened or discouraged. DO NO GIVE UP IN DESPAIR: aim and receive spiritual advice thai. will help you to receive HEALTH. WEALTH AND HAPPINESS. - I will do all others advartlsa to 44w and a great deal mora. Office, Nog. 3-4. Grand Theatre bldg. 352 1-2 Washington Phona Main 2317. ' CONSULT MELW . . THE WORLD'S GREATEST CLAOV VOYANT AND OCCULT SCIENTIST. a special iow rea ror a few days only. Prices within turned away. raach of alL No ona MELVW Reads unuttered thoughts. Opana needle-locked safes blindfolded. Hla equal not kjown. Bees all and tells all. THE BENSON SUM Morrison at. Cor. Phona Main 7241; Ith MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS VICTOR TALKING MACHINES AND records: Stelnway (and other) pianos. Sherman, Clay Co., Ith and Morriaon s t a., opp pustofflce. LITTLE LlNEKS, WANT 8. LOST AND found, for salo, to let, etc.. In The joiirnal cost only l rent a word; Is words or less, 16 cents each Insertion, Phones Main 7173. Home A-3230. HORSES. VEHICLES, HARNESS HORSES AND BUGGIES FOR RENT by day, week and month; apeclal ratea to Dusiness nouses, sin and uawtnorne. East 72. S Acres $1,600 GOOD 5-ROOM HOME IN Montavllla: lot 62x126: all kinds of fruit; large barn, $400 first payment ' V. PAGE HARRIS. HealcyVhldg., Grand and E. Morrison. . PORTLAND HEIGHTS. $6.500 Owner leaving city, offers beautiful new 6-room house at low price; overlooks entire city, both rivers and four mountains in view. I V. I'AUBl rlAKKlS, Healey bldg.. Grand and E. Morrison. BARGAIN 7 AND 6-ROOM HOUSES at Mount Tabor, sixioo to a house; bearing fruit trees.; mone Kast ssos. A SNAP. 8trictly modern 8-room house, close In on E. 12th st; It Is well built and conveniently arranged; lot 50x100, fine lawn and roses; only $5,000; easy terms; must sell. Call COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Couch bldg. CHOICE RESIDENCE LOT. HIGH AND eightly, first-class Improvements, in cluding hard-surfaced streets, cement curbs and walks: close in on the east side, $1,000. Call on us. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Couch 'bids FINE 6-ROOM HOUSE IN HOLLADAY Park, lot 60x123. all modern through out; three blocks from car; a bargain; only $4,800. Cull on us. A COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Couch -bldg. ' 12 PER CENT INWME. WEST SIDE APARTMENT HOUSE. IS apartments; 12 sinple rooms. Cen trally located, atyllsi). up-to-date-; a safe proposition; sure money-maker; $20,000 will swing It. Call on us COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Couch bHg- WEST SIDE HOME. 7 ROOMS. CLOSE In on 10th St.; has modern conven iences; only $4,200. Cnll on us. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. couch nMR- STRICTLY MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE7 new, well hunt ana convenient, v. on tferhv fit.: 83.500 cash, or terma. Thompson & Carden, 848 Mississippi ave. $2,60065 ACRES TIMBER WHICH will cut 6.000 cords of wood. 10 miles from Portland. Will trade for rooming house, v 88.250 block on 8 (J Portland. C. S. Arnold A Morrison st st, south Co.,; 861J4 IV ACRES, ALL IN GARDEN, WITH 6-room new cottage, 1 block from car line, $3,000, $2,000 down. Hamilton & Holman, Q4 ooodnougn biag., opp. p. o. FINE NEW HOUSE ON A LARGE clean lot, E 17th ' at, near car; 7 rooms, modern conveniences, - $3,500; terms. 82 Vs 3d at, room & Main 4671. A-1208- ' ' THE COLUMBIAN REALTY CO. HAVE bargains In - new nausea, different tiftrta of cltv. 82.260 UD. 82 3d at. Main 4676 A-1208. Call us, call on usi FINE CORNER, ' 0;xl00 on TIL lamook st.r cement walks: 2 blocks from carllne; only $1,400. Call on us. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Couch mi sr. $2,500 NEARLY NEW, LARGE 6-room modern cottage-- beautiful 60x100 lot; close In oast side, near 3 carllnea: terma. . $1.850 New -ronm modern house. 1 block carllne; a very pretty home: lot 100x100; a corner; a splendid buy; terma $950 6-room house, well built, nice lot; 40x120 feet; fruit treea. flowers, etc.: down; balance easy payments. 100x100. E. 13tl.- st.. corner Rhine, only $1,000; terms . W. J. DAY & CO.. 268 BtrfVk st.. room 24. All In a high state of cultivation: 2 acrea in all kinds af berries, young orch ard, no rock or gravel, good 6-room plas tered house, Darn and chicken nouses; nicely located, only 6 minutes' walk to electric car, 8 miles from city, lOo fare: price $2,600, terma; would make an Ideal berry and chicken ranch. 24 Acres 1$ acres cultivated. 3 acres in fine timber, living creek in rear of plaoa, well located, fair 6-room houae, brand new barn-, small orchard, 160 bushels of oats, about 25 tons of fine hay, 4 acres nice potatoes, 6 fine cows, 1 good team of horses and new harness, soma pigs and chickens, 2 wagons and all farm Im plements: 2 miles from Reedville, 12 miles from Portland, electric line will run close to comer of place; price $4,000, terma. 20 Acres Al aoll. of which 7 acres is beaver- dam; this land Is unimproved, not far from Salem car line, 9 miles from this city; fine location, half mile from grad ed acnooi; price z,uuu. terms. W. W. Espey ROOM 319 COMMERCIAL BLDG., Cor. 2d and Washington, Phone Pacific 1848. SPLENDID DAIRY RANCH. 165 acres, 9 miles from For est Grove, between & to 4 miles from small town, 80 acres under cultivation, and nearly all level; the balance of tha farm, is rolling; has about 60 acres of good timber, run ning water, all fenced, good, large new house, large barn, family orchard, 6 good cows, milking, span of horses, 10 hogs, a lot of chldkens, all im plements, for (5,800; It is a bargain. Otto, Crockett & Harkson 133 H 1st at. LITTLE LINERS, WANTS, LOST AND found, for sale, to 'let, etc., in The journal cost only 1 cent a word; is words or lens, 16 cents each Insertion. Phones Main 7173. Home A-3230. EXCHANGE NEW HARNESS FOR old. Keller Harness Co.. 49 N. 6th st. FINE HAMBLETONIAN MARE 4 yrs.. well broken; bugey, harness. K. 35th. Phone East 3952. TWO SECOND-HAND BUGGIES, IN good condition. See Fashion Psinters, with Fashion Stables, 20th and Wash ington. YOUNG BAY MARE, USED TO SAD- dle or harness, good roadster. 45th st. Phone Tabor 720. 90 E, TEAM, WEIGHT 2,700, GOOD 8 Mr wagon and ha mesa cheap. Call after T o'clock evenings, 129 Grand ave., room 17. , FOR SALE GOOD TEAM AND HAR ness; price $130. Inquire 918 Halght avn. Woodlawn 1166. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FREE FOR EVERYBODY RING UP Main 4290 or call 213 Front at We buy and sell furniture, clothing or any old thing. FOR SALE FARMS. REAL ESTATE AN . IDEAL HOME for Sale 4 acres or land., 100 fruit treea, half mile from Zion station, on Councll-Creat cap. A-3 ft. Journal . ,. 325 ACRES, : , GOOD SOIL. HALF cleared and in cultivation; about 0 miles from Portland, near new carllne; 10 acres' orchard, fair house and barn; enough wood can be cut from place to nearly pay price asked; only $65 per acre. Must sell to settle estate; easy terms. Call on us. ' ' COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, . Co'M-li bldg. FINE"" DAIRY FARM. 130 ACRES, ON Estacada carllne, 1H miles from Cur rinsville atatlon, atore L, and , graded school- U mile from church, 2 mail routes, phona and milk route. Orchard, all kinds fruit, new bam $2x64, house and other buildings. Similes from Es tacada, Ox. -Box tS, R." F. rx No. I. Phona R. G. palmateer, Estacada. 40 ACRES. 6 CLEAR, 10 EASY TO clear, balance good timber and soil; 13 miles west, $500 cash; $1,700. 20 acres. 14 clear, house, barn, orchard, timber, running water all aea son. fine black soli; mile to car; $3,000. 40 acres, 36 clear, house, barn, orchard, good soil; a bargain; half cash; 12 miles west: $3,300. i 10 acres, 6 clear, balance slashed and burned; good house; una Diactc son; & mile to car; $1,800. , . 100 acres. No. 1 farm. 70 clear, house, 2 barns, telephone, spring and running water; fine timber; make 2 fine farms; half cash: $8,000. FARMERS' LAND CO.. 203 3d st. HOLDEN S RHEUMATIC CURE rriyRB cure for rheumatism. ooia oy an druggists. SHOW CASES AND FIXTURES, NEW and secondhand. J as. r. maranaii Mfg. Co.. 289 VCouch St. FOR SALE ONE HOTEL RANGE. Inquire 271 1st st. CLEAN, WASHED RAGS FOR WIPING purposes. The Overall Laundry and Bupply Co.. phone Hellwood 8. A. REINER. PRACTICAL FURRIER; sealskin garments redyed and remod eled; expert fitter; estimates riven; low est prices: open evenings. 663 Wash ington, fnone Mam 73vs. DR. RING CHOONO. IMPORTER CHI nese root medicines; sells Chinese tea, certain cure for all diseases. 191 3d at, between Yamhill and Taylor. SUITS PRESSED WHILE YOU WAIT. 60a. Ladies' skirts pressed, 60c. Gil bert 106 hi Sixth st, next to Quelle. Phone Main 2088. hR. MARY KRAMER. MIDWIFE: home for patients; treatment for all blood diseases? examination free. 861 Mississippi ave. ' East 6543. GERMAN BOOKS. MAGAZINES, NOV- els, eto.: German, English. French, Spanish, Swedish and Italian diction aries; - foreign books of all klnda Bchmale Co.. 229 First st LITTLE LINERS. WANTS. LOST AND found, for sale, to let etc.. In The Journal cost only 1 cent a word; 15 words or less. 16 rents each insertion. Phones Main 7173. Home A-8230. ' DON'T BE DULL AND INACTIVE; Sexlna Pills cure all weakness; $1 a box, 6 for $5: full guarantee. Address or call J. G. Clemenson, druggist Port land. Or. MOLES, WRINKLES. 8UPERFLUOUS hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill, 830 Fleldner bldg. CHRONIC. NERVOUS AND" SPECIAL Madame Lucke? - will be found at her former location. 209 H 4th st. between Taylor and Sal mon, where she will ba glad to receive ner inenaa ana patron a jrnona Main 77$3. . . BEE THE . Prophetess. A, ' Viola Marsh field, 368 Morrison it. The Cosmos, between 3d and 4th. - MAV ANDREWS, CARD READER, AT , 7548. 825. Main st, 26o. Phona Main CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS i JOHN A. MELTON, 204 4TH ST. OF flee and store fixtures built and re modeled ; showcaaes and counters. . Phone Main 1787. E. MELTON OFFICE, STORE FIX-; iurea: general jobbing. 67 Phone Main 3190. lat ,at CARPET CLEANING diseases of mer and women cured by mod am scientific methods; eiectrlo treat ment for diseases or ina prostata; con sultation free. Dr. W. I. Howard. Com monwealth bldg.. 6th st cor. Pine. TURKISH BATHS. 800 OREGONIAN bldg.: ladles days, gentlemen nignta, Mam isbs. YOUNG ' SCIENTIFIC MASSEUSE. electrical, alcoholic, medicated and genuine tub baths. 41 Raleigh bldg., 6th and Washington. C&NTLEMAN WISHES ACQUAINT- ance young wraow, iaay naving -own home; lady with little girl preferred; oblect matrimony. Address Box 6L city. STANDARD CARPET CLEANING CO. Largest plant on coast; Loring and Harding sts; phono Eaat 230: carpeta cleaned, refitted, sewed and laid; steam and compressed air process; renovating nuiiiCTKn nnq learners a specialty. , JOYCE BROS., PROPRIETORS OB the Electric Cleaning works; carpeta cleaned and laid, both dry and com pressed air cleaning; carpet refitting' our specialty; work guaranteed. Phona Ma,ln 2672 and A-2672. 270 Grant st v THE IONH STEAM CARPET CLEAN- fnir wnrka nosnala la auU.J " "g w v no, i.m lsva-BBi viCWIUUt 1C111 L-J4 and laid; mattreaaes and feathers ren ovated. 221 E. 21st st N. East S60. CLEANING AND DYEING V LADIES AND GENTLEMEN BRING your clothes to 688 Williams avs. to be cleaned and pressed. CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED," $1 per month. . Unique Tailoring Co., ilUJ DIirK B. ' f H. W, TURNER, DYER CARPET 8 dyed a special t v. Main 2613. 60S Jefferson at MRS OBROCK. MAB8EUSE. CABINET bath, salt glow, cream massage; rer- erences. 282H i"- facllio Zdlll A-Z734 LADIES DR. SANDERSON'S CO. Ha. v In and Cotton Root pills ara the only sure .remedy for delayed periods; by mall 82 per box. Dr. Pierce. 181 1st. COAL AND WOOD . PORTLAND SAWDUST SLABWOOD Co., 865 Front at, successors to Ful ton Wood Co.-Fir, oak, alabwood, coaL Tel. Main 1986. ... FOR PROMPT DELIVERY OF 6LAB wood call Main 4876. Oak, ash, fir and coal. Portland Wood & Coal Co 16th and Savler sta. r $S333$3$$i$$$$$$$$$$$ FOR SALE $10,000 WORTH OF NEW .and good new household goods at The Dollar, 232 bt t. $$$$$$$$ NAVAJO BLANKETS, PHILIPPINE relics, etc. Peauogard's Ex.. 460 hi Wash. LITTLE LINERS, WANTS. LOST AND found, for sale, to let, etc.. In The Journal cost only 1 cent a word: 15 words or leas. 15 cents each insertion. Phones Main 717,1. Homo A-3230. PIANOS FOR RENT AND SOLD Ol4 Installments. H. Blnshelmer. 7 3 aa st. Ikon bed $2.50, springs $1.26, mat- tress $1.J)0, dresser $7.50, mantel bed $6.50. Anstey Bros.. 825 1st. Pao. 1970. MUSIC AND BAND INSTRUMENTS; expert repairing. C.B.York, 227 Stark Manicuring, tub baths and massage, no ft 4tn st, cor. wasn ington. HOLDER'S RHEUMATIC CURE Sure cure for rheumatism. Sold by all druggists. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE diseases. 626 E. Belmont. Kast 4034. WESTERN FEED & FUEL CO. , Houbo and blacksmith coals. ' cok charcoal, kindling, phona Main 1019. TELEPHONE EAST 7. F. B. JONES & CO.. "' Wood and coal. 181 East Water at. - FOR QUICK DELIVERY - Oregon Fuel Co.. 334 Alder. PHONE BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE diBfases. 303 Flledner bldg. Main 7721. BP1V1TE HOHPITII. IfftR TTIMITr 1RT1T. nets gins; gooa care, g Mimer Diag. 'The snowden baths," i45v 6th st., room 26; vapor and sponge baths; WANTED HONORABLE LADIES and gents to Join our S. A. club; ladles free. Mrs. Gray, 9i E. 8th St.. cor. Washington. MRS. ETTA KEYS CARD READING, rooms 1-2. 145V6 6th st BUY JEWELRY AT A SAVING. Y. Zui. 55 N. 4th st. H. MANURE FOR ROSES AND LAWNS, delivered, C 2.25 per load. Phone Main 6683. ART OAS WATER HEATER FOR SALE cheap. 8-83c Journal. TWENTY VARIETIES OF STRAW- berrv plants: send for price list. Dixon Stafford. Oregon i;ity, ur, FOR SALE ONE FULL COURSE IN Holmes business conese, i-ortiana, Or. Price $76. J. F. Rico, Harrisburg, Or. 160 ACRES GOOD LAND CLACKAMAS county, 84 acrea flat and burned, bal ance hill pasture and timber; will cut close to 3.000,000 feet, on north fork Sandy river; new Mount Hood rond will run within 2 miles of property; aa an investment this is certain to bring big returns; tf sold at onca $10 per acre; 1500 flown; balance terma to suit. THE CROSSLEY COMPANY, 801 McKay bldg, 3d and Stark sta. TURNER HAS 'ALL KINDS IM proved and unimproved -farm lands and atock ranches;sresidence property In all parta of tha city; also some good propositions In the exchange line. Room IT ARM FOR SALE 185 ACRES. M. mlla from , station. Henry Jones, Buver, Or. ... FOR SALE 2 INCUBATORS. 150-EGG capacity, 1 Petaluma. 1 St. Helens, with brooders'. Price singly. $20; price for all. 335. Address P. O. box 48. K.i in ma. Wash. KOffS A LE ONE PIANO CERTIFI cate on Eilers. value. $52; price, $30, at once. Address, Mrs. C. W. Carson, Kalamft, Wash ' A. BERGER'S ART STUDIO, 644 H Wash, st High grade oil paintings in landscapes and portalts made to order. ATTORNEYS PIGGOTT, FINCH & BIGGER, ATTOR neys at law, 4 Mulkey bldg., corner 2d and Morrison sta. I INTERSTATETTDJUSTMENT CO., A. J. Chrlstopherson, pres.; law, . collec tions, reports. 414 Buchanan bldg. Main 8130. FOR SALE A THOROUGHBRED Scotch collte pup, 8 months old, male, pedigreed, sablo and white. 20 E $th st N. Phone East 261- L, LADY'S TICKET TO DENVER; WILL soil cheap. Q-35. Journal. . -:. FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE! OFFICE ROOM IN EXCHANGE FOR collecting rent and taking car of building. O-Sl. Journal. - -' OKLA. FARM. 160 ACRES. ON CITY or country property. io weoster st RESTAURANT FOR SALE. DOING good business; price $600; will ex change for small dwelling. L-26, Jour nal. t '.' WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE FOR a Rose City Park, lot; piano certifi cates or gun considered. Address V-35, Journal. . ASSAYERS GARVIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO. and Montana Assay Office. 186 Mor rison Bt. s ' ''-'' WELLS & PROEBSTEL, 1 MINlSlG EN glneers, asaayers, , chemists and sur veyors 204 V Washington. Main 7608. AUTOMOBILES HOWARD M. COVEY. Agent Pierce -Great Arrow, Xtooomo blles. Cadillac i and Knox. Tempo rary location Club Garage, . 16th and Alder ata. ' '-; MOUNT HOOD FUEL CO.. WOOD AND coal. 850 Water st. Phone Main 8370. CARPET CLEANING. E" STA7TDARD CARPET CLEANING CO. Largest plant on ooaat; Loring and Harding sts.; phono Eaat 280; carpatav cleaned, refitted, sewed and laid; a team and compressed air process; renovating mattresses and feather a specialty. s JOYCE BROS., PROPRIETORS OF THfaS Electric Cleaning works; carpeta cleaned and laid, both ' dry and oonv- ,' prassed air cleaning; carpet refitting our BDfctalty; work guaranteed. Phono Mala 2ftl2 and A-2672 - 879 Grant st THE ,IONE STEAM CARPET cLKAJTJ lng works and laid; - mattresses and feathers ren ovatexi. carpots cleaned, refitted 221 E. Slat St. N. East $60. DRESSMAKING MADAME ANGELES 242 FIFTH. PA. clflo 982.' ;'' ' ' " "'"', -'t-1- EXPERIENCED DRESSM A KEK, SUI1 a tfpwclalty. Call at 367Knott at. ' ; SHIRTWAIST" SUITS. ALTER ATlONn and plain sewing. 321 H Morriaon; np BiKirt); roimi at. !FOR DRE'sSMAKING GO TO 8S WIlI llama ave; work and styla guaranteed. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS HOWE, DAVI & KILHAM, 109-111 2D at Blank booka manufactured; agts. for Jonas. Improved Loose-Lea f ; vledg erarsea the tew Eureka leaf, the best on the market . ; ' - DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL TcTlETliROWN. JX C, M.DOGS and horsa hospital. 10 N. tt at rMaln 4084) :- ?'".:'" " j- ' '-'- '.- W ' M MILLER. V, 8.. VERERINA RlAN', 26 K 8th nL v ofloa S2I Flanders. Phone Mam 7-; CARNEY'S VETERINARY IIO-f'ITAL for horse and doga..; 289 Gilsaa at. Phona Main 1484. tV- " . CHIROPODISTS CHIROPODY 1 AND ' PEDICURING Mrs. M. D. Hill, S3 0 lleiJner b.dg. EDUCATIONAL ROSE CITT . BUSINESS OOLLK h 14S Bin location: Pitman shorthand; expert g uates: low tuition; i.iy an.1 ) aohooir new .juplU .dally. W. W. . Hams. M. H, Prl'i. ; SEND YOUR BOY TO lilLI, Mil. I T,i v academy, Portland, Or. Hr.;s : - alogue. ' OKEGON KXI'i iti' i '. monweaith ll'--.. f ' , telegraphy, tvt . Usb. penmartH ; , . "'I I ft,'