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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1907)
V v 'T'O Euy, Sell Hire or Rent any 1 thin J, USE THE JOURNAL'S WAHT COLUMNS The , weather. Fair tonight and ' ' Friday j easterly wlndi.; V 'V'", Portland; oregon. Thursday 'evening. October, s,4807-twenty pages.; mcB;;Two:;CENTlt',.;jaBCTieJ5B VOL. VI. NO.M81 'i t r , . . . - c-? A ,. - . . rir4 - . - h mfr-MM'MW WANTS STEVENS . IDE SURE BORAH SMS mMmmm'BMMBPMBsM promises that life ; boverhbt APPROACHES iT irked I0 WOULD EKD IS , nni nn nrn t . , lllllt"M I II II x ' ' I ' II lal I 1 1 U I 1114- i I1IUUIII.H Dr. Roy Fuller, Confined in i JBaker County Courthouse, Converses With Fellow Through Prison. Fence- Brown's Slayers in Fear. ((Welti Dispatch to Th Jtmnul) Baker Cltjr. Or., Oct. 8.Wlth ' threats to blow up the county jail ! Dr. Roy Fuller, a prisoner, re- f used . to poison Harry ' Draper's bloodhounds, which were confined In the corridor outside his cell, an un known man made a desperate ' at tempt at 2 a. m. today to stop the - pursuit of the assassins of Haryey Brown. Dr. Fuller heard a noise outside , thf.-: wooden wall 'which surrounds '.(-. the -ounty prison about 2 o'clock v this ihornlng. "rie 1 tfien -TheardT. his name called softly ' and " he "asked what- was wanted. "Hush," ex claimed the nflknown, "I hare some thing of Interest to say to you." "What do you want," asked Fuller, ' "I want yon to poison Harry ' Draper's bloodhounds," came the . startling reply. Fuller, was? astonished and indig . nantly replied that he would' do nothing of the kind. ., '," J ; ' - "There is $250 In It for you If you do," called the man outside the fence. " '' ' Fuller reiterated his refusal and ' stated In an emphatlo way, that he 'would have nothing to do with -the dirty work. ' r ! ; , ; "Well, we are going to get those dogs," angrily exclaimed the un- ... known, "and If you don't ' poison them we will have to give them and you some of the same medicine. Har- ? rey Brown got." ' ' Fuller Raises Alarm. Fuller immediately " raised - an alarm and the stranger vanished in -' the darkness. ' xt -r . ' ft-Fuller 1s a young 'physician' who was convicted of malpractice and sentenced to serve. 10 years in the penitentiary. He has "filed an ap j peal. with. the supreme court and is . ' held in the county Jail here pend ' lng Its outcome.1 ' - , J ' " " . . yne man who taixed nr Fuller this, morning did not scale the fence, but remained on the outside, ' holding - his conversation with the prisoner thro'uglxjra , knothole con veniently near the cell window,,.' The feet-that Fulfer Is -a physician and the knowledge of the exact position i (Special lipmw Jnml.Y ' v Boise, Oct. 2. Before undergoing an operatlcra for an abscess I X on the left: ear today, Clarence 8. Darrow., chief counsel for the Western Federation of Miners An the Pettjbone andMoyer cases, said an effort to make It appear that' the killing of, ex-Sheriff Brown at Baker City was caused by the Western Federation Is ridiculous on Its face," as it can be shown that Brown had be friended Adams and was a witness In his behalf at the first trial at Wallace. V Brown was counted on as one of the most, import ant witnesses for. the defense in the second rtlal. Brown testi fied' that "when in Jail at Baker City Adams gave him to-under-stand If he made a confession corroborating Orchard's he would be ''taken'- care of. Darirow said the ' publicity ' jiven Orchard's story of-how he made and, exploded bombs was sure to produce many murders by. that method. v I ";!''.- ' BY "HERS 4 V: " ':::'- -j;---'-.-,'--- 1 : h - ' V l" if,: ' f ' . ... . ' f HARRY ORCHARD, ! WHO HAR- ' VEYvBROWN KNEW AND WHO WAS ' INSTRUMENTAL IN lOIV- : tNO .THE .BX-SHERDTF,. A; CLUE TO STEVE ADAMS' WHERE ABOUTS, . V. , ' of the prisoner's cell show that the man who is endeavoring, to put the bloodhounds out of the way is thor oughly familiar with the town. :: v .Has la, Kotbar HatbaxA. Light waa thrown on . "The ; man In the mother hubbard'' this morning when It waa learned that a tall, slim, dark tranger,, attempted to purchase a wrap per t the store of Dllsheiroer and Fore man, about 6 o'clock the afternoon of the murder. .Harry Foreman a member of 'the firm waited on. the ' customer, who first ourchased some ; sox then asked if the - store .. carried . any. cheap wrappers. .Foreman showed him some ror out ina stranger saia mey were too expensive.- - He-then - exam ined one worth. $1.35 but . refused to buy Apparently believing that his action had excited suspicion, the man mumbled something about "the kid," -and bought a "Teddy bear." v - ' The description 'of the-man given by Foreman tallies with that given by neighbors - of Brown -"who-f saw the paeudo on'rhe Bisrht of the trairedv The attempt to poison his dogs has aroused the anger of Harry Draper and he has declared, his Intention of running tne culprits to ine ena or tne eartn. The trail of .the man who approached r-uner was am a rew ieet long rrm the street to the wall surrounding the Jail and the keen-noned animals will be of no avail running him down. It Is not llkeiv mat the docs will be taken ont again nintil -there is some new develop- ments-m tne case, t he trail from the scene of the, assassination Is so-old that nothing can be done along that line. SHIt TO SPEND - URGE HUT Five'Wousand Dollars Au thorized to Assist in Tros- ecuting the Murderers. Acting wilder the provisions of an act passed by he legislature of 1903, Oeveraor Chamberlain, thrbugh hls.sec retary;''.W.:N: Ga(ens, has notified the Baker , City authorities that the state will expend, if necessary, the sum of MOO to secure the arrest tand convic tion of Brown's assassin. 'The act in question authorises the ' governor to employ special agents for the appre hension and conviction' of criminals in all cases where the governor inn deem It necessary and where It appears to him that they are likely to fse.ipe jus tice., s An . appropriation was made In 1905 and another In 1907 to onablo the governor to enrrr nut the nrnvlHlnni of the act " Governor. Chamberlain is absent from the state at this time but his secretary, W. N. , Gatens, has ad vised him bv wire of the developments and Is acting by the governor's author ity. Baker county has already offered a reward of $5,000. i,, FOUR MURDERERS HANG FROM SAME SCAFFOLD . . (UdIU4 ' Presa Leawd Wire.) -Lancaster. Pa.i Oct. vj Four Italian murderers were hanged her at the same time this morning for hacking to pieces a brother laborer in a shanty. Thev wers bent on robbing the 15 occupants of the shanty, but ona resisted and he was. killed. " Reported Maltese Crossed on Karvex Brown's Fence 3ferely Placed to Desig nate where Wires Had Led. (Rtwclal Dispitch to Tbs ' Joarotl.) Bnker City. Or., Oct $. Early yes terday morning Officer Carl Castle of the local police announced he had placed chalk marks upfn the Brown gateway to denote the exact spot the wire which exploded the bomb had been attached. When he took his post at the scene of the assassination. Chief Jackson ob served that the workmen who were clearing away the debris would Obliter ate all clues to the assassins "before the detectives arrived. Before he allowed the men to remove the wire from the fence he caused two red chalk marks to be placed upon It ta show -the exact point at which the wire was. attached. The marks wn not "assassin marks." The story) caused a-emue. . FULL FARESOON Western Roads Will Taboo Half Rate Permits Af ter January 1. FRO Chicago, Oct 8. After January 1, 1908. clergymen who have been travel ing upon half rates on all western rail roads will be compelled to pay full fare. This fact Is made certain by the action or the general conrerenee or an clergy bureatta of all the Western Passenger association lins. The Transcontinental Passenger as sociation will continue to Issue half rate .permits to clergymen so long as the. rates are not reduced in Colorado, Montana. Arlsona and states west 'of there to the Pacific coast Permits may also be continued In the states of Texas and Louisiana, where their withdrawal depends upon the state commissions of those states.. Prodded by The Journal for Making Illegal Reductions of Taxes, Sheriff Says He Will Make Amends for Violating Law. Will Require "Affidavit" Now on File to Be Sworn to Question Whether Such Proceeding Will Make Them Valid. Sheriff Stevens, whose attention was directed by The Journal to the fact that he had been reducing assessments and taxes in violation of the law, will make amends for his violations so far as he can. This Is understood to Include not only the placing of valid affidavits on the records, but the collection of all taxes charged off without authority. He baa already ordered his deputies to ac cept no more affidavits unless they are sworn to before a notary publlo. "I will have every ons of the affi davits now on file sworn to before a r public, said Sherirr Stevens this morning, - if vty attorney advises me that the law reaulres it. I have re ferred the matter to hlnrn-and he will advise me whether the affidavits should be sworn to, and also whether any as sessments have been reduced that should not have been. . i If he sdvlses vou that you have re duced taxes in cases where you had Ho' right to, will you demand that the par ties pay the taxes you charged off 7 he was asked. I am going to have everything put In George W. Claxton, Resi dent of East Side, Ends His Life in Horrible Man ner Slices Jugular Vein With Razor. Clothesline Usett to Strangle Himself Sick Wife and Daughter Ignorant of Man's Terrible Deed Was Temporarily Deranged. , Temporarily unbalanced because ' of continued loss of sleep and too close attention at the sickbed of his -wife and six-year-old child, both of whom are critically 111 with typhoid fever, George W. Claxton killed himself at an early hour this morning by cutting his throat with, a raxor. Afterwards he hanged himself from the cross-arm of , i clothesline sunoort. The. act was com 4(14 at hlf,hoijie,; J8j;jCast ydrtj- w nue nis wiis waa lying mi ine raii- shlpshape," replied the sheriff. Mo doubt is entertained ty who have examined the "affidavits" re- ardinar-thelr validity. All asxee that hey are not, as they were never sworn to before a notary public, nor even lined bv any person other than the taxDayer who wanted his taxes reduced. The law requires that the person com- nlainlnK shall make affidavit that ne la assessed with property he does not own. Much douDt is expressed as to wnetner . the affidavits could be made valid by having them sworn to now. The reduc- i tion or assessments was maoe in most cases several weeks ago. and whether It makes an affidavit valid to be sworn to before a notary from one. to six months after taxes are reduced Is a question that remains to be answered. Thourh the exact amount of all the taxes charged off Illegally by the sheriff is not known, his records snow mat in three cases his reductions of taxes ag gregate $692, These were In the taxes of the Nott Davis company, which were reduced 1224: Senator Hi Bicnei. wnose taxes were cut down $240, and the Mort gage Guarantee & Trust company, whose taxes were reduced iizs. ., (Continued on Page Two.) BE GIF OF DAUGHTER "i Fourteen-Year-Old Jthelrownl Refuses to Bc'Consoled' ahd Speaks but the One Sentence, 'They Have - Killedyjiy Papa! They iiav Kmed My PajMt'r Ci v' i J (BpetUl r Dispatch to The Joornsl.)', ' ' t i Baker City. Or., Oct. $. -"They have . kUled my papa! ' They have killed my 1 papal" 'exclaimed pretty Ethel Brown, h 14-year-old daughter of Harvey Brown, ' who refuses to be .comCOrted. " : It was this little ml4 who first dis covered the awful eonseauence of the dynamiters' plot and who after gaslng at the mangled form of her father lying wounded onto death at his own front : door, bravely choked back her sobs, and with rare presence of mind fUsbed to . the neighbors to give the alarm. , Act- !ng as comforter -for her : mother,, who k Is heartbroken over the-death , of the man- she idolised, brave - little Ethel burled her own grief that she might aid her mother in bearing her1 burden.'," Mrs. Brownies no moral coward 'and aft'er the first shock, although' sh Is still upon the verge of collapse, she bore her grief with wonderful'fortitude. The strain of bearing up for her motn er's - sake lightened, to certain extent caused the" daughter to lose her self control and sher thinks and; speaks but the one sentencei . "They have .killed my papal They have killed my oaDa!" No sadder scene can- be imagined than the Brown- home. For ' 16 nappy, years Mrs. Brown has been at the side of her husband, sharing his sorrows, his Joys and his work.- Her Interests in the lat ter . particularly- drew them together and he confided many, of his plans, dis coveries and clews to her. . . . , POSTOFFICE ADDITION HEEDS HEADACHE TABLET , -.... ..... . ...,,. .:. t ........ .-M . - -,'9 I ' 4 j w J i h- ; ? - "5 r1 I ...... ...,,UJ,..,1,,. 4 YA y.'S I 3 4 f! 4 -v : ai ' " "L". ,""B- -'"n"1. "'" laac.,.-.,. . uniiis j i ,.-t"ssj aeiswsip t .' ' " ',' v -1 v. KkUMM fcii fi ttttWi j si , - DISFIGURING STRUCTURE! ERECTED ON: WEST SIDE OF POSTOFFICE. Like a bob-tailed caboose on the end of a limited, passenger train, or the blackened,' unmeaning Stick of a bril liant, flaming' skyrocket 'pursulpg Its heavenly course .through .the star- decked heavens I the i west wirtg of the postofflce- building.' ' " Gracing,, or disgracing.; the: stately pile f ornamental architecture that has been-a source of pride to the gov ernment architect who designed it and aource of itBadinc mUerx to the of ficials who Inhabit it, 4he new addi tion to -the federal building represents nothing but a large slice o the $5,000 appropriation -granted forv repairs to the postof flee building, 'and! a place to weigh Incoming and outgoing mall. ! In appearance it has the 15,000.000 atrocity erected by. Senator Clark on Fifth avenue. New Tork beaten to a fraaile. It rigid lines, box-like con tour and button-shaDe construction gives it the resemblance of a bone col lar button upon a ragged, patched shirt that has passed from the back "of a scion of one of the first families to a typical representative of the .Weary Willie class. - - ' ' ; ,., Bo striking in appearance Is the annex that If has: been the subject, of comment by citisens from the day Its outlines first' gave a definite ides.-of what-its ugliness would finally reach In the way of extreme delineation of all that is Impossible to a healthy mind. . ' .. The comments have not been" com plimentary to the architect - ... Consents to Issue Statement in Which Ho Attributes Land Irregularities ; to Stone and Timber Laws- Points to Faults. Declares Xo Man,- Woman or Child Would Take , Up . Claim With Idea of Never Speculating With Invest ment Scojes Prosecution GEORGE ' W, 4 CLAXTON, , .- I n ir nolnt between life and death. Clax ton arose from a restless slumber.' mut tering to himseu mat ne must give up st last, went te the cellar and with a raior cut this throat from ear to ear. Climbing up a narrow ladder from the cellar where even a man with no iro ned iment could scarcely go. he then went out- Into the- back - yard -and-- ss cured a piece or ciotnesiine. Vses Clothesline. ed a fruit box, placing the loops In the gashes already made with the razor throwing the rope over the- cross arm, he kicked the box from under him and was found hanging from the support about :80 o'clock this morning by the servant. Miss Elsie Read, of Harris- hurg. ... . Claxton bled proruseiy irom ine (Continued on Page Four. (Special DUpatcb to The Journal.) -Boise, Oct. 1. Senator" Borah, who wag . acquitted yesterday of conspiracy to de fraud the government of lands, consent-"" ed to Issue a signed statement this ' morning. The senator waa delighted that the verdict of the Jury was so promptly arrived at and he feela that In the fact that the J2 good men and true were only II minutes reaching a con elusion was evidence of the weakness ' of the testimony Introduced by the pros ecution. The senator s statement oi-. lows: "" Borah's tatemsnt.- 1 was tried before an eminently able and fair iudse and by a Jury of leading citisens of this district, men of unques tioned character and standing, use de fense cross-examined but two of the orosecutlon's 40 witnesses and made no objection to their line of evidence, al though much of It was wholly irrelevant, " We Introduced no witnesses other than mvself: made no arrument to the Jury; jury was out It minute it was an ex- parte proceeding from tne Degmning to . Close and you all know the result. "I stated to mv counsel In the begin ning that there should be no technical defense of any kind ' made and none waa made. I said In the commence ment of this affair to my friends that j the prosecution was actuated by per- i sonal and corruDt motives . and the above record ought . to be sufficiently j conclusive on that point The evidence ' : not only demonstrated mv innocence of j any wrong doing but that unusual and exceptional care was taken at all times by my pfnee to protect the titles of my company, the Barber Lumber eompany. "The stone and timber law Is a piece . of Infamy as administered by tho gov- : ernment. The government makes a man swear that ha does not - take It on speculation, and the department' con strues that he must not take It with a view of selling It. There Is not a man In the department of the Interior, and presumably in the department of Jus tice, but knows full well that (9 men or women out ot 10Q take up tnese claims with no other view than selling them as soon as tney get title. . y ,:. ; .... rault,?-;': T:r "Notwithstanding this knowledge the government continues to issue final receipts and thus connives at the doing : of that' which they afterwards seek to visit upon some-one as a fraud. . The government ought to establish arule which would at least- not ambush men Into wrongdoing. Undoubtedly there ;,' are some instances of wrongdoing and they ought to be punished, but there are hundreds and hundreds of instances where the people would, not thluk of ; taking land except In accordance with ' law which, however, Is often construed . by the . government to be not in an- -cordance with the law. although It has Issued final receipts -'with full knowl edge of how land was taken. I do not lu&tify any man in doing wrong but I say this deliberately that the govern- ' ment has blundered shamefully in the administration of the-; Stone and timber ; WANTED III BOY TWO Journal Will Pay $55 for Slogan and Design to Be Used by Carnival Committe'e in Giving Nation-Wide; V Publicity" to Next Year's "Rosa Fiesta. Here- is a chance -for .the. .man .or woman with an Idea to make, money. - Christmas Is coming it's not so far away and perhaps you have already be- ..t -m. i a gun to look around for a way to start the Christmas fund, , . ' ' Portland is going . to have a rose festival next June, the very finest thing or Its kind that any city ever had. The Rose Carnival association, .'which is mad up of themost prominent busl- is In need ot two things... The Journal la wlllina- to nv lta readers 1SS to sun- ply these things. t r : ' ' -First It wants a slogan Just a sin gle, short, simple sentence the shorter tne oetter, tnat win ao to D Known as the slogan and the motto of the asso ciation tne kind or tning tnat sticKS in the memory and that will tell the world tn one phrase that Portland's rose festival Is to be the best ever. . , Frlsea for Bright Thonjrhts. -; -"-Fov this slogan The Journal will plve $15 In gold. Kvery one with an H'. i,m write it down on a sheet at ruiu- t.aii send It In to The Journal office In rare of the Rose Festival editor. It will be delivered to a'commlttee to be selected by The Journal and the name of tho winner of the prfse and the prise-win-nlng slogan will be given in The Jour nal, Sunday morning, October IS, As the slogans are-submitted to ths Rose Festival editor day by d.iy they will be printed In The Journal, so every one who reads . The , Journal -.n ses just how many bright and orKrhi .1 eoneeptiotis of what a slogan ihoii.l I thero are. - - . , Then, second, the Festival asoei5u : wants a design symbolical of the n: elation and the festival. It mii-i i capable of reproduction in c.i-r - t colors Of the Hose society, pin green, should be Included but ni .- r make a good appearance wtn ti i In black ink. ; . , ; . ...'Tie Design for Adverts- This delstn is lntt nd. il f .r i. ton on all the rtannt-r. t1 .- - and the literature ,r the l . ciHtlon. It wlil t r.-;.i-i ; (Continut'il ou i . . .