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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1907)
f i,t. ,.!. sr A .. i . .... THE OREGON : DAILY JOURNAL? ' PORTXANET; SATITRDAY" EVENING,' ' SEPTEMBER 28;' 1907. V I Toivn TONIGHT'S, AMUSEMENTS. Helllg. .'. v"In th Bishop's Carriage' Marauam "Fatinllsa' Bilker....... "A Stranger In New York" 1 Emolre "For Mothers Bake" urana vatia.viue l'. ....... . VIII "Drusa Wavna" Lyrio Star 'Tba King of the Desert" Oaks -. , d. W. P. Carllne Baseball Frisco va. Portland itth ,and Vaughn ... Special mualo haa been arranged for tbe Third Presbyterian church, corner of East Thirteenth and Pine atreeta, Sundar morning and evening as fol Iowa: Prelude, "In the Morning," Orlet; Anthem, "Pratae . Ye the Father." Oou nod; Offertory, "Pilgrim's Song of Hope," Batlnte; solo, "My Redeemer and My God." Buck. Mlsa Spencer; Poat- lude in D. Mosart. Evening program, "War March of Priests," from Rlenta; "Prayer from Lohengrin," Wagner; An them, "Great Shepherd, Hearl" Plcolom lnl; offertory, "Chorus of Angels," Clark; solo, "The Day Is Ended," Bart lett; W. F. Werschkul; male quartet. "Nearer My Ood to Thee," Tenney; Sostlude, March aux Flambeaux, Clark, tto Bauman, organist; W. F, Wersch kul. director. Because they Would not buy drinks for the crowd in the saloon at the cor ner of Fourth and Davis, last night, a band of Oreeks, headed by J. Pulos, set upon John Crowley and J. Lynch. The young men fled from the saloon when the Oreeks started to attack them and reached Fifth and Burnslde before they were overtaken by their assail ants. But for the timely arrival of Patrolman Thorpe, they might have suffered serious injury. Three of the Oreeks earaped but Pulos and Nick Kal amalas were taken to the police station and released on depositing 125 - hall each. Crowley, the more seriously In jured of the two. was required to 3e posit $5 ball to insure his appearance as a witness in court next Monday. The east side branch of the public library will open Tuesday afternoon, October 1, at 2 o'clock and will be open until 9:80 in the evening. The librarian of the east aide branch will be Miss Elisabeth Clark, a graduate of Pratt Institute Library school. She Is on her way and will not be. able to take charge of the library until the end of the week. About 1,600 books will be found on the shelves, including reference books, and there will be a dally mes senger service from the Central lib rary. A fine list of magazines has been ordered snd should be received within the next few weeks. This Is the snnual Bible study rally day at the Y. M. C. A. The Bible classes' for the winter will be set up to day. The leaders will be on hand as well as the students snd sll classes will be organised and time of meeting de cided. Some few classes will meet on Sunday, but moat of them will meet on week dsys. at noon and In the evening. All men invited to comifand hear a very Interesting program. Dr. Foulken of the First Presbyterian church will ppeak on the aubject. "A Lost Art" and V. F. Werschkul will alng. Meeting be gins at 1:S0 p. m. Congeatlon In eastern car manufac turing plants Is seriously hindering the delivery of a large allotment of passen- Jer cars for the Portland Railway, Light Power company. A consignment of 38 closed cars that were to nave been delivered In Portland this month have not yet left the shops. For rhe last two months the company has had a spe cial Inspector and electrician in attend ance at the shops to examine the cars and wiring and rush their completion. iJick of materials and scarcltv of work men Is ssslgned as the cause of the car builders failure to complete work on time. the Cows' milk Is continually sdvanclng In price. If milk la rich and pure It Is worth more money, but who will drink the filthy milk even at any price. Better take no chances. Introduce the pure cereal coffee which contains more real strength than any other drink. Children love It. Remember the nsme. Golden Grain Granules. If you are too poor tell me. If you can spsre the 25c, then tell your grocer. John Blaauw, 12 Front street, Portland, Or. An arrangement between the De positors' association of the Oregon Trust A Savings bank and W. Cooper Morris, former cashier, Is being con summated by which It is said Morris will devote his personal property, about $28,000. to repaying depositors whose accounts do not exceed 126. There are about 6.100 depositors who had sums of that else In the bank when it sus pended. While in the terminal yards, near Park and Hoyt streets, last night, Thomas Kurts, an engineer, was as sailed by a negro. After knocking Kurtx down, the dusky footpad lost his nerve and did not attempt to rifle his victim's pockets but fled. Kurts was slightly intoxicated at the time. Oregon Law College. All applicants are requested to assemble at the busi ness offices of the school, 30S-3O4 Com monwealth building, on Saturday even ing, September 28. Dean S. T. Rich ardson will arrive from Salem to classi fy and assign the different subjects for the term. v Oregon Law College. AH applicants re requested to assemble at. the busi ness offices of the school, 303-4 Com monwealth building, on Saturday even ing, September 28. Dean S. T. Richard son will arrive from Salem to classify and assign the different subjects for the term. Mrs. M. E. Roberts, who has been con fined to the Good Samaritan hospital for the past three weeks with a frac tured ankle, has sufficiently recovered to be removed to her home, 120 East Sixteenth street. Her sister. Mrs. M. E. i,ake, arrived from Baker City Tuesday. Heads of different departments of tbe east side, and west side high schools, were appointed at a meeting of the school board held yesterday afternoon. Topics j IBB W03 OS E so will the tree incline. We have so often that it is a wonder that we teach a child the value of money you may rest secure that that child will achieve a financial success. Teach the little one to save a part of the money that is given to it or that it earns. Show it how to deposit that money in a strong bank where it will be safe and where the child will learn "business methods. The result is just as sure as anything can be in this world. If you wish your 'child to be trained in the habits that lead to its future well-being, bring it to us. We will welcome the small account because we know that in time it will grow to be large and valuable. We pay 4 per cent on savings deposits. - Tllelecretof uur success Is our untiring efforts to please. No ether laundry can-possibly suit you better. We launder everything from the family wash to the most delicate lingerie," rNo frayed collars or chemically retted shirts here. A trial will convince you that our work Is in a claaa by Itself. Charges moderate satisfaction guaranteed. UNION LAUNDRY soovn A YD COLtTMXIA. Telephone Main m. as follows: East side Mathematics, J. W. Huff; history, 8. H. Dodson; English, Miss Qwrtrude Yager; chem latry, W. B. Green. West sldeMatb ematlce. Miss Caroline Barnes: chem istry and allied subjects. Miss Chris tine Macconnell: Dhvslcs. Huth Hnvd: English, Miss Jessie Ooddard; Latin, A. P. McKlnley; commercial, H. W. Her. ron. Mrs. Tlikamp,v who resides at 714 Mississippi avenue, la wondering what o youths will do with two doIIs of red paint. Two weeks sigo Mrs. Tll- kamp saya Frank Davis. 70S) MIrhIssIppI avenue, and R. Holman who lives on Aflblna avenue od Cook street en tered her home and after ransacking tne nouse, confiscated two Durkets of paint. Thinking tkn lads might want to play "Indians" with the vermllllon hued paint, she .lodged no complaint against itvcm. The matter was reported to Patrolman Mallet. WhJle attempting to arrest Emll Han sen for drunkenness last night. Patrol man Wanleaa was set upon by a gang of north end toughs, and before he could drive back the crowd with hla gun. re ceived a cut In the back from a knife thrust by Chris Alberts. After taking his msn to the station Officer Wan less' Injuries were found to be slight. Alberts was afterward arrested by pa trolman Thorpe and a charge of as sault was booked against him. T. Canell was sentenced to six months in tls county Jail by Judge Cleland In the circuit court this morning. Csnell had pleaded guilty to the charge of stabbing a companion named Colom bo a at Latourelle Kails, about a month ago. He was arrested by Deputy Sheriff Leonard. Flames destroyed the roof of N. P. Foler's hqme, (24 Ganienbeln avenue, at 4:30 yesterday afternoon. The dam- go was slight to the lower rooms of the house, which is owned by L. Y. Keady, m mining broker with offices In the J-en ton building. The will of Emily M. Pierce, dispos ing of property worth $16,000, waa filed In tha county court for probate this morning. The will was sfrawa last Aniil at San Dlcgo. California, snd leaves all the property to Lucy Trevett. a niece of the deceased. According to the report filed In the county court thia morning by David fenni, jonn uaroanno and Anton uar barlno, appraisers of the estate of Gug- llelmo Casslnelll. the aeceasea lert property worth (1,460. Rev. David Beaton. D. D.. one of the strong men of our church from Chicago, will deliver a special address to men on ainernooa and cmaensmp, at the First Congregational church Sunday evening. , For $10 at Goodman's. Seventeen Jeweled sdjusted Elgin, Waltham or Hampden, In dust-proof case, $10. 211 Morrison street, between First and Front. Stesmsr Jesse Harklns, for Camas, Washougal and way landings, dally ex cept Sunday. Lesves Washington street dock at 2 p. m. Acme Oil Co. sell safety coal oil and fine gasoline. Phone East 78; B-1007. Woman's Exchange, 133 Tenth street, lunch 11:80 to 2; business men's lunch. Watch crystals, sll kinds. 10 cents, at Goodman's, 211 Morrison street. Diamonds, Watches Beck's, 205 Alder. D. Chambers, optician, 128 Seventh. Berger signs 284 Tsmhlll phone. Dr. Strowbrldge, Hamilton bldg. Bark Tonic for rheumatism. HUMAN BOOZE SP0XGE GETS HIS NEEDINGS Samuel Baker, representative of St. Johns at Kelly's Butte, went back to that Institution for an additional term of 26 days, Thursday. Baker has proved so efficient on the rock pile he hss been appointed by Municipal Judge Esson of St. Johns, represents? tlve for the fifth term. Furthermore, each term is longer than the last. At first Baker was detained at St. Johns to help split and pile the win ter's fuel for the municipality. This took him two days. Baker's only of fense is Imbibing too much St. Johns whisky. The second offense won for him five days. Judge Esson gave him 10 days the third time and he still came back for St. Johns whisky. The fourth offense gained for him a term of 20 days and the fifth 25 with the added stipula tion that he try some other kind of whisky other than those brands sold In St, Johns. Bun Burn, Ivy Poisoning, "THE SOTJSSKOX.D USOEOlf ' Reals. Druggists refund money If DR. POR TER'S ANTISEPTIC HEALING OIL falls. 26c. all seen this proverb illustrated don't heed it more. If you can and habits of thrift and saving, will never want for money, and ONLY FORTY-FIVE NEEDED TO i'.i ; ... ' Large Applet Grown J. B. Kelly, agent ror the White auto mobile, has grown some unusually large Oravenatetn anoles on his farm at Pleasant Home, In the eaitern part of Multnomah countv. Just 46 of the largo apples will fit In a box, three tiers, 15 In a tier. The farm Is lorHtetl 21 miles from Portland, an hour's drive with an automobile. I ' - 1 I' 1 Jf I w - J. I XX tWT rsjj3jefi'Vt'i,m "V""" . LjF 1 mt ..u...y v-XiJ-Vf '-frtiiirimMiiiiiMi miiihiimi IRISH SETTER WITH CHINESE NAME LOOKS NOT KINDLY ON HIBERNIAN Wong Lo Chuen Is the name of an Irish Better living on a ranch south of the city owned by Judge William B. . Gilbert and rented by several Chinese who hsve been continuous tenants of the place for 18 years. Wong loves Chinamen, chop ucy and everything else pertaining to the land of the !ppy and chrysanthemum but his love for humanity extends to no race other than the slant-eyed orientals. Therefore, when a son of the old sod wandered down to the road past the place tensnted by the Chinamen, his eyes lighted up with the Joy of a home sick lail returning to his native heath, as he beheld the Joyous, barking, frisking Wong Lo Chuen. With a cry of delight the Hibernian whistled a banshee to attract the Irish setter. Afterwards he was sorry. Wong heard the whistling welcome and went to the Irishman but not with SECTION LINE ROAD WILL BE IMPROVED Residents Want Thorough fares to Be Taken Over by the City. A movement has been stsrted In the districts through which passes the Sec tion Line road to have that thorough fare taken over by the city and Im proved. As the highway approaches the river from the east It is called Divi sion street, but for several mile Inside the city limits the road is still kept up by the county. A meeting of the Waverly-Richmond Improvement association was held last night at the residence of Judge A. L. Fraier and the Improvement of this street was thoroughly discussed. It was stated the thoroughfare wag two feet above grade and had not been Im proved by the county for four years. It Is the only outlet to a large section of the city snd the residents are very de sirous of having It opened and Improved bv thu city. Objections were raised by some of the smal'cr property owners who stated that the expense of Improving the street could not be carried and would be more than the worth of their property. Others pointed out, however, that the Imorove ment would be more than Justified. Should the property be Improved the sectlor. tributary would Immediately be gin to riao In value and homes would be built along the thoroughfare because It would oe on a direct way to the city. It was affirmed that three-fourths of the I property owners were anxious for the i action ana mat me entire section snouia not be deprived of a Justifiable necessary improvement. and Honest men like to give full value for money received. There is from a quar ter of a pound overweight In every package of the 100 per cent pure cereal coffee. The grocers like to give you what is yours by right. Use less of It aod boil It less time than other cereal coffees. Andersen A- Johnson, Clackamas street: "Golden Grain Granules is away up." J. K. Troutman. 294 Lnrrabee street: "It Is the only cereal coffee which can be recommended." E. F. 'Loomis A Son, 260 Larrabee: "Just been telling a lady to use 1t." H. L. Sayles, Sixteenth and Northrup: "Send me Golden Grain Granules, as long as It is the best I want to sell it." A. Lumsden, 1049 Williams avenue: "We want some; nothing too good for our trade." K. Goff, 713 Williams avenue: "It saves lime., goes further and the con sumers get a quarter of a pound more." Manning & Hodge. 319 Weldler street: "Nothing equal to It." T. C. Peebler. 251 Holladay avenue: "It has the advantage over other cereal coffees." Williams & Swank, 232 Larrabee: "Send us two cases more, that Is what we think of It. We carry only first- class goods. C. L, Schaenfeldt, 323 Williams ave nue: "We give it the most prominent location on our counter." August Shorts, 469 Williams avenue: "Of course It soils." Metropolitan Market, 630 Williams avemii- "There seems to be no place too hin for the pure stuff." Goldstaubs Grocery. 271 Russell: "Good goods are soon recognised." Lawler & Co., 648 Williams avenue: "Always glad to say a good word for goods with honest weight." Ij l,. Montgomery, b'.n Williams ave- nue: fine. "It is a hot seller: It must be Ward Cawley, 676 Williams avenue: "Round Williams avenue good pure stuff like Golden Grain Granules is what takes with the people." T. J. Cofer & Son. 1035 Union: "If It wasn't the best, wbj should we push it?" John K. Pease, 723 Williams avenue: "I leave no opportunity alone; it Is cer tainly the finest." I. S. Masterson, 811 Williams avenue: 'The high reputation is maintained; I sell case s.fter case of ItJ' H. Moasman & Co., 851 Williams ave nile: "Why. of course we like to sell something which has a 41.000 guarantee as to purity." Olaon Bros . 417 Union avenue: "We were among the first ones to Introduce it :n Oregon.". William McMurray. general Daasenarer agent for the Hsrrlmsn lines. Is In San Francisco for a rew days' rest and will return W Portland the first of next APPLES ARE FILL BUSHEL BOX Id Multnomah County. Mr. Kelly has besides a number of other fruit trees 40 tree of Graven sielns, and the average size is of that enormous rrowth of which only 40 nie required to fill a large apple box. The trees are on the uplands where, Mr. Kelly save the soil Is six feet deep and especially adapted for growing large applea. waggtng tall or barking yelps of delight. On the contrary Wong approached al fellow-countryman with snarls and growls. As he came nearer and nearer, Wong Increased his growls In number and volume. The frightened Irishman stood In the middle of the road open-mouthed and speechless at the display of animosity from one from whom he expected to re ceive a friendly wag of the tall, and bark or wolcome. However, he did not wait for Wong to get too close but stole away, angry and heartsore over the treatment he. an Irishman, had received from Wong, an Irish setter. Judge Gilbert Raid the case of the Irishman was only one of many lie had heard of from his tenants. "The dog has an antipathy for the human race save those members of the I'hlnese family, which Is pretty hard on the Irish, remarked the Jurist, who traces his ancestry hack to Virginia. 1AL Multnomah County W. C, T. U. Reviews Encouraging Work of the Past Year. The annual convention of Multnomah County W. C. T. U. was held Friday afternoon at the state headquarters In the Goodnough building. A large num ber of delegates were present and un usual activity was reported from all departments. The work reported covered a large field of endeavor, all directly related to i the purpose of the organisation. Visits ! have been made to the wives and chil dren of drunkards; In one case a sick wife had been watched for days to pro tect her life against a husband Infuri ated by drink. Clothing and food have been given to San Francisco sufferers and those of other disasters, and also to those In this city whose natural pro tectors Tailed to provide for mem. Gos pel meetings have been held In the down-town districts, meetings and en tertainments at the Sailors' Institute, thus throwing a helpful Influence around the sailor boy while he is on shore and under temptation. Comfort bags with motherly letters have been sent out to many quarters. Temperance teaching has been made prominent In . the work of the unions this year through Loyal Temperance Le gions, distribution of temperance litera ture, cooperation with public school teachers In the Interest of scientific temperance, and In home teaching. The W. C. T. V. begins the year's work with more courage than ever before and with renewed enthusiasm. Building Fermits. Mrs. M. J. Marllt, two-story dwelling, I East Twenty-fourth between East' Davis and East Kverett, $3,000: J. B. C. j Lockwood, repairs dwelling, Grand, be- j tween East Irving and Pacific, 500; : H. , Relmers, repairs dwelling, East : Sixth, between Dnvis and Everett. $500; ! James Lugg, two-story dwelling, Beacon, ; between East Tenth and East Eleventh. ! $1,800; G. W. Priest, three two-story dwellings. Castle, between Mason and Skldmore, $6,000: G. W. Priest, five; two-istroy dwellings. Castle, between l Shaver and Mason, $10,000; G. W. j Priest, five two-story dwellings. Colo- ' nlal, between Failing and Shaver, $10, 000: G. W. Priest, two-story dwelling. Overlook boulevard, between Mason and Shaver, $5,200; Anna H. Patten, one and one-half-story dwelling, Garfield, be tween Pearl and Jarrett, $1,600; James M. Wilson, one and one-half-storv dwelling, Knowles and Morgan, $1,000: Carl Schleve, one and one-half-story dwelling, Michigan, between Beech and Fremont, $l,K0n; Redemptorlst fathers, two-story school, Portland boulevard, between Vancouver and Williams, $1J, 000. Colonel William Crooks, who has been 111 for two months and confined most of I that time to his rooms In the Imperial hotel, was able to be out today and made a visit to the new quarters of the Har rlmnn railroad officials in the Wells Fargo building. He expects to resume duty In a few days In the office of Gen eral Manager O'Brien. DR. BROUGHER AT THE WHITE TEMPLE Twelfth and Taylor Streets. GREAT DAY SUNDAY 10:30 A. M. "Enthusiasm" Lord's Supper Observed 12:10 P. K. Bible School Rally Special Kxercises. 1 7:45 P. M. "Broken-Hearted Parents." Baptism and special music. The great anthems, "Tear Wot, O Israel" and "The tort beep," sung by famous Temple Quartet. TEMPERANCE WORKERS ES OVERLAND TODAY "" ' EIGHT IIOUKS LATE : Oood ft mooting, high class setter. Over a Have two for sale. Parsons, 408 Ablngton Bldg., or 420 East Thirty-fourth street. TEA j Did you ever hear of a nervous Englishman? They drink more tea than we do, six to one. Tour grocer returns your money If you don't like Schilling's Best; we pay him. SB. M. 3. mTOV, VaturopaU. yj.ii 3 15 Twelfth Street Corner Clay Having returned from the beach, I will be pleased to see anyone wishing to con sult with me in my office from 8 a. m. till 5 p. m. All house visits made after 6 p. m. I treat all diseases of mind and body, making a special ty of stomach and bowel troubles. Consultation and examina tion free. All inquiries will have to be made over Home phone, having removed the Pacific States. My offices are one block from Mont gomery car, one block from Thirteenth and two from Jefferson. Having decided to place my sanatorium on the west side, I shall dispose of all my interests in Rose City Park Addition. Will sell at a bargain. Painless Dentistry j (TEETH You need have no fear of the den tal chair If you come to our office. Our scientific methods of absolutely painless dentistry are at your dis posal without paying as much as you have been In the habit of paying for inferior work. Bridge Work, per tooth 95.00 Gold Fillings, up from M.OO Silver Fillings, up rrom 5Qe Enamel Fillings, up from $ 1.00 Crowns, gold or porcelain. .. .S5.0Q Painless Extraction 50r Plates, up from S5.0Q A guarantee for 10 vears with all work. Lady attendant. LILY DENTAL CO. TXXB9 AND COUCH BTXXET8. Open evening until 8 and Sunday until 1 p. m. Home Phone A1010. Pacific States Phone Paoifio 1859. A'' S'Ti'ftSVnt'iM: "Is- ir in- imn i mt'fii "A Contarvatlo Cutodtan" HIBERNIA SAVINGS BANK PAYS 4 Per Cent. OPEN $or the convenience of its customers on Satur day evenings from 6 to 8 114 Second St. Corner Washington PORTLAND, OR. OAXXPOBVZA IOTIU. HOTEL JEFFERSON TTTXX AJTD OOUQX BTBEXTS. SAN FHANCISCO IPX CIA I. BATXg New hotel, fares Jefferson 8quere. Two blocks from Van Ness ave., the present shopping district. Car lines trsnsferrlng all over city, pass door. Every modern convenience. 350 rooms single or en suite. 150 private baths. American and European plans. Prices moderste. Omnibus meets all trams. ITIWlBT-BiKUB CO. Hotel Hamlin EDDY AND LEAVENWORTH STS. First permanent big notel down tow a. Contains 100 beautifully furnished steam heated apartments, 40 baths. Prirat telephone ser vice. Sample rooms for commercial trsTelen. Eddy St ears from ferry pass the door and connect with rd 8U cars from S. P. Depot. Sates from f 1.00 up. Phone Private Ex. Franklin 421. ancisco San F r GRAND HOTEL (5 Taylor St., Near Market SAN FRANCISCO Two blocks from railroad offices, mint, postoffice and city halt The moat modern and handsomely fur nished hotel In the city. European plan. Rates $1.60 up. Our 'bus meets all trains. AUG. E. DRUCKER. Mgr. xAunrri. raw Hotel "Key Route Inn" 22nd Street and Broadway OAKLAND Sunny rooms, private baths, long-distance telephones, compressed air clean ing, large lobby, cafe a la carte with euislne snd service unsurpassed. For rates, etc., address N. S. MULLAN, Manager. Formerly Assistant Manager Palace Hotel. San Francisco. ROYAL HOUSE SAJT ' PKAITCTSCO, CAZ.. Cor. 4th and Howard Sts, European plan. Rates 75c to $1.60. With bath 12.00. . Prom Perry take Market or Mission Bt. oars to 4th. Woman a Specialty Mrs. S. K. Chan. Kad what Mrs. J. P. Warner has to sari. Mrs. Dr. S. K. Chan, 262 Clay St., city. Dear Doctor For a long- time I suffered from sickness, but since taking your medicine and advice which you gave me, I feel now like a new woman. I cannot praise your medicine too highly. Also those friends that I sent to you are now all well. I shall be too glad for any information In re gard to this great and well educated Chinese lady doctor. I am gratefully,' yours. Mrs J. F. Warner, 83 N. Sth St., Portland, Or. HOME A-4599. S. S. SIGEL'S xwiiro KAOsnrx BTOBE. Needles, Parts and Repairs for all Makes of Machines. 335 Morrison Street. Portland, Oregon. FIRST ANNUAL HORSE SHOW ' Sale of Boxes Opens Tuesday. October 1, 1907 The thow will be given November 7, 9 nd 9 J907, at the Oriental building:, Lewia and Clark Fair Grounds, and will be the greatest event of its kind in the history of the ,'west. AttractiyajirogTarns dar and evening. Boxes aeat 10 persons comfortably, Prfce, for the season, $100. Applications will be numbered la the order receive J, carrying preference as to location., Address, with remittances, , ' v P0RTIAND : 229 LUMBER. EXCHANGE BLDG., PORTLAND. O::LC0U AjnrssxxxrTS. Z 14tk iuA Utllll' YMCITnCV Hm. . Wuklugtosj MLIUU I ULAI Kb li.i BEOIN8 SUNDAY mOHT. SEPT. I. Continues Monday Tuesday, Wednesday The Musical-Comedy Play ! M LITTLE JOHNNY JONES' Catchy Music. Pretty Olrls, run OaJor. Prlcea, tl to tto deta now selling. t wsshi&on HEILIG THEATRE &Tx 1 Last Time Tonight. 80S e'Oloek. MISS JXSSIX BT7SISY.' In the Intensely Interesting Drama ',,v. "IV TM XI8X0P-X CAJUUAO.' Evening. 11.50 to tic. Matinee, ft to ISO. BAKER. THEATRE 0 Portland' Popular-Price Playhouse. ,' f Oeo. L. Baker, Manager. Vi Lent time tonight, that's all. v T "A ITKAXStl xw raw1':"'' TOBX." Evening prices, tie. Next wek. !5c, IJcx ' "The Girl With the ttreea Xyes." MARQUAM GRAND ZTS f Portland's Famous Theatre. Tonight and Sunday Wight. Last Two Performances the Famous March Opera, PATIWITEA. Full of Beautiful Songs That Will Live Forever. "TUB CALirOXXIAX." At fcelr Seat. - "r Evenings 25-.".0-7"c. Matinees 25-500. Next week Marl tana. EMRIKE THUATRQ Oeo. L. Baker. Manager. Phone Main 11T LAST TIME TONIGHT t The Little Sunbeam, Pearl OoUing, in "POX, MOTKXX'S SAKB." A Beautiful Rural Melodrama of New Knglund. ' Night, 10-!0-Ju-60c; matinee, 10-20C. . -Next attraction, starting .omorrow mat inee, "Uncle josh Perkins." The STAR "oXW. m- Wash of Sept 91, 107 ew. A. 14M Continued Bur-cess of the R. E. FRENCH STOCK CO.,' . -,. All this wek presenting "TIE mo OP Til BESBBT." Matinees Sundays, Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays,. 2:S0; prices 10a snd 20c. Every evening at 1:16; prices 10c. 20c and )0c. Reserved sea la by both phonee. Ua GRAND VAVZ All This Week, the Headline Act. OXAS. H. BOTUS. XJI.X.Y OXOKOX. XLABBT QXOBGLa, The Sure-Klre Comedy Actors. Plenty of other big acts.. Three perforrnsnces dally at 1:19, 7:10 and 9:16: prices matinees, lOo; evenings and Sunday matinees, 13c, 20o and box seats 30c BASEBALL, RECREATION PARK Corner Vaughn and Twenty-fonrtb SAN FRANCISCO v. PORTLAND September 24, 25, 28, 27, 28, 29. Game Called at 3:00 p. m. Daily. Game Called at 2:00 p. m. Sundays,' Double Header Sunday. LADIES' DAY FRIDAY ADMISSION 25c Grandstand 25c Children 10c mm 3? fc FatAA A s4iMlfiIAM lire MUIIII33IU.I Excepting Sunday. Next Week, Day and Evening SKATING I CARNIVAL l TONIGHT l Presents for all skaters. Come and get a D J souvenir. if 3 1000 pairs new skates f USB XtXBXOF'l ANKOLA King of Coffeei In ona and two Pound tint TBACXXB OP VIOLTJT ABB VIOLA EMIL THIELHORN PUPIL OP SEVCIK 334 PUs St. Phone PselflO 989. Phone Paelfle lUflft. MODERN PRINTERY Commercial Printing of all Kinds. 36 Bussel Bldg., 4th and Korriias. IIUNT 'CLUf n week..' f - ? i lirn. - ., I