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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1907)
v. .: -V v .-1- . v THE OREGON. DAILY . JOURNALV PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVCUINO, SEPTEMBER 28, V 1907.. ' 1 1 1 1 . . .. ELOPED WITH SAILOR IAN! IVEYERHAUSER IS JEFFRESS MIXED III CASE! WANTS RAILROAD SEAT BOTH GANS AND JEFFRIES SAY MEMSIC IS COMING CHAMPION Wife of Known Insnr , ance Man Said to Have v Preferred Captain of Nor wegian Steamer Henrik , Ibsen and Gone to Orient. King's Agent Assist Them in Securing the Land. (lotted Boise. Ida . Praaa ' Wirt.) dacy for Oregon State Commission. ''I shall be a candidate for the office Sept. ;s - "exigencies f of railroad commissioner In the eleo- i' Captain J. Reinertsen,' master of the . Norwegian steamer Henrik Ibsen, which came here recently, loading for the orient In the Frank Waterhouse line. is j ' accused of having enticed Mrs. R. O. Belland. the young and handsome wlfo ' of R, O, Belland, an insurance man of "this city, to elope and Join him In Ta . coma, where the vessel was sent to fin ish her cargo and to coal for the run across the Pacific. " Friends" of Mr.BTlano" are" much aroused over the case. Mr. Belland la broken-hearted and feels especially j i (t actile lyOTIl 1 TfU TI irW.J , ; Los Angeles. BcDt. 28. The old mas Barber People Had Timber-Drummer Announces ftmll-jrt , , last night and though the professor tried everything; be knew, George Mem slo was there - when the closing bell rang, a tilt battered about the head, a trifle unsteady on hla feet, but still as full of flaht aa u wildcat Incidentally a record breaking house saw one of the greatest fights of a dec ado and when big Jim Jeffries hoisted 9 end or tne tweniiein e Put a period to one or tne nar test fights in the history or tne won derful fighting machine from Baltimore. The showing made by the sturdy little Bohemian was a great surprise to every man who witnessed the fight. Time after time Joe nailed him with a wicked right to the Jaw. or a thump to the body which seemed to carry force enough to fell a bullot-K. Memslc would tumble Into . clinch for a few seconds and come out apparently aa fresh as ever. Kvery Jfiw rounds Joe stood up to ex change rights and lefts, blocking Mem slc's blows and shooting his own to the mark, but never once did he have Mem slc In serious trouble. hv. .r.n .,., muu- ,!.... hie tlon next June. Th traveling meu nev-1 "... " "J" l.mVi"?i." - " - j ruunq n pass title of certain lands In Idaho through some party entirely reruoved from association with the Barber Lum ber company," wrote Jnnies T. Barber of that company to fl. S. Long, manager of the Weyerhaeuser company at Ta coma. '"These are clrcumstanres similar to those which made it necessary to use my name In connection with some of the Weycrhueuser Timber company's property." To this letter lng replied. "It will be agreeable to the writer to comply with your wlHhes In the matter or tem porarily being custodian of your real estate In Idaho." Long on the stand In the Borah ease today. Identified both letters. The dummy entrymen made their deeds over to him. 1 lilted States Senalor F. A. Foster told on the witness stand this afternoon of Steunenberg's attempt to have him rail off Special Investigator Sharp In his Investigation of the fraudaj In Idaho. Toe senator said when the former governor came to see him ro. grieved for his wife, whom he loves ' gardlng the matter he asked for a list with the Heenost devotion In taking her departure Mrs Belland left ft note for her husband telling htm that she had gone and would not return. Jt was brief, but the more stinging. , Consul Takea a Head. Tba atory of the elopement lstoId In n article appearing In the last . number of "Portland Sksndlnaven," a Norwegian publication of this city, and It is understood that tne matter win be laid before the owner of the , 'steamer, William Terkelsen In Bergen, j Norway, the article stating that further I ' details will be furnished by the local I Norwegian consul. I The Henrik Ibsen beara the dlstlnc- j tlnn rf lino K'nrnriv'l lsrrest frelflrht ' steamer and Captain Reinertsen Is no! small man. Those who met htm here during the brief stay of the vessel de clare he appeared to be a fine fellow, of middle age, and of pleasant address. A regrettable feature, however, is the fact that he has a wife and six children "in Farsund, Norway, who will likely also be notified of the captain's escapade while out in the far off western coun try. The pride of Norway's merchant - marine was here only a few days dur ing the earlier part of last month, hav- V lng come here from San Francisco un der charter to load for China and Si beria. ' Captain -Reinertsen experienced no difficulty In being received among Norwegian society and a number of social affairs were arranged at which lie figured aa tho guest or honor. Thus ' he became acquainted with Mrs.' 4tel land who is an accomplished musician andi a general favorite. Xtlved Cn'Ser Assumed tfame. According to the article In "Paolfic Sk&ndlnaven" Mrs. Belland did not make the trip to Puget sound on the steamer Tut followed by train. Detectives em ployed In- the case are aald to have proved that Captain Reinertsen and the woman registered in the sound cities as Mr. and Mrs. Johnson of Ban Fran cisco, California, and that they cut quite gash. Whether Mrs. Belland set sail for the orient on the Henrik Ibsen, or went - by some Other steamer Is not known, but she' is said to have disappeared from aight entirely when Captain Re- of entries held up for fraud and was given the list headed by tne uainn of Arthur Anderson, the entryman who testified here he had perjured himself in securing tne lands. The senator said he wrote to the land department about the matter. RECOMMEND (III FOLDING BOOTHS FOR ELECTION sCity and County Officials Have Scheme for Cut ting Expenses. Nevermore will the city auditor and county clerk tear their hair and gnash their teeth hunting for polling places, and then pay exorbitant rents. If the city council and county commisslonera adopt the portable, knockdown polling booths that these two officials will recommend. City Auditor Barbur and County Clerk Fields have been quietly gathering data on portable, knockdown booths and find they will be much more acceptable than the present system. The last munici pal election revealed the fact that the city was compelled to pay rentals on polling places and furniture greatly In excess of reasonable figures. The -councllmen contend that the rent wanted hy one furniture company would have paid for all the furniture used 1 had the city bought it outright. The city has resisted payment of the bill i as presented by the furniture company. I Mr. Barbur received a letter this morning from San Francisco stating that the portable polling booth plan had been found most economical and they should have recognition," said W. K. Jeffress, a Portland traveling man connected with Crane oi Co., dealers in plumbing supplied 'The idea rias been brought to my at tention, and I have derided that I will ran. The traveling men will support me, and my acquaintance among busi ness men Is large as a result of 10 years of traveling throughout the state. Hale of nlumbtiiK supplies ami water pipe to cities has placed me In with the right people who nave Influence and will use it in my favor." Mr. Jeffress aald the traveling men are the best boosters and advertisers for any state or community, and they have urged him to he a candidate. Other business acquaintances have told him to go In for the prli", and advised him that It Is within his reach. A southern Oregon acquaintance told him It would be practically a winning for him, and that he should "go to It. "I do not believe politics ought to have anything to do with the railroad commlsslonershlp, Mr. Jerrress de dared, when asked concerning his plat form. "The onlv thin to be consid ered la the man, and it makes no differ, ence what nartv he Is connected with. That Is the right principle In regard to this office, if pontics governed tne question of selection. George C. Cham berlain would not be governor of Ore gon." Mr. Jeffress has been a traveljng salesman for the Crane company II years. The first six years wara spent In California territory, and 10 years ago he came to the service of the Portland house. He is an Independent In politics, and a stalwart advocate of the Interests of the traveling men's profession. He said he possessed a good general knowl edge of the needs of the shipper, and the principles of railroad traffic, that would enable him to serve the best In terests of the public. The first election of a railroad commissioner occurs next year under the new Oregon commission law. The law provided that the first three commissioners should be ap pointed by the governor, and that sub sequent commissioners should be elected by the people. CRUELTY TO HORSE RESULTS III ARREST When the bell sounded for the last round Memslo cam up with a rush, righting Ilka a little bull. After a full round of. repeated rallies tha bell rang with the men standing close together in tha center of tha ring still fighting bard. Clans said: "Memslc la a comer. I am not shoot lng any hot air when I say that Memslo la the beat lightweight In the business today, outside of myself. He la better than either Nelson or Britt, and in the condition that ha was in last nignt could probably whin either, one." Memslc said: ... "I haven't . a word to ear. Gana la certainly a great boxer, but as a fighter I don t believe, that he could Knock me out in twice 20 rounds. Jamea Jeffries said: "I rave the only decision that was possible under tha clrcumstanoes. uans Is by far the mora olever man of the two. In fact, I cannot see that Memslc ever had a look In. but he made an ex cellent showing against auch a grand ngnter aa uana. in anoiner year or two Memslc ahould be the lightweight champion upon tha form, displayed by him last night." : . , - ' POLITICAL DAY AT. PEIIDLnOII PLAN TO FINISH STARK STREET DOCK BEFORE NEXT ROSE FIESTA Plans for the Stark street dock are rapidly nearlng completion and will he submitted to the council at Its next session by the harbormaster. The sketches provide for a concrete dock throughout and it Is estimated that about 12.000 yards of this material will be needed. A competent engineer has stated that 160 piles will be necessary to sink Into' the ground for a founda tion for the concrete structure. In the nlans as now outlined concrete wall will be built out to the harbor line on both sides of Stark atreet. These will be connected at the harbor line by a concrete end wall. I ne grane or mo end wall will be 20 feet above low water mark and a flight of cement stairs will lead from the top down across the face of the end wall to a lower landing at dead low water. By having a float moored alongside these stairs the dock will be available for all kinds of small craft, which will be able to land at any stage of the river. The Stark atreet dkek la now the only free landing place in the city and It Is the desire to make it especially secure and attractive. It is hoped that the dock can be In commission on the occasion of. the visit of warships to the next Rose fiesta and on similar events next spring. The cost will he slight, owing to the character of construction demanded. It la not figured that the concrete dock will cost over IIS. 000 complete and when the start is once made the marine officials do not think It will require over three or four months to build the dock. prominent leaders ' JIake Addresses Fair Finan 'cial Success. I convenient In thnt rltv The hnnfh. fc nertsen learned through friends thatcn h located in any public street , detectives were shaddowing her move- acwssioie rrom an pans or me precinct ments. - lor district whenever required. After The steamer sailed from Seattle the election Is over they can be caru obout the first of the month and ahould fully taken down and stored away. In : arrive In the orient in a few days. Mrs. this manner they ,last for years and Belland could easily Join the captain on can be repaired or replaced cheaply if the other side by taking one of the damaged. San Francisco paid about 97 line from British Columbia, At any each for her booths, but it is believed rate ahe has not returned to Portland. "ey can oe procured more cheaply now. Portland has some 69 polling pre cincts, there being a total of 90 in the county. Last June It cost In addition to the expense connected with ferret- , ing oui suuaDie places, an average ! rental of 110 a building for polling j booths. The furniture brought the i average up to about 20 a building. 1 It Is estimated that the amount of I portable polling booths required will be . about 18,700. to be shared Jointly r i c'ti ii t 4. n j. I by the city and county. Both officials Barber Strolls Into Conrad 8 j win place an estimate or the amount : iiT UCU nil .Ileal court. UVC irKlBlH' Driver for Pacific Paper Company Is Taken Into Custody This Morning. FREMONT OLDER IS ADMITTED TO BAIL San Francisco Editor De posits Three Thousand Dollars With Court. DELEGATES PREACH LOSES COSTLY STONE ' Ill NOTORIOUS CAFE Plaice and Is Jfow Wiser Because .of Visit. , Judge Frazer's action in sentencing Mrs. John Conrad, alias Essie Wat kins, to SO days' imprisonment in the county jail and. Imposing a fine of 1600 evi dently has failed to have any deterrent effect on the criminal habitues of John Conrad's .dive, the Pullman cafe, on Alder atreet. tlve bodies .for aDDroorlatlon at the be ginning of the new year. WIFE ASKS DITOflCE BUT HUSBAND GETS IT Though Malvlna Taylor brougnt suit for a divorce from Robert A. Taylor, she failed to get it, and the decree was granted to her husband by Judge O'Day In the circuit court this morning. Judge ODay said he did not believe the For attempting to drive his overbur dened horse up the west approach to the Steel bridge. Howard Ellis, em ployed by the Pacific Paper company, IQ2 Front street, was arrested and charged with cruelty to anlmnls by Pa trolman Croxford this morning. The wagon, with Its load of paper rolls, weighed 4,000 pounds, snd the horse, after vainly endeavoring to stag ger up the steep approach to the bridge, I stumbled and fell. After the horse bad I regained Its foothold a streetcar was commissioned to push the wagon up the Incline, but to no avail. .Kills savs that his emDloyers wanted to Increase the load before he left the warehouse. Complaints are made dally against drivers who attempt to drive their over burdened horses up the Incline. Ellis was released after depositing S10 bail. His trial will occur next Monday. SINKING FILL MAY DEFEAT NORTH BANK (Pacific Coast Press Leased Wire.) Santa Barbara. Cal., Sept. 28. Fremont Older, who was taken from the Southern Pacific coast train here this morning, was taken before Judge Crow of the superior court and admitted to ball In the sum of 13,000. DEMAND SCHOOL MAN FOK STATE LANDS A, M. Richardson, a barber employed rharires of Imnrnner ennrtnet mari- h- .In a shop at Fifth and Washington Mml Taylor, and would grant the di--treeta and residing at 26 Jefferson ; voroe to the husband Instead, basing his street,?, reported to the police at an j findings on charges of cruel and In- . ! w Vni.M ,Vi. ml nln. that 1 a had . . . . . . . m . . CBI1 JIUUI Ull. in-., mug . " . " ,wu been robbed. -of a 1460 diamond in the Conrad den. Detective Hellyer has been detailed to make an investigation. ' Conrad, the proprietor of the dlsrep- ti table resort, was recently tried in the circuit court on a felony charge. The 'Jury stood 10 to 2 for conviction and the case will come up for trial again next month. About four weeks ago a well known saloon man was robbed of 1160 in Con rad's place, but owing to the desire : to avoid notoriety did not make any report- of the matter to the police. CLOSE OF DOUGLAS , r " COUNTY INSTITUTE ' ' gpecil Dtepitcb to To JonrnaLI Roseburg, Or., Sept. 28. The Douglas : Countv Teachers' institute, -wllich closed last evening, attracted widespread at- : tentlon. Many noted instructors were in attendance from other parts of the ' state. Mlns Anna Knox of Portland gave an Interesting talk yesterday on drawing and -painting in the schools. Her- work was well illustrated with paintings and water-colors. The after noon work was the regular routine. The evening session at the opera house was well attended. A literary program In c terspersed with music, both vocal and ;. instrumental, was carried out. It closed - one of toe most successful institutes " aver bold in Douglas county. T DEPUTY '-"SHERIFFS- ' HUNTING FOR ELK numan treatment. Attorney Dan J. Ma larkey, appearing for Taylor, said they were wjinng io give xurs. Taylor 15 lots, which is about one fourth of Taylor's real estate. Judge O'Day replied that he was about to suggest that IS lots would be a fair settlement for Taylor to make, though t..e party to whom the divorce is given could not be compelled to give the other anything. (Special Dlipttch to Tbi Journal.) The Dalles, Or., 8ept. 28 The track layers on the north bank railroad are pressing close upon the graders. Last Tuesday track was being laid opposite Celilo, about nine miles east of this ctty, and it is being pushed forward as rapidly as possible. There is atone place, nearly opposite this city, a fill that Is apparently sink ing all the time. The contractor has bent all his energies toward this point for the past two months, but with little success, and now men are wdrklng night and day to overcome this obstacle. They desire a solid roadbed by the time the tracklayers arrive and they are only a few miles away. If money and energy can accomplish It the grades will be ready for the tracklayers as soon as they arrive at Grand Dalles, and this can easily be accomplished If a solid foundation can be found in the All. DWIGHT H. THOMAS' BURIAL AT BUXTON Deputy Sheriffs W. &KHolUngs worth nd Penumtra. Kelly have been In the mountains bf the coast range all week ; hunting elk. They said they would re turn aa soon as thy found an elk each, -and the other deputy sheriffs have be gan to beiievs that their continued ab senoe means that th-y have so far . been unsuccessful. They are- expected to return today or Monday. They are in the mountains under the guidance of Deputy Sheriff Kelly's nephew. ; On Whitman Debate Council. ' (Speeiiil DIspuMl to The JoorosL) Whitman College. Walla Walla. Wash.i Sept. 28.At a special meeting or trie college aeoate council Walter C. Kcls of. the senior ctass was chosen a nvwnbef of that organization in place of ieorire B. Marquis, who submitted his resignation. Alfred Uvengood. "08. was selected m preidmV office former )y occupied by Wt. Marquis. -The de bate council, composed of three student und two faculty members, has charge f all matters pertaining to debate and .raiorjw ij.,,... , TRAFFIC MAN STUDIES NORTH IDAHO WHEAT j iimni8eWabsy (Special Dl patch to Tb JonraaL) Lewiston, Ida., Sept 28. A. A. Morse, special representative of the traffic de partment of the . Oregon Railroad & Nav igation company with headquarters at Portland, Is on a trip over the Nex Perce prairie country, studying traffic condi tions along the lines of the company, and It is expected that upon his report the company will decide upon its plans for handling the business that will come to It over the new Joint line now being constructed from Culdesac to Orange ville. As the season Is now far ad vanced and much) of the grain Is being hauled to the warehouses, Mr. Morio will be able to make a close estimate as to the amount of traffic which will be sent over the new line when comDleted. as well as from what points the bulk of it will be handled. (Special Dlapatcb u Tha Journal.) Forest Grove, Or., Sept. 28. The funeral of Dwlght H. Thomas, who died at Carlton Wednesday of blood polson- a wound sustained in a sawmill, was conducted from the Con gregational church here Thursday. Principal H. L. Bates conducted the service. Interment was In Buxton cem etery. - Thomas was 35 years of age and graduated from Pacific university with his A. B. degree In 1892. He was one of the best football players In the northwest In the nineties and an ex pert all-round athlete. Some years ago he was principal of the Forest Grove public schools. He leaves a wife and child. (Special Dlapatcta to Tba Journal.) Olympla, Wash., Sept 28. The annu al convention of county school superin tendents, which has been In session here the past four days, adopted a set of resolutions before adjournment, prominent among which appears to be a boom for some unnamed school man for state lanG commissioner. The reso lution on this point follows: "That, In view of the fact that the school lands of the state of Washington have been left to the school children of our commonwealth aa a heritage, it Is the sense of thla convention that a school man be recommended as a fitting and proper official to be ae lected by the electors of our state for state land commissioner. " A motion was adopted that such changes In the school laws be made as will secure the following results: More equal distribution of public funds: closer supervision of rural schools: more systematic administra tion of school affairs; the enlargement of the powers of the state office so as to make It a greater rorce tn edu cational affairs: greater permanence In tenure of office for superintendents and teachers. VARIOUS PULPITS (Special Dlapatcb to Tba Josraal.) Pendleton, Or.. Sept. !. This la po litical day at tha second district fair. Though tha weather , is cloudy, tha at tendance Is good from all parts of east ern " Oregon. : T. T. Greer Is presiding. The speakers are United States Senator C. W. Fulton, Congressman R. W. El lis, Dr. W. H. Coe; Jl W. Bailey and a number of local meu. Political topics are being discussed,- - This is the last dav and the com missioners find the receipts from at tendance will more, man pav me ex penses of the fair, while last year a considerable deficiency existed.-' Mrs. Millie E. Trumbull yesterday gave an Interesting talk on the subject of education before the thousands of school children, She spoke in favor of Detter Cltliensnio. improved - legislation and equal suffrage. Senator Fulton and others also spoke along these lines. C0ST-0FLI1G- STAGGERS MANY - But in Spite of This 0. A. C. Is Assured a Record Year. Ifi'JS FORECAST Attorneys-General of any States Are to Meet at St." Louis for; Conference. . The Oregon annual conference In ses sion In Portland has arranged an elab orate program for Sunday service. It follows: Love feast, opens at 9:10, led by Rev. John Fllnn. Bishop Moore Is to preach in the Mar quam Grand at 10:10. Ordination and memorial service at 1:30 at Grace church. In the evening at :30 an Epworth league rally, to be addressed by Rev. Dr. Sulllnger and others. At 7:30, Rev. J. W. McDoUgall Is to preach and C. C. Rerrick will ex hort. The Epworth leagur rally and Taylor street will be addressed by D. H. .Trim ble, and J. H. Coleman will preach at 7:30. At First United Brethren church W, J. Douglass will preach at 7:80. Central Christian church, corner of East Salmon and Twentieth, A. J. Hol lingsworth at 7:30. First Christian church, Park street. Rev. Alfred Thompson, Ph. D. at 7:30. United Evangelical, corner of East Tenth and Sherman. P. Conklln. Congregational church of Lents. J. Armstrong. Laurelwbod. Mount Scott car, B. Zimmerman. (Special Dlapatcb to Tb J oar sal.) Corvallla, Or.. Sept. II. Examinations havs been on today at the Oregon Agri cultural college and tha town la alive wl students. Including many old but a large percentage of new facea. The entrance examinations will be conclud ed tomorrow and matriculation day will be Monday. While it la predicted that the enrollment will reach 1.000 thla rear, there are othera who fea. that he increased cost of living during the past year will prevent many from at tending who would . otherwise have come. Another fact that may keep some at home Is tr4, board will nec essarily be a little higher than former ly and there are still others who have written the Y. M. C. A. association that unless they could find places to work for room and board It would be finan cially Impossible for them to attend. All these facts will have a bearing on the enrollment at O. A. C this fall, but In spite of all there It promise of a splendid year from every stand point. President Kerr Is taking hold of the work In a way that plainly demon strates his fitness and ability for the position, w CAPITAL LOOKS OUT ROGUE RIVER ROUTE (TJiilted Pnm taad Wire.) Washington, D. C, Sept. it. Presiy dent Roosevelt, during tha coming week, will make hla much-talked-of trip down tha Mississippi river In tha interest of the deep waterway movement. Tha start will be made from Keokuk, Iowa. Tuesday and on Friday tha trip will end at Memphis, where the president wlU address the deep waterways convention. On tha way to Keokuk tne president will stop at Canton, Ohio. Monday ta deliver an address at tha dedication of the McKlnley monument Attorneys-general . of many of tha statea will nyt in St. Louli Monday for a two days' conference. Tha an nounced purpose la to outline ways and means to preserve state rights and to prevent tha usurpation of These righta by ithe federal government, and to plan concerted action for- enforcing state laws regulating trusts and other indus trial corporations. A large party of English cotton spln nera will leave New York Thursday for a,--! tha 'south. Tha tmjecttva point will be Atlanta, where they will attend .the Internationa) convention of cotton growers, spinners and manufac turers. Both the Democrats and the Repub licans in Massachusetts will hold their, state nominating conventions Friday. Curtis M. Oulld Jr., will be renominated for governor by the Republtcana. The Democrats will probably choose aa bis opponent Henry M. Whitney, known as one of the original members of the "Ananias club." A . number of Important conventions are to be held In various parts of tho country during the week, chief among them being the general convention or the Episcopal church at Richmond. Vir ginia, and the meetings of the National Association of Cotton Manufacturers at Washington, the Grain Dealers' National association at Cincinnati, the National Wholesale Druggists' association at Denver, the. American Public Health aa soclatlon at Atlantic City, and the Deep Waterwaya convention at Memphis. NOT THINKING OF ASTORIA AT ALL Steamer Line Man Says Any Rate Damage Purely Incidental. A. JOINS HIS WIFE BUT FORGETS LITTLE CHILD FREIGHT FACILITIES AT SALEM IMPROVED (Special Dlapatcb to Tha Jonroal.) Salem, Or., Sept 28. The hearing on inadequate freight equipment alleged by the transfer companies of Salem against the Southern Pacific, set for today, was not held,- as the complaint had been withdrawn. Representatives of the railways this morning showed that the demands of the transfer com panies had been complied with in every way since complaint was made. A warehouse has been opened for freight storage and a larger force has been employed. (Pacific Coaat Preaa Leased Wire.) Vancouver, B. C, Sept. 28. Mr. and Mrs. King, Australian passengers on the Moana, arrived last evening, had an exciting experience at Victoria. The steamer stopped a short time, and they, among others, went ashore. Mrs. King returned Just in time to see the ship pull away from the wharf, and her husband, who waa on board, Jumped into the water, not to be separated from his wife. He forgot their child In the cabin and both were greatly concerned. Fortunately, another steamer left for Vancouver a couple of hours later. Last evening -Mrs. King was still prostrated over the Incident STANFORD GIRLS CHOOSE SORORITIES (Speclrl Dlapatcb to Tha Josrnal.) Stanford University. Cal., Sept. 28. Today Is pledging day for the sorori ties and the question everywhere among the men students Is, "Which way did she go?" For weeks enterprising un dergraduates have been making books and betting on the probable sorority some much-rushed girl would Join. The Pan-Hellenic, an organization in cluding all the women's fraternities, made a rule last year tnat the rushing season should be extended over a period of one month, and that one day be set aside for extending "bids" to Join. The following day the invited one gives her decision by racking her suitcase and going over to the house of the sorority she elects to Join. At that houjto there is much kissing and unconflned Joy, while the girls in the sorority house across the street look on from behind the curtains. Today Is pledlng day and the honors seem about evenly divided. The ban on men callers expires today also, and the plunger can call tonight and tell how much he won. NEITHER ENTITLED " . TO GET DIVORCE Because both had been married and divorced numerous times and were In the wrong in the suit-before him. Judge Fraxer dismissed the case of George F. Ritter against Mafftda Ritter, refusing to grant at divorce to either of them. The Judge said If he granted a di vorce the parties would only marry again, have more trouble and resort again to the divorce court, and they could probably do less harm while mar ried to each other than free. The trial of the contest to determine which of them should have a divorce was begun before Judge Frazer yesterday morning. After listening to Rltter'a wit ana to Mrs. Hitters story, the Jud that neither was entitled to a dl Ritter Is 68 vears old. and his wife Is about 35. They were married In De cember, 1906. Gold Hill, Or.. Sept 21. W. A. Car ter has Just returned from an extended trip east where he went to Interview some of the capitalists wKo are Inves tigating the feasibility of 'a line to the coast from Rogue river vallev. It ia apparent that the scheme of getting to the coast la the only solu tion of the present difficulties with reference to transportation and that the Rogue river valley will never be developed until there Is some means of transportation provided that doea not now exist. The amount of capital required to build a road to the coast is not great and upon investigation Mr. Carter has found that the funds can be had when the case haa been properly presented. A competent engineer haa been re tained and he Is preparing to Inves tigate the various routes. He has been Instructed to report on the shortest route that can be constructed from Rogue river. Already investigation has shown that a road from the vicinity of Gold Hill will have an immense tonnage to start with. (Special Dispatch to The Joornal.) Salem. Or.. Sept. 28 The state rail way commission today received a letter from R. R. Schwerln, manager of the Portland 4 San Francisco Steamship company, in answer to the complaint of discrimination against the shippers of Astoria, ne says mat rate waa estab lished between Portland and San Fran cisco to put water transportation on the same basis as by rail and had no relation to the shippers of Astoria. He says It Is not the custom of steamship companies to Insure freight; that risk murt be taken by the shippers. He saya his company intends further to restrict liability on January 1. 10S. HOW SHALL KLAMATH MONEY BE EXPENDED? Government's Engineers Will Soon Inspect Project and Appor tion Next Year's Funds. DEATH OF PIONEER ONCE OF PORTLAND (Special .Dlapatcb to Tba Josraal.) Walla Walla, Wash., Sent. 28. 3 H. mm to mrm. rimers siory, me Judge . ... . .. . dismissed the case, telling the couple Fo"ter- wealthy pioneer resident of ittbiib nana, waa tound dead at his home yesterday. He waa alone at the residence and was to have gone out to his ranch Thursday evening. Forter's son and the hired man came to town to see why he had not gone to the ranch and found him dead. He had evidently been stricken with heart disease early Thursday evening. T came to Walla Walla from Portland In 1869. He was a resident of Portland for several years, going there in the early 60s. He resided on a farm near the present site of Chehalis for some trme and was a signer of the historic petition asking that the territory of RAINIER HAS BIG LUMBER BUSINESS (Special Dlapatcb to Tba Journal.) Rainier, Or., Sept. 28. The lumber trade of Rainier, in spite of the great shortage of cars, keeps up to its record. At the O. K. mill this week the follow- ing schooners loaded: Comoeer n no nnrt I Washington be set aside from Oregon. feet; Americana, 375,000 feet; Oliver J. ! He la survived only by two sons. uison, asu.uuu reel, Tne uasco Is due Monday for 700,000 feet. This totals 1,756,000 feet in eight days for only one mill. The cars are not auite so scarce as-last month, but still do not meet the demand. The logging industry lust Rainier at the Cowlits river camps is in a thriving condition. The boom has been taken possession of by the wr. n ae users, msers, who are spending thonnnri of dollars blasting stumps, preparatory to bringing down millions of logs from the Coneman. PIONEERS DANCE AT M'MINNVILLE BURGLARS GET MONEY FROM M00RE HOTEL (Special Dlapatcb to Tba Joornal.) McMinnvllle, Or.. Sept 28. Thursday was Pioneer day at the Yamhill county school fair. The program was arranged especially to interest pioneers. One feature was a dance In which the pio neers . participated. The violin was played bv an old resident of this place who is Known as Fiddler Johnson. The attendance is larger each suc ceeding day and people crowd the grounds until late at night. , The fair is truly all Yamhill's, as the attendants are from every corner of the county. Yesterday was for G. A. R., W. R. C. and Spanish-Amerloan war veterans. HARRY ORCHARD'S Burglars effected an entrance to the ornce or tne Moore notei, Kiver and Randolph streets, at an early hour this m n rn ( n cr hv frrcl n a i h .Nrnnf rinnr with CASE COYTTYTTFTV crowbar and secured 120.45, a bottle trouble. - ' Upon closing up at midnight the pro prietor of the hostelry deposited 119.45 iq a sack, which he placed behind -the (United Pre Leaned Wire.) Boise, Idaho, Sept. 28. Harry Or chard waa taken to Caldwell tnriav hv two guards of the penitentiary and his ! Ice chest, and left a dollar In the regis case called In the Canyon county dis-' ter. The.thievea were evidently famil trict court On motion of Orchard's at-i iar with the premises and the hiding torney the caae waa continued for the I place of the money. Detective are now Urnw, , 1 working on Um eaa . ' - . -. Missing Boy Returns. Daniel Dtnneen, the 14-year-old son of William Dlnneen of 651 Northrup street. who disappeared from his home on the night of September 4, returned this afternoon after his parents had almost given up hope of ever seeing him again. On the night of his disappearance the boy went down into the basement af ter some wood and turned on the gas. He did not return and when search was made could not be found. He returned to his home this afternoon and his mother telephoned the news to the po lice station at 2:15 o'clock. She stated that the boy appeared well and strong and had grown very large since his dis appearance. The boy states that he haa been working in a. hop field near the oily. -. .. . . .. .. SAY&J RAILROAD MEN WERE RUDE TO HE$ For refusal to validate her return trip ticket to Fort Dodge, Iowa, Mrs. A. L. Carroll has brought suit against the Oregon Railroad & Navigation com pany for $10,000 damages. According to Mrs. Carroll on July 6 she purchased a round-trip ticket to Portland from Fort Dodge. When she attempted to have it validated ' for her return on September 18 she claims the validating office declared that her ticket had been purchased of a scalper and was not good. She claims that she visited them four, times on the one day and that each time they were rude and Insulting to her. ACCUSED OF THEFT OF IDAHO CATTLE POWER FOR TRAINS OVER THE SISKIY0US (Special Dlapatcb to Tba Journal.) Klamath Falls. Or., Sept. 18. T. J. O'Hara, superintendent of the power plant that is being constructed by the Southern Pacific on the Klamath river, near Spencers, states that the work will continue through the winter, as comfort able bunkhouses have been built and substantial quarters provided for the la borers. The work of construction is slow on account of the impossibility of keeping labor, but thla power plant, which ia a part of Harrlman's experi mental system of using electricity for trains over the Slsklyous, will be pushed as fast as possible under existing conditions. (Special Dlapatcb to Tha Journal.) Klamath Falls. Or., Sept 28. Super vising Engineer D. C. Henn'y with Con sulting Engineer Sanders and Project Engineer Murphy will go thoroughly over the plans of the reclamation aerv Ice for the Klamath project and decide definitely aa to the expenditure of the $420,000 that is to be used on this proj ect next year. Consulting Engineer San ders has been going over the work for some time and will make bis report at the meeting of the engineers. The aim is to expend the money in a way that will insure the most good to the great est number. A thorough canvass of the situation will be made before anything dlfinlte ia announced. The first impression gained concern ing the leasing by . the government of the Clear Lake reservoir site waa that no work, would be done on this part of the project until the lease expires, but the lease provides that the lease holder must surrender any portion of tne sue on aemana rrom tne service, be ing rebated therefor. Thus the reclama tion service Is able to bring into the reclamation fund a considerable sum of money and in no wise hold up the con struction of the project. WENDT THIRD TIME ESCAPES; IS CAUGHT Enterprise. Or. Sept. 28. Earl Stein Provement. ana James muter nave Deen arrested near this place, charged with stealing cattle from parties in Idaho. They were taken to Lewiston by the deputy sheriff from Net Perces county. Some of the cattle alleged to have been stolen were found In the possession of Stein, and Miller, and it is charged that otheA ani mals have been traced to their herd. Stein and Miller have a large herd of came in wauowa county. - 1 "v- For Rainier's. Amusement. (Special Dlapatcb to Tba Joornal.) Rainier. Or., Sept. 28. S. Plymale of Portland - has Installed . a permanent skating rink in Rainier, which draws big crowds every night. - This la the first institution of its kind in Rainier and will prove a profitable .Investment PELfCAN BAY LODGE ' MADE LUXURIOUS (Special Dlapatcb to Tne JoaroaL) Klamath Falls. Or.. Sect 28. J. J Delaney has been appointed caretaker or jfencan way loage and win ,100k af ter Mr. Harrlman's interests at the fa mous resort. He was formerly chief clerk to ti. tr. Moey, construction en gineer of the California Northwestern railway, and nas Deen with the Southern Pacific a number -of years. Extensive Improvements are being planned to make Pelican Day one of the finest orl vate resorts on the coast Mr. Delaney will be In charge of the work-of lm JAPS WILL SUBMERGE BRITISH COLUMBIA (United Press Leased Wire.) v Vancouver. B. C. Sept." 28 Arrivals from Honolulu by the Monna state that Japanese will be shipped in large num bers to British Columbia. C. Chilling worth, legal representative of specula tors visiting the province recently, said that since "is found out that the gov ernment cannot stop Uho immigration thousands will be brought from Japan! to Honolulu and shipped through to Vic toria and Vancouver Those having the matter 1 ia hand expect to make large profit.' s , . -" (Spaclal Dlapatcb to .Tba Journal.) Tacoma. Wash., -Sept 28. McNeil's Island was the scene of an exciting man hunt late yesterday afternoon, when Hermand Wendt, the convict counter feiter who was sentenced to the federal penitentiary from Seattle, escaped for the third time from prison. After be ing absent from the penitentiary but three houra he was recaptured and brought back. Guards McGerry and Radle made the capture. Wendt fol lowed the same tactics that he did on both former occasions when he escaped, making straight across the island to the' coastline of the channel. McGerry and Radle believed the man had so done and without slopping to search by the way made straight across the island. Onathe high bluff overlooking the chan nerthey saw Wendt on a by-path some distance ahead. They shouted to him to surrender, and he gave himself up without a protest taking . the . turn of fortune, with his usual good hujsaor. i Wendt made his first escape in May. psvhen he was gone nearly a week, being recapiureo in a starving condition. He was then kept in irons more than a month and again escaped in July- and re mained in the woods three days before being taken, Since his second escape and recapture he has been kept in irons, but yesterday in some manner unknown except to himself he succeeded in free lng himself. Wendt is thought by the prison of ficers to be of unsound mind. He takes chances in these breaks which. Warden Halligan says, no man of reason would hazard, and every time he gets away it Is .considered a miracle that he is not shot dead by some of the guards on watch, before he makes the shelter of the forest MINE ROBBERS ESCAPE THROUGH DRAIN PIPE . . 1 . ., ... (Special Dlapatcb t Tb Joarnal.) Butte. Mont. Sept 28. Bandits at Zortman, in- the northern part of Mon tana, yesterday looted the cyanide slant ofj.he Ruby Gulch Mining company of gold bullion, to the extent of 14,000 and escaped. . " ' -. ',- The robbers crawled through a drain'.' pipe half an" hour after the watchmao had made" bia round. : - ,s ; .