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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1907)
1 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND', TUESDAY EVENING, . SEPTEMBR ' 2i 1907. OBTUND BRANCH . ..- I WE $1.00 DOWN $1.00 A WEEK 15 YEAR GUARANTEE FORCED OUT OF OUR WAREHOUSE OF COURSE IT'S EASY TO MAKE A LOW PRICE ON AN ARTICLE YOU WOULDN'T BUYTHAT ON INSPEC TION YOU WOULDN'T HAVE AT ANY PRICE. LOW" PRICES ON GOOD FURNITURE A DIFFERENT STORY. Our warehouse is filled with a new stock for the fall trade and we a , cannot find a place to put it. This means a sacrifice to us and a great saving to you. Never before has the money of the Portland buyer had such a great purchasing power. VVE OFFER SUBSTANTIAL SAVINGS ON GOOD FURNITURE, DE SIRABLE FURNITURE. THE KIND THAT YOU WANT. BUFFETS AND CHINA CABINETS Golden Oak Buffet, with glass front and French bevel mirror top; regular value $29.50; Forced OO CA Sale price .- -3)JjU Buffet in quarter-sawed oak, finish weathered, bent glass front; regular value $38.50; Forced 09 CA 1 Sale price bZipU Weathered Oak Buffet, strictly mission in design dull brass trim mings; regular value $67.50; Forced ti?QA 7C Sale price PJ7 I O Buffet in weathered oak, mission design, canopy top ; JQyl A regular value $52.00; Forced Sale price bJnr)U China Cabinet, in weathered oak, to match above $OQ CA Buffet; regular value $35.00; Forced Sale price yZiDU China Cabinet, in weathered and golden oak; bent- dJ 7 l7C glass ends; regular value $26.00; Forced Sale price M I ) China Cabinet, two mirrors and one glass shelf, golden or weath ered oak; regular value $42.50; Forced ' 00 C A Sale price Pa0)U FURNISH YOUR HOME ON OUR EASY PAYMENT PLAN 5T IMWt Ifl a mum SPECIAL MISSION ROCKER 7! REGULAR VALUE $12.50 Upholstered in Chase Spanish leather, weathered finish. SPECIAL : EXTENSION TABLE $7.95 42-inch round or square top, extends to 6 feet, i i- r: l . i i tit ka iieSS?!aar royai oait imisn: regular vaiuc $io.uu. Other Extension Table Values o-foot Uak lables, square tops, weathered or tlim w golden finish: reeular value dn IT 'I iiti J SlfiOO- Fnrrr1 Sal nrire JlM. 1 T t" ' - w - r r Round Tables, 6-foot extension, 45- 6-foot Extension Tables, quarter inch top, quartered golden oak ; reg- sawed golden oak, full French legs ; ular value $29.00; (M O CA regular value $35.00; OQ CA Forced Sale price tPlOssjU Forced Sale price bZo)U 8-foot quarter-sawed oak Extension 8-foot Extension Table, in quartered Tables, 45-inch round top, finished golden oak, round top; regular golden ; regular value d0 CA $45.00 value; Forced tfOt CA $38; Forced Sale price . tP.&'tsdU Sale price . tj)3l JU Mission Dining Tables, 6-foot ex- 8-foot quarter-sawed oak Table, 48- tension, early English oak; regular inch round top, heavy claw feet; value $41.00; Forced d09 CA regular value $51.50; dQC A A Sale price u)JeDU Forced. Sale price pODUU M,rW ":'v"-" ' PrtIaJ. Orctfoa. 4 Th Powtrs Furnltur 0o., Portland, Ortfon. OentlMieai Pfrrlng to yours of rocont date, wo art oUlitt to adriao jrou that It will Impossible for ua to rttum jour loaoo tm varohOMo at treat and talooa Sta.v whlob xplroa Soptr.t5thV owing to othor arrajift oonta mdo for thla property. This mat be final. Trry traly yoors, 1 TBS CSAS. B. 1T11T 00. lor TERMS ON SPECIALS STRICTLY CASH PI CHAIRS AND ROCKERS Oak Rocker, upholstered in genuine leather, weathered finish; regular value $16.00; Forced Aa rr Sale price bJ)U Oak Arm Rocker, spring seat, upholstered in genuine dQ leather; regular value $13.50; Forced Sale price tbO 0 Weathered Oak Rocker, upholstered seat and back in Chase leather; regular value $14.00; Forced (frpy CA Sale price . jU Golden Oak Rocker, spring seat, upholstered in ve- C A lour; regular $11.00 value; Forced Sale price bUuU Saddle Seat Rocker, in quarter-sawed golden oak; (tti a r regular value $18.00; Forced Sale price PlUt)U Golden Oak Rocker, 'saddle seat; regular value (fC CA $9.00 Forced Sale price P)uU Chair or Rocker, in solid mahogany, French leg, OC carved back; regular value $29.00; Forced Sale price. . -blDuD Mahogany Rocker, dull finish, loose silk velour cushion; regular value $15.00; Forced CA CA Sale price PdU Roman Seat, upholstered in verona, carved feet and arms; regular value $16.50; Forced dA r Sale price VDU Roman Seat, with back seat, and back upholstered in ve rona; regular value $27.50; Forced 41 C CA Sale price 3)l)OU Mahogany finished Rocker or Arm Chair, upholstered seat ; regular value $22.50; Forced Cl Q CA Sale price PADU Saddle Seat Mahogany Rocker, shaped leg, carved back; regular value $28.00; Forced C 7C Sale price 1 O IRON AND BRASS BEDS Iron Bed, in cream and gold enamel, brass spindles in head and foot; regular $18.00 value; MO CA Forced Sale price pl2rfdU Continuous post Iron Bed, in cream and Vernis Martin; regular value $13.50; Forced dy TC Sale price D I D Iron Bed, scroll pattern, angle iron head and foot; regular $4.50 value; Forced Sale frn QC price, only PD Iron Bed, 1-in. post, brass knobs; regular value $7.00 ; dl QC Forced Sale price DfrD Brass Bed, square tubing, satin fin ished; reg. value $120; d7 CA Forced Sale price D I U DU Brass Bed, 2-inch continuous post, polish finish; regular value $74.00; Forced Sale C9 CA price, only frDOOU Brass Bed, 2-inch post, polish or satin finish; regular value $52.50; Forced Sale 9C A A price, only ))DUU Brass Bed, bow foot, satin and pol ished finish; regular value $42.50; Forced Sale. 97 CA price, only UJ COUCHES AND DAVENPORTS 10 Bed Davenports, oak frame, weathered finish, upholstered in heavy verona velours; regular value $35.00; 00 A A Forced Sale price vuuUU 12 Bed Davenports, upholstered in heavy velours, oak frame, golden finish; regular value $57.50; Forced Sale A A price, only wjD UU 7 Mahogany Finished Bed Davenports, carved frames,, verona cover; regular $52.50 value; Forced Sale 4?QQ CA price, only POODU 1 Davenport, genuine mahogany frame, upholstered in dC A A silk velour; regular value $125; Forced Sale price !)DDUU 4 Golden Oak Davenports, in best olive leather; &AA A A regular value $77.50; Forced Sale price J)fHrUU 5 Mission Davenports, weathered finish, upholstered in genuine Spanish leather; regular value $85.00; Forced CQ CA Sale price, only v3JDU 6 Couches, upholstered in Chase leather, full steel dt "1 CA construction; regular value $20.00; Forced Sale price, .tpj, l,OU 8 Couches, upholstered in Chase leather, full steel construc tion; regular value $36.00; Forced CI1 CA Sale price D&1)U 36 Oak Frame Couches, upholstered in pretty velours; regular value $12.00; Forced t7 7C- Sale price P f f O 6 Couches, upholstered in genuine leather, full steel con struction; regular value $60.00; Forced (QA CA Sale price DJUU Velour Couch, fringed, best of springs; regu- QC lar $10.00 value; Forced Sale price DUOD Oak Frame Couch, spring edge, all steel construction, up holstered in verona; regular $22.00 value; M I CA PltJU Forced Sale price G. 0. P. CLUBS WRANGLE AND THROW THICK MUD Eruption Between Portland Republican Organizations Again Breaks Out Trouble Is One Supposed to Be Dead, Is Alive and Now Announces Smoker. Internal dissension nd rerbal war have again broken out in one of the periodic eruptions between the Republi can club of Portland and the Union Re publican club. Naughty things are be ing said back and forth between the two headquarters and some Interesting scraps are possible before tho end of the coming political campaign is in sight. Much of the trouble arises over the fact that the Reuublican club of Port land is currently supposed to be dead and all its heretofore existing vitality absorbed and assimilated by the Union L. lub. v. Contrary : to this assumption, -i. however. Charles- B. Lockwood,. secre - i tary of 4he corpse, has performed a tnir U of. resurrection by making the an- - . 7;, - - ' p nouncement that the Portland Republi can club had elected officers, would give a smoker and had indorsed the sec ond elective term Idea. These announce ments have been taken by the officers and members of the Union club as be ing very unbecoming In a corpse. Two Clubs Marred. The whole cause of dissension, how ever dates back more than a year when the Union club was formed out of the membership of the Beaver and Port land Republican clubs. - Away back in 1905 an effort was made to mer&e the two, but the negotiations failed and It was not until Just prior to the last mu nicipal election that the plan succeeded. At that time W. P. Keady of the Re put) II can club bore the proposal of the merger to the Beaver club, and after mucli discussion U was pjtwned. to com V7'-" -i . )""-.V'7-"; ' ; " : ' r ' : "A ' . -V ' -i J I I '.!, bine with equal representation upon the official list chosen from the members of each of the old clubs. When It came to selecting the executive board, how ever, there was a deadlock upon the election of Lockwood, and it was decided not to place him upon the consolidated board. lockwood and some of his friends balked at this and said the merger should not go through. Lockwood re fused to yield up the books of the old club when they were called for and maintained that the Portland Repub lican club was' still In very active exist ence. After the campaign when a large part of the membership had gone Into the Union club It was thought the strife was at an end. ' To Bold JPaoifylng Smokers. Last week announcement was made that the Republican club of Portland had elected new officers and was going to take the leading part in things polit ical. Following this, the retaliatory an nouncement was made that the Union club had planned for monthly smokers In order that all good Republicans could become acquainted. it is runner an nounced that before the campaign is over every county In the state will be organized on the block plan until each precinct within the Oregon boundaries will be in direct touch with the central organization, the Union club here In .Portland. Mr. Lockwood has not broadened out Into so wide a scope, but he and his club have taken up the block system and Intend to reorganize the Republican club wltn a memner in everv Dlock. Portland will therefore be treated to the sight during the coming campaign of two active political organizations ap parently both working for the success or tne KepuDiican party ana encn out spoken In its hatred of the other. Those who do not belong to either club are watching the contest with much amusement. AIT OTTHCB OF PBBYXXTTXOP In worth a pound of cure. There are many poor sufferers, consumptives who are hopeless of getting well who, if they had taken care of themselves, would now be welL A cough is the foundation of consumption. Ballard's Horehound Syrup will cure that cough. Mrs. a r-. Great Falls, Montana, writes: "I nave used Ballard's Hore hound Syrup in my family- for years mv children never suffer with coucha." tiott bz sis dxufiglat. , Hussey Files Divorce Suit. (Special Dtfpitcb to The Joarail. ) Pendleton, Or., Sept. 24. A suit for divorce has been filed by Lloyd R. Hussey against Julia Hussey. It is alleged In the complaint that the par ties to the suit were married at Walla Walla, May 2. 1904. and that the wom an deserted her husband In September, 1906. There is one child, a little girl aged one year, the care and custody of which is asked for by the plaintiff. Won State Oertlflcates. Astoria, Or.. Sept. 24. Among the successful aspirants for state teachers' certificates at the recent examination were Lucr B. Morton and Nellie H. Oerdlng of Astoria and John W. Bran stator of ' Seaside. Metsgsr ft Co Jewelers, IU .Wash. CulTY'S 0 E DRESSERS Josephine's Commissioners Will Make Two Tests At One Time. (Special DUpatch to Tho Journal.) Grants Pass, Or., Sept. 24. Among the many resources of Josephine county that are rapidly coming to the front Is grape culture. The latest Impetus In that line comes from the announcement that the county is going to engage In the enterprise. The countv owns 2$ ' Bow to Bemala Toons;. To continue young In health and strength, do as Mrs. N. F. Rowan, Mc ronouh Ga.. did. Sho says: "Three bottles of Electric Bitters cured me of chronic liver and stomach trouble, complicated with such an unhealthy condition of the blood that my skin turned red as flannel. I am now prac tically zo years younger than Derore I took Electric Bitters. I can now do all my work with ease and assist In my husband's store." Guaranteed at Red Cross Pharmacy. Pries 60c acres of land a mile north of Grants PasH and it is the intention or the coun ty commissioners to make a county poor farm of it. Heretofore the poor ot the county have been farmed out at an ex nenae of J4.600 per year to the county This tract of land will be cleared and six acres planted to Tokay grapes and the rest used for pasture and garden truck. Two-year-oli! plants will be set out and there are bia plants to tne acre. Judge Stephen Jewell estlmates-that at the end of his term two years hence these plants will each yield a crate of grapes, which at the present price would bring $1.35 per crate, the six acres vleldlnar S4.333.50 tier vear. Plans are now being drawn for the necessary buildings, which will be am ple to care for all the poor of the coun tv. ana It will only be u rew years until the poor of Josephine countv will cost the taxpayers practically nothing. There are thousands of acres In this county adapted to grape culture, not cleared of brush, which could be bougut verv cheap. The county will not only care for the poor but demonstrate the proms to be derived from grape culture. Robert Fulton Day At Jamestown. (United Press Laed Wire.) Norfolk, Va., Sept. 24. Yesterday was celebrated at the Jamestown exposition a Robert Fulton day in honor of the memory of the inventor of the Clare- mont. Historical exercises suitable to the occasion were held under, the au spices of the exposition management. assisted by the Robert Fulton Monu ment association. A marine parade in which craft of many descriptions took part was the, chlsf feature of ths pro gram. . 1 LOCKSLEY HALL SEASIDE, OREGON Spend your vacation at Seaside and at delightful Locksley Hall. More attract tlve than ever before. Accommodations of the highest order. On hundred el gant outside rooms; private baths: sleo trie lights; ' ot and cold water.- Annex overlooking the Paclflo and ds llghtfulTy situated cottages.' Oulslas TTamrpaasso. Sa roods SJ psolsJtj. i . . . nsa bus issbts ut tbazvs. X AVSTXJT. X.. A. CABUSUB. 2rops. HOTEL MOORE orar. All TBB TXAa CIAT80F 9EACH. SEASIDE. O1IG0 Xss Cliff .Xene mi Ore. -Ptrtetlr M M , orl,tr n , cms. Hot Hll bath d1 snrc bii,i.., Recresttoa pier far ltMi. Hun ,,,.,. lectrlt Itfhta, flfrplte nl fum.r. ,.i m walks and Srtroa, tin yj a, Rates, JZ.50 m ?3.CD J-;.- c! - SPECIAL RATES BT THIJ WtJ. ft. J (