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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1907)
. . - ".'it. . : ' . ' I ' .. . i'Vr.v 16 THB OREGON DAILY JOURNAL . PORTLAND, , TUESDAY EVENING; SEPTEMBR . 24.' ; 1807.' J .V ., ' ' " . ' ' EVERY VACANCY IN THE CITY could find a tenant through these rental colu If As a landlord you can't find a better field of applicants than are looking here for your offerings San Francisco Office : Oregon Journal 789Markct,St.,bct. 3dr4fh ADVERTISEMENTS A1CD SUB BCKIPTIOHS RECEIVED. Oregrmlens h"n In Sun Francisco ean have ihur mall sent lr. tire of The Journal office. ARTHUR L FISH. Representative A. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS L. 1 1 . 1 Anna M Maxwell to v.- V i'lnrkney, ii"iili 100 Classified Advertise ments received too late for insertion in these pages will be j: found on Page 13. NEW TODAY. Save That Rent And Buy a Lot For 385 600 LOTS 600 In Railway Add. Montavilla w 1 ; 5-CEINT FARE EAST TEBMI $10 Down, $5 per Month Come out and see these lots. Take . Montavllla car. Get off at Hibbard at . corner of Villa, or call at office. Agents at tract every day. Lambert -Whitmer Co. eal Estate Department. 107 Sherlock Budding, Corner Third and Oak Streets. Bomebuilders Look Sanoock St. Addition la no1 placed oa the. market. " Sanoock St. Addition has cement slde of Irvlngton and Holladay Park. Xaneock St. Addition hes coment side walks and curbs and graded streets. Hancock St. Addition lota lay two feet above the level of the sidewalk. Hancock St Addition la protected by a reasonable building restriction. Hancock St. Addition lots are selling for 1550 156 down and $10 per month. -Where else can you find such property within the two-mile circle? feet of lots !l ami 10. block 19 John living's IliM addition. W. 3, ft") Elph.i Mini Edwin Hitter to Rer tl,:i J Kiby, east nf lots .1 nn. I I. block K. Miller's addition to S. llwood, V l 449 Robert V. and Mary A Be ford to Ernest ill, lot block i:!, t'r. st. in. V l 360 M;i l K.-1 '' tc anil J:itncs II. Iol ti.nv .. . I - -1 1 1 .Hid Margreth Pctcrs.ui. !t n IK, IK and 2, 111.- k 7. I 'ortsmoiilh. U . I . . . 1.500 Fn.ik mi.l Ida M Mi Far! in to Mil.s i: roller, lot m .' and 6, block in, I.aurelwood. V. 1).... 1,600 Mary M Oilman to Miry K and E. It Mcl'arland. lots 11. 20 i HM I .1. 1. 1. irk 1, llnvelni'k addi tion. V. D 1,500 ll'owin .11.1 christens Sehmeer to J (' I'.irr, lot 1, block 2. N. lunc i n addition. W. D 600 R I' an. I All.o M. (Jraliatn to i Slnnott, lot 81, block 11. I'. nliihiiii addition No. 2. W. I I 78 Kollln li et nl, to Clifton It. I I I h a it'-, that portion of lot i. 1.1. i. k of Malison's addition ):im of a line par with ainl . a IV. t ist ,,f the west line of said lot, W. 1 7f,0 M.ui: m l K ilt rrln to Kreln i ..iii-r, lot S. l-amaruenl 1'ark No ) 2,600 11 Sinsln ini'T to AilKiist and Chailolt.- l.andcen, block 34, WaviTiy. W 1) J, 600 Tl I. ami Carrie M. Sabln to Iva I' Itiown. lots 44 and if,, block L' .Muliiioniah 1'ark, V 1 . 150 Kli7.aln t h and J. N. Wrlt.-r to AniKi K I nner, lot 3. block 15, WcH rieilmont, bond for deed 1.100 Annie A. anil W. A. Hiicluuian to A. ('. Cammack, south "4 of lot 4 noil north ' of lot 7, Bu i ban in s addition. V. 1 700 John F. and Mary C. Wilson to Star Investment coninanv. lot 11, block IS, AlUirui, W. I). ... 5,600 Clara Iarr and Maru.iret Qulaley to Anna Maraton, block 12. Woodlnwn, Q. C. 1J 300 J C. and Alice M. Alnsworth to Lot P. and Marian K-eler. lots 6 unU 8. block i, Oukhuist, W. D 400 Kasper and Masdabna Roth to Charles Lucas, lot 2. block 10G. Stephens' addition, AV. 1). ... 1,600 Arlfia Land company to Frank R. liallock. lot 13. black 21, lot 4. block 23. Klbertn. 8. W. 1). ... 800 Mrs. Ad lie and Walter Hair to Jane VanglMer. lots 7 and h. block 6. Kern I'ark. V. I) 600 Nathan and friaruh Cooper to M Mummelfarh. west "4 of lots 7 and S. block Hii, Caruthera' ad dition to Caruthers addition, V. 1) 1,700 M. W. Wllklns to Carl and Otto Hermes, lot S. block 6, Wood stock, njtreoment 600 Milt on F. and Sarah F. Hender son to Mamie P. Brown, lots Hi and 11, block . Willamette Heights addition, 8. W. I 1,250 Milton t. and Sarah F. Hender son to Mamie P. Urown. lots 6 and 7, block K, Willlamette Heights addition, W. 1). 3.000 C. J. and Jlnna K. Foleen to A. E. Kerrigan, lots 5 and , block 6 subdivision lots 1 and 4, Fern wood, W. D 826 MFFTIXO NOTICES Don't Fcrfet Something doing at flenrge Washington Camp tonight A II visitors Invited. W. O Temple, K'S 11th st. 11 HAKKll, Consul 'omnia nder. H. A. FHliDHK'M, Clerk. KLLlStfN KNi'A.Ml'.MKNT. No. 1, I. O. ft. K --H.'Kiilar meeting this (Tues day) evening September ill. at . o'clock No work; celebration fiftieth anni versary and banquet Admission by in vitation, owing to large membership and limited ai conimodiit Imis. K IC. SUA HON, Scribe. EVKHOHICF.N CAMP. 4.4(l evening. Allsky oer "20I fl' HELP WANTED FEMALE Wanted Young: Ladles TMK TACIF1C TELEPHONE A TKLEORAPM CO WILL TEACH YOU TELEPHONE OPEKATINU AND PAY YOU WHILE LKAHN INO. PERMANENT POdlTlOV; UAPIP ADVANCEMENT; HEST WAOK3 IN THE CITY; HOl'llS SHOUT AND WORK LI (HIT: FINE LTINCII SERVED FREE. APPLY CHIEF OPERATOR. 3D FLOOR, MAIN Bl lLDINU, COR. W. I'ARK AND ALDER. OIRL6 TwlTH TALENT FOR DRAW- lng, palntl.lR- and dMslan n: eood do- sltion to riiflit party. D. M. Averlll & Co.. 102 N. 6th st EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 205 14 Morrison st.... Phone Paciflo IS9 27 S. 2d at Phone Paciflo 1100 HED CltOSH EMPLOYMENT1 (56. lagging camp and farm help a spe cialty, zo N. 2d St. Phone Main fi!S. e pay all telegraph charges, HANSEN !'S EMPLOYMENT OFKXCjfl' FOR MEN. 2d st. Phone Main 162. M. W. A. meets Wednesday bldg.. 3d and Morrison sts NOTICES NOTICE -A I.I. PKPKdNH OR rtHMS liavlng bills .-iKiiinst the Oerinan Amerlcan bank of inls city will please S resent same at bank at once, and oblige . A. Reed, cashier. Li ttuTYTn eTThT" uTnts. lost and found, for sale, to let, etc . in The Journal cost only 1 cent a won!; 15 words or less. I r. cents each Insertion. Phones Main 717.1. Home A-.1230 IX IST AND FOCND FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR mattresses renovated and returned same day. 2': Front st. Main 474. Portland Curled-Hair Factory. IL Mrtt ger. proprietor LITT LE'7.1 N K RkTVANT8. LoST ANb found, for sal.-, to let, etc., In The Journal cost only 1 cent H word; 16 words or Icks. I ri ents each Insertion. Phones Main 717.'t, Home-323ii Losf-foMTtRT(M-il WITH ISf tlils O. W. P. set with pearls, rubles and a diamond, on Sellwnod line either "11 1 3th St. or near 2d and Alder. Finder return to 453 Idilwill and receive reward. UIKt.B WANTED APPLY HTANDARD factory No. 2, Grand ave, and East Taylor st. W A NT ED GIUL8 TO MAKE FTTZ Well shirts and Doss of All overalls st 76 1st st. 2d N ACME EMR COi FARMERS ASiD loggers' Help especially. 14 and 2H N. 2d, 230 Rurnslde: Main 6437. JAPANESE EMPLOYMENT CO. ALL kinds of help supplied. Main 4(101). 26H Everett. WANTED AGENTS W A NT EI ) TEA 1 1 ER8 : (IRADES. 180 rural JS0 to J75. The KIsk Teachers Agency, 1118. I 1200 Williams ave.. Wuodlawn U1HL8 WANTEl Operators to work on shirts and overs I Is. Lessons given to Inexperienced. Apply at stand ard factory No. 2. Grand ave. and East Taylor st. HANSEN'S LA DIES' AGENCY. 14i Washington St.. corner Seventh, up stairs. Phone Main 26U2. Female help a anted - - A HOME COMPANY LOW PREMILM rates and high cash, values make the policies of the Columbia Life A Trust Co. easy to sell. Apply to Jesse R. Sharp, manager of agents, 214 Lumber Kuchango bldg. 'AGKN TfTTVANTED CAN YOU SELL goods? If so we need you; complete outfit free; cash weekly. Write for choice of territory. Capital City Nur- sery company. Salem. Or FO RENT HOUSEKEEPING 1.60 WEEK UP LARGE, .CLEAN furnished housekeeping rooms, laun dry and path. 104 Sherman st, south, Portland. 1.26 WEEli C"P-iLEAN PL'hNlSrfkb Housekeeping rooms, parlor, batn, laundry, rurnace heat, yard. 293)4 otan ton st. U or. LITTLE LINERS. WANTS. LOST AND round, for sale, to let, stc, In I lie Journal cost only 1 rent n word; 16 words or less, 15 cents each insertion. Phones Main 7173, Home A-3230 FURNISHED ROOMS AND housekeeping rooms for rent. 10th st ALSO IMS N. IIOGM3 AND BOA it D. ii l ij i C U'iuii"M a vn ii.'K? u.v,., iiu in, , vj iu mi,,. make good money taking orders und selling goods; see us st once. Plum- niei iTiig v p., a nno mauisun LOST ON SEPTE.MHER 14. RECEIPT book No 26'J. I.e Grand Aerln Eagles; reward; return to cashier. Journal. fr. " EI 'GENE ST" lersev milch cow, dark WESTERN EM PLOYMENT AGENCY, for ladies; female help wanted. Main C2H7, A-2417. 610 Buchanan bldg., 2btH Washington. LITTLE LINERS. WANTS. LOST AND round, fur alu, to let, eto,, In The Journal cost only 1 cent a word; 16 words or less 15 cents each insertion. Phones Main 7173, Home A-3230. PACKERS AND WRAPPERS; GOOD positions, work light and clean; per manent employment. Apply candy de partment. Paciflo Coast Illsoult Co., J.'th and Davis. L( 'S T FR M small yellow nose and neck, one horn partly broken Call phone East 410)6; rewnrd. J. E East ham. GIRLS FOR CUTTING. EDGING AND pasting. 102 Dth st. N. I). M- Averlll Co. V( ) M E N A ND OIRLH WANT" CD FOR nil classes of laundry work; good waces Troy Laundry Co, 201 E. Water st. WANTED TO KENT WANTED TO PENT HOUSES. COT tages, flats, stores, offices, rooming houses etc Landlords will do well to call on PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OPEOON. Phone Ex. 72. H. E. Cor. 8d and Oak. OHBORN HOTEL, CORNER GRAND ave. and E. Ash; furnished rooms, sin gle or en suite, with or without bourd. East 519 LITTLE LINERS, WANTS. LOST AND inuna, ror.saie, to lei, etc.. in inn Journal cost only 1 cent a word; 15 woras or less, 16 rtniu earn insertion Phones Main 7173. Home A-3230. Room, and board for t vvb young ladles or men. walking distance; rea sonable. 624 k. Morrison st. BUSINESS CHANCES THE COAST REALTY CO., 226 V4j Morrison St.. The leading real estate and business brokers. Main 1561; A 4160. A few specials: 16,200 Income property paying 11 per cent. i75 buys 3-room house and lot. . 250 handles G-rooro modern house; 100 buys employment agency aver aging $16 dally. Rooming h)Ue 43 rooms; 91.700. 35(10 handles 16 rooms. r,000 bundles 66 rooms; choice. IfcOO buys 12 rooms; money maker. $100 furniture 3-room flat. $65, furniture and -room house. $460, rlgar stand; must sell. $500. half Interest restaurant; salary $15a per month as rnahler. $3,t)00, arocery; ti(o oaiiy. $3.0ufl, 60 acres Improved; terms. Other nlaceH. all prices. Some choice chickens and small dairy proposition. Splemlld timber claims and nome stcads for location. t:OAST REALTY CO.. 226 '4 Morrison St. Main 1668; A 4160. FOit KENT HOUSES VAN HORN TRANSFER FURNITURE and pianos moved, stored or shipped, j none ninin jhis. WE RENT AND SELL PIANOS. SHEU man. Clay ft Co. OPEN FACE GOLD WATCH, ELGIN movements: finder notify Edward D. Wilson. Lincoln, ( r. HEM' WANTED MALE WANTED. STAVE HOLT CUTTERS. VV'e lay $1.50 per cord; steady work: good aecoinmodat Ions at ramp WESTKKN COOPERAGE CO., Room 306 Stearns bldg, Portland. Or. WANTED YOUNG LADIES TO learn commercial telegraphy; $60 to ISO per monQi soon as competent. Ore gon college, 406 Commonwealth bldg wan Ti'Tb com i k t e nt gTRT For general housework. Apply 181 E. 16th. J'rioiie Kast 15113. WANTED MEDIUM SIZED 1H)L'8K, west side preferred; careful family; no children, state rent and location. Ad dress T-606, Journal. LITTLE LINERS, WANTS. LOST AND found, for Hale, to let, etc., In Th" Journul cost only 1 cent a word; 15 words or less, 16 cents each insertion. Phones Marin 7173, Home A-3230. a hotel with lease and not less than 2o rooms In or near Port land. Address G. E. Robinson, 540 Wll bimette nve Foil ABSTRACTS, TITLE INSUR- ance or mortgage loans, call on Paciflo Title & Trust Co., 204-6-6-7 Falling bldg. GET YOUR INSURANCE AND AB- atracts to real estate from the Title Guarantee A Trust Co.. 240 Washington St., cor. 2d. Wedding Cards. W. G. Smith & Co., Washington bldg., corner 4th and Wash ington sts. Weddings cards the best. Alvin S. Hawk. 14 4 2d st. 100 for $5. WEATHER KEPOHT Thompson &0gden . 848 Mississippi Ave. Fione Woodlawn 80S, or see ajrent on premises at Sandy fcoad and O. B. IT crossing. Take Boss City Park Car. The north Pacific high pressure area has crossed the Rocky mountains and now overlies the upper Missouri valley. The Minnesota disturbance has ad vanced east to Lake Huron and united with the one over Virginia. This low pressure area has caused general rain In the northern states east of the Dakotas. The rains were heaviest in Virginia and the District of Columbia, A shallow trough of low pressure extends from California north through Oregon and Washington to Canada, and the barom eter Is again rlBlng off the Washington coast. The weather on the Pacific slope Is unsettled, but no rain has as yet oc curred. The Indications are for showers in this district tonight or Wednesday, with cooler weather Wednesday east of the SOUND YOUNG MEN, AGES 1 R TO 85. for firemen and brakemen during rush season on leading railroads here In the west and on new Ines being completed: experience unnecessary; firemen, $100 monthly, become engineers. $200; brake men, $R0. become conductors. $160. Many positions now open. Write at once for particulars. Natloml Railway Training Ass'n, SI 6 Paxton blk., Omaha. Neb., or 9!6 Central bidg.. Kansas City, Mo. WANTED SALESMEN; MANY M A K E $100 to $150 per month, some even more; stock clean, grown on reserva tion, far from old orchards: cash ad vanced weekly; cholca of territory. Ad dress Washington Nursery Co., Top penlsh, Washington. Union Hotel Rl N. SIXTH ST., PORTLAND, OR. Free employment to all; boarders' rates $1.60 per week; room, 2Sc and up; spe cial monthly rates given. Anderson, proprietor. ENERGETIC WOMAN OVER 25 FOR position with wholesale house; experl en. e unecessary. T-'JK. Journal. WANTED YOUNG LADY CLERK IN our store. S wetland' 2 7 3 M orrlson. WANTED AT ONCE, GIRLS AND women at cannery Oregon Packing company. E. Mb niwi Belmont. KK'llfP li'l v i 1 1 1." tin Mrs. St. John. 115 WAIST AND also apprentice. Willamette Boulevari near Denver ave. LITTLE LINERS. W ANTS. LOST AND found, for sale, to let, etc.. In Tha Journal cost only 1 cent a word; If words or less, 15 cents each insertion Phones Main 7173. Tlome A-3230. WANTED A WOMAN to wash and Iron two days a week. Phone East 3570. GIRL WANTED TO ASSIST iT? housework. Apply 662 Johnson st. WANTED LADY TEACHERS. Ap ply this 'evening from 6 to 9:30. 145 1, 1st st. WANTED GIRLS IN THE CHoCO late and packing rooms. The Modern Confectionery Co. 13th and Hoyt sts. GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL IIOUSE work, family of three, good wages. 12R 14th st. WAITRESS GOOD WAGES, STEADY phi. e; room and board. Enterprise hotel. Phone Taclflc 2319. . Wanted lady teachers FiTR Chinese Episcopal mission at 288 Tav lor st., from 7:30 to 9:30. Apply at 141 Sixth st. WE SECURE POSITIONS FOR OUR members; . special membership $2. Y. M. C. A- BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON The most exclusive, close-in residence district in city. Special Inducements to ou:lders of choice homos. Lots 50x100. $900.00 SAST TERMS. 2 ? 3 r, ' INVESTMENT COMPANY SOOM 39, HAMILTON BLDG. House and Lot for 4;;. We will give an absolute title to a lot jj4 ' 10x150 feet, with a 7-room I. "use there s,;'.n, which today cannot be duplicated T' Sot less than tl.256, and with the lot as "tilt now stands the property i easily ,5 Worth $1,500. The property is located ??, ! the Went Side, in Portland proper, on I the Oregrn Electric Railway line. ;lnd is one of the choicest pieces on Capitol Call at the office to Impure about J this; do not write, as we shall not an , swer correspondence. Temp. Max. Mln. Pre. Chicago, HI 68 66 .08 Denver. Colo S6 44 .00 Los Angeles, Cal S2 52 .00 New York. N. Y 72 64 1.32 Nome, Alaska 42 32 .00 Omaha, Neb &6 54 .00 Philadelphia. Pa. 74 4 .06 Phoenix, Ariz 100 70 .00 Portland, Or SI 54 .00 St. Ixmls, Mo 7R 64 .00 St. Paul, Minn 66 40 .0 San Francisco, Cal 64 54 .00 Washington, D. C 68 62 2.06 WANTED ROTS FOR GOOD Posi tions In candy department Paciflo Coast Biscuit Co., 12th and Davis sta. WANTED ALL ROUND DENTIST AT once. Chicago Dentists. fith and Washington. MOTION PICTURE MACHINE OPER ators earn $26 weekly; easy work; short hours; learn business In short time; lessons reasonable. Newman's, 145H 6th, near Abler. VEST MAKERS WANTED. COLUM bla Woolen Mills company. 7th and Stark sts. TAILOR TO PRESS SKIRTS; ANY tailor can do It; punts maker would do; $20 per week. 429 Washington St., J. K. Stern. WANTED GIRL TO HELP WITH housework; small family. Apply No. 3S9E. Jloyt sr W A N'T E I ) GIRLS TO LAY MACA nml. Apply 109 N. 6th St. ROOM WITH SUPPER AND BREAK fast, by young man, In private family; walking distance. Address G-80, Journal. LITTLE LINERS. WANTS. LOST AND found, for sale, to let. etc. In The journal cost only 1 cent a word; 16 words or less, 16 cents each Insertion Phones Main 7173, Home A-S2R0. 6-ROOM HOUSE. ONE BLOCK FROM car. 3-mlnute service, $18. Phone Enst 3541. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE, MONTAVIL- la; good repair; $lo per month. AP' ply John S. Iteall, 321 Hawthorne ave. I'lione East sa-'tf. COTTAGES 6 ROOMS. $16; 7 ROOMS, $20. Flats 4 rooms, new lower flats, $16. v, ell furnished o-room cottage $26 Housekeeping rooms, furnished or un furnished, 2 for Id month! s for $10 or iz. COAST REALTY CO.. 226V4 Morrison WANTED FINANCIAL. LITTLE LINERS, WANTS. LOST AND found, for sale, to let, etc., in The Journal cost only 1 cent u word; 15 words or less, 15 ccnlts each Insertion. Phones Main 7173. Home A-3230. WANTED HEAL ESTATE BUYERS WAITING FOR HOMES from $L500 to $5,000. Now Is the time, today. Don't wait for tomorrow. A. S. Draper, 343 V4 Washington St., rooms 3 ami 4, corner 7th. $60 A MONTH. DR. PLUMMER'S former residence In South Portland, 13 rooms, modern; southwest corner. 1st and Hooker; Inquire at drug store, 260 3d st. rili.MSHED KOUHES. LITTLE LINERS. WANTS, LOST AND found, for sale, to let, etc.. In The Journal cost only 1 cent a word; 15 words or less. 15 cents each Insertion. Phones Ms I n7 173. Home A-8230. $10 A 3-ROOM FURNISHED FLAT.. close In. Phone East 1667. B. 4133 7th. LITTLE LINERS, WANTS, LOST AND found, for sale, to let, etc.. In The Journal cost only 1 cent a word; 15 words or less, 16 cents each insertion. Phones Main 7173, Home A-3230. FOR QUICK SALE LIST VOI R PROP erty with F. Dubois. Washington bldg., room 3. WANTED EAST SIDE REAL Es tate. I can sell your east side prop erty have calls every day for vacant lots and residences. V. Page Harris, Henley bldg.. Grand snd E Morrison. WE HAVE CASH BUYERS FOR ALL kinds of city property. What have ou for sale? Come und list It at once, or we have the purchaser; we are mak ing a specialty of city property. WASHINGTON A OREGON REALTY COM PAN V. 1 OR Second St., Portland. Or. WANTED A WAITRESS AT PARK hotel. E X I ' KU I ENCED WOMAN FOR IIOUSE work; no heavy work. Best wages. 3!K! Hth st. WANTEDA CHEAP LOT FOR cash; not over $.100. 696 Kerby St.. Alblnii. FOlt KENT FLATS NEW MODERN 7 AND 4-ROOM flats. 200 feet south 23rd and Wash Ington sts.. Green ave. Apply on premises or Phone Paciflo 1246. Legitimate Business Chances The Ames Mercantile Agencv (estao llshed 1895) furnishes free information on opportunities In mercantile or manu facturing lines, rlt or country. THE AMES MERCANTILE AOENCY, 04-205 Ablngton wqg. LITTLE LINERS, WANTS. LOST AND found, for sale, to let, etc.. In The Journal cost only 1 cent n word; 16 words or less, 15 cents each Insertion, phones Main 7173, Home A-3230. 6 AND 6-ROOM FLATS, NEWLY butit, rood location; 16th and Everett Inquire on premises. 6-ROOM MODERN FLATS, BUT 52 and 854 Corbett st., $12.60 per month. L. E. Thompson & Co.. 22R Sd. HOUSES FOlt KENT FLHNITUItE .FOit SALE LITTLE LINERS, WANTS, LOST AND found, for sale, to let, etc.. In The Journal cost only 1 cent a word; 16 words or less 16 cents each Insertion. Phones Main ,173, Home A-3230. GIRLS WANTED FOR LABELING. Apply before lo a. m. Ill umauer-Frank Drug Co., 3d floor, 1 4 4 4th st. WANTED COMPETENT HOUSE keeper; easy place; good wages; tele phone Enst 108, or call after 1 p. m Son Union ave. N. MALE AND FEMALE HELP Evening report of preceding day. UNDERTAKERS DUNNING. M'ENTEE & GILBAUGH, undertakers and embairnere; modern in every detail. Seventh and Pine. Main 430. Ludy assistant ERICKSON UNDERTAKING CO., AND embalming. 409 Alder St. Main 613.1 Lady assistant. J. P. FIN LEY Ac SONS, 8D AND MADI son sts. orrice Phone Main 9. of county coroner. A. ). HEMSTOCK. FUNERAL DI rector East 13th and Umatilla. Phore Sell wood 71. Lady assistant. EDWARD HOLMAN, 220 3d st. UNDERTAKER. ZELLER-B YitNES CO., FUNERAL Di rectors, embulmers, 273 Russell. East 10SH. Lady assistant. CEMETERIES 41 Clohessy & Smith 401 McKay Bldg.. Third and Stark Bts. t. 1L... . HEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS tvC Portland i'ru: t Company of ire it gon to Charles A. Priesing, lots 4 ' 12 and l.t, block 31. Tn m n i- place, S. W. D Sycamore Real Estate company t?r to A. and Bertha Gabriel, lots ' 37 and IS, block 6, Kern Park, 8. W. D f James and Bertha Maguire to rr Carrie Berg, west 65 feet of lot f&L 2. Mock "It," Irvlngton. W. W. Phoebe and Ernest Catfleld to 'T-V Fannie RosenkranK, a trlp 10 b - feet wUie along the aouth line !v of lot 2, block 1, Woodwards f :U subdivision of Riverside Home- 1f"' tead, W. D .17 Mary L. and L, F. Coon to Frank $ . Page, lots 1 and 2, block 6, 1 ' Btewart Park, W. D of lots a ft rut 4. all nf lots '' " and , block 103, city, W. D. . . 26,000 :$ f tank And Mary W. Watson RIVER VIEW SINGLE GRAVES, $10; family lots, 10x16, for $100, and upwards, according to size; the only cemetery In Portland which perpetually maintains and cares for lots. For information, apply to W. R. Mackenzie, Worcester block W. M. Ladd, president. SEVERAL ELIGIBLE MEN FOR POS tal clerks and letter-carriers; one ex amination Saturday and another close: file your application at once; we qual ify you If eligible. Call auonoe Pa clflc States School. 613 McKay bldg. PHONE PACIFIC 1 406. PACIFIC Coast Employment Office, 201 1 Mor rison; help on short notice, male and female. WANTED FIRST-CLASS COAT MAKERS. NICOLE THE TAILOR. 108 Third Street. MEN TO GET THEIR SUITS FROM Charley Lee, 93 N 3d St. Perfect fit guaranteed; all work first class. MEN AND WOMEN ANXIOUS TO IN crease their earning capacity; we have helped thousands, let us help you. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPOND ENCE SCHOOL, 64V: 6th st. (.pen Evenings. STENOGRAPHERS, BOTH MALE AND female, good positions open with best firms; no charge. Underwood Type writer Co., r,s 6th st. WANTED M IS( ELLA N EOl S WPvVnjT"l7u7YOUR HOUSEHOLD goods and guarantee best prices. Call, phone nr write. S. J. & L. Rubenstein. 176 Front st., opposite National hotel. Pacific 1401. CASH FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS. SAV age & Pennell. 346-247 Ist. Pac. 360. WE PAY MORE FOR FURNITURE PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS, Main 6656. 211 1st st. IF YOU WANT TO SELL, SEE US. Second Hand Palace. Highest prices paid for second-hand goods. 267 Flan ders. Phone Main 3618. 7-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT, ON N. 12th st. and furniture for sale cheap. Apply Daniel Kalllo, 124 12th St Tel. Pacific 2004. For sale furniture of small rooming house of 8 rooms and bath, splendid location; cheap, lr taken be fore the 1st. Address T-23, Journal. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED FLAT FOR sale Inquire 204 Park st. 0. P. Potts & Co. REAL E8TATE. Large and small tracts of land, houses and lots for sale, rent or trade. Phone Tahor 628, one door west of postoffloe, Montavllla, Or. MININO AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS and bonds bought and sold. Corre spondence Invited. II. W. Donahue 4 Co, 612 Buchanan bide Phone Main 7253. BARGAIN FOR A FEW DAYS I MUST sell furniture and fixtures of Spring field hotel, with lease on building; good location and paying business; good frlva'e reason for selling. Address box 75, Springfield, Or ,for prices and par ticulars. COME IN AND SEE US IF YOU wane rooming-houses, restaurants, ho tels, grocery stores, meat markets, real estate, business chances. Investments. Western RMlty Company. Room 510, Buchanan bldg.. 286 Washington st FOR SA LIS A PROFITABLE St burban drug business established over 16 years; stock, fixtures, building and lot all go: be Independent, or will sell business and lease building; no commis sion; only those meaning business need write. 11-506, Journal. GROCERY STORE AND LOTS FOR sale at W. Portland, cheap. Address O. W. Proctor, W. Portland. Or. $360 AND A OOOD HUSTLER CAN secure naif Interest in building and real estate business; one with some ex perience preferred. R-23, Journal. cliffs Will give free site for good hotel. For Information writ J. Held. OJlffs, Wash. FOR SALE VERY CHEAP, SMALL stock tinware, granite ware and glass ware. Prnll Mercantile Co., St Johns. Telephone Wood I a wn 6 JO . M ILL! NER Y STORE. NEW1, IN CENTER of business district, for $400 If taken this week. Owner called east. K-J2, Journal. CONFECTIONERY, No. 110 N. 6th st. CIGAR STORE. 4-CHAIR BARBERSHOP FOR SALE, cheap, If sold at onca, 64 4t h st CLIFFS. THE NEW TOWN; YOl can't afford to let It pass; working on yards and roundhouse, $160,000 im provements going ' In; SB houses an I many business houses; tho cream In thick and all we ask Is, see for your self. See me at my Portland office Wednesday and Thursday. 266 8tarl st. J. J. Retd, Cliffs, Wash. FOR RENT FARMS LITTLE LINERS, WANTS. LOST AND found, for sale, to let, etc.. In The Journal cost only 1 cent a word; 15 words or less, 15 rents each Insertion. Phones Main 7173. Home A-3230. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR ALL kinds of second-hand goods. Union Exchange, 262 Front st. Paciflo 1431. WANTED FURNITURE ANT) HOUSE hold goods of every description bought, sold and exchanged. The $, 232 1st. Main 6374. Home A-2327. EXPERIENCED CANVASSER FOR A new proposition; will pay good sal ary and commission, if you are a hus tler. Call after 3 p. m. or Sunday all day. 227 H Washington St.. Room 66. WANTED BRIGHT YOUNG MENt75 learn railway and commercial teleg raphy; good wages and permanent posi tions when competent. Oregon, college, 406 Commonwealth bldg. LITTLE LINERS. WANTS. LOST AND found, for sale, to let, etc.. In The Journal cost only 1 cent a word, 15 words or less 15 cents each insertion. Phone sM " ljn 71 73. 1 1 o me A - 323n . AN EXPERIENCED INSTALLMENT collector. D-25, Journal. HELP WANTED AND SUPPLIED, male or female. R. G. Drake, 201 '4 Washington st. Pacific 1 370 or A 1 570. WOULD LIKE TO SECURE TiTE services of a few ladles and gentle men with some knowledse of music and young ladles attending high school, after s -hool and Saturdays; good pav to rijrht nanies Call 171 1.1th., cor. Yam hill. Phone Main 4069. Hours 8 to 10 a. m ; 3 to 5 p. m. WANTED A MAN AND WIFE; WOM an to work In hotel, and man to work In shop. For Information, apply z nanny roan. DEFORMITY APPLIANCES MADE TO order. K. E. Knrlson & Co., 361 An keny st. Main 6250. LITTLE LINERS, WANTS, LOST AND found, for sale, to let, etc., in The Journal cost only 1 cent a word; 15 words or less, 15 cents each insertion. Phones Main 7173, Home A-3230. PHONE EAST 6204 IF YOU WISH TO sell your furniture. 368 Hawthorne ave. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN THE barber trade in 8 weeks; costs less, better salaries, learnod In less time than other trades; catalogue free. Moler Barber Co llege. 35 N. 4th at. LITTLE LINERS. WANTS. 'LOST AND found, for sale, to let, etc.. In The Journal cost only 1 cent a word: 15 words or less, 15 cents each insertion. I'tiones Main 7173. Home A-3230 WAN 1 ED YOUTH. NICOLE THE TAILOR. 108 Third Street. WANTED BOY OVER 16 YEARS OF age to learn some trade. 271 1st. ROSE CITY SINGLE GRAVES, $10; family lots, $25 to $75. Superintend ent at cemetery, corner of Fremont st. and Cully road. Phone Tabor 206. For full Information apply to Frank Schlegel. 632 Worcester blk. Phone A2823. 1 SO 2.200 100 850 . to Uarf E. Schmidt lots 30, 21.. It and it, ' block IS, Northern ... uu aaaiucQ. w. v.. CARD OF THANKS WE WISH TO THANK OUR MANY friends In Portland for the kindness phown us In the sickness and death of our daughter Elsie: also the kind friends of Sherman county, Or. Mr. and .Mrs. J A. Thompson. IUSINESS NOTICES INVENTIONS BOUGHT Covenant Contract Co.. bldg. Main 2891. AND SOLD. 427 Fliedner L C. HENRICHSEN CO, JEWELERS, and. opticians. 2S4 Washington St. EXPERIENCED FRAME MAKER AND bench hand. Portland Sash & Door Co. E. Taylor and Union nve. MEN AND BOYS W A N TED, f O learn plumbing, plastering, bricklay ing; day and night classes; free cata logue; positions scoured; no book learn ing. Coyne Trade School, 230-240 Sill St.. Pan Francisco and New York. MARKER. P" 'LUSHER. OR ALL round laundryman. Cherry's new l'luinlrv. La iiiunue, Or. WANTED THE VERY THING FOR MAN AND wife. $200; worth $500; hotel and restaurant; no cash rent; parties must be- responsible; ripply 81 N. 6th St. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE LITTLE LINERS, WANTS. LOST AND found, for sale, to let, etc., in Tho Journal cost only 1 cent a word; 15 words or less, 15 cents each Insertion. PhntiH Main 7173. Homo A-3230. WE WANT YOU TO TRY THE NEW laundry. If you phone to us we don't say all right, and then come in a day or a week, but one of our wagons will call in an hour or so, or if you are In a hurry will call at once. East Side Laund ry Co. Phone East NOP ; B 1635. WK WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT we have a Towel Supply In connection with our Laundry. East Side Laundry Co. Phone ttast go;i, b io;if. FOR RENT TWO GROUND FLOOR offices. Front and Ankeny sts. Apply U. 1. cox. Telephone Main 4ZJ. A NICE OFFICE SUITE FOR RENT. Madison bldg.. 3d and Madison sts. OFFICES FOR RENT IN THE WOR cester and Hamilton bldgs., at mod erate rate. Apply to Robert Strong, 814 Worcester bldg. LITTLE LINERS. WANTS, LOST AND found, for sale, to let, etc., in The Journal coat only 1 cent a word; 15 words or less, 15 cents each insertion. Phones Main 7173. Home A-3230. STORE ROOM. 83 1ST ST.. BET Stark and Oak. French range and counter lor sale or rent FOR RENT UPSTAIRS. ABOUT 26x80, Front st., between Morrison and Alder. Inquire 147 Front st. Drug store location, hth and E. Harrison: concrete bnsement; plate ?ias front; now building, see owner, . .... t i l a.n . . i.i-v .urn pie. i none oeuwuwa o. 312 FRONT SOUTH, WITH FIXTURES and 2 rooms; excellent for grocery. Main 6864. BEST LOGGER SHOES MADE TO order. Union made shoes in stock Ernest Onus, 352 Gllsan. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THE GRAND, 45 N. 8D ST. ROOMS for gentlemen, $1.25 per week and up. THE RB'HELIEU, S3 N. 6TH ST. Elegantly furnished; steam heat and baths. FURNISHED ROQMS AT $1.60 PER week. Ib'J 4th at, upstairs, aide entrance. SITUATION WANTED BY AN EXPE- i lenced bakery 590.S. driver. Phone East WALTER STANDIFER CO.. OENER al house cleaning. 423 V4 Davis St. Phone Main 2'.i53. FIRS'r-ULASS PANTS MAKERS. NK'OLL THE TAILOR. 10S Third Street. COMMERCIAL AND SOCIETY PRINT fng East Side Printing Co., 94 Union nve. East 491. B-1888. NEW FICTION LIBRARY, 131 10T11 St. ; books loaned at 3 cents the day. LITTLE LINERS, WANTS. LOST AND found, for sale, to let, etc., in The Journal orfst only l cent a word; 16 woMs or less. 15 cents each Insert lou. Phones Main 7173. Home A-3230. WANTED. Live men to sell rural directories nine farmers out of ten buy them; 75 per cent commission; boys are rnakln.r $5 to $10 per day. Call nt 265 Wash ington St., room 12. and get busy. VlToo A MONTH- PROTECTS YOUR" time against sickness or accidents. Pa. ific Ai l association. Lumber Ex. bldg.. Portland. Or. Liberal pay to good agents. BO Y W ANTED $" PER WEEKTO begin. 55 N. Front, cor. Davis. 16 YEARS OLD WANTED- BOY make himself Co.. lt;6 3d M. useful. TO Lion Clothing MEETING NOTICES M. W. A. OREGON GRAPE CAMP NO. I I,7B. Mondays. 17th and Marshall. 46 1 Visitors welcome. GOOD CARPENTERS WANTED ME- dailies. Apply Gordon, 10th and CI If ion sts. HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTIimSTIAN OmL FOR housework; will be a real home to you; good pay; small family. 290 12th, SOBER, RELIABLE YOUNG MAN wishes st'idy inside employment. Phone Tabor 2NM. SOB El?; RE LIABLE SINGLE MAN wants position Inking care of country home, or as manager of ranch; anv place of trust; can give security anil references. N-30, Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE LITTLE LINERS. WANTS. LOST AND found, for sale, to let, etc.. In The Journal cost only 1 cent a word; 15 words or less, 11 cents each Insertion. Phones Main 7173. Home A-3230. EXI'ElUKN'i 'ED DRESSMAKER wants enttngornents by day. Muln 6 4.16. room 3. LITTLE LINERS. WANTS, LOST AND found for sale, to let. etc. in The Journal cost only 1 cent a word; 15 words or less, 15 cents each insertion. Phones Main 7173, Home A-3230. 3 NEW FURNISHED ROOMS; BATH, electric lights, furnace heat, side en trance; $6 to $8 per month; near O. R. & N. enrshops. 622 Delay st. STORAGE ROOM FOR RENT; CLOSE in; reasonable rent. Bee oement & King. 242 Madison. Main 6202. FINE STORE, FINE LEASE. STEAM heat; $27. f.65 Washington st. THE VERY THING FOR MAN AND wife. $200; worth $600; hotel and restaurant; no cash rent: parties must be responsible; apply 81 N. 6th Rt. 342 FRONT ST., WITH FIXTURES and 2 rooms; excellent for grocery. Main 6864. $20. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. LITTLE LINERS. WANTS. LOST AND found, for sale, to let. etc., In The Journal cost only 1 cent a word: 15 words or less, 15 cents each Insertion. 1'iiones Main 7173, Home .A-3230 BUST THE WOOD TRUST CHEAPER wood; now ready for business. Co operative Wood Co. Call 319 Ablngton Bid. CLIFFS, WILL BEAT ALL RECORDS as a business point; roads seek us from 4 points of compass; everything coming our way; how about you? Well, leurn about It; see me in my Portland office, 2G6 Stark St., Wednesday and Thursday. J. J. Reid, Cliffs, Wash. AN UP-TO-DATE CONFECTIONER V store, doing good business; must sell on account of sickness. For particu lars call Portland Real Estate Agency, 268 Stark St. NEWSPAPER WILL &ELL C7CPX ble party half Interest, either me chanical or editorial end; line plant and field. Address K-602, Journal. GROCERY STOKE ON THE EAST side, doing about $65 a day; all good accounts; good, cjean stock; sell at In voice, about $2,300; will bear thorough Investigation. F-21, JournsH. FOR SALE EXCELLENT HARNE8S business; must sell because of deati of proprietor. Call or address Mrs. W. Blair, 119 East 6th St.. Vancouver, Wash. $300 BUYS LIGHT CASH BUSINESS on Washington st. averaging $6 to $9 daily; no experience needed. Particu lars from my exclusive agents. Tho Coast Realty Co., 226 H Morrison St. FOUR-HOKSEPOWEK WOOD SAW. Inquire Lowengardt. 83 Park st. Don't Miss Hearing the Wonderful TELEOHArrlONE At Rooms 403 and 404, Oregonian Bldg. Free: tree'. Free! Frank O'Reilly, State Agent. $300 BUYS 14 ROOMS HOUSEKEEP Ing and boarding: all full; no agent. Main 8143. P. O. box 617. 20 per cent guaranteed. FOR KENT SMALL BAKERY, GOOD oven; rent $t; would sell store If de sired. 698 Hood st. FOR. SALE REAL ESTATE 4 LOTS $700 EACH, EAST YAMHILL, Between ziin and zoin. 1 lot 50x100. $700. E. 26th st. and Bel mont. 100x100 Improved. 23d and East Yam hill. 8-room house, modern. East Taylor and 39th. ll-room house for rent. 25th and E. Taylor. xv. v.onc.ojj ot Kyj 802 E. Yamhill. Phone East 1659. FOR SALE BY OWNER, 80 ACRES, 10 acres orchard. 6-room house and out buildings, thickly settled neighborhood. quarter mile from schooj; farm Imple ments and household goods: terms. Also 7-room house in most select part of Vernon, on easy terms. Inquire 990 iBtn st. w. HALL AND BALLROOM. NEW WITH i i on uiuuurn cunvciiienuHU. rnuiio miun 1B07. $10 ROOM NEAR EAST SIDE HIGH school, suitable for 2 girls, private family; will furnish for housekeeping If uesireo; must give rcierences. 1'none East 2238. FOR RENT TWO FURNISHED rooms. Apply 94 E. 10th St. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. LITTLE LINERS. WANTS. LOST AND found, for sale, to let, etc.. In The Journal cost only 1 cent a word; 15 words or less, 15 cents each insertion. Phones Main 7173. Home A-8230. ALL KINDS OF WASHING AND Ironing done t home. Fancy Ironing a specialty; best of references clven. 810 Thurrnan st. FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKER WANTS a ti w morn customers by the dav. F-.tO. Journal. LADY WOULD LIKE TO CARE FOR a couple of children. Annlv 1)4 v. 10th st - A N Y O N'E WISHING A WOMAN TO work by the hour or day please phone Pacific 238; ask for Mrs. Lenaster. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING suites, 2 to 3 rooms, rent $10 to $14. East 4251. 240 E. 36th st. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, LOWEST rates electric light, phone included. 301 '4 Water St. THE MITCHELL HOUSEKEEPING and transient rooms, reasonable. 7th and Flanders sts. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms, 2 for $8 month. 3 for $10 or $12: 4-room .new lower flat $1(; five-room cottage $16; well furnished cottage, I rooms, $21. Coast Realty Co., 221 Vi MorrUoa. RESORTS CASTLE EDEL BRAU (Twelve -Mile House) Most unique and best road house in the west; kitchen supplied from our farms; first-class goods; Port land prices. Fred T. Merrill, originator. $400 DOWN, BALANCE $20 PER montn, ror new ouxiuu, with new, modern, 6-room houso, gas, bath, etc.; not "built to sell," but built right Price, cost, plus no commissions, if you sea owner on premises, 1234 Hawthorne ave. 9 to 4 today. , 2 ACRES ON CARLINE AND GOOD county road; 20 minutes from city; 6 room house (new), outbuildings; will sell or trade for house and lots. A. C. Gage, 424 Lumber Exchange, 1 to 4 p.m. BOSWELL SPRINGS RESORT. OPEN, 2 miles from Drain. Or., on S. P. R. R. BUSINESS CHANCES 8 ROOMS, ELEGANTLY FURNISHED, income over.iuu; a Dargain ai ?uu. 17 rooms, rooms all full, $376. 20 rooms, apartment house, $900. 60-room hotel, weir furnished. $5,000; will consider city property in exchange. C. S. ARNOLD & CO., The Original Hotel Brokers, 351 Mor rlson st. Phone Main 7311. FOR SALE SMALL, GOOD PAYING merchant tailoring business; best trade; nlco store; cheap rent Splendid chance for practical cutter. Satisfac tory reason given for selling. Addre&s Hrtrtmnn, P. O. box 210, Portland, Or. WANT LIVE MAN WITH $1,000 TO take Interest in and manage our Port land branch; reference required. Wash ington Motor Car company, Seattle, Wash. COOS , BAY INVESTMENTS ARE THE 6TH ST. PROPERTY, $6,000: 6-ROOM modern cottage; large lot, olose in: easy terms; no agents. Phone Owner, Main 5057. i 2 NEW 5-ROOM HOUSES. 2 BLOCKS from Vernon carllne. $1,800; terms. Miller, 263 H Washington St., room 12. INVESTMENT 12 LOTS. EAST 30TH. between Thompson and Brazee. Just east of Irvlngton. Owner, room 10, 141 1st st $160 6-ROOM FLATS FURNISHED, with hot water, baths; will rent 1S4A N 14th cor. Irvlngton. $2,000 $600 cash, balance easy. Good . 6-room house, corner, close in. Upper Alblna. H. A. Pittlnger. 676 Gantenheln ave.. comer Fargo st; Phone East 1418. surest and best on the COAST and II- have the best proportions. Call and 1 4 A BARGAIN. -On ICIlllngsworth ave. for a few davs I will offer for sale tha best bargain on the street 60x100 lot for $660; terms $250 cash: balance $10 per month: also a few bargains in residence lots, near car barns. J. Simon, 82 Kllllngsworth ave. Pbone woodlawn 1277. nvestlgate. Qeo. J. Bchasfsr, toer oi wommarct. LOTS AND -A HOL'BB. UNIVERSITY IT I Park, tot flOO. Joba Xanno, UO0 MUM.